ms connection: summer 2012


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Summer 2012 Edition


Page 1: MS Connection: Summer 2012

SUMMER 2012 Pacific SoUth coaSt chaPtER

MS connEction nEwSlEttER

inSiDE thiS iSSUE

03chaPtER volUntEERS honoRED

06tRavEling with MS

12gEaRing UP to cool Down

15Do it yoURSElf fUnDRaiSing

thE UnStoPPablE annE allEn PagE 2

Page 2: MS Connection: Summer 2012

02 MS connection: SuMMer 2012

living with MS

thE UnStoPPablE annE allEn When it comes to Challenge Walk MS, and now Bike MS, there you’ll find a woman who needs no introduction. A heroine who, along last year’s fifty-mile route, was preceded not only by her comedic reputation, but also by multiple, life-size cardboard likenesses. She’s the one and only Anne Allen: our reigning number one Challenge Walk fundraiser, topping out at more than $56,000 in 2011!

To describe Anne as a forceful philanthropist is undoubtedly accurate, but even this mighty depiction only grazes her story’s surface. Diagnosed with MS in 2006, she enrolled for her first Challenge Walk in 2007 at the suggestion of physical therapist and friend, Sylvia O’Neill. In Anne’s words: “I had just been diagnosed when Sylvia saw an advertisement and said, ‘why don’t we do this?’ and I was like, ‘OK.”

It is with this same laid back attitude that Anne navigates her journey with Primary Progressive MS. As a self-described realist, she admits, “I know my MS is very progressive, but that’s ok. This disease only defines you if you let it, and it’s important to me that I do what I can for fellow MS’ers who follow me to find a cure and new treatments. That is what truly drives me to fundraise for the Challenge Walk and now Bike.”

KeeP reADINg ON PAge 4

“thiS DiSEaSE only DE-finES yoU if yoU lEt it, anD it’S iMPoRtant to ME that i Do what i can foR fEllow MS’ERS.” - annE allEn

connEct with US onlinE:Pacific South Coast Chapter [email protected]

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On the Cover: Anne Allen (right) diagnosed with MS in 2006 with Sylvia O’Neill


Page 3: MS Connection: Summer 2012 | 1-800-344-4867

national MUltiPlE SclERoSiS SociEtyPacific South Coast Chapter 12121 Scripps Summit Drive, Suite 190 San Diego, CA 92131 3000-C Airway Avenue, Suite 125 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 1-800-344-4867

Board Chair: Chris Serocke Chapter President: richard Israel Editor & Design: Jessica read Associate Editor: Leslie Christofferson

© 2012 National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Pacific South Coast Chapter

Information provided by the Society is based upon professional advice, published experience and expert opinion. Information provided in response to questions does not constitute thera-peutic recommendations or prescriptions. The National Multiple Sclerosis Society recommends that all questions and information be discussed with a personal physician.

The Society does not endorse products, services or manufacturers. Such names appear here solely because they are considered valuable information. The Society assumes no liability for the use or contents of any product or service mentioned.

volUntEERS MakE it haPPEn

chaPtER volUntEERS honoRED at SPiRit of volUntEERiSM awaRDS At the Spirit of Volunteerism awards produced by OneOC, the chapter had the opportunity to honor its amazing volunteers to whom we are forever indebted. We were excited to give these individuals the recognition they deserve and wanted to share one of their stories with you!

roland hoffman has participated in Bike MS for over 24 years. he’s been team captain in the Bike MS Bay to Bay Tour for six years, leading over 450 people and raising over $415,000. As an enthusiastic 24 hour Fitness spin instructor, roland has become an ambassador for the 24 hour Fitness brand, welcoming partici-pants of all fitness levels to join the team or the team rides. Known as the “energizer Bunny,” roland works tirelessly to provide an unforgettable experience to his team members as they experi-ence a ride of a lifetime. read more about our other honorees at

“thE MonEy that i RaiSE in thESE EvEntS will bE USED to finD thE caUSE, bEttER tREatMEntS, anD UltiMatEly thE cURE of thiS chRonic anD UnPREDictablE DiSEaSE.” - RolanD hoffMan

RolanD (Right) with 24 hoUR fitnESS tEaMMatE, cESaR.

