mq series ibm’s middleware solution - · pdf filemichigan iseries technical education...

Michigan iSeries Technical Education Conference MQ Series IBM’s Middleware Solution Presented by Ryan Technology Resources Michael Ryan [email protected] (C)opyright 2006 (C)opyright 2006 (C)opyright 2006 Michael Ryan Michael Ryan Michael Ryan

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  • Michigan iSeries Technical

    Education Conference

    MQ Series

    IBMs Middleware

    SolutionPresented by

    Ryan Technology Resources

    Michael Ryan

    [email protected]

    (C)opyright 2006(C)opyright 2006(C)opyright 2006

    Michael RyanMichael RyanMichael Ryan

  • What is Middleware?

    Middleware is software that

    manages several parts of a

    connection between systems

    Physical and logical communications

    Data translation

    Error recovery

    Message sequencing

  • MQ Series

    Proper name is Websphere MQ

    Framework for communications

    Multiple levels

    Different operating systems

    Different hardware platforms

    Different communication protocols

    Ubiquitous connectivity

  • Multiple Platforms


    Compaq NSK







    OpenVMS Alpha

    OpenVMS VAX




    Sun Solaris


    Unisys 2200 Series

    Unisys A Series



    Windows Java

  • Access

    Programmatically accessed through Application Programming Interfaces (API)

    Same concept for each system

    Store and Forward

    Not unlike SNADS

    Guaranteed delivery

    Asynchronous communication

  • Components

    Four main components of MQ Series

    Queue manager




  • Messages

    The data being sent between applications Has meaning to the application no particular

    meaning to MQ Series

    Two parts the application data and a message descriptor Application data is what the applications are sending

    and receiving with each other

    Message descriptor is something that is not seen by the application programmer. It contains information such as the from and to queue names, the priority, levels of MQ Series, security information and so on

  • Queues

    Message repository - sent to or received from

    Not unlike data queues (*DTAQ) Use APIs to access MQ Series data queues

    Independent of the application

    Characteristics Put-enabled (messages can be placed on the queue)

    Get enabled (messages may be retrieved from the queue)

    Queue depth

    Queue size

  • Queue Manager

    Responsible for queues

    Every queue belongs to a queue manager, whether the queue is local or remote A local queue managed by a local queue manager

    a queue manager on the same system as a queue

    A remote queue is manager by a remote queue manager a queue manager on a different system

    A local application puts messages on a remote queue (which is a local queue to the remote system) and the remote application puts messages on a local queue (which is remote to the local application)

  • Queue Manager

    Local System Remote System

    Remote Queue Local Queue

    Local QueueRemote Queue

    Managed by

    remote system

    queue manager

    Managed by

    local system

    queue manager

  • Channels

    Link between the actual communications and

    the MQ Series queue managers

    Type of communications (TCP/IP or SNA)

    Two types message channels and client channels

    A message channel is used for server-to-server communication


    Two channels - a sending channel and a receiving channel

    A client channel connects a client to a server


    Queues exist on the server there are no client queues

  • MQ Configuration

    Use RSTLICPGM 5733-A38

    Developed in Hurlsley, supported from Raleigh (Software Group)

    Loads QMQM library

    Objects in the IFS

    User profiles QMQM and QMQMADM

    Read the instructions

  • MQ Configuration - WRKMQM

  • MQ Configuration - CRTMQM

  • MQ Configuration -CRTMQMCHL

  • MQ Configuration -CRTMQMQ

  • MQ Programming

    The programming model for MQ Series

    applications is similar to any communications


    One system (usually the client) sends a message (a

    request for services) to the other system (usually the


    The server then replies with the information desired

    by the client. This process continues until the client or the server desire to end the communication.

  • MQ Programming

    Contrast MQ Series with sockets programming

    Amount of code needed for an MQ Series

    program is much less than a socket program

    Dont need to code for low-level handshaking

    Low-level error recovery is performed by MQ

    Dont need to connect or accept

    Just read and write to queues

  • MQ Programming - APIs

    Application Programming Interface Relatively few APIs

    Most commonly used

    MQCONN Connect to a Queue Manager

    MQDISC Disconnect from a Queue Manager

    MQOPEN Open an MQ object (Queue)

    MQCLOSE Close an MQ object (Queue)

    MQPUT Put a message to an MQ Queue

    MQGET Get a message from an MQ Queue

  • MQ Programming - APIs

    Other APIs are available but usually not needed

    MQINQ Inquire about an MQ object (Queue,

    Queue Manager, Channel)

    MQSET Set some of the attributes of a Queue

    MQBEGIN Begin a Unit of Work in a Commitment Control environment

    MQCMIT Commit a Unit of Work in a Commitment Control environment

    MQBACK - Rollback a Unit of Work in a Commitment Control environment

  • MQ Programming - Model

    The general flow of events in an MQ Series application program is:

    1.Connect to a queue manager with MQCONN

    2.Open the queues needed for communication with MQOPEN

    3.Use MQPUT and MQGET to send and receive messages

    4.Close the opened queues with MQCLOSE

    5.Disconnect from the queue manager with MQDISC

  • MQ Programming - RPG

    MQ Series applications usually follow the model

    Using MQ Series in an RPG application is


    Procedures called by the APIs are in service

    program QMQM/LIBMQM

    Ensure this service program is bound by reference

    with your RPG program

    The data structures and prototype definitions

    can be found in library QMQM

  • MQ Programming - RPG

    Heres an example of /INCLUDEs I use in my MQ Series programs:

    * MQI Named Constants


    * Object Descriptor



    * Message Descriptor



    * Get Message Options


    * Put message options



  • MQ Programming - RPG

    These includes will copy in

    Named constants

    Object descriptor information

    Message descriptor information

    Put and get option information

    Review these include files to identify the field names and prototyped names you will use in your program

  • MQ Programming - RPG

    Example of connecting to a queue manager:

    * Connect to MQ Series queue manager.

    C CallP MQConn(QMName :

    C HConn :

    C OCode :

    C Reason)

    C If OCode = CCFail

    * Error occurred...

    C EndIf

  • MQ Programming - RPG

    QMName contains the name of the queue manager

    HConn is returned from the API call Contains the handle that will be used in later calls

    The handle identifies the specific queue manager and is used internally by MQ Series

    OCode and Reason are returned by the API call and identify if an error occurred Note: I check OCode to see if it is equal to the named constant

    CCFail if so, an error occurred

    Appropriate error recovery code goes here

    This call completes the first step in the MQ Series application flow connecting to the queue manager

  • MQ Programming - RPG

    Example of opening a queue:* Options are input-as-queue-def and fail-if-quiescing

    C Eval Opts = OOInpq + OOFIQ

    C Eval ODon = ReplyQue

    C CallP MQOpen(HConn :

    C MQOD :

    C Opts :

    C HInObj :

    C OCode :

    C Reason)

    C If Reason RCNone

    * Error occurred...

    C EndIf

  • MQ Programming - RPG

    Variable Opts is set to special named constant values OOInpq and OOFIQ Open the queue as input

    Fail if quiescing

    Variable ODon has the value of ReplyQue Contains the name of a queue

    Association already established between the queue manager and the queue during creation

    HConn is the queue manager handle Obtained from the MQConn call

  • MQ Programming - RPG

    MQOD variable specified in the MQOpen call is a data structure. ODon is one of the many subfields in the data


    HinObj is returned from the API call and contains the handle for the opened queue Used for puts and gets

    OCode and Reason a