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SCHEME OF EXAMINATION & SYLLABI for M.Tech (Computer Science & Engineering) (Effective from the session: 2010-2011) Uttrakhand Technical University,Dehradun www.uktech.in

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M.Tech (Computer Science & Engineering) (Effective from the session: 2010-2011)

Uttrakhand Technical University,Dehradun www.uktech.in

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Uttarakhand Technical University, Dehradun

Teaching Scheme for M.Tech. (Computer Science & Engineering) Semester 1 :

S.No. Course Title Course Code Credit

1. Elective 1 See (Annexure - 1) 4

2. Elective 2 See (Annexure - 1) 4

3. Elective 3 See (Annexure - 1) 4

4. Elective 4 See (Annexure - 1) 4 Semester 2 :

S.No. Course Title Course Code Credit

1. Elective 5 See (Annexure - 1) 4

2. Elective 6 See (Annexure - 1) 4

3. Elective 7 See (Annexure - 1) 4

4. Elective 8 See (Annexure - 1) 4 Semester 3 :

S.No. Course Title Course Code Credit

1. Seminars on Computer Engineering

CS381 4

2. Thesis-1 CS382 12 Semester 4 :

S.No. Course Title Course Code Credit

1. Thesis-2 CS481 16

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Annexure 1 List of Courses

Thesis & Seminar

Sl.No. Course Code Course Title Credit

1. CS381 Seminars on Computer Engineering 4 2. CS382 Thesis-1 12 S.No. Course

Title Course Code Credit

1. Thesis-2 CS481 16

Sl.No. Course Code Course Title L T P C 1 CS181 Foundation of Computer Science I 4 0 0 4 2 CS182 Foundation of Computer Science II 4 0 0 4 3 CS183 Software Engineering 3 0 2 4 4 CS184 Advance Computer Network 3 0 2 4 5 CS185 Advanced Computer Architecture 4 0 0 4 6 CS186 Advanced Software Engineering 3 0 2 4 7 CS187 Advance Algorithm Techniques 4 0 0 4 8 CS188 Advance Data Modeling 4 0 0 4 9 CS189 Multimedia Systems 3 0 2 4 10 CS190 Real Time and Embedded System 4 0 0 4 11 CS191 Network Security & Cryptography 3 0 2 4 12 CS192 Data Compression and Encryption 4 0 0 4 13 CS193 VLSI Design 4 0 0 4 14 CS194 Compiler Techniques 3 0 2 4 15 CS195 Oracle System Administration 2 0 4 4 16 CS196 Unix System Administration 2 0 4 4 17 CS197 Advanced Data Structure & File System 3 0 2 4 18 CS198 Advanced Database System 4 0 0 4 19 CS199 Genetic Algorithm & Neural Network 4 0 0 4 20 CS281 OO Analysis and Design 3 0 2 4 21 CS282 Functional Programming 3 0 2 4 22 CS283 Web Technology 3 0 2 4 23 CS284 Distributed Computing 3 0 2 4 24 CS285 Query and Transaction Processing 4 0 0 4 25 CS286 GIS 4 0 0 4 26 CS287 Electronic Commerce 3 0 2 4 27 CS288 Mobile Computing 4 0 0 4 28 CS289 Data Warehousing and Mining 4 0 0 4 29 CS290 Distributed Operating System 4 0 0 4 30 CS291 Parallel Computing 4 0 0 4 31 CS292 Fault Tolerant Computing 4 0 0 4 32 CS293 Embedded Systems Design 4 0 0 4

33 CS294 Network Programming

4 0 0 4

34 CS295 Distributed Database System 4 0 0 4 35 CS296 Java Based Distributed Object Systems 3 0 2 4 36 CS297 Parallel Algorithm 4 0 0 4

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Foundations of Computing Science I

CS181 L T P Credits

4 0 0 4

Prerequisites: Knowledge of basic concepts on Sets, different operations on sets, binary operations, functions. RELATION: Type and compositions of relations, Pictorial representation of relations, Equivalence relations, Partial ordering relation. Function: Types, Composition of function, Recursively defined function Mathematical Induction: Piano’s axioms, Mathematical Induction, Discrete Numeric Functions and Generating functions, Simple Recurrence relation with constant coefficients, linear recurrence relation without constant coefficients, Asymptotic Behavior of functions, Algebraic Structures: Properties, Semi group, monoid, Group, Abelian group, properties of group, Subgroup, Cyclic group, Cosets, Permutation groups, Homomorphism, Isomorphism and Automorphism of groups.

Prepositional Logic: Preposition, First order logic, Basic logical operations, Tautologies, Contradictions, Algebra of Proposition, Logical implication, Logical equivalence, Normal forms, Inference Theory, Predicates and quantifiers, Posets, Hasse Diagram,

Lattices: Introduction, Ordered set, Hasse diagram of partially ordered set, Consistent enumeration, Isomorhic ordered set, Well ordered set, Lattices, Properties of lattices, Bounded lattices, Distributive lattices, and Complemented lattices. Introduction to defining language, Kleene Closure, Arithmetic expressions, Chomsky Hierarchy, Regular expressions, Generalized Transition graph. finite Boolean algebra, functions of Boolean algebra. Conversion of regular expression to Finite Automata, NFA, DFA, Conversion of NFA to DFA, Optimizing DFA, FA with our Moore machine, Mealy machine, Conversions. Reference Books:

1. Kenneth H. Rosen, “Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications”, Sixth Edition, 2008, Tata McGraw-Hill (TMH) Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.

2. D. S. Malik & M. K. Sen, “Discrete Mathematical Structures”, First Edition, 2005, CENGAGE Learning India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.

3. Judith L. Gersting, “Mathematical Structures for Computer Science: A Modern treatment to Discrete Mathematics”, Fifth / Sixth Edition (Asian Student Editions), 2008, W. H. Freeman & Company, New Delhi.