Page 4: MS Connection: Summer 2012

04 MS connection: SuMMer 2012

thE UnStoPPablE annE allEn (continUED)

Although pulling down fundraising totals that are nothing short of stellar, the riverside resident motivates with much more than deep donation pockets. In her words, “People have told me I inspire them and sometimes I’m still not sure why, but I have been and always will be very honored and humbled by that notion. Like most people I just try to live life to the fullest and always give more than I ever want in return. I mean, to me, everybody that does the walk is inspirational. All the crew and the volunteers too.”

Always fond of joking around, it’s no surprise that the top fundraiser describes her moneymaking secret as, “not really a big secret,” going on to say, “we do a lot of e-mailing and pleading just like everyone else, and a couple big events.” On last year’s success, Anne said, “It was definitely a team effort to get there and I think my total pushed other people to raise more than they ever have before. I like to challenge others, so I say if you can catch me or beat me, more power to you!”

This year, Anne will rejoin Challenge Walk MS among hurt SO good teammates including Sylvia who, no skimp herself, was voted most inspirational at last year’s event. “Without Sylvia, I probably wouldn’t still be walking,” said Anne of her physical therapist pal. The duo also plans on a new pursuit, debuting at the Bike MS Bay to Bay Tour in October on a tandem bicycle for a 100-mile, two-day ride. “Far be it for us to only do 15 or 30 miles,” joked Anne of their entry, “that just wouldn’t be enough.” n

“i jUSt tRy to livE My lifE to thE fUllESt anD alwayS givE MoRE than i EvER want in REtURn.” - annE allEn

3 DayS. 50 MilES. a woRlD fREE of MS.

challEngE walk MSJoin the fun September 21-23 and experience the inspirational journey down Southern California’s gorgeous coastline! you’ll make new friends; enjoy the coastline route all while helping create a world free of multiple sclerosis. We are looking for walkers, crew members and volunteers to be part of this special event. register today at or call 800-486-6762.

15, 30, 100 oR 150 MilES.

bikE MS bay to bay toURIs cycling more your thing? Cyclists of all ability levels can experience the beauty of the Southern California coast as they ride 15, 30, 100 or 150 miles over 1 or 2 days. Voted “Best Cycling event” by the read-ers of Competitor Magazine for the past five years, this fully-supported ride has fun, music, festivities and a beer garden at the finish line! Learn more or register at or call 800-486-6762.

Page 5: MS Connection: Summer 2012 | 1-800-344-4867

SavE thE DatE foR thE 26th annUal MS DinnER aUctionSave the date for the 26th Annual MS Dinner Auction on Saturday, November 10, 2012. The Auction will return to the Loews Coronado Bay resort, which is currently undergoing a complete lobby renovation.

The Society is also proud to welcome back Pacific Wealth Management as the title sponsor of the Auction. This premier charity fundraising event will feature over 700 auction packages in addition to a gourmet dinner, entertainment, and tray-passed champagne!

Last year the Auction raised $470,000 toward a world free of MS and we hope to raise even more this year with your support! For more information visit Tickets go on sale in mid-June 2012.

“wE gEt a hEaD StaRt on oUR holiDay ShoPPing at thE aUction. it’S a gREat tiME!” - 2011 aUction gUESt

Enjoying thE SilEnt aUction

fUnDing thE MiSSion

walk MS 2012 iS a SUccESS!Walk MS 2012 brought out 12,438 participants who helped raise $1.6 million towards a world free of multiple sclerosis! We also had over 1,000 dedicated volunteers help produce the event. Walks were held in Irvine, San Diego and Carlsbad with fun, live music, great food and an all-around wonderful day! you can learn more about this event at! n

titlE SPonSoR


PlatinUM SPonSoRS

a big thank yoU goES to oUR aMazing coRPoRatE PaRtnERS, who allow US to PUt MoRE MonEy towaRDS oUR MiSSion.

