mouchart cv07 y publicaciones 012 - · 2015-11-13 · december 7-20, 1998, department of...

1 Michel Mouchart CURRICULUM VITAE Residence : Rue Haute 47, B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium) Tel. 32-(0)10 45 03 77 Professional Address : Institut de Statistique, Universit´e Catholique de Louvain Voie du Roman Pays 20 , B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve - (Belgium) Tel. Direct line: + 32 (0)10 47 43 18 Secretariate : + 32 (0)10 47 43 14 Fax : + 32 (0) e-mail : [email protected] DEGREES Licence en Sciences Commerciales et Financi`eres, July 1961 (Facult´es Saint- Ignace, Anvers- Memoir: laureate at the annual competition of the ”Comit´e National de l’ E ´ pargne Mobili`ere”). Diplo ˆme sup´ erieur d’´ economie compar´ ee, August 1964. (F acult ´ e interna- tionale d’´ economie compar´ ee, Luxembourg). Licence en Sciences ´economiques, September 1965. (Universit´e Catholique de Louvain). Doctorat en Sciences ´economiques, February 1973. (Universit´e Catholique de Louvain). Subject of thesis : Analyse bay´esienne du mod`ele de r´egression avec r´esidus non standards. (Bayesian Analysis of the Regression Model with Non-Standard Residuals). Supervisor : Jacques H. Dr ` eze. JOBS HELD September 1963-September 1965 : Assistant U.C.L. (for Prof. Dr` eze) October 1965-January 1966 :Assistant charg´ e d’enseignement (T eaching As- sistant) F acult ´ es Universitaires Saint-Louis, Brussels.(B) February 1966-January 1967 : International Professor CIENES (Santiago, Chile).

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Page 1: Mouchart CV07 y publicaciones 012 - · 2015-11-13 · December 7-20, 1998, Department of Finance, The Hong Kong University of Science and technology, Hong Kong (seminars


Michel Mouchart


Residence : Rue Haute 47, B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium) Tel. 32-(0)10 45 03 77

Professional Address : Institut de Statistique, Universit e Catholique de Louvain Voie du Roman Pays 20 , B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve - (Belgium) Tel. Direct line: + 32 (0)10 47 43 18 Secretariate : + 32 (0)10 47 43 14 Fax : + 32 (0) e-mail : [email protected]


Licence en Sciences Commerciales et Financi`eres, July 1961 (Facult es Saint-

Ignace, Anvers- Memoir: laureate at the annual competition of the ”Comit e National de l’ E pargne Mobili ere”).

Diplome superieur d’economie comparee, August 1964. (Faculte interna- tionale d’economie comparee, Luxembourg).

Licence en Sciences economiques, September 1965. (Universit e Catholique de Louvain).

Doctorat en Sciences economiques, February 1973. (Universit e Catholique de Louvain). Subject of thesis : Analyse bay´esienne du mod`ele de r´egression avec r esidus non standards. (Bayesian Analysis of the Regression Model with Non-Standard Residuals). Supervisor : Jacques H. Dreze.


September 1963-September 1965 : Assistant U.C.L. (for Prof. Dreze)

October 1965-January 1966 :Assistant charge d’enseignement (Teaching As- sistant) Facultes Universitaires Saint-Louis, Brussels.(B)

February 1966-January 1967 : International Professor CIENES (Santiago, Chile).

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February 1967-December 1968 : Visiting Professor, University of Chile (San- tiago).

January 1969-September 1973 : Assistant U.C.L. ( for Prof. Dreze). October

1973-September 1979 : Charge de cours U.C.L. (Associate Profes- sor).

October 1979- September 1994 : Professeur U.C.L. (Professor).

October 1994 - September 2004: Professeur Ordinaire U.C.L.

October 2004 - : Professeur Em erite U.C.L.


Elected Member : International Statistical Institute

Affiliated Member : Bernoulli Society For Probability and Mathematical Statistic

Societe Francaise de Statistique.

