ms >tch plains - fanwood€¦ · 08/01/1998  · !us kmg~ «; onikh kafl. c&isf caiboy time...

SCOTCH PT- E .7**~ FVTLIC LI53ARI seo MS >tch Plains - Fanwood Tfearssis},. 8, 1999 232-440? FIFTY CENTS CHEIIB FOR THE OHIF...FMB»ro©d Fs&e Cfckf Robert Ctrfwy pscdwe a raotd rf *ppfat* after befog STTOJH fe ?*e*r ¥«ar*5 Buy. The cifeftookfcbcwtii of ©ffiee before a patted ««&»<* m Bomcgk HaS. Joining the new Cbjfcf rfhft^fc6fctftefa, Dorotfcy KsflstetiBs,fcatwife, Bfsae, aad Sfayw Mafjaasc SL Gaoaeil*. & in CUTTING OVERLAPPING, CONFUSINGMEASURES ALSO HIGH ON LIST Mayor Papem Lists Sewer Project As a Top Priority in New Year % JEASSE WHITNEY ^ Wanmjbr T%s Taut Fesr-tena Kepa&licaii CosndJ- onaaa Joaa Papee was stoia ia as fSbI1dT^^ I for thefourthtimeis 16 :ssure$ fee ssfeetsos e a s y war of a '/jwr ftm ^esg the five e t a e d e-iibsls, CtfoaciIiBas W&lam F Mediated, Jr., wheMiaseffsemd asMavorht 1994. wiH sennas Depotf Ma* or airier Mis. RapsL Veteran CdaaahnKBaQ Irene T. Sdnaait stepped dowa as last jtar's Mayor said now returns to cosipkte ber foarfb tens on the cotiacil this year. Township Manager Thomas E. *JMBSW» praise framMayor Papen for Ms "otSstaiKfiBg*'' work and will return to serve the nxasicgpalitv. After a britf unexpected casual "caucas" to *'draw straws" over who woald nomiisie Mrs. Papeo, aa au- dieoceseenm^Ejraastsedbjrtiieelec- tiffflaaiics saw at! three cooacalssa theft am! extortion in bid-rigging schemes, and had been sentenced to three years iu prison. Offidals said the township o^'ed CoBwIidatei Design and B«ldiag Corporatioa a h i r i n g next week before deciding howto proceed isa- sfer the law, since ConsalktaecEwas tM lowest of several bidders for the sewer woA. Mr. Atkins &<dd .c ^.i sis roads asd rail lines Mayor Papes. aJso ssxd was leofaflg la bghtec up £x tswn- ship code ef tews over the ccrting yearby dtosntisg ^-crlappsitf, con- ilidiBg or oultiatcd jneaaiiresr SlealSQ said ihst after at least foar years «rfso^-. it v zs tins: 1hz f owa- shq? iaov«l aL«d tc pal :ts d ^feifc-rm;.a BSSS- fcr pqper ing the biddlag p r o a ^ or at the time the coaacii approved the contract. Mayor Papen emphasized thai inainaining the township's in&a- aractiae •— sewers, roads, build- ings, fire equipment and sidewalks, for examples ia good shape was aa iinportant issue. '~Om laaiBtcnance prevention ap- proach is much more coa effective and keeps the township in much bet- ter condition," she said. She added that the awaeil will continue to look for stale aad federal grants to fund improvements to area aided tfaat iegalh. fen; sre cxstaindoogoaeinsthatraasbessted in their origuml form, but thai inesh t d b d d & on costs forifce convar- sioa were available yet. site ncted. N&E>xsrI^pcQ indicated acssk force may be formal to consider sugges- tioas that were issued b>- sis D towo Etevdoprnent Cooamittee h As tradition dictates, the nzv, Mayor makes HKSI sppomtments for the' year daring the January 1 and Mr. MeClntock nominate CsondlwoiaaH Papeafor tbetopjob. Only CenaeilwotDan. Schmidt re- mained to seecrf the neasare, which was followedby a unanimous vote of l%iHRbH f f % q A Mis. Papea serwed as Deputy M s p r last year. "fte township Mayor aad Deputy te%ii p ^ g % p g wMle ^rving in office, with tifee col- lected fees retained to the township. In her inaugural speech, Mayor Papea said a toppriority ibr the township this year is the $1.83 mil- iioa sanilary sewer project to op- gade pamping nations on the south side. The project incfades adding pipes for increasedwasfeflow. After nearly a year of preparation, a township contract with a Rcselle Park com- pany for the sewer project isasput on hold IaS month, wiKn it was re- veakd in a Star-Ledger articie that the twQ«jntractingconipaay owners were recaaly convicted of bribery, MAYOR FOR 1998..