mounting and operating instructions remote display for ......ceag remote display for central power...

CEAG Remote Display for Central Power Supply Systems Mounting and Operating Instructions Remote Display for Central Power Supply Systems Target group, part 1: Qualified electrician acc. to EN 50110-1 Target group. part 2: Electrical instucted persons

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Page 1: Mounting and Operating Instructions Remote Display for ......CEAG Remote Display for Central Power Supply Systems 40071860348 October 2019 3 1 General Information The remote display

CEAG Remote Display for Central Power Supply Systems

Mounting and Operating Instructions Remote Display for Central Power Supply Systems

Target group, part 1: Qualified electrician acc. to EN 50110-1Target group. part 2: Electrical instucted persons

Page 2: Mounting and Operating Instructions Remote Display for ......CEAG Remote Display for Central Power Supply Systems 40071860348 October 2019 3 1 General Information The remote display

2 CEAG Remote Display for Central Power Supply Systems 40071860348 October 2019

1 General Information ............................................... 3

2 Connection of a remote display ............................. 3

3 Mounting options .................................................. 4

4 Operation ............................................................... 6

4.1 All user menu ..................................................... 7

4.1.1 Monitor ............................................................. 7

4.1.2 System info ...................................................... 7

4.1.3 Language ......................................................... 7

4.1.4 Login ................................................................ 8

4.2 Admin main menu ............................................10

4.2.1 Display settings ..............................................10

4.2.2 Block and Reset Alarm ...................................11

4.2.3 Test .................................................................11

4.2.4 Faults and Events ...........................................11

4.2.5 Config Parameters ..........................................13

4.2.6 Features..........................................................19

4.2.7 Manage Account ........................................... 20

4.2.8 Logout ........................................................... 20

5 Servicing / Maintenance ..................................... 20

6 Disposal / Recycling............................................. 20

Notes .......................................................................21

General Safety instructions - devices ..................... 22


1 General Information 3

Page 3: Mounting and Operating Instructions Remote Display for ......CEAG Remote Display for Central Power Supply Systems 40071860348 October 2019 3 1 General Information The remote display

3CEAG Remote Display for Central Power Supply Systems 40071860348 October 2019

1 General Information

The remote display is an optional accessory of SelvGuard Low Power System (LPS) and it’s meant to ease the notification of an emergency lighting event from a remote location (i.e. a recepti-on desk). It contains a back-lit graphical LCD with 128x64 pixels resolution for increased clarity of information, 3 status LEDs and a buzzer for acoustic reporting and notification.

Navigation through the menu is done via a 5 way joystick (left, right, up, down, press).

It can be ordered separately (see below ordering details) and it can be installed in any stage of the project.

Remote display is an optional hardware which allows control and visualization of the system remotely. When correctly wi-red, Remote display will work without additional configuration (plug-and-play).

If Remote Display will be disabled at any time, reconnecting a remote display to the system will not automatically enable functionality. Functionality shall be enabled via Features menu (4.6.2 Features).

Remote display provides a mirror display of SelvGuard local display. Only the display logged in as Admin will operate at a time. Normal operation will resume after logout or automati-cally 5 minutes after back light time off (see section 4.2.8 Lo-gout)

NOTEOnly one Remote display can be connected to one SelvGuard.

Figure 1 - Remote display

SG48-RC-LCD-30 Remote display for SG48, 30° mount. base

SG48-RC-LCD-55 Remote display for SG48, 55° mount. base

2 Connection of a remote display

Figure 2 - (1) Main display module; (2) 30°/55° inclined mounting base

The remote display is powered via the 24 V voltage supply of the control unit inside the SelvGuard LPS.

ATTENTION!Do not use an external supply for this module other than the LPS!

NOTE Observe national rules and regulations governing the indicating and signalling behaviour when using a remote switch or a re-mote indicator for emergency lighting systems.

1 General Information

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4 CEAG Remote Display for Central Power Supply Systems 40071860348 October 2019

3 Mounting options

The Remote display is supplied with a 30° or 55° inclined mounting base for different mounting options.

To install Remote display, follow next steps:

Break knockouts from the mounting base using a tool.

Fix mounting base with screws on the wall or desk. If using concealed cable, please run cable through the mounting base first.

Remote display 55°

wall side entrywall back entry desk

wall side entrywall back entry desk

Remote display 30°LEDs



User viewing side

User viewing side

User viewing sideUser viewing side

Navigation switch

Navigation switch

Navigation switchNavigation switch


User viewing sideUser viewing side

Navigation switchNavigation switch

Figure 4 - fixing mounting base

Figure 3 - break knockouts

3 Mounting options

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5CEAG Remote Display for Central Power Supply Systems 40071860348 October 2019

Run cable through designed bottom grommet.

For wall mounting installation, the base shall be mounted with the grommet on the bottom side; for the desk mounting instal-lation, the base shall be mounted with the grommet top side like below figure.

Figure 6 - wall mounting installation (left), desk mounting installation (right)

Figure 5 - installing concealed cable (left) or cable coming below (right)

Connect the cable to the Remote display terminal

Rotate the Remote display to almost 45°, push it against the mounting base and turn it straight like below figures

Figure 8 - fixing main display module on mounting base

Figure 7 - Connect remote display terminals

3 Mounting options

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6 CEAG Remote Display for Central Power Supply Systems 40071860348 October 2019

4 Operation

Use the 5 way joy-stick to navigate through the menu (Up, Down, Right, Left, Press)

5 way joystick• Up – scroll up through the menu or increment

value (when digit is blinking)

• Down – scroll down through the menu or decre-ment value (when digit is blinking)

• Right – move cursor to next digit when editing or jump to Back, Cancel, Ok button (when available on the screen)

• Left – move cursor to previous digit when editing or jump to Back, Cancel, Ok button (when available on the screen)

• Press – enter selected menu, select/deselect any row for editing, escape editing. When cursor is on Back, Cancel or Ok button press joy stick for action.

LCD actions buttons

• Goes to previous menu

• Save + go to previous menu

• Goes to previous menu without saving

5-way joystick











Status LEDs LEDs statusStatus LED



n m


No failure Green On

Emergency Mode Red On + Yellow On

Delay on mains returnGreen On + indication on LCD of

remaining time before normaloperation

Function/Duration Test Yellow On

Luminaire is blocked All LEDs are off




sage Charging failure Red Blinking

Function test failed Red Blink + Yellow ON

4 Operation

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7CEAG Remote Display for Central Power Supply Systems 40071860348 October 2019

4.1 All user menu

Main menu is made up of 4 submenus:

- Monitor

- System Info

- Language

- Login

Monitor, System Info and Language menu is accessible for all personel. Login submenu is only accessible to Admin and User (housekeeper, facility manger, etc.).

Main Menu

Monitor System Info LanguageLogin




4.1.1 Monitor

This screen is use to view running parameters.

