mr. john tomlinson (british embassy, spain): communicating on all channels: using social media for...

Aktuelle Vorgehensweisen mit der Social-Media-Kommunikation im Tourismussektors Communicating on all channels: using social media for crisis and events John Tomlinson British Embassy Spain

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Page 1: Mr. John Tomlinson (British Embassy, Spain): Communicating on all Channels: using social media for crises and events

Aktuelle Vorgehensweisen mit der Social-Media-Kommunikation im Tourismussektors

Communicating on all channels: using social media for crisis and events

John Tomlinson

British Embassy Spain

Page 2: Mr. John Tomlinson (British Embassy, Spain): Communicating on all Channels: using social media for crises and events

Communicating on all channels

Using social media for crises and events

Page 3: Mr. John Tomlinson (British Embassy, Spain): Communicating on all Channels: using social media for crises and events

British Embassy (Madrid)

John Tomlinson

Graduate BA (Hons) in Economics & Public Policy

Worked at Virgin Atlantic Airways:

• Training and development

• Project and change management

Small commercial organisation in Spain:

• Operations and Communications Manager

UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office:

• British Vice-Consul /Deputy Head of Post in Alicante

• British Vice-Consul/Head of Consular Assistance in Madrid

• Network Project Manager for Southern European Consular Network

also freelance professional writer (English-language)

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Social media at the British Embassy

Our objective is to engage with our customers, get our message across, and create a network for when we need it. How we try to do this … • Engage with our customers: depth before breadth • Build networks and advocates

• Ensure connected and consistent communications • Focus on the messages

• Build a brand

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Building a brand

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How do they find us

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Social media: Facebook makes a difference

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People respond to events on Twitter

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Networks and advocacy

• Networks and advocates broaden our reach

• It’s too late to build a network in a crisis

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Building a network

• Apps and widgets

• Engage on Facebook, follow on Twitter

• Go out to the customer

• Get involved on forums and other active sites

• Find the key players – work with them

• Help to promote others

• Keep relevant and regular

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Media not magic

• Editorial control of the message • Must be consistent

• Requires human resources

• Opportunity to engage and break down barriers • Takes time to build audience – not a quick fix

The message

The audience

TV, radio, newspaper

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Communication on all channels

Page 13: Mr. John Tomlinson (British Embassy, Spain): Communicating on all Channels: using social media for crises and events

Websites and Travel Advice

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Facebook pages and Twitter feeds

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Events can be planned ahead …

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Who communicates

Local Consulate

Spain Mission

FCO London

• Consistent messages means coordinated process

• Speed is important, accuracy is more important

• Local professionals = local empowerment

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Example process for Twitter

When a crisis breaks:

Acknowledge incident on @BritishAbroad and say, “travel advice being reviewed”. RT on

@foreignoffice and local Twitter channel.

When some concrete information is available and put up on a Post website, tweet on Post

channel, RT on @BritishAbroad and @foreignoffice

Monitor Twitter traffic on the emergency in two ways: firstly, for any direct message/replies to

FCO tweets and, secondly, to monitor other Twitter users’ comments and consider a need to

clarify/intervene in the discussion if facts/advice are wrong

@BritishAbroad to tweet links to relevant TA updates with changes related to the


When re-tweeting other parties’ messages, make sure that the original source is clear in the

FCO message.

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• Think long-term – it takes time!

• Engage with your audience – it takes effort!

• Build your network now – it’s too late when there’s a crisis

• Use networks, relationships and advocates

• Choose the right channel for the right audience for the right message

• Be connected, consistent and sustain it