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Foundations of Computer Science-II CS182 L T P Credits

4 0 0 4

Regular expressions and finite Automata:Regular languages, Finite automata, Union, Intersections & complements. Non deterministic Finite automata, Kleene’s theorem. Regular & Non regular languages:Criterion for regularity, minimal Finite Automata, Pumping lemma, Decision problems, languages & computers. Context-free grammars:Derivation Trees & Ambiguity, An Unambiguous CFG for algebraic expressions, simplified forms and normal forms. Pushdown Automata:Definition, Deterministic pushdown automata, A PDA corresponding to a given context-freegrammar, context-free grammar corresponding to a given PDA, parsing. Context-free and Non-Context-free languages:The pumping lemma for context-free languages, Intersections & complements of context-freelanguages, decision problems involving context-free languages. Turing Machines:Definitions, computing partial functions, combining Turing machine, variation of Turing machines, Non-Deterministic Turing Machines, Universal Turing Machine, Church-Turing Thesis. Graph Theory:Introduction, Isomorphism, Sub-graphs, walks, paths and circuits, connected graphs, disconnected graphs and components, Euler graphs, Operations on graphs, more on Euler Graphs, Hamiltonian paths and circuits, The traveling salesman problem, Chromatic number, Chromatic partitioning,Chromatic polynomial, Matchings.Continuous-Parameter Markov chains and Queuing Theory:Introduction, The Birth and death process, other special cases of the Birth-Death Model, Non-Birth-Death processes. Reference Books 1. Introduction to languages & the theory of computation by John C Martin, Tata McGraw Hill publication Co. Ltd., 3rd edition, 2004. 2. Narsingh Deo – Graph Theory with Applications to Engineering & Computer Science – Prentice Hall of India. 3. K.S. Trivedi - Probability and Statistics with Reliability and Queuing and Computer Science Applications, Prentice Hall of India. 4. John E Hopcroft and Jefrey D Ullman – Introduction to Automata theory, Languages and Computation – Narosa Publication House, 2004.

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Software Engineering

CS183 L T P Credits

3 0 2 4

The software crisis, principles of software engineering, programming-in-the-small vs.programming-in-the-large, The Software Lifecycle, Software and systems engineering: overview, examples and industrial realities Project Management - Project Planning and Scheduling, Team organisation Case studies

SRS ( Software requirement specification). Design for reuse, design for change, design notations, design evaluation and validation, coding and testing, software maintenance and reliability.

Software Economics, Software Quality and standards, Software Metrics - Measurement, Estimation and Prediction, Requirements Management, Configuration Management., Risk Management Testing and Inspection Architecture Description Languages, Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture, Component-based Development, Aspect-oriented development

CASE (Computer Aided Software Engineering): CASE and its Scope, CASE support in software life cycle, documentation, project management, internal interface, Reverse Software Engineering, Architecture of CASE environment. Reference Books

1. Shari Lawrence Pfleeger, “Software Engineering, Theory and Practice,” Prentice-Hall 1998.

2. Merlin Dorfman and Richard H. Thayer, “Software Engineering, Edited ,” IEEE Computer Society Press, 1997.

3. Sommerville: Software Engineering 8th Edition. Addison Wesley. 2006

4. R. S. Pressman, “Software Engineering – A practitioner’s approach”, 5th Ed., McGraw Hill Int. Ed., 2001

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Advanced Computer Network

CS184 L T P Credits

3 0 2 4

Prerequisite: Computer Network

IPv6, Next Generation IP protocol, Wireless Networks, GSM, CDMA, Mobility in networks, Mobile IP, Mobile TCP, TCP extensions for high speed network, IP multicasting, BSD Sockets, TCP/IP programming.

Mobility in network. Security related issues.IP Multicasting. Multicasting routing protocols, address assignments, session discovery, etc.TCP extensions for high-speed networks, transaction-oriented application, other new option in TCP. IP Security: Architecture, Authentication header, Encapsulating security payloads, combining security associations, key management.

Network security at various layers. Secure-HTTP, SSL, ESP, Authentication header, Key distribution protocols. Digital signatures, digital certificates.

Case study

Study of various network simulators, Network performance analysis using NS2

Reference Books:

1. C.E.Perkins, B.Woolf and S.R.Alpert, “Mobile IP, Design Principles and Practices,” Addision Wesley, 1997

2. Schiller, “Mobile Communication,” 3. Tanenbaum, “Computer Networks,” Pearson Education 4. Stevens, “Network Programming,”

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Advanced Computer Architecture

CS185 L T P Credits

4 0 0 4

Prerequisite: Computer Organization,

Computer Architecture.

The state of computing, Classification of parallel computers, Multiprocessors and multicomputers, Multivector and SIMD computers.

Conditions of parallelism, Data and resource Dependences, Hardware and software parallelism, Program partitioning and scheduling, Grain Size and latency, Program flow mechanisms, Control flow versus data flow, Data flow Architecture, Demand driven mechanisms, Comparisons of flow mechanisms

Linear pipeline processor, nonlinear pipeline processor, Instruction pipeline Design, Mechanisms for instruction pipelining, Dynamic instruction scheduling, Branch Handling techniques, branch prediction, Arithmetic Pipeline Design, Computer arithmetic principles, Static Arithmetic pipeline, Multifunctional arithmetic pipelines

Advanced processor technology, Instruction-set Architectures, CISC Scalar Processors, RISC Scalar Processors, Superscalar Processors, VLIW Architectures, Vector and Symbolic processors

Network properties and routing, Static interconnection Networks, Dynamic interconnection Networks, Multiprocessor system Interconnects, Hierarchical bus systems, Crossbar switch and multiport memory, Multistage and combining network.

Symmetric shared memory architectures, distributed shared memory architectures, models of memory consistency, cache coherence protocols (MSI, MESI, MOESI), scalable cache coherence, overview of directory based approaches, design challenges of directory protocols, memory based directory protocols, cache based directory protocols, protocol design tradeoffs, synchronization,

Reference Books:

1. Kai Hwang, “Advanced Computer Architecture,” McGraw-Hill. 2. Hwang and Briggs, “Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing,” McGraw Hill.

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Advance Software Engineering

CS186 L T P Credits

3 0 2 4

Prerequisite: Software Engineering.


Software project management, metric and management, software configuration management, software risk management, requirements engineering, software quality assurance, software reliability models,

Introduction to Object Oriented Methodology, Overview of Requirements Elicitation, Requirements Model-Action & Use cases, Requirements Elicitation Activities, Managing Requirements Elicitation

Model Architecture, Requirements Model, Analysis Model, Design Model, Implementation Model, Test Model

Basic Building Blocks of UML, A Conceptual Model of UML, Basic Structural Modeling, UML Diagrams

Design concepts & activities, Design models, Block design, Testing

Testing Activities & Techniques, The Testing Process, Managing Testing, State Based testing and Data flow testing for Classes.

Component Based Computing

Fundamentals: Definition and nature of components, components and interfaces, Interfaces as contracts, the benefits of components.

