moving learning online (mlo) session 4 presentation

16th February 2011 Moving Learning Online: Strategic Components - Efficiency, Consistency, Compliance 1 Moving Learning Online (Session 4) Strategic Components of the process Amanda Riley – JISC RSC South East Ben Williams – JISC RSC East Midlands

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16th February 2011Moving Learning Online: Strategic Components - Efficiency, Consistency, Compliance 1

Moving Learning Online (Session 4) Strategic Components of the process

Amanda Riley – JISC RSC South East

Ben Williams – JISC RSC East Midlands

16th February 2011Moving Learning Online: Strategic Components - Efficiency, Consistency, Compliance 2

The Moving Learning Online Series

Series aim - to help you answer the question…How can online delivery help us meet

our strategic and operational objectives?

16th February 2011Moving Learning Online: Strategic Components - Efficiency, Consistency, Compliance 3

Session Aims

This session aims to:

• Consider the strategic implications of developing online teaching and learning - while complying with quality and accreditation requirements

• Identify some key challenges and opportunities, with a view to informing management decision-making

16th February 2011Moving Learning Online: Strategic Components - Efficiency, Consistency, Compliance 4

What does ‘Online Learning’ mean in your organisation?

A) Full Distance Learning, with all aspects of the learner’s involvement with their course and the organisation able to be handled responsively online or by phone;

B) All teaching, learning, and learning support, is online, with only pastoral and admin elements requiring the learner to visit a geographical location;

C) Some pattern of Blended Learning, with a variable amount of the teaching and learning, plus most pastoral and admin elements, delivered f2f;

D) Out of class support and contact is provided by teachers and other staff through individual email, with some course and central resources available on a basic VLE;

E) We haven’t decided yet.

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Poll Results

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Basic Planning – taking a lead from the top

Communication: Always have a clear and shared understanding among all concerned with the developments of what is to be achieved and why it is being done;

Carry out, in advance of starting on any developments, some form of cost/benefit analysis, to ensure that any desired outcomes are practicable and to the strategic advantage of the organisation, its learners, and its stakeholders;

Consider – can you afford to do what you want, and can you afford not to do what you want?

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Key Factors 1


In making the changes/developments – how will they be implemented in order to meet the organisation’s key strategic objectives?

In ensuring that your organisation gets the best VFM from the changes, how will the costs (direct and indirect) be monitored?

Are your key stakeholders supportive of the planned developments?

16th February 2011Moving Learning Online: Strategic Components - Efficiency, Consistency, Compliance 8

Key Factors 2


How will you (the organisation) monitor the roll-out of planned developments to ensure that the standards agreed for all elements (T&L, learning support, infrastructure, assessment, etc) are being maintained?

What changes in internal processes might need to be reviewed to support consistency across the organisation and all staff concerned?

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Key Factors 3


What does compliance look like? Is it all down to design templates and scripts or is there more involved?

How will your staff know that their involvement in and enthusiasm for the developments are recognised?

The first year is the ‘easy’ bit - how can you tell after two or three years if the developments are still meeting organisational objectives?

16th February 2011Moving Learning Online: Strategic Components - Efficiency, Consistency, Compliance 10

A Scenario

Your organisation is facing a 25% cut in funding over the next four years. In response to this your senior management team is looking for areas where money could be saved or new business might be created. As an operational manager you have been asked to provide an analysis of the cost, quality and compliance implications of using your VLE and other online tools to delivery more of the curriculum via blended or full distance learning.

What do you see as the key issues to be considered?

What concerns you most about such a shift?

16th February 2011Moving Learning Online: Strategic Components - Efficiency, Consistency, Compliance 11

Moving learning online

00th Month 20XXMoving Learning Online: Title of Online Presentation Session Goes Here Using Footer Tool 11






Staff roles

SkillsChange Strategy

Curriculum offer


16th February 2011Moving Learning Online: Strategic Components - Efficiency, Consistency, Compliance 12

Some key issues

B. Williams RSCEM April 18, 2023 | slide 12

Quality - challenges: Learning experience and outcomes Teaching quality, tutorial support Learner support Inclusion Assessment

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Some key issues

B. Williams RSCEM April 18, 2023 | slide 13

Quality – responses?Consistency – standardisation (templates, style guides, file types)Effective pedagogy for online learning [see MLO3]Evaluation – you can review courses/content, but what about the learning experience? synchronous: sit in, as a lesson observation; asynchronous: learner voice Inclusion – accessibility; provision of internet/computer access; ICT skillsSufficient and effective tutorial support – new models/contracts? [see MLO6 on learner support]

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Some key issues

B. Williams RSCEM April 18, 2023 | slide 14

Skills needs – challenges:Tutors: technical; pedagogical; learner managementLearners: Study skills; motivation and ability to study more independently (age, subject, level?)

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Some key issues

B. Williams RSCEM April 18, 2023 | slide 15

Skills needs – responses:Minimise skills demands through the design, content and approach usedSimple content to support good pedagogy (e.g. a signposted web tour task rather than complex interactive e-learning materials)Use technology people are already familiar with Peer support among both staff and students;

cascading through enthusiasm not coercion Admin support

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Some key issues

B. Williams RSCEM April 18, 2023 | slide 16

Resources – challenges:CreationDigitisation/migration Front-loaded time, cost effort

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Some key issues

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Resources – responsesSharing – local, rather than national repositoriesTeacher toolkitsDiscovery – review LRC role?

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Some key issues

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Further issuesIAGLearner administration

Can be tutor managed for small organisations/groups. Anything larger will need dedicated support

Technical hosting, support and development Needs full scoping, including projections and hidden


Alignment with organisational strategy Do you have a suitable strategy? Redevelop to include

move to online

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Some key issues

B. Williams RSCEM April 18, 2023 | slide 19

Further issuesCourse accreditation (awarding body implications)

Assessment; verification; “contact” timeManaging the change

“culture”, history, initial scoping, roles and responsibilities, time-scales, milestones, criteria for evaluating impact

Legal and safeguarding issues Understanding legal/copyright/licensing; e-safety Funding issues e.g. future sfa funding for WBL See MLO2

16th February 2011Moving Learning Online: Strategic Components - Efficiency, Consistency, Compliance 20

Some key issues

B. Williams RSCEM April 18, 2023 | slide 20

Further issuesFlexibility - a potential big win, but requires effort

Differentiation (course content; assessment scheduling) Course modularisation

Course descriptors – “learning object” challenges More suitable for bite size training than building


16th February 2011Moving Learning Online: Strategic Components - Efficiency, Consistency, Compliance 21

Some key issues

B. Williams RSCEM April 18, 2023 | slide 21

OverallOnline learning can bring clear benefits but tends to be very front-loaded in terms of costs and effort – initial setup; skills needed; resource production; administrationReturns may not materialise until year 2 or 3 so forward planning, including careful scoping/piloting is neededOrganisational contexts all vary so no single quick fix for all Lower stakes (e.g. value added) may be the best place to start, then model practice and expandNeed to manage expectations Evaluation - Your RSC can help!

16th February 2011Moving Learning Online: Strategic Components - Efficiency, Consistency, Compliance 22

What Next?

Visit the Moodle course that supports this series at:

Book to attend the next session:Title of Next Session

Talk to your RSC about the support available to help your strategic planning to make moving learning online a reality

JISC RSC East Midlands [email protected] JISC RSC South East [email protected]

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