
7/26/2019 Mr.Corean 1/1  The Korean War and the Vietnam War brought about some very important changes to the nursing profession. Helicopter evacuations and Mobile Army Surgical Hospitals (M.A.S.H !ere "rst utili#ed during these !ars$ !hich meant that nursing care for serious traumatic in%uries !as much more prevalent (&it#patric' Hartsoc'$ )**+. This comple,ity of care pushed nurses to develop specialty areas of practice$ !hich !as rare before this time period. -t also became more common for nurses to practice !ith greater autonomy$ !hich helped push the profession for!ard (Arnold$ )*/. &inally$ as a result of the passage of H0 1 and 2ublic 3a! )14 in the early 1/*s$ all language in the Army56avy 6urses Act !as updated to contain gender5neutral references. This opened the doors for male nurses to serve in the army and navy and had a big impact on the presence of men in the nursing profession (Hess$ )***. Arnold$ 7. 0. (8d.. ()*/. Health under fre: Medical care during America’s wars . Santa 9arbara$ :A; A9:5:3-<$ 33:.

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Page 1: Mr.Corean

7/26/2019 Mr.Corean 1/1

 The Korean War and the Vietnam War brought about some very important

changes to the nursing profession. Helicopter evacuations and Mobile Army

Surgical Hospitals (M.A.S.H !ere "rst utili#ed during these !ars$ !hich meant

that nursing care for serious traumatic in%uries !as much more prevalent

(&it#patric' Hartsoc'$ )**+. This comple,ity of care pushed nurses to developspecialty areas of practice$ !hich !as rare before this time period. -t also became

more common for nurses to practice !ith greater autonomy$ !hich helped push

the profession for!ard (Arnold$ )*/. &inally$ as a result of the passage of H0

1 and 2ublic 3a! )14 in the early 1/*s$ all language in the Army56avy 6urses

Act !as updated to contain gender5neutral references. This opened the doors for

male nurses to serve in the army and navy and had a big impact on the presence

of men in the nursing profession (Hess$ )***.

Arnold$ 7. 0. (8d.. ()*/. Health under fre: Medical care during America’s wars.

Santa 9arbara$ :A; A9:5:3-<$ 33:.