• Battery Voltage

• Charge Current

• Discharge Current

• Battery Temperature

• Battery 1 Voltage

• Battery 2 Voltage

• Battery 3 Voltage

• Battery 4 Voltage

• Battery SOC

• Load Voltage

• Load Current

• Load Power

• PSU1 Current (Only Admin can view)

• PSU2 Current (Only Admin can view and visible only for 900W and 1200W systems)

• PSU Voltage (Only Admin can view)

Monitor Batt. Vtg 52.00 V Charge Crt 00.20 A Discharge Crt 00.00 A

4.1.3 Language

Use joy-stick to select language menu where you can select/change desired language. Available options are: English, French and German.

Main menuMonitorSystem InfoLanguageLogin



4.1.2 System info

This screen shows system information regarding the controller and the display:

Ver. – Hardware version of the system/display

SN. – Serial number of the system/display

Z-Number – Firmware number of the system/display

System InfoVer. ASN. 02550962Z-Number Z1200.A

DisplayVer. APart No. 08899091Z-Number Z1201.A










4.1 All user menu

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8 CEAG Remote Display for Central Power Supply Systems 40071860348 October 2019

4.1.4 Login

This screen is used to select different access levels, e.g. Ad-min or User. At first start-up User is deactivated. User can be activated / deactivated when logged in as Admin from 6.2 Ad-min main menu - Manage account.

The default password for Admin is 111111. The default pass-word for User is 222222.

ATENTIONIf the password is lost then follow the instructions mentioned in Recover Password section.

NOTEFor enhanced safety of the system we recommend you to change default password.

To change password, please follow instructions described in chapter "4.2.5 Config Parameters". Change password

Admin Login and its Main Menu

In main menu screen press on Login option. It will switch in to login screen. Select “Admin”.

After successful login, Main Menu will show additional sub-menus like below.

User Login and its Main Menu

If User is activated, you can login as User from Login menu.

To recover User password, enter Recover Password menu, go to User and then enter Admin password. you'll be prompted to select new user password.

Main menuMonitorSystem InfoLanguageLogin




LoginAdminUser Recover Password




Admin vs. UserMenu Items Admin User No login



Faults and Events

Config Parameters


Display Settings

System Info

Block and Reset Alarm


Manage Account


4.1.4 Login

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9CEAG Remote Display for Central Power Supply Systems 40071860348 October 2019

Recover PasswordAdminUser

Recover PasswordAdminUser

Admin PasswordPassword: ******

Default PasswordPassword: ******

Change User PasswordPassword: ******

Change Admin PasswordPassword: ******

User PasswordSet Successful

Admin PasswordSet Successful































Recover Password

To recover password, firstly call/email your Eaton service cen-ter and provide your details together with the controller Serial Number. You'll find serial number on the System Info page, un-der SN. after you send this number to your service center, you will receive a 6 digit password which you will need to enter in the recover password menu. After correctly introducing the 6 digit password provided by the service team, you'll be promp-ted to change the Admin password.

Recover Password

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10 CEAG Remote Display for Central Power Supply Systems 40071860348 October 2019

4.2 Admin main menu

After Admin/User activation, additional menu features will be available in the menu:

- Monitor

- Test

- Faults and Events

- Config. Parameters (only Admin)

- Features

- Display Settings

- System Info

- Block and Reset Alarm

- Language

- Manage Account

- Logout

4.2.1 Display settings

Use joy-stick to access Display Settings menu.

Here you can adjust brightness and contrast level, select language, set buzzer function and adjust backlight On time.


Use joy-stick to select, adjust and store LCD brightness level.


Use joy-stick to select, adjust and store LCD contrast level.


Use joy-stick to select, adjust and store buzzer functional-ity. You can select out of four options: Mute, Low, Medium and High.

By default, buzzer is muted. Enter Buzzer tab to activate buzzer by selecting Low, Medium, High sound level. In configuration mode the buzzer will sound for 2 seconds so you can acknowledge the sound level. In case of an alarm or fault the buzzer will sound for 5 seconds continuously and LPS will show the respective LED information.


Use joy-stick to set backlight switch off time.

By default, backlight is set to switch off after 2 minutes of inactivity. Inactivity duration time can be configured from 1min to 10 min.

Main menuMonitorSystem infoTestFaults and EventsConfig ParametersFeaturesDisplay settings


Display settingsBrightness 55 %Contrast 55 %Buzzer Low

Display settingsBrightness 55 %Contrast 55 %Buzzer Mute

4.2 Admin main menu

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11CEAG Remote Display for Central Power Supply Systems 40071860348 October 2019

Main menuMonitorTestFaults and EventsConfig ParametersFeaturesDisplay settingsSystem Info

4.2.2 Block and Reset Alarm

In this section Admin can manually activate from local display Inhibit and Rest Mode. When active, either can be released via Release Device. Rest Mode will automatically release when mains return.

If Manual Reset is set on Manual (see section 4.2.5 Config Pa-rameters – Delay On Mains Return), in this menu you can ma-nually turn-off non-maintained lights after mains return without delay.







Display settingsSystem InfoBlock and Reset AlarmLanguageManage AccountLogout

Block and Reset Alarm

Inhibit Device Enable/DisableRest Device Enable/DisableRelease Device Enable/Disable

Manual Reset Enable/Disable

TestFT startDT startCanccel test FT in progress

4.2.3 Test

Use joy-stick to access “Test” menu options: Functional Test (FT), Duration Test (DT) and Cancel FT / DT.

Use joy-stick To start FT (functional test) or DT (duration test). A pop-up message will appear “FT in progress…” or “DT in progress…” and then switch to “Home Screen” showing FT Ongoing. After the function test has finished a message will appear with one of the states: FT Passed, FT Failed or FT Ab-orted. All messages will be logged in Events log. Additionally, FT Failed will be logged into Fault log as well.

NOTE Please note that the Function test only apply for the Low Pow-er System itself. For the function test of the luminaires con-nected, you should perform manual/visual individual test/ispec-tion.

To Cancel FT or DT go “Test” menu and select Cancel Test. A message with “FT abort” or “DT abort” will appear and go to “Home Screen”.




23.2.19 02:30:56

Mains / FT Ongoingxx.x V, x.x Axxx W

SelvGuard48 93%

4.2.4 Faults and Events

Use joy-stick to access “Faults and events” menu setting: Ac-tive fault

Fault Log

Event Log BBM Log




Faults and EventsActive FaultFault LogEvent LogBBM Log

4.2.2 Block and Reset Alarm

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Active Fault

Use joy-stick to view “Active Fault” screen. This screen can show only four active faults at a time. Use joy-stick to scroll through all available active faults.

Fault Log

Use joy-stick to view “Fault Log” screen. This screen can show up to 100 faults logged with timestamps and status (S – active, C – cleared). Please refer to below table for reference.

Fault Description

1 PSU1 Fault If in presence of mains, PSU 1/2 mulfunction (is not providing regulated current and/or voltage to the load), then PSU1/2 Off will be shown on the home screen.2 PSU2 Fault

3 PSU Over Voltage If Output bus voltage is beyond SELV limits (>60Vpk)  PSU Over Vtg Protect Fault will be activated. Load and Battery will be disconnected from PSU/Charger.

