msg elections issue

#4 V30 April 16, 2013 DEDICATION WITH EVERY ISSUE Letter from the current Student Government President Hi Everyone, The time has come to elect YOUR new Student Government! Molloy Student Government (MSG) is comprised of student leaders who are dedicated to improving our ever growing campus life, fundraising, and developing relationships with faculty and staff to improve your experience here at Molloy. MSG is responsible for representing you and they always have your best interest in mind because they’re students themselves. Don’t let the opportunity to control how your voice is heard slip away. Exercise your right to VOTE on Wednesday, April 17th through Friday, April 19th. Thank you, Lisamarie Ricigliano President Molloy Student Government SPECIAL STUDENT GOVERNMENT ELECTION ISSUE

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This is an issue dedicated to informing the students of who is running in the elections and what they hope to do with the positions.


Page 1: MSG Elections Issue

#4 V30April 16, 2013 DeDication with every issue

-continued on page 5

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Letter from the current Student Government President

Hi Everyone,

The time has come to elect YOUR new Student Government!

Molloy Student Government (MSG) is comprised of student leaders who are dedicated to improving our ever growing campus life, fundraising, and developing relationships with faculty and staff to improve your experience here at Molloy.

MSG is responsible for representing you and they always have your best interest in mind because they’re students themselves.

Don’t let the opportunity to control how your voice is heard slip away. Exercise your right to VOTE on Wednesday, April 17th through Friday, April 19th.

Thank you,

Lisamarie Ricigliano

President Molloy Student Government


Page 2: MSG Elections Issue

April 16, 2013Molloy Forum2









Melissa Cortes Business/PhilosophyGraduating in 2014


Why do you want to be President of Molloy Student Government?When I came to Molloy College I knew that I wanted to find a way to give back to the Mol-loy Community, and every year that I grow, the extent to which I want to give back grows as well. However, as much as I love Molloy, I am not blind to the fact that there is always room for improvement. I believe that being

the President of Molloy’s Student Government will be the ideal way for me to work with the students and administration in an effort to bridge the gap so that we can help the students receive the most out of their college experience. Molloy has undergone so many wonderful changes over the past few years and needs a President that is capable of keeping up with these changes so that the students are able to receive the benefits as soon as possible. I am here to make this possible by opening the lines of communication and working hard to help both the students and administration achieve their goals. I want to be in this role, not for the title, but because I think that I would be the best voice for the students.

How do you plan to ensure that you represent the Molloy stu-dent body well?Having been a part of many organizations and held a variety of positions at Molloy, I have been fortunate enough to be able to interact with students from all backgrounds. This gives me an advantage because I was able to listen to the wide variety of needs and opinions from our students, which will act as a place to start when it comes to speaking up for what the students are looking for in their institution. But my efforts will not stop there. Molloy holds the Academic and Student Forums every semester, in which stu-dents are allowed to voice their opinions about academic and campus issues that they would like addressed, but I do not feel that this is enough. I would like to open the lines of communication with the students and have open discussions as often as possible. Some of the ways I would like to do this is to implement some form of message board and Open Forum Meetings. The mes-sage board would be online so that students could easily access their Student Government at any time to leave questions that they would like answered or concerns that will help us to improve Molloy. I would also like to add Open Forum Meetings as often as possible, which will allow the students to come to the Student Government to voice their opinions without administration present so that the environment is less intimidating in order to promote free discussion. These are just some ways that I hope to involve the Student Body more.I feel that the best way to represent the Student Body is to have as much information from them as possible. Leading the Student Government is not about what I want to see happen at Molloy, but how to make the students heard and implement their ideas. In this way, I think that I will be the best representation of the Molloy Student Body.

How will your current major assist you in enhancing your lead-ership abilities?I am a Business and Philosophy double major here at Molloy, and what I have learned through my studies has really helped me to grow as an individual. Business and Philosophy is a useful combination to have, especially when dealing with leadership, because it helps you to develop the skills needed to lead a team and the implementation and growth of ideas.Being a Business Major means learning how to work in teams to meet the needs of a customer base. When working in Student Government, it is like you are a part of a business; your customers are the students and your team needs to figure out the best way to make them happy. I am well prepared for this task because over the years I have learned to lead and be a part of a team, how to delegate assignments, public speaking, and time management skills; all of which I hope to impart on my team to allow us to always keep up with the needs of Molloy. I have also learned that not everything goes as planned

Election Candidates

**Questionnaires were sent out to candidates and all responses were left as seen above.**

when you are working with an organization, and have improved my abilities to work off of what you are given and to make the best of the situation. Also, having a second major in Philosophy has helped me to grow in other ways. In Philosophy critical thinking is extremely important and this skill will help me to find the best ways to address the concerns and needs of the students. Also, in Philosophy you need to develop these ideas and confidently write and discuss them; this confidence is also important when leading an organization because your team looks to you for strong leadership and reas-surance. Another skill that I have developed is commitment, a Philosophy Major does not simply give up on developing an idea, paper or on an area of study when it gets too difficult, but rather they push through. What’s most important is the larger goal and I have learned how to make light of the in-conveniences along the way in order to get to the end result. I know that I still have room to grow but being a Business and Philosophy double major has given me a good framework to start with and the skills nec-essary to keep improving. Thank you Molloy for all the great life lessons!

Please discuss one concern you have about Molloy, and how you would work to address it.My biggest concern about Molloy is the student involvement. For the most part the students who attend Molloy come with the intention of going to class and then going home. It pains me to think that there are students graduat-ing that did not get the full college experience. I would like to encourage all students to get involved in some organization on campus and be present at campus activities. While taking care of your academics is of the utmost importance, I feel that being involved truly makes the difference between college attendance and college pride. I would like to actively search out these students and find out what it is that is holding them back from getting in-volved. If it is something that we can change, then I hope to involve Student Government in order to make the necessary changes so that every student can take in all that Molloy College has to offer. Students often overlook the fact that they pay Student Activities Fees as a part of their tuition, so why not get the most of that money spent? I hope to involve Student Government in my efforts to reach the goal of making all students want to come out and be a part of what Molloy has to offer. I feel that Student Government focuses too heavily on campus events, such as parties. I’d like to remove the focus from this area and shift it to campus involvement in general. You can throw all the parties you want, but unless students have a sense of campus pride they’re not going to make an effort to be at all these events. I want to help students to find their niche in college by helping them find or create a club that interests them. Also, at other colleges the athletics is such a large part of everyday campus life, I hope to entice the students to show spirit at the athletics events because maybe that’s the after-class experience that they always wanted, but never realized was there.

Comment on your ability to receive feedback/constructive criticism.Being the President of Molloy’s Student Government comes with much criti-cism and I understand that, in fact I welcome it. In my eyes, an organization would never amount to anything without feedback and criticism because then it would never have anything to help drive its growth. Having been the Gen-eral Manager of MC Student Media I have had to deal with much criticism from all angles, and I think I handled it rather well. No matter what you do (for us it was publications) there will always be a group of people who felt the job could have been done better. It is my idea that when you receive criti-cism for something, you should get that person or group directly involved. Then, not only is their concern addressed, but they also feel personally re-sponsible for its improvement and are more likely to stand by that organiza-tion in the future. You can never please everyone, but if you can at least make things better for the few that you know are unhappy, then I believe that you are on the right path. I try my best not to take the criticism personally when it comes in, but a part of you always wonders if you could have done something better to avoid the issue. I view the fact that I have these emotional ties as a positive, because it means that I want to make the improvements all the more. I understand that I am not perfect, but feedback will only help me to develop the areas that I was lacking in. At the end of the day, I live and breathe Molloy College and the message it promotes from the moment I wake up until well into my dreams. I believe that the best person to serve you and next year’s government is myself, and there is nothing that will keep me from doing my job.

