mufon journal - 1967-10

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  • 8/14/2019 MUFON JOURNAL - 1967-10

  • 8/14/2019 MUFON JOURNAL - 1967-10


    - -Vol. 1 - No. 2 Let's Separate Fact From Fantasy Octaber 1967< ' '..UFO BUUvZED FDR DEAIIH OF HOSE

    One of the s t ranges t s to r i es o fthe h t h concerns the 4 a t h o f ahorse a t Alamosa, dolor ado,^ sm tkbe- Sept. 7th and the 9th. Todate we have received sewral 'n&s-paper and radio reports and b ~ i l la t t enp t to assimilate all the f a c t sgiven in to ' this accqunt.

    When Snippy,,,the horse, fa i ledt o r et ur n to ~arry 'King's ranch in theSan Luis Valley, n ea r Alarmsa, on theevening of Sept. 7t h, King didn 't thinkto o much about it, but when shes t i l l had not shown up two days l a te r ,hc set out t o look fo r her . H c foundher jus t a qua te r-mile f m he ranchhouse. The animal had bcwl ccanpletclyskinned. A c q l c t e l y s mo th &thadbeen made around the ncgk and a l lt h a t remained of t he he& and shoulderswere bleached banes. -The rest of thecarcass, "was a s perfcq t as h e dayit was killed." Thcre w e r e no tracltsaround the horse.

    King returned t o the si te the nextday with '& horse 's m e r s , Mr.

  • 8/14/2019 MUFON JOURNAL - 1967-10


    SKYUXIK$2.00 -Eryear, published mce a month.send' subsa ipt icn to the Publisher :, , I ! , .

    J& Farrcll Kuhns I5100 Rockhill B3.dRoom 319' C-BKIiSas City, +lo.

    ' 64110~aqkepoks to the Editor:

    . Mrs.. Nonna E. ShortBox 129, Stover, Mo. 65073

    o r t o th e Assistant Editor:' &. Tkd Phi l l i ps , Jr., a ,- .i i i 3 ware P,VC.Sedalia, Mo 65301

    ***********Withth, Editor************Wc w a m t d you we might goof oncein awhile in get t ing S I K ntoorbi t , and wc s tar ted ear ly! SOE ofour rmders fee l the sto ry about D r .StranqssC i a t i v e of Venus working a t

    the Pentagon i s an i n s u l t to t h e i ri n f e l l i p c e . Well, you are r ight , ofcoiitse,, ' ~ tcemd percctly abvious tous his, claim i s pure fantasy (sec~egi;cnbccZ(YLLXIK) but sc2cond thouahtsh r h g the, realizlation th&, not k i n gprcrsonally .a&ain@? with' ye edit or,-our readers have no way of knwing(yet! ) when wc use 2 sto ry bccause o fi t s ccmcic interpolatian.N w hear this! our serious credois to "scpzrats fact from fantasy" ,yld

    w e w i l l never in tent ional ly t r y t odeceive a reader o r c ol or a s tory forsensatia n value. Scicnce fi ct ia n wcleave to others .'k ublisher 's v i ews on UFO'sare also ours , jnd we qmte h h : "Iwant t o see ufology kcom; a t ruescicncc:, , and see va li d. esearch. ?onei n this.- . ,ield; als o I want t o see theword 'bclieve ' ,discarded i t s

    - jargm,, ,'-believe'is a .word to bcassociated w i t h . r e l ig ion oir philosphy

    and has no plam in the realm ofscient if ic research. I -never say I' k l i e v c ' in UFO's any more than I sayt h a t I belicve in the theory of evolu-t ion , I - ' accep t ' the thcory of evolu-t ion and will unt i l1 a better thaxyc m s almg which can explain theOBSERVED FACTS h a rqrc precise manner.The OBSERVED FACTS point to a th20ry ofthe existen& of UED's, our missi6n ist h a t of a tm s c i e n t i s t , t o p@m ordisprovr! 'this , theory, not It o Subs tant ia teit.

    Okay? Okay. I

    . COu ?EP 7T \ r n OWTECT. . II - \ , I . ' : , '*Mr. and Mrs. Joe Husb,, of Sedalia,were a t a .drive-in mvie when thcysighted. a f a s t moving obj cct one W n ti n June , th is year. They didn't recallthe exact d ate when in terv iewed by TedPhi l l i ps , J r . , but scud the objcc tapproached f r m th e south, stopped whenoverhead and hovcrcd for about a minute,

    then headd due blest and disappared .I t appaared to be a br ight white l i g h tand ma& no sound.