Societe Belge de Statistique

1993-1994 : Secretary of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis

1980 to 1999 : Member of the Permanent Scientific Committee organizing the ”Franco-Belgian Meeting of Statisticians”

ACADEMIC VISITS ( * : with teaching duty)

January-June, 1976 :Visiting professor, University College London (U.K.),

Department of Statistics and Computer Science.

Nov.25-Dec.5, 1979 : Universities of Padova, Bologna, Modena and Roma (Italy).

12-16 January , 1981 : University of Aix-Marseille (France)

6-10 July, 1981 : Dep. of Statistics, Humboldt Universit¨at (East Berlin, GDR).

December 1981 : Invited Professor* (1 Month), University of Strasbourg (France), Department of Mathematics.

6-12 January , 1982 : University of Aix-Marseille (France) - G.R.E.Q.E.

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4-31 July 1982 : Invited Professor (1 month), Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta and Dehli (India).

December 1982 : Invited Professor* (1 month), University of Aix-Marseille II (France), G.R.E.Q.E.

14-18 March, 1983 : Universities of Bologna and Modena (Italy).

Nov-30-Dec.23, 1983 : Universities of Bologna, Trieste, Venezia and Roma (Italy).

5-11 January, 1984 : University of Aix-Marseille II (France), G.R.E.Q.E.

8-20 October, 1984 : University of Berkeley (U.S.A.), Department of Statis- tics.

14-23 Nov., 1984 : University of Aix-Marseille II (France), G.R.E.Q.E.

8-16 December, 1984 : University of Bologna (Italy), Department of Statis- tics.

8-12 January, 1985 : University of Chicago (U.S.A.), Graduate School of Business.

12-26 January, 1985 : Invited Professor *, Carnegie-Mellon University (Pitts- burgh, U.S.A.), Department of Statistics.

3-6 June, 1985 : University of Southampton (U.K.), Department of Eco- nomics.

7-10 June, 1985 : UNESCO Consultant, Institut National pour la Planifica- tion et la Statistique, Alger (Algerie).

10-14 June, 1985 : University of Aix-Marseille II (France), G.R.E.Q.E.

25-29 August, 1985 : Cornell University, Ithaca (U.S.A.), Department of Ecomics.

25-28 Sept., 1985 : University of Western Ontario, London (Canada), De- partment of Economics.

29 Sept.-2 Oct., 1985 : Queen’s University (Kingston, Canada), Dep. of Economics.

2-15 October, 1985 : University of Montr eal (Canada), Department of Eco- nomics.

8-20 November, 1985 : UNESCO Consultant *, Institut National pour la Planification et la Statistique, Alger (Algerie)

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4-8 Nov., 20 Nov.-6 Dec 1985 and 20-25 Jan.1986 : Associate Professor *(1 month) University of Aix-Marseille II(France), G.R.E.Q.E.

4-16 April, 1986 : UNESCO Consultant *, Institut National pour la Planifi- cation et la Statistique, Alger (Algerie)

19-30 May, 1986 : University of Venice, Trieste (Italy), Department of Eco- nomics; University of Bologna (Italy), Department of Statistics.

11 July-9 Aug, 1986 : University of Warwick (U.K.), Department of Statistics (within the Bayesian Statistics Study Year).

22 Nov-3 Dec., 1986 : UNESCO Consultant *, Institut National pour la Planification et la Statistique,Alger (Algerie)

7-18 Dec., 1986 : University of Bologna (Italy), Istituto di Matematica Gen- erale e Finanziaria, Facolta di Economia e Commercio.

5-10 Jan., 1987 : University of Social Sciences, Toulouse (France), GREMAQ.