Page 3: MSG Elections Issue

April 16, 2013Molloy Forum


3Election CandidatesRyan Lane Biology/Education 7-12 Special Graduating in 2014









ES Why do you want to be President of

Molloy Student Government? I would like to be the President of the Molloy

Student Government because I have an abundance of ideas on how to make Molloy more enjoyable for the students including an increase in daytime events, a more direct line of communication be-tween MSG and the student body, and the creation

and implementation of even more exciting ways to get involved on campus. I feel that as President I would be able to put my ideas in effect and would be successful in leading the rest of the student government in the execution of their duties and responsibilities to their constituents.

How do you plan to ensure that you represent the Molloy stu-dent body well? I would ensure that my representation of the Molloy student body be appropriate, timely, passionate, and professional. My extreme dedication to the rest of my on-campus activities including my RA position, my current MSG position, my direc-tion and leadership in the Molloy Performing Arts Club, and my experience as a student ambassador have proven that I am well-suited to represent a large variety of the diverse population that comprises our student body.

**Questionnaires were sent out to candidates and all responses were left as seen above.**

How will your current major assist you in enhancing your leader-ship abilities?As an Education major, I am very comfortable presenting thoughts and ideas to a large group of people. It has made me an expert on conveying these ideas in an accurate and well-organized manner. It has also given me a great deal of patience in all situations and has taught me how to meet the needs of all the people I am serving and that it is my duty as a leader to make sure that they are benefiting from my service. Furthermore, as a Biology/Chemistry student, I have learned the importance of teamwork and com-munication in the laboratory setting, and I feel that these skills will assist me greatly in serving as the leader and representative of the student body.

Please discuss one concern you have about Molloy, and how you would work to address it.One major concern I have about Molloy, which I know many other students have also commented on, is the abundance of emails that are sent out daily to the entire Molloy community. As President, I would work diligently to come up with more creative ways to publicize events so that email is not always the only solution. I would also do my best to research a group system so that students only receive emails pertinent to them and their needs.

Comment on your ability to receive feedback/constructive criticism.Being a club president, RA, and education major, I have had my fair share of experienc-es with feedback and constructive criticism. While nobody enjoys receiving criticism, constructive or otherwise, I feel that I accept it, thoroughly reflect on it, and move on to my next task concentrating on and implementing what I learned from the feedback I received. I believe that criticism is necessary and that all failures and shortcomings should serve as a learning experience to improve one’s overall performance. As Presi-dent of MSG, I would openly accept criticism or feedback from any student, faculty, administrator, or fellow MSG member so that myself and my fellow MSG members are constantly improving and serving the student body as best we can.

Connor RyallAccountingGraduating in 2014


Why do you want to be President of Molloy Student Government?I want to be President of Molloy Student Govern-ment because choosing to attend Molloy has been one of the best decisions of my life and I wish to help evolve it into the “big school” that it is growing into. Molloy is a very unique school that offers it’s students amazing opportunities. From the moment I stepped on campus I could feel the very

unique sense of community that everyone interacted within. Molloy has provided me with so much and I only wish to help it grow even more. I feel that I have the necessary traits for the position. I work well in teams and care a lot about my fellow students. I feel that I will perform very well in the position because I always try and do what is right in every decision that I make. I want to be able to include as many students as possible in our Molloy community and I feel that I have the ability to do just that.

How do you plan to ensure that you represent the Molloy student body well?To be able to represent the Molloy student body I would strengthen the connection between Student Government and the students. Showing students that they can rely on their government to help solve their issues is key to a successful representation. I would strive to let every student know that they can, and should, come to Student Government with any concern that they may have and know that we will do every-thing we can to resolve that issue. Opening a constant connection between Student Government and students of Molloy would be one of my biggest goals. It is also ex-tremely important for Student Government to show support for other campus activi-ties. It is another goal of mine to get Student Government a lot more involved with non-government events and activities to show support for campus life as a whole.

How will your current major assist you in enhancing your leader-ship abilities?I am currently an Accounting major in the business department. As a business major I am constantly placed into group exercises and assignments. I am also required to pres-ent in front of my classes on a regular basis. Teamwork and public speaking are two key requirements of this position that I feel I have mastered through my major. Student government is just like a group assignment in one of my business classes, where communication and teamwork are key. I prefer working in teams because as a group I feel you are more likely to solve the issue at hand. One person can only provide one perspective on a task, but as a group, more perspectives will lead to a better answer. This position would not only involve me, but every other member on Student Govern-ment as one team.

Please discuss one concern you have about Molloy, and how you would work to address it.My biggest concern at Molloy is for the students who are not involved with any form of campus life. It would be my goal as president to show the benefits of getting in-volved to an even larger scale of students. To do this, I would attempt to build up club representation and resources. With the clubs having a stronger foundation they will be better able to expand their network. The clubs at Molloy provide an amazing sense of belonging. When I joined student government as a freshman it was as if I became part of a family. I want every student at Molloy to have the chance to join a similar group of people who they can call their own Molloy family as I did when I joined government. Allowing clubs the resources to expand will help reach more of these target students.

Comment on your ability to receive feedback/constructive criticism.Feedback and criticism is absolutely necessary for Student Government as a whole. In this position it is important to remember the key goal; to represent the student body and provide the best college experience possible for these students. I realize this goal completely and will do anything I can to obtain it. As mentioned earlier, one person only provides one perspective, so I would need feedback and criticism from every pos-sible source in order to reach the best answer for any issue or decision. In any group decision I will always consult with everyone involved so I know that the decision made is in favor of the entire group.

Page 4: MSG Elections Issue

April 16, 2013Molloy Forum4









**Questionnaires were sent out to candidates and all responses were left as seen above.**

Craig GendjoianMajorGraduating in 2015


How many years have you been at Molloy?I have attended Molloy College for two years and am entering my Junior year.

What position on Molloy Student Government are you running for?I have decided to run for the position of Vice-President of The Molloy Student Government for 2013-2014.

Why do you want this position?I want this position because I feel that after two years of holding the position of Class President, I have observed the roles and responsibilities of the Vice-President intently, and feel I will provide the greatest benefit to MSG members and students if I am elected.

What makes you a good candidate for this position?The position of Vice President of Molloy Student government would provide me with the opportunity to take on responsibilities that I truly desire. Work isn’t considered work if one is passionate and enjoys what he or she is doing, and that’s exactly what this position would provide for me. In turn, my quality of work will be high, benefitting the students and Molloy as a whole. My dedication to this school and aspiration to do more makes me a suitable candidate for this position.

What leadership qualities do you possess?As made relevant in my tenure on Molloy Student Government, I am capable of exem-plifying leadership qualities at almost any given time. As a passive leader, I like to take a step back in many situations and evaluate them before I come up with an execution plan. I feel this leadership type is ideal for one in the Vice-Presidential position.

