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a movie review of the movie torque


I. TITLEThe movie named torque is a movie filled those burning rubber, fast cars, tight clothes, and everything a male thrill junky to a nerd would like. The movie title resembles the physics lesson Torque which shows out almost every second of the movie from the motorcycles banking the curves then by leaning while maintaining balance, from simply the movement of their body by using a fulcrum or a pivot point for the axis of movement.The title of the movie itself inists or shows a number of stunts done by torque, hence without torque there may be not movement of all in a three dimensional axis. Torque in the movie shows or portrays a very important role or line in the movie or even in the outside world by means of a lesson on how we can lift, on what is the lever or center of gravity and many more such as also determine the force acted upon another opposing force, the distance or where the fulcrum may be located.II. THEME Based on the movie that was called torque is justice in the eyes of the humans may be flawed but will still prevail. From my understanding this is a theme that can match the movie because justice at first was severely flawed but after the climax it showed that the real person who sinned was caught who was the FBI male agent McPherson who was the real meth dealer.From the start of the movie the real suspect was masked as a victim which was a plot twist between the story and which we though the real antagonist which was Henley James the leader of the Hellions. But from then on fourth it showed that McPherson was interested in the case for his own good; it was masked as if he was the true hero but in the end her was the main suspect and was punished by the law. It Also showed this kind of theme because even though McPhersonS fellow FBI agent ratted him out because justice shall prevail and not equality.The theme never showed and rancidness over the movie which can conclude the theme that justice shall be served even though in times of darkness.III. CHARACTERS The characters in the story are mostly all American Biker who belongs to a gang. Martin Hendersonas Cary Ford, the protagonist who is framed for murder. He is the main protagonist who is in a relationship with Shane Ford. He is an all American biker with a laid back attitude but with a strong disposition that will and can be soft when needed to when it comes to his love, Shane. He may run from the battle but it was only so that he could win the war without scarifying his loved ones. Ice Cubeas Trey Wallace, leader of The Reapers. He is a black American whos brother was murdered because of a deal that couldnt be done. He posses a very short temper but with a golden heart only if you do what you say you would and have trust in him. He also has family values because even though he has a thug life he takes care of his younger brother and he also avenges him even though it will cause it to his own demise. Monet Mazuras Shane, Ford's longtime girlfriend. She is in relation ship with ford. She is a hard girl but with a soft interior because she shows that in the first part of the movie she doesnt love Ford but in the end she still loves him and helps out for clearing his lovers name. She is also very strong willed because She defeated china in a bike battle but she also uses a lot of cursing words like a modern teen American. Adam Scottas FBI Agent Jay McPherson. He is the real antagonist in the story because he is a pretentious little FBIU agent who would sell his own job for getting money from an illegal job. He shows off as a protagonist at first but shows his true colors in the end. Matt Schulzeas Henry James, leader of the biker gang, The Hellions. He is ine of the most influential bikers in the movie. He is the one who is responsible for almost everything bad that happened to the main character because of a deal that goes bad for that he frames Shane for a death that he didnt do. He is very wrong in everything he does, likes pain, short temper, a very high hair line, and is a stereotypical al American biker. Will Yun Leeas Val, friend of Ford, He is the Asian biker of the group of Ford. He shows off as a perverted person for having a one night stand with one of the Negros group girls. He shows also his true friendship and golden heart like attitude. Jay Hernandezas Dalton, friend of Ford.He is just like Val but doesnt show of pervertedness but as an arrogant biker but still with a golden heart. Faizon Loveas Sonny, member of The Reapers, drives a blackFord Excursion. He is one of the close friends of Trey. He is a stereotypical African American driver because he is like the big daddy of the group. Fredro Starras Junior Wallace, younger brother of Trey who is murdered. He is the one who set up with a meth deal with the hellions which went sour and came to his own demise of death. He is very arrogant and prideful but is still loved by his brother trey. He is chocked to death by the hellions. Justina Machadoas FBI Agent Henderson, partners with FBI Agent McPherson. She is the one who committed the bomb to fuse in order to kill the perpetuator in the movie which was his own partner. She showed herself as a righteous and