golD SPonSoRSCBS Outdoor · Clear Channel Outdoor · KPBS MedMedia healthcare Network · SDg&e

Page 6: MS Connection: Summer 2012

06 MS connection: SuMMer 2012


tRavEling with MSBy Lee BuLFIN

Traveling can be one of life’s biggest joys, but traveling with multiple sclerosis can also be one of its biggest challenges. When I was younger and not yet dealing with MS, I went to Spain after graduation from college initially for the summer, but fell in love with the country and stayed for three years studying, working, and seeing as much of the country and other parts of europe as I could afford. I was affected by the travel bug. Later, marriage and children curtailed my long-range travel and then I was diagnosed with MS.

When I was again in a position to leave for far away shores, my limited mobility became a definite problem for traveling, so I learned to make concessions and rely on assistive devices. I also had the help of wonderful family and friends. As a result, I can say that I have enjoyed several trips and experiences with relative ease by sea, air and land!

Cruising is incredibly easy. The cruise lines are very experienced with getting people on board—ramps, elevators, and accessible rooms are available, and the staff is always willing to help with any issue. If you own or rent a scooter for the occasion, nothing can stop you, and there are wheelchairs on board. I was able

to go ashore on the boats that take you from the ship to land at almost every port stop, and the land tours available are categorized by physical challenges, so while you might easily tour a city by bus, the snorkeling might not be possible.

“if yoU lovE to tRavEl anD SEE thE woRlD, nothing ShoUlD StoP yoU.” - lEE bUflin

My experiences with air travel and the airlines have always been positive. Again, I travel with a scooter that I can drive through the jetway to the door of the plane, at which point they lower the scooter down to the cargo hold while I walk onto the plane. even going through airport security has never been an issue, and I have found that the TSA personnel try to take me through as quickly as possible.

Negotiating old streets in old cities can be challenging, but the world is beginning to recognize the need to provide accommoda-tions to disabled persons and sidewalk ramps are found in places you would not think possible, like Sevilla and Brussels. The ride may be bumpy, but it is possible!

If you love to travel and see the world, nothing should stop you.

Lee Bulfin was diagnosed with MS in 1990 after experiencing symptoms of MS since the mid-1970s.

Page 7: MS Connection: Summer 2012 | 1-800-344-4867

MaRk yoUR calEnDaR

local EvEntSScRiPPS lEctURE SERiES: MS & hEat ManagEMEnt Thursday, June 14, 6:30-8:30pm Call 1-800-SCRIPPS to register Join neurologist Charles Smith, MD—in part-nership with the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Pacific South Coast Chapter—for a free seminar that will offer valuable information to people who want to better manage their MS symptoms and improve quality of life.

RESEaRch SyMPoSiUM Saturday, July 21, 8:30am-12:30pm DoubleTree Hotel Santa Ana/OC Airport 201 E. MacArthur Blvd., Santa Ana experience this educational symposium where you can learn about updates in medication, as well as a local research update.

Moving foRwaRD: PRogRaM foR thE nEwly DiagnoSED Saturday, August 18, 8:30am-12:15pm Courtyard by Marriott 8651 Spectrum Center Blvd., San Diego If you’ve been diagnosed with MS in the past three years, join us to learn about treatment options, emotional aspects of MS and meet others living with a new diagnosis.

Unless otherwise noted, to register for any of the events listed, as well as learn about additional events that are offered, visit or call us at 1-800-344-4867 (1-800-FIGHT-MS) and

press “1.”

at-hoME tElEconfEREncESMothers and MS Thursday, June 7, 6:30-7:30pm MS is more prevalent in women of childbearing age than in any other group. When young women receive a diagnosis of MS, they frequently have questions about the effects of the disease on childbearing—and vice versa. Studies undertaken over the past several decades allow health professionals to provide answers to some of these questions. This interactive teleconference will examine the impact of MS on pregnancy and reproductive issues.