25-31 January 1987 : Invited Professor* (1 month), G.R.E.Q.E., University of Aix-13-17 April 1987 Marseille II ( France)

Feb.-March 1987 : Invited Teacher* (”Charg´e de Cours”) , one course (21 h.) on Bayesian Statistics, in ”Diploˆme d’Etudes Approfondies de Statis- tique” at Institut de Statistique (ISUP), Universit e Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris VI (F)

25-30 May 1987 : Department of Statistics, Faculty of Mathematics, Univer- sity of Granada (Spain)

Oct.-Dec. 1987 : Invited Teacher* (”Charg´e de Cours”) , one course (21 h.) on Bayesian Statistics, in ”Diploˆme d’Etudes Approfondies de Statis- tique” at Institut de Statistique (ISUP), Universit e Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris VI (F)

December 1987 : Invited Professor*(1 month), GREMAQ, University of So- cial Sciences, Toulouse (France).

September, 12-17,1988 : GREMAQ, University of Social Sciences, Toulouse (France),

7-15 November 1988 : University of Bologna (Italy), Facolta di Statistica and Facolta di Economia e Commercio.

Nov.28 - Dec.19, 1988 : Visit to and Seminars given at the Universities of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia), Yale (New Haven), Duke (Durham), Chicago and Princeton.


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March, 27-31, 1989 : Department of Statistics, University of Malaga (Spain)

April, 3-8, 1989 : Department of Statistics, Faculty of Mathematics, Univer- sity of Granada (Spain)

May, 22-27, 1989 : GREMAQ, University of Social Sciences, Toulouse (Fr.).

June, 26-30, 1989 : Invited Professor *to teach (12 h.) on ”The Econometrics of Duration Data”, Scuola Estiva di Econometria , University of Bologna (Italy)

July, 17-22, 1989 : GREMAQ, University of Social Sciences, Toulouse (Fr.).

August, 1-19, 1989 : Invited Professor * to organize and to teach an intensive course (30 h.) on ”The Econometrics of Duration Data”, Interamerican Training Center of Statistics (CIENES) , Santiago (Chile).

December, 11-15,1989: University of Aix-Marseille II (France), G.R.E.Q.E.

January,22-26,1990 : GREMAQ, University of Social Sciences, Toulouse (Fr.).

February,12-16,1990 : Department of Statistics, Faculty of Mathematics, Uni- versity of Granada (Spain)

May,21-26, 1990 : Invited Professor *to teach (20 h.) on ”The Econometrics of Duration Data”, Department of Econometrics, Faculty of Economics and Commerce, University of Malaga (Spain)

July 30-August 7, 1990 : Department of Econometrics, Monash University, Melbourne (Australia).

August,7-18 and 27-31, 1990 : Department of Statistics, Faculty of Economics and Commerce, and Statistical Research Section of the School of Mathe- matical Sciences, both at The Australian National University, Canberra (Australia)

October 1-5, 1990 :Invited Professor *to teach (20 h.) on ”Bayesian Econo- metrics ”, Department of Econometrics, Faculty of Economics and Com- merce, University of Malaga (Spain)

October 11-12, 1990 : Department of Statistics, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Granada (Spain)

December,3-7, 1990 : GREMAQ, University of Social Sciences, Toulouse (France).

December, 10-21,1990 : Invited Professor *to teach (10 h.) a short course based on the monograph ” Elements of Bayesian Statistics ”, CENTER, Department of Economics, Tilburg University,The Netherlands.


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April 2–5, 1991 : GREMAQ, University of Social Sciences, Toulouse (France).

April-May, 1991 : Limburgs Universitair Centrum, Diepenbeek (Belgium), Invited Professor *to teach (15 h.) a short course on Bayesian Methods

May 6-10, 1991 : University of Bologna (Italy), Facolta di Statistica, Invited Professor *to teach (10 h.) a short course based on the monograph ” Elements of Bayesian Statistics ”

June 3-7, 1991 : University of Venice (Italy), Department of Econometrics, Invited Professor *to teach (10 h.) a short course based on the mono- graph ” Elements of Bayesian Statistics ”

Sept. 1991-June 1992 : Visiting Professor at the Universit e des Sciences Sociales and Research Associate at the Institut d’Economie Industrielle, both in Toulouse(F), on sabbatical leave.

December 16-21, 1991 : Humboldt Universita¨t (Berlin), Department of Statis- tics

February 10-16, 1992 : Universidad Carlos III, Madrid (Sp.), Departamento de Econometr´ıa.