4 Overload Warning If the Load  is within 100% to 108%, overload warning will be shown in home-screen. User should reduce the load immediately. This is an unintended operating condition. If use crossed the 108% limit, controller will disconnect the load from system.

5 Overload

6 PSU Comm Flt If there is any communication failure  between Power Supply and MCSP board, PSU Comm Flt will be shown on home screen.

7 Output 2 Overload’If Output2 is connected load is >= 205W, then output2 will be disconnected. This check will be done during system power on and recompute FT. To reset the fault, user needs to reduce output2 load below 200W and press ‘Recompute FT Power’.

8 Batt Open

If the Battery isolator and/or Battery Fuse is OPEN, Batt SW Open Ckt Fault will be shown in home screen. In this scenario, Load will be disconnected from system.Please check both battery isolator and Battery Fuse and reach Eaton service for further assistance.

9 Batt High Charging If the battery charging current is greater than expected battery charging current then Battery High charging current fault is shown. The load and the  battery switch will be opened in this scenario.

10 Batt ReverseIf battery is connected in reverse, Batt  Reverse Fault is shown. The 5-way dis-play switch will be locked in this scenario.

11 Overtemperature or Under-temperature

If the battery compartment temperature is beyond the recommended limits (> +50’C or < -10'C), Batt Temp beyond Lmt Fault is shown. The load and battery switch will be opened in this scenario.

12 Temp Sensor – NC or Temp Sensor - SC

If the Battery compartment temperature sensor is Not Connected (NC), Short Circuited (SC), Batt Temp Sensor Fault is shown. The load and the  battery switch will be opened in this scenario.

13 Ventilation Failure configurable items with Optional/Safety Input

14 AC Mains Failure  configurable items with Optional/Safety Input

15 Batt Over ChargingIf the battery is overcharged because of MCSP malfunction (end of boost charge cycle for longer than expected duration), battery over charge fault will be shown in homescreen. Load and Battery will be disconnected from PSU/Charger.

16 BB# Fault Battery Block# is faulty

Active faults will be marked (S) and cleared faults will be marked (C). Status will be shown on right hand side of fault log name.

Event LogIn the Event Log menu, you can find last 100 events.




Fault Log (1-2)AC Mains Failure S27.01.19 11:41:43Batt Temp Sensor Flt C22.01.19 02:32:03




Event Log (1/10)

FT Passed C12.10.19 14:18 +25°CFT Passed S12.10.19 14:18 +25°C




Active FaultBatt SW Open CKTAC Mains FailureBatt Temp Sensor Flt


In this menu we can visualize battery string current and voltage, individual battery block voltage and battery compartment temperature. See more in chapter 6.2.6 Features - BBM (Battery Block Monitoring)

Active Fault

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4.2.5 Config Parameters

Use joy-stick to access “Config Parameters” where you can edit and save following configuration parameters:

• Battery

• Circuit setup

• Optional Input

• Secure Input

• Func tion Time Duration Time Settings

• Relay Output

• Date and Time

• System Power

• Extended Emergency

• Factory Default

• Manual Control

• Change Password


NOTE: Only Eaton trained personel shall make changes to parameters within Battery menu. Wrong battery set-up can damage the batteries permanently and void system warranty.

Use joy-stick to access and view and change Battery related parameters:

• Battery Capacity

• Float Voltage

• Boost Voltage

• Voltage to Turn-On load

• Rated Duration

• Delay On Mains Return

Delay on mains return - after an emergency operation, if battery has not reached deep discharge protection and mains has return, user has the possibility to set up a delay time to resume LPS normal operation. This will keep non-maintained luminaires on to light escape routes in case another power failure occurs during evacuation. Default value is 1 minute and it can be adjusted in minutes from 1 to 99 min.

If batteries are replaced with different battery than the original, factory parameters should change accordingly. Please do so under Eaton trained personel supervison.

If changes have been made, a confirmation message will appear before leaving “Battery” menu and making any changes.

notification “….” (means parameter saving is inprogress).

notification “OK” (means parameter successfully saved).

notification “Err” (Error in parameter saving. parameters not saved).

Config ParametersBatteryCircuit SetuoOptional InputSecure InputFT DT SettingsRelay OutputDate and Time

Config ParametersBattery ...Circuit SetupOptional InputSecure InputFT DT SettingsRelay OutputDate and Time

Config ParametersBattery ErrCircuit SetupOptional InputSecure InputFT DT SettingsRelay OutputDate and Time

Config ParametersBattery OKCir-Circuit SetupOptional InputSecure InputFT DT SettingsRelay OutputDate and Time

BatteryBatt. Capacity 20.00 Ahoptional Float Charge 54.40 VVboost 58.00Vtg to Turn Load

BatteryBatt. Capacity 20.00 Ah Float Charge 54.40 VVboost 58.00Vtg to Turn Load

Related Duration 01:00 HrsDelay on Mains Return 01 Min

While in editing







4.2.5 Config Parameters

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14 CEAG Remote Display for Central Power Supply Systems 40071860348 October 2019

MaintainedNon Maintained

Circuit Setup

Use joy-stsick to access “Circuit Setup” menu where you can select between maintained or non-maintained func-tionality for each individual End circuit group (Output1 / Output2):

Output1 (consisting by default of circuits 1 to 6) and Output2 (consisting by default of circuits 7 and 8). The Outputs can be triggered via:

• LCD display or

• Remote display

By default, both Outputs are set to “Maintained” mode.

Move cursor to “OK” button and press joy-stick to save changes and go back to previous menu; alternately move cursor to “Cancel” button and press joy-stick to go back to previous screen without saving.

Optional Input

Use joy-stick to access “Optional Input” menu where you can select „Z Inputs” functionality. Together with “Z Inputs” functionality you need to select how this function-ality will be triggered:

Level trigger:

Edge trigger:

Available functions:

Optional input functions

Edge Trigger

Level Trigger

1 No Function (Default)

- -

2 Output1 (O1)

3 Output2 (O2)

4 FT start

5 DT start

6 Cancel FT DT

7 Manual reset

8 Deep Discharge Ack

9 Ventilator Monitor

NOTE No function is pre-configured by default in “Optional Input” menu.

To save configuration follow same steps as in previous section.

Optional InputOpt In1 (Z1) FT startZ1 - I/P trigger EdgeOpt In2 (Z2) No functionZ2 - I/P trigger

Optional InputOpt In1 (Z1) InhibitZ1 - I/P trigger EdgeOpt In2 (Z2) No functionZ2 - I/P trigger

Ventilator MonitorDeep Discharge AckManual resetCancel FT/DTDT startFT startOutput 2 (O2)Output 1 (O1)No function


Circuit SetupOutput 1 MaintainedOutput 2 Non Maintained







t > 1s

t > 100ms

Circuit Setup

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Secure InputSecure Input 1 AC fail input Trigger 1 LevelSecure Input 2 No function Trigger 2

FT DT SettingsFT Date and Time02.07.19 8:32Days between FTDay 01DT Date and Time02.07.19 8:32Month between DT

AC fail inputInhibitRestNo functionVentilation monitor

23.2.19 02:30:56

Mains / Inhibitxx.x V, x.x Axxx W

SelvGuard48 93%

Days between FTDays 01DT Date and Time02.07.19 8:32 Month between DTMonth 01

Secure Input

Use joy-stick to access “Secure Input” options where you can select “Secure Inputs” functionality. By default no function is selected for Secure Inputs. Usually, Secure Input1 (SI1) is used for key lock (inhibit or rest mode) and Secure Input2 (SI2) is used for phase monitor.

