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  • 8/18/2019 MP - Chapter 11 - Utilities.pdf


    system capacities are adequate

    to handle the forecast 2030

    demands. See Figure 11-1.

    11.2.1 Development by 2010

    The Region of Peel has indicated

    that its watermain along Airport

    Road, crossing under Hwy 409,

    is to be abandoned and relocatedbecause of its age and condition.

     A new watermain connection

    between Airport and Viscount

    Roads is required for the develop-

    ment of Areas 6A and 6B, and

     will also replace the existing 

     Airport Road watermain under

    Hwy 409.

    The watermains in Area 8 are the

    oldest at the Airport. Over theyears, Area 8 has been redeveloped

    in different stages, therefore the

    area accommodates new and old

    buildings. New building code and

    life safety requirements are placing

    Chapter 11 > UTI LI TI E S

    UT I L I T I E S

    Chapter 11

    1 1 . 1 I N T R O D U C T I O N

    The Utility Master Plan for

    Toronto Pearson International

     Airport encompasses all utilities

    required to serve and operate an

    efficient and dependable airport.

    The Plan addresses power, com-

    munications, natural gas, hot and

    chilled water for heating and

    cooling, jet fuel, water for fire

    and domestic use, sanitary and

    storm sewers and their associated


    Following the completion of the

    first phase of the Airport Develop-

    ment Program, the GTAA will

    continue to work within a consul-

    tative framework with the various

    federal, provincial, regional andmunicipal authorities that provide

    utilities, have jurisdiction over

    them, or are impacted by the

    requirement for services by 

    the Airport.

     As development of Toronto

    Pearson continues, the demand

    for services will increase. The

     Airport’s utility infrastructure will

    continue to be constructed inareas where the constraint on

    development is minimized.

    1 1 . 2 W A T E R D I S T R I B U T I O N

    The primary supplier of domestic

     water to the Airport is the Region

    of Peel. The Region connects to

    the Airport’s watermain infra-

    structure with three feeds:

     Airport Road at American Drive,

    Britannia Road to the Infield, and

    Elmbank Road. A fourth feed is

    available from Courtneypark 

    Drive but it is not yet fully 

    developed across to the Infield.

     Airport facilities, located in the

     Airport North area, the Vista Cargo

    area, and the Cogeneration and

    Central Utilities Plants are serviced

    directly from the Region of Peel

     water distribution network, and

    are not connected to the Airport’s

    internal distribution system.

    The City of Toronto provides a 

    secondary domestic water feed to

    the airport grid from Etobicoke

    Pressure Zone 4. The Toronto

    system is connected to the domes-

    tic and fire water system in Area 

    2A, and provides two unmetered

     watermain service connections for

    emergency backup purposes

    should the Peel Region supplied

     watermain loop for Area 2

    suffer a severe pressure drop

    associated with a fire pump

    start or other high water

    demand. The water

    distribution model for the

    Toronto Pearson was

    updated in 2004, and

    confirmed that the

    existing watermain

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    additional strains on the existing 

     watermains. Old watermains will

    be systematically replaced as re-

    development occurs.

    Demolition of Terminal 2 started

    in March 2007. As a result, a new 

     watermain alignment replacing the

    existing fire and domestic water

    supplies to Area 2A will be

    constructed in 2007. The new 

     watermain alignment will border

    Stage 2 of the Terminal 1 apron

    and will follow the planned GTAA 

    road network at full build out.

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    11.2.2 Development beyond 2010

    Construction of the Courtneypark 

    Drive watermain extension across

    the Infield area will occur some

    time after 2010 as a secondary feed

    to the facilities. Properties in Areas

    13C, 13E, and Area 16 (Skeet

    Club lands) can be serviced directly 

    from a Region of Peel watermain

    grid when development occurs.

    1 1 . 3 N A T U R A L G A S

    Natural gas service is supplied

    solely by Enbridge Gas Distribu-

    tion (Enbridge) through a system

    of high- and intermediate-pressure

    gas mains, used primarily to heat

    buildings and heat water for

    domestic use. The mains are

    located within the right-of-way 

    of all the major arterial roads

    bordering the Airport. High andintermediate pressure natural gas

    connections were used from this

    external network to centrally 

    located gas meters and regulators

     within the Airport for subsequent

    sale to commercial users at

    lowered pressure levels.