-lo«ii Papea tabes the oath of office tram Scotch Plains Township Cleric Barbara Riepe to become Mmyor. Hokiing the Bible are fcer daughters Cbeti Santiago, and Laurie Fochs. Mayor Papea was appointed for a one-yew term by her foBow council members. PRA/.SES 'OUTSTANDING INDIVIDUAL' 's New Police Chief Sworn in on New Year's Day At Borough Hall Ceremony % Sl'ZEXTS STAUSR j Year"? Day; as fenssr C^rtais Rott- en Caxboy wssss»tasia^ Fanwood's new Cfcisf «f danng an JI a at cercmenjr. HetsffithrtteSTarib pcrscs tn fecld &sH s S c s s s c e its b ^ was fsssigd iscre lisa a y } ^ ti» casls sffs^ce to tise nsw etiigf. wfeasE ^J fessas^i as "sn ocisasdiBg aadEhrHfeoi." as his •»ife. Dia^e, teld JM BSjfe Mrs Connelly also pissests! tie ?S-ysar vS£ras of ibe F-aa^'sod iKvg with ha nffw dqsrsraoasi bad^. Sbs said that people vbolgad spo- res to 3ter about the appotosaec! soamaaiB^y agrasd tbai Osisf C^r- b^r wiB be "^perfas fi*r the job." T&e W Chief had p-re%isssl}i b s s i a 1992 to 1*30 pacpfe aaas^rf ifce j" Is add&nos to Mrs. Carbs^; fenily iKs^ers m at- ttifed Ms <feighter aasl Csricsf^ ^sd Jo&s Scnzsiab. aed grasissB. Sass> of Wobum, Nfassachosetts. and the o-la^'. Dorothy Aisooahasdtowitaesstfaeswtsr- ing in and oSfer -aHigESSBhiiois to Caisf Carboj- ^^re fdlaw oScsrs 3$d asrreia airf fesrssey bcroogli effi - cisls. TieCT^srt.btotdess lht oa Gjaaad 35. -eras flowed by s ligte rjospsan at Jfce Fasstssd %I !us kmg~ «; oniKh Kafl. C&isf Caiboy time Ia» eafbrceiaeDi - g rncBd. fetser Pelice C&ef AmJfeon> J Pareo&L wha netised im December 31 in cosapiiaace T»iih the ^^e"s raaodaiory retirement lsv>forall pc- Communities Charge Pair In Robberies B* SVZETTE STAtKOl Fanwood Police CfeirfiU^eit Cax- boy .got to lesi his ammasd skills after less than two fell days ootb«^b Saturday nursing, as officers re- sponded to a strong-arm robbery which occurred shortly after a de- partmental meeting al iKadqaarters d Chief Carboy, wfao was sworn in on New Year's D^- e hsd hdda meet- ing with bis officers which ended at about 9:20 a.m. Approximately 10 minutes later, an officer observed the robberyinprogres&om Ms car while traveiiitg along Paterson Road, po- lice said. As he tamed his vshMe aromrf to im-estigate, the officer saw the vic- tim, a 47-year-old man. lying on the ground. The latter sustained a bro- ken jawfor which he later underwent surgery at Muhlenberg Regional Medical Center in PlainSeki, police said. The officer also spotted a male OFFICIAJJi EAGER TO MOVE AHEAD ONAUTOMATING LOCAL LIBRARIES New Townslip Officers to Be Sworn in on Tuesday; Sewerage Authority Seeks Raise for Commissioners % SUSAN M. DYCKMAN SdtWiaf Th T With newiy-iastalled Mayor Joan Papea preadiag, the Scotch Plains T&wosMp Council held itsfirsteon- ferencemeetingoftbeiewysarTws- clay night in preparationfora puMie meetiiigtnisTaesday, January 13,atf p.m. The township hired three new po- liceofficerstDrepiaceretiriagPatroI- HKB Ernie Hines, David Palentehar andMchael SjKbkow^y. Scoteh Plains residents Shawn Johasoa, Theodore ConleyaadJeraid Brown (a captain in the local fire department) will begin classes at tine JohnH. Stamkr UmonCouHty Police Academy on Monday, January 26. The new recruits will be sworn into serriceduringtlie January 13 council