What will you do for the students, especially ones who aren’t usually involved in activities?Whereas many candidates will point to new events they’d like to host on campus, I think the events we currently hold annually are sufficient to have an even greater student turn out one time after another. Rather than adding more events each year, I feel they should be marketed differently, and aimed towards these students to peak their interest. For example, PR’ing events to different academic divisions rather than to individual clubs to ensure word has reached the ears of every student.

If elected, what would you like to change at Molloy?If I am fortunate enough to get elected to the position of Vice President for the 2013-2014 academic school year, I would focus my efforts on continuing along the path our former student government executives and administration has put the school on. Molloy is growing at a rate we never would have foreseen, and I hope to be the MSG Vice-President who keeps this this alive.


How many years have you been at Mol-loy?This is my second year at Molloy. I love the atmosphere of this school and have enjoyed being on Government from day one.

What position on Molloy Student Govern-ment are you running for?

I am running for the position of executive board TREASURER

Why do you want this position?I want this position because I would like to continue being active on Mol-loy’s Student Government. I’ve had a successful two years on Government as Freshmen and Sophomore Class President and would like to further my skills and abilities past the Government’s legislature and onto it’s executive board as Treasurer.

What makes you a good candidate for this position?I am the perfect candidate for this position because I already have the experi-ence to fill the needs and requirements needed for this position. I am compe-tent and reliable when given a task and have familiarized myself with all the duties that the position entails.

What leadership qualities do you possess?My work ethic and strong ability to manage my time are my greatest assets. I have held numerous leadership positions in High School and here at Mol-loy. I can manage my priorities and get the task at hand done, on time, and efficiently.

What will you do for the students, especially ones who aren’t usually involved in activities?Student involvement is key in a successful student based government. My position would allow me to financially implicate the direction in which the student government should be focused on, based on the student body’s needs and wants.

If elected, what would you like to change at Molloy?Next year if elected, I would like to implement a better communication sys-tem between the position of Treasurer and the student body to further detail what financial actions have been implemented on a monthly basis to ensure the needs and wants of the student body are being fulfilled.

Joe PlatiaBusiness/PhilosophyGraduating in 2015

Student Activities Coordinator

How many years have you been at Molloy?I transferred to Molloy in spring 2012.

What position on Molloy Student Government are you running for?I am running for Student Activities Coordinator.

Why do you want this position?I want to run for Student Activities Coordinator be-

cause I can relate to new students who are interested in starting a new club or getting involved. I believe that my experience in starting the American Sign Language club and working with other clubs such as, the Italian club, Music Therapy club, L.E.A.D club, etc., will help benefit student clubs and organizations.

What makes you a good candidate for this position?I believe I am a good candidate for Student Activities Coordinator because I have developed a wonderful rapport with club presidents when co-hosting or participating in events such as, Zombie fest, Valentine Cabaret, St. Baldrick’s Day, etc. During

Victoria BardinSpeech-PathologyGraduating in 2015

my time at Molloy, I have had many opportunities to develop and strengthen my skills as a leader through workshops, orientation leadership, and being president of the ASL club. I am confident that I will do a wonderful job next year!

What leadership qualities do you possess?As my experience as founder and president of the American Sign Language club, I have been equipped with the skills to become a great leader as well as a role model for Molloy students.

What will you do for the students, especially ones who aren’t usually involved in activities?It may sometimes be difficult for new students to feel comfortable to join a club or go to events. However, in my experience as a new student, I was met with opened arms and support to find my place at Molloy. I think it is important to have an open door policy where new students can ask questions about participating or starting a club or organization.

If elected, what would you like to change at Molloy?It has been an interest of mine to have American Sign Language recognized as a modern language at Molloy. I believe that my experience through this process will be beneficial to students who would also like to bring their personal interest in Mol-loy and create more opportunities for Molloy students.

Page 5: MSG Elections Issue

Molloy Forum 5

By: Susan Feltman

April 16, 2013









**Questionnaires were sent out to candidates and all responses were left as seen above.**

Joe PlatiaBusiness/PhilosophyGraduating in 2015

my time at Molloy, I have had many opportunities to develop and strengthen my skills as a leader through workshops, orientation leadership, and being president of the ASL club. I am confident that I will do a wonderful job next year!

What leadership qualities do you possess?As my experience as founder and president of the American Sign Language club, I have been equipped with the skills to become a great leader as well as a role model for Molloy students.

What will you do for the students, especially ones who aren’t usually involved in activities?It may sometimes be difficult for new students to feel comfortable to join a club or go to events. However, in my experience as a new student, I was met with opened arms and support to find my place at Molloy. I think it is important to have an open door policy where new students can ask questions about participating or starting a club or organization.

If elected, what would you like to change at Molloy?It has been an interest of mine to have American Sign Language recognized as a modern language at Molloy. I believe that my experience through this process will be beneficial to students who would also like to bring their personal interest in Mol-loy and create more opportunities for Molloy students.

Amanda AmmiratiEnglishGraduating in 2014

Programming Coordinator

How many years have you been at Molloy?This is my third year at Molloy, and it’s been the best one yet.

What position on Molloy Student Govern-ment are you running for?I am running for Programming Coordinator of Molloy Student Government during this election.

Programming Coordinator

How many years have you been at Molloy?I am currently a sophomore and have been at Molloy for two years.

What position on Molloy Student Government are you running for?I am running to be the Programming Coordinator of MSG.

Why do you want this position?I want this position because I want to plan events on campus that will be enjoyable for everyone.

What makes you a good candidate for this position?I am perfect for this position because I am organized, outgoing and passionate. My organization and time management skills will allow me to plan events thoroughly. My outgoing personality will aid me in planning events for the whole campus community, by allowing me to interact with the students at Molloy and arrange campus events to be geared towards popular demand. I am extremely passionate about Molloy’s campus life and I have been and will continue to be doing everything I can to make every student feel they are having the best college experience.

What leadership qualities do you possess?A leader should have integrity, dedication, and creativity. I possess all of those quali-ties. I can be trusted in any situation. I am dedicated to Molloy and I will spend what-ever time and energy is necessary to accomplish my goals as Programming Coordina-tor. I am able to think outside the box and I will be able to bring new exciting ideas to Molloy’s campus life.

What will you do for the students, especially ones who aren’t usually involved in activities?I will make sure there are a variety of events on campus; this way there will be some-thing to do for everybody. I will plan events that all students want to attend so that there will be an even larger campus life at Molloy.

If elected, what would you like to change at Molloy?I would like to change the lack of attendance at Molloy events by creating parties and activities that appeal to all different types of students. If I am elected Programming Coordinator there will be an increase of student involvement at activities campus wide.

Jessica BuonfriscoMajorGraduating in 2015

Secretary Juliana PuleoSpeech-PathologyGraduating in 2015

Why do you want this position?I am very excited to be running for this position, because I want to ensure that my final year at Molloy is the best it can be for the whole student body.

What makes you a good candidate for this position?I strongly believe that I would be a great candidate for this position, because I am creative, passionate, and dedicated to carrying out Molloy’s mission while throw-ing events that are fun and beneficial to the students as a whole.I take the time to encourage student involvement in my classes, and I make sure that I ask for the suggestions and concerns of my peers.

