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Mount Eliza Marketing and Promotion Special Levy Renewal Consultation Report Conducted for Mt Eliza Chamber of Commerce By Maznik Consulting In partnership with Mount Eliza Chamber of Commerce November 2011 to February 2012 Council Meeting - Monday, 23 April, 2012 Item 2.2 Attachment 2

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Mount Eliza Marketing and Promotion

Special Levy Renewal

Consultation Report

Conducted for Mt Eliza Chamber of Commerce


Maznik Consulting

In partnership with Mount Eliza Chamber of Commerce

November 2011 to February 2012

Council Meeting - Monday, 23 April, 2012

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Mount Eliza Village Marketing and Promotional Levy Renewal Consultation Report, February 2012 

Maznik Consulting Page 1  

1. Purpose of Report

The purpose of this report is to:

report on the outcomes of the consultation that was undertaken to seek

feedback on the current promotional levy program operating in Mount Eliza


determine the level of business owner /tenant support for the program to be

renewed for another seven years, commencing July 1 2012.

This report provides details of the consultation and opportunities that were presented

to businesses to allow them to provide feedback on the current program, raise any

issues, put forward any suggestions and clarify the intentions of the new proposal.

Given that Shire requires a positive indication of business support by more than 50%

of properties in the program prior to any formal declaration process commencing, the

two main goals of the consultation were to:

talk about the proposal, outcomes and benefits to as many

businesses/owners as possible and give them the opportunity to ask

questions and be informed about the promotional levy process

obtain a signed pro forma in support of the proposal by the majority of

businesses who will participate and benefit in the future program.

2. Background – The case briefly for these programs

A successful town centre or main street is a critical component of a thriving local

economy. Therefore, strategies and approaches to improve the viability and vitality of

these main streets are becoming increasingly important for local government. There

is currently approximately 70 of these programs operating throughout Victoria, which

are providing for integrated approaches to collectively marketing and promoting the

main street offer and value to customers and community.

Council Meeting - Monday, 23 April, 2012

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These programs are considered a best practice approach to supporting local main

street economies as they promote partnerships between councils and businesses,

provide opportunities to respond to challenges and enable a proactive and

sustainable approach to the development and success of the main street and

businesses within it.

“With local shopping precincts facing mounting challenges, changing consumer

demands and increasing competition, now more than ever a collective approach to

marketing and promotions is critical! Management and marketing programs are

playing an increasingly important role in supporting the viability and health of main

street activity centres in Victoria”.

Economic Importance of Main Streets, Essential Economics 2011

3. Current Mount Eliza Village Program

Mount Eliza Village has had two programs over the past eight years. The current

five-year program collects approximately $52,000 per annum from approximately

180 businesses. Business owners/operators pay $350, $225 or $150 depending on

their location in the Village. Some of the achievements over the past eight years

have included:

branding of Mount Eliza Village with banners, gateway signage and postcards

creation of the mini magazine to promote businesses

Christmas Fair now in its seventh year

Farmers’ Market attracting 2000+ people monthly

seasonal promotions

working with Council to implement streetscape improvements to improve

amenity and appeal of the Village.

A full list of achievements and outcomes is provided as attachment 1

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4. Proposal for New Program 2012 to 2019

In meeting with businesses/owners the following key components were proposed by

the Mount Eliza Chamber of Commerce:

That there is no increase proposed on current levy charges ($350, $225 or

$150 depending on their location in the Village.) However request that Council

include a CPI increase annually on these amounts

Generally include the same properties currently included in the scheme but

remove the addresses from 116 – 128 Mt Eliza Way which are a group of

medical and dental clinics.

Approximately $51,000 is to be raised collectively, annually

Move to a seven-year timeframe as opposed to a five-year timeframe.

5. Consultation Process

The following consultation process was undertaken:

5.1 Meeting with Mount Eliza Chamber of Commerce

This meeting was held to discuss project issues, aspirations for the program and

the broader consultation process with wider traders. At this meeting a draft

business survey was also presented to the Chamber for distribution to

businesses to provide another option for feedback.