meeting. Other agendaitemsincludeienewai of the township'sagreement with the BQTQiigttafFanwoQdtoprovidetraiss- portatioii for Aecomnsonity's senior citizens. With funds provided by the Union County CoBoatEEUty Development Revenue Sharing Committee, Fanwood pays Scoteii Plains $6,600 Jofliaimgethe bus service. In otherbusiness, KfanicqalMan- agerThomasE. Atkinsiq>d^edcoan- (M. members onFaowood'sinterest in fining Scotch Plains in automating the local libraries. Councilman Will- iam L. McClintock called the pro- grama^win-win" atuatjonforthetwo coJHinunities. AccordiHg to Mr. McClintock, Fanwood could save 80 percent oa catalog cosJs alone 1, ontheScotchPlains 3 library automa- tion plan. Scotch Plains in eager to move on ttejrfan, which represents the calminatKm of 18 months' work. A decison fiomFanwood officials is pending. The Scotch Plains Council was asked by the Rahway "VMIey Sewer- age Authority tosupport its request to rase compensation leveisfbr author- ity commissioners from $600 to $2,000 annually, andtoincrease the chairman's compensation from $2,000 to $3,000 per year. This repre- sents the fiist compensation increase since 1983. Despite the proposed compensa- tion increase, the authority's 1998 budget reflects a three percent de- crease is assessments to member muaicipaiities. Mis. Papen is the townslixp s<&3ii%Qn&fTeprcsexi£3&ve. Approval ftom thefcwnsinpre- quires uoanimoss sapportfiromthe COUBClL Mr. Atkins advised the coancil to the 1997 budget These woaki in- clode moving mosey into a line item entitled "police-other expenses,™to handle a three-year maintenance agreement on the township's 911 emergency program. Other moneys would be channeled into "legal services," aad, possibly, the "cspital improvenicni fnx&d. n In addition, council members planned to recognize gotf profes- sional John Tumbull for his receipt IKS gsd fee departxoes! persoa&d wfe fes?« rescfaist 3gs 65 Fonaer CMsfPareoji. who ^n ec the department for 4U yean.. d btbeMnvrand Coun- qsesaal presentation made (barsQg&cgoverot&gbcxh 'sDcceni- ber 23 i ^ ^ i s g , -afach also dnm a tha; eacis si >oa has tooched •tfs The Tmtesr cluef. P. ho began his sea' poslum as- Director of the Joke H. SaasfcrPtsfes Asadernv ir. Scotch Borsagh CsKmctI «rri£nned us ^ipoiBtisCTt ra October ef then Captain Cartsej 10 succeed Cr.ssf Parenu tipsa ttee laser's r^remcr.: Ofiicsais leansd iJss Juh thai fec- fonscrdiid',« bosssuiotdccnunasid of the potee de^rtment in i9"5. M hss%"e lo rsdre bv the end of ing the 3).prcsa%d to his siccsrsscr dar- as a tsksn of our pride tha: I fad l have p ^ ^ r e d m ss? els; " Chief Caxboy. 60. responded ihat •sn-fees his cmx ~ume comes to rsire, he aad fass former supencr woald preset lbs hsdgs to tfcc next Cisef _ Ricnard Tneo. PresHfcni QftbeFsuiwoodPobceir^'sBeTtevo- knt AssoctaaonLocal No :23.ais>? pre9cruad 'JJS JKW Ouef»iri 3 piaque S0S3RstiK3rati.Bg his appo intnxn: as head of tits Faawsod Fcii :c Depart- in "Tlas :s a verj baaibimg daj for ice.™ Chief Carboy ic-td itHraibws of the asidifiocs after being 5 He added that, 'while I saa the Msycf and coaucii. it woold not have bioi possible if sot far the wa> At the time lite appointment was anRSHneed. Council Presi^cHi acd PoiiceCoaunissionerBrowH. Walsh csjnfirrasd that the captsm ^-as se- lected for promotion basal en ius rank and his length of senvx with the dqxirtnscBl Chief Carbon also was reoas;- rtKntisd for the position b> ftrmKr Chief Parsats ana b>- ihe Boracab Council "s ftibiiv Safe*?