What leadership qualities do you possess?It is important to demonstrate certain leadership qualities in order to get the job done right. I am open-minded and welcoming to other people’s opinions and sug-gestions. I strive to be as cooperative and flexible as possible, while still being assertive and responsible. I am a big believer in the benefits of teamwork, in that I enjoy the culmination of ideas coming together to put forth the best result possible, while highlighting and utilizing the strengths of those that I’m working with.

What will you do for the students, especially ones who aren’t usually involved in activities?During my last year on government, I found that many students like personal in-teraction in order to have their voice be heard, whether it is in class or at events to give positive and negative feedback. I will make myself available via social media and put myself out there on campus to gather the students’ opinions so I can put them into action and do everything in my power to make sure that they have a say in their school’s activities.

If elected, what would you like to change at Molloy?Molloy has drastically changed since I first stepped foot on the campus in 2010. With such major and beneficial changes to our campus, we have more opportunities to host fun, positive, and rewarding activities for the students. If elected, I would love to take advantage of these changes and host events that are FOR the students and chosen BY the students, along with fan-favorite activities such as the Hallow-een Party and the beginning and end-of-year barbeques. I will encourage that every voice be heard, so that a sense of positivity is promoted by all to get involved.

How many years have you been at Molloy?I am in the process of completing my first year here at Molloy.

What position on Molloy Student Government are you running for?I am running for Secretary of Molloy Student Gov-ernment for the 2013-2014 school year.

Why do you want this position?After spending my first year here at Molloy as Freshman Class President of Molloy Student Government, I feel like I truly know the ins-and-outs of Molloy and MSG as a whole. Molloy has become a second home to me; I spend the majority of my time on campus trying to make the most of the college experience (even as a commut-ing student). I want the opportunity to reach out to Molloy students in new ways and truly engage the student body. One of the main roles of Secretary, as stated by the MSG Constitution, includes taking minutes at MSG meetings and making them available to the students. Most campus events are discussed at these meetings and I feel as though they will be an extremely valuable resource in engaging those stu-dents at Molloy who aren’t as active as others.

What makes you a good candidate for this position?The Secretary position is one that requires an individual to be organized and tenacious, two qualities that I proudly possess. I pride myself in the quality of my work and believe that I would make a positive contribution to Molloy Student Government as Secretary.

What leadership qualities do you possess?I like to consider myself a participative leader, one who values the input of others, but knows how to make decisions under pressure. I am a great listener and pride myself in my ability to understand the perspective of others. I enjoy taking a leadership role, working in both groups as well as on my own. Being a member of the Executive Board will give me the opportunity to lead as a group, while the Secretarial role will provide me with the opportunity to be a sole leader.

What will you do for the students, especially ones who aren’t usually involved in activities?My number one priority as a current member of MSG is getting people involved. I want to make sure that everyone is always provided with the information needed to assure the best college experience possible. As Secretary of MSG, I intend of imple-menting new strategies when it comes to engaging the student body.

If elected, what would you like to change at Molloy?There is nothing I would “change” at Molloy. It is an incredible school filled with op-portunity upon opportunity. The only thing that I feel could be improved on is commu-nication. I want to be part of the continuous improvements that occur at Molloy and I feel that getting everyone involved is key.

Page 6: MSG Elections Issue

April 16, 2013Molloy Forum6









Academic Board Chairperson

Community Service CoordinatorTharaleisha Laurant

Community Service CoordinatorAlly Grunin

How many years have you been at Molloy?This is my first year at Molloy.

What position on Molloy Student Government are you running for?I am running for Community Service Coordinator.

Why do you want this position?I want this position because I enjoy volunteering and taking part of my community. It feels good to give back

to my community in any way that I can.

How many years have you been at Molloy?I am finishing my first year at Molloy, as a freshman.

What position on Molloy Student Government are you running for?I am running for Community Service Coordinator.

Why do you want this position?I am extremely excited for the 2013-2014 school year! I am constantly enthusiastic about serving and helping others. I want to share with our Mol-loy students my ideas on how they can help better

our community, starting with the smallest actions. We all can make a difference; a gesture that may seem minor to one person can have a positive impact on another individual’s day.

What makes you a good candidate?This year I have continually served the Molloy community and beyond, as a Fresh-man Class President. My fellow officers and I have fundraised for charities such as Ronald McDonald House, which provides a “home-away-from-home” for families traveling far distances to get treatment for their seriously ill children. In addition we helped Molloy fundraise for the Joseph McElroy Camp Boggy Creek Scholarship Fund, which helps send seriously ill children to summer camp. I also have served others through music. As a violinist, I have volunteered my time, by performing at several nursing homes, for residents of Valley Stream in our community orchestra and playing in my church’s band. This year at Molloy, I arranged for our string ensemble to perform for the elderly at Somerset Gardens. I am also a mentor to younger girls in my community through the Sparkle Empowerment Program for Girls. Recently, I spoke to the group of girls and their parents on ambition, at the “Future Leaders Luncheon.” I cannot wait to continue to serve and help others in any way that I can!

What leadership qualities do you possess?As I have held many class officer positions, in numerous clubs throughout my high school career and now at Molloy through Student Government and String Ensemble, I realized leadership is not always about the title. Leadership qualities include, knowing how to make executive decisions when needed and sharing your ideas, but it is also about sitting back at times and listening to the other people around you. One has to be able to listen to the people she is working with, but more importantly the people that she is serving. Listening goes hand in hand with communication. If a person is a leader then she is able to calmly and effectively express her ideas. I have demonstrated this year that I obtain these qualities and will continue to build on my leadership skills to serve my community.

What will you do for the students, especially ones who aren’t usually involved?I want to show students that to serve their community one individual does not always have to make a grand gesture by him or herself. By combining a lot of peoples’ small actions together we can start a chain reaction, as the Molloy community learned dur-ing the Rachel’s Challenge presentation. Personally, I know students who are usually not involved because they are not very outgoing. I want to show students to help others you do not always need to be the person in charge or in the spotlight with the microphone. I envision that with small steps, I will help to increase involvement on campus with the assistance of my fellow government members.

If elected, what would you like to change at Molloy?If elected, I want to change the amount of involvement on campus. Students do not realize the amount of exciting events that happen at Molloy with the help of all the clubs and honor societies. Students also do not realize the numerous amazing opportunities there are to help make a positive impact on their community. I will make students aware of the chances they have to make their experience at Molloy a positive one.

Community Service CoordinatorMary-Kate MichelsHow many years have you been at Molloy?I am currently a freshman here at Molloy in my sec-ond semester.

What position on Molloy Student Government are you running for?I am running for the position of Community Service Coordinator on Molloy Student Government.

Why do you want this position?I am running for the position of Community Ser-

vice Coordinator because I want to try and make a difference in serving not only the student body here at Molloy, but also the community. I hope to bring new ideas to the table in ways to fundraise for different organizations in the community, as well as giv-ing students more opportunities to help others through service.

What makes you a good candidate for this position?I am a good candidate for this position because I have been very involved with dif-ferent types of service throughout my entire life. I have taken part in various different types of food drives and service clubs through my high school, and while at Molloy I aided with St. Baldrick’s Day, and I am an active member of the Relay for Life com-mittee. I am currently a member of Molloy Student Government’s Academic Board and I gained the position half way through the year. I have taken this position very seriously and have succeeded in planning my own event. I understand the dedication and responsibility needed to be a part of Student Government at Molloy. I have also taken part in service trips through Campus Ministries, such as the Urban Challenge in Camden, New Jersey and feel it would be a great idea to get Campus Ministries and Student Government more involved with events together.