Basic Techniques: component design and assembly, Relationship with the client-server model and with patterns, Use of objects and object lifecycle services, use of object brokers

Reference Books:

1. Ivar Jacobson “Object Oriented Software Engineering: A Use Case Driven Approach”, Addison-Wesley, 2002

2. Grady Booch “Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications”, 2/E, Addison-Wesley Professional, 2005

3. Stephen R. Scach, “Object Oriented and Classical Software Engineering” 7/E Tata McGraw Hill, 1999

4. Booch, Rumbaugh & Jacobson “The Unified Modeling Language User Guide”, Addison-Wesley 2005

5. Bernd Bruegge, Allen H. Dutoit “Object Oriented Software Engineering: Using UML, Patterns and Java” 2/E Pearson Education.

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Advance Algorithm Techniques

CS187 L T P Credits

3 0 2 4

Prerequisites: Abstract data types: lists, stacks, queues, trees, search trees. Hashing. Priority queues: heaps. Sorting and searching. Graphs: representation and algorithms. Running-time analysis of algorithms and order notation

Approximation algorithms, Linear programming concepts, NP hard optimization problems. Parallel algorithms models and basic operations, Parallel algorithms -- Linear recurrences, matrix operations ,Graph partitioning, Cache aware and cache oblivious algorithms -- Matrix multiplication ,computational effort of an algorithm, randomized algorithms. Computational geometry, algorithms for string matching, network flow problems, Maximum flow -- Ford-Fulkerson method.

Reference Books:

1. Introduction to algorithms, T.H. Cormen, C.E. Leiserson, R.L. Rivest, C. Stein, second edition, MIT press, 2001.

2. Approximation algorithms, V. V. Vazirani, Springer, 2003 3. Computational Geometry: Algorithms and Applications, M. De Berg , M. van Kreveld,

M. Overmars, and O. Schwarzkopf, Springer-Verlag, 1997 4. Randomized Algorithms, R. Motwani and P. Raghavan, Cambridge University Press,


Advance Data Modeling

CS188 L T P Credits

4 0 0 4

Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design Information Systems Building Block, Systems Development Life Cycle & Methodology ,Project Management ,Systems Analysis & Requirements discovery,Feasibility Analysis and System Proposal,requirements definition using Use Case Modeling Systems, Relational Database Concepts & Basic Data Modelling , Data Modeling Using CASE Tools , Process Modeling : Data Flow Diagram , Activity Diagram ,Object-Oriented analysis Using UML , Application Architecture and Modeling, Output Design and Prototyping ,Input Design and Prototyping ,Prototyping Tool, Systems Construction and Implementation . Conceptual Object Data Model – XML and Web Data – XML Schema –Distributed Data bases – OLAP and Data Mining – ROLAP and MOLAP Enhanced Data Model for Advanced Applications: Database Operating System, Introduction to Temporal Database Concepts, Spatial and Multimedia Databases, Data Mining, Active Database System, Deductive Databases, Database Machines, Web Databases, Advanced Transaction Models, Isuses in Real Time Database Design. Reference Book:

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1. Jeffrey Whitten and Lonnie Bentley Systems Analysis and Design Methods , 7th edition,

McGrawHill, 2007

2. R.Elmasri and S.B. Navathe, “Fundamentals of Database Systems”, ,Addison Wesley,

3. Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S. Sudharsan, “Database System Concepts”, Tata McGraw Hill

Multimedia Systems

CS189 L T P Credits

3 0 2 4

Introduction to Multimedia, Multimedia Objects, Multimedia in business and work. Multimedia hardware, Memory & Storage devices, Communication devices, Multimedia software’s, presentation tools, tools for object generations, video, sound, image capturing, authoring tools, card and page based authoring tools.

Text, Sound MIDI, Digital Audio, audio file formats, MIDI under windows environment Audio & Video Capture.

Huffman Coding, Shannon Fano Algorithm, Huffman Algorithms, Adaptive Coding, Arithmetic Coding Higher Order Modeling. Finite Context Modeling, Dictionary based Compression, Sliding Window Compression, LZ77, LZW compression, Compression, Compression ratio loss less & lossy compression.

Digital Audio concepts, Sampling Variables, Loss less compression of sound, loss compression & silence compression.

Multiple monitors, bitmaps, Vector drawing, lossy graphic compression, image file formatic animations Images standards, JPEG Compression, Zig Zag Coding.

Video representation, Colors, Video Compression, MPEG standards, MHEG Standard recent development in Multimedia.

Reference Books:

1. Tay Vaughan “Multimedia, Making IT Work” Osborne McGraw Hill. 2. Buford “Multimedia Systems” Addison Wesley. 3. David Hillman “Multimedia technology and Applications” Galgotia Publications. 4. Mark Nelson “Data Compression Book” BPB.

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Real Time System

CS190 L T P Credits

4 0 0 4

Introduction: Concept of Real Time System, Issues in real time computing, Performance measures of Real Time System, Issues in Real Time Computing, Performance measures of Real time Systems, Real Time Application.

Task Assignment and Scheduling: Different task model, Scheduling hierarchy, offline vs Online Scheduling, Clock Drives.

Model of Real Time System: Processor, resources, temporal parameter, Periodic Task Model, Sporadic Task Model, Precedence Constraints and Data Dependencies, Scheduling hierarchy

Scheduling of Periodic Task: Assumptions, fixed versus dynamic priority algorithms, schedulability test for fixed priority task with arbitrary deadlines.

Scheduling of Aperiodic and Sporadic Tasks: Assumptions and approaches, deferrable, sporadic servers, slack stealing in deadline driven and fixed priority systems. Two level scheme for integrated scheduling, Scheduling for applications having flexible constrains.

Resources and Resource Access Control: Assumptions on resources and their usage, resource contention, resource access control(Priority Ceiling Protocol, Priority Inheritance protocol, Slack Based Priority Ceiling Protocol, Peremption Ceiling Protocol).

Multi Processor Scheduling: Model of multi processor and distributed systems, Scheduling algorithms for end to end periodic tasks in homogeneous/heterogeneous systems, Predictability and validation of dynamic multiprocessor system.

Real time Communication: Model of real time Communication, Priority base service

For switched network, Weighted Round Robin Service, Medium access Control Protocol, Real Time Protocol.