- w lach had incEF daring she latter part of last ;--sar ccacerrang his furore role 3ni his ^jals for ths dspartrcent. Chisf Carbo>- has Ir-sd in ttc b<3r- oueh sinre 1VSI He pnrnoush K- sdcdmFaawpodfrcni 1^591015"!. then :n Frsnchiown for It 1 jcarsbe- fen: returning to ihe niunic;pa!itj. Kc ajinplelsd hss slcntcnan and high school education io Scotch Plains, and sained an associate's de- gree in criminal justice from Union Coikse Fanwood ^v SCZETTI, STALKER Borough Councilsaa ^ Pcguhis, Jr. and Jod Whitakcr lock their ossiss of oSke New Year's Day daring the annual reorcamzatioa a^sjing of FamttxxTs gcvenung boch'. IK mating began ai ncjon in the council chambers. 7k? two r^a wsye sworn in fol- lowing the invocation. %vhj;hwas given bv Ibe Revctead Torn Kuizan of Si. Bartboloioeft'lhe Apostle Ro- sian Catholic Church in Scotch Plains- He also gave the benediction al ths dose of ffie meeting CoaiiciimaE Popdus. a Democrat was returned for 6JS second ruli term oa the governing body in last November's general election, while Coonctlmaa Wfeitafcer. a Republi- can, begins his freshman term as successor to former Republican Councilman Dr. Chester RJLindsev. The Democrats have held a 4-3 majority on the g^annHgbody since 1988, ivith cwindl members split evenry afongparty lines. Democratic MffPorMaryanne S. Connelly serves as tie breaker when necessary-. Mr. Popuhis was accompanied by hiswife. S&riiyn, ashe^as sworn in by Monicipai QHirt Judge Susan MscMulIen. The incainbentTvas first named to fill a council vacancy in 1993, and was electedtohisfirstfull term the following year. The veteran councihnan ran with Patricia Plante on the Democratic ticket inlast year *s Borough Coancil race, against Mr. Whitafcer and his nmningmate, David Trumpp. Joining Mr. Whitaker as he was sworn m was his wife, Dcnrta. asd his two >cung daughters. Anne, a studsni "at McGinn Eicmcntan' School in Scotch Plasss. and Mel- issa. He was administered the oath ef office b> Superior Court Judge Mehia Whiiken. Dcmocrauc Ccimalman Bruce H Walsh was named to continue as Gounci! Presideni fcilowing a split •vote by ihc council, which was bro- ken by Mayor Connell) The Mayor subsequently adminis- tered the oaths of office to members of the Fan-wood Fire Department including new Fire Chief John PiccoLa, and the Fainvood Volunteer Rescue Squad. Officials voted to adopt the By- Laws for 1998 after confirmation was made that they couMbe amended later. Two cxHincil representatives said they wanted to review certain poli- cies at a later meeting. Republican Councilman Louis C. Jung said he hoped to discuss the option of allowing officials to abstain from voting on a matter, while Coun- cilman Walsh said he wanted to re- view the policy on public comment. A split between Republicans and Democrats on the council occurred once again over approval of borough appointments for 1998. Councilman Jung motioned that the Borough Attorney's position - one of several Mayoral appointments be voted onseparately from the others. The motion was supported by Cotmcilmea Whitaker and Stuart S. Kline. Mr. Walsh. Mr. Populus and Coun- CONTiHVED OH PAGE fO X •—r>rr „>• = . ^VELCOME TO COCNCIL.-.Repubb'can CouncUmsm A Jod A WhS*e'r take his oath of office New Year's Day in the Fanwood Council chambers at Borough HaH as be begins his freshman term. Superior Court Judge Melvin Whitken swears in the new repres«nintiv» during the governing body's annual reorga- nization meeting, as Mr. 'Whitaker's family,~picnired left to right, daughters Anne and Melissa and wife. Donna. look on" o s m