What leadership qualities do you possess?Being a leader does not always mean telling people what to do and how to do it. A good leader listens to the opinions of others, has a strong character, and is dedicated to their assigned task. I feel as though I possess all of these qualities. I am always open to the opinions of others and I welcome new ideas with open arms. I also feel that my character shines through and I am a warm, approachable person. Finally, I feel that I am dedicated to any task that is thrown my way and I will never drop the ball or put 50% of my time into a task; it will always be 100%.

What will you do for the students, especially ones who aren’t usually involved?I will give the students new opportunities to get involved with service both on and off campus. I personally know of a handful of students who have been looking for differ-ent ways to get involved with community service and say that they feel they do not have the adequate amount of opportunities. I want to change that. I hope to develop a partnership with Campus Ministries to get students more involved, but also to help them to better themselves. For students who usually aren’t involved, having a govern-ment partnership with Campus Ministries will possibly give a more welcoming view of getting involved. By getting involved with community service, the students benefit others but they also benefit themselves.

If elected, what would you like to change at Molloy?If elected for Community Service Coordinator, I would like to change the amount of fundraisers we do here at Molloy, as well as getting involved with different and diverse organizations. Currently, the largest fundraiser I have taken part in at Molloy was St. Baldrick’s Day. This event was a huge success in raising money to fight child-hood cancer and I think it would be amazing if we could pull off more of these types of events for different organizations. I would also like to make Relay for Life here at Molloy a more prominent and driving event. This is the first year we are taking part in Relay for Life and it has been a great success so far, but I believe that we can make it even better. A lot of the students at Molloy have the heart to want to serve others, and I want them to be able to spread that love and servitude.

**Questionnaires were sent out to candidates and all responses were left as seen above.**

What makes you a good candidate for this position?I am a good candidate for this position because I have experience with taking part in my community and with helping coordinate volunteer activities.What leadership qualities do you possess?Some leadership qualities I possess are honesty, positive attitude, dedication to what I do and team orientated.What will you do for the students, especially ones who aren’t usually involved in activities?I will talk to students and find out what interests them. Using this information, I can then help students become more involved in community service activities at Molloy that they will hold interest in.If elected, what would you like to change at Molloy?If elected I would like to have more community service activities and publicize the activities more so more students can get involved.

Page 7: MSG Elections Issue

April 16, 2013Molloy Forum 7









Public Relations CoordinatorShannon Burden

Public Relations CoordinatorMary Cangialosi

Public Relations CoordinatorMatt McLeod

Residence Hall Representative Anna Delgado

How many years have you been at Molloy?This is currently my third year at Molloy. Next year, I’ll be a senior!

What position on Molloy Student Government are you running for?I am running for Public Relations Coordinator.

Why do you want this position?I would love to be PR Coordinator of Student Government because I love to get everyone

involved, excited and pumped up. I love being creative and thinking outside of the box, and I absolutely love talking to people. I want to ensure that not a percentage, not just the majority, but each student knows what is going on around campus, and is excited to attend and help out.

What makes you a good candidate for this position?I’m very friendly, I’m very outgoing and I have no problem getting the word out anywhere. I definitely have several creative ideas up my sleeves to make sure each and every student at Molloy knows what is happening on campus.

What leadership qualities do you possess?If I see a problem or an issue, I need to fix it. I have no problem communicating with members of my team to make sure we accomplish our goals. I am respon-sible, helpful and I am effective at multitasking.

What will you do for the students, especially ones who aren’t usually involved in activities?Next year, the PR at Molloy will go way beyond stall talk and posters. Almost every student has a Facebook and/or a Twitter, even if they aren’t super involved. So we will let them know via events, posts and maybe even some fun “Like this status…” contests! If you cover every ground that needs to be covered, it will be very difficult to miss a spot.

If elected, what would you like to change at Molloy?I want to see almost every, if not all, students dancing at every party, participating in every community service event and attending different meetings of clubs. Let’s build up attendance and in turn, build up strength in our college campus!

How many years have you been at Molloy?I am currently in my second year at Molloy Col-lege.

What position on Molloy Student Government are you running for?I am running for the position of Public Relations.

Why do you want this position?I want to make sure everyone is aware about all

the exciting events that the school holds and has a chance to get involved in all of them.

What makes you a good candidate for this position?I am very outgoing and friendly person and I feel comfortable to go up to people and start having a conversation. With these qualities, I know that I can help spread the word about all our schools events.

What leadership qualities do you possess?I am very organized and task orientated person. I like to get everything done on time and once I start a task I am committed to finishing it at top quality.

What will you do for the students, especially ones who aren’t usually involved in activities?I would love to make sure everyone has the chance to get involved in all of our events. We have so many different events hosted by all of our great and various groups at school so there is going to be at least one event that will relate to every-one.

If elected, what would you like to change at Molloy?I would like to make sure that everyone at the school attends at least one event each semester. In order to do so, I will make sure to promote each clubs event to the fullest extent! Also, I want people to feel that they can come up to me and talk to me and ask me any questions. I want people to tell me what they liked/disliked about any of our events as well as tell me what other type of events they would want us to have.

How many years have you been at Molloy? This is my first year

What position on Molloy Student Govern-ment are you running for? Res Hall Rep

Why do you want this position? I live in the Res Hall and I’m loving every second. So I’d love to be more involved in the Res Hall and be able to make events inside and

help the RAs.

What makes you a good candidate for this position? I talk to everyone in the dorms so I’ll be able to communicate their needs and wants. I’ve worked with MSG last semester and have had great MSG role models so I know what it takes to put on events.

What leadership qualities do you possess? I’m very talkative, ethustatic and I listen very well. I put others’ wants before mine, so if the majority wants something then I’m going to make it happen.

What will you do for the students, especially ones who aren’t usually in-volved in activities?I’ll make them feel welcomed, the Res Hall is our new home. And it can be a little scarey at first because of all the new people you have to meet. So I’m going to talk to everyone and just make friends with them. It’s so much easier with friends around.

If elected, what would you like to change at Molloy? Honestly, I don’t think I would change anything. Personally, I love everything about Molloy. I’m just going to continue to have really fun events.

How many years have you been at Molloy?I have been a student at Molloy College for 2 years.

What position on Molloy Student Govern-ment are you running for?I am currently running for Public Relations.

Why do you want this position?The reason I want this position is to get the

whole Molloy student body more involved in school activities.

What makes you a good candidate for this position?I believe that I am a great candidate for this position because I am a great people’s person. I will find many ways to connect our school keeping everyone informed in what’s new at Molloy College.

What leadership qualities do you possess?A few leadership qualities that I posses that will help me with this position are being an out going person, determined, approachable, creative and influential.

What will you do for the students, especially ones who aren’t usually in-volved in activities?I would try to get them involved by promoting every event to the fullest of my capability to ensure that everyone is aware of everything going on.

If elected, what would you like to change at Molloy?I would like the students and faculty together at Molloy College to get more involved in all of the activities held on campus.

Community Service Coordinator

How many years have you been at Molloy?I am currently a freshman here at Molloy in my sec-ond semester.

