movie categorization according to subtitles -- nlp course project

Information Extraction from Movie Information Extraction from Movie Subtitles Subtitles Extraction of information from subtitles to index movies Extraction of information from subtitles to index movies Dogan Kaya Berktas [email protected] CS 578 Natural Language Processing Graduate Course Computer Engineering Bilkent University – Turkey

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Page 1: Movie Categorization According to Subtitles -- NLP Course Project

Information Extraction from Information Extraction from Movie SubtitlesMovie Subtitles

Extraction of information from subtitles to index moviesExtraction of information from subtitles to index movies

Dogan Kaya [email protected]

CS 578

Natural Language Processing

Graduate Course

Computer Engineering

Bilkent University – Turkey

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Proposed System in one Sentence Proposed System in one Sentence

A platform for movie indexing via subtitle analysis

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Video Categorization Method

WordNet Domains

Conclusions - Future Work

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IntroductionIntroduction Multimedia databases are becoming popularMost video classification methods are based on

visual/audio signal processingText processing is more lightweight than

visual/audio processingHigh-level semantics are more closely related to

human language than to visual features Subtitles capture the semantics of the

corresponding video

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Text Pre-processingText Pre-processing

Subtitles are segmented into sentencesA Part of Speech Tagger is applied to each

sentence (Stanford Log-linear Part-Of-Speech

Tagger)Stop words removed based on a stop

words list

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KeywordKeyword ExtractionExtraction

TextRank algorithm to extract keywordsTextRank :

represents the text as a graph,A ranking algorithm based on Google’s PageRanksorts vertices in decreasing rank order,extracts the top highly ranked vertices for further processing

TextRank Mihalcea, R., Tarau, P.: TextRank: Bringing Order into Texts, in Proceedings of the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2004), Barcelona, Spain, July 2004

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WordNetWordNet“WordNet is a semantic lexicon for the

English language. It groups English words into sets of synonyms called synsets, provides short, general definitions, and records the various semantic relations between these synonym sets.“(

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WordNet RelationsWordNet Relations

hypernyms: Y is a hypernym of X if every X is a (kind of) Y (canine is a hypernym of dog)

hyponyms: Y is a hyponym of X if every Y is a (kind of) X (dog is a hyponym of canine)

coordinate terms: Y is a coordinate term of X if X and Y share a hypernym (wolf is a coordinate term of dog, and dog is a coordinate term of wolf)

holonym: Y is a holonym of X if X is a part of Y (building is a holonym of window)

meronym: Y is a meronym of X if Y is a part of X (window is a meronym of building)

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Word Sense DisambiguationWord Sense DisambiguationWords have many possible meanings,

called sensesA Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD)

algorithm is needed to determine the correct sense of each word

WSDis based on the lexical database WordNet

WSD Banerjee, S., Pedersen, T.: An Adapted Lesk Algorithm for Word Sense Disambiguation Using WordNet. In the Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics (CICLING-02) Mexico City, Mexico (2002)

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WordNet Domains ExtractionWordNet Domains Extraction

Augment WordNet with domain labels

A taxonomy of ~200 domain labels

Each Synset annotated at least one domain label

WordNet domains WN domains:

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Example WordNet DomainExample WordNet Domain

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WordNet Domains Extraction IIWordNet Domains Extraction IIFor each video:

Extract the WordNet domains for each keyword’s sense

Calculate the frequency occurrence of each domain label

Sort domain labels in decreasing order according to their occurrence frequency

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Correspondences between Correspondences between categories & WN domainscategories & WN domains

For each category label:

Look up in WordNet the senses related to it (include senses related through hypernym & hyponym relations)

Obtain the corresponding WordNet domains

Calculate the occurrence score for each domain

Sort domains in decreasing occurrence order

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medicine, biology, mathematicsscience

military, historywar

animals, biology, entomologyanimals

WordNet domains Category

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Category label assignmentCategory label assignmentCompare the ordered list with the WN domains of

each video with the ordered list of the WN domains of each category

medicine, biology, mathematics


military, historywar

animals, biology, entomologyanimals

WordNet domains Category


animals, entomology, biology

WN domains of a videoanimals

biology, mathematics, physics


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Conclusions & Future WorkConclusions & Future WorkConclusions

An approach that is based only on text and uses natural language processing techniquesNo training phase (unsupervised approach)

WordNet Domain mapping

Future WorkDefinition of domain knowledge more close to movie classification (mpeg-7)

Improved WSD

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