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Page 1: MS >tch Plains - Fanwood€¦ · 08/01/1998  · !us kmg~ «; oniKh Kafl. C&isf Caiboy time Ia» eafbrceiaeDi -g rncBd. fetser Pelice C&ef AmJfeon> J Pareo&L wha netised im December


seo MS

>tch Plains - FanwoodTfearssis},. 8, 1999 232-440? FIFTY CENTS

CHEIIB FOR THE OHIF...FMB»ro©d Fs&e Cfckf Robert Ctrfwy pscdwe a raotd rf *ppfat* after befog STTOJH fe?*e*r ¥«ar*5 Buy. The cifef took fcb cwtii of ©ffiee before a patted ««&»<* m Bomcgk HaS. Joining the new Cbjfcf

rfhft^fc6fctftefa, Dorotfcy KsflstetiBs, fcat wife, Bfsae, aad Sfayw Mafjaasc SL Gaoaeil*. &in


Mayor Papem Lists Sewer ProjectAs a Top Priority in New Year

% JEASSE WHITNEY^ Wanmjbr T%s Taut

Fesr-tena Kepa&licaii CosndJ-onaaa Joaa Papee was s toia ia as

f S b I 1 d T ^ ^I for the fourth time is 16

:ssure$ fee ssfeetsos easy war of a' / jwr ftm ^ e s g the five e t aede-iibsls, CtfoaciIiBas W&lam FMediated, Jr., wheMiaseffsemdasMavorht 1994. wiH sennas DepotfMa* or airier Mis. RapsL

Veteran CdaaahnKBaQ Irene T.Sdnaait stepped dowa as last j tar 'sMayor said now returns to cosipkteber foarfb tens on the cotiacil thisyear. Township Manager Thomas E.*JMBSW» praise framMayor Papenfor Ms "otSstaiKfiBg*'' work and willreturn to serve the nxasicgpalitv.

After a britf unexpected casual"caucas" to *'draw straws" over whowoald nomiisie Mrs. Papeo, aa au-dieoceseenm^Ejraastsedbjrtiieelec-tiffflaaiics saw at! three cooacalssa

theft am! extortion in bid-riggingschemes, and had been sentenced tothree years iu prison.

Offidals said the township o^'edCoBwIidatei Design and B«ldiagCorporatioa a h i r ing next weekbefore deciding how to proceed isa-sfer the law, since ConsalktaecE wastM lowest of several bidders for thesewer woA.

Mr. Atkins &<dd .c

^.i sisroads asd rail lines

Mayor Papes. aJso ssxdwas leofaflg la bghtec up £x tswn-ship code ef tews over the ccrtingyearby dtosnt isg ^-crlappsitf, con-ilidiBg or oultiatcd jneaaiiresr

SlealSQ said ihst after at least foaryears «rfso^-. it v zs tins: 1hz f owa-shq? iaov«l aL«d tc pal :ts

d f e i fc-rm ;.aBSSS- fcr pqper

ing the biddlag p r o a ^ or at the timethe coaacii approved the contract.

Mayor Papen emphasized thaiinainaining the township's in&a-aractiae •— sewers, roads, build-ings, fire equipment and sidewalks,for examples — ia good shape wasaa iinportant issue.

'~Om laaiBtcnance prevention ap-proach is much more coa effectiveand keeps the township in much bet-ter condition," she said.

She added that the awaeil willcontinue to look for stale aad federalgrants to fund improvements to area

aided tfaat iegalh. fen; srecxstaindoogoaeinsthatraasbesstedin their origuml form, but thai inesh

t d b d d &on costs forifce convar-

sioa were available yet. site ncted.N&E>xsrI pcQ indicated acssk force

may be formal to consider sugges-tioas that were issued b>- sis Dtowo Etevdoprnent Cooamittee

hAs tradition dictates, the nzv,

Mayor makes HKSI sppomtments forthe' year daring the January 1

and Mr. MeClntock — nominateCsondlwoiaaH Papeafor tbetopjob.

Only CenaeilwotDan. Schmidt re-mained to seecrf the neasare, whichwas followedby a unanimous vote of

l % i H R b Hf f % qA Mis. Papea serwed as DeputyMspr last year.

"fte township Mayor aad Deputyte%iip ^ g % p g

wMle rving in office, with tifee col-lected fees retained to the township.

