muhammad (peace be upon him) duhok.bioloy.dashty rihany

The Prophet of Islam Muhammad –Peace be upon him Prepared by: Dashty Latif Rihany University of Duhok College of Science

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Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)


Page 1: Muhammad (peace be upon him) duhok.bioloy.dashty rihany

The Prophet of IslamMuhammad –Peace be upon him

Prepared by: Dashty Latif Rihany

University of DuhokCollege of ScienceBiology department

Page 2: Muhammad (peace be upon him) duhok.bioloy.dashty rihany

The Prophet Muhammad ()

Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam (peace be upon him), was an exceptional spiritual leader, military leader and statesman. He's the most important person in Islamic and humanity history.

Muslims believe Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the last prophet to follow in the footsteps of Adam, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and others (peace be upon them) who preached a message of submission to One God (Allah), the Creator. While earlier prophets were sent to specific nations,but Muhammad (peace be upon him) was sent to all of humanity.

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Early Life of Prophet Muhammad

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was born in Mecca on the Arabian Peninsula in 570AD. His father (Abdullah) died before his birth and his mother (Aminah) died when he was six years old. Raised first by his grandfather (Abdul-Muttalib), and then by his uncle (Abu-Talib). Muhammad (peace be upon him) grew up illiterate but was distinguished by exceptional character. His honesty, humbleness, sincerity, and good manners earned him the name of (Al-Amin), "the Trustworthy," among Meccans. he never liked revenge of each others. his heart was cleaned two times by (Jibreel).

Muhammad (peace be upon him) learned the trade of a merchant from his uncle. Eventually he was hired by a wealthy businesswoman (Khadija-bint-Khawilad), to manage her caravan along a route to Syria.

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The cave that Allah sent islam’s messenger

خلق اللذي Bك رب E باسم إقرأ

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It was at the age of 40, during his long marriage to (Khadija), that Muhammad (peace be upon him) received his first revelation from the Angel Gabriel (Jibreel). The revelations continued for 23 years. Revelations included verses of the Holy Qur’an, which Muhammad (peace be upon him) repeated verbatim as the Word of Allah. Other revelations, summarized in the Prophet 's (peace be upon him) own words but attributed to Allah, were recorded as Hadith Qudsi, or Sacred (qudsi) Hadith.

Muhammad (peace be upon him) began preaching publicly several years after the first revelation. The pagan Meccans were extremely hostile towards the message of Islamic monotheism(Al-tawhid), causing some Muslims to seek refuge in Abyssinia (Abashian) and others, including the Prophet (peace be upon him), to migrate to Medina. A series of battles ensued, with the Muslims claiming final victory and placing Mecca under Islamic rule. During these years, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) filled the roles of spiritual leader, military commander, statesman, orator and visionary. Historians and writers note that he was successful on all counts. In two decades, he transformed polytheistic Arabia from a violent land of feuding tribes into a civilized nation united under Islamic brotherhood. Through Islam, Muhammad (peace be upon him) established social order, public charity, fair governance, and fair trade and economics. He instilled an Islamic way of life with high moral land ethical standards, unprecedented rights for women, and limits on polygamy. He encouraged scholarship, abolishment of slavery and demonstrated tolerance towards all people. Muhammad (peace be upon him) always credited Allah, saying, "Do not venerate me as the Christians venerated Jesus, son of Mary (mariam) (they say: Jesus is Allah’s son !). I am only servant of Allah and His Messenger!"

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Muhammad 's Marriages and Children

Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) impeccable character so impressed the twice-widowed (Khadija), that she proposed marriage to him, although she was 15 years his senior. They married when he was 25 and she was 40. They had six children together, two of whom died at very young ages. Muhammad (peace be upon him) took no other wives during their 25-year marriage.

After( Khadija)’s death in 620 AD, Muhammad (peace be upon him) contracted other marriages, mostly to divorced or widowed women for benevolent or strategic reasons, In all personality types in order to teach us how to deal with any personal women. Only one boy was born, but he died in infancy. Nine wives survived the Prophet (peace be upon him) and the youngest (Aisha) is credited with narrating more than 2000 hadith, or accounts of the Prophet's (peace be upon him) sayings and teachings.