April, 27-May 2, 1992 : Universit e de Montr eal (C.), D´epartement des Sci- ences Economiques.

May 3- 6, 1992 : University of Pittsburgh, Department of Economics.

June 1-5, 1992 : Department of Statistics, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Granada (Spain)

Oct. 1992-March 1993 : Professeur Associ e *, GREMAQ, University of Social Sciences, Toulouse (France)

Oct. 1993-Jan. 1994 : Professeur Associ e *, Universit e Paris 1 Panth´eon-La Sorbonne (France)

July 18-22, 1994 : Invited Professor * at the XIII Winter School of Proba- bility and Statistics, organized by the Facultad de Matema´ticas of the Pont ıfica Universidad Cato lica de Chile and the Centro Interamericano de Ensen˜anza de Estad´ıstica (CIENES), Santiago, Chile (intensive course on the Statistical Analysis of Duration Data)

September 11-October 10, 1994, Invited Professor at the Departamento de Ingenier´ıa Matema´tica of the Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile

December 12-18, 1994,January 16-22 and September 18-23, 1995 : GREMAQ and IDEI, University of Social Sciences, Toulouse (France)


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October 17- November 25, 1995, Invited Professor at the Departamento de Ingenier´ıa Matema´tica of the Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile

April 1-6,1996, University of Bologna (Italy), Facolta di Statistica, Invited Professor *to teach (10 h.) a short course on The Bayesian Analysis of Duration Data

May 21-25,1996, Departamento de Economia, Universidad de Cantabria, San- tander (Spain)

May 26-31,1996, Departamento de Econometria y Estadistica, Universidad del Pais Vasco, Bilbao (Spain) Invited Professor *to teach (10 h.) a short course on The Bayesian Analysis of Duration Data

September 29- November 10, 1996, Invited Professor at the Departamento de Ingenier´ıa Matem´atica of the Universidad de Chile, at the Departamento de estadistica, Pontificia Universidad Catolica, Santiago, Chile and at the Universidad Austral de Chile (Valdivia)

May 30 and June 2, 1997, Seminars at the University of Munich and Kassel (D)

June 5, 1997, Seminar at the University Jean Monnet, Saint-Etienne (F)

September 8-13, 1997, visit to Departamento de Econometria y Estadistica, Universidad del Pais Vasco, Bilbao (Spain)

January 7-21,1998, Instituto de Informatica, Universidad Austral de Chile , Valdivia, Chile.

January 21-23, 1998, Departamento de Ingenier´ıa Matem´atica, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile

April 17-21, 1998, Institut National d’Economie et de Statistique Appliqu´eee (INSEA), Rabbat, Maroc

May 4-6, 1998, Departamento de Economia, Universidad de Cantabria, San- tander, Spain

May 7-9, 1998, Departamento de Econometria y Estadistica, Universidad del Pais Vasco, Bilbao, Spain

October 5-9, 1998, Invited Professor for the Journees d’etudes en statistique, Societe francaise de Statistique, C.I.R.M., Luminy, France.

December 7-20, 1998, Department of Finance, The Hong Kong University of Science and technology, Hong Kong (seminars at the Department of Eco- nomics, Department od Statistics and at the University of Hong Kong, department of Statistics.)

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April 5- 17, 1999, Institut National d’Economie et de Statistique Appliqu´eee (INSEA), Rabbat, Maroc, Invited Professor *to teach (10 h.) a short course on Panel Data.

May 1-8, 1999, University of Bologna (Italy), Facolta di Statistica, Invited Professor *to teach a short course (10 h.) on The Analysis of Duration Data

Sept. 13-18, 1999, Universita degli Studi di Pavia (I), Facolta di Economia, exploratory mission for a Socrates program.

January 10- 22, 2000, Institut National d’Economie et de Statistique Ap- pliqu´eee (INSEA), Rabbat, Maroc, Invited Professor *to teach (15 h.) a special seminar on Panel Data.