In her inaugural speech, MayorPapea said a top priority ibr thetownship this year is the $1.83 mil-iioa sanilary sewer project to op-gade pamping nations on the southside.

The project incfades adding pipesfor increasedwasfeflow. After nearlya year of preparation, a townshipcontract with a Rcselle Park com-pany for the sewer project isasput onhold IaS month, wiKn it was re-veakd in a Star-Ledger articie thatthe twQ«jntractingconipaay ownerswere recaaly convicted of bribery,

MAYOR FOR 1998..-lo«ii Papea tabes the oath of office tram Scotch PlainsTownship Cleric Barbara Riepe to become Mmyor. Hokiing the Bible are fcerdaughters Cbeti Santiago, and Laurie Fochs. Mayor Papea was appointed fora one-yew term by her foBow council members.


's New Police ChiefSworn in on New Year's DayAt Borough Hall Ceremony


jYear"? Day; as fenssr C^rtais Rott-en Caxboy wssss»tasia^ Fanwood'snew Cfcisf «f danng an JIa at cercmenjr. HetsffithrtteSTaribpcrscs tn fecld &sH sScs ssce i t sb ^ was fsssigd iscre l isa a

y }^ ti» casls sffs^ce to tise

nsw etiigf. wfeasE ^ J fessas^i as"sn ocisasdiBg aadEhrHfeoi." as his•»ife. Dia^e, teld J M BSjfe MrsConnelly also pissests! t ie ?S-ysarvS£ras of ibe F-aa^'sod iKvg withha nffw dqsrsraoasi bad^.

Sbs said that people vbolgad spo-res to 3ter about the appotosaec!soamaaiB^y agrasd tbai Osisf C^r-b^r wiB be "^perfas fi*r the job." T&e

W Chief had p-re%isssl}i bssi a1992

to 1*30 pacpfe aaas^rf ifcej" Is add&nos to

Mrs. Carbs^; fenily iKs^ers m at-ttifed Ms <feighter aaslCsricsf^ ^sd Jo&s

Scnzsiab. aed grasissB. Sass> ofWobum, Nfassachosetts. and the

o-la^'. Dorothy

Aisooahasdtowitaesstfaeswtsr-ing in and oSfer -aHigESSBhiiois toCaisf Carboj- ^^re fdlaw oScsrs3$d asrreia airf fesrssey bcroogli effi -cisls. Tie CT^srt. btotdess l h t oaGjaaad 35. -eras f lowed by s ligterjospsan at Jfce Fasstssd %I

!us kmg~«; oniKh Kafl.

C&isf Caiboytime Ia» eafbrceiaeDi - grncBd. fetser Pelice C&ef AmJfeon>J Pareo&L wha netised im December31 in cosapiiaace T»iih the ^^e"sraaodaiory retirement lsv> for all pc-

CommunitiesCharge PairIn Robberies


Fanwood Police CfeirfiU^eit Cax-boy .got to lesi his ammasd skillsafter less than two fell days ootb«^bSaturday nursing, as officers re-sponded to a strong-arm robberywhich occurred shortly after a de-partmental meeting al iKadqaarters

dChief Carboy, wfao was sworn in

on New Year's D^-e hsd hdda meet-ing with bis officers which ended atabout 9:20 a.m. Approximately 10minutes later, an officer observed therobberyinprogres&om Ms car whiletraveiiitg along Paterson Road, po-lice said.

As he tamed his vshMe aromrf toim-estigate, the officer saw the vic-tim, a 47-year-old man. lying on theground. The latter sustained a bro-ken jawfor which he later underwentsurgery at Muhlenberg RegionalMedical Center in PlainSeki, policesaid.

The officer also spotted a male


New Townslip Officers to Be Sworn in on Tuesday;Sewerage Authority Seeks Raise for Commissioners


With newiy-iastalled Mayor JoanPapea preadiag, the Scotch PlainsT&wosMp Council held its first eon-ferencemeetingoftbeiewysarTws-clay night in preparation for a puMiemeetiiigtnisTaesday, January 13,atfp.m.

The township hired three new po-liceofficerstDrepiaceretiriagPatroI-HKB Ernie Hines, David PalenteharandMchael SjKbkow^y.