Empowered Living with MS Thursday, July 5, 6:30 - 7:30pm This teleconference’s featured speaker, Maureen Manley, will engage you in a thought provoking and empowering experience that explores a whole-person approach to optimizing overall health and well-being. Learn practical and realistic skills on how to apply knowledge and wisdom from the Mind-Body sciences to gain a deeper understanding of what is truly health and happiness promoting for you.

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08 MS connection: SuMMer 2012


oRangE coUntyAnaheim 1st & 3rd Tuesday 12:30 - 2:30pm rosa Ferreras 714-758-0829 [email protected]

Anaheim: En Español Familiares y amigos bienvenidos el primer martes de cada mes Anaheim Adventist Church 900 S. Sunkist St, 6 - 7:30pm rosa Ferreras 714-758-0829 [email protected] Susana Pérez 714-235-7570 [email protected]

Brea: Family & Friends Welcome 2nd Monday & 4th Friday, 10am - 12pm Kathy Kelby 714-525-0686 [email protected] rob Lammers 714-990-2933 [email protected]

Brea 1st Friday of the month, 10am - 12pm Denise Kish 909-519-4410 [email protected] Jim Langdon 714-392-2052 [email protected]

Corona Del Mar: Minimal Symptoms/Newly Diagnosed 3rd Wednesday 1:30 - 3:30pm Sherri Brash 714-846-2064 [email protected]

Dana Point: Minimal Symptoms/Newly Diagnosed 4th Thursday, 10am - 12pm Jerry Dowd 949-584-4619 [email protected] Susan Watson 949-493-1299 [email protected]

Huntington Beach: Minimal Symptoms/Newly Diagnosed 2nd Wednesday, 10am - 12pm Jeanne Archibald 714-842-7198 [email protected] Priscilla Wolz 714-846-6526

Huntington Beach: Working with MS 1st Tuesday, 6:30 - 8:30pm Laurie Cable 714-969-8298 [email protected] Karen Patterson 714-377-4006

Irvine: Walkers & Rollers 2nd & 4th Wednesday 10am - 12pm Jack Santos 949-786-3421 [email protected]

Irvine: Girl Talk 3rd Monday, 11am - 1:30pm Tabitha evans 714-669-5618 [email protected] Maggie Finn 949-748-7591 [email protected]

Laguna Hills 1st Tuesday, 10am - 12pm Francine grasso 949-278-6935 [email protected] Karen harlas 949-498-9583

Lake Forest: MS with Christ 3rd Monday, 6:30 - 8pm Bill Bisch 949-218-5020 Cathy Varela 949-496-3810

Midway City 1st & 3rd Tuesdays 10am - 12pm Pat howard 714-968-0277 Linda Logan 714-374-0430 [email protected] Carolyn Cassell 714-963-8624 [email protected]

Mission Viejo: Minimal Symptoms/Newly Diagnosed 2nd Wednesday, 6:30 - 8pm Jerry Dowd 949-584-4619 [email protected] Susan Watson 949-493-1299 [email protected]

Newport Beach 3rd Sunday, 2 - 4pm harriet Pavidis 714-839-5529 [email protected]

Santa Ana: Man to Man 1st & 3rd Wednesday 10am-12pm Mike Milne 949-215-8502 [email protected] Jack Santos 949-786-3421 [email protected]

if yoU woUlD likE MoRE infoRMation aboUt SUPPoRt gRoUPS in yoUR aREa, call 1-800-344-4867,

anD PRESS ‘1’ oR contact a liStED lEaDER.

