mpact - winter 2010|2011

WINTER 2010|2011 S HARING THE IMPACT OF PHILANTHROPY AT M ERCERSBURG A S YOU KNOW, Mercersburg Academy has always been dedicated to providing a stimulating and rigorous academic program for our students. But with a renewed sense of direction from our recent programmatic review, the inspiration of committed teachers, and the generosity of two alumni donors, the Quinn-Ferguson Honors Seminar has emerged as an innovative learning opportunity for Mercersburg 11th and 12th graders. Former Academic Dean Eugenio Sancho was instrumental in creating the seminar that is designed to provide students with a truly multi-disciplinary approach to learning. Students must apply and be accepted to the course and will actively participate in shaping the discussions based on their own experiences. Robert Lehrman ’69 provided the seed money to launch the seminar program. “I wanted to offer this seminar in honor of Jay Quinn, who was and continues to be an inspiration on many levels,” says Lehrman. “Mr. Quinn, who is a legend among our generation, generously suggested that we share the honor with his mentor, John Ferguson. Mr. Ferguson’s interdisciplinary Nature of Man course was the single most exciting, informative, imaginative, and valuable educational experience in my life. New Seminar Challenges Students and Honors Inspiring Teachers (continued on page 6)

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In January 2010, The Mercersburg Academy Alumni & Development Office launched Mpact: Sharing the Impact of Philanthropy at Mercersburg to communicate the inspiring stories of philanthropy and community support with Mercersburg alumni, families, friends and supporters.


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W I N T E R 2 0 1 0 | 2 0 1 1 S H A R I N G T H E I M P A C T O F P H I L A N T H R O P Y A T M E R C E R S B U R G



Academy has

always been

dedicated to providing a

stimulating and rigorous

academic program for

our students. But with a

renewed sense of direction

from our recent

programmatic review,

the inspiration of committed

teachers, and the generosity

of two alumni donors, the

Quinn-Ferguson Honors

Seminar has emerged as

an innovative learning opportunity

for Mercersburg 11th and 12th graders.

Former Academic Dean Eugenio Sancho

was instrumental in creating the seminar

that is designed to provide students with a

truly multi-disciplinary approach to learning.

Students must apply

and be accepted to the

course and will actively

participate in shaping the

discussions based on their

own experiences.

Robert Lehrman ’69

provided the seed money

to launch the seminar

program. “I wanted to

offer this seminar in honor

of Jay Quinn, who was

and continues to be an

inspiration on many

levels,” says Lehrman.

“Mr. Quinn, who is a legend among our

generation, generously suggested that we

share the honor with his mentor, John

Ferguson. Mr. Ferguson’s interdisciplinary

Nature of Man course was the single most

exciting, informative, imaginative, and

valuable educational experience in my life.

New Seminar Challenges Studentsand Honors Inspiring Teachers

(continued on page 6)

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Do you recall how you felt at the beginning of a new school

year—those feelings of butterflies, a few nerves, and a whole

lot of excitement? In this issue of MPACT, I hope that you will

once again experience those feelings.

The faculty has completed a two-year programmatic review

of the academic and residential curricula and has made

recommendations to the head of school. The insights gained

are already having an impact here at Mercersburg. New

initiatives like the Quinn-Ferguson Seminar that you will

read about in this issue are one example. Your gifts have had

an enormous impact on the ability of faculty to deliver this

kind of extraordinary curriculum.

You will also read about the exciting Alumni Weekend

rededication of Nolde Gymnasium as a stunning, updated athletics

facility for our students. During the weekend, we welcomed back

to campus our swimming alumni, track and field alumni, former

coaches, and five Olympians, including three gold medalists.

Students were thrilled to meet these alums.

We also have an update on other restoration efforts here

on campus. Loyalty Club members (those alumni whose

class graduated 50+ years ago): look inside for news on a

very special project to restore the Holy Grail Window in the

Chapel. We are grateful for your leadership.

