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Electropneumatic Positioner Type 3767 Fig. 2 · Type 3767 Fig. 1 · Type 3767 Mounting and Operating Instructions EB 8355-2 EN Edition March 2004

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Electropneumatic PositionerType 3767

Fig. 2 · Type 3767Fig. 1 · Type 3767

Mounting andOperating Instructions

EB 8355-2 ENEdition March 2004

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Contents Page

1 Design and principle of operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41.1 Versions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71.2 Technical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

2 Attachment to control valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102.1 Direct attachment to Type 3277 Actuator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102.2 Attachment according to IEC 60534-6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152.2.1 Mounting sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162.2.2 Presetting the travel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162.3 Attachment to rotary actuators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192.3.1 Mounting the cam follower lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202.3.2 Mounting the intermediate piece . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202.3.3 Default setting of the cam disk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222.3.4 Reversing amplifier for double-acting actuators . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

3 Connections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283.1 Pneumatic connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283.1.1 Pressure gauge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283.1.2 Supply pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283.2 Electrical connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303.2.1 Switching amplifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

4 Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324.1 Adjusting the positioner at the valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324.1.1 Adjusting the proportional band Xp and air delivery Q . . . . . . . . . 334.1.2 Adjusting the actuator: "Actuator stem extends" . . . . . . . . . . . . 334.1.3 Adjusting the actuator: "Actuator stem retracts". . . . . . . . . . . . . 344.2 Changing the operating direction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354.3 Adjusting the limit switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364.4 Adjusting the position transmitter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

5 Converting and retrofitting the positioner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405.1 Converting from electropneumatic to pneumatic . . . . . . . . . . . . 405.2 Fitting limit switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415.3 Fitting a solenoid valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415.4 Removing the solenoid valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

6 Servicing explosion-protected versions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

7 Dimensions in mm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

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EB 8355-2 EN 3

Safety instructions

The positioner may only be assembled, started up or operated by trainedand experienced personnel familiar with the product.According to these mounting and operating instructions, trained personnel isreferred to as individuals who are able to judge the work they are assignedto and recognize possible dangers due to their specialized training, theirknowledge and experience as well as their knowledge of the relevant stan-dards.

Explosion-protected versions of this positioner may only be operated by per-sonnel who have undergone special training or instructions or who are au-thorized to work on explosion-protected devices in hazardous areas. Referto section 6 on Servicing explosion-protected versions.

Any hazards that could be caused by the process medium, the operatingpressure, the signal pressure or by moving parts of the control valve are tobe prevented by means of the appropriate measures. If inadmissible motionsor forces are produced in the actuator as a result of the supply pressurelevel, it must be restricted by means of a suitable supply pressure reducingstation.

Proper shipping and appropriate storage are assumed.

Note! The device with a CE marking fulfils the requirements of the Directives94/9/EC (ATEX) and 89/336/EEC (EMC).The declaration of conformity can be viewed and downloaded on theInternet at

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1 Design and principle ofoperation

The positioner consists of an electro-pneumatic converter unit (i/p converter) anda pneumatic unit equipped with a lever fortravel pick-up, a measuring diaphragm, andthe pneumatic control system with nozzle,diaphragm lever (flapper plate), andbooster.

The positioner is designed either for directattachment to SAMSON Type 3277 Actua-tors or for attachment according to NAMUR(IEC 60534-6) with an adapter housing.The positioner can be additionally equippedwith either inductive limit switches and/or asolenoid valve or a position transmitter.

The DC control signal, e.g. 4 to 20 mA, is-sued by the control unit is transmitted to theelectropneumatic conversion unit (13) whereit is converted into a proportional pressuresignal pe.The positioner operates according to theforce-balance principle. The valve travel, i.e.the valve position, is transmitted to thepick-up lever (1) over the pin (1.1) and de-termines the force of the measuring spring(4). This force is compared to the positioningforce generated by the pressure pe at themeasuring diaphragm (5).If either the control signal or the valve posi-tion changes, the diaphragm lever (3)moves, altering the distance to the nozzle(2.1 or 2.2), depending on the set operatingdirection of the positioner.The air is supplied to the booster (10) andthe pressure regulator (9). The controlledsupply air is fed to the i/p module, thenflows through the Xp restriction (8) and thenozzle (2.1, 2.2) to finally stream on the di-

aphragm lever (flapper plate). Any changein the reference variable or the valve stemposition cause the pressure to change up-stream or downstream of the booster. Theair controlled by the booster (signal pressurepst) flows through the volume restriction (11)to the pneumatic actuator, causing the plugstem to move to a position corresponding tothe DC input signal (reference variable).

The adjustable Xp restriction (8) and volumerestriction (11) are used to optimize thepositioner control loop. The pick-up lever (1)and the range spring (4) must be selected tomatch the rated valve travel and the nominalspan of the reference variable.

Positioner with inductive limit switches

In this version, the rotary shaft of thepositioner carries two adjustable tags whichactuate the built-in proximity switches.

Positioner with solenoid valve

When the positioner is equipped with a so-lenoid valve, the control valve can be movedto the fail-safe position regardless of thepositioner's output signal. If a control signalcorresponding to the binary signal "0" (off)is applied to the input, the signal pressurepst is shut off and the actuator is vented. Theactuator springs move the control valve to itsfail-safe position. If a control signal corre-sponding to the binary signal "1" (on) is ap-plied to the input, the signal pressure pst issupplied to the actuator. The control valve isin control operation.

4 EB 8355-2 EN

Design and principle of operation

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EB 8355-2 EN 5

Design and principle of operation

4 3 7 8 9 11

6.1 6.213

7 8 9 10 11 12

6.1 4 6.2










pi mA


Fig. 2 · Functional diagram and inside view

1 Pick-up lever1.1 Pin1.2 Clamp2.1 Nozzle >>2.2 Nozzle <>3 Diaphragm lever4 Range

spring5 Measuring


6.1 Span adjuster6.2 Zero adjuster7 Turnboard8 Xp restriction9 Pressure regulator10 Booster11 Volume restriction12 Solenoid valve

(optional)13 i/p converter


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Positioner with position transmitter

A positioner containing a position transmit-ter cannot be equipped with integrated limitswitches or an integrated solenoid valvesince the position transmitter requires mostof the space inside. The position transmitteris used to establish a certain relationship be-tween the valve position, i.e. the valvetravel, and a controller output signal of 4 to20 mA. The position transmitter setting en-sures that both end positions "valveCLOSED" or "valve OPEN" as well as all in-termediate positions can be signalized.Since the valve position is signalized inde-pendently of the input signal to thepositioner, the position transmitter is a suit-able option for checking the current valveposition.