Reference Books:

1. Jane .W. S. Liu “Real Time Systems” Pearson Education. 2. Krishna .C.M “Real Time Systems” Mc-Graw Hill Publication.

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Network Security & Cryptography Security

CS191 L T P Credits

3 0 2 4

OSI Architecture - Classical Encryption techniques – Cipher Principles – Data Encryption Standard – Block Cipher Design Principles and Modes of Operation - Evaluation criteria for AES – AES Cipher – Triple DES – Placement of Encryption Function – Traffic Confidentiality Key Management - Diffie-Hellman key Exchange – Elliptic Curve Architecture and Cryptography - Introduction to Number Theory – Confidentiality using Symmetric Encryption – Public Key Cryptography and RSA. Authentication requirements – Authentication functions – Message Authentication Codes – Hash Functions – Security of Hash Functions and MACs – MD5 message Digest algorithm - Secure Hash Algorithm – RIPEMD – HMAC Digital Signatures – Authentication Protocols – Digital Signature Standard Authentication Applications: Kerberos – X.509 Authentication Service – Electronic Mail Security – PGP – S/MIME - IP Security – Web Security. Intrusion detection – password management – Viruses and related Threats – Virus Counter measures – Firewall Design Principles – Trusted Systems. REFERENCES BOOK 1.William Stallings, “Cryptography And Network Security – Principles and Practices”, Prentice Hall of India, Third Edition, 2003. 2.Atul Kahate, “Cryptography and Network Security”, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2003. 3.Bruce Schneier, “Applied Cryptography”, John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2001.

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Data Compression and Encryption

CS192 L T P Credits

4 0 0 4

CS192 Need for Data Compression, Lossy/ lossless compression, symmetrical compression and compression ratio, run length encoding (RLE) for text and image compression, relative encoding and its applications in facsimile data: compression and telemetry, scalar quantization Statistical modeling of ingormation source, coding redundancy, variable size codes prefix codes, Shannon-Fano coding, Huffman coding, adaptive Huffman coding, arithmetic coding a adaptive arithmetic coding, text compression using PPM method. String compression, sliding window compression, LZ77, LZ78and LZW algorithms and applications in text compression, Zip and Gzip, ARC and Redundancy code. Loss less techniques of image compression, gray codes, two dimensional image transform, discrete cosine transform and its application in lossy image compression, quantization, zig-zag " coding sequences, JPEG and JPEG-LS compression standards, pulse code modulation and differential pulse code modulation methods of image compression, video compression and MPEG industry standard. Digital Audio, Lossy sound compression, M-Iaw and A-law compounding, DPCM and ADPCM audio compression, MPEG audio standard, frequency domain coding, format of compressed data.

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Conventional Encryption: Security of information, security attacks, classical techniques, Caesar cipher, block ciper principles, data encryption standard, key generation for DES, block cipher principle, design and modes of operation, S-box design, triple DES with two three keys, introduction to international data encryption algorithm, key distribution. Number Theory and public encryption: Modular arithmetic, Fermat's and Euler's theorems, Chinese remainder theorem, discrete logarithm, principles of public key cryptosystems, RSA algorithm, key management, Diffie-Hellman key exchange, elliptic curve cryptography. Message Authentication: Authentication requirements and functions, message authentication codes (MAC), hash functions and their security, hash and MAC algorithms, digital signatures and authentication protocols, digital signature standard and algorithms. Reference Books: 1. Data Compression - David Salomon, Springer Verlag Publication 2. Cryptography and Network Security - William Stallings Pearson Education Asia Publication 3. Introduction to Data Compression - Khalid Sayood Morgan Kaufmann Publication

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VLSI Design

CS193 L T P Credits

4 0 0 4

This course presents techniques and practices used to design CMOS digital VLSI circuits. The course covers MOS transistor fundamentals, circuit fabrication, design rules, nMOS, CMOS, switched logic, and precharge logic implementation. Both nMOS and CMOS technology will be covered. In addition, circuit characterization and testing will be presented along with a system level design example. Each student is expected to complete a design project.

Reference Book:

1. Wayne Wolf, “Modern VLSI Design: Systems on Silicon, 2/e,” 1998, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-989690-2

Compiler Techniques

CS194 L T P Credits

3 0 2 4

Introduction: Definition , functions of Compiler in Linux / Unix / TC etc environments, other associated terms e.g. Text formatter, Text Editors, Phases and Passes, FSM & RE’s and their application to Lexical Analysis, Implementation of Lexical Analyzers, Lexical- Analyzer Generator, Lex – Compiler, Formal Grammar and their application to Syntax Analysis, BNF Notation, YACC. The Syntactic specification of Languages: CFG, Derivation and Parse Trees, Capabilities of CFG.

Basic Parsing Techniques: Parsers, Shift Reduce Parsing, Operator precedence parsing, top down Parsing, Predictive Parsers.

Automatic Construction of efficient Parsers: LR Parsers, the canonical collection of LR(0) items, constructing SLR Parsing Tables, Constructing canonical LR Parsing tables and LALR parsing tables , An Automatic Parser Generator, Implementation of LR parsing Tables, Constructing LALR sets of items.

Syntax Directed Translation: Syntax directed Translation Schemes, Implementation of Syntax directed translators, Intermediate Code, Postfix notation, Parse Trees and Syntax Trees, Three address Code, Quadruple & Triples, Translation of Assignment Statements, Boolean expressions, Control Statements, Postfix Translation, Translation with a Top Down Parser, Array references in Arithmetic expressions , Procedure Calls, Declarations and Case statements Translations.

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Symbol Tables: Data Structure for Symbol Tables, representing scope information. Run Time Administration: Implementation of simple Stack allocation scheme, storage

allocation in block structured language.

Error detection and Recovery: Lexical phase errors,syntax phase errors,semantic errors

Code Optimization: Loop optimization, the DAG representation of basic blocks, value

numbers and Algebraic Laws, Global Data – Flow Analysis.

Reference Books:

1. Aho,Ullman & Sethi, “Compiler Design”, Addison Wesley 2. D.M.Dhamdhere, “Compiler Construction – Principles & Practice”,

Macmillan India Ltd.

3. Holub, “Compiler Design in C” , PHI. Oracle System Administration

CS195 L T P Credits

2 0 4 4

Oracle Database Administration, Oracle System Administration, Managing Oracle Applications Security, Administrating Folders ,User and Data Auditing, Oracle Applications Help, User Profiles, Managing Concurrent Programs and Requests, Managing Concurrent Processing, Applications DBA Duties, Document Sequences, Zoom and Customizing Oracle Applications Loaders,Alerts,Windows,Reports,Implementing Oracle System Administrator

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Unix Network Programming

CS196 L T P Credits

2 0 4 4

Client/Server Model, Peer-to-Peer Model, overview of IPv4 and IPv6, TCP and UDP, Socket programming, Multiplexing I/O, Encapsulation, Unix Domain Protocols, Daemon Processes, super server, broadcasting and Multicasting, Threaded network programming, Raw Socket, HTTP Server Design.