    The major demands for natural gas

    are from the Cogeneration Plant

    and the Central Utilities Plant, which provides hot and chilled

     water to Terminal 1, and provides

    auxiliary building heat to several

    buildings, including snow-melting 

    facilities around Terminal 1

    (10 units) and Terminal 3 (1 unit).

    The Central Utilities Plant is

    serviced through Enbridge’s high-

    pressure grid. The Cogeneration

    Plant is serviced from a dedicated

    extra high-pressure service.

    The Infield area is serviced by a 

    250 mm high-pressure connection

    that runs along an old alignment

    of Britannia Road. On the east

    side, a 100 mm high-pressure

    connection is from the Renforth

    and Silver Dart Drives intersection

    along Silver Dart Drive to serve

    the Pearson International Fueling Facilities Corporation (PIFFC)

    headquarters. Additionally,

    Terminal 3 is serviced from a 

    200 mm intermediate-pressure gas

    main on Airport Road.

    The Infield area is serviced along 

    the Britannia Road allowance and

    Enbridge owns and operates its

    infrastructure to each building 

    meter. Enbridge does not have

    any easements or rights-of-way 

    on GTAA property and has

    serviced the Infield area much

    like a subdivision within a typicalmunicipality.

    Terminal 1 and the Terminal 1

    Garage are serviced by a 200 mm

    intermediate-pressure system from

    an Enbridge regulating station

    located on airport lands.

    Peak demands from the Terminal 1

    complex and the Infield area are

    estimated at 300 million BTU/h

    and 50 million BTU/h respec-

    tively. The estimated increase in

    heating demand attributable to the

    relocation of the GTAA adminis-

    tration offices, field maintenance,

    and other airport support func-

    tions to the Airport South area was

    determined to be offset by the

    relocation of the former Canadian

     Airlines and Skyservice hangars to

    the Infield area.

    Buildings in Area 2A are serviced

    on a per building basis by a high

    pressure connection. This con-

    nection is adequate to support

    future needs.

    11.3.1 Future Infrastructure

    Future natural gas servicing requirements in the proposed

    new development areas such as

     Area 6, Boeing Lands (Area 15),

     Areas 13A, 13B, etc. will be

    supplied through Enbridge’s

    external distribution network.

    Aviation Fuel Tank Farm

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    11.3.2 Developments to 2010

     An Enbridge gas main extension

    along the access road into Area 6A 

    and 6B will be constructed to

    bring natural gas services to the

     Area 6A redevelopment, and an

    upgraded supply to the Viscount

    Road Airport LINK train station

    and the Area 6B garage.

    11.3.3 Developments

    beyond 2010

    In conjunction with the

    Courtneypark Drive watermain

    construction, a gas main will be

    constructed to supply additional

    load and to supply additional

    redundancy to the Infield gas

    distribution network.

    1 1 . 4 J E T F U E L S U P P L Y

    PIFFC, an airline consortium,

    owns and controls the supply and

    distribution of all aviation fuel at

    the tank farm in Area 11. PIFFC,

    in turn, contracts with Consoli-

    dated Aviation Fuelling of Toronto

    to manage the day-to-day fuelling 

    operations. The tank farm has two

    independent fuel storage areas

     with a capacity of 17,400 m3

    (3.8 million gal.). Fuel is supplied

    to the tank farm by truck and by 

    pipeline. Fuel is then distributed

    from the tank farm to airside,

     where aircraft are fuelled from


    11.4.1 Future Demand

     Additional fuel storage capacity is

    needed to meet current and future

    demands. At present, PIFFC is

    developing an off-airport storage

    and distribution facility with a rail

    connection. This facility will

    supply fuel to the Airport by 

    pipeline. A fuel line corridor has

    been reserved on airport lands. In

    addition, the GTAA has set aside

    property in Area 6C for the future

    relocation of the existing tank 

    farm on Silver Dart Drive.