Page 9: MS Connection: Summer 2012 | 1-800-344-4867

San DiEgo coUntyCarlsbad - starting June 16th Newly Diagnosed group 1st & 3rd Saturday 12:00pm - 2:00pm [email protected] 760-448-8403

Chula Vista: En Español Llame para más información. Fernando Palomino 619-691-7964

Chula Vista St. Marks Lutheran Church 850 hilltop Dr. 3rd Wednesday, 11am - 1pm Susan Lipp 619-426-0930 [email protected] Bonnie Kuhn 619-737-9262

Encinitas - starting June 7th 1st Thursday 6:00pm - 7:30pm San Diego County Credit union - Community room 501 North el Camino real Melinda Brizendine 760-994-4549 [email protected]

Escondido Joslyn Senior Center, room 5 210 Park Avenue 3rd Wednesday, 1 - 3pm Beth Bradsher 760-747-9096 [email protected] Michele easterling 760-805-6390 [email protected]

Escondido: Christian Group 3rd Friday, 1-3 pm Calvary Chapel of escondido 1675 Seven Oakes rd, room 4 Jim Johnston 760-746-4279 [email protected]

Oceanside Oceanside Library 3861 Mission Avenue 2nd Wednesday, 12 - 2pm Juanita hamilton 760-754-1911 [email protected]

Poway Weingart Center 13094 Civic Centre Drive 1st Tuesday, 6:30pm Peggy green 858-748-4009 [email protected]

Ramona 2nd Tuesday, 11am - 12pm Van reeder 760-789-9129

San Diego (Clairemont/La Jolla) Denny’s restaurant 4280 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. 1st Thursday, 9:30 - 11:30am Denise Kish 909-519-4410 [email protected]

San Diego: I Can’t Remember Group 1st & 3rd Wednesday 11:00am - 12:30pm National MS Society Conference room 12121 Scripps Summit Drive David ries 619-997-3483 [email protected]

San Diego: Mens Group Kaiser education Center San Diego 10990 San Diego Mission road 1st Tuesday, 6:30pm Bill homer 858-571-1867 [email protected]

San Diego (Mid-City) Kaiser education Center San Diego 10990 San Diego Mission rd 4th Monday, 2 - 4pm Stephanie russell 619-224-6156 [email protected]

PRofESSionally-lED SUPPoRt gRoUPS in oRangE & San DiEgo coUntiESSupport Group for People Experiencing Progressing MS Symptoms 2nd Tuesday of every Month 10:00am - 12:00pm Facilitator: Debbie hornstein, MSW Neighborhood Community Center 1845 Park Avenue Costa Mesa, CA 92627 714-689-9602

Women’s Caregiver Group 2nd Wednesday of every Month 6:30 - 8:00pm Facilitator: Deborah LeFevre, MFT National MS Society Costa Mesa Office 3000-C Airway Avenue, Suite 125 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (714) 689-9602

Caregiver Support Group 3rd Thursday of every Month 6:30-8:00pm Facilitator: Seraphina galante, MSW, Family Consultant Southern Caregiver resource Center 3675 ruffin road, Suite 230 San Diego, CA 92123 (858) 268-4432, ext. 112

Spring Valley New Seasons Church 2300 Bancroft Drive 2nd Saturday, 12:30 - 2pm Kris hodge 619-933-2601 [email protected] Debbie Centeno 619-460-4123

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10 MS connEction: SUMMER 2012

aqUaticSCarlsbad: Indoor Waterworks Aquatics 2704 gateway road Tuesdays & Thursdays 11:45am - 12:45pm

Chula Vista: Outdoor Loma Verde Pool 1420 Loma Lane Tuesdays & Thursdays 12 - 1pm

El Cajon: Outdoor St. Madeline Sophie’s Center 2119 east Madison Avenue Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays 11:30am - 12:30pm

Irvine: Indoor Arthritis Foundation Approved Class Waterworks Aquatics 25 Waterworks Way Tuesdays & Thursdays 10:30 - 11:30am No lift available at this time.