Available functions:

Secure input functions

Edge Trigger

Level Trigger

1 No Function (Default)

- -

2 Inhibit (SI1) 3 Rest 4 AC fail input (SI2) 5 Ventilator Monitor

To save configuration follow same steps as in previous section.

NOTE• Only level trigger is applicable for secure inputs (see pre-

vious chapter Optional Input).

• Secure Input 1 and Secure Input 2 can't have same func-tion simultaneously.

• Upon activation of Rest / Inhibit, home screen will be updated as Mains / Inhibit like in screen to the right.

FT DT Settings

Use joy-stick to access “FT DT Settings” menu where you can change the Functional Test and Duration Test settings.To save configuration follow same steps as in previous section.

If FT/DT date is due and prerequisites are not met, then this test will be postponed until prerequisites are met. During this time we’ll see ‘FT Postpone’ or ‘DT Postpone’ on home screen (5th row)


-for FT (Function Test): 80% SOC (State of Charge) and mains available;

-for DT (Duration Time: 99% SOC (State of Charge)


Functional test refers only to the LPS and connected load and not the individual luminaires connected. With this type of system, luminaires should be check manually and indi-vidually and then manually logged in building notebook.

If connected luminaire load changes with more than 4% of nominal system power, then it is recommended to perform 'FT Recompute Power' for successful FT (Main Menu - Configuration Parameters - FT DT Settings). During commissioning, it is recommended to restart the whole system or run 'FT Recompute Power' for successful FT. If load hasn't been intentionally modified, then 'FT Fail' mes-sage can be interpreted like luminaire failure.

Secure Input

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Relay OutputRelay 1 Mains fault Charge fault CKT fault Common Sys Fault * Deep Discharge ACK

Relay 1Relay 2Relay 3

Relay Output ScreenRelay 1Mains OnMains faults *Charge Fault *CKT Fault *Common Sys FaultDeep Discharge ACK







Date and TimeDD MM YY hh:mm:ss02.07.19 08:32:49

System Power

System Power 1200 WBatt. Capacity 50.00 AhRated Duration 01:00 Hrs

Relay Outputs

Use joy-stick to access “Relay Outputs” menu where you can configure relay outputs functionality:

• Mains On • Mains Fault • Charge Fault • CKT Fault (Circuit fault) • Common Sys Fault (Charger Fault or CKT Fault) • Deep Discharge ACK • Function Test • Batt. Duration Test Relay outputs are used for remote signal or to integrate with BMS.

Use Joy-stick to select Relay number (1, 2 or 3). After selecting relay number, select which functions should be signalized via the respective relay. More than one function can be attributed to one relay output. ‘Mains Fault’ and ‘Mains On’ cannot be attributed to one relay simultaneous-ly. A * will appear to mark the selected functios. In right screen for example, Relay 1 is used to signalize: Mains Faults, Charge Fault or Circuit Fault (CKT Fault).To save configuration follow same steps as in previous section.

Date and Time

Use joy-stick to access “Date and Time” menu where you can edit time and date settings.

Move cursor over the field you want to chanve and when cursor starts blinking, use joy-stick up and down to incre-ment / decrement the value. To come out of editing press joy-stick.

To save configuration follow same steps as in previous section.

System Power

Use joy-tick to access “System Power” menu where you can edit the power output of you LPS. Do this if you want to configure your system to have bigger runtime than 1 hour. Check discharge information provided in chapter 3.3.4 Connecting the batteries from SelvGuard installation manual. After you have selected System Power, you shall also select the desired runtime, according to the discharge table in chapter 3.3.4 Connecting the batteries from SelvGuard installation manual or according to the battery discharge parameters (in case you use other batteries than originally supplied).

You can select between:

• 1-283 for a 300W system, default 283

• 1-600 for a 600W system, default 600

• 1-900 for a 900W system, default 900

• 1-1200 for a 1200W system, default 1200

Relay Outputs

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*Values will not switch to default if previously changed. (e.g. if a 283W system was set to 3h@126W, it will stay the same after factory reset)

For more information, consult SelvGuard installation man-ual, chapter 6.2.5 Config Parameters - Factory Defaults.

Factory DefaultsSet to Def Settings?

Press Enter to confirmor press

Left key to Cancel

Factory Defaults

Use joy-stick to access “Factory Defaults” menu where you can set all parameters to default values. Press on joy-stick and a pop-up message will appear and ask for confor-mation (to avoid loss of parametrization due to accidental selection). Press joy-stick again for validation or select cancel if you want to skip.

To see defaults parameters list, check SelvGuard instal-lation manual, chapter 6.2.5 Config Parameters - Factory Defaults.

After 2-3 seconds it will switch to Home Screen.

Pop up messageBack






Extended Emergency

In this section Admin can adjust Delay On Mains Return features: Manual / Automatic and Duration time. Delay On Mains Return represents the duration after non-maintained lights are turned off when mains returns.

If 'Manual' is selected, then only Admin can turn-off non-maintained lights after mains return via local display (see section 4.2.2 Block and Reset Alarm) or via Optional Input (Manual Reset function).

NOTE If we configure Optional Input to Manual Reset, then oper-ation of Extended Emergency feature will be automatically forced to 'Manual'.

Admin can adjust the delay time from 1 min to 99 min, in steps of minutes.

Extended Emergency

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CancelTestFaults and EventsConfig ParameterDisplay settingsSystem InfoLogout

Config saving ...

Admin PasswordSet Successful

User PasswordSet Successful

Config Parameters

Manual Control

Use joy-stick to access "Manual Control" where you can manually control the connected Load (Output1 and Output2).

Only non-maintained loads can be manually controlled (on/off). If both outputs are set to non-maintained, you can switch on/off both or individually. If one output is set to Maintained, the output will show Maintained and it will not be editable - output can't be switched off/on.

Change Password

Use joy-stick to access “Change Password” where you can set a new password for “Admin” or “User” (Housekeeper).

Use joy-stick up and down to go on Admin or User and press joy-stick to select.

Admin can also set/change the password for the User (housekeeper) account.

When exit “Config parameters” screen, it will show “Config Saving…” message.

If Admin is deactivated, on every power on or when switch to Home screen to Main Menu it will always enter into Admin Main Menu.