6 EB 8355-2 EN

Design and principle of operation

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1.1 Versions

EB 8355-2 EN 7


Positioner Type 3767- x x x 0 1 x x 0 x x


NoneII 2 G

Ex ia CSA/FMII 3 G

EEx ia IIC T6 acc. to ATEX

EEx nA II T6 acc. to ATEX



Inductive limit switchesNoneWith two Type SJ 2-SN

Solenoid valveNone6 V DC

12 V DC24 V DC

Analog position transmitter




Pneumatic connection

¼ NPTISO 288/1-G ¼


Electrical connection

M 20 x 1.5 blueM 20 x 1.5 blackConnector HAN 7D (not with CSA/FM)


Special version

NoneCrNiMo steel housing


Reference variable

4 to 20 mA0 to 20 mA1 to 5 mA


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1.2 Technical data

8 EB 8355-2 EN

Technical data


Travel range, adjustable

Opening angle

Direct attachment: 7.5 to 30 mmAttachment acc. to IEC 60534-6: 7.5 to 120 mm orDepending on the cam disk: 30 to 120°

Reference variableSignal rangeSpanCoil reference Ri at 20 °C

4 (0) to 20 mA8 to 20 mA

200 Ω

1 to 5 mA2 to 4 mA880 Ω

Supply air 1.4 to 6 bar (20 to 90 psi)Air quality acc. to ISO 8573-1: Max. particle size and density: Class 4,

Oil content: Class 3, pressure dew point: Class 3

Signal pressure pst (output) Can be limited between approx. 2.5 to 6.0 bar (38 to 90 psi)

Characteristic Linear characteristic, deviation from terminal-based conformity ≤ 1 %

Hysteresis ≤ 0.3 %

Sensitivity ≤ 0.1 %

Operating direction Reversible

Proportional band Xp< 1 to 2.5 % (proportional-action coefficient Kp > 100 to 40)

Air consumption With supply air = 1.4 bar: ≤ 280 ln/h With supply air = 6 bar: ≤ 280 ln/hwith min. adjusted pressure regulator

Air delivery Actuator pressurized: 3.0 mn3/h

Actuator vented: 4.5 mn3/h

8.5 mn3/h

14.0 mn3/h

Permissibleambient temperature

–20 to 80 °C with plastic cable gland–40 to 80 °C with metal cable gland (special version down to –45 °C)–20 to 70 °C for positioners with position transmitterSee attached certificate for explosion-protected devices

Influences Temperature: ≤ 0.3 %/10 KSupply air: ≤ 1 % between 1.4 and 6 barVibration: None between 10 and 150 Hz and 4 g

Explosion protection Type of protection EEx ia IIC T6, see attached certificate

Degree of protection IP 54 (upgradable to IP 65 using a filter check valve, see Accessories table)


Complying with requirements specified in EN 61000-6-2, EN 61000-6-3 andNAMUR Recommendation NE 21

Weight Approx. 1 kg

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EB 8355-2 EN 9

Technische Daten

Inductive limit switches

2 proximity switches Type SJ 2-SN

Control circuit Ratings according to downstream transistor relay

Hysteresis at rated travel ≤ 1 %

Solenoid valve

Input Binary direct current signal

Nominal signal 6 V DC 12 V DC 24 V DC

Signal 0 (no pick-up),DC signal at –25 °C ≤ 1.2 V ≤ 2.4 V ≤ 4.7 V

Signal 1 (safe pick-up),DC signal at 80 °C ≥ 5.4 V ≥ 9.6 V ≥ 18 V

Maximum permissible signal 28 V 25 V 32 V

Coil resistance Ri at 20 °C 2909 Ω 5832 Ω 11714 Ω

Air consumption in steady state In addition to that of the positioner: "Off" ≤ 60 ln/h · "On" ≤ 10 ln/h

Closing time with

Rated travel andsignal pressurerange(KVS = 0.14)

Type 3277Actuator 120 cm2 240 cm2 350 cm2 700 cm2

0.2 to 1 bar

≤ 0.5 s

≤ 1 s ≤ 1.5 s ≤ 4 s

0.4 to 2 bar ≤ 2 s ≤ 2.5 s ≤ 8 s

0.6 to 3 bar ≤ 1 s ≤ 1.5 s ≤ 5 s

Position transmitter* – Intrinsically safe output current circuit

Output signal Two-wire circuit 4 to 20 mA, reversible operating direction

Power supply Min. terminal voltage 12 V DC, max.45 V DC Only with intrinsically safe circuit

Performance Characteristic: output linear to input, deviation from characteristic ≤ 1 %

Hysteresis ≤ 0.6 %

Response ≤ 0.1 %

Influence of power supply ≤ 1 % when voltage changes occur within the specified limits

HF influence ≤ 0.1 %, f = 150 MHz, 1 W power output at a distance of 0.5 m

Load influence ≤ 0.1 %

Permissible ambient temperature –20 to 70 °C –20 to … Refer to certificate

Ambient temperature influence ≤ 0.4 % on lower measuring range value, ≤ 0.2 % on measuring span

Ripple of output signal ≤ 0.3 %

* Data refer to standard spring (15 mm travel with Type 3277 Actuator) and gain of 100.

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2 Attachment to control valve

The positioner is attached either directly toSAMSON Type 3277 Actuator or to valveswith cast yokes or with rod-type yokes in ac-cordance with IEC 60534-6 (NAMUR).When combined with an intermediate piece,the device can also be attached to rotary ac-tuators as a rotary positioner. As thepositioner is also available as a basic unitwithout accessory equipment, refer to the ta-bles on the following pages for both the re-quired mounting parts and their associatedorder numbers.Do not remove the protective cover on theback of the positioner before actually start-ing to attach the positioner.

Mounting position and operating direction

The operating direction of the positioneralso determines its mounting position on theactuator as illustrated in Figs. 3, 4 and 6.The turnboard (7, Fig. 2) at the positionermust be mounted correspondingly. For anincreasing input signal (reference variable),the signal pressure pst can either be increas-ing (direct action >>) or decreasing (reverseaction <>). This also applies when the refer-ence variable decreases: direct action >>causes the signal pressure to decrease, re-verse action <> causes the signal pressure toincrease.

On the turnboard (7), the operating direc-tion is indicated by symbols (direct >>, re-verse <>). Depending on the position of theturnboard, the adjusted operating directionand the associated symbol become visible.

If the required operating direction does notcorrespond to the visible symbol, or if you

want to change the operating direction, re-move the fastening screw at the turnboard,turn the board by 180°, and refasten theturnboard with the screw. Make sure thethree rubber gaskets inserted in the housingremain in position.

Note!When any subsequent changes are made,e.g. reversing the operating direction of thepositioner control loop or changing the actu-ator from “Actuator stem extends” to “Actu-ator stem retracts” or vice versa, thepositioner's mounting position must bechanged accordingly.

2.1 Direct attachment to Type3277 Actuator

Required accessories are listed in Tables 1to 4 on page 14.

The attachment of the positioner either onthe left or right side of the actuator (alwayslooking at the signal pressure connection orswitchover plate) is determined by the re-quired operating direction of the positioner,i.e. >> or <>.

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Attachment to control valve

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Fig. 3 · Mounting position and connections of Type 3277 (top) and Type 3277-5 120 cm2 (bottom) Actuators

EB 8355-2 EN 11

Attachment to control valve

Actuator stem extends

Actuator stem retracts

Internal signal pressureconnection

Connection block

Tip of gasket (16)

Op. direction >>Attachment left Operating

direction <>Attachment right

Signal pressure connectionover piping

With gasket (new) With switch plate (old)

Side view of connection block

Cover plate

Actuator stem extends

Actuator stem retracts


Gasket (16)

Switch plate (13)

Switchover plateSignal pressure input

for attachment right


Signal pressureinput for attach-ment left

Sealwith filter

Actuator stem extends>> Operating direction <>

Attachment left Attachment right

Actuator stem retracts<> Operating direction >>

Attachment left Attachment right

Operatingdirection>>Attachment right

Op. direction <>Attachment left

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1. Screw the clamp (1.2) to the actuatorstem. Make sure that the fastening screwis located in the groove of the actuatorstem.