What position on Molloy Student Government are you running for?I am running for the position of Community Service Coordinator on Molloy Student Government.

Why do you want this position?I am running for the position of Community Ser-

vice Coordinator because I want to try and make a difference in serving not only the student body here at Molloy, but also the community. I hope to bring new ideas to the table in ways to fundraise for different organizations in the community, as well as giv-ing students more opportunities to help others through service.

What makes you a good candidate for this position?I am a good candidate for this position because I have been very involved with dif-ferent types of service throughout my entire life. I have taken part in various different types of food drives and service clubs through my high school, and while at Molloy I aided with St. Baldrick’s Day, and I am an active member of the Relay for Life com-mittee. I am currently a member of Molloy Student Government’s Academic Board and I gained the position half way through the year. I have taken this position very seriously and have succeeded in planning my own event. I understand the dedication and responsibility needed to be a part of Student Government at Molloy. I have also taken part in service trips through Campus Ministries, such as the Urban Challenge in Camden, New Jersey and feel it would be a great idea to get Campus Ministries and Student Government more involved with events together.

What leadership qualities do you possess?Being a leader does not always mean telling people what to do and how to do it. A good leader listens to the opinions of others, has a strong character, and is dedicated to their assigned task. I feel as though I possess all of these qualities. I am always open to the opinions of others and I welcome new ideas with open arms. I also feel that my character shines through and I am a warm, approachable person. Finally, I feel that I am dedicated to any task that is thrown my way and I will never drop the ball or put 50% of my time into a task; it will always be 100%.

What will you do for the students, especially ones who aren’t usually involved?I will give the students new opportunities to get involved with service both on and off campus. I personally know of a handful of students who have been looking for differ-ent ways to get involved with community service and say that they feel they do not have the adequate amount of opportunities. I want to change that. I hope to develop a partnership with Campus Ministries to get students more involved, but also to help them to better themselves. For students who usually aren’t involved, having a govern-ment partnership with Campus Ministries will possibly give a more welcoming view of getting involved. By getting involved with community service, the students benefit others but they also benefit themselves.

If elected, what would you like to change at Molloy?If elected for Community Service Coordinator, I would like to change the amount of fundraisers we do here at Molloy, as well as getting involved with different and diverse organizations. Currently, the largest fundraiser I have taken part in at Molloy was St. Baldrick’s Day. This event was a huge success in raising money to fight child-hood cancer and I think it would be amazing if we could pull off more of these types of events for different organizations. I would also like to make Relay for Life here at Molloy a more prominent and driving event. This is the first year we are taking part in Relay for Life and it has been a great success so far, but I believe that we can make it even better. A lot of the students at Molloy have the heart to want to serve others, and I want them to be able to spread that love and servitude.

**Questionnaires were sent out to candidates and all responses were left as seen above.**

What leadership qualities do you possess?Some leadership qualities I possess are honesty, positive attitude, dedication to what I do and team orientated.

If elected, what would you like to change at Molloy?If elected I would like to have more community service activities and publicize the activities more so more students can get involved.

Page 8: MSG Elections Issue

April 16, 2013Molloy Forum8M









Academic Board ChairpersonAndrea-Gayle Baltazar

Senior Class PresidentJohn Bonadonna

Senior Class PresidentChris Bargeron

How many years have you been at Molloy?I have been at Molloy for 3 years.

What position on Molloy Student Government are you running for?I’m running for the position of Academic Board Chairperson.

Why do you want this position?I want this position because I want to contribute to

Molloy Student Government and participate in more extra-curricular activities in college. I also believe that I would make a great addition to this organization.

What makes you a good candidate for this position?My strengths include effective organization and communication skills, which I believe are skills that a good candidate for the Academic Board Chairperson posi-tion should posses.

What leadership qualities do you possess?The best leadership quality that I possess is my passion for guiding and helping others, and my awareness of the importance of teamwork. I also believe that mod-esty is an important quality of being a good leader.

What will you do for the students, especially ones who aren’t usually involved in activities?I will continue to promote the importance of participating in activities on campus, and let students know that there are many ways to get involved!

If elected, what would you like to change at Molloy?I want to help come up with more ideas for events on campus that other members of the Molloy community would enjoy taking part in.

How many years have you been at Molloy?I have attended Molloy College for three years, the entirety of my college career.

What position on Molloy Student Government are you running for?I am running for Senior Class President.

Why do you want this position?I want this position because I feel a devotion to Mol-

loy and want to contribute to the success of the institution that has done so much for me.

What makes you a good candidate for this position?I am a good candidate for the position of Senior Class President because I am moti-vated, determined to great things, devoted to my commitments, make sound judgment in decision making and think with great foresight. Besides being a student myself, I am well aware of my peers’ outlook on Molloy as well, giving me the ability to con-nect any planning directly with students’ views and preferences.

What leadership qualities do you possess?L eadership qualities that I possess are assertiveness, motivation, conscientiousness, exceptional teamwork ability, high extraversion and great interpersonal skills, as well as focus and determination to achieve my goals.

What will you do for the students, especially ones who aren’t usually involved in activities?I will make every student view Molloy as a unified community, in which we can all identify with ourselves with our peers and ultimately get the most from our Molloy experience.

If elected, what would you like to change at Molloy?I would change the attitudes around campus, bringing forth greater enjoyment of the Molloy experience as well as more motivation to take part in campus activities. My goal is to achieve a unified student body that is educated on everything that Molloy has to offer.

How many years have you been at Molloy?3 years

What position on Molloy Student Government are you running for?Senior Class President

Why do you want this position?I want this position because I want to be able to influ-ence people on campus to be involved more in activi-ties and clubs and organize events that the student body will attend and have a great time at.

What makes you a good candidate?A good candidate for Senior Class President should be familiar with the people in his/her graduating class. He/she should also be willing to work with others, have great ideas, and attend to some of the issues the rest of the student body has. He/she should be a role model for the Freshman, Sophomore and Junior class to look up to for guidance.

What leadership qualities do you possess?I consider myself enthusiastic, well-respected, experienced, dedicated and humorous. All of these I consider my best leadership qualities.

What will you do for the students, especially ones who aren’t usually involved?Some of the students of Molloy College say that there isn’t anything to do or there isn’t anything for them. I think the best way to attend to these students is to ask them what their interests are and then try to set up activities and events around their interests.

If elected, what would you like to change at Molloy?If I am elected Senior Class President, I would like to be able to change the percent-age of student involvement on campus and make it higher. Whether it be attending events or joining clubs, I would like to influence students to do something on campus to make their college experience more enjoyable. Especially for the students graduat-ing in 2014, if some of them haven’t gotten a great experience in college I hope to be able to have some event that will make them say “Hey, my senior year was pretty great!”

Senior Class PresidentTom MalinowskiHow many years have you been at Molloy?3

What position on Molloy Student Government are you running for?Senior Class President

Why do you want this position?To help better Molloy College as much as possible and to plan a phenomenal gala.

What makes you a good candidate for this position?I am very involved on campus and have a passion to better Molloy College

What leadership qualities do you possess?I am firm, well-liked, caring, brave and do what is right.

What will you do for the students, especially ones who aren’t usually involved?I will get the word out to these students about existing activities, and see what activi-ties they would like to see Molloy have.

If elected, what would you like to change at Molloy?Anything to make Molloy better.