In late August, 58 Octet alumni returned to campus for three

days of rehearsal in preparation for the Paul M. Suerken

Celebration of Life. Go to

Suerk for a magnificent slideshow of photos taken by Julia Clark

MacInnis ’86. This joyous occasion propelled us into an exciting

fall, and we are grateful to all who participated and especially to

Matt Simar ’86, who led the planning and gathered everyone.

His leadership is the perfect example of an extraordinary


Be assured your volunteer leadership and generosity to

Mercersburg have extraordinary MPACT and make the

Mercersburg experience very exciting for students and faculty.

Thank you for your support, and I hope we will have

the chance to visit personally very soon.


Mary K. Carrasco

Assistant Head of School for External Affairs

Mary Carrasco chats with Michael Bellas ’60 (in pink), Albert Bellas ’60,

and his daughter Katie Bellas at a luau during Reunion Anniversary

Weekend this past summer.

Challengesresponding to

Share Your Nolde Memories

Even if you weren’t able to join us for the rededication of Nolde

Gymnasium this fall, you can still be part of the celebration. Simply email

us at [email protected] and tell us about your best Nolde

memories. We’ll share some of our favorites in the next issue of MPACT.


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ALUMNI, PARENTS, STUDENTS, faculty, and staff were on

hand to rededicate the renovated Nolde Gymnasium during

Fall Alumni Weekend, October 22-24, 2010. Architect Bill

Gridley ’69 was also on hand to talk about the renovations,

which include new team rooms for boys and girls, a coaches’ resource

center, and a state-of-the-art first floor athletic training center.

The renovations make Nolde 100 percent handicapped accessible

and dramatically improve energy efficiency. And in keeping with

Mercersburg’s commitment to fitness for all members of our community,

there are new faculty/staff men’s

and women’s locker rooms on the

second floor.

Perhaps most importantly,

renovations are creating new

opportunities for students to

experience athletics as part of a

long tradition at Mercersburg

Academy. Students will now be

able to walk through the

Fulton Trophy Room and

across the terrazzo

embedded with the

Mercersburg shield every

time they enter the building.

Every student at

Mercersburg participates

in physical education, and

more than 80 percent of

students are also active in at least one sport. So the newly renovated

Nolde Gymnasium will have a significant impact on the quality of

student life. The space for up-to-date classrooms and meeting rooms

enhances teaching and learning for all of our students. It’s a

marvelous step forward into the 21st century.

Rededication of Nolde Gymnasium Uniting Tradition with 21st Century Upgrades

The Fulton Trophy Room, named in honor of Cyrus L.

Fulton ’31, is one of the noteworthy renovations to

Nolde Gymnasium.

The new athletic training center in Nolde stands ready.

Director of Athletics Rick Hendrickson gives a virtual tour of Nolde during Fall Alumni Weekend.

Naming Opportunities Still Available in NoldeIf you or your class is interested in making a gift in honor or memory of

someone special, naming opportunities are still available in Nolde Gymnasium.The boys’ and girls’ home and visiting team rooms and other areas within Nolde

have all been designated to recognize honor and memorial gifts.

Please contact Gail Reeder at 717-328-6323 or [email protected] for more information.

Renovations to Nolde were made

possible through a generous bequest

from the late Dwight Goldthorpe ’37

(pictured here as a student in front of

Main Hall).

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Reunion AnniversaryWeekendJune 10–12, 2011Reunions for classes ending in 1 and 6 and for the Loyalty Club (Class of 1960 and before)

“I got engaged to the girl of my dreams duringReunion AnniversaryWeekend this spring. NowMercersburg is a specialplace to her as well.”

–Andy Shirk ’00


was created to help Mercersburg students participate in math or science

internship opportunities during the summer months. Through a

competitive process, interested students submit proposals explaining

their proposed research at respected math and science institutions.

Established to honor Mr. Lebovitz’s memory by his wife, Martha B.