Reference Books:

1. W. Richard Stevens, “UNIX Network Programming," Volume 1, second edition,” Prentice Hall. ISBN #0-13-490012-X

2. Douglas Comer, “Internetworking with TCP/IP,” Volume I, II & III, Prentice Hall

Advanced Data Structure & File System

CS197 L T P Credits

3 0 2 4

Prerequisite: Data Structures


Arrays, Linked Lists, Stack, Queue, Dqueue, Priority Queue, Tree, Binary Search Tree, Heap Tree, Threaded Tree, Fibonacci Tree, Tree Traversal, Binomial Tree, B, B+ Tree, AVL Tree, Graphs, Graph Traversal, Spanning Trees, Shortest Path, Hashing.

Reference Books:

1. Cormen, “Introduction to Algorithms,” McGraw Hill 2. Tanenbaum, “Data Structures using C and C++, PHI 3. Jean-Paul Tremblay, Sorenson, “An Introduction to Data Structures with Applications,”

McGraw Hill

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Advanced Database Systems

CS198 L T P Credits

4 0 0 4

Object-relational databases, active databases, and distributed databases. Topics covered include object-relational type extension, active rules and their design, distributed database design, distributed query processing and optimization, distributed concurrency control, and multidatabases. An overview of other modern database technologies, such as parallel databases, multimedia databases, spatial and temporal databases, data warehousing and data mining, deductive databases, and uncertainty in databases, is also given. Reference Books:

1. Carlo Zaniolo, et al., “Advanced Database Systems,” Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc.,

1997 2. M. T. Ozsu and P. Valduriez, “Principles of Distributed Database Systems, 2nd Ed.,” Prentice

Hall, Inc., 1999 3. M. Stonebraker, “Object-Relational DBMSs, 2nd Ed.,” Morgan Karfmann Publishers, Inc.,


Genetic Algorithms and Neural Networks

CS199 L T P Credits

4 0 0 4

An Overview of Combinatorial Optimization. An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms, Theoretical Foundations of Genetic Algorithms, Genetic Algorithms in Engineering and Optimization, Genetic Algorithms in Natural Evolution, Simulated Annealing and Tabu Search, Artificial Neural Networks, Evolving Neural Networks Implementing Genetic Algorithms: GALib, Genetic Algorithm Optimization Toolbox (GAOT) under Matlab.

Reference Books:

1. Goldberg, “Genetic Algorithms,” Addison Wesley, 1989, ISBN 0-201-15767-5

2. Golden, “Mathematical Methods for Neural Network Analysis and Design,” MIT Press, 1996

3. Mitchell, “An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms,” MIT Press, 1998 (paper)

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OO Analysis and Design

CS281 L T P Credits

3 0 2 4

An Overview of Object Oriented Systems Development, Rumbaugh Methodology - Booch Methodology - Jacobson Methodology - Patterns – Frameworks – Unified Approach – Unified Modeling Language – Use case - class diagram - Interactive Diagram - Package Diagram - Collaboration Diagram - State Diagram - Activity Diagram. Identifying use cases - Object Analysis - Classification – Identifying Object relationships - Attributes and Methods.Design axioms - Designing Classes – Access Layer - Object Storage - Object Interoperability.Designing Interface Objects – Software Quality Assurance – System Usability - Measuring User Satisfaction REFERENCES BOOKS 1. Ali Bahrami, “Object Oriented Systems Development”, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1999 (Unit I, III, IV, V). 2. Martin Fowler, “UML Distilled”, Second Edition, PHI/Pearson Education, 2002. (UNIT II) 3. Stephen R. Schach, “Introduction to Object Oriented Analysis and Design”, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2003. 4. James Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson, Grady Booch “The Unified Modeling Language Reference Manual”, Addison Wesley, 1999. 5. Hans-Erik Eriksson, Magnus Penker, Brain Lyons, David Fado, “UML Toolkit”, OMG Press Wiley Publishing Inc., 2004.

Functional Programming

CS282 L T P Credits

3 0 2 4

Principles of functional programming: expressions, evaluations, functions, and types. Type definitions and built-in types: numbers, characters, strings and lists. Basic operations on lists, including map, fold and filter, together with their algebraic properties. Recursive definitions and structural induction. Simple program calculation. Infinite lists and their uses. Further data structures: binary trees, general trees. Use of trees for representing sets and symbolic data. Normal order reduction and lazy evaluation. Simple cost models for functional programs; time and space complexity.

Reference Books:

1. Simon Thompson, “ Haskell: The Craft of Functional Programming, SECOND EDITION,” Addison Wesley, 1999. ISBN: 0-201-34275-8.

2. H. Conrad Cunningham. Notes on Functional Programming with Gofer. Technical Report UMCIS-1995-01.

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3. Mark P. Jones and John C. Peterson. Hugs 98, A Functional Programming System Based on Haskell 98, User Manual Manual.

Web Technology

CS283 L T P Credits

3 0 2 4

History of Web, Protocols governing Web, Creating Websites for individual and Corporate World, Cyber Laws, Web Applications, Writing Web Projects, Identification of Objects, Target Users, Web Team, Planning and Process Development. List, Tables, Images, Forms, Frames, CSS Document type definition, XML schemes, Object Models, Presenting XML, Using XML Processors: DOM and SAX, Introduction to Java Script, Object in Java Script, Dynamic HTML with Java Script. Introduction to Java Beans, Advantage, Properties, BDK, Introduction to EJB, Java Beans API Introduction to Servelets, Lifecycle, JSDK, Servlet API, Servlet Packages: HTTP package, Working with Http request and response, Security Issues. Introduction to JSP, JSP processing, JSP Application Design, Tomcat Server, Implicit JSP objects, Conditional Processing, Declaring variables and methods, Error Handling and Debugging, Sharing data between JSP pages- Sharing Session and Application Data. Database Programming using JDBC, Studying Javax.sql.*package, accessing a database from a JSP page, Application-specific Database Action, Developing Java Beans in a JSP page, introduction to Struts framework. Reference Books: 1. Burdman, “Collaborative Web Development” Addison Wesley. 2. Chris Bates, “Web Programing Building Internet Applications”, 2nd Edition, WILEY, Dreamtech 3. Joel Sklar , “Principal of web Design” Vikash and Thomas Learning 4. Horstmann, “CoreJava”, Addison Wesley. 5. Herbert Schieldt, “The Complete Reference:Java”, TMH. 6. Hans Bergsten, “Java Server Pages”, SPD O’Reilly

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Distributed Computing

CS284 L T P Credits

3 0 2 4

Prerequisite: Networking, Operating Systems.