    1 1 . 5 S A N I T A R Y S E W E R S

    The sanitary sewage discharged

    from Toronto Pearson flows to the

    City of Toronto Mimico Creek 

    trunk sewer in the east and to the

    Region of Peel Etobicoke Creek 

    trunk sewer along the western

    boundary of the Airport. The

    Mimico Creek trunk sewer

    discharges to the Humber Sewage

    Treatment Plant. The Etobicoke

    Creek trunk sewer discharges to

    the Lakeview Sewage Treatment

    Plant. Low concentrate glycol is

    discharged into the sanitary 

    sewage system in accordance withthe compliance agreement

    between the GTAA and the City 

    of Toronto and Region of Peel.

    The peak rate of sanitary sewage

    that flows from the terminal areas

    is primarily a function of the

    forecast volume of passenger

    activity over the forecast horizon.

    Sufficient sewer outlet capacity 

    exists in the existing infrastructureto handle airport expansion to full


     A new sanitary sewer, including 

    a pumping station, services

    Terminal 1, the Terminal 1

     Parking Garage, and ancillary 

    buildings, and connects to a Peel

    Region Etobicoke Creek trunk 

    sewer. Terminal 3 and adjacent

    buildings are currently serviced by 

    a gravity sewer running northerly 

    across Areas 6A and 6B and into

    a Region of Peel trunk sewer.

    Stormwater Management Pond

    Cogeneration Plant

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    Terminal 2 was demolished in

    2007 and with it a large section

    of sanitary sewer connecting the

    old terminal to the Terminal 1

    sewage lift station. The discharge

    for two facilities that were con-

    nected to the Terminal 2 outfall

    sewer were rerouted. A sanitary 

    holding tank was installed for thefuel tank farm, and the existing 

    75 mm forcemain servicing the

    Terminal 1 Satellite was converted

    into and connected to an existing 

    sewer discharging to the City of 

    Toronto system.

    Sanitary effluent from future

    developments in Area 15 (the

    Boeing lands), Areas 2A, 13A,

    13B, 13C, and 13E can be directly 

    discharged into adjacent muni-

    cipal sewer systems.

    11.5.1 Development to 2010

    The existing Terminal 3 outfall

    sanitary sewer has been com-

    promised through Areas 6A and

    6B, by the Airport LINK train

    station, a parking garage (underconstruction), and several tie-back 

    penetrations from an adjacent

    retaining wall. The sanitary sewer,

    north of Airport Road to its

    present connection into the

    Region of Peel’s collection system

    at Northwest Drive, will be

    relocated. The relocation includes

    the construction of a sewage

    pumping station.

    The 50-year-old sewage pumping 

    station in Area 5, serving the Vista 

    Cargo and the Air Canada Flight

    Simulation Centre is at its end of 

    life and will be replaced in 2007/08.

    11.5.2 Development beyond 2010

    The construction to complete the

    twinning of the existing Peel

    Region’s Spring Creek trunk sewer

    is scheduled to occur in concert

     with the construction of Runway 

    05-23 and Taxiway Hotel. This would pre-empt the need to

    tunnel the storm sewer extension

    under the runway at some future

    date to service a future stormwater

    management facility.

    1 1 . 6 S T O R M S E W E R S

    The Airport’s stormwater manage-

    ment practices adhere to theguidelines and requirements of 

    local and provincial conservation

    authorities. In general terms, this

    requires that run-off of storm water

    not exceed pre-development levels,

    and that sedimentation and

    pollutants must be prevented from

    reaching streams and rivers.

    Stormwater management facilities

    are located throughout the airportlands, which is divided into a 

    number of drainage areas.

    Figure 11-2 depicts the drainage

    areas and Figure 11-3 the storm-

     water facilities. A summary and

    description of existing facilities is

    shown in Table 11-1.

    11.6.1 Development to 2010

    Facility 24A – Area 13B – A 

    surface dry pond with a storage

    volume of 4,500 m3 will be con-

    structed, providing storm water

    quality and erosion control for

    21.9 ha of Drainage Area 24 –

     west block. Spring Creek bisects

    this development area and the

    resulting floodplain requirements

    significantly reduce the amount of 

    land available for development.

    Facility 24B – Area 13B – An

    underground storage facility 

    (stormceptor) with a storage

    volume of 1,000 m3

     will be con-structed, providing storm water

    quality and erosion control for

    4.6 ha of Drainage Area 24 –

    north east block. The facility will

    be designed for water quality 

    control. Spring Creek bisects this

    development area and the result-

    ing floodplain requirements

    significantly reduce the amount of 

    land available for development.