2. Screw the associated lever D1 or D2 (for700 cm2 actuator) to the pick-up lever ofthe positioner.

3. Fasten the distance plate (15) with theseal pointing towards the actuator yoke.

4. Attach the positioner such that the leverD1 or D2 slides centrically over the pin(1.1) of the clamp (1.2). Screw thepositioner to the distance plate (15).

5. Mount the cover (16).

6. Check whether the correct measuringspring has been installed as listed in Ta-ble 4.Range spring 1 is installed as standard.If necessary, replace it with range spring2 included in the accessories and fix it atthe outer slot.

Actuators with 240, 350 and 700 cm2 dia-phragm area

7. Make sure that the tip of the gasket (16)projecting from the side of the connec-tion block (Fig. 3, middle) is positionedto match the actuator symbol that corre-sponds to the actuator's fail-safe action"Actuator stem extends" or "Actuatorstem retracts."If necessary, remove the three fixingscrews and the cover. Reposition thegasket (16) turned by 180°.The old connection block version re-quires the switch plate (13) to be turnedsuch that the corresponding actuatorsymbol points to the marking.

8. Place the connection block with its sealson the positioner and the actuator yokeand screw tight using the fasteningscrew.Actuators with "Actuator stem retracts"require the ready-made signal pressureline to be installed.

Actuators with 120 cm2 diaphragm area

The signal pressure is transmitted to the dia-phragm chamber over the switchover plate(Figs. 3 and 4, bottom).

7. Remove the screw in the rear cover of thepositioner (Fig. 5) and seal the lateralsignal pressure output "output" with theplug contained in the accessories kit.

8. Mount the positioner such that the borein the distance plate (15) mates with theseal in the bore of the actuator yoke.

9. Align the switchover plate with the corre-sponding symbol and fasten it to the ac-tuator yoke.

Note!When a solenoid valve or a similar device isattached to the 120 cm2 actuator in additionto the positioner, do not remove the rear M3screw plug. In this case, the signal pressuremust be transmitted from the signal pressureoutput to the actuator over an additionalconnecting plate (Table 2). The switchoverplate is not used.

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Attachment to control valve

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Filling the actuator with air

If the spring chamber of the actuator mustbe filled with the positioner's exhaust air,use piping (Table 3) to connect the springchamber (with version "Actuator stem ex-tends") to the connection block. To do so,remove the plug from the connection block.

For version "Actuator stem retracts" andType 3277-5 Actuators with an effective di-

aphragm area of 120 cm2, an internal borehole ensures that the spring chamber is filledwith air.

Note!When the valve is installed, the side cover ofthe actuator must be mounted such that thevent plug points downward.

EB 8355-2 EN 13

Attachment to control valve





Fig. 4 · Mounting the clamp

Vent plug must pointdownward when valve isinstalled

Switchover plate

Signal pressure bore

Clamp (1.2)

Distance plate (15)

Type 3277-5120 cm2

Type 3277

240 cm2

350 cm2

700 cm2

Attachment left Attachment rightLooking onto the signal pressure connection

Vent plug


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14 EB 8355-2 EN

Attachment to control valve

Table 1 Mounting kit

Required lever with associated clamp and distance plate Actuator size [cm2] Order no.

D1 with vent plug for output (38)Connecting thread

G ¼¼ NPT


D1 (33 mm long with 17-mm-high clamp) 240 and 350 1400-6370

D2 (44 mm long with 13-mm-high clamp) 700 1400-6371

Table 2 Order no.

Swichover plate for actuators 120 cm2 Actuator 3277-5xxxxxx.00 (old) 1400-6819

Swichover plate new Actuator 3277-5xxxxxx.01 or higher (new) 1400-6822

Connecting plate for additional attachment of,e.g. a solenoid valve

Actuator 3277-5xxxxxx.00 (old), G 18

Actuator 3277-5xxxxxx.00 (old), 18 NPT


Connecting plate new Actuator 3277-5xxxxxx.01 or higher (new) 1400-6823

Note! Only the new switchover and connecting plates can be used for new actuators (model index 01). Old and newplates cannot be interchanged.

Connection block required for actuators with 240, 350, 700 cm2 diaphragmarea (including seals and fastening screw)

G ¼ 1400-8811

¼ NPT 1400-8812

Table 3 Material Actuator size [cm2] Order no.

Piping requiredincluding screw fitting

For actuator:“Actuator stem retracts“orwhen the top diaphragm case is filled with ex-haust air from the positioner

Steel 240 1400-6444

Stainless steel 240 1400-6445

Steel 350 1400-6446

Stainless steel 350 1400-6447

Steel 700 1400-6448

Stainless steel 700 1400-6449

Table 4 · Range spring required Travel [mm] Actuator size [cm2] Order no.

2 (4.5 coils) 7.5 120, 240 1400-6443

1 (9.5 coils, installed as standard) 10 to 15 120, 240 and 350 1400-6442

2 15 700 1400-6443

1 30 700 1400-6442

Accessories Order no.

Pressure gauge build-on block (only for 120 cm2)G ¼ 1400-7458

¼ NPT 1400-7459

Pressure gauge kit for supply pressure and signal pressureStainl. steel/Brass 1400-6950

Stainl. steel/St. steel 1400-6951

Filter check valve, replaces the vent plug and increases the degree of protection to IP 65 1790-7408

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2.2 Attachment according to IEC60534-6

Required mounting parts are listed in Table5. The rated travel of the valve determineswhich lever and range spring (Table 6) arerequired.

An adapter housing (Fig. 7) is required forNAMUR attachment. The valve travel istransmitted over the lever (18) and shaft(25) to the bracket (28) of the adapter hous-ing and then passed on to the pin (27a) lo-cated on the positioner lever. Fix the springincluded in the accessories at the back of thepositioner housing as illustrated in Fig. 5 toensure that the pin (27a) is properly locatedin the bracket (28).

The positioner can be attached either to theleft or the right of the control valve (Figs. 6and 7). Turn the positioner at the adapterhousing by 180° to set or change the oper-ating direction of the positioner/controlvalve unit.

EB 8355-2 EN 15

Attachment to control valve

Fig. 5 · Installing the spring on the back of thehousing

Spring Plug screw

Attachment left Attachment right

Mounting position on the plate looking onto the travel pick-up (20), actuator facing upward (see also Fig. 7)

Actuator with fail-safe action “Actuator stem extends” (FA)

Direct op. direction >> Reverse op. direction <> Direct op. direction >> Reverse op. direction <>

Actuator with fail-safe action “Actuator stem retracts” (FE)

Direct op. direction >> Reverse op. direction <> Direct op. direction >> Reverse op. direction <>

Fig. 6 · Attachment to the left or right of the valve when NAMUR attachment is used


Electrical connection Electrical connectionPneumatic connections


Pneumatic connection Pneumatic connectionElectrical connections

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2.2.1Mounting sequence

Choose the required mounting parts andrange spring from Table 4 or 5 and installthem as illustrated in Fig. 7.

Control valve with cast yoke

1. Screw the plate (20) to the stem connec-tor connecting the actuator and plugstems using countersunk screws. For2100 and 2800 cm2 actuators, use anadditional mounting bracket (32).

2. Remove the rubber plug from inside theadapter housing. Fasten the housing tothe left or right side of the NAMUR rib(as shown in Fig. 6) using a hexagonscrew.

Control valve with rod-type yoke

1. Screw the plate (20) to the followerclamp of the plug stem.

2. Screw the studs (29) into the adapterhousing.

3. Place the housing with the mountingplate (30) on either the right or left side(Fig. 6) of the plug stem and fasten itwith the nuts (31). Make sure that the le-ver (18) to be mounted subsequently is inhorizontal position when the valve is atmid-travel.