Manual Control

Output 1 & 2 IndividualOutput 1 offOutput 2 off

Manual Control

Output 1 & 2 IndividualOutput 1 ONOutput 2 off

Individual ON OFF


Safety InputFT DT SettingsRelay OutputDate and TimeSystem PowerFactory DefaultManual ControlChange Password

Main Menu

Change PasswordAdminUser

Change PasswordAdminUser

Change PasswordAdminUser

AdminPassword: ******

UserPassword: ******













Manual Control

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4.2.6 Features

Use joy-stick to access “Features” menu where you can enable or disable additional system features like:

1. BBM (Battery Block Monitoring)

2. Remote Panel

BBM (Battery Block Monitoring)

Battery Block Monitoring function is always enabled.

Sealed batteries in accordance with EN 60896-2 provide the energy to operate the emergency lighting in the event of a power failure in the general 230V mains supply. Dur-ing normal operations SelvGuard device monitors the state of the batteries and if required it recharges them gently.

On the controller board, there is built in capability for bat-tery monitoring which measures and displays individual battery voltage in addition to current and battery compart-ment temperature. With this, you can measure individual battery voltage so you can timely detect a fault in the bat-tery string. This allows you to reduce maintenance time and cost.

The battery is connected to the controller board via a bat-tery disconnector mounted on the DIN rail (6mm² -10mm²). The battery leads are each led through an ISO gland (PG gland) into the battery compartment.

SelvGuard was developed and manufactured in conformity with the following EC guidelines:

• Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC

• Guideline 2004/108/EC on electromagnetic compatibility

Details on the national (DIN), European (EN) and inter-national (IEC) norms that must be complied with can be found in the CE conformity declaration for the device.

Main menuMonitorSystem infoTestTestFaults and EventsConfig ParametersFeaturesDisplay settings

FeaturesBBMRemote Panel














Faults and EventsActive FaultFault LogEvent LogBBM Log

BBM Log (1/10)49.7 V -0.9 AB1 12.2 V B2 12.4 VB3 12.3 V B4 12.8 V+32°C 10:25:02

4.2.6 Features

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4.2.7 Manage Account

In this section you can disable password protection for your system. This means, all features will be available to anyone with access to the LPS.

NOTEEaton does not advise to disable password due to safety reasons.

ATTENTIONDisable password protection under your sole responsibility.

In this menu, you can also disable User account.






















Manage Account

Password ProtectionUser

Manage Account

Password ProtectionUser

Password Protection

Enable/Disable Enable


Enable/Disable Enable

Faults and EventsConfig ParametersFeaturesSystem InfoLanguageManage AccountLogout

Enable Disable

Enable Disable

4.2.8 Logout

After all changes have been made you can log out using this menu from either Admin or User account.

If no activity, Admin or User account will be logged out 5 minutes after the back light time off.

E.g. Admin/User Logout time = Backlight time off (1- 10 min configurable) + 5 min.

5 Servicing / Maintenance

Observe the relevant national regulations applying to the main-tenance, servicing and checking of electrical apparatus! In case of returns you need a RMA - number from us. For further information see!

6 Disposal / Recycling

When disposing of defective devices, comply with valid regula-tions for recycling and waste disposal. Plastic parts are marked with corresponding symbols.

4.2.7 Manage Account

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General Safety instructions - devices

българскиОбщи инструкции за безопасност• Уредите не са подходящи за частна

употреба.• Монтирането трябва да се извършва от

квалифицирани техници, като се вземат под внимание националните разпоредби за безопасност и предотвратяване на злополуки.

• Уредите трябва да се използват в съответствие с предназначението им, в подходящо и изправно състояние.

• Отстранете всички чужди тела от уредите, преди първото му използване.

• При работа с уредите, първо изключете напълно електрозахранването, уверете се, че не е възможно то да се включи отново и проверете дали уредът не е под напрежение. (Горното се отнася до електрическата мрежа, резервното захранване и евентуално контролно и външно напрежение.) Не изключвайте веригите, докато са под натоварване.

• Внимавайте за падащи части по време на транспортиране.

• Използвайте само оригинални резервни части за подмяна.

ČeskyVšeobecné bezpečnostní pokyny• Zařízení nejsou určeny k soukromému využití.• Veškerou instalaci musí provádět kvalifikovaný

elektrikář seznámený s národními bezpečnostními předpisy.

• Zařízení se smí používat jen k zamýšlenému účelu a musí být v řádném a nepoškozeném stavu.

• Před prvním použitím ze zařízení odstraňte všechny cizí předměty.

• Při práci na zařízení nejprve zcela odpojte napájení, zajistěte, aby nemohlo být znovu zapnuto, a zkontrolujte nepřítomnost napětí. (Výše uvedený pokyn se týká napájení z rozvodné sítě, záložního napájení a případně i přívodů ovládacího a externího napětí.) Neodpojujte okruh pod napětím.

• Při přenosu pamatujte na oddělitelné části.• K výměně používejte výhradně originální

náhradní díly.

DanskGenerelle sikkerhedsinstruktioner• Apparaterne er ikke egnet til privat brug.• En installat ion skal alt id udføres af en

kvalificeret elektriker og under hensyntagen til nationale sikkerheds- og ulykkesforebyggende regulativer.

• A p p a r a t e r n e m å k u n a n v e n d e s i overensstemmelse med den påtænkte brug og i hel og ubeskadiget stand.

• Fjern alle fremmedlegemer fra apparaterne inden første anvendelse.

• Når der arbejdes med apparaterne, så sluk først for al strøm, fastslå at den ikke kan tændes igen og tjek, at de er uden spænding. (Ovennævnte er gældende for strømforsyning, nødstrøm og mulig kontrol og ekstern strøm.) Afbryd ikke kredsløbene under belastning.

• Pas på løsdele under transport.• Brug kun originale reservedele ved udskiftning.

DeutschAllgemeine Sicherheitshinweise• Die Geräte sind nicht für den privaten Gebrauch

geeignet.• Eine Installation darf nur durch qualifizierte

Elektrofachkräf te unter Berücksichtigung d e r n a t i o n a l e n S i c h e r h e i t s - u n d Unfallverhütungsvorschriften erfolgen.

• Die Geräte sind bestimmungsgemäß in unbeschädigtem und einwandfreiem Zustand zu betreiben.

• Alle Fremdkörper müssen vor der ersten Inbetriebnahme aus den Geräten entfernt werden.

• Bei Arbeiten an den Geräten sind diese zuerst komplett spannungsfrei zu schalten, gegen Wiedereinschalten zu sichern und die Spannungsfreiheit festzustellen. (Gilt für Netzspannung, Ersatzstromquelle und evtl. Steuer- / Fremdspannungen.) Stromkreise nicht unter Last trennen.

• Beim Transport mit herunter fallenden Teilen rechnen.

• Als Ersatz dürfen nur Originalteile verwendet werden.

EestiÜldised ohutusjuhised• Need seadmed ei ole mõeldud erakasutuseks.• Paigaldustööd tuleb jätta kvalif itseeritud

elektriku hooleks ning tuleb teha vastavalt s iser i i k l i ke le ohutuseesk i r jade le te ja õnnetusjuhtumite vältimise reeglitele.

• Seadmeid tuleb kasutada nende ettenähtud eesmärgil korrasolevatena ja kahjustamata seisundis.