San Diego: Indoor Wavehouse Athletic Club 3115 Ocean Front Walk Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays 10:30 - 11:30am

balancE & StREngth tRaining

yogaCosta Mesa yoga Works 1835 Newport Blvd, #A208 Mondays, 10:45 - 11:45am

Dana Point Dana Point Community Center 34052 Del Obispo road Wednesdays, 8:00 - 9:15am

Fullerton Friends in Christ Lutheran Church 2311 e. Chapman Avenue Wednesdays, 10:30 - 11:30am

Huntington Beach yoga Works 301 Main Street Wednesdays, 1 - 2pm

Santa Ana goodwill Fitness Center 1601 e. St. Andrew Place Fridays, 9:45-10:45am

San Diego Addie’s Personal Training Studio 4440 Ingraham St. Sundays, 10-11am $5 per session

Fullerton: Indoor Aquatics North Orange County yMCA 2000 youth Way Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays 9 - 10am $6 per session

La Jolla: Yoga Scripps Memorial hospital 9888 genesee Avenue Thursdays, 9 - 10am $10 monthly fee Cardiac rehab 858-626-6493

San Diego: Outdoor Peninsula Family yMCA 4390 Valeta Street Monday-Friday, 11am - 12pm $5 per session San Diego: Pilates Comprehensive Therapy Service Inc. 5611 Oberlin Dr. Suite 106 Mondays, 12pm Thursdays, 5pm Mandy Johnston 858-457-8419 $10 per class

San Marcos: Lebed Method Meadow Lark Community Church 1918 redwing St. Diana Dean-Naú 760-809-9176 $5 per class

in yoUR nEighboRhooD

La Jolla Ability rehab Specialists 737 Pearl St, #108 1st, 2nd, 3rd Tuesdays, 6 - 6:45pm

Costa Mesa healthy Balance 1599 Superior Avenue, Suite B Thursdays, 10:30 - 11:30am

Page 11: MS Connection: Summer 2012

11nationalMSSociEty.oRg | 1-800-344-4867

fUnDing thE MiSSion

golf MS RaiSES hoPE anD awaREnESS On May 7, 120 golfers came out to play in the 18th Annual MS golf Invitational sponsored by Sycuan Casino at La Jolla Country Club and raised $140,000 toward a world free of MS.

Norv Turner, San Diego Chargers head coach, chaired the tournament for the fourth con-secutive year. Norv’s mother Vicky lived with MS while raising five children single-handedly. Norv’s sister Janis was also diagnosed with MS about twelve years ago.

Several San Diego Chargers players and coach-es attended the event including Philip rivers, eric Weddle, Quentin Jammer, Jacques Ce-saire, and Charlie Joiner as well as Norv’s long-time friend Troy Aikman.

Following a beautiful day on the course, Norv’s family and other special guests joined the golfers for a wonderful dinner and live auction.

During dinner Norv and his daughter Stephanie spoke about Vicky and how excited they are of the advances in MS research and how hopeful they are a cure will be found soon.

To learn more about the MS golf Invitational visit n

PhiliP RivERS, noRv tURnER anD tRoy aikMan oUt on thE golf coURSE

“thE thing i took away [fRoM My MothER] waS hER gREat StREngth. i oftEn tEll PEoPlE that thRoUgh all thE toUgh tiMES, ShE nEvER REally coMPlainED. ShE MaDE thE MoSt of thE SitUation.” - noRv tURnER

noRv & StEPhaniE tURnER ShaRE thEiR ExPERi-EncE with MS DURing thE EvEning PRogRaM

Page 12: MS Connection: Summer 2012

MS connection: SuMMer 201212

living with MS

gEaRing UP to cool DownDon’t let the heat of summer keep you from enjoying the fun! We have some valuable tips on how to beat the heat, as well as resources that can help you obtain necessary equipment to keep cool. Many individuals with MS find that cooling garments can be a great help in keeping their body temperature down. We can also connect you to vendors that can help identify necessary cooling equipment such as fans and portable air conditioners. In some cases, financial assistance can also be provided to those incurring increased utility fees. Please call (800) 344-4867 for more information on how to keep cool.

toolS to bEat thE SUMMER hEat01 Vests now come in a variety of styles, from

those with circulating cold water to those that utilize water-based cooling packs, and even evaporative cooling vests. There are zipper front vests, fitted vests and even ones that just wrap around your torso. gardening hats; pillows; bra coolers; ankle, upper spine, cooling neck wraps; and even seat or back cushions can also help you beat the heat!