5.2 Business Visits – 11 and 14 November- 1st and 2nd Business Visits

On these visits the following information was distributed:

overview of special charge process

achievements of the last eight years

survey for businesses to provide feedback on past performance and

suggestions for future

support form to sign

invite to Annual General Meeting and workshop.

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A copy of the overview and survey is provided as attachment 2

5.3 The Business Operators Survey

Providing a survey offered another opportunity for feedback and although only eight

people responded to this, the information was helpful in further confirming key issues

and opportunities for the Chamber of Commerce to pursue. Some of the feedback


Best Activities

general marketing and presentation of the Village

Christmas Fair

Farmers’ Market

seven out of eight responses indicated that the program continuing for the

ongoing development and success of Mount Eliza Village was very important

most identified the importance of the streetscape and appearance of the

Village as important for its success.

more than one business identified the improvement of the Village Green as


5.4 Annual General Meeting and special charge/business plan workshop

The Mount Eliza Chamber of Commerce AGM and workshop was attended by 22

people representing both owners and tenants. After the formal AGM process had

been conducted, a brief presentation was provided to explain the rationale and

purpose of the promotional levy program, what the Chamber was planning for future

marketing and promotion activities and why these programs should be supported by

the business community. Time was allocated to discuss openly the key issues and

opportunities for the future to assist the Chamber in its business planning, and

attendees also asked any questions they had in regards to the renewal of the levy

and future proposal.

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Some of the recurring points identified at this workshop included:

Areas to Improve

lack of Christmas decorations

review Christmas Fair

upgrade Village Green

upgrade public toilets

lack of facilities for older adults and families

lack of businesses open Sunday and lat on weeknights

improve business mix – speciality retail


develop Village appeal and focus as point of difference

promote personal service that businesses offer

encourage more shops to open on market days

demonstrate more clearly how the marketing funds is good for business

increase promotion of the variety of businesses

encourage people to stay longer after market

investigate a food and wine event

improve website capabilities

bring back the photographic competition

encourage more street and community art

improve signage on highway

improve streetscape and landscaping

explore themes for the community market

5.6 December Business Visits – 3rd Business Visits

Post the Annual General Meeting, Chamber committee members had identified

various business neighbours or colleagues that they could visit to discuss the

renewal process and seek a signed pro forma. Having businesses educate and

inform other businesses is a very effective and useful way of getting the message

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across successfully and creating a common understanding of what is trying to be

achieved. Another formal business visit was conducted on 5 December to try and

reach those businesses that had not been seen personally due to them being not

open or available when they were visited in November.

5.7 Delivery of letter with invite to make an appointment time - 13 Feb with option for meeting on the 16 Feb (4th Business Visits)

There were some businesses that we still had no initial contact with due to not being

open or the right person being available for us to speak to. Some others we were

getting no response from despite being called on. The Centre Manager hand

delivered the information again and included an offer to make an appointment for

personal visit in Village three days later. Four businesses took up this offer of a pre-

arranged time and two others phoned to discuss issues or ask questions. Others that

still did not respond to this targeted mail were again called on at this time in an effort

to provide another opportunity for response. Maznik Consulting spent the day

following up with businesses who had not at this stage responded.

This method of targeted mail to businesses who were yet to respond was repeated

for a final time on the 27th Feb with an offer to make appointments for 29 Feb visits.

Once again this promoted a couple of calls and responses and at least one

appointment for the 29 Feb. Again, the Consultant and Centre Manager spent the

day following up with businesses who had not at this stage responded.

5.8 Chamber of Commerce and Centre Manager Consultation with Businesses

From the outset the Chamber of Commerce was passionate about assisting people

to understand the benefits of the program and obtain signatures of support. This

assists the process as businesses value other businesses experience and

perspective. President Ian Wigg was particularly helpful in approaching traders

personally and explaining the Chambers position and making the businesses

understand the value.

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Centre Manager of Mount Eliza Village, Alison Doherty, has a great deal of local

knowledge and was extremely supportive in disseminating information and

enthusiastically presenting the case to businesses for the program. Alison has a

great rapport with the business community and on a number of occasions we would

visit businesses together. This joint approach to visiting businesses was adopted for

those that that had objected previously to the scheme or who had given an initial

indication that they were likely to oppose the renewal. Alison was also able to

further follow up when she was conducting her normal centre manager duties in the

Village from November to February.