• Enne esmakordset kasutamist eemaldage seadmetest kõik võõrkehad.

• Seadmetega töötamisel lülitage kõigepealt kogu toide välja, tagage, et seda ei saa uuesti sisse lülitada ja kontrollige toitepinge puudumist. (Eeltoodu kehtib nii võrgupinge, varutoite kui ka võimaliku kontrollpinge ja välise pinge suhtes.) Ärge ühendage lahti koormuse all olevat vooluringi.

• Transportimisel võtke arvesse kukkuvatest osadest lähtuvat ohtu.

• Vahetamiseks kasutage ainult originaalvaruosi.

ελληνικάΓενικές οδηγίες για την ασφάλεια• Οι συσκευές δεν είναι κατάλληλες για ιδιωτική

χρήση.• Η εγκατάστασή τους πρέπει να γίνεται από

εξειδικευμένους ηλεκτρολόγους, λαμβάνοντας υπόψη τους εθνικούς κανονισμούς ασφαλείας και πρόληψης ατυχημάτων.

• Πρέπει να γίνεται μόνο η προβλεπόμενη χρήση των συσκευών, στην κατάλληλη κατάστασή τους και χωρίς να παρουσιάζουν βλάβη.

• Πριν από την πρώτη χρήση τους, απομακρύνετε όλα τα ξένα αντικείμενα από τις συσκευές.

• Όταν εργάζεστε με τις συσκευές, κλείνετε τον διακόπτη λειτουργίας, βεβαιώνεστε ότι δεν μπορεί να ανοίξει ξανά και ελέγχετε εάν υπάρχει τάση σε αυτές (το ίδιο ισχύει και για τον γενικό διακόπτη ρεύματος, την εφεδρική πηγή ισχύος και την τυχόν τάση ελέγχου και εξωτερική τάση). Μην αποσυνδέσετε τα κυκλώματα υπό φορτίο.

• Έχετε υπόψη σας τα τμήματα που ενδέχεται να πέσουν κατά τη μεταφορά.

• Χρησιμοποιείτε μόνο γνήσια ανταλλακτικά για αντικατάσταση.

EnglishGeneral safety instructions• The devices are not suitable for private use.• An installation must be performed by qualified

electricians taking into account the national safety and accident prevention regulations.

• The devices must be used in accordance with their intended use in a proper and undamaged condition.

• Remove all foreign objects from the devices before their first use.

• When working with the devices, first turn off the power completely, ensure that it cannot be turned back on, and check if they are free of voltage. (The above applies to mains power, backup power and possibly control and external voltage.) Do not disconnect the circuits under load.

• Be aware of falling parts during transport.• Use only original spare parts for replacement.

EspañolInstrucciones generales de seguridad• Los dispositivos no son adecuados para el uso

privado.• Solo puede instalarlos un electricista cualificado

de acuerdo con la normativa de seguridad y prevención de accidentes.

• Los dispositivos deben utilizarse de acuerdo con su uso previsto, en buen estado y sin daños.

• Retire todos los objetos que no pertenezcan a los dispositivos antes del primer uso.

• Cuando se disponga a manipular los disposit ivos, desconecte totalmente la corriente eléctrica, asegúrese de que no se pueden volver a conectar y compruebe que no tengan corriente. (Lo anterior se aplica a la red eléctrica, a los grupos electrógenos de emergencia, y posiblemente, también al control y a la corriente externa.) No desconecte los circuitos con una carga conectada.

• Tenga cuidado con los componentes que podrían caerse durante el transporte.

• Use solo piezas de repuesto originales para reemplazar las antiguas.

FrançaisConsignes générales de sécurité• Les dispositifs ne conviennent pas à un usage

privé.• L'installation doit être ef fectuée par des

électriciens qualif iés, conformément aux réglementations nationales sur la sécurité et la prévention des accidents.

• Les d ispos i t i f s do ivent ê t re u t i l i sés conformément à l ’usage auquel i ls sont destinés, être en bon état et ne pas être endommagés.

• Retirez tous les corps étrangers des dispositifs avant leur première utilisation.

• Lorsque vous travaillez sur les dispositifs, coupez tout d’abord complètement l’alimentation électrique, assurez-vous qu’elle ne peut pas être rétablie et vérifiez que la tension est nulle. (L’énoncé précédent s’applique à l’alimentation du secteur, l’alimentation de secours et peut s’appliquer à la tension de commande et à la tension externe.) Ne déconnectez pas les circuits en charge.

• Faites attention aux pièces pouvant tomber pendant le transport.

• N’utilisez que des pièces de rechange d’origine en cas de remplacement.

HrvatskiOpće sigurnosne upute• Uređaji nisu prikladni za privatnu upotrebu.• Instalaci ju moraju provest i kvali f ic irani

električari uzimajući u obzir nacionalne propise za sigurnost i sprečavanje nezgoda.

• Uređaji se moraju upotrebljavati u skladu sa svojom namjenom u ispravnom i neoštećenom stanju.

• Uklonite sve strane predmete iz uređaja prije prve upotrebe.

• Kada radite s uređajima, prvo u potpunosti isključite napajanje, osigurajte da se ne može uključiti i provjerite da nema napona. (Navedeno se odnosi na glavno napajanje, pomoćno napajanje i eventualno kontrolu vanjskog napona.) Nemojte isključivati strujne krugove pod opterećenjem.

• Pripazite na dijelove koji padaju tijekom transporta.

• Upotrebljavajte samo originalne rezervne dijelove za zamjenu.

ItalianoIndicazioni generali sulla sicurezza• Le unità non sono idonee all'uso privato.• L'installazione deve essere effettuata da

un elettricista specializzato prendendo in considerazione le norme nazionali in materia di sicurezza e prevenzione degli infortuni.

• Le unità devono essere utilizzate conformemente all'uso previsto in condizioni adeguate e senza danni.

• Rimuovere tutti i corpi estranei dale unità prima di utilizzarle per la prima volta.

• Prima di ogni intervento sulle unità, disattivare completamente l'alimentazione elettrica, accertarsi che non possa essere riattivata e verificare che le unità siano prive di tensione. (Quanto sopra vale per la tensione di rete, l'alimentazione di riserva ed eventualmente per la tensione di controllo e la tensione esterna.) Non scollegare i circuiti sotto carico.

• Prestare attenzione alla possibile caduta di pezzi durante il trasporto.

• Utilizzare soltanto pezzi di ricambio originali.

LatviskiVispārējie drošības norādījumi• Šīs ierīces nav paredzētas personīgai lietošanai.• Uzstādīšana jāveic kvalificētiem elektriķiem,

ievērojot nacionālos drošības un nelaimes gadījumu novēršanas noteikumus.

• Ierīces jālieto saskaņā ar tām paredzēto lietošanu pareizā un nebojātā stāvoklī.

• Pirms pirmās lietošanas reizes izņemiet no ierīces visus svešķermeņus.