    Skeet Club Lands (Area 16) – At

    the north end of the Airport, to

    the west of the FedEx site, the

    GTAA has purchased the Skeet

    Club lands (10.2 ha). A surface

    dry pond with storage volume of 

    4,500 m3 will be constructed to

    provide storm water quality and

    erosion control. The total con-

    tributing drainage area is 19.9 ha.The storm water management

    facility will control the remaining 

    portions of Drainage Area 22 not

    adequately serviced by the

    constructed FedEx Facility and

     Juliet Storm water Pond.

    Flight Information Display System

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    11.6.2 Development beyond 2010

    H4 Facility – A surface dry pond

     with storage volume of 19,055 m3

     will be constructed providing 

    storm water quality and erosion

    control.The contributing drainage

    area is 143.8 ha. The storm water

    management facility will control

    runoff from Drainage Area 21,

    including a large portion of 

    proposed Runway 05R-23L. Con-

    struction of this facility is to be

    included with the first stage of 

    Runway 05R-23L construction.

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    Facility Purpose Description

    Etobicoke Creek Stormwater Facility Quantity and Quality • 56,300 m3 (56 million litres) capacity (engineered wetland).

    • Drainage Areas 14 & 15 – 318.41 ha catchment area.

    • Drains Central Deicing Facility, south Infield area, and portions of

    Terminal 1 and Terminal 2 apron areas.

    Moores Stormwater Faci li ty Quantity and Quality • 84,000 m3

    capacity (1 underground tank, 2 ponds).• Drainage Areas 2, 16 & 3 – 406.63 ha catchment area.

    • Drains T3, Vista Cargo, associated taxiways, Infield north of the control

    tower, and a portion of the Infield.

    Carlingview Stormwater Facility Quality and Quantity • Drainage Area 6 – 58.52 ha catchment area.

    • Two underground storage tanks with a total of 17,000 m3 of storage

    capacity (one at 7,000 m3, one at 10,000 m3).

    • Drains Terminal 2 on-gate areas, and PIFFCs fuelling facility.

    Aeroquay Stormwater Facility Quantity and Quality • 6,600 m3 capacity (underground storage tank).

    • Drainage Area 5 – 31.70 ha catchment area.

    • Drains Terminal 1 groundside roads, and Terminal 1 roof.

    Stormwater Management Pond 4 Quantity • 26,700 m3 capacity (dry surface facility).(SWM 4) • Drainage Area 9 – 123.84 ha catchment area.

    • Drains Convair Dr. and Electra Dr. and associated buildings, portions of

    the 06-24 runways, portions of the Airside Service Rd.

    Stormwater Management Pond 5 Quantity • 4,600 m3 capacity (dry surface facility).

    (SWM 5) • Drainage Area 10 – 19.40 ha catchment area.

    • Drains portions of the 06-24 runways.

    Stormwater Management Pond 6 Quantity • 24,800 m3 capacity (dry surface facility).

    (SWM 6) • Drainage Area 11 – 43.77 ha catchment area.

    • Drains portions of Airside Service Rd, portions of the 06-24 runways.

    Stormwater Management Facility Quantity and erosion control • 4,300 m3 capacity (dry surface facility).

    A14 • Drains portions of the Airside Service Rd, portions of the 06-24 runways.Stormwater Management Pond 16 Quantity and erosion control • 11,200 m3 capacity (dry surface facility).

    • Drainage Areas 7 & 8 – 30.14 ha catchment area.

    • Drains portions of Silver Dart Drive, adjacent fields, and portions of the

    06-24 runways.

    Juliet Pond Quantity and erosion control • 13,900 m3 capacity (dry surface facility).

    • 76.7 ha catchment area.

    Pond 6B • 11,220 m3 capacity (dry surface facility).

    • Drainage Area 4 – 26.30 ha catchment area.

    427 Ponds (at 409) East and West Quantity • 10,620 m3 capacity (dry surface facility)

    • Drainage Area 4 – 43.70 ha catchment area.

