ms. garvey’s world history semester review. gallileo used the telescope to study the solar system...

Ms. Garvey’s World History Semester Review

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Ms. Garvey’s World History

Semester Review

Gallileo used the telescope to study the solar systemGallileo used the telescope to study the solar system


Italian diplomat who wrote The Prince, that analyzed the politics of the Renaissance

Italian diplomat who wrote The Prince, that analyzed the politics of the Renaissance

Name symbolizes someone clever


Landforms, rivers, climate, location.Landforms, rivers, climate, location.


economic policy of European nations in the 1600’s, equating wealth and power

economic policy of European nations in the 1600’s, equating wealth and power

Early CapitalismMercantili


The Christians of Lalibela build stone-hewn churches in the shape of a cross hidden within rock enclosures of the highlands.

The Christians of Lalibela build stone-hewn churches in the shape of a cross hidden within rock enclosures of the highlands.

Classical Africa

English Puritan led the Civil War against Charles I and became Lord Protector of England.

English Puritan led the Civil War against Charles I and became Lord Protector of England.

Oliver Cromwell

Matrilineal societies of Africa trace family descent through the mother and her daughters.

Matrilineal societies of Africa trace family descent through the mother and her daughters.


Scientist who developed Calculus and the theory of Gravity.

Scientist who developed Calculus and the theory of Gravity.

Sat under the apple tree

Isaac Newton

During this time period, the people challenged the power of the kings.

During this time period, the people challenged the power of the kings.

Age of Revolution

journey by ship that millions of African slaves made from Africa to the Americas

journey by ship that millions of African slaves made from Africa to the Americas



John Calvin preached the doctrine of predestination.John Calvin preached the doctrine of predestination.


The kingdoms of Ghana, Mali, and Songhay prospered on the exchange of gold for salt.

The kingdoms of Ghana, Mali, and Songhay prospered on the exchange of gold for salt.

Classical Africa

European conqueror of the Inca EmpireEuropean conqueror of the Inca Empire

Frankie PizzaFrancisco Pizzaro

Voltaire, Rousseau and Montesquieu wrote about the ideal form of government

Voltaire, Rousseau and Montesquieu wrote about the ideal form of government


wrote the Operas Figaro, Don Giovanni, and The Magic Flutewrote the Operas Figaro, Don Giovanni, and The Magic Flute



European nation which would create the largest colonial empire in the Americas.

European nation which would create the largest colonial empire in the Americas.

Including Mexico, Peru, Panama,



At Great Zimbabwe Africans build large circular stone enclosures made of chiseled bricks without mortar.

At Great Zimbabwe Africans build large circular stone enclosures made of chiseled bricks without mortar.


During this period Mozart and Haydn composed operas and symphonies.

During this period Mozart and Haydn composed operas and symphonies.


Using their wealth from trade with the Arabs, the merchants of Florence, Venice, and Rome commissioned artists to create paintings, statutes, and architectural wonders.

Using their wealth from trade with the Arabs, the merchants of Florence, Venice, and Rome commissioned artists to create paintings, statutes, and architectural wonders.


African leader went on a pilgrimage to Mecca taking with him 60,000 people and 75 camels each loaded with 300 pounds of gold dust

African leader went on a pilgrimage to Mecca taking with him 60,000 people and 75 camels each loaded with 300 pounds of gold dust

M.M. Mansa Musa

In the 1400’s the caravel with its triangle-shaped lateen sails made it possible to sail against the wind, enabled Europeans to cross the oceans

In the 1400’s the caravel with its triangle-shaped lateen sails made it possible to sail against the wind, enabled Europeans to cross the oceans


The strongest motive for the slave trade was the enormous fortune to be made from the growing of what product in the Americas?

The strongest motive for the slave trade was the enormous fortune to be made from the growing of what product in the Americas?

Causes Cavitiessugar

Beliefs, gods, churches.Beliefs, gods, churches.