**Questionnaires were sent out to candidates and all responses were left as seen above.**

Page 9: MSG Elections Issue

April 16, 2013Molloy Forum 9









Junior Class PresidentLiz Boylan

Junior Class President

Ifeoluwapo OshikanluJunior Class President

Suzie RupesJunior Class President

How many years have you been at Molloy?I am a sophomore and have been at Molloy for two years.

What position on Molloy Student Government are you running for?I am running for Junior Class President.

Why do you want this position?Due to my recent move into the Sophomore class

as the historian, I have realized that representing my class, planning events, and holding fundraisers is something I love and really want to do more of next year.

What makes you a good candidate for this position?In the past two years, I have had three roles on government (Public Relations Coordination, Programming Coordinator, and most recent Sophomore Historian). Because of holding these separate roles, I now know the ins and outs of different positions, and I can use the skills from my other roles to aid in adding something even more special to my role in the junior class next year.

What leadership qualities do you possess?I am very enthusiastic and creative. I also don’t like to disappoint people and I like to be reliable, so I am always determined to get things done and help out oth-ers when it’s needed. I am very optimistic as well; so if something seems to not work, I believe there is always a way to find a solution to make things work one way or another.

What will you do for the students, especially ones who aren’t usually involved in activities?I will make sure that I get as much input from the students as possible and incorporate what they would like to see into school events, and throughout their everyday school experience. Through my work, I will encourage all students to attend as many events as possible and get more students excited about the campus life at Molloy.

If elected, what would you like to change at Molloy?I wouldn’t want to change much, just to get more students into the campus life and excited about it!!!

How many years have you been at Molloy?I have been at Molloy College for two years.

What position on Molloy Student Government are you running for?I am running for Junior Class President.

Why do you want this position?I want this position because I love Molloy and en-joy planning events and being involved. Our class

has been doing well when it comes to fundraising and hosting events and I would simply like to continue the good work and pick up where we left off this semester.

What makes you a good candidate for this position?This position requires someone that is passionate, hardworking, organized, com-mitted, and a good team leader, all of which I believe I possess. I also have experi-ence being a class president and know all that goes into the position.

What leadership qualities do you possess?I am very approachable and open-minded. I love to hear other people’s ideas and create amazing events and fundraisers on campus. I also communicate very well.

What will you do for the students, especially ones who aren’t usually involved in activities?I would like to find out their interests and bring activities on campus that they would be interested in order to get a larger turn out at events and reach out to every group on campus so the they have the best college experience possible.

If elected, what would you like to change at Molloy?If elected I would like to increase the involvement of clubs and sports teams at weekly student government meetings by making an incentive to send a represen-tative to the meetings in order to draw in more ideas and input on ways to make the school and its events better. I would also like to increase the dining options on campus because it is an issue that comes up frequently from semester to semester.

How many years have you been at Molloy? I have been at Molloy College for two years.

What position on Molloy Student Government are you running for? I am running for the position of Junior Class President of Student Government

Why do you want this position? As Junior Class President, I would be able to solve conflicts as they arise, set visions, strategies, and

goals to raise money or services for our college to help out the community and the world around us. In this position, I would have the ability to organize events for the college, solve conflicts, and try to improve student life to make Molloy College an experience of a lifetime for all students.

What makes you a good candidate for this position? As Sophomore Class President, I haven’t only learned how Student Government is organized at Molloy College; I have helped and organized committees for events at Molloy College. As being Junior Class President of Student Government, I would be able to continue organizing events, as well as organize and help fundraisers which will help improve the community around us. In addition, I would be able to use my leadership abilities that I have acquired throughout my life experiences.

What leadership qualities do you possess? The leadership qualities that I possess are honesty, active listening, good communicat-ing skills, decisiveness, and dependability.

What will you do for the students, especially ones who aren’t usually involved in activities?I will help organize activities and events which will bring students together who would never otherwise speak or socialize with each other. Hence, I will also create activities everyone can enjoy together while meeting new people.

If elected, what would you like to change at Molloy? As Junior Class President, I would like to increase the study areas with more comput-ers and additional places for students to meet and relax with friends.

How many years have you been at Molloy?I have been at Molloy for 2 years.

What position on Molloy Student Government are you running for?I am running for Junior Class President.

Why do you want this position?I want this position because after living in the Resi-dence Hall and attending numerous campus events, I would love to be able to get my class excited about

attending events.

What makes you a good candidate for this position?I think I’m a good candidate for this position because, I speak to a lot of students and get a sense of what they would like to see and I would love to be able to be the person who helps that happen.

What leadership qualities do you possess?Some leadership qualities I posses are that I’m an RA in Fitzgerald hall, I put on programs, help students with problems, and continuously brainstorm with other RA’s on how to make their experience dorming a great one.

What will you do for the students, especially ones who aren’t usually involved in activities?Get them motivated! People who typically don’t get involved are people who don’t feel they will get something out of attending the event, I would love everyone to leave this campus happy and excited to return because of what they experience on a day-to-day basis.

If elected, what would you like to change at Molloy?If elected some things I would like to change are the big campus events, find a way to make them more appealing and help students be more motivated to attend.

**Questionnaires were sent out to candidates and all responses were left as seen above.**

Ashley Mancilla

Page 10: MSG Elections Issue

From a man who started off his journey riding a beat down motorcycle across India, his admirable achievements are phenomenal.

April 16, 2013Molloy Forum10M









Junior Class PresidentMichael Russo

Sophomore Class President

Sophomore Class President

Nicole Saviolis

How many years have you been at Molloy?I am currently a sophomore at Molloy College.

What position on Molloy Student Government are you running for?I am running for Junior Class President on Molloy Student Government.

Why do you want this position?I want this position because I feel I possess lead-

ership qualities that can greatly benefit the junior class and Molloy College as a whole. I have great ideas that I am really excited to bring to the table. I joined Molloy Student Government in the beginning of the second semester and I ended up loving it. Knowing that the students actually do have a voice in how this amazing school is run is one of the things I love most about being on MSG.

What makes you a good candidate for this position?What makes me a good candidate for junior class president are my leadership skills, openmindedness, and ability to work well with others. There are going to be five junior class presidents next year, and the ability to work well with others and having an open, creative mind can make a big difference for the student body. It is essential. We want the students’ voices to be heard, and I feel that I have a great feel for the pulse of the school in order to give them the best college experience. Also, I am on the Men’s Basketball team here at Molloy, and this opportunity would give me the chance to work on bridging that gap between athletics and the rest of the school. If we could unite Molloy as one big family, everyone’s college experience here would change dramatically for the better.

What leadership qualities do you possess?Being on the Men’s Basketball team here at Molloy, my team and I are individually put in situations everyday that make us have to stand up and be a leader. I feel that if I’m elected, I can bring those qualities like communication, commitment, character and charisma to represent the Junior Class as a whole. I am reliable and won’t quit until the job is done. You can always count on me to give my all for the good of the people.

What will you do for the students, especially ones who aren’t usually involved in activities?I will provide the students with multiple opportunities to connect with each other. I was on Public Relations this semester and I saw what worked and what didn’t work regarding how people participated in events at Molloy. Molloy works like a family: if three of the brothers and sisters are taking part in something, the other siblings are going to want to join in on the fun. Molloy offers so many experiences for their students, but half the battle is getting them to come and jump in. It works like this: I spread the word and get people in my Accounting class to go, they then spread the word to the next class they go to, and so on. Start that chain reaction that changes Molloy from being a “go to school, go home” place to making this your home.

