
7/26/2019 Mr.florence 1/1 Florence Nightingale was educated in nursing at Kaiserwerth in Germany. Her wealthy parents did not approve of it because they were thinking that nursing is below them. Florence still pursued it. She even turned down 2 marriage proposals because she believed that marriage would interfere with her nursing career. m !"#$ she was recruited to oversee female nurses in the military during the %rimean war. n !"&' she established training school for nurses and published notes on nursing. She was also the (rst woman to be elected fellow of the Statistical Society. Her insight for nursing and healthcare was going back to basics of caring. )he things she did were what most women would do in their home during that time *providing fresh air and water+ cleanliness,. t-s awesome that even with technology and looking at how far we have progressed in health care+ her theory on the need for proper sanitation hand washing is still number ! priority now.

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Page 1: Mr.florence

7/26/2019 Mr.florence 1/1

Florence Nightingale was educated in nursing at Kaiserwerth in Germany. Her

wealthy parents did not approve of it because they were thinking that nursing is

below them. Florence still pursued it. She even turned down 2 marriage proposals

because she believed that marriage would interfere with her nursing career. m

!"#$ she was recruited to oversee female nurses in the military during the%rimean war. n !"&' she established training school for nurses and published

notes on nursing. She was also the (rst woman to be elected fellow of the

Statistical Society. Her insight for nursing and healthcare was going back to

basics of caring. )he things she did were what most women would do in their

home during that time *providing fresh air and water+ cleanliness,. t-s awesome

that even with technology and looking at how far we have progressed in health

care+ her theory on the need for proper sanitation hand washing is still number

! priority now.