• Rīkojoties ar ierīcēm, vispirms pilnībā izslēdziet barošanu, nodrošiniet, ka tās nevar atkal ieslēgt, un pārliecinieties, ka tās nav zem sprieguma. (Iepriekš minētais attiecas uz barošanu no tīkla, no rezerves barošanas avota, kā arī no iespējama vadības un ārēja sprieguma.) Neatvienojiet ķēdes, kam pievienota slodze.

• Transportējot uzmanieties no krītošām daļām.• Nomaiņai izmantojiet tikai oriģinālās rezerves


General Safety instructions - devices

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General Safety instructions - devices

LietuviškasBendrieji saugos nurodymai• Įrenginiai neskirti privačiam naudojimui.• Įrengti turi kvalifikuoti elektrikai, atsižvelgdami

į šalies saugos ir nelaimingų atsit ikimų prevencijos taisykles.

• Įrenginiai turi būti naudojami pagal numatytą paskirtį, tinkamos būklės ir nesugadinti.

• Prieš naudodami pirmą kartą, nuo įrenginio pašalinkite visus pašalinius daiktus.

• Dirbdami su įrenginiais pirmiausia visiškai išjunkite maitinimą, pasirūpinkite, kad jis negalėtų būti vėl į jungtas ir patikrinkite, ar neliko įtampos. (Minėti nurodymai taikomi pagr ind in iam mai t in imui , atsarg in iam maitinimui ir galimai valdymo bei išorinei įtampai.) Neatjunkite grandinių, kuriomis teka elektros srovė.

• Veždami saugokite, kad neužkristų daiktai.• Pakeitimui naudokite tik originalias atsargines


MagyarÁltalános biztonsági utasítások• A készülékek nem megfelelőek magáncélú

használatra.• A felszerelést csak szakképzett villanyszerelő

végezheti a biztonsági és baleset-megelőzési helyi szabályozás betartásával.

• A készülékeket rendeltetésszerűen kell használni, és azoknak megfelelő és sértetlen állapotúnak kell lenniük.

• Az első használat előtt távolítsa el az összes idegen tárgyat a készülékekből.

• Ha a készülékekkel munkálatokat végez, először szakítsa meg teljesen azok áramellátását, biztosítsa bekapcsolás ellen, és ellenőrizze, hogy feszültségmentes állapotban vannak. (A fenti utasítás vonatkozik a tápfeszültségre, készenléti áramellátásra és a vezérlő és külső feszültségre, ha van ilyen.) Ne kapcsolja szét az áramköröket terhelés alatt.

• Figyeljen az esetleg leeső összetevőkre szállítás során.

• Csak eredeti cserealkatrészeket használjon.

NederlandsAlgemene veiligheidsinstructies• De componenten zijn alleen geschikt voor

proffesioneel gebruik.• Installatie moet worden uitgevoerd door

gekwalificeerde elektromonteurs met inachtneming van de nationale regelgeving voor veiligheid en het voorkomen van ongevallen.

• De apparaten moeten worden gebruikt waarvoor deze bedoeld zijn, op juiste wijze en in onbeschadigde toestand.

• Verwijder alle vreemde voorwerpen van de apparaten voordat u deze in gebruik neemt.

• Tijdens werkzaamheden aan de componenten schakelt u eerst alle stroom geheel uit en zorgt u ervoor dat deze niet weer zo maar ingeschakeld kan worden, en controleert u of deze geheel vrij van spanning zijn. (Bovenstaande geldt voor de hoofdspanning, accuspanning en eventuele externe spanning.) Ontkoppel de stroomcircuits niet als deze in gebruik zijn.

• Let op vallende delen tijdens transport.• Gebruik alleen originele onderdelen bij


NorskGenerelle sikkerhetsinstruksjoner• Enhetene passer ikke for privat bruk.• En installasjon må utføres av kvalifiserte

teknikere som tar hensyn til nasjonale sikkerhetsforskrifter og ulykkesforebyggende forskrifter.

• Enhetene skal brukes i samsvar med tiltenkt formål, i riktig og uskadet stand.

• Fjern alle fremmedlegemer fra enhetene før første gangs bruk.

• Ved arbeid med enhetene, skal strømmen først slås helt av, og det skal sikres at den ikke kan slås på igjen. Kontroller at de er spenningsfrie. (Det ovennevnte gjelder nettstrøm, ekstrastrøm og mulig kontroll- og ekstern spenning.) Ikke koble fra kretsene under ladning.

• Vær oppmerksom på fallende deler under transport.

• Bruk bare originale reservedeler til erstatning.

PolskiOgólne instrukcje bezpieczeństwa• Urządzenia nie nadają się do użytku

prywatnego.• Montaż musi być przeprowadzony przez

wykwalifikowanego elektryka z uwzględnieniem krajowych przepisów bezpieczeństwa pracy i zapobiegania wypadkom.

• Urządzeń należy używać wyłącznie zgodnie z ich zamierzonym przeznaczeniem, gdy są one w dobrym i nieuszkodzonym stanie.

• Przed pierwszym użyciem należy usunąć z urządzeń wszystkie obce ciała.

• Podczas pracy przy urządzeniach należy najpierw całkowicie wyłączyć zasilanie, upewnić się, że nie można go włączyć ponownie oraz sprawdzić, czy nie ma napięcia. (powyższe instrukcje dotyczą zasilania sieciowego, zasilania awaryjnego oraz napięcia sterowniczego i zewnętrznego.) Nie wolno odłączać obwodów znajdujących się pod obciążeniem.

• Podczas transportu należy uważać na spadające elementy.

• W przypadku wymiany należy używać wyłącznie oryginalnych części zamiennych.

PortuguêsInstruções gerais de segurança• Os dispositivos não são adequados para uso

privado.• A instalação deve ser efetuada por um

eletricista qualificado e em conformidade com os regulamentos nacionais de segurança e prevenção de acidentes.

• Os dispositivos devem ser utilizados em conformidade com o seu uso previsto e em boas condições, não apresentando danos.

• Remova todos os objetos estranhos dos dispositivos antes de utilizá-los pela primeira vez.

• Ao utilizar os dispositivos, primeiro desligue a eletricidade completamente, certifique-se de que não pode ser ligada e verifique se não existe tensão. (O supramencionado aplica-se à rede elétrica, à energia de reserva e à possível tensão de controlo e externa.) Não desligue os circuitos sob carga.

• Tenha atenção à queda de peças durante o transporte.

• Em caso de substituição, utilize apenas peças sobressalentes originais.

RomânǎInstrucțiuni generale de siguranță• Aparatele nu sunt destinate pentru uz personal.• Instalarea trebuie efectuată de către un

electrician calificat în conformitate cu reglementările naționale de siguranță și prevenirea accidentelor.

• Aparatele trebuie utilizate conform destinației lor într-o stare corespunzătoare și nedeteriorată.

• Îndepărtați toate corpurile străine din aparat înainte de prima utilizare a acestuia.

• Dacă efectuați lucrări la aparate, întrerupeți mai întâi alimentarea cu curent, asigurați-le împotriva repornirii și verificați ca să nu fie sub tensiune. (Cele de mai sus se referă la alimentarea de la rețea, alimentarea de

rezervă, tensiunea de reglare și curenții de scurgere.) Nu întrerupeți circuitele sub sarcină.