July 24-29, 2000 , Departamento de Econom´ıa, Universidad de Cantabria, Santander, Spain

Oct.11-Nov. 18, 2000, Facultad de Ciencias Econo´micas y Estad´ıstica, Uni- versidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina (intensive course –54 h.-on Stochas- tic Processes)

Nov.11-16, 2000, Departamento de Ingenier´ıa Matem´atica, Unversidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile.

July 2-27, 2001, Departamento de Econom ıa, Universidad de Cantabria, San- tander, Spain

Oct.15- 31, 2001, University of Bologna (Italy), Facolta di Statistica (intensive course-15h.- on Panel Data)

July 1-26, 2002, Departamento de Econom ıa, Universidad de Cantabria, San- tander, Spain

Sept.30- Oct. 11, 2002, University of Bologna (Italy), Facolta di Statistica (intensive course-15h.- on Duration Data)

May 19-23, 2003, CentER, Tilburg University (The Netherlands).

July 7-24, 2003, Departamento de Economia, Universidad de Cantabria, San- tander (Spain)

July 28-August 1, 2003, IDEI, University of Social Sciences, Toulouse (France)

Oct.27- November 10, 2003, University of Bologna (Italy), Facolta di Statis- tica (intensive course-15h.- on Panel Data)

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November 5-7, 2003, University of Bologna (Italy), Audit of the Facolta di Statistica (with Prof. M.Civardi and J.Stander)

April 13-16, 2004, IDEI, University of Social Sciences, Toulouse (France)

April 19-23, 2004, Departamento de Econometria y Estadistica, Universidad del Pais Vasco, Bilbao (Spain) Invited Professor *to teach (10 h.) a short course on Panel Data

Oct. 16-18 and Oct.30-Nov. 3, 2004, Institut Alg´erien du P´etrole (intensive course on Basic probability and Statistics)

Jan. 17-21, 2005, IDEI, University of Social Sciences, Toulouse (France)

(to be completed)


Orsi, Renzo, 1985, An Econometric Analysis of the Labour Market in the

Italian Manufacturing Industry, Department of Economics, U.C.L.

Kestemont, Marie-Paule, 1989, Experimentations on Bayesian Parametric and Non-Parametric Prediction, co-promotor, Department of Mathemat- ics, U.C.L.

Hakizamungu, Joseph, 1992, Bayesian Semi-Parametric Modelling of Dura- tion Models, co-promotor, Department of Mathematics, U.C.L.

Rodriguez Poo,Juan, 1992, Constrained Smoothing Spline Estimation, co- promotor, Department of Economics, U.C.L.

Scheihing, Eliana, June 23 1995, Some Problems in the Bayesian Analysis of Discrete Data, Institute of Statistics (U.C.L.)

Collard, Alix, September 12, 1998, Comparative Analysis of two Rates: A Practical Bayesian Approach in the context of Small Sample size Two- by-two Tables, co-promotor, Department of Mathematics (FNDP)

Cocchi, Daniela, April 2, 1999, Bayesian Least Squares Approximations in Finite Populations, Institute of Statistics (U.C.L.)

San Martin, Ernesto, February 25, 2000, Latent Structural Models: Specifi- cation and Identification Problems, Institute of Statistics (U.C.L.)

Oulhaj, Abderrahim, May 5, 2003, Partially sufficient statistics and identifi- cation in conditional models, Institute of Statistics (U.C.L.)

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Almeida, Carlos, October 4, 2007, Testing Specifications on Partial Observ- ability Models: A Bayesian Encompassing Approach, Institute of Statis- tics ( U.C.L)

(ii) Member of Thesis Committee Colard, Michel, 1975, Department of Business Administration , U.C.L. Martel, Jean-Marc, 1975, Department of Business Administration , U.C.L. Hesbois, Michel, 1977, Department of Mathematics, U.C.L. Hupet, Georges, 1977, Department of Mathematics, U.C.L. Dussart, Christian, 1981, Department of Business Administration , U.C.L. Malz,Eberhard G., 1982, Department of Business Administration , U.C.L. Lai-Tong, Charles, Faculty of Economic Science, Univ. of Aix-Marseille