If elected, what would you like to change at Molloy?If elected, I would bridge that gap between athletics and the rest of the school, as well as making it my number one priority to expand the life here at Molloy. Turn it from your school into your home. Make your classmates your family. The more involved you get here, the more enriching and the more rewarding your experience is guaranteed to be.

How many years have you been at Molloy?One

How many years have you been at Molloy?I am currently in my freshmen year at Molloy Col-lege, and have loved every second of it.

What position on Molloy Student Government are you running for?I am running for Sophomore Class President for the 2013-2014 school year.

Why do you want this position?After spending my first year here at Molloy as mostly an academic focused student, I want to take

it to the next level and become more involved by becoming a part of MSG. After 7 months of living on campus, Molloy has become a second home to me. I want to bet-ter my experience here by being able to voice and act upon my opinions with a group of people who are also interested in the greater good of our college. Many campus events are discussed at MSG meetings, and holding this position will allow me to have an active say in what goes on, and represent those who aren’t part of MSG.

What makes you a good candidate?I strongly believe I would make a positive contribution as Sophomore Class Presi-dent to not only MSG, but Molloy College as a whole. I am a student ambassador, so I feel as if I have a strong grip on what the students need, because I have talked to countless number of incoming and current students. Being an Accounting Major in the Honors Business Program, communication and presenting skills are heavily stressed; these are two qualities which I believe are essential to collaborating suc-cessfully with fellow MSG members.

What leadership qualities do you possess?The position of Sophomore Class President requires someone who has good com-munication skills, is responsible, and ethical. These are three qualities I believe I undoubtedly possess. I take enormous pride in everything I do, and do it with a subconscious voice asking me, “How is this going to affect others?” My ability to go walk around Molloy College and communicate effectively with virtually anyone I encounter gives me the opportunity to really hear what the students of Molloy want to see come out of MSG.

What will you do for the students, especially ones who aren’t usually involved?One thing I stress as a Student Ambassador to all prospective students, regardless of what school they are attending, is to GET INVOLVED! I plan to make it my Priority as Sophomore Class President to make sure everyone I come across is given the op-portunity to join a club or activity. Molloy is continuing to grow, and as it continues to grow, the population will only get more and more diverse. This diversity is what will define us, and collaborating as one diverse group under Molloy College will im-prove everyone’s experience here. New strategies and communication methods need to be implemented in order for this to happen, and with my fellow MSG member I strongly believe we can achieve this.

If elected, what would you like to change at Molloy?Through living in the dorms, communication to the top of the Molloy chain has become a problem. I feel as if communication from Residence Life students to other students is heavily limited. It has become somewhat of a “cliquey” situation and I believe we need to have the two sectors of students more in contact. Also, I hear a lot of students complaining about the quality of the food court here at Molloy. I believe this negative deduction of Molloy College is due to the lack of information we have on our food here at Molloy. Calorie, Fat, Carb, Protein, Sugar and other nutrition information should be given out as they do in fast food restaurants. Informing Mol-loy’s population on their concerns should be one of MSG’s top priorities.

**Questionnaires were sent out to candidates and all responses were left as seen above.**

Rich Zoller III

What position on Molloy Student Government are you running for?Sophomore Class President

Why do you want this position?I want this position because I love planning events and holding fundraisers throughout the year. I also love being a part of the MSG family and love being part of a team.

What makes you a good candidate for this position?I am currently Freshman Class President and I believe I have done an overall admi-rable job over the past year. I was part of planning last semester’s Freshman Mixer, and

for our first ever event, we got a pretty decent turn out! Between that event and nu-merous fundraisers, the Freshman Class has definitely made a name for themselves on this campus!What leadership qualities do you possess?I possess many leadership qualities, such as integrity, dedication, humility, assertive-ness, fairness, openness, and most of all, I demonstrate all of these qualities with a smile on my face!What will you do for the students, especially ones who aren’t usually involved in activities?I will try my best to get the students of Molloy as excited about being involved on campus as I am. I will also listen to every single suggestion that comes my way and try my absolute best to implement them as soon as I possibly can.If elected, what would you like to change at Molloy?If elected, I would like to change the way a lot of students feel about our campus life here at Molloy. I want to be able to connect with the student body as a whole, and get them to see what a great campus life we could have here, if everyone, simply, tried it out. I want our student body to be proud of where they go to school!

Page 11: MSG Elections Issue

April 16, 2013Molloy Forum 11

Robert Theofield









Sophomore Class President

Shakhan VolmarHow many years have you been at Molloy?One

What position on Molloy Student Government are you running for?Sophomore Class President

Why do you want this position?I’m very involved on campus. I communicate with a lot of my classmates and I can serve as a liaison

between my class and Student Government.

What makes you a good candidate for this position?I’m a returning member. I’ve been part of what government has had to offer to the stu-dent body and I’m glad to do so. I’m willing to volunteer my time and assist another member as well as fulfill my responsibilities.

What leadership qualities do you possess?I’m confident enough to conduct a group discussion. I’m open to receiving the opin-ions of others and collectively putting them together to benefit the team. Also, I go the extra mile to make sure each member feels welcome, safe, and is enjoying their experience.

What will you do for the students, especially ones who aren’t usually involved?I’ll ask students what changes they would like to see at Molloy. Additionally, encour-aging students to enjoy campus life as well as their academic studies.

If elected, what would you like to change at Molloy?If elected, I want to change the attendance at our school events. I want to enlarge the amount of students that attend our events and that are involved on campus. I want to give students a reason to come back to school on a Thursday night and enjoy them-selves instead of staying at home doing nothing.

**Questionnaires were sent out to candidates and all responses were left as seen above.**

Sophomore Class President

How many years have you been at Molloy?I have been at Molloy for one year.

What position on Molloy Student Government are you running for?I am running for Sophomore Class President.

Why do you want this position?I want this position because I feel that I have many great ideas to implement in the coming school year.

I am also currently involved in Public Relations within Molloy Student Government and I want to further my involvement by running for a Class President position.

What makes you a good candidate for this position?I am a good candidate for this position because I already hold many leadership abili-ties. I am also already a leader on campus through my current involvement in Molloy Student Government and also with Student Ambassadors.

What leadership qualities do you possess?I possess many leadership qualities. I am hardworking, motivated, and goal oriented. I am able to set goals to accomplish tasks and I will not be stopped by someone tell-ing me I can’t do something. I am not bound by the word impossible. As a leader I am also able to inspire others. I take others ideas into consideration and allow them to share in the leadership role. I do not always need the spotlight.

What will you do for the students, especially ones who aren’t usually involved in activities?I will try to think of new and fun activities. Maybe the reason that you are not attend-ing the activities is because they do not interest you. I will base the activities on ideas from the students and not just only things I would enjoy.

If elected, what would you like to change at Molloy?If elected I would like to try and figure out ways to draw larger crowds at events that we have on campus. Many of these events are great concepts and if they received proper turn out would be a lot of fun. The Halloween party should not be the only major event here on campus.

Election Ballots will be sent outto student emails from

April 17-19

Make your Voice Count!Vote for your MSG Representatives!

Page 12: MSG Elections Issue