    WM 4 Quantity • 19,400 m3 capacity (dry surface stormwater facility).• Drainage Areas 1 & 26 – 148.1 ha catchment area.

    FedEx Stormwater Pond • 6,200 m3 capacity (dry surface stormwater facility).

    • 28.6 ha catchment area.

    • Drainage Area 22 – Drains FedEx lands; not controlled by the GTAA.

    TABLE 11-1

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    Included in the construction of 

    Runway 05R-23L is the triple box 

    culvert that conveys Spring Creek 

    through the Airport relieved with an

    adjacent 3000 mm concrete pipe.

     A hydraulic analysis completed for

    Spring Creek during the extension

    of Juliet Taxiway indicated that the

    downstream extension of the triple

    box culvert could result in the

    overtopping of Runways 05L-23R 

    and 05R-23L during a regional

    storm event.

    Facility 25 – Area 13A – A dry 

    surface pond with a storage volume

    of 26,500 m3 will be constructed

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    providing storm water quantity,

    quality, and erosion control for

    24.1 ha of Drainage Area 25.

    Boeing Lands (Area 15) – The

    storm water outlet sewer for the

    Boeing lands crosses the property 

    of the International Centre by 

    agreement. To some degree, this

    controls the retention time and

    rate of runoff into the existing 

    sewer. Preliminary studies indicate

    that the lands can be developed

     without subsurface retention


    1 1 . 7 P O W E R

    Toronto Pearson is supplied with

    power from four 27.6 kV feeders:

    two feeders from the Richview 

    Transformer Station, one dedica-

    ted feeder from Bramalea Trans-

    former Station, and one shared

    feeder from the Cardiff Trans-

    former Station. These feeders

    supply power from the north, the

    northwest, and the east. Thisgeographic redundancy provides

    the Airport a needed level of 

    secure supplies of power.

    The present four feeders terminate

    at switchyards designated as

    follows: South Switching Unit,

    North Switching Unit, and West

    Switching Units. The switchyards

    consist of air-insulated switchgear

    employing circuit breakers forswitching and fault protection.

    Dual, full capacity loops connect

    from the east switchyards to the

     west switchyards along the

    southern perimeter of the Airport

     while another dual loop does the

    same through the middle of the

     Airport. At various locations along 

    the dual loops, there are Load

    Modules (LMs) that tap off the

    dual loops to provide service

    feeders to all of the airport loads.

    Critical loads have two adjacentLMs tapping off each of the dual

    loop feeders. This arrangement, in

    effect, provides the opportunity 

    for critical buildings to connect to

    four different sources. Non-critical

    buildings are supplied from two

    power sources.

    The LMs are pad mounted

    switchgear contained in sealed

    enclosures and pressurized with a gas (Sulfurhexachloride or SF6).

    The units employ state-of-the-art

    technology for protection and

    control, and are interconnected by 

    a fibre optic cable to facilitate

    supervisory control and data 

    acquisition systems.

    The entire electrical system is

    continuously monitored from

    Enersource Hydro Mississauga’s

    (EHM) control room on Mavis

    Road. In addition to the automatic

    response of the protection and

    control system to isolate faults as

    soon as they occur, the control

    room operators can immediately 

    examine the distribution system

    status and effect switching 

    remotely to restore power to any 

    airport customer affected by a fault. Terminal 1 has been con-

    structed with similar technology 

    and equipment, in that there are

    two switchyards, NTA and NTB,

    one at each end of the terminal,

    and dual loop feeders run the

    length of the terminal with

    12 LMs tapping off power for all

    the terminal loads.

    In 2005, a new 117 MW Cogen-

    eration Plant was constructed and

    commissioned in Area 6C. The

    plant is connected into the

    Enersource Hydro Mississauga 

    distribution system through three

    44 kV feeders. The Cogeneration

    Plant can provide power to the

     Airport’s distribution system

    through three connecting feeders

    at 27.6 kV. This takes place at the

    Central Utility Plant (CUP)

     where there are three LMs that

    have direct connections to the

    main airport switchyards.

    The present airport load is

    averaging 38 MW and is expected

    to grow to approximately 56 MW 

    by 2020. The existing incoming 

    feeders and the distribution

    system capacity are able to carry 

    the forecast load to 2020 and

    beyond. The entire 27.6 kV 

    airport distribution system is

    operated, managed, and main-

    tained by Enersource Technologies

    under contract to GTAA.