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Muhammad’s Death and Legacy

•Muhammad (peace be upon him) died in 632 AD, following an illness. His death severely tested the faith of his followers. In a famous address, (Abu-Bakr-Al-Siddiq) admonished them: ( كان من

يموت ال Bحي الله فإن الله يعبد كان ومن مات قد محمد فإن محمدا If "(يعبدany of you worship Muhammad, you should know that Muhammad dead. But those of you who worship God, let it be known that God is alive and can not (never) die. This powerful message affirmed what Muhammad (peace be upon him) himself insisted and what Allah revealed in the Qur'an – that Muhammad (peace be upon him) was simply a man and Allah's Messenger. Allah alone is deserving of worship and submission. Non has the right to worship, but Allah.

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Islam Today

More than 1433 years later, Muslims now number more than one billion worldwide. Allah's revelation to Muhammad (peace be upon him) remains unaltered in the Holy Qur’an, while thousands of hadith document the Prophet of Islam's (peace be upon him) eloquent teachings and example.

Finally, Muslims invoke Allah's blessings on the Prophet Muhammad whenever his name is mentioned they say: (

وسلم عليه الله means (peace be upon him), any one ( صلىsay or is listened Muhammad and don't invoke Allah's blessings on him, Allah will damn on this person!

A lot western scientists after searching of Muhammad 's life, praised him, thus one of them said: if had been Muhammad alive, he solves every world's problems in a cup.

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Which religion deserving of being followed ?

Muhammad (peace be upon him) deleted all religions, therefore anyone after him will follow each prophet or his religion, he will go (send) in the hell, because God say: anyone choose a religion without Islam, God do not accept him, and he will become with those people will taste hell. (Alihimran-85).

So God say: … ( دينا اإلسالم لكم yرضيت) means: I agree with Islam to be your religion. (Al-Ma'ida-3).

And God say: أولياء والنصارى اليهود التتخذوا أمنوا الذين أيها O, believers don't love (like)(( ياthe Christians and Jewries … . (Al-Ma'ida-51).

Although the Christians and Jewries changed their books (Bible & Gospel), after that till now they say: this book (Bible or Gospel) got down beside God! This is lying to Allah. look these A'yat:

( يعلمون وهم عقلوه ما بعد من يحرفونه ثم الله كالم يسمعون منهم فريق كان (Al-Baqara-75) (وقد ( الكذب الله على ويقولون عندالله من هو وما الله عند من هو (Alihimran-78) (ويقولون ( واحد إله إال إله من وما ثالثة ثالث الله Bإن قالوا الذين كفر (Al-Ma'ida-73)( لقد كفروا ) الذين قول يضاهئون بأفواههم قولهم ذلك الله ابن المسيح النصارى وقالت الله ابن عزير اليهود قالت

يؤفكون Bى أن الله قاتلهم قبل (من means : Jews said Uzair the son of God and the Christians call Christ the Son of

God with their mouths saying that imitate what the unbelievers of God I fought deluded(Al-Tawba-30)

Although they don't believe Muhammad & our religion, but we believe Moses's , Jesus's religion and themselves. God say : ( ابراهم الى أنزل وما إلينا أنزل وما بالله آمنا قولوا

وا أحد سواسماعيل بين نفرق ال ربهم من النبيون أتي وما وعيسى موسى أتي وما واألسباط ويعقوب حاقمسلمون له ونحن (Al-Baqara-136)((منهم

Means : Say We believe in Allah and what was revealed to us and what was revealed to Ibrahim and Ismail and Isaac and Jacob and the Tribesand Moses and Jesus came and brought the prophets from their Lord, do not differentiate between one of them and we are a Muslim.

Our prophet say:

( مسلم " )(صحيح إال بي% ي)ؤ,م*ن) وال ي%م)وت) ث)م3 راني6 ن%ص, وال ودي6 ي%ه) ب*ي% ع) م% ي%س, ال ب*يد*ه* Cد م3 م)ح% ن%ف,س* والذيالن"ار* حاب* ص,

أ% م*ن, (كان% Means: I swear that the soul of Muhammad in his hand does not hear my calla Jew

nor a Christian, then dies and does not believe me but it was the owners of the fire.

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الله إال إله ال أن أشهدالله رسول � محمدا Bوأن

Means:I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah

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