4. Screw the pin (19) into the center row ofholes in the plate (20) and lock it in aposition approximately above the correctlever marking (1 to 2) as in Table 6.

5. Clamp the clip (21) onto the lever (18). Ifthe actuator is attached with its air con-nection pointing to the front (Fig. 6), the

clip must be clamped onto the lever (18)with the open side pointing downward.

6. Plug the lever (18) together with theclamping plate (22) on the shaft (25).The clip must clasp the pin (19).

2.2.2Presetting the travel

1. Move the valve to 50 % travel.

2. Adjust the shaft (25) in the adapter hous-ing such that the black pointer (24)matches the cast mark on the adapterhousing.

3. Fasten the clamp (22) tightly in this posi-tion using the screw (23).

4. Screw in the pin (27a) at the positionerlever on the side of the insert nut and se-cure it with a hex nut (27b) on the oppo-site side. Observe the mounting positionA or B according to Table 6 and Fig. 7.

5. Place the positioner on the adapter hous-ing, observing the operating direction.Make sure that the pin (27a) restsagainst the bracket (28) and screw ittight.Caution! The pin must not slip out of thebracket once it has been installed.

6. Check whether the correct range springhas been installed as listed in Tables5/6.Range spring 1 is installed as standard.If necessary, replace it with range spring2 included in the accessories and fix it atthe outer slot.

7. Adjust the positioner as described in sec-tion 4.1.

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Attachment to control valve

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24 25 22



20 19

19 21 2023 18



A B27b


Fig. 7 · Attachment according to IEC 60534-6 (NAMUR)

EB 8355-2 EN 17

Attachment to control valve

Mounting position

Attachment toNAMUR rib

Attachement torod-type yoke

18 Lever N1, N219 Pin20 Plate21 Clip22 Clamping plate23 Screw24 Pointer25 Shaft26 Lever of the positioner27a Pin27b Lock nut28 Bracket29 Studs30 Plate31 Nuts32 Mounting bracket

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18 EB 8355-2 EN

Attachment to control valve

Table 5 Control valve Travel [mm] With lever Order no.

NAMUR mounting kit,

Refer to Fig. 7concerning parts

Valve with cast yoke7.5 to 60 N1 (125 mm) 1400-6787

22.5 to 120 N2 (212 mm) 1400-6789

Valve withrod-type yoke,rod diameter


20 to 25 N1 1400-6436

20 to 25 N2 1400-6437

25 to 30 N1 1400-6438

25 to 30 N2 1400-6439

30 to 35 N1 1400-6440

30 to 35 N2 1400-6441

Attachment to Fisher and Masoneilan linear actuators(one each of both mounting kits is required per actuator)



Additional range spring acc. to Table 6 Range spring 1 (9.5 coils, installed as standard)Range spring 2 (4.5 coils)


Accessories Order no.

Pressure gauge build-on blockG ¼ 1400-7458

¼ NPT 1400-7459

Pressure gauge kitStainless steel/Brass 1400-6950

Stainless steel/Stainless steel 1400-6951

Filter check valve, replaces the vent plug and increases the degree of protection to IP 65 1790-7408

Table 6

Travel [mm]* 7,5 15 15 30 30 60 30 60 60 120

Pin on marking* 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

Distance pin/fulcrum of the lever 42 to 84 mm 84 to 168 mm

With lever N1 (125 mm long) N2 (212 mm long)

Pin (27a) on position A A B A B

Range spring required (see Table 5) 2 1 1 1 1

* Intermediate values must be interpolated

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2.3 Attachment to rotary actuators

The positioner can also be attached to ro-tary actuators according to VDI/VDE 3845

when the mounting kits and accessorieslisted in Table 7 are used.

EB 8355-2 EN 19

Attachment to control valve

Table 7 · Complete mounting parts, including range spring 2, but excluding the cam disk Order no.

SAMSON Type 3278 Actuator

160 cm2 1400-7103

320 cm2 1400-7104

Actuator acc. to VDI/VDE 3845 1400-7105

Attachment to Masoneilan actuators

Camflex I, DN 25 to 100 1400-7118

Camflex I, DN 125 to 250 1400-7119

Camflex II 1400-7120

Range spring required Order no.

Standard operation of reference variable, range spring 2 (4.5 coils) 1400-6443

Split-range operation, range spring 1 (9.5 coils, installed as standard) 1400-6442

Reversing amplifier Order no.

Reversing amplifier for double-actingspringless actuators

Threaded connection G 1079-1118

Threaded connection NPT 1079-1119

Cam disk with accessories Order no.

~, linear 1)

~, equal percentage 2)

~, lineare basic characteristic 3)

~, equal percentage basic characteristic 3)

~, linear 1)

~, equal percentage 2)

~, linear 1)

~, equal percentage 2)

~, equal percentage 2)

~, linear1)

~, linear1)

~, equal percentage 2)

(0050-0080), opening angle 0 to 70°, for butterfly valves(0050-0081), opening angle 0 to 70°, for butterfly valves(0050-0072), opening angle 0 to 90°(0050-0073), opening angle 0 to 90°(0050-0074, Vetec), opening angle 0 to 56° and 0 to 75°(0050-0075, Vetec), opening angle 0 to 44° and 0 to 75°(0050-0122), opening angle 0 to 90° for Type 3310(0050-0123), opening angle 0 to 90° for Type 3310(0050-0124), opening angle 0 to 55° for Type 3310(0050-0125), opening angle 0 to 55° for Type 3310(0059-0007, Camflex) set to between 0 and 55°(0059-0008, Camflex) set to between 0 and 55°


1) Linearizes the flow characteristic 2) Creates an equal percentage flow characteristic 3) Based on opening angle

Accessories Order no.

Pressure gauge build-on blockG ¼ 1400-7458

¼ NPT 1400-7459

Pressure gauge kitSt. steel/Brass 1400-6950

St. steel/St. steel 1400-6951

Filter check valve, replaces the vent plug and increases the degree of protection to IP 65 1790-7408

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The rotary motion of these actuators is con-verted into a linear motion required by thepneumatic control unit of the positioner us-ing the cam disk of the actuator shaft and acam follower roll on the positioner lever.

Note! Use Table 7 to check whether theproper range spring (1 or 2) has been in-stalled. Range spring 1 is installed as stan-dard. If necessary, replace it with rangespring 2 included in the accessories and at-tach it at the outer slot.

Double-acting springless rotary actuators re-quire the use of a reversing amplifier on theconnection side of the positioner housing(see section 2.3.4).When using a reversing amplifier, the pres-sure regulator (9, Fig. 2) must be turnedclockwise as far as it will go (also see sec-tion 3.1.2).When attaching the positioner to theSAMSON Type 3278 Rotary Actuator (Fig.8, left), the actuator's inside and the unusedreverse side of the diaphragm are filled withthe positioner's exhaust air. Additional pip-ing is not required. When attaching thepositioner to actuators from other manufac-turers (Fig. 8, right), the reverse side of thediaphragm can be filled with air over a pipeconnection installed between the actuatorand the intermediate piece.

2.3.1Mounting the cam followerlever

1. Place the lever with the cam follower roll(35) on the side of the feedback lever

(37) opposite the insert nuts. Fasten withthe supplied screws (38) and washers.