Before this event, Catholic monks spent months creating illuminated manuscripts that only the very rich could afford to buy. After this event, middle class people learned to read and write and could afford to buy their own copy of the bible.

Before this event, Catholic monks spent months creating illuminated manuscripts that only the very rich could afford to buy. After this event, middle class people learned to read and write and could afford to buy their own copy of the bible.

Gutenberg did it

Invention of Printing Press

The unsuccessful overthrow of an existing government. The unsuccessful overthrow of an existing government.

England fought one

Civil War

English playwright who drew his ideas from medieval legends, classical mythology, and history; wrote about the universal human qualities such as jealousy, ambition, love.

English playwright who drew his ideas from medieval legends, classical mythology, and history; wrote about the universal human qualities such as jealousy, ambition, love.

The Bard Shakespeare

Throughout Germany Catholics and Protestants fought in the 30 Years War.

Throughout Germany Catholics and Protestants fought in the 30 Years War.


Slaves were sent to the West Indies where they produced sugar that was made into molasses and sent to New England where it was made into rum to be sold to Africans.

Slaves were sent to the West Indies where they produced sugar that was made into molasses and sent to New England where it was made into rum to be sold to Africans.


He conquered Italy, Spain, and the Netherlands, but was stopped by the Russian Winter

He conquered Italy, Spain, and the Netherlands, but was stopped by the Russian Winter

French Emperor


Queen of England 1558-1603, brought power & prosperity to England, patron of arts .

Queen of England 1558-1603, brought power & prosperity to England, patron of arts .

Good Queen Bess

Elizabeth I

A thinker or lover of wisdomA thinker or lover of wisdom

Plato was one.


The way of life of a peopleThe way of life of a people

Art, music, language,

government… culture

In the 1400’s the Portuguese investigated the coast of Africa searching for a water route to India and China.

In the 1400’s the Portuguese investigated the coast of Africa searching for a water route to India and China.

European Age of Exploration

Art, music, literature, theatre.Art, music, literature, theatre.


Raphael painted the “School of Athens” and Jan Van Eyck painted the “Adoration of the Magi.”

Raphael painted the “School of Athens” and Jan Van Eyck painted the “Adoration of the Magi.”


Renaissance artist, scientist, inventor, and genius who painted the Fresco The Last Supper .

Renaissance artist, scientist, inventor, and genius who painted the Fresco The Last Supper .

Also Mona LisaLeonardo

da Vinci

Government, rulers, war, laws.Government, rulers, war, laws.


Money, agriculture, jobs, trade.Money, agriculture, jobs, trade.


Ruler of Portugal in the 1400’s who funded the study of navigation & the Portuguese voyages of exploration

Ruler of Portugal in the 1400’s who funded the study of navigation & the Portuguese voyages of exploration

Hank the SailorHenry the Navigator

When Henry VIII died the throne of England went first to his son Edward, then to Mary, then finally Elizabeth.

When Henry VIII died the throne of England went first to his son Edward, then to Mary, then finally Elizabeth.


Family, class structure, entertainment, role of women.

Family, class structure, entertainment, role of women.


Started the Reformation by nailing 95 Theses to his church door in Wittenberg .

Started the Reformation by nailing 95 Theses to his church door in Wittenberg .

M.L. Martin Luther

Their artists used new techniques like perspective, composition, light, & motion.

Their artists used new techniques like perspective, composition, light, & motion.


The trading of plants & animals between Europe and the Americas

The trading of plants & animals between Europe and the Americas

Christopher’s Trade Columbian Exchange

The kingdoms of Ghana, Mali, and Songhay prospered on the exchange of gold for salt.

The kingdoms of Ghana, Mali, and Songhay prospered on the exchange of gold for salt.


Italian sculptor and painter whose works included La Pieta, David and the Sistine Chapel ceiling.

Italian sculptor and painter whose works included La Pieta, David and the Sistine Chapel ceiling.