Architectural models for distributed and mobile computing systems. Basic concepts in distributed computing such as clocks, message ordering, consistent global states, and consensus. Passing Systems, Leader Election in Rings, and Mutual Exclusion in Shared Memory, Fault-Tolerant Consensus, Causality and Time. Message Passing: PVM and MPI.OS and network operating systems, Distributed File systems. Middleware, client/server model for computing, common layer application protocols (RPC, RMI, streams), distributed processes, network naming, distributed synchronization and distributed object-based systems. A Formal Model for Simulations, Broadcast and Multicast, Distributed Shared Memory, Fault-Tolerant Simulations of Read/Write Objects Simulating Synchrony, Improving the Fault Tolerance of Algorithms, Fault-Tolerant Clock Synchronization. Distributed Environments:Current systems and developments (DCE, CORBA, JAVA). Advanced Topics: Randomization, Wait-Free Simulations of Arbitrary Objects, Problems Solvable in Asynchronous Systems, Solving Consensus in Eventually Stable Systems, High Performance Computing-HPF, Distributed and mobile multimedia systems. Adaptability in Mobile Computing. Grid Computing and applications. Fault tolerant Computing Systems. Reference Books: 1. Tannenbaum, A, Van Steen. Distributed Systems, Principles and Paradigm , Prentice Hall India, 2002 2. Tannenbaum, A. Distributed Operating Systems, Pearson Education. 2006 3. Attiya, Welch, “Distributed Computing”, Wiley India, 2006 4. Singhal and Shivaratri, “Advanced Concepts in Operating Systems”, McGraw Hill, 1994 Query and Transaction Processing

CS285 L T P Credits

4 0 0 4

Introduction to Physical-Query-Plan Operators, One-Pass Algorithms for Database Operations, Nested-Loop Joins, Two-Pass Algorithms Based on Sorting, Two-Pass Algorithms Based on Hashing, Index-Based Algorithms, Buffer Management, Parallel Algorithms for Relational Operations, Using Heuristics in Query Optimization, Basic Algorithms for Executing Query Operations. Query Processing: query expression trees, equivalence, query expression, tree optimization, cost estimation, implementation of relational algebra operations. Transaction Processing: recovery techniques, WAL based recovery, check pointing, concurrency

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control, serializability, lock-based concurrency control, strict two-phase locking, multiple granularity locking, time-stamp based concurrency control. Serialisability, Enforcing Serializability by Locks, Locking Systems With Several Lock Modes, Architecture for a Locking Scheduler Managing Hierarchies of Database Elements, Concurrency Control by Timestamps, Concurrency Control by Validation. Parsing, Algebraic Laws for Improving Query Plans, From Parse Trees to Logical Query Plans, Estimating the Cost of Operations, Introduction to Cost-Based Plan Selection, Completing the Physical-Query-Plan, Coping With System Failures, Issues and Models for Resilient Operation, Redo Logging, Undo/Redo Logging, Protecting Against Media Failures Other Issues: security & integrity, authorization and views, security specification in SQL, types of integrity constraints, triggers in SQL, declarative constraints in SQL. Reference Books:- 1) Raghu Ramakrishnan/Johannes Gehrke, “Database Management Systems”, Tata Mc Graw Hill. 2) Silber Schatz. Korth, “Database System Concepts”, Tata Mc Graw Hill. 3) ShamKanth B. Navathe, “Fundamental of DataBase System”, Pearson Education. Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

CS286 L T P Credits

4 0 0 4

Introduction of a GIS: The Success with which a GIS can be used, Geographic Data, GIS vs. CAD vs. DBMS vs. computer mapping, Land Information Systems, Why use a GIS? Who uses a GIS? Applications of GIS

Remote Sensing: History of Remote Sensing, Remote Sensing Resolutions, Remote Sensing Sensors, Steps Used to Analyse Remotely Sensed Data, Applications of Remote Sensing to GIS Data Input and Output: Data Entered into a GIS, Methods of Data Input, GIS Output.

Data Quality: components of Data quality, Sources of Error

Data Management: approaches to database management, Classic data models

Analysis of Spatial Data: Cartographic Modeling, Divisions of GIS Functions, Maintenance and Analysis of Spatial Data, Maintenance and Analysis of Non-Spatial Data, Integrated Analysis of Spatial and Attribute Data, Output Formatting, Phases in GIS Implementation.

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Electronic Commerce

CS287 L T P Credits

3 0 2 4

Electronic Commerce: Overview, Definitions, Advantages & Disadvantages of E-Commerce, Threats of E-Commerce, Managerial Prospective, Rules & Regulations for Controlling E-Commerce, Cyber Laws.

Technologies: Relationship Between E-Commerce & Networking, Different Types of Networking for E-Commerce, internet, Intranet, EDI Systems

Wireless Application Protocol: Definition, Hand Held Devices, Mobility & Commerce, Mobile Computing, Wireless Web, Web Security, Infrastructure Requirement for E-Commerce.

Business Models of E-commerce; Model Based on Transaction Type, Model Based on Transaction Party - B2B, B2C, C2B, C2C, E-Governance. E-Strategy: Overview, Strategic Methods for developing E-Commerce. Four C’s (Convergence, Collaborative Computing, Content Management & Call Centre).

Convergence: Technological Advances in Convergence - Types, Convergence and its implications, Convergence & Electronic Commerce.

Collaborative Computing: Collaborative product development, contract as per CAD, Simultaneous Collaboration, Security.

Content Management: Definition of content, Authoring Tools and Content Management, Content - partnership, repositories, convergence, providers, Web Traffic & Traffic management: Content Marketing.

Supply Chain Management: E-logistics, Supply Chain Portal, Sypply Chain planning Tools (SCP Tools), Supply Chain Execution (SCE), SCE - Framework, Internet’s effect on Supply Chain Power. E-Payment Mechanism; Payment through card system, E-Cheque, E-Cash, E-Payment Threats & Protections.