    The only exceptions to this would

    be the power supplies to the

    properties that have been acquired

    in recent years by the GTAA,

    referred to as the Dorman Road

    property and the Boeing lands.

    Both of these properties hadpreviously been developed and

     were supplied directly with power

    from the local electrical utility. A 

    GTAA land use study confirmed

    that the existing feeders to these

    properties will be more than

    adequate to satisfy all anticipated

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    demands. However, a utility 

    corridor for the supply of power

    through the GTAA grid will bemaintained should it ever become

    beneficial to integrate the supply 

     with the GTAA’s Cogeneration

    Plant incoming supply.

    11.7.1 Cogeneration Plant

     At the present time, the Airport’s

    facilities can be supplied from

    27.6 kV feeders only, or somecombination of the 27.6 kV and

    44 kV feeders, subject to cable

    capacities and distribution system

    constraints. This arrangement

    allows the Airport to supply part

    of its load from the Cogeneration

    Plant without engaging in switch-

    ing operations. The incoming 

    feeders can be isolated or con-

    nected at the corresponding 

    switching unit remotely from the

    EHM control room to allow 

    changes in the incoming power

    configuration to respond to

    planned or unplanned situations.

    11.7.2 Development by 2010

     Area 6A: If financially feasible, the

    27.6 kV ducts from the Terminal

    3 Oval Lot will be extended across

     Airport Road and connect to the

    existing ducts in the vicinity of the

     Airport LINK train 27.6 kV sub-

    station. This will complete the

    east loop of the Airport’s 27.6 kV 

    electrical distribution system and

    provide services to Area 6A.

    1 1 . 8 C O M M U N I C A T I O N S

     With the advent of the Airport

    Development Program, the GTAA 

    started a major conversion from

    conventional processes to elec-

    tronic data management by 

    implementing the most current

    processes of the information and

    telecommunications industries. An

    infrastructure was designed andinstalled that is resilient and

    provides redundancy. Key equip-

    ment has an uninterruptible power

    supply (UPS) to protect against

    power outages and equipment

     within the building’s main

    computer rooms (MCR) and

     telecommunications closets (TC)

    are cross connected to several

    sources. Figure 11-4 illustrates a 

    typical network design concept.

    The infrastructure is secure and

    has sufficient capacity to expand

    to meet future demands. A com-

    mon cabling system providing the

    backbone for the Campus Area 

    Network (CAN) consists of 

    425 km of fibre optic cable and

    2,350 km of copper cables encased

    in concrete duct banks. The CAN

    interconnects all campus buildings

    and provides carrier-class tech-

    nologies to provide Internet

    Protocol-enabled (IP) network connectivity for the majority of 

    airport systems, including check-

    in counters, kiosks, gates, baggage

    systems, security, and office com-

    puting environments. In addition,

    coaxial cables are installed in some

    buildings to support specialty 

    services. Communications Hubs

    provide the off-airport linkages to

    commercial communicationsservice providers such as Bell

    Canada, etc. The Telecommuni-

    cations and Network Services

     Access Agreement governs the

    access conditions and require-

    ments for service providers.

    Figure 11-5 shows areas serviced

    by the CAN.

     An electronic security system

    allows the GTAA to monitor andmanage its extensive security 

    and public safety commitment.

    In excess of 2,300 cameras and

    17 closed circuit television nodes

    have been installed, over 2,030

    doors with over 19,000 monitored

    alarm points are connected to

    Central Utilities Plant (foreground) and Cogeneration Plant (background)

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    the system, as are over 320 duress


    The system has a database with

    12,000 records for security access

    privileges. A total of 968 emer-

    gency intercom stations are

    installed at essential access doors,

    in elevators, washrooms, public

    areas, and parking garages to give

    public and staff instant access to

    the Airport Operations Control

    Centre (AOCC) in the event of 

    an emergency. A Public Address

    system, part of the GTAA Public

    Information and Life Safety 

    Systems, provides extensivecoverage in all public areas

    including the terminal buildings

    and other GTAA facilities.