Note!To ensure a close physical contact betweenthe cam follower roll and the cam disk, fixthe spring contained in the accessories kit(order no. 1400-6660) at the rear of thepositioner housing (see Fig. 5).

2.3.2Mounting the intermediatepiece

SAMSON Type 3278 Actuator

1. Screw the adapter (36) to the free end ofthe actuator shaft.

2. Attach the intermediate piece (34) to theactuator housing using two screws. Alignthe intermediate piece to ensure that theair connections of the positioner point to-wards the diaphragm housing.

3. Align the cam disk (40) and scale (39)as described in section 2.3.3 and fastenwith screws.

Actuators according to VDI/VDE 3845(fixing level 1)

1. Place the complete intermediate piece(34, 44, 45, and 42) onto the mountingbracket that came with the actuator andfasten with screws.

2. Align the cam disk (40) and scale (39)as described in section 2.3.3 and fastenwith screws.

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Fig. 8 · Attachment to rotary actuators

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Attachment to control valve

Attachment to SAMSONType 3278

Attachment acc. toVDI/VDE 3845

Vent plug orfilter check valve

33 Positioner34 Intermediate piece35 Lever with cam follower roll36 Adapter37 Feedback lever38 Screws39 Scale40 Cam disk41 Actuator shaft42 Plate43 Mounting bracket44 Coupling

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2.3.3Default setting of the camdisk

The valve model used determines the defaultsetting of the cam disk.

Note!Cam disks tailored to the special character-istic of a valve cause the valve to open in anon-linear or non-equal percentage way.The visible difference between the set point(4 to 20 mA) and the actual value (openingangle) does not constitute a system deviationof the positioner.

Figs. 9 and 10 show linear cam disks.

Fig. 9 illustrates a control valve assemblywith a spring-loaded rotary actuator thatopens counterclockwise. The arrangement ofthe springs in the actuator determines thefail-safe position of the valve.

Fig. 10 shows how to adjust the cam diskwhen a double-acting springless rotary actu-ator is used. The direction of rotation, eithercounterclockwise or clockwise, depends onthe actuator and valve model used. The camdisk must be set when the valve is closed.

Use the turnboard (7) to adjust the operat-ing direction of the positioner, i.e. whetherthe valve opens or closes when the referencevariable increases (direct >> or reverse <>).Each cam disk carries two cam sectionswhose starting points are indicated by smallbores. Depending on the operating directionof the rotary actuator – signal pressureopens or closes the valve – the starting pointof the cam, either marked N (standard char-acteristic) or I (reverse characteristic), mustpoint towards the cam follower roll. Whenthe starting point is located on the back ofthe cam disk, turn over the cam disk.

Note!The starting point (bore) of the selected camsection must be aligned with the fulcrum ofthe cam disk, the 0° position of the scale,and the arrow symbol on the inspectionglass.

When aligning the cam disk, the dou-ble-sided scale disk must be clipped on thecam disk such that the value on the scalecorresponds to the control valve's directionof rotation.

Note!Make sure the 0° position of the scale al-ways corresponds to CLOSED position.For actuators with fail-safe position "ValveOPEN" and for springless actuators, it istherefore necessary to apply the maximumsupply pressure to the actuator before align-ing the cam disk.

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Attachment to control valve

Cam follower roll Starting point IStarting point N

Boreholes to securethe cam disk

Insert clip andpress tongues outwards

Cam follower rollStarting point I

Starting point N

Position at max. signal pressure

Single-acting spring-loaded rotary actuatorLinear cam disk (equal percentage cam disk is represented by a broken and dotted line)Valve opens counterclockwiseFor valves that open clockwise, the cam disk must be turned over so that the cam follower roll movesover the same disk segments as shown in the figures below, but with the cam disk turning clockwise.

Fail-safe position: Valve CLOSED without supply air

Direct operating direction >> Reversible operating direction <>


Signalpressure Valve Charact-


Signalpressure Valve Charact-


increases increases opens N decreases increases opens I

Fail-safe position: Valve OPEN without supply air

Direct operating direction >> Reversible operating direction <>


Signalpressure Valve Charact-


Signalpressure Valve Charact-


decreases decreases opens I increases decreases opens N

Fig. 9 · Setting the cam disk

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24 EB 8355-2 EN

Attachment to control valve

Cam follower roll

Starting point NBoreholes to securethe cam disk

Insert clip andpress tongues outwards

Starting point I

Starting point ICam follower roll

Starting point N

Double-acting springless rotary actuator with reversing amplifierLinear cam disk (equal percentage cam disk is represented by a broken and dotted line)

View from the positioner onto the actuator shaftValve opens counterclockwise – Starting position: valve CLOSED

Direct operating direction >> Reversible operating direction <>


Signalpressure Valve Charact-


Signalpressure Valve Charact-


increases A1 increases, A2decreases opens N decreases A1 incresese, A2

decreases opens I

View from the positioner onto the actuator shaftValve opens clockwise – Starting position: valve CLOSED

Direct operating direction >> Reversible operating direction <>


Signalpressure Valve Charact-


Signalpressure Valve Charact-


increases A1 increases, A2decreases opens N decreases A1 increases, A2

decreases opens I

Fig. 10 · Setting the cam disk

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Securing the aligned cam disk

To additionally prevent the cam disk frombeing turned, drill a bore into the adapter(36) or the coupling (44) and install a 2 mmdowel pin.Four bore holes are located centricallyaround the center bore hole on the camdisk. Select a suitable bore to install the pin.

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Attachment to control valve

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2.3.4Reversing amplifier fordouble-acting actuators

When used with double-acting actuators,the positioner must be equipped with a re-versing amplifier. The reversing amplifier islisted as an accessory in Table 7 on page19.

The output signal pressure of the positioneris supplied at output A1 of the reversing am-plifier. An opposing pressure, which equalsthe required supply pressure when added tothe pressure at A1, is supplied at output A2.A1 + A2 = Z applies.


Note!Remove the sealing plug (1.5) before install-ing the reversing amplifier. The rubber seal(1.4) must remain installed.

1. Screw the special nuts (1.3) included inthe accessories of the reversing amplifierinto the threaded connections of thepositioner.

2. Insert the gasket (1.2) into the recess ofthe reversing amplifier and push the twohollowed special screws (1.1) into theconnecting bore holes A1 and Z.

3. Place the reversing amplifier onto thepositioner and screw tight using the twospecial screws (1.1).

4. Screw the supplied filter (1.6) using ascrewdriver (8 mm wide) into the con-necting bore holes A1 and Z.

Signal pressure connections

A1: Connect output A1 to the signal pressureconnection on the actuator that opens thevalve when the pressure increases.

A2: Connect output A2 to the signal pressureconnection on the actuator that closes thevalve when the pressure increases.

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Attachment to control valve

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Attachment to control valve

From the positioner

Control signals to the actuator

1 Reversing amplifier1.1 Special screws1.2 Gasket1.3 Special nuts1.4 Rubber seal1.5 Sealing plug1.6 Filter

Fig. 11 · Mounting a reversing amplifier

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3 Connections

3.1 Pneumatic connections

The pneumatic connections are designed astapped holes with ¼ NPT or G ¼ thread.The conventional male connections for metaland copper pipes (or plastic hoses) can beused.

Note!The supply air must be dry and free of anyoil and dust.Always observe the maintenance instructionsapplicable to the connected pressure reduc-ing stations. Blow out air lines thoroughlybefore connecting them.