E-Marketing: Home - shopping, E-Marketing, Tele-marketing

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI): Meaning, Benefits, Concepts, Application, EDI Model, protocols (UN EDI FACT / GTDI, ANSIX - 12, Data Encryption (DES / RSA)

Risk of E-Commerce: Overview, Security for E-Commerce, Security Standards, Firewall, Cryptography, Key Management, Password Systems, Digital Certificates, Digital Signatures. Reference Books:

1. Ward Hanson, “Principles of Internet Marketing,” SouthWestern Publishing, 2000 2. Philip Evans and Thomas Wurster, “Blown to Bits: How the New Economics of

Information Transforms Strategy,” Harvard Business School Press, 2000. 3. Stephen Bradley and Richard Nolan, “Sense and Respond: Capturing Value in

the Network Era,”Harvard Business School Press, 1998. 4. E-commerce. MM Oka, EPH 5. Kalakotia, Whinston : Frontiers of Electronic Commerce, Pearson Education. 6. Bhaskar Bharat ; Electronic Commerce - Technologies & Applications. TMH.

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Mobile Computing

CS288 L T P Credits

4 0 0 4

Issues in Mobile Computing, Overview of wireless Telephony, IEEE 802.11 & Blue Tooth, Wireless Multiple access protocols, channel Allocation in cellular systems.

Data Management Issues, data replication for mobile computers, adaptive Clustering for Mobile Wireless networks.

Distributed location Management, pointer forwarding strategies, Energy Efficient Indexing on air, Energy Indexing for wireless broadcast data, Mobile IP, TCP Over wireless.

Mobile Agents Computing, Security and fault tolerance, transaction processing in Mobile computing environment.

Ad hoc network, Routing Protocol, Global State Routing (GSR), Dynamic State Routing (DSR), Fisheye State Routing (FSR), Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV), Destination Sequenced Distance – Vector Routing (DSDV).

Reference Books:

1. Shambhu Upadhyaya, Abhijeet Chaudhary, Kevin Kwiat, Mark Weises, “Mobile Computing”, Kluwer Academic Publishers

2. UWE Hansmann, Lothar Merk, Martin-S-Nickious, Thomas Stohe, “Principles of Mobile Computing”, Springer International Edition

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Data Ware Housing and Mining

CS289 L T P Credits

4 0 0 4

Introduction to DATA Warehousing. Client/Server Computing model & Data Warehousing. Parallel processors & Cluster Systems. Distributed DBMS implementations. Client/Server RDBMS Solutions.

Data Warehousing Components. Building a Data Warehouse. Mapping the Data Warehousing to a Multiprocessor Architecture. DBMS Schemas for Decision Support. Data Extraction, cleanup & Transformation Tools. Metadata.

Reporting & Query Tools & Applications. On line Analytical Processing (OLAP). Patterns & Models. Statistics. Artificial Intelligence.

Introduction to Data Mining. Decision Trees. Neural Networks. Nearest Neighbor & Clustering. Genetic Algorithms. Rule Induction. Selecting & Using the Right Technique.

Data visualization & Overall Perspective. Data Visualization. Putting it All Together.

Appendices: A : Data Visualization. B : Big Data-Better Returns : Leveraging Your Hidden Data Assets to Improve ROI. C : Dr. E.F. Codd’s 12 Guidelines for OLAP. D : Mistakes for Data warehousing Managers to Avoid.

Reference Books:

1. Berson, “Data Warehousing, Data Mining & OLAP”. 2. Mallach, “Data Warehousing System”, (McGraw Hill).

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Distributed Operating Systems

CS290 L T P Credits

4 0 0 4

Monolithic kernel, layered systems, virtual machines. Process based models and client server model. The micro-kernel based client-server approach. Interprocess communication and Remote Procedure Call. Tasks and Threads. Examples from LINUX, Solaris 2 and Windows NT. Resource allocation, failure-recovery and deadlock in distributed systems. Requirements for protection and security in distributed systems.

Issues in the design of distributed file systems: naming, transparency, update semantics and fault resilience. Use of the Virtual File System layer. Examples of distributed systems including Sun NFS, and the Coda files system. Design of the server file system. Example systems: NTFS, Unix ext2 and ext3. The Common Object Request Broker Architecture and Microsoft DCOM models and software and their relationship to Operating Systems.

Reference Books:

1. Tanenbaum, A. S. and Van Steen, M. “Distributed Systems Principles and Paradigms, “ (ISBN 0-13-088893-1), Prentice Hall 2002.

2. Bacon, J.,” Concurrent Systems, 2nd Edition, (ISBN 0-201-177-676), Addison Wesley 1998.

3. Silberschatz, A., Galvin, P. and Gagne, G.,” Applied Operating Systems Concepts, 1st Edition,” (ISBN 0-471-36508-4), Wiley 2000..

4. Coulouris, G. et al, “Distributed Systems: Concepts and Design, 3rd Edition,” (ISBN 0-201-61918-0), Addison Wesley 2001.

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Parallel Computing

CS291 L T P Credits

4 0 0 4

Computational demands, advantages of parallel systems. Flynn’s classification, controlled parallelism and scalability. Topologies: Mesh, binary tree, Hyper tree, Cube Connected cycles, shuffle-Connected Exchange; Uniform Memory Access (UMA & Non uniform Memory Access (NUMA) Multi processor System.

PARAM Model of Parallel Computation, PARAM Algorithms; Parallel Reductions, Prefix sum, List Ranking, Merging of Two Sorted List.

Mapping and Scheduling; mapping of Data from Topology to other (Ring to 2-D Mesh, Binomial trees to 2-D mesh, Rings & mesh into 2-D Mesh, Ring & Mesh into Hypercubes), Load balancing, Static scheduling on UMA multi processor systems.

Applications of parallel computing: Matrix Multiplication, Sorting (bitonic Merge sort, parallel quick sort, hyper quick sort), Searching a Graph (P-depth search, Breadth-Depth Search, Breath first search) , parallel Brach and bound algorithms

Reference Books:

1. Michel J. Quinn, “ Parallel Computing: Theory and Practice,” McGraw-Hill 2. Kai Hwang, “Advanced Computer Architecture,” McGraw-Hill.