Scoteh Plains residents ShawnJohasoa, Theodore ConleyaadJeraidBrown (a captain in the local firedepartment) will begin classes at tineJohnH. Stamkr UmonCouHty PoliceAcademy on Monday, January 26.

The new recruits will be sworn intoserriceduringtlie January 13 council

meeting.Other agendaitemsincludeienewai

of the township'sagreement with theBQTQiigttafFanwoQdtoprovidetraiss-portatioii for Aecomnsonity's seniorcitizens.

With funds provided by the UnionCounty CoBoatEEUty DevelopmentRevenue Sharing Committee,Fanwood pays Scoteii Plains $6,600Jo fliaimge the bus service.

In otherbusiness, KfanicqalMan-agerThomasE. Atkinsiq>d^edcoan-(M. members onFaowood'sinterest infining Scotch Plains in automatingthe local libraries. Councilman Will-iam L. McClintock called the pro-grama^win-win" atuatjonforthetwocoJHinunities.

AccordiHg to Mr. McClintock,Fanwood could save 80 percent oa

catalog cosJs alone 1,ontheScotchPlains3 library automa-tion plan. Scotch Plains in eager tomove on ttejrfan, which representsthe calminatKm of 18 months' work.A decison fiomFanwood officials ispending.

The Scotch Plains Council wasasked by the Rahway "VMIey Sewer-age Authority tosupport its request torase compensation leveisfbr author-ity commissioners from $600 to$2,000 annually, and to increase thechairman's compensation from$2,000 to $3,000 per year. This repre-sents the fiist compensation increasesince 1983.

Despite the proposed compensa-tion increase, the authority's 1998budget reflects a three percent de-crease i s assessments to member

muaicipaiities. Mis. Papen is thetownslixp s<&3ii%Qn&fTeprcsexi£3&ve.

Approval ftom the fcwnsinp re-quires uoanimoss sapport firom theCOUBClL

Mr. Atkins advised the coancil to

the 1997 budget These woaki in-clode moving mosey into a line itementitled "police-other expenses,™ tohandle a three-year maintenanceagreement on the township's 911emergency program.

Other moneys would be channeledinto "legal services," aad, possibly,the "cspital improvenicni fnx&d.n

In addition, council membersplanned to recognize gotf profes-sional John Tumbull for his receipt

IKS gsd fee departxoes! persoa&dwfe fes?« rescfaist 3gs 65

Fonaer CMsfPareoji. who n ecthe department for 4U yean..

d btbeMnvrand Coun-qsesaal presentation made

(barsQg&cgoverot&gbcxh 'sDcceni-ber 23 i^^isg , -afach also dnm a

tha; eacis si >oa has tooched•tfs

The Tmtesr cluef. P. ho began hissea' poslum as- Director of the JokeH. SaasfcrPtsfes Asadernv ir. Scotch

Borsagh CsKmctI «rri£nnedus ^ipoiBtisCTt ra October ef thenCaptain Cartsej 10 succeed Cr.ssfParenu tipsa ttee laser's r^remcr.:Ofiicsais leansd iJss Juh thai fec-fonscrdiid',« bosssuiotdccnunasidof the potee de^rtment in i9"5.

M hss%"e lo rsdre bv the end of

ing the

3).prcsa%dto his siccsrsscr dar-

as a tsksn of ourpride tha: I fad

lhave p ^ ^ r e d m ss? els; "

Chief Caxboy. 60. responded ihat•sn-fees his cmx ~ume comes to rsire,he aad fass former supencr woaldpreset lbs hsdgs to tfcc next Cisef

_Ricnard Tneo. PresHfcni

QftbeFsuiwoodPobceir^'sBeTtevo-knt AssoctaaonLocal No :23.ais>?pre9cruad 'JJS JKW Ouef»iri 3 piaqueS0S3RstiK3rati.Bg his appo intnxn: ashead of tits Faawsod Fcii :c Depart-


"Tlas :s a verj baaibimg daj forice.™ Chief Carboy ic-td itHraibws ofthe asidifiocs after being 5He added that, 'while I saathe Msycf and coaucii. it woold nothave bioi possible if sot far the wa>

At the time lite appointment wasanRSHneed. Council Presi^cHi acdPoiiceCoaunissionerBrowH. Walshcsjnfirrasd that the captsm ^-as se-lected for promotion basal en iusrank and his length of senvx withthe dqxirtnscBl

Chief Carbon also was reoas;-rtKntisd for the position b> ftrmKrChief Parsats ana b>- ihe BoracabCouncil "s ftibiiv Safe*?-w lach had incEFdaring she latter part of last ;--sarccacerrang his furore role 3ni his^jals for ths dspartrcent.