Lebovitz, and his sons, Peter M. Lebovitz ’72, a

member of Mercersburg’s Board of Regents, and

James A. Lebovitz, the three-year internship award

program is now entering its final year. Three

Mercersburg students completed hands-on

internships this summer thanks to funding from

the Lebovitz Award.

Tally Diaz ’10 worked on a National Institutes

of Health research project; Kyu Man Sim ’11 did

research on using natural adhesives to close

wounds at a hospital in Korea; and Alex

Somers ’11 attended a nuclear science

program at North Carolina State University

and did research on the qualities of metals

being considered for use in new

generation nuclear reactors.

Many students have already

expressed interest in internships for

2011, and decisions will be made prior

to spring break. Two final Lebovitz internship opportunities will be

awarded for the coming summer.

Because of the success of the initial three years of internships made

possible by the Lebovitz family’s generous gift, the faculty would like to

continue the program. If you are interested in supporting internship

opportunities for students, contact Mary K. Carrasco at 717-328-6109

or [email protected].

Lebovitz Internships for Math and Science Students

For information on how you can be involved with these class reunions, contact De-Enda Rotz in the Alumni & Development Office at [email protected] or 717-328-6178.


The Lebovitz Internship Award allowed Kyu Man Sim ’11 to conduct medical

research in Korea.

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WHEN I FIRST CAME TO Mercersburg as

a farm kid from a rural background, I was

overwhelmed, both academically and socially.

At other schools, I might not have made it. But

at Mercersburg, I did not have to do it alone.

The faculty and staff kept believing in me until

I believed in myself.

Mercersburg gave me a great deal of

confidence. I learned to not be afraid to take

chances, to always take a step forward wherever

I can. I’ve enjoyed great success in business

thanks to the confidence, connections, and

skills I developed while at Mercersburg.

When you’ve had an experience that truly

changes your life, you become very, very

appreciative of how fortunate you are. I was lucky

enough to be able to send my daughters to

Mercersburg as well. But I know millions of

other kids will never have this kind of experience.

That’s why I choose to volunteer for this

school that I love. I serve on the Board of

Regents, previously served on the Alumni

Council, and am the current chair of True Blue:

The Mercersburg Annual Fund. I also

established a scholarship in memory of my

mother, who as a single mom helped me

become who I am today.

I think as alums it’s important that we all

give back—with gifts of our time and treasure.

As an investment, I can’t imagine any place

that provides a more positive return. Today’s

Mercersburg students will go into the world

equipped to make the world a better place for

all of us. There’s no limit to what your gift can

make possible.


True Blue Joe Imler ’72 is

Loyalty Club funds Window RestorationTHANK YOU LOYALTY


Judith & John Butterfield ’56John Connolly Jr. ’54

Barbara & Richard Kaplin ’43Joan & John Linderman ’55

Sue & James McClelland ’55Lois & Yorke Peeler Jr. ’54Holly & Paul Pollinger ’50

Sarah & Alexander Pollinger ’89Carol & John Reinhardt ’55Alice & Peter Soracco ’59

Connie & John Townsend ’54


opportunities for classes that have celebrated their

50th reunion to continue to come together and support

the school.

This year the Loyalty Club has taken on a special

project: fundraising to restore the Holy Grail Window in

the Irvine Memorial Chapel. The four panels of the Holy

Grail Window depict King Arthur and his Knights of the

Round Table. One of the panels has already been restored

thanks to a 10th anniversary reunion gift from the Class

of ’97, and the Loyalty Club has committed to restoring

the three remaining panels. Fundraising began in June

2010 and will continue through June 2011, with a goal of

raising $45,000.

Gifts from the initial leadership donors will be

recognized during the Loyalty Club Candlelight Service

Weekend in December. All donors will be recognized

at a special ceremony during the June 2011 Reunion

Anniversary Weekend.

Restoring the final panels of the Holy Grail Window

is a lasting gift to the school that will be appreciated by

generations of students to come.