In summary the consultation process was thorough. It delivered concise information

to assist people to make informed decisions if they wanted to. It provided various

opportunities for people to be engaged which included; one on one with independent

consultant, survey, workshop, and discussions with other traders or Centre Manager.

It provided valuable feedback and responses to guide the future direction of the


6. Consultation Outcomes

There are approximately 181 properties identified in the geographical area of the

proposed special levy scheme. 13 of these are inactive due to being unoccupied or

non rateable. Therefore a total of 168 properties are considered for the purposes of

calculating support. These properties are home to a range of business types who

have a diversity of needs, issues and expectations. A support form was presented to

these businesses which provided an overview and purpose of the levy proposal. It

aimed to get a signed response to the following statement;

“I support the renewal of the promotional levy to continue to collectively market and

promote the Mount Eliza Village (please circle either Yes or No)

Yes No

For a copy of the support form see attachment 3

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We were endeavouring to achieve more than 50% and as much as 70% signed

support from ‘active and eligible’ businesses which is extremely challenging in

today’s business climate. A total of 128 businesses actually responded to the

support form by either indicating yes or no. 93% of these responses signed yes to

the proposal (119 yes) and 9 said No (7 %.) The table below illustrates the

significant number of business that are in support of the promotional levy continuing

– 119 signed yes. This Yes figure equates to 71% of the total active and eligible

businesses within the proposed levy area (168 Properties.)

The summary of responses is categorised as follows;

Response Number

Signed Yes 119

Signed No 9

No response 24

Verbal No 10

Verbal Yes 4

Verbal Undecided




Non Rated 3

Phone towers 2

Note - Active and eligible businesses excludes vacant, non- rated and phone towers.

This is a very positive result for Mount Eliza Village. The majority can generally see

some value and good intentions behind the promotional levy and are keen to work

together to make better outcomes for Mount Eliza and their business. Not everyone

supports the program at this stage and this is not uncommon in centres with special

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rates and charges. What is encouraging is that the number of No’s is not significant

and with continual improvement, development of activities and further engagement

with the business in regards to what they want from the program this opposition may

further diminish.

6.1 Feedback and Observations from Consultation

The following provides some frequent feedback and observations from businesses

when discussing the proposal and distributing information

Why do people say No?

it is easier to say No

can’t see the value for their business. Believe it does not benefit them


can’t see how working together to collectively market and promote the Village

and make it a better place can positively affect their business. Don’t

understand the broader benefits.

think Council should be doing more for them, they already pay rates and they

are not happy with certain areas of Council. This could be parking,

maintenance, streetscape, signage etc

believe that they don’t need to be marketed and promoted. They say they

have their own clients and believe they don’t need assistance. Once again

not acknowledging the broader value and other benefits of business

development networking with other businesses etc

believe that the funds favour a particular area of the Village or a particular

group of businesses. See some inequity in the way that the funds are utilised

don’t understand what they get for their money , not aware of what the

Chamber has done with the funds previously

can’t afford it, too many bills.

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Why have people not responded?


they have not made up their mind

it’s not a priority

they don’t understand the concept

they think if they ignore it, it will go away

not in their business location very often

don’t want to be seen to supporting the proposal either way

not sure that they will be around in the future.

Why do people say yes?

They value and understand the concept of businesses working together,

helping each other and helping themselves

They have had involvement with the Chamber, Centre Manager and Council

and can see the good intentions

They have directly benefited from participating or experiencing a activity

funded through the current program previously

They understand that it is about promoting, developing and marketing Mount

Eliza Village which has positive effects and benefits to their business

They appreciate that the contribution is reasonable considering what little

impact less than $350 in advertising and promotion can achieve for a

business operating in isolation

They value the community relationships that many of the activities promote

They get value from being a part of the Chamber group and want to support.

Opportunities for Improvement

improve communication with businesses to inform them of what activities are

occurring and how they can get involved

getting greater leverage from the Farmers Market particularly for businesses

that are removed from the main area

increase professional development and networking opportunities

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further develop website , including create customers database and generate

e-communication amongst businesses

complete streetscape implementation

improve the Village Green area

spreading activities out throughout the entire precinct

linking in with schools and sporting club community more

tapping into local artists and community arts to improve appeal of Village

promote achievements of the Village to the businesses

improve how Mount Eliza village looks – particularly in side streets.