When attaching the Type 3277 Actuator di-rectly, the signal pressure connection isfixed. When using NAMUR attachment, thesignal pressure line is connected to eitherthe upper or lower diaphragm chamber ofthe actuator depending on the actuator'sfail-safe action, i.e. "Actuator stem retracts"or "Actuator stem extends".

Exhaust air

Positioners with model index 3767-x...x.03or higher are equipped with a hinged coverwithout a vent connection. The required ex-haust air connection for these models arenow included in the mounting accessories.For direct positioner attachment, the ventplug is located on the plastic cover of theactuator; for NAMUR attachment, it is lo-cated on the adapter housing, and for at-tachment to rotary actuators the vent plug

can be found on the intermediate piece orthe reversing amplifier.

Note!When using older models with index3767-x...x. 02 or lower, mounting parts willhave to be replaced as well.

3.1.1Pressure gauge

To monitor the positioner, we recommend toinstall pressure gauges for the supply airand the signal pressure.The required parts are listed as accessoriesin Tables 4, 5 or 7.

3.1.2Supply pressure

The required supply pressure is determinedby the bench range and the operating direc-tion (fail-safe action) of the actuator.The bench range is written on the nameplateas spring range or signal pressure rangedepending on the type of actuator. FA (actu-ator stem extends) or FE (actuator stem re-tracts) or a symbol indicates the operatingdirection.

Actuator stem extends (FA):Fail-safe position "Valve CLOSED"(for globe and angle valves)

Required supply pressure =Upper bench range value + 0.2 bar,minimum 1.4 bar.

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Actuator stem retracts (FE):Fail-safe position "Valve OPEN"(for globe and angle valves)

The required supply pressure for atight-closing valve is roughly estimated fromthe maximum signal pressure pstmax:

pstmax = F + d p4 A

2 ⋅ ⋅⋅π ∆ [bar]

d = Seat diameter [cm]∆p = Differential pressure at the valve [bar]A = Actuator diaphragm area [cm2]F = Upper range value of the actuator

In the absence of such specifications, pro-ceed as follows:Required supply pressure =Upper bench range value + 1 bar

Pressure regulator

After tilting the cover plate back, the pres-sure regulator (9) can be continuously ad-justed. When the adjuster is turned counter-clockwise as far as it will go, signal pres-sures for spring ranges up to 2.5 bar arecontrolled. When the adjuster is turnedclockwise all the way, signal pressures forspring ranges up to 6.0 bar are controlled.

If the signal pressure must not exceed a cer-tain value, this limit can be adjusted using apressure gauge (accessories).

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3.2 Electrical connections

For electrical installation, you are re-quired to observe the relevantelectrotechnical regulations and theaccident prevention regulations thatapply in the country of use. In Ger-many, these are the VDE regulationsand the accident prevention regula-tions of the employers' liability insur-ance association.The following standards apply for in-stallation in hazardous areas:EN 60079-14: 2003 (VDE 0165Part 1) "Electrical apparatus for ex-plosive gas atmospheres" andEN 50281-1-2: 1999 (VDE 0165Part 2) "Electrical apparatus for usein the presence of combustibledust".For the interconnection of intrinsicallysafe electrical equipment, the permis-sible maximum values specified inthe EC type examination certificateapply (Ui or U0; Ii or I0; Pi or P0; Ci orC0, and Li or L0).For EEx nA equipment (non-sparkingapparatus), the standard EN 50021:1999 specifies that connecting, inter-rupting, or switching circuits whileenergized is only allowed during in-stallation, maintenance or repairwork.For EEx nL equipment (energy-limitedapparatus), the standard EN 50021:1999 allows this type of equipmentto be switched under normal operat-ing conditions.

Caution!The terminal assignment specified in the cer-tificate must be adhered to. Reversing theassignment of the electrical terminals maycause the explosion protection to become in-effective!Do not tamper with enameled screws insideor on the housing..

Note on the selection of cables and wires:To install intrinsically safe circuits, observesection 12 of the standard EN 60079-14:2003 (VDE 0165 Part 1). To run multi-corecables or lines with more than one intrinsi-cally safe circuit, section of thisstandard applies.An additional cable gland can be installedwhen connecting the device over two sepa-rate cables. Cable entries left unused mustbe sealed with blanking plugs. Devices usedat ambient temperatures down to –40 °Cmust have metal cable entries.

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The wiring for the reference variable is ledto the terminals 11 and 12.

The positioner does not have to be con-nected to a bonding conductor. If need be,the bonding conductor can be connected ei-ther inside or outside of the housing.

Depending on the version used, thepositioner is equipped with inductive limitswitches and/or a solenoid valve. Versionswith position transmitter do not permit theconnection of these accessories.

The position transmitter is operated on atwo-wire circuit. The usual supply voltage is24 V DC. Considering the resistance of thesupply leads, the voltage at the positiontransmitter terminals can be between 12and 45 V DC.

For terminal assignment, refer to Fig. 12 orthe label on the terminal strip.


Positioner index 3767-x...x. 03 or lowerCable gland PG 13.5Plastic, black Order no. 1400-6781Plastic, blue Order no. 1400-6782Brass, nickel-plated Order no. 1400-6979

Adapter PG 13.5 to ½ NPT:Metallic Order no. 1400-7109Painted blue Order no. 1400-7110

Positioner index 3767-x...x. 04 or higherCable gland M 20 x 1.5Plastic, black Order no. 1400-6985Plastic, blue Order no. 1400-6986Brass, nickel-plated Order no. 1400-4875

Adapter M 20 x 1.5 to ½ NPT:Aluminum, powder-coated

Order no. 0310-2149

3.2.1Switching amplifiers

To operate the inductive limit switches,switching amplifiers complying with EN60947-5-6 must be connected in the outputcircuit. Observe the relevant regulationswhen installing the positioner in hazardousareas.

EB 8355-2 EN 31


Fig. 12 · Electrical connections

On the rear Version with position transmitter

mAcontrol signal

mAcontrol signal6 to 24 V DC

solenoid valve

Switching amplifieracc. to EN 60947-5-6

Voltage supply for transmitter,only for position transmitter

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4 Operation

4.1 Adjusting the positioner at thevalve

Starting point and reference variable

When adjusting the positioner directly at thecontrol valve, the travel (opening angle)must be adapted to the reference variable.With a reference variable, for example, 4 to20 mA, the valve must pass through its en-tire travel range from 0 to 100 % (Fig. 13,left).

For rotary positioners, an opening angle,for example, 0 to 70° must be assigned tothe reference variable.

The starting point refers to CLOSED positionof the valve.

Depending on the actuator version ("Actua-tor stem extends" or "Actuator stem re-tracts") and the operating direction of thepositioner (>> or <>), this starting point canbe represented by either the lower or upperrange value (4 or 20 mA) of the reference

variable. The reference variable range andthus the upper range value determine thetravel of the valve.

In split-range operation (Fig. 13, right), thecontrol valves operate on smaller referencevariables. The controller output signal isused to control two control valves, dividing itsuch that the valves pass through their entiretravel range at half the input signal rangeeach (e.g. first valve set to 4 to 12 mA, sec-ond valve set to 12 to 20 mA). To avoidoverlapping, allow for a dead band of±0.5 mA as shown in Fig. 13.

The starting point (zero) is adjusted at thezero adjuster screw (6.2); the span, i.e. theupper range value, is adjusted at the spanadjuster screw (6.1).

When adjusting, connect a suitable amme-ter to the signal input and apply a supplypressure to the supply air input.