There’s still time to join this effort. For more information,

please contact Mary K. Carrasco at 717-328-6109 or

[email protected].

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Members of the Class of 1985 with the Wolfe family at the ceremony

to dedicate the balcony outside the Boone Recital Hall in memory of

Tom Wolfe ’85.



WE ARE ALWAYS HAPPY TO work with reunion classes

celebrating a significant anniversary to help organize a

special gift to Mercersburg. Classes celebrating their 10th,

25th, and 50th reunions made important gifts this past year.

The Class of 1959 celebrated its 50th reunion last year and recently

designated its reunion gift for renovations of the North Foyer of Nolde.

This year the Class of 1985 celebrated its 25th anniversary reunion with

gifts to dedicate the Wolfe Recital Hall Balcony at the Burgin Center in

memory of class president Thomas M. Wolfe. And the Class of 2000

memorialized Patricia “Pat” Burnside Post, a longtime member of the

Mercersburg library staff, with the dedication of the Patricia Post

Reference Area in Lenfest Hall on the occasion of its 10th reunion.

Thank you to these special reunion classes and to everyone who

made a reunion gift in support of Mercersburg!

Teachers like this have helped shape the hearts and minds of countless

Mercersburg students.”

The first Quinn-Ferguson Honors Seminar, Your Life as History, is being

taught this fall by Phil Kantaros. “I think good teachers must foster a sense

of ownership among the students about the topics that they teach,” says

Kantaros. “This is their course, too. And it’s only going to be as good as

their collective interest and enthusiasm can help create.”

Another significant donation from Arno Niemand ’52 helped launch

an endowment to sustain the seminar for the future. “Throughout my life,

I have directed my philanthropy toward athletics, including many of my

gifts to Mercersburg,” says Niemand. “But after my wife and I visited the

campus recently, we were so impressed with the academic spaces and the

learning that goes on within them that I was inspired to shift gears. When

I learned about the Quinn-Ferguson Seminar, I knew that was the kind

of learning I wanted to support. I hope other alumni will join me in

this effort.”

These gifts from Mr. Lehrman and Mr. Niemand are creating a new

interdisciplinary course for Mercersburg that is set to become a benchmark

course for other schools as well.

According to Sancho, “The Quinn-Ferguson Seminar replicates much

of what has made this school unique—like excellent teaching and

inspiration—and that causes a significant, lasting impact on the lives

of young people, all the way into their old age.”

If you would like to support the endowment for the Quinn-Ferguson

Honors Seminar, please contact Gail Reeder at 717-328-6323 or

[email protected].

SEMINAR CHALLENGES (continued from page 1)

Members of the Class of 2000 with the Post family at a ceremony to dedicate

the Patricia Post Reference Area in Lenfest Hall.

Reunion Classes fund

Meaningful Gifts

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Nancy Moore Banta ’77 leads Mercersburg’s

White Key parent organization.

Nancy Moore Banta ’77 Helps Parents Get Involved through White KeyI WAS A LEGACY STUDENT at Mercersburg,

following in the footsteps of my father, Tom

Moore ’57, and my grandfather, Charles Moore

’22. For me, attending Mercersburg meant being

able to do everything I wanted in one place. I

loved the school, and I stayed connected, even

working in the Alumni & Development Office

for a few years after college. I helped start the

Mercersburg Association of New York, and it was

really fun to connect with other Mercersburg


But when my own kids became interested in

attending Mercersburg, I had a whole new level

of interest. I wanted to be involved in the school

as a parent, not just as an alumna. That’s when

I took on leadership of the Mercersburg parent

organization, which is now called White Key.

I feel strongly that, as parents, we invest a lot

of our money, time, and emotion into the

Mercersburg experience for our kids. Through

White Key, parents have the opportunity to get

more involved in making Mercersburg great

while also staying well informed about what’s

happening at the school.

One of my main goals for White Key is to

create more opportunities to bring parents

together. My husband and I hosted a parent

reception this past spring, and it was really

gratifying to see how many parents showed up.