justice seeking FBI agent.IV. SETTINGThe setting in the movie was very good when it comes to the places that were used because it really suites the movie and it is also a great place to perform serious stunts.The first setting was in the dessert. It was a very humid place in western America where biker gangs rule the place. This was a place where it is very territorial due to the bikers that ruled the dessert as their own. The dessert was also a place where a lot of chase scenes was portrayed and where a lot of deaths have taken their toll because of the pride of the gangs.The second setting was the shop of the main characters girlfriend. This particular setting was very neat and polished because this was the place where the main characters girlfriend owned and worked at as a seller of biking gear like mugs and plates. When the Hellions came for the main character it was damaged and dealt for destruction because of their very melancholic depressing state. The third setting took place in an abandoned where house where the negro biking crew took shelter. This is the place where people run wild with liberation. The place looked like a run downed facility and where the bikers come in to club where a lot of sinful things took place like premarital sex and a lot of bloodshed which also the death of the Biker gangs leaders brother was dead because he couldnt finish a deal with the Hellions which in the end started a frame for the main characters and for him to be opponents of the hellions the other biking gang.The last place or setting took place in the Shop where the meth was in the bikes, This is where the faling action took place because this is where it showed that the male FBI agent double crossed his partner for the money and meth in place but soon died because his partner killed him first for justice. This is also the setting where in he took justice in his own hands for not trusting the police and avenging the death of the brother of the leader of the black biking gang; which made it a successful story because in the end he actually got the peace and justice that he deserved in the beginning. V. Cinematography The cinematography for the Movie torque was quite mediocre for the audience unless you would like cheesy angles from the camera which has nothing to do with what is the main picture. Even though the effects were decently good; for the time that they showed the movie because technology wasnt much advance then if you compare it to now. The camera angles were a bitt cheesy or mediocre because the camera man used too much camera effect and lost in touch in what was the main objective fir the audience that was to shoot the main character when needed and not move the camera angle to angle. Even though the angles were cheesy, there were times where in that the camera showed its soul use for the movie, it took some great frames like in the train scene; it showed some decent camera tricks instead of the people static then giving it a 360 degree effect. In that train scene they showed effects like the tumble weed and the train then the character disappearing and also before the big end they showed some pyrotechnical effects as if it came out of a power ranger series because that effect didnt even matter for the scene. For the effect they showed very good techniques like in their car racing, the fast forward like the fast 5 movies or like speed racer, the inflamed engines where in it takes a short look inside the engine, and many more. If I have to rate the cinematography for the movie Ill give it a 4 out of 10 because they showed more cheesy shots and effect , than mediocre and good combined VI. Set DesignThe design of the set may be good if you talk about the abundance of technology. The set looks good especially when the main protagonists were in the dessert and in the club. The appearance of the set was actually good and believable because the set was very well portrayed as if it really took place in real life. The day time scenes are believable because if you notice the dessert sun it doesnt looks like they edited it so as also the caves or the abandoned mine shafts.The lighting in every scene was stupendous because you can clearly see almost every detail that comes to meet the eye; all of the lighting effects was well played; in all of the scenes if you didnt add the explosions.All in all the set design is one of the best aspects that you can anticipated fir the movie because it is well played; if I were to give a score I would give it an eight out of a ten,VII. DirectionThe director is one of the most important crew in the making of any movie. They are the ones responsible for the artistic point of view of the movie because they are the ones who will interpret the script into the actually footage, if they are absent in the making of any movie you may say that the movie isnt well made because the artistic point of view of the director is missing.The director gave a slightly cheesy with a hint of mediocre point of view when it comes to my opinion. I have said this because the movie was made for teenagers and adults not for some eight year old boy who has the hots for hotwheels and the explosions from the power rangers. The movie was given a not so good interpretation