7. Conclusion

Mount Eliza Village is unique and appealing main street environment that has

benefited from integrated approaches to marketing and promotions through a levy for

a number of years. The Mount Eliza Village brand, the signature events, the local

advertising have all been stimulated and supported by the levy funds which assist

the Village to compete and respond to the constant challenges and shifts in the main

street environment. There is a positive level of support for the renewal, minimal

formal opposition and the Chamber are very committed to working with the

businesses and the Shire to further develop and improve the program. Businesses

are informed about the proposal and most understand the intentions which will give

the Shire confidence when moving forward with the formal declaration process for

Mount Eliza Village.

Council Meeting - Monday, 23 April, 2012

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A SNAPSHOT OF ACHIEVEMENTS 2002 – 11 Promotions and Development

Mt Eliza – The Brand: 

Complete rebranding as ‘The Village Mt Eliza’ with a ‘Shop Taste Indulge’ by line.

Initially banners were installed on the light poles, but with the new streetscape and change of street lights, these banners were replaced with flag poles and a series of themed flags, located in both the Village Green and on Nepean Hwy.

Gateway signage at the main entrances into the Village continued the wrought iron theme already established in our ‘mermaid seating’.

Promotional Mt Eliza apparel/products were created – t-shirts, rugby tops, bumper stickers and reuseable shopping bags

Promotional postcards of Mt Eliza Village, DL size, were created & are regularly distributed across the Peninsula, in accommodation and tourist destinations.

Creation of the Mt Eliza Mini Mag, which promotes business and community activities. This is has become a self sustainable venture, that has continued over 6 years and printed quarterly. Chamber continues to make a small contribution to its distribution to ensure the 20,000 copies are delivered to Mt Eliza and Mornington addresses and also to South Frankston and Mt Martha.

Creation of a Mt Eliza Village website, which includes a business listing for all businesses and a section for local news. This website is currently being overhauled with an entirely new look site, fresh content and full page listing opportunities for all businesses. This ensures a web presence for all businesses in town whether they have their own site or not. The new site should be ‘live’ in December 2011.

Media exposure through subsidised advertising and banner branding in newspapers and tourist publications such as The Leader, The Weekly, Good Life, Mornington Life, Real Estate Best Seller and Coast Magazine, extending awareness of the businesses in the Village and offering reasons to visit.

Mt Eliza Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 4120 Mt Eliza 3930 Vic, Australia

ABN: 44421870125

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Professional Development:

‘Retail Tips’ regularly distributed over early years of the program. Professional speakers on topics such marketing, visual merchandising

etc. leading to the creation of a quality DVD presentation based on 6 Mt Eliza Businesses called “open For Business”. This DVD is still used as a training tool by other retail precincts across Australia and New Zealand.

Streetscape/Physical Improvements:

In consultation with Mornington Peninsula Council, and the Streetscape Steering Committee, the Chamber guided the streetscape improvements to ensure that there has been a stylish dimension to the beautification of the Village. This has resulted in the installation of quality lighting poles, bin surrounds, up-market bollards, consistency and constant replacement of the Manchurian pear trees along the footpaths, and of course our iconic mermaid wrought iron seats.

New directional signage has been introduced to highlight the car parking areas.

Planting has been established in the roundabout at Mt Eliza Way. Power Upgrade was initiated in the Village Green that has facilitated

public events held there. Ongoing advocacy for an improved design and upgrade of the Village


Events and Themed Promotions

Christmas Fair, now in its 7th year, this event, originally on a Friday night and now a Saturday afternoon, consistently attracts 5000 – 6000 people into the Village. These visitors are both members of the local community and also visitors from further afield and as an event it has evolved as both a community networking occasion and also as way of showcasing the Village and its businesses, to the broader public.

