ms. napolitano & mrs. haas cp biology. plasma (cell) membrane cytoplasm cytosol centrosome centriole...

Cytology Ms. Napolitano & Mrs. Haas CP Biology

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CytologyMs. Napolitano & Mrs. HaasCP BiologyTerms for Do Now1/30 & 2/2Plasma (Cell) MembraneCytoplasmCytosolCentrosomeCentrioleChromosomesRibosomesNucleoidNucleusNucleolusNuclear MembraneNuclear PoresNucleoplasmMitochondria

Smooth ER Rough ERVesiclesLysosomesPeroxisomesGolgi ApparatusCytoskeletonMicrotubulesFlagellaCiliaCentriolesCell WallCentral VacuoleChloroplastsWhat Are Cells?Cells: the smallest unit of lifeCollection of living matter enclosed by a barrier

Cytology: The study of cellsRobert Hooke1665 - Viewed cork under a microscope.

Named empty chambers cells because they looked like monks cells.

Cell TheoryAll living things are composed of cells.

Cells are the basic units of structure and function.

New cells are produced from existing cells.

18381855Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic CellsProkaryotic cells are simple cellsDo not contain a nucleus or membrane-bound organelles

Theorized that eukaryotic cells arose from prokaryotic cells

Organelles found in prokaryotic cells:Cell membraneCytoplasm/cytosolDNARibosomes

Parts of the CellPlasma MembraneHolds the cell together

Surrounds the cell

Controls what goes in and out

Phospholipid bilayer

Cytoplasm & CytosolCytoplasmMaterial in the cell membraneDoes not include the nucleus

CytosolLiquid found inside cellsSeparated into compartments by membranesChromosomesThreadlike structure within the nucleus

Contains genetic information (DNA)

Humans = 23 chromosome pairs

RibosomesWhere proteins are made

May be free in the cytosol or bound to the endoplasmic reticulumNucleoidContains the genetic material of prokaryotesRecall: prokaryotes do not have nuclei

NucleusStructure that contains the cells genetic material

Controls cell activity

Only found in eukaryotes

NucleolusSmall, dense region within nucleus

Where protein production begins

Nuclear Membrane, Nuclear Pores, & NucleoplasmNuclear Membrane: layer that surrounds the nucleusSeparates & protects the nucleus

Nuclear Pores: channels that regulate the transport of molecules across the membrane

Nucleoplasm: fluid inside of the nucleus

MitochondriaConverts chemical energy from food into compounds usable by the cell

AKA the powerhouse of the cell

Makes ATP

Endoplasmic ReticulumRough ER: makes proteinsContains ribosomesConnected to the nucleus

Smooth ER: carb/lipid synthesis, detoxificationNo ribosomes

VesiclesSmall bubble

Transport materials within the cellLysosomes & PeroxisomesLysosome: small organelle filled with enzymes to break down certain materials within the cell

Peroxisome: small organelle that contains catalasebreaks down hydrogen peroxide2 H2O2 2 H2O + O2 Golgi ApparatusModify, sort, and package proteins

Vesicles fuse on & pinch off

CytoskeletonNetwork of protein filaments

Maintains cell shape

Helps with cell movementCytoskeleton FilamentsMicrotubules: largestInvolved in cell division

Intermediate Filaments: provide supporthold organelles into placeOrganize cells into tissues

Microfilaments: smallestMakes striations of skeletal muscle tissue

Flagella & CiliaFlagella: whip-like appendages used for propulsion

Cilia: short, hair-like projections that aid in movement

Centrosomes & CentriolesStructures that help organize cell division

Centrosome is made up of two centrioles

Centrioles not found in plant cells

Centrosome2 CentriolesCell WallRigid outer layer of the cell that supports the membrane

Found in plants, algae, & some bacteriaCentral VacuoleLarge cavity in plant cells

Stores food, water, or metabolic waste

Maintains turgor pressure

ChloroplastsFound in photosynthetic organisms

Site of photosynthesisCaptures light energy and convert it into chemical energy

Theory of EndosymbiosisEukaryotic cells arose from living communities formed by prokaryotic cells

Mitochondria & chloroplasts were once free-living prokaryotic cellsEvidence: 1. They both contain their own DNA 2. They both have ribosomes 3. They divide by mitosis