• Fiți atenți la obiecte care pot cădea în timpul transportului.

• Utilizați numai piese de schimb originale.

PусскийОбщие инструкции по безопасности• Устройства не предназначены для бытового

использования.• Монтаж выполняется квалифицированными

электриками с учетом государственных норм и правил ТБ и профилактики несчастных случаев.

• Светильники должны использоваться только по назначению, при этом их следует поддерживать в исправном состоянии и оберегать от повреждений.

• Перед началом эксплуатации устройств удалите с их поверхности все посторонние объекты.

• Перед началом выполнения любых работ со светильниками, необходимо полностью обесточить их, обеспечить невозможность несанкционированной подачи питания, а также проверить отсутствие напряжения в цепи. (Подразумевается магистраль питания, резервное питание и, по возможности, напряжение в цепи управления и внешней цепи.) Не разрывайте цепи, находящиеся под нагрузкой.

• Перемещайте аккумулятор с осторожностью, чтобы не уронить.

• При замене вышедших из строя деталей используйте только оригинальные запчасти.

SlovenčinaSplošna varnostna navodila• Zariadenia nie sú vhodné na súkromné použitie.• Inštaláciu musí vykonávať kvalifikovaný

elektrikár s prihliadnutím na vnútroštátne nariadenia o bezpečnosti a predchádzaní rizikám.

• Zariadenia sa musia používať v súlade s plánovaným používaním v riadnom a nepoškodenom stave.

• Pred prvým použitím odstráňte všetky cudzie predmety zo zariadení.

• Pri práci so zariadeniami najprv úplne vypnite napájanie, zaistite, aby sa znova nezapli a skontrolujte, či sú bez napätia. (Uvedené sa vzťahuje na sieťové napájanie, záložný zdroj a možnú kontrolu a externé napätie.) Obvody neodpájajte pod napätím.

• Počas prepravy dávajte pozor na padajúce predmety.

• Na výmenu používajte originálne náhradné diely.

SlovenščinaPokyny týkajúce sa všeobecnej bezpečnosti• Naprave niso ustrezne za zasebno uporabo.• Namestitev morajo opraviti kvalificirani elektriki,

pri čemer morajo upoštevati nacionalne predpise za varnost in preprečevanje nesreč.

• Napravo lahko uporabljate samo v skladu z njeno predvideno uporabo v ustreznem in nepoškodovanem stanju.

• Pred prvo uporabo naprave morate iz nje odstraniti vse tuje predmete.

• Ko delate na napravi, najprej povsem izključite napajanje, se prepričajte, da se je ne da več vklopiti, in preverite, če res ni več priklopljena na napetost. (Zgornje se nanaša na glavno napajanje, rezervno napajanje in tudi krmilnik ter zunanje napajanje.) Ne izklopite vezij pod napetostjo.

• Med transportom pazite na padajoče predmete.• Pri zamenjavi uporabljajte samo originalne

rezervne dele.

SuomalainenYleiset turvallisuusohjeet• Laitteet eivät sovellu yksityiskäyttöön.• Asennuksen saa suorit taa vain pätevät

sähköasentajat ottaen huomioon kansalliset turvallisuus- ja tapaturmantorjuntamääräykset.

• Laitteita on käytettävä niiden tarkoitettuun käyttötarkoitukseen asianmukaisessa ja vahingoittumattomassa kunnossa.

• Poista kaikki vieraat esineet laitteista ennen niiden ensimmäistä käyttökertaa.

• Kun työskentelet laitteiden kanssa, sammuta sähköt ensin kokonaan ja varmista ettei niitä voi pistää takaisin päälle. Tarkista sitten ovatko ne jännitevapaat. (Edellä mainittu koskee verkkovirtaa, varavoimaa ja mahdollisesti ohjausjännitettä ja ulkoista jännitettä.) Älä irrota kuormitettuja virtapiirejä.

• Varo putoavia osia kuljetuksen aikana.• Käytä vaihdossa vain alkuperäisiä varaosia.

SvenskaAllmänna säkerhetsföreskrifter• Dessa enheter lämpar sig inte för privat bruk.• Installation skall utföras av behörig elektriker med

hänsyn till de nationella säkerhets- och olycksfallsskyddsföreskrifterna.

• Enheterna måste användas i enlighet med dess avsedda bruk och i ett korrekt och oskadat skick.

• Ta bort alla främmande föremål från enheterna innan de används för första gången.

• Medan du arbetar med enheterna, stäng först av strömmen helt, se till att den inte kan slås på igen och kontrollera att den inte har spänning. (Ovanstående gäller elnät, reservström och eventuellt kontroll- och extern spänning.) Koppla inte ur kretsarna under laddning.

• Var uppmärksam på fallande delar under transport.

• Använd endast originalreservdelar vid utbyte.

TürkçeGenel güvenlik talimatları• Aygıtlar özel kullanım için uygun değildir.• Bir kurulum ulusal güvenlik ve kaza önleme

yönetmel ik ler i dikkate alınarak vasıf l ı elektrikçiler tarafından yapılmalıdır.

• Aygıt lar, uygun ve zarar görmemiş bir koşulda tasarlanan kullanımı doğrultusunda kullanılmalıdır.

• İlk kullanım öncesinde aygıttaki tüm yabancı maddeleri giderin.

• Aygıtlarda çalışırken, ilk olarak gücü tamamen kapatın, tekrar açılamayacağından emin olun ve üzerinde gerilim olmadığını kontrol edin. (Yukarıdaki ana güç kaynağı, yedek güç kaynağı ve muhtemelen kontrol ve harici gerilim için uygulanır.) Yük altında devrelerin bağlantısını kesmeyin.

• Taşıma esnasında düşen parçalara dikkat edin.• Değişim için sadece orijinal yedek parçaları

kullanın. الإرشادات العامة للسلامة عند استخدام الأجهزة

الأجهزة ليست مناسبة للاستخدام الخاص. يجب أن يقوم كهربائي مؤهل بتركيب البطاريات

مع الأخذ في الاعتبار قواعد السلامة الوطنية ومنع• .الحوادث

يتعين استخدام الأجهزة في حالتها السليمة غير التالفة.ووفقاً لأغراض الاستخدام المخصصة لها

قم بإزالة جميع القطع الغريبة من الأجهزة قبل.الاستخدام الأول لها

عند التعامل مع الأجهزة، أبدأ بإيقاف تشغيل الكهرباء بالكامل، وتأكد من عدم إمكانية إعادة تشغيلها، ثم تحقق

• مما إذا كانت خالية من الجهد. )ينطبق الوارد أعلاه على التيار الكهربائي، والطاقة الاحتياطية، والجهد الخارجي والذي يمكن

التحكم فيه.( يحذر فصل الدوائر عندتعرضها للحمل الكهربائي.

انتبه لقطع الغيار التي تسقط أثناء النقل.لا تستخدم إلا قطع الغيار الأصلية لغرض الاستبدال.

General Safety instructions - devices

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