Farmers Market, now in its 18th month, was established by the Chamber as another way of showcasing the Village and consolidating the Village, community atmosphere. The market is now a ‘stand alone’, self funding event, that not only covers its own costs but has also given back to the community many thousands of dollars each year, through the involvement of the Rotary and Lions Clubs. One of only a handful of fully accredited Farmers Markets in Victoria, the market mornings have proved extremely popular to the community because of the standards of local produce on sale and the roving entertainment. On average 1500 – 2000 people visit the market each month and this obviously brings additional dollar spend to businesses that open on that morning.

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Mt Eliza Photographic Competition, ran over 2 years encouraged the community to take photos of their favourite shops and local characters. These competitions have provided the Chamber with a gallery of images and were a popular attraction when displayed within the Strand Centre.

Easter and Mothers Day promotions in the street, with themed roving entertainers giving small gifts to shoppers.

Advocacy and Representation:

The Chamber continues to represent the best interests of the local businesses relating to local issues such as John Butler Reserve, the skatepark, CCTV, The Safeway and the Ranelagh Estate Heritage Master Plan.

Importantly the Chamber of Commerce has become the recognised representative group for the Mornington Peninsula Shire Council on a range of issues.

Leverage of Grants and Sponsorship Dollars into the Village.

Through Chamber initiatives and grant applications, there has been in the region of $150,000 cash contributions to Chamber of Commerce Projects over the past 8 years together with many additional thousands of dollars that have been contributed ‘in kind’.


We ask your support in making sure these initiatives and others continue

for all that live and work in Mt Eliza.

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Promotional Levies for Main Streets

Collectively everyone can achieve more !

What is the Promotional Levy?

A special rate, or financial charge collected by the Council, from property or business owners within a specified boundary of a commercial precinct. This money is passed on in full, to the local Chamber of Commerce. The collective funds are then managed and expended by the Chamber for the purposes of marketing, promotions, management and business development Mount Eliza Village has had two programs over the past 8 years. The current 5 year program collects approximately $52,000 per annum from approx 180 businesses. Business owners/operators pay either $350, $225 or $150 depending on their location in the Village. Some Facts about Promotional Levies in Victoria

There are approximately 80 schemes operating throughout Victorian shopping precincts. General purpose – Collectively market , promote and manage the area and the businesses

within Mt Eliza, to help maintain it’s vibrancy and economic viability. This is considered ‘best practice’ approach, and enables ‘main streets’ to strategically plan

and market the collective offer and ‘brand’ in much the same way ‘hard top’ centres do. Amounts collected from Special Rate schemes, range from as little as $40,000 per main

street to as much as $500,000 per annum The average contribution per property in the schemes operating throughout Victoria is

between $400 and $750 per year

Future Mount Eliza Village Proposal

The Chamber would like to approach Council with a request to renew the Mt Eliza program for another seven years commencing July 1 2012. The Chamber must demonstrate to Council that there is a general level of support for the program by the majority of businesses in the Village. Once this is obtained, Council can then commence with the formal statutory process of declaring the levy. The declaration process takes at least four months and provides opportunity for businesses to make formal submissions and or objections to be considered by Council.

Proposed 2012 to 2019 Program

There is NO increase proposed on current levy charges, ( from 2013 an annual CPI increase).

Generally it will include the same properties currently included in the scheme Approximately $52,000 is to be raised collectively, annually.

(Continued over)

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What will the money be spent on?

A business plan will be finalised on the next few months to outline specifically the activities and priorities for the new levy period. This plan will identify both levy expenditure and other priorities to be pursued with Council, ie streetscape. The chamber is seeking feedback and input into the future plan through discussion, the current business visits and business levy review survey. Some of the activities in the proposed program at this stage include;

Themed annual promotions relating to food, fashion, professional services and other key offers of the Village.

Business development opportunities through key speakers, networking and mentoring. Marketing through social media. Establish more cross promotion and cooperation between businesses. Facilitate a redesign of Village Green and source the necessary funding to create a more

attractive and useable public space for all. Establish discussion forums for traders to share their marketing ideas with the Chamber. Add additional flagpoles or Village signage at all Highway entrances to the Village. Introduction of community /public art. Advocate to Council on parking, streetscape, improved public toilets and landscaping. Work alongside Council and Police to have CCTV cameras installed to deter vandalism. Grow the Farmers Market so there is more direct spin off to businesses in the Village. Ongoing employment of a part time Marketing Coordinator/Centre Manager to implement the

strategies, liaise with businesses, assist Chamber etc

What are the next steps for each business?