    Bob Stanton, of Ash Grove , h i sf~amily,h i s p~ l rcn tsLapd,his brother ' sfclrrcily a l l watched a s t rage l i gh t inthe sky the night of June 30th. 7 % ~ kywas relatively c l c x mi! thc,Lightwasdescribed CS bcing in ? pyranid form.I t howEd fo r s m * k , thcn m m dbcyond the horizon.030D S IG i T I NG DJ ISA AS

    WKl BULLETIN, Tucspn, Arizona.On the 27th of 3p3.1, K e n Kesterson, ofPine Bluff , Ark., sighted an unidentifiedobject with blue li gh ts which ap pxxedt o ca m from winc70ws i n the bottom ofthe abjec t, a t 10:44 p. The objectapproached fmm the northwest and beccms ta t ionary s l ight ly w e s t of ccnter inth e sky. (cantinu fa on th ikd page)

  • 8/14/2019 MUFON JOURNAL - 1967-10


  • 8/14/2019 MUFON JOURNAL - 1967-10


    We a q ugust W. Hearst,WFXI *r, for a,wq interesting 'rep& of five- bjqcts Seen q,r St.Louis in !hy, 1963." b ~ f ~ ; ?yils -,*, G. I3aEn-.schuJ,fp, ,of j32>?:;~i;lC3* , o pcstalcler&..yi$h,_ab w * d o f f o u r in.the .

    - Air,:mice ,& ,w+ ~ ~ r e c ~ i n ~ ~,ma l&gech a i r cm.,,$hcmc.'.of a , threestory...buildingl-.yhen%e ..'.~i.&!.obcc ts cami&&vicw, .iikrm,tg=aiy ~ r h ~ ~ d . .tW ~ S .$t;.,.rijn~:o C A ~ C ~ a :~ m -+twi# Go:'* and :the sky w a s fairly

    qk -';ir:&3;.m q f i i n g clouds. mc,'. .LC : . ,'.. f+ve ~ & c t s ' ' l ; ~ rav&ing in n north-

    ,a ed PhitLips.1 Jr. , , =,I, >: ) "~ Y I N G"I", I S ~W . + . .4,:.n C ~ Um.gCxzinc. Gkcd reading with nicmy -phe,to~graphs, 1967. - I , :

    1 I' I

    POP IU~S C I D ? ~ , c t i%x~ i s s ~ , ,"The G r c a t UFO Probcl'--authcxasks,"Can we trust the upooming Condon &port?"Good article an Candon's investigatingInsthods.nuclecir Labratory scientist says ."Yes, Flying SAuers Ckm -f an mr-Planets. It

    , I .EIATICeyy; &UIFSR, October '29, 1967."300 Pmple See UED--Caps G d l It can. . .OpticCd Il lusion. " . ,SkWi, November, 1967 issue,"Fantastic Iky to the ~lyhig a k [email protected]. " . 1 IBLLEECOK, Deccmbcr 1967 issw, 'Why

    the Air For& S i t s on UFD's."AIR PFBGPSS, October, 1967 issue.

    QB3ECT TP!AI.LS SPARKSMr. 'and Mrs. Jzck Kuntz repr tthcy bd tk sas an orange, .disc-shapedobject ong night in ,Tune, this yecar,n e z Jefferson C i t y . The cbject wa s a slm sped at llm =altitudebel& the clouds 'and was: trAiling sparks.'14rcy scud they had a g a d v i ew 'andwatched it for several m i n u ~ s .

  • 8/14/2019 MUFON JOURNAL - 1967-10


    Page Five SKYZOOK. ,UFO B A D ~ RFATH OF HOB-ammumH e r hand k d a n to bum and t u m red andcontinred to b u m u n t i l 1 she washed herhands.

    a . Ewther search d i s c l o s d mre flat-tened brush cmd six indentations form-ing a circle about three f e e t in d i m t e r .Each indcntatiqn was t w o inches across'md fo ur inches &p.The. l o c d s he ri ff didn t,check thescene and gave'his opinion that lightingk il le d Snippy, King and Uwis d idn ' tbuy that. .. -' h o *weeks af te r - the report wasmad?, a Forest S e ~ c enployce checked

    th\3 x e a with a eiger Counter and re-corded e x t m l y high radioactive read-ingsfrom s m lack IMterial, l ik e autoexhaust; found nea r the scene.D r . Condon, who heads the Air Force

    U FO study s,t the Univxsity of Colorada,i s reported to have said the stow w aspretty "far-Etched" and did not plant o send an investigating tern t o thcscene.

