movie posters quiz at alcheringa'14

Alcheringa 2014 Movie Posters Quiz Quizmaster:- Ranu Vikram

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Page 1: Movie Posters Quiz at Alcheringa'14

Alcheringa 2014Movie Posters Quiz

Quizmaster:- Ranu Vikram

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•Funda behind the movie posters.

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•Identify the movie poster or movie, which

inspired the comic book cover.

•Example on next slide.

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•Movie X was based upon a book of the same name, even the movie

poster was heavily inspired from the book cover.

•The book cover was designed by S. Neil Fujita with a marionette

puppet theme.

•Id the movie.

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•Creation of Adam by Michaelangelo is one of the most famous

paintings ever.

•This painting inspired the poster for a 1982 classic.

•Id the movie.

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•Director of this upcoming bollywood movie wanted to pay

tribute the iconic art of hand-made posters.

•Therefore, he hired several local artists to capture the mood

of the period portrayed in the movie.

•Id the movie.

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•X is an Indian artist. He began his career by drawing cinema posters.

Later, during 40s he became well known as an artist and was also one

of the original members of Bombay Progressive Artists Group, breaking

away from Bengal School of Art. He was later awarded Padma Shri and

even made a movie titled “Through the Eyes of a Painter” for which he

won national award for best experimental film.

•Id X.

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•Recently X paid $690,000 for international poster of the movie,

Metropolis, of which only 4 remain in existence.

•Image on next slide.

•Id X.

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Designers Mark Blamire and Rob O’Connor were given a still from the

Beatles biopic Backbeat to use as inspiration to create poster of an

acclaimed movie, X. Both of the designers disliked with an inherent

disregard and used a entirely different method by combining individual

character posters, a technique also used in Reservoir Dogs.

•Id X.

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While simplistic, the movie’s poster is a lesson in retro-cool. It features

Uma Thurman lying on a bed and smoking a cigarette while staring

seductively at the camera..

•Id the movie, being talked about.

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The first idea that popped into his(Singer) head was the poster. Five

men on a police line up. The story flowed from that image. Who were

these men? What links them? What happens next? After the film was

finally shot, there was no doubt that the poster would follow Singer’s

original idea: five criminals, one line-up, no coincidence.

•Id the cult classic.

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Movie poster of X was inspired by artwork of Y titled Female Bodies as

a Skull.

•Identify X and Y.

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Tom Jung was hired to draw the movie poster of X, despite being less

preferred than Frank Frazzetta. He delivered a piece, which was more

Frazzeta's than his, having male lead abs, which can make Arnold

Schwarzenegger envy and female lead exposing her legs and

appearing as sexy as she can.

One of the main problem, which was encountered by Tom Jung was

sexiness of the female lead. He substituted his own wife as a model in

place of the lead actress to produce “glamorous princess” on the movie


Id X.

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The 1950s saw Hollywood in a bit of a tizz. Television was conquering

America. Cinemagoers were turning their back on the silver screen to

stay at home and watch the gogglebox. Every B-Movie needed a

suitably lurid posters and the go-to man was Reynold Brown.

Unlike most Brown posters, this wasn’t a woman running away from a

monster wearing next to nothing. The woman was the monster, albeit

one wearing next to nothing.

Id the cult classic, which perhaps the most iconic posters of all times.

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