Provide feedback on your future priorities – Chamber needs your input! Indicate your support on official support form. Chamber is working to secure support of businesses over recent months

and once sufficient support is gained they will formally request to Mornington Peninsula Council to begin the legal process to renew the Special Charge scheme.

A ‘Notice of Intention’ should be issued by Council in April – when businesses and owners are formally advised.

Consideration of the proposal, objections and submissions by Council will be through April and May

Council make a decision – June /July If it is ‘Declared’, it will commence July 1 , 2012 for 7 year period

With local shopping precincts facing mounting challenges, changing consumer demands and increasing competition, now more than ever a collective approach to marketing and promotions is critical! “Management and marketing programs are playing an increasingly important role in supporting the viability and health of main street activity centres in Victoria”. Economic Importance of Main streets, Essential Economics 2011

Further information : Co- Presidents Trish Stamp (Travelscene) Ian Wigg (Mt Eliza Deli) Secretary Hans Went in (Canadian Bay Travel) Alison Doherty – Marketing Coordinator

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Promotional Levy Survey Business Operators Mount Eliza Village


The Promotional Levy that funds the marketing and management activities of the Village Mount Eliza for the last five years will expire at the end of June 2012. The promotional levy currently provides a collective annual budget of $52,000. The Chamber of Commerce would like to see a new levy declared for another 7 year period commencing July 1 2012.

Before the Shire will commence any formal consideration of a renewal, a review of the current scheme is important to identify achievements, areas for improvement and obtain feedback from the owners and tenants on a number of aspects of the program. The distribution of this survey is just one mechanism that will be used to obtain business operator feedback on recent and past performance as well as ideas for the future. The feedback from this survey will assist in making an informed decision about the future directions and options for another program.

Your feedback is very important please respond to this survey which will be provided to all businesses in the Village

If you have any questions please contact Co Presidents Trish Stamp (Travelscene) or Ian Wigg (Mt Eliza Deli) or Secretary Hans Went in (Canadian Bay Travel - The Strand Centre).

1. Which of the following categories best describes your business? Please circle the number that is most applicable).

Retail Sales 1

Personal service – Hair/beauty 2

Professional/ business service 3

Health/Medical 4

Cafe/Takeaway/restaurant/hospitality 5

Community service/not for profit 6

Other _______________________________

(Please write)


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2. How long has your business been in operation in Mount Eliza Village (please circle the number that is most applicable)

Less than one year 1

1-5 years 2

6 to 10 Years 3

More than 10 years 4

3. In regards to the premise that this business operates from (please circle one).

The premise is owned by the business operator 1

The premise is leased by the business operator 2

Rating of Mount Eliza Village

4. Please rate the following aspects of the Mount Eliza Village and your operation within it (please circle one number for each aspect) either Excellent, very good, good, fair or poor or can’t say.

Excellent Very


Good Fair Poor Can’t


The number of customers in


5 4 3 2 1 0

The Village Image and identity 5 4 3 2 1 0

The profitability of your


5 4 3 2 1 0

The mix of businesses, services

and facilities

5 4 3 2 1 0

The marketing and promotion of

the Village in general

5 4 3 2 1 0

The relationship between the


5 4 3 2 1 0

Council Meeting - Monday, 23 April, 2012

Item 2.2 Attachment 2

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The design and style of the


5 4 3 2 1 0

The cleanliness and general


5 4 3 2 1 0

Relationship with council 5 4 3 2 1 0

5. Awareness and Importance of Marketing and Management Activities

The following is a list of the top current and past marketing and management activities undertaken by the Village. Could you please indicate your Awareness of activities and the Importance of the activity for future (please tick one for each activity)

1 – Very aware/very important

2 – Moderately aware/moderately important

3 – Minimal awareness / minimal importance

ACTIVITY Awareness Importance 1 2 3 1 2 3

Mount Eliza Branding and positioning

Advertising initiatives to a wide target market within and beyond Mt Eliza. Eg-Mt Eliza Mini mag/branded features in other publications, eg Leader/Coast

Farmers Market - monthly

Streetscape ‘extras’. Mermaid seats/ flagpoles/ gateway signage/bollards

Lobbying, participation and advocacy with local community groups and Mornington Peninsula Council.