Fault Tolerant Computing

CS292 L T P Credits

4 0 0 4

Definitions of fault tolerance, fault classification, fault tolerant attributes and system structure. Information redundancy, hardware redundancy, and time redundancy. Reliability and availability models: (Combinatorial techniques, Fault-Tree models, Markov models), Performability Models. Case studies for fault-tolerant systems. Software fault-

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tolerant models. Fault tolerant networks for Shared bus and Shared memory Architecture. Security, fault tolerance in wireless/mobile networks and Internet

Reference Books:

1. D.K. Pradhan, “Fault-Tolerant Computer System Design,” 2003 2. B.W.Johnson, Design and Analysis of Fault-Tolerant Digital Systems,” Addison-Wesley,

1989 3. D.K. Pradhan, “Fault-Tolerant Computing, Theory and Techniques,” Volumes I and II

Prentice Hall, 1986 4. D.P.Siewiorek and R.S.Swartz, “Reliable Computer Systems: Design and Evaluation,”

Digital Press, 1992 5. K.S.Trivedi, “Probability and Statistics with Reliability, Queueing and Computer Science

Application,”Prentice Hall, 1982.

Embedded Systems Design

CS293 L T P Credits

4 0 0 4

Introduction to Embedded Systems: Fundamental components of ESD,Preprocessing, Compiling, cross compiling, Linking, Locating, compiler driver, Linker script, Program segments, Type of memory, Memory Management in Embedded realtime systems, Interrupt and ISR Introduction to Real-time theory: Scheduling theory, Rate Monotonic Scheduling, Utilization bound theorem, RTOS, Task Management, Task management, Race condition, Priority inversion, ISRs and scheduling, Inter-Task communication, Timers Microcontrollers: Role of processor selection in Embedded System (microprocessor vs microcontroller), 8051 microcontroller: architecture, assembly language programming, instruction set, addressing mode, logical operation, arithmetic operation, interrupt handling, Timing subroutines Serial data communication, RS-232, USB, I2C, Interfacing with ADC & sensors, Interfacing with DAC, Interfacing with external ROM, Interfacing with 8255 IEEE 1149.1 (JTAG) testability: Boundary Scan Architecture. References books: 1. Sriram V Iyer and Pankaj Gupta, “Embedded Real-time Systems Programming”, TMH 2006 2. Mazidi and Mazidi, “The 8051 Microcontroller”, PHI, 2006 3. Embedded System by Raj Kamal, TMH, 2004 4. The 8051 Microcontroller by Kennth J. Ayala, Thomson DelMar Learning, 2006 5. 8051 Microcontroller & Embedded systems by Rajiv Kapadia, Jaico, 2006

Network Programming CS294 L T P Credits

4 0 0 4

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Introduction to Systems Programming: Files, System Files, File Formats, Buffered I/O, Directories, File System, Inodes, links, fcntl, links, locks, Device I/O, Terminal I/O, ioctl(), Files and Devices ,Signals, video I/O ,Multi-Tasking Processes and Inter-Process Communication: timers, polling vs interrupts, environment, fork, exec, wait, environment, exit and wait, pipe, fifos, message queues, semaphore Network Programming: Sockets, Operation, Socket types, Domains Name Binding, Closing Sockets, I/O Multiplexing, Client/Server Models, Connection Based Services, Handling Out of Band Data, Connectionless Services, Design issues of Concurrent and iterative servers, Socket options XDR and Remote Procedure Calls, Network Programming at the level of Programming Language (can use Java or Python as case study) Reference Books : 1. Unix Network Programming, W. Richard Stevens, Prentice Hall, 1998 2. Internetworking with TCP/IP, Volume3, Douglas Comer, Prentice Hall, 2000 3. Internetworking with TCP/IP, Volume1, Douglas Comer, Prentice Hall, 2000

Distributed Database Systems

CS295 L T P Credits

4 0 0 4

Distributed and parallel databases concepts – autonomy, distribution, and heterogeneity. Client/server, parallel and distributed architectures. Design strategies. Horizontal, vertical and hybrid fragmentation. Resource allocation. Transaction model, serialization and recovery. Concurrency control, Deadlock management and Distributed deadlock, reliability and availability, load balancing, Schema translation & Integration, multi databases and multi-dimensional indices. Reference Books:

1. Silberschatz, Abraham, Henry F. Korth, and S. Sudarshan.”Database Systems Concepts, 4/e.,” McGraw-Hill Publishers. Copyright 2001. ISBN 0-07-228363-7.

2. Ozsu, M. Tamer and Patrick Valduriez’ “Principles of Distributed Database Systems, 2/e,” Prentice Hall Publishers. Copyright 1999. ISBN 0-13-659707-6.

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Java Based Distributed Object Systems

CS296 L T P Credits

3 0 2 4

Characterization of Distributed Systems, System Models (Architectural and Fundamental Models), Distributed Objects and Remote Invocation (Remote Procedure Calling, Events & Notifications, Java RMI Case Study). Java Beans (Session Beans and Entity Beans). Transaction processing, Model Driven Architecture and its application to EJB applications

Books and References:

1.George Coulouris, Jean Dollimore, Tim Kindberg, “Distributed Systems: Concepts and Design,” Addison Wesley Longman, ISBN: 0-201-61918-0, 2001, 3rd edition.

2.Douglas Schmidt, Michael Stal, Hans Rohnert, Frank Buschmann, “Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture, Volume 2: Patterns for Concurrent and Networked Objects,” John Wiley & Sons, 2nd edition Vol 2 (September 25, 2000), ISBN 0471606952.

3.Herbert Schildt, “Java 2: The Complete Reference ,” McGraw Hill Osborne, 5th Edition. ISBN: 0072224207

4.Vlada Matena, Beth Stearns, “Enterprise JavaBeans[tm] Technology - Applying Enteprise JavaBeans: Component-Based Development For The J2EE[tm] Platform.

Parallel Algorithms

CS297 L T P Credits

4 0 0 4

Introduction to parallel and distributed computing, models of parallel computers, parallel programming models. Design methodology for parallel algorithms Performance metrics, execution time, speedup, efficiency, cost, and scalability, efficiency and cost effectiveness. Sorting on parallel computers, sorting networks, bubble sort, quick sort and other sorting algorithms, Graph algorithms, minimum cost spanning tree, single source shortest paths, all pairs shortest paths, and algorithms for sparse graphs. Mapping matrices on processors, matrix transposition, matrix vector multiplication, and matrix multiplication, solving systems of linear equations.

Reference Books:

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1. Vipin Kumar, Ananth Grama, Anshul Gupta, George Karypis, “Introduction to Parallel Computing, Design and Analysis of Algorithms,” The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co., Inc. 1994

2. Michael queen, Parallel Computing,” McGraw-Hill