32 EB 8355-2 EN


Fig. 13 · Standard and split-range operation

Reference variableInput signal

Dead band






Closed Valve 2 Valve 1

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Note!When the positioner is controlled by a com-puter whose signal is limited, e.g. between 4to 20 mA, set the positioner to the rangefrom 4.5 to 20 mA.This is the only way to ensure that the actua-tor is completely vented and the valve com-pletely closed when the controller issues a4 mA signal.For operating direction <>, set the range to4 to 19.5 mA.

4.1.1Adjusting the proportionalband Xp and air delivery Q

1. Close the volume restriction (11) as faras the required positioning speed per-mits.To check, push the diaphragm lever (3)as far it will go.

2. Adjust the reference variable at the inputto approx. 50 % of its range.

3. Turn the zero adjuster (6.2) until thevalve has reached approx. mid-travel.

4. Use the adjuster (8) to set the propor-tional band Xp to a medium value (½turn).

5. Check the valve's tendency to hunt andthe positioning speed by briefly tappingthe diaphragm lever (3).The Xp value is to be adjusted to be assmall as possible, without considerableovershooting occurring.

Note!Always adjust the Xp restriction before set-ting the starting point.Later modifications shift the zero point!

4.1.2Adjusting the actuator:"Actuator stem extends"

Starting point (e.g. 4 mA)

1. Set the input signal to 4 mA using anammeter.

2. Turn the zero adjuster (6.2) until the con-trol valve just starts to move from its ini-tial position.

3. Switch off the input signal and slowly in-crease it again. Check whether the valvestarts to move at exactly 4.5 mA. Correctany deviation on the zero adjuster (6.2).

Upper range value (e.g. 20 mA)

1. Once the starting point has been set, in-crease the input signal to 20 mA usingthe ammeter.

At exactly 20 mA, the plug stem must standstill, having passed through 100 % travel(watch the travel indicator at the valve).If the upper range value is incorrect, turn thespan adjuster (travel). Four turns corre-spond to a travel change of 10 % in stan-dard operation. In split-range operation,this value is reduced by half. Turn the ad-juster clockwise to reduce the travel andcounterclockwise to increase it.

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2. After correction has been completed,switch off the control signal and increaseit again. Check the starting point and theupper range value. Repeat the correctionprocedure until both values are correct.

Note!When setting the zero adjuster (6.2), checkwhether the actuator is relieved of pressure.When the input signal is 4 mA and the op-erating direction >>, or the input signal is20 mA and the operating direction <>, thepressure gauge must indicate 0 bar. Correctzero accordingly!

4.1.3Adjusting the actuator:"Actuator stem retracts"

Note!When using an actuator with fail-safe action"Actuator stem retracts", the diaphragmchamber must be pressurized with a signalpressure sufficient to close the valve tightlyeven when an upstream pressure is appliedin the plant. This applies to an upper rangevalue of the reference variable of 20 mAand operating direction >>, and a lower in-put range value of 4 mA and operating di-rection <>.

The required signal pressure is either indi-cated on the positioner label or can beroughly calculated as described in section3.1.2.

Starting point (e.g. 20 mA)

1. Set the input signal to 20 mA using anammeter.

2. Turn the zero adjuster (6.2) until thevalve just starts to move from its initialposition.

3. Increase the input signal and slowly re-duce it to 20 mA again. Check whetherthe valve starts to move at exactly20 mA.

4. Correct any deviations on the zero ad-juster (6.2). Turning the adjuster counter-clockwise causes the valve to move fromits end position earlier; turning it clock-wise causes the valve to move from itsend position later.

Upper range value (e.g. 4 mA)

1. Once the starting point has been set, ad-just the input signal to 4 mA using theammeter. At exactly 4 mA, the plug stemmust stand still, having passed through100 % travel (watch travel indicator atthe valve).

2. If the upper range value is incorrect, turnthe span adjuster (travel). Four turns cor-respond to a travel change of 10 % instandard operation. In split-range opera-tion, this value is reduced by half. Turnthe adjuster clockwise to reduce the traveland counterclockwise to increase it.

3. After correction has been completed, re-set the control signal to 20 mA.

4. Turn the zero adjuster (6.2) again untilthe pressure gauge indicates the re-quired signal pressure (see section3.1.2).

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Note!Having attached and calibrated thepositioner, make sure that the vent plug onthe housing cover points downward whenthe valve is installed in the plant.

4.2 Changing the operatingdirection

If you want to change the operating direc-tion of directly attached positioners (Fig. 3)after they have been installed, turn theturnboard (7) and change the position of theconnection block, the positioner, and theclamp (1.2).

For attachment according to IEC 60534-6(NAMUR), turn the turnboard (7) and thepositioner on the adapter housing (Fig. 6).

For rotary positioners, reassign the camdisk as shown in Fig. 9 and 10.

For details on changing the turnboard (7),refer to section 2 ("Mounting position andoperating direction").

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4.3 Adjusting the limit switches

The positioner version with inductive limitswitches has two adjustable tags mountedon a rotary axis which operate the associ-ated proximity switches (50).

To operate the inductive limit switches, con-nect the corresponding switching amplifiersin the output circuit (see section 3.2.1).

When the tag (51) is inside the inductivefield of the switch, the switch assumes a highresistance. When the tag is outside the field,the switch assumes a low resistance. Thelimit switches are usually adjusted to issue asignal for both end positions. Nevertheless,they can also be set to signalize intermedi-ate positions. The switches A and B must beassigned to the end positions of the controlvalve (valve OPEN or CLOSED) dependingon the operating direction and the mountingposition according to Tables 8 and 9. Theterminals 41/42 and 51/52 can optionallybe assigned to the switches A and B by turn-

ing the associated nameplate on the termi-nal block (also see Fig. 12).

Note!As the tags of the limit switches cannot beturned by 360°, make sure that the switchesA and B are correctly assigned to the endpositions "valve OPEN" and "valveCLOSED", especially when the limit switchesare to be used for fail-safe circuits.

The desired switching function, i.e. whetherthe output relay must be picked up or re-leased when the tag has entered the field,must be determined by means of jumpers foreither working current or closed circuit cur-rent at the switching amplifier.

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Fig. 14 · Limit switch

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Setting the switching point

Move the valve to the switching position andadjust the tag by turning the adjustmentscrew (53) so that the switching point isreached and indicated by the LED on theswitching amplifier. To ensure safe switchingunder any condition, the switching point isto be adjusted to stop approx. 2 % beforethe mechanical stop (OPEN – CLOSED) isreached.

Note!Having calibrated the positioner, make surethat the vent plug on the housing coverpoints downward when the valve is installedin the plant.

EB 8355-2 EN 37


Table 8 Direct attachment to Type 3277 Actuator (Fig. 3)

Attachment left Attachment right


Valve position Tag OUT Tag IN Tag OUT Tag IN



Table 9 NAMUR attachment right or left (Fig. 6) and attachment to rotary actuators (Fig. 8)



Actuator stem extends FA Actuator stem retracts FE














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4.4 Adjusting the positiontransmitter

Note!The starting point (zero) and upper rangevalue (span) must be set before calibratingthe position transmitter.

Depending on the position of the 4-pin plug(symbol on plug: >> or <>), the feedbacksignal can be set to either a range of 4 to20 mA or 20 to 4 mA for 0 to 100 % travel.

Zero point (ZERO)

Use the switches 1 and 2 to preset the zeropoint and the ZERO potentiometer forfine-tuning. The adjusted value always refersto 4 mA.