    Tccording t o ~ p o r t s , trange fly-ing objects_have-been s m e frequentlyin the val ly for the ,st i x mpnths .L e w i s is quoted ZS saying, "Any nightyou want t o check, you see scmthingbesides airplcmes. " Lately, he says, theobjects have k en l ike pulsating greenand white bacon lights. Others arc jus ts t ra igh t l igh t s , mving fas t .Firday night, Ozt. 6th, M r s . King

    had a telephone call from a MiltonGrams, of Houston, Tcxas, &lling hertwo ~ ~ ' sad bcen seen over Houstonshor t ly after 6 pn and me seared head-ed f o r Cdorado. h u t three hoursl a t e r m v c r Superior Court JudgeCharles Bennett said he, his mother andhi s wife s a w three rbg-shaped abjectsf ly ing in tric mgu lar formation overDenver, xcompanied by a loud, hurraningnoise: H i s -reprt was carried by theDENVER POST wich c d ~ ~ave front pagecoverage t o the death of the horse.

    DR. H Y N M - - c I N I D U DHe ncrw w e l m s t h e m U n i ~ r s i t yof Colorado inversigation , headed by

    D r . Cadon, and has stated and writtenhis canv5ction that "there is s m t h i n ggoing on up there" and that "there issawt hing th at needs t o be explainedabout the very widespread and oftencogent and articulate reports an UFO's."N1 in a l l , h i s lecture shouldvery in te res t ing and w e hope saw readerwho i s fortuncite in hearing D r . Hpeks p a k w i l l send SKMLX)K report.J. Schuessler, who sends u s thslecture notice, says tickets mcay bepurchased by m a i l with checks for $1.75each made pzyable t o Alpha Sigma Lqbda,who arc spansoring the evening. Send. -s t a n p d , self-addressed envelope t o MaxF. Schwarze, 85ll Lydcll Drive, St. louis,

    W . , 63123,

    The editors md publisher of SKYLXX>Kthank the contributors who have sent i nreports of UED, sightings. We rcqucst ourreaders to s&d in newspaper clippingsand personal reports. - -If a sighting-inyour area makes headlines on the f ron tpages of your haw town newspapers, & I ta s s m e the s m h in g h a p p e d elemhere.As you prob~bly now, few sightings gctpub licit y .outside the m a m kichthey were s i+ t cd . I f a story you haves a t us hasn't appeared, t h a t i s becauseit was pulled t o make room f o r a n y e rand mpre important sighting--but we' 1qsc it l a t e r .

    .%is i s OUR pc7per and only WE cankeep It going. . Pooling our informationgives us a l l a b e t t e r viw of what i sgoing on up there', and every s ight ing isone mre piece of the puzzle n&d toconplete the picture.

  • 8/14/2019 MUFON JOURNAL - 1967-10


    . FfVTER FfiD SDJ SEE CIGHTSThc! J Qn -~ ld sCounty TIMES, of

    2-P, nce, cjave headlines t o a s to ry o fa s ight ing . in ShLmon Gmr~ty , h e n ig h tof Flxcch 28th.An unexplLTi?ablc l i @ t , , almost

    h l inding i n i t s intens*,' was w i t -x s s e d z!,mut 11 prn over their farmhouseI:y D x r d l 3madfcot and h is son, Jcm s.11wy d s o heard a n o i s e l i k e the ,roarof' ,a.mtcf.' I

    nbj cc t fl?slled rcd , qeen and whiteIF^^.&:.'' , . , . , - .

    By Tcd P h i l l i p s , Jr.The plcmet Venus w i l l bc a .very

    b ~ i l l i m t is i b l c o b j ec t i n the sky forabout four hours before su nris e t h i smonth. The p1ihc.t Jupiter w i l l a l s o bevisible at ? b u t the same timc in theea st er n sky. Thcre w i l l be e c l i p s cof the rmon Octabcr 18th. .


    Pm Hmvey, newsman, repo rt ed onrc dio October 2nd tha t n Rockford, Ill. ,highway pc7trolmm md an FlW of f i c i dobserved a disc-shaped object , s i lvcr inco lo r , fo r some th rcc hours. N o ball&nswere in the CWA. W would like to havemore d e t ~ i l s n t h i s one.