02 Polar Products has also launched the Orange Paisley “MS” Quick Cool scarf in honor of the MS community. For each purchase, 20% of the proceeds benefit both the National MS Society and the National Association of America. Whatever your need, Polar Products is bound to have what you need. you can access their website to learn more at or call 800-763-8423.

03 utility company programs may be able to assist you. During summer months, utility costs can sky rocket for people with MS. Both gas and electric utility companies offer a variety of programs to assist people with medical conditions and/or low income.

For more information, contact your utility company and ask how these valuable programs might assist you. n

bEat thE hEat thiS SUMMER

“wE can alSo connEct yoU to vEnDoRS that can hElP iDEntify nEcESSaRy cooling EqUiPMEnt...”

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EDUcation in action

incREDiblE StUDEntS REcEivE ScholaRShiP awaRDS Providing an opportunity for students to continue their education has been a priority of the Society and the Bob Webster Scholar-ship Fund for more years than we can count. This year, the Pacific South Coast Chapter is thrilled to announce awards to seven incredible students who have excelled in academic excel-lence as well as in demonstrating incredible character. All recipients either have a parent with MS, or have MS themselves.

Nationwide we received 839 eligible applica-tions and awarded 409 new scholarships. In addition, 236 renewals were granted. New awards total $698,675 and renewals total $437,500 for a grand total of $1,136,175.

jillian kEnchEl, ScholaRShiP REciPiEnt

One student shared that her mother’s MS has helped to shape who she is today. She said, “It’s true as some may say that my life hasn’t been a walk in the park, but I am the individual I am today because of the trials I have endured. Furthermore, the hardship I second handedly experienced has helped me value all that I have in my life or wish to obtain in my future. The tenacious ambition of my mother has shown me that even the impossible is obtainable.”

Another student whose father was diagnosed fifteen years ago shared that “My dad may be disabled, but he does not let his disease bring him down. he has taught me how to fight through difficult circumstances and to never give up no matter how bad I feel. even though he cannot support me physically, he does support me emotionally.”

For these reasons and more, we are thrilled to award the following Pacific South Coast student recipients:

• Vincent Alvarez

• Victoria hernandez

• Taylor Johnson

• Jillian Kenchel

• Molly Mancusco

• Charles Tucker

• Briana Vecchione

Special thanks to Volunteers In MS (VIMS), the Mcgrory Family Foundation and the Walter J. and Betty C. Zable Foundation for supporting this worthwhile program. n

Page 14: MS Connection: Summer 2012

MS connection: SuMMer 201214activiSM

bUilDing connEctionS

More than 320 Activists united in Washington D.C. on March 5-7th and Sacramento on March 19th to take action on polices that benefit people with MS. They created connections with lawmakers and identified champions for moving healthcare, disability and research issues forward.

Our chapter was represented by chapter President, richard V. Israel and volunteers Nan Luke, Phil Arcara, Barbara Maurais and rachel and Kevin Chapman who discussed:

• robust MS research funding in the Congressionally Directed Medical rsearch Program (CDMrP) and the National Institutes of health (NIh)

• reauthorization and funding of the Lifespan respite Care Program

• Supporting the MS Caucus and MS Awareness Week

We were represented in Sacramento by the chapter executive Vice President, Karen hooper; programs manager, Amanda Lasik; and volunteers Barbara Maurais, Susana Perez, Diana hardy, rob Lammers, and Mara elliott. They were joined by 50 others to advocate for:

• Minimizing excessive out-of-pocket expenses for people with insurance

• health plans that allow people to take the pain medications prescribed by their doctors without having to go through significant step therapy first

The process of moving forward legislation for people with MS is ongoing, and you can help by signing up for Action Alert or sharing your story! Please contact Amanda Lasik at [email protected] if you would like to sign up or share your story. n

join thE MovEMEnt: volUntEER toDay!Volunteering for the Society can be the experi-ence of a lifetime — and we need your experience. More than 500,000 volunteer positions keep the Society running. Visit to register and let us know your interests, skills and availability. Or call (760) 448-8416 to speak to Linda Ingram.

here is a sampling of ways to volunteer.