Parents can act as vital resources for each other,

so I’m always working to create more parent-to-

parent interaction.

White Key parents also host regional

admission receptions, make calls to prospective

parents, and take on other activities to support

the Admission Office. And we help fundraise

among parents for True Blue: The Mercersburg

Annual Fund.

Any parent can be involved with White Key.

We hold our annual White Key meeting during

Family Weekend, so I meet many new parents

there. But parents should feel free to contact me

any time—email me at [email protected]

or call 908-654-3446.

Ensuring the Longevity of our Mercersburg “Family”

EMERITUS FACULTY MEMBER Paul Suerken always said

Mercersburg was his family. And this much-loved music teacher

made sure that the Mercersburg family will remain strong by

establishing a bequest to the school in his will. “Suerk” was

remembered at a service in celebration of his life in the Simon

Theatre of the Burgin Center for the Arts on August 21, 2010.

Memorial contributions may be made to the Paul M. Suerken

Scholarship Fund.

Faculty emeritus member James W. Smith, who passed away

in 2009, also honored the school with a bequest gift. Jim gave so

much of himself and his talents over the years as the organist,

carilloneur, choirmaster, director of music, and chair of the fine

arts department. Jim’s Mercersburg family includes

his wife, Carol, and his children, Ted Smith ’83,

Hannah Smith Kudrik ’91, and Sarah Smith ’93.

Contributions in his memory can be made to

the James W. Smith Memorial Fund.

Future generations of Mercersburg students

will benefit from the generosity of these and other

faculty members and their loyalty and commitment

to Mercersburg. By leaving a bequest to the school,

they and their families have helped to ensure

the school will continue to offer an extraordinary

experience for many, many years to come.The late James W. Smith, faculty emeritus and

longtime carillonneur, pictured here in the Swoope

carillon tower.

The late Paul Suerken, faculty emeritus.

“Parents have the opportunityto get involved in makingMercersburg great whilestaying informed about what’shappening at the school.”

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GREGORY D. SMITH ’65 | Boca Raton, FloridaBefore retirement, Greg served for five years as

a math teacher at Mercersburg. Prior to that,

he taught at Duquesne University and Robert

Morris College. Greg has worked as a merchant

seaman, carpenter, and chief executive. He has

two sons, Aaron ’95 and Ben ’99. Though Greg

lives in Boca Raton, he also keeps a residence in

Mercersburg; he has been an active volunteer at

the school, having served on the Board of Regents from 1994 to 1998 and

as a reunion volunteer.

JAMES C. ZEGER ’65 | Mercersburg, PennsylvaniaJim earned a bachelor’s degree from Juniata

College and a master’s degree from Coppin

State College. He has served as a teacher

supervisor for the Maryland Correctional

Institution and has been mayor of Mercersburg

since 2003. Jim’s father (the late Lawrence ’34),

two brothers (the late Dennis ’63 and the late

Chris ’68), a nephew (Michael ’96), and two

nieces (Jami Swailes McCall ’86 and Andrea

Zeger ’90) also attended Mercersburg. Jim is an active volunteer for the

Academy, providing his talents as a phonathon caller, class agent, and

reunion committee member. Jim and his wife, Linda, a retired third grade

teacher, have two daughters and two grandchildren.

MARGARET JONES MANCINI ’79 | Hanover, Pennsylvania Molly is director of research and development/

corporate chef for Winter Gardens Quality

Foods. Prior to joining Winter Gardens, Molly

held positions at Hanover Foods Corp.

and Cibo Corp. and owned a business in Fort

Lauderdale, Florida. She holds degrees from

Florida Atlantic University and Florida

International University. As a student at

Mercersburg, Molly was secretary of the senior

class. She also served as a dorm prefect and as co-president of Blue Key

and played field hockey and tennis. Molly and her husband, John, have a

son (John ’14) and a daughter. Molly’s father (the late Dick Jones ’48) and

sister (Elizabeth Jones Sisca ’82) also graduated from Mercersburg.