Chisf Carbo>- has Ir-sd in ttc b<3r-oueh sinre 1VSI He pnrnoush K -sdcdmFaawpodfrcni 1^591015"!.then :n Frsnchiown for It1 jcarsbe-fen: returning to ihe niunic;pa!itj.

Kc ajinplelsd hss slcntcnan andhigh school education io ScotchPlains, and sained an associate's de-gree in criminal justice from UnionCoikse



Borough Councilsaa ^Pcguhis, Jr. and Jod Whitakcr locktheir ossiss of oSke New Year's Daydaring the annual reorcamzatioaa^sjing of FamttxxTs gcvenungboch'. I K mating began ai ncjon inthe council chambers.

7k? two r ^ a wsye sworn in fol-lowing the invocation. %vhj;h wasgiven bv Ibe Revctead Torn Kuizanof Si. Bartboloioeft'lhe Apostle Ro-sian Catholic Church in ScotchPlains- He also gave the benedictional ths dose of ffie meeting

CoaiiciimaE Popdus. a Democratwas returned for 6JS second ruli termoa the governing body in lastNovember's general election, whileCoonctlmaa Wfeitafcer. a Republi-can, begins his freshman term assuccessor to former RepublicanCouncilman Dr. Chester RJLindsev.

The Democrats have held a 4-3majority on the g^annHgbody since1988, ivith cwindl members splitevenry afongparty lines. DemocraticMffPorMaryanne S. Connelly servesas tie breaker when necessary-.

Mr. Popuhis was accompanied byhiswife. S&riiyn, ashe^as sworn inby Monicipai QHirt Judge SusanMscMulIen. The incainbentTvas firstnamed to fill a council vacancy in1993, and was elected to his first fullterm the following year.

The veteran councihnan ran withPatricia Plante on the Democraticticket in last year *s Borough Coancilrace, against Mr. Whitafcer and hisnmningmate, David Trumpp.

Joining Mr. Whitaker as he was

sworn m was his wife, Dcnrta. asdhis two >cung daughters. Anne, astudsni "at McGinn Eicmcntan'School in Scotch Plasss. and Mel-issa. He was administered the oath efoffice b> Superior Court Judge MehiaWhiiken.

Dcmocrauc Ccimalman Bruce HWalsh was named to continue asGounci! Presideni fcilowing a split•vote by ihc council, which was bro-ken by Mayor Connell)

The Mayor subsequently adminis-tered the oaths of office to membersof the Fan-wood Fire Departmentincluding new Fire Chief JohnPiccoLa, and the Fainvood VolunteerRescue Squad.

Officials voted to adopt the By-Laws for 1998 after confirmationwas made that they couMbe amendedlater. Two cxHincil representatives saidthey wanted to review certain poli-cies at a later meeting.

Republican Councilman Louis C.Jung said he hoped to discuss theoption of allowing officials to abstainfrom voting on a matter, while Coun-cilman Walsh said he wanted to re-view the policy on public comment.

A split between Republicans andDemocrats on the council occurredonce again over approval of boroughappointments for 1998.

Councilman Jung motioned thatthe Borough Attorney's position -one of several Mayoral appointments— be voted on separately from theothers. The motion was supported byCotmcilmea Whitaker and Stuart S.Kline.

Mr. Walsh. Mr. Populus and Coun-CONTiHVED OH PAGE fO



„>• = .

^VELCOME TO COCNCIL.-.Repubb'can CouncUmsmAJodAWhS*e'r t akehis oath of office New Year's Day in the Fanwood Council chambers at BoroughHaH as be begins his freshman term. Superior Court Judge Melvin Whitkenswears in the new repres«nintiv» during the governing body's annual reorga-nization meeting, as Mr. 'Whitaker's family,~picnired left to right, daughtersAnne and Melissa and wife. Donna. look on"

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