because the plot wasnt portrayed well and also the artistic depth of the movie was shallow. It was full of girls wearing tank tops with a spray tan, all American bikers with a redneck agenda, a black crew posy with a very ghetto dress up, and an very typical FBI agent. Even though it was a little cheesy the movie gave an artistic way of portraying of not losing hope for justice because it shall always prevail.VIII. DialogueThe dialog made in the movie torque was well played and a little bit silly for the folks, it was also portrayed very good and I couldnt find any way that could be better than how they said their lines. "I live my life a quarter-mile at a time." This line was said by Ford and was said to Shane his long time girl friend. If you notice this particular quote, it is a reference to the fast five franchises which was said by Vin Diesel. This quote simply implies that Ford lives his life by not stressing on how time flies and by keeping a laid back attitude for what will happen in the future. It means that dont sweat what happens because there will be a tomorrow waiting for us and there is always another chance to redeem ourselves, It is said to Fords girlfriend where she insisted that she doesnt get what he is saying while Ford is saying this quote with a laid back attitude but still with trust and conviction.China You messed with the wrong chick! Shane: [Shane knocks China off her bike] Looks like you did, bitch!. This line was read by the two main antagonist and protagonist which were china and the main protagonist which was Shane. This line was humorous at the same time you can and would feel the tension between the just like oil and water. This scene was said at the feeling action where in this was the last standoff where the two battled. Shane said her line with conviction and no regret while the other said her line with an obnoxious and ignorant tone.

IX. Other Technical AspectsThe film if viewed its technical aspects, you may say that it maybe mediocre or it is unfinished in the movie. I may say that it is a little farfetched when it comes to its other aspects but the soundtrack of the movie really suites the genre of very fast and motor bikes everywhere because the artists like hoobstank was used; which I may say that is good. In other aspects like the fireworks and the others, it looked very power rangers when it comes to my taste; I may have said this due to the explosions used in the film which a lot was not necessary like when the power rangers suited up an a lot of explosions came out for no reason and it may be only interesting or good for an overly active eight year old boy who doesnt know what is art. The camera angles were also mediocre as well as their costume design which is very power rangers. X. Conclusion Based on you Analysismovie on effects but it was like more effects than the main story If I were to rate this movie, I would give it a three out of ten score. I gave this score or rating because the movie was very cheesy for my taste. It was not so good because there were unnecessary explosions like the ones in a power rangers movie and there were a lot of scene that a red neck could understand. If you could see in the movie, it was good in dialog but bad in effects even though it is shallow to base a board and that they paid more attention to this than what was the script. The story board was a success and the set design too but the director gave more emphasis on the very seductive girls, bikes, and the meth in the bikes which was good but better if they would follow a story board made for the plot and not for the effects. Even though the movie still showed a physics topic into a bad ass movie if you would only like to pay attention to this aspect and also what the main plot is.XI. Social Relevance.The social relevance of the movie named torque is that we always get into sticky situations.. We all get into these but we shall never lose hope because losing hope is just like forfeiting the battle and the war will be lost. Just like the characters in the movie if the main character gave up and told the cops, he will be in jail for a crime that he is innocent. We mustnt go to the dark side at all costs because it is worst than losing and we need to fight till our last breath had been drawn from our bodies. With the movie torque it shows that all of our fights must be anchored for only the reasons that are good and not the ones that are grievously desperate for us to prosper in the wrong way and if we do we will just end up like the FBI agent that was exploded into pieces. Another social relevance is that Torque is everywhere from how we balance to what we drive to what we lift to what we do everywhere there is toque. This is a social relevance because ignoring this fact is ignorance to everything else because one thing you ignore means the rest is ignoring you. From torque we realize that torque is a lesson not for physics but also a lesson in life because we need to learn how to balance things like love when using the right amount of forces because if there is any excess or scarcity it wont balance and making our life imbalanced.


Submitted from:Jayrone James R. Fuerte 10-TemperanceTo be submitted to: Ms. Norma Datu Renomeron December 4, 2013