DAVID V. DUPONT ’80 | Winston-Salem, North CarolinaDave is senior vice president for RBC Wealth

Management. He has three children, including

Benjamin ’12. Dave holds a bachelor’s degree

in economics and business management from

North Carolina State University. While at

Mercersburg, Dave was in the ski club and

model railroad club and played football,

basketball, and lacrosse. He is a class

agent and has served as a reunion volunteer.

JENNIFER S. HENDRICKSON ’03 | Washington, D.C.Jenn graduated from Penn State University in

2007 with degrees in international politics

and Latin. She is a research assistant for ICF

International in Washington, D.C., where she

works with the U.S. Department of Justice as

a case manager for the International Terrorism

Victim Expense Reimbursement Program.

As a student, Jenn played soccer, managed the

wrestling team, and was a dorm prefect and

Irving Society member. She was also involved with the KARUX and was

a member of Cum Laude. Jenn has served as a reunion committee and

phonathon volunteer, affinity agent, and class agent. Jenn’s father, Rick,

is Mercersburg’s director of athletics; her mother, Amy, is the school’s

assistant controller; and her sister, Rachael ’06, is True Blue Events

Manager for the school’s Alumni & Development Office.

SUSAN L. CORWIN MOREAU ’85 | Springfield, VirginiaSusan is a credit manager for Freddie Mac in

McLean, Virginia, and holds a bachelor’s degree

from Franklin & Marshall College. While a

student at Mercersburg, Susan was a dorm

prefect and a member of Chorale and the field

hockey and track and field teams. She has

served as a class agent since graduation. Susan

is a regular attendee at campus events and at

gatherings in the Washington, D.C., area. She

lives with her husband, Chris, and two children in Springfield, Virginia.

Her brother, Doug Corwin ’79, and sister, Nancy Corwin Sanders ’81, are

also Mercersburg alums.

Alumni Council CornerNew Alumni Council Members


The Alumni Council is pleased to welcome new volunteers who will be sharing their time

and talents in the coming year. Thank you for putting your Mercersburg pride into action!

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2010Dec | 11–12 Loyalty Club Christmas

Candlelight Service WeekendOn campus

Dec | 12 Christmas Candlelight Servicesand ReceptionChapel and Edwards Room

2011Jan | 21 Regional Event

Norton Museum of ArtPalm Beach, Florida

Jan | 22 Regional EventWoodfield Country ClubBoca Raton, Florida

Feb | 12 Regional EventOn campus in conjunction with The Sound of Music

Feb | 19 Regional EventChelsea Piers, New York City

Apr | TBA Regional EventPittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Apr | TBA Regional EventHome of Jorge Celaya ’84Baltimore, Maryland

May | 6 McDowell Society Recognition DinnerOn campus

May | 27 BaccalaureateChapel


Jun | 10-12 Reunion Anniversary Weekend for classes ending in 1 and 6 and the Loyalty ClubOn campus

For information about upcoming events, contact De-Enda Rotz at 717-328-6178 or [email protected].

Q & A with Alumni Council President Carol Furnary Casparian ’79

AS THE PRESIDENT OF Mercersburg Academy’s

Alumni Council, Carol Casparian is on a quest to show

alumni just how rewarding and fun staying connected

can be. She recently shared her thoughts on why

volunteers are so integral to keeping Mercersburg great.

MPACT: What are the goals of the Alumni Council?

CASPARIAN: The way I see it, the most important goal

of the Alumni Council is to make all alumni feel valued

by and connected to the school on a personal level.

Additionally, we work to increase greatly the percentage

of alumni who participate in True Blue: The Mercersburg

Annual Fund. In everything we do, our goal is to build

and strengthen Mercersburg’s volunteer network.

MPACT: What are some of the most important ways volunteers contribute to keeping

Mercersburg great?

