mtg/oma archive fall update

MTG/OMA Archive Fall Update

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Post on 26-Feb-2016




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MTG/OMA Archive Fall Update. Starting Point. The two rooms included: 80 Paper Boxes Most were “desk dumps” Financials by year most organized 72 3-Ring Binders Most grants by year 7 Flat boxes Most posters and plans 8 Image Boxes 14 Audiovisual Boxes Mix disks and videos. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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MTG/OMA ArchiveFall Update

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Starting Point

The two rooms included: 80 Paper Boxes

Most were “desk dumps” Financials by year most

organized 72 3-Ring Binders

Most grants by year 7 Flat boxes

Most posters and plans 8 Image Boxes 14 Audiovisual Boxes

Mix disks and videos

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Initial Steps - Assessment

Inventory Post-its on each box and

binder Created spreadsheet of

major subject in each box that defined first version of collection schematic

Pull subject-specific records from boxes, ie.: Articles of Incorp. Board Building Personnel

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Archiving BeginsSubject-specific files

were organized based on schematic and refilled and boxed in archival folders and boxes. These folders will be

labeled by pencil in official OMA format that represent both folder title and series level

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Next Step: Filtering Paper

After pulling major subject-specific records, filtering began.

Each box was gone through, pulling all papers that were not grants, productions, or financials.

Items were put into “filter folders” (or piles) and added to the list.

Filtered list alongside deeper knowledge of MTG and its records helped to produce an updated collection schematic.

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Preparing Production Folders

Yes Press releases specifically

about Publicity cards Programs Rehearsal schedules Director Notes Playwriter contract and notes Production meeting notes

No Published articles written

about the production Copies of Messenger Scripts (except those

produced for events, ie. Festival Navidad, Dia de Los Muertos)

Materials not produced by MTG

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Purge Pile

Major Purges Copies Receipts (older than 7yrs) PPI (Private Personal

Information older than 7yrs) ie. SSNs, contact info, juveniles

Migrated list such as mailing lists, donor possibilities, that would be inputted

Research not published by MTG (not for productions)

Working lists, to-do’s, etc. that mark final records


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What’s a RecordFirst: Not every piece of paper or every electronic file

is a record

“Information created, received and maintained as evidence and information by an organization or person, in pursuance of legal obligations or in the transaction of business” ISO 15489

Financial records Policies and procedures Meeting minutes Employee files Audit reports Official government records

i.e. birth certificates Tax records Contracts & agreements Artistic Expressions

Working Files Personal Notes Transitory or temporary records Drafts of documents Copies of Records Published Reference Material Materials Published by Others




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The Schematic

Major Series Administrative Board Building Events Organizations Outreach People Financials Promotional Productions Scripts

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Series: Adm

inistrativeArticles of IncorporationBylawsExecutive Director ReportsGoals, Missions & VisionsMDG: Milagro Development GroupMTG: Miracle Theater GroupOrganizational StructurePolicies & Plans of ActionReportsStrategic PlansSocial MediaWebsite

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Series: Board Board Actions

Board Committees

By title

Board Communication

Board Minutes

By year

Board Profiles & Lists

Board Retreats

By year

Board Roles & Responsibilities

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Series: Building Assessment:


Assessment: Structural

Buyout Cafe

Cancelled Site

Capital Campaign

Escrow (Steward Title)

Floor Plan

Hispanic Arts Cultural Center



Operation Agreement



Refinance Renovations Renters Contracts Theater Title & Closing

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Series: Events 25th Anniversary

House Parties

La Mano

Latino Arts Congress

Old Havana Nights

Radio Novella


Sabor Milagro

Unveiled Spirits

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Series: Organizations


Art Space

Centro Mexico de Oregon

Festival International Cervantino

International Hispanic Theater Festival

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Series: Outreach Bellas Artes

Bridges / Puentes


Educational Training

Hispanic Arts Outreach (HAO)

Milagro @ SEIS

Milagro Baiadores

MTG Outreach Purpose & Scope

Teatro Espanol

Teatro Milagro

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Series: People Audience

Membership Meetings Patron Surveys


Creatives Contracts

By production

Creatives Resumes & Bios

Immigration Department

Mexico Tour

Town Hall / Artist Feedback Sessions



Employee Policy


Job Descriptions

Personnel Files

By last name

Staff Biographies

Staff Meetings

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Series: Productions

Auditions Books & Poetry

Box Office

Non-Play Productions

Affirmative Action (conference scenes)

Rafio Novella

Play Solicitations

Play Submissions

Rights Contracts


By year, season then title

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Series: PublicationsThose not connected to specific MTG Productions or Season

Newsletter – Messenger

Newsletter – Miracle Insider

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Series: Financials Audits

Donations To MTG

To MTG In-Kind/Volunteer


Fundraising Letters


By year

Insurance & Workers Compensation





Yearly Financials

By year, then broken down further

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Series: Images &

Audiovisual Yet to be tackled

Expect separation into subseries




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Initial Collection & Add-On Deliveries

The initial archive collection with be delivered to OMA over the course of 3 trip—Dec ‘13, Jan ‘14, & Apr ‘14.

The initial archival collection is not the end point Each year (or every 2 years), MTG will sending additional records

to OMA to be included once they are no longer active Use the MTG Schematic to filter and organize materials for OMA

An RRS (Records Retention Schedule) will be created to determine when records are kept onsite, archived at OMA, or destroyed Material found during archive processing from within last 7 will be

kept onsite at MTG Ie: Productions, Projects & Grants: 3 years after completing year Ie: Financials: Once past 7 years

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Archives & Onsite Records Management

Because MTG’s archives are an extension of MTG records, effective archive management starts with effective records management

An RRS starts with an INVENTORY of both paper AND electronic files NEEDED from MTG: Lists of folders, file groups,

databases on computers or shared servers This answers the questions of what and where records

live Helps define who is the custodian for certain records Helps MTG find and utilize its records as well as

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PAPER: Basic Preparation for

ArchivesAdd the year to EVERYTHINGGet rid of staplesKeep like items together when you can (ie.

board minutes without financials copies)Follow RRS – get rid of PPI after 7 yearsGet rid of copiesUTILIZE THE SCHEMATIC!

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Exhibit – MTG or OMA

MTG: Decide what artwork should stay at MTG and what should go to OMA

OMA: Will utilize the collection items received by the end of the year. Administrative (ie. beginning of the MTG) Building (ie. details about the building,

renovations) Outreach (ie. program paperwork) Productions (ie. publicity, playbooks) HOPEFULLY (possible later delivery):

photos, artwork

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2014: What’s NextARCHIVE

Photos Artwork Financials Grants (Part of Financials) Audiovisual

ACTIVE RECORDS Record Retention Schedule RRS Break between onsite vs. offsite storage

EXHIBIT What artwork or visuals stay at MTG for exhibition