    11.8.1 Developments to 2010

    Expansion of the communications

    utilities are planned for Areas 5

    and 7 by 2010. Both these areas

    can be fed from the existing EastCommunications Hub.

    11.8.2 Developments

    beyond 2010

    The North Communications Hub

    and the connection from Area 5

    are planned to be constructed by 

    2015. This linkage also allows the

    Boeing lands to be serviced.

    1 1 . 9 C E N T R A L U T I L I T I E S

    P L A N T

    The Central Utilities Plant (CUP)

    generates hot and chilled water for

    heating and cooling.

    The operation of the CUP and

    the Cogeneration Plant are inter-

    related. The Cogeneration Plant

    generates electricity through two

    gas turbines, a process which

    produces a significant amount of 

    exhaust heat. The waste heat isrecovered through two steam

    boilers to create additional

    electricity through the steam

    turbine. Steam that is not used to

    power the steam turbine can be

    redirected to the CUP.

    The cooling systems in the CUP

    are equipped with five electric

    motor-driven centrifugal chillers,

    two steam turbine-driven chillers,

    five chilled water distribution

    pumps, six cooling towers, and

    seven condenser water pumps.

    The heating systems in the CUP

    are equipped with four steam

    boilers, three hot-water tube and

    shell heat exchangers, five hot-

     water distribution pumps, and

    two de-aerators and expansiontanks with four boiler feed pumps.

     At present, the CUP has a steam

    driven cooling capacity of approxi-

    mately 4,000 tons. This output

    can be increased as demand grows.

     At present, there is approximately 

    30 per cent additional cooling 

    capacity available in the CUP in

    addition to 100 per cent addi-

    tional heating capacity.

    The CUP was designed to support

    staged construction and to expand

    as the demand for heating and

    cooling grows. At full build out,

    the CUP can handle 10 chillers

    and an additional two boilers.

    11.9.1 CUP Main Loop

    Distribution System

     At the present time, the CUP

    supplies hot and chilled water to

    Terminal 1, the Terminal 1Parking Garage, and the Infield

    area by means of an underground

    distribution network of distribu-

    tion pipes. Terminal 3 has its own

    heating and cooling system and is,

    therefore, not serviced by the

    CUP. Figure 11-6 shows an over-

    view of the CUP’s hot and chilled

     water lines.

    The distribution system serving 

    the Infield area has two compo-

    nents. The first component con-

    sists of a direct feed from the CUP

    to the Infield Hot Water Distribu-

    tion Plant. The second component

    is the Hot Water Distribution

    Plant’s supply lines serving six 

    buildings in the Infield. These are

    the Three Bay Hangar, the Infield

    Terminal, Cargo 2, Cargo 3, AirCanada’s Equipment Maintenance

    building and the Air Canada 

    Cargo 1 building.

    Four projects are required in the

    future. The first three elements

    Typical Network Design Concept

    F I G U R E 1 1 - 4

    Space 1

    Space 2 Space 3

    Ring 1

    Ring 2

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     will improve efficiency and add

    redundancy for existing demands.

    The fourth will be driven by the

    need to serve new or expanded


    11.9.2 Proposed Improvements

    Over time the CUP will require

    certain upgrades and expansions

    to meet the growing demand for

    heating and cooling. These are:

    1. Upgrading the CUP Control


    2. Enhancing the main CUP

    distribution loop

    3. Enhancing the Infield distribu-

    tion loop

    4. Increasing overall capacity at

    the CUP

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    11.9.3 Development by 2010

    The current control system dates

    back to 2000 and has not been

    updated to keep pace with the

    available improvements in

    efficiencies of managing energy.

    11.9.4 Development beyond 2010

     Adding Terminal 3 to the main

    distribution loop would provide

    some redundancy for the overall

    system and will, in emergency 

    situations, allow Terminal 3 to

    share heating and cooling with

    other facilities. The existing singlesupply pipe for heating and

    cooling under the airfield will be

    twinned for redundancy.

    Valves and valve chambers will be

    installed to the medium hot water

    supply lines serving the Infield

    area. This will prevent the need

    for full shutdown in the event of a 

    pipe rupture.

    There is insufficient capacity to

    meet cooling demands oncePier G comes online. Additional

    chillers will be added to the CUP

    at that time.