Span (SPAN)

Use the switches 3 and 4 to preset the span,i.e. the upper range value, and the SPANpotentiometer for fine-tuning. The adjustedvalue always refers to 20 mA.

Example:Move the valve to open position while ob-serving the position transmitter signal. If thesignal does not move in the desired direc-tion, switch over the multi-pin plug. Adjustthe zero point (4 mA) and span (20 mA) forthe valve positions according to Table 10.

38 EB 8355-2 EN


Table 10 Position transmitter

Valve movement Observed transmitter signal Direction of signal Adjust zero/span to



Current increases ↑

OK20 mA Valve OPEN4 mA Valve CLOSED

Not OK→ Reconnect plug

4 mA Valve OPEN20 mA Valve CLOSED

Current decreases ↓

OK4 mA Valve OPEN

20 mA Valve CLOSED

Not OK→ Reconnect plug

20 mA Valve OPEN4 mA Valve CLOSED

Fig. 15 · Position transmitter

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Adjusting the zero point

1. Use the input signal of the positioner tomove the valve to closed position (valveCLOSED – travel 0 %).

2. The ammeter must now indicate approx.4 mA.

3. Correct smaller deviations on the ZEROpotentiometer until the meter shows ex-actly 4 mA. If deviations are too highand cannot be corrected using the poten-tiometer (adjustment range of approx.20 turns), set the switches 1 and 2 to in-dicate an mA value which is within theadjustment range of the ZERO potenti-ometer.

4. Set the zero point to exactly 4 mA usingthe ZERO potentiometer.

Adjusting the span

1. Use the input signal of the positioner tomove the valve to open position (valveOPEN – travel 100 %).

2. The ammeter must now indicate approx.20 mA.

3. Correct smaller deviations on the SPANpotentiometer until the meter shows ex-actly 20 mA. If deviations are too high,set the switches 3 and 4 to indicate anmA value which is within the adjustmentrange of the SPAN potentiometer.

4. Turn the SPAN potentiometer until themeter shows exactly 20 mA. Since zeroand span have a mutual influence oneach other, repeat the correction proce-dure at both potentiometers until bothvalues are correct.

Note on adjusting the position transmitterfor positioners with NAMUR adapterhousingWhen the positioner and the positiontransmitter signal have different operatingdirections (<< and <>), the zero point of thetransmitter signal could be unadjustable dueto the additional deflection caused by thebracket (28, Fig. 7) of the adapter housing.If so, readjust the black pointer (section2.2.2 on page 16) so that the sensor of theposition transmitter reaches the controlrange.Unscrew the clamp. For “Actuator stemextends” (FA), shift the pointer upwardtowards the actuator; for "Actuator stemretracts" (FE), shift the pointer downwardtowards the valve. For valves with rod-typeyoke, slightly shift the positioner on the rodin downward (FE) or upward (FA) direction.

Note!Every time you make a change as describedabove, the zero point and span of thepositioner must be readjusted before cali-brating the position transmitter.

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5 Converting and retrofittingthe positioner

Read instructions in section 6 for explo-sion-protected versions!

5.1 Converting from electropneu-matic to pneumatic

The electropneumatic positioner can be con-verted into a Type 3766 PneumaticPositioner with the following conversion kit:

M20 x 1.5, order no. 1400-7575

1. Remove the support including the termi-nal base and disconnect the cable to thei/p module.

2. Unscrew the fastening screws and re-move the i/p module (6) including theseals (7, 8).

3. Place the connecting plate (3) with theseal on the housing bores and screwtight. The restriction must be seated inthe seal above the right internal bore.

4. Replace the cable gland (5) with thepneumatic screw gland (1).

5. Connect the silicone hose (2) and insertthe guard plate (4) into the housing.

6. Reattach the support with terminal base.

7. Change the type designation (model no.)on the nameplate to Type 3766.

The Mounting and Operating InstructionsEB 8355-1 EN apply for the Type 3766Positioner.

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Converting and retrofitting the positioner

Fig. 16 · Converting the positioner

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5.2 Fitting limit switches

Accessories: Limit switch retrofit kit depend-ing on model index 3767-xxxxxxxxxx.04Order no. 1400-8810 for index .06 orhigherOrder no.1400-7573 for index .04/.05Order no.1400-6389 for index .03

1. Unscrew the bracket with plate (1).

2. Remove the screws (2) and replace theentire input unit (3) with a unit includinglimit switches. Make sure the O-ring isinserted in the housing.

3. Attach the terminal block for the limit sig-nals 41/42 and 51/52 in the terminalbase.

4. Guide the connecting cable to the termi-nals and fasten, (brown = +, blue = −).

5. Refasten the bracket with plate (1) andstick the adhesive label for the limitswitches on the housing cover.

6. Screw additional cable gland on thehousing.

5.3 Fitting a solenoid valve

Accessories: Solenoid valve retrofit kitOrder no. 1400-7122

1. Push the plate (5) to one side.

2. Unscrew the four screws (7). Lift off theblack cover with the rubber gasket andinsert the solenoid valve (6). The rubbergasket with the restriction is located inthe rear of the solenoid valve.

3. Unscrew the plate (1).

4. Attach the terminal block (10) for the so-lenoid valve in the terminal base.

EB 8355-2 EN 41

Converting and retrofitting the positioner

Fig. 17 · Retrofitting limit switches and solenoid valve

1 2 3 2 5




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5. Insert the panel (9) at the rear of thepositioner and attach it to the input unitusing two screws.

6. Guide the connecting cable down behindthe mounted panel of the input unit andup again to terminals 81/82 and fasten(brown = +, blue = −).

7. Screw the bracket with plate (1) back on.

8. Screw additional cable gland on thehousing.

5.4 Removing the solenoid valve

Accessories: Cover retrofit kit for solenoidvalve opening, order no. 1400-6949

1. Unscrew bracket with plate (1). Removethe connecting cable of the solenoidvalve from terminals 81/82.

2. Unscrew the two screws (7) that are notsealed with paint and remove the sole-noid valve with its connecting cable.

3. Place the rubber gasket on the spigot ofthe cover and screw it into the housing

4. Screw on the bracket with plate (1).

6 Servicing explosion-protectedversions

If a part of the positioner on which the ex-plosion protection is based needs to be ser-viced, the positioner must not be put backinto operation until an expert has inspectedthe device according to explosion protectionrequirements, has issued a certificate statingthis or given the device a mark of confor-mity.

Inspection by an expert is not required if themanufacturer performs a routine check onthe device prior to putting it back into oper-ation. The passing of the routine check mustbe documented by attaching a mark of con-formity to the device.

Explosion-protected components may onlybe replaced by original, checked compo-nents from the manufacturer.

Devices that have already been used outsideof hazardous areas and are intended foruse in hazardous areas in future must com-ply with the safety demands placed on re-paired devices. Prior to operation, they mustbe tested according to the specificationsstipulated for "Repairing explosion-pro-tected devices".

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Servicing explosion-protected versions

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7 Dimensions in mm

Dimensions in mm





4676 50



3 N

















M20 x 1.5



Output 1 (A1)

Output 2 (A2) Supply (Z)


Output (38)

Supply (9)Input signal

Pneumatic connectionsG ¼ or ¼ NPT

Attachment with intermediatepiece for rotary actuators

Attachment IEC 60534-6(NAMUR) with adapter housing

Pneum. connectionof reversing amplifier

Fulcrum ofactuator shaft

Reversing amplifier(optional)

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