• Fundraising Events: Challenge Walk MS and Bike MS events run on volunteer muscle to deliver supplies, prepare and serve food, or cheer people on at the finish line.

• Medical Volunteers: Are you a physician, nurse, eMT or first responder? We need you! Medical volunteers are desperately needed for our upcoming Challenge Walk MS and Bike MS events. every rest stop needs your medical expertise to care for our participants.

• Be a summer intern: Are you enjoying sum-mer time? Why not spend it with us preparing for our fall event season? We need volunteers each day to help with meaningful projects.

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gEt involvED

Do it yoURSElf fUnDRaiSing By LeSLIe ChrISTOFFerSON

Do It yourself Fundraising is a great opportunity for those wanting to try fun and creative ways to help support a great cause and it is because of these individuals and their commitment to raising funds and building awareness that keeps our organization a success. These efforts contribute to our ultimate goal of creating a world free of multiple sclerosis.

Anyone who commits their time and energy into our cause plays a huge part in our overall goal and one of these individuals is Jake esten. Jake, a senior at Saddleback Valley Christian high School, raised $3,235.98 with his Dance for a Cure fundraising event he organized for his Senior Project. Jake’s inspiration for his senior project was his uncle who was diagnosed with MS a few years ago and his uncle’s father

jakE EStEn, Diy fUnDRaiSER

who lived with MS until his passing 25 years ago. “The DIy was so easy to do” explains Jake. “I found that people were willing to help!”

girls from ages 5-18 performed a vari-ety of dance styles from jazz to hip hop and participating dancers were his two sisters, Ki-ana and Kirra Akers. In addition to the perfor-mances, Jake also coordinated a silent auction as well as a guest speaker who has MS. With the help of his mother and other generous volun-teers who donated their time and facilities, Jake pulled off a fun and successful DIy Fundraiser!

Anywhere from golf tournaments and mara-thons to bake sales and car washes, there are numerous DIy fundraising ideas and the National MS Society is here to help you! Located on our website is a DIy Fundraising guide providing you the necessities to create a successful DIy fundraising event. The Do It yourself Fundraiser guide gives you infor-mation on our online tools including how to create your own customizable account in order to organize recruitment and fundraiser efforts. Additionally, the guide provides information and planning initiatives such as marketing suggestions, event budgeting, location ideas and much, much more!

get started today and you can be a part of the Society’s efforts to creating a world free of MS!

For more information on ways to Do It yourself Fundraise, please visit our chapter website at or con-tact heather Dean at [email protected] or (760)448-8417. n

Page 16: MS Connection: Summer 2012



San Diego, CAPermit # 451

12121 Scripps Summit Drive, Suite 190San Diego, CA 92131

MaRk yoUR

calEnDaRS n Thursday, June 7: Mothers & MS Teleconference (see page 7)

n Thursday, July 5: empowered Living with MS (see page 7)

n Thursday, July 14: MS Scripps Lecture Series: MS & heat Management (see page 7)

n Saturday, July 21: Orange County research Symposium (see page 7)

n Saturday, August 18: Moving Forward: Program for the Newly Diagnosed (see page 7)

See more events and programs at

“aS a nEwly-DiagnoSED MS PatiEnt, it waS an ovERwhElM-ing & MEaningfUl ExPERiEncE to PaRticiPatE in thE walk. it MEant So MUch to ME to SEE So Many PEoPlE in onE PlacE SUP-PoRting thE caUSE.” - abigail

a ShaRED MoMEnt at walk MS