CASPARIAN: Volunteers are ambassadors for the school and a great source of information

about what is happening at Mercersburg. Maintaining a strong sense of community among

alumni encourages their financial support, but also their own volunteer efforts. A gift of time

is also very important to Mercersburg.

MPACT: To volunteer, does a person have to commit a lot of time?

CASPARIAN: You do not need to have a lot of time to give, and absolutely anyone can be

involved. There are many ways to help, some intensive and others not. Both are important

to Mercersburg.

MPACT: What do other volunteers tell you they enjoy about being involved with Mercersburg?

CASPARIAN: Volunteers always tell me how fulfilling it is to be part of something you believe

in and love. One volunteer put it this way: “It’s a great way to make a difference in a place that

gave you a chance to learn and grow.”

MPACT: What do you personally enjoy most about your Mercersburg volunteer work?

CASPARIAN: I enjoy meeting and getting to know other alumni, parents, and teachers I may

not have met before. It is very energizing for me to come back home to Mercersburg. Although

I’m very busy every time I am here, strangely enough, when I leave to drive back to New York

I am totally energized again.

MPACT: Who should people contact if they want to volunteer at Mercersburg?

CASPARIAN: Contact me at 845-265-7935 or [email protected] or De-Enda Rotz in the

Alumni & Development Office at 717-328-6178 or [email protected].

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The Mercersburg Community

Out AboutEmail photos and captions to [email protected].


CORRECTION–Spring 2010 issue of MPACT, Page 5, Restoration of the Irvine Memorial Chapel Stained-Glass WindowsJ. Martin Myers ’36 writes that when he read the sentence, “Butterfield’sgrandfather, John Milton Drumm, was treasurer of the Academy for 46 yearsand was married in the Chapel in 1937,” he was confused until he realized thatwe got one piece of information wrong. John Drumm wasn’t married in theChapel. It was his daughter, Ethel Drumm, who married Albert W. Butterfieldin the Chapel in 1937. Mr. Myers writes, “Actually I can’t verify that personally,but Ethel was about my sister’s age, and looking at time and sequence andknowing them as ‘across the street’ neighbors, it makes better sense.”

Email photos and captions to [email protected].

MPACT is published three times per year by the Mercersburg Academy Alumni & Development Office.

We welcome your questions and comments. Please contact the Alumni &Development Office at 800-588-2550.

Mercersburg Academy abides by both the spirit and the letter of the law in all itsemployment and admission policies. The school does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or national or ethnic origin.

C To minimize the impact on the environment, this publication is printed on papermade with 30% process chlorine-free post-consumer recycled fiber. The inkscontain a high proportion of renewable vegetable-based ingredients.

Members of the Class of ’60 at a luauduring Reunion Anniversary Weekend 2010.

Members of the Class of ’62 and their spouses held a mini-reunion in Cape May, New Jersey,in early September.

Class of ’60 membershonored with the Classof ’32 DistinguishedAlumni Award: AlbertBellas, Ted Boyd, DavidFrantz, and Hank Spire.

Mercersburg alums met and mingledin Denver, Colorado, this past June 25-27. Among the weekend’s destinationswere Wyncoop Brewing Co. and DryIce Factory.

Storm Runners Will Waldron, Rick Hendrickson, and Jason Bershatsky participate in a 5K Fun Run with Donnaand Eric Reif ’60. Also pictured is Kyler Wood, Jason’s son.

Dianna Lora ’00 shares a hug during ReunionAnniversary Weekend 2010.

These Mercersburg alums at the U.S. NavalAcademy took time out from playing on thesquash team to pose for a photo. Seated are’07 classmates Aidan Crofton, Allan Lutz,and Clint Brown. Standing are EmileToscano ’10, Clayton Young ’08, BillyAbrams ’09, and John Richey ’09.

Johanna Wirtz-Woodworth P ’13 presents Doug Halewith a portrait she painted of Stanley Smoyer ’30.

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Fall AlumniWeekend


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