Networking and Business Development Sessions

Christmas Fair

Website with its business directory listing for all businesses

Themed promotions ie Mothers Day

Easter/Photography Competition

Council Meeting - Monday, 23 April, 2012

Item 2.2 Attachment 2

Page 21: Mount Eliza Marketing and Promotion Special Levy  · PDF fileMount Eliza Marketing and Promotion Special Levy Renewal Consultation Report ... Management and marketing programs are



6. What do you think has been the best activity that had been funded through the promotional levy?



7. Do you have any specific ideas for marketing /management in the future? _________________________________________________________________________


8. Is there anything that you would like to change or improve about the marketing, promotion and management of the Centre?

Yes No

Please comment



9. Outcomes of Activities

Thinking about the Mount Eliza Village and what has been achieved from the activities over the last five years, please tick either Yes, No, the Same or Can’t Say to each of the following

Outcomes Yes improved

No declined

Stayed Same

Can’t Say

a. Communication and relationships amongst Business

b. Brand and identity of Village

c. Look and appearance

d. Number of Sales and Customers

e. Relationship with Council

f.Other ……………………………………………


Comments on above?




Council Meeting - Monday, 23 April, 2012

Item 2.2 Attachment 2

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10. From your experience how important do you think the continuation of a promotional levy is to the ongoing development and success of Mount Eliza Village (please circle)

Very Important Important Neither Not important Cant say

Comments on above




Thank you for your time. Please return this survey by either of the following-

Fax- 9787 6847 Post to Mt Eliza Chamber of Commerce PO Box 4120 Mt Eliza 3930 Hand deliver to a drop off box located at ANZ Bank. Bring along to AGM on 21st November

If you require assistance in completing this survey please see

Presidents Trish Stamp (Travelscene) or Ian Wigg (Mt Eliza Deli) or secretary Hans Went in (Canadian Bay Travel in The Strand Centre)

RETURN THIS SURVEY by 21st November

Contact Details of Business (Optional )


Council Meeting - Monday, 23 April, 2012

Item 2.2 Attachment 2

Page 23: Mount Eliza Marketing and Promotion Special Levy  · PDF fileMount Eliza Marketing and Promotion Special Levy Renewal Consultation Report ... Management and marketing programs are



Renewal of Promotional Levy Support Form Mount Eliza Village

Mount Eliza Chamber of Commerce Indicate your Support!

The Mount Eliza Chamber Promotional Levy scheme that has funded a range of marketing, business

and promotion activities is set to expire in June 2012. The Chamber of Commerce is seeking to renew

this program for another 7 years and will be formally approaching the Shire in the New Year with a

request subject to the feedback and interest indicated by businesses. The Chamber must demonstrate

to the Shire a positive level of support from business owners/operators for the program continuing, to

provide Council with the confidence to commence the statutory process. This formal process involves

official notification to owners/tenants, public notices and the opportunity for formal submissions and

objections to be submitted from properties or business owners proposed to be included in the scheme.

With local shopping precincts facing mounting challenges, changing consumer demands and increasing

competition, now more than ever a collective approach to marketing and promotions is critical. The

Chamber seeks your initial support to continue the levy which over the years has been instrumental in

developing the village brand, stimulating innovative promotions and marketing the overall offer. We

look forward to your support and participation in the future.

Support Form “I support the renewal of the promotional levy to continue to collectively market and promote the Mount Eliza Village (please circle either Yes or No) Yes No Name: ………………………………………………………………………………

Business: ………………………………………………………………………………

Address: ……………………....................................Phone.................................

Signature ………………………………………………………………………………

Mount Eliza Chamber of Commerce representatives. Further information and completed support forms can also be provided to the following Chamber of Commerce Contacts - Presidents Trish Stamp (Travelscene) or Ian Wigg (Mt Eliza Deli) or secretary Hans Went in (Canadian Bay Travel in The Strand Centre)

Collectively we can achieve more! We look forward to your support

Fax 9787 6847

Council Meeting - Monday, 23 April, 2012

Item 2.2 Attachment 2