(F) Khamas, Kais S., 1986, Department of Mathematics, U.C.L Byakagaba, Mulindwa, 1987, Department of Mathematics, U.C.L Hermis, Sabah Razouk, 1987, Department of Mathematics, U.C.L Matukama, Lusendi, 1988, Department of Business Administration , U.C.L. Van der Meer, Tjemme, 1988, Free University, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Ruggiero, Mich`ele, 1989, University of Aix-Marseille (F) Dutilleul, Pierre, 1990, Department of Mathematics, U.C.L. Ngbo,1991, U.F.R. des Sc. Econ., Univ. des Sciences Sociales-Toulouse(F) Bouhmadi, Rachid, 1991, U.F.R. des Sc. Econ., Universit e des Sciences

Sociales-Toulouse(F) Bonal, Liliane, 1992, U.F.R. des Sciences Economiques, Universit e des Sci-

ences Sociales-Toulouse(F Bouoiyour, Jamal, 1993, U.F.R. des Sciences Economiques, Universit e des

Sciences Sociales-Toulouse(F) Nassiri,A., 1993,U.F.R. des Sciences Economiques, Universit e des Sciences

Sociales-Toulouse(F) Yum, Yong-Seop, 1994, U.F.R. des Sciences Economiques, Universit e de

Paris 1 (F) Cahuzac, Eric,1995, U.F.R. des Sciences Economiques, Universit e des Sci-

ences Sociales-Toulouse(F) Namoro, Soiliou Daw, 1995, Institute of Statistics, U.C.L.,(B) Patilea, Valentin, sept.1997, Institute of Statistics, U.C.L.,(B) Moral Zuazo, Maria Paz, -May 5, 1998, Departamento de Econometria y

Estadistica, Universidad del Pais Vasco, Bilbao, Spain Petit, Claude, june 18, 1999, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Field : Biostatis-

tics, University of Paris-Sud Gharbi, Amel, January 27, 2000, U.F.R. des Sciences Economiques, Uni-

versit e de Paris 1 (F)

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Recotillet, Isabelle, July 1, 2000, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Groupement de Recherche en Economie Quantitative d’Aix-Marseille (F).

D’Addio, Anna, August 28, 2000, D´epartement des Sciences Economiques, U.C.L.(B)

Veredas, David, September 2002, Institute of Statistics, U.C.L (B) G¨obel, Christian, June 2007, D´epartement des Sc. Econ., U.C.L.(B) Lemeire, Jan, December 2007, Faculty of Engineering, V.U.B. (B) (iii) Member of Committee on the Habilitation to direct re-

search Marimoutou, Velayoudoun, 1991, Universite de Bordeaux (F) Bouoiyour, Jamal, September 18, 1995, U.F.R. des Sciences Economiques,

Universit e des Sciences Sociales-Toulouse(F) Joutard, Xavier, February 17, 2004, Faculte des Sciences

Universite de la Mediteranee (Aix-Marseille II) (F) Economiques,

ORGANIZATION OF PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS Member of the organizing committee for the European Meeting of the

Econometric Society, Vienna, September 1977. Member of the organizing committee of ”S´eminaire de Recyclage en Statis-

tique”, held in Louvain-la-Neuve and in Brussels, alternatively : (January 1977, on Regression Analysis; January 1978, on Non-Parametric Methods; January 1979, on Analysis of Discrete Data; January 1980, on Discriminant Analysis; January 1981, on Survey and Sampling, January 1986, on The Anal- ysis of Variance)).

Worshop on ”Life Tables in Europe : Data, Methods and Models”, held in Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium) April 21-23, 1994, co-organizer with G.Wunsch

Second World Meeting of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis, Alicante (Spain), June 10-11, 1994, Chairperson of the Scientific Committee

Worshop on ”Lisrel Models”, held in Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium) January 21-24, 1996, main organizer

15th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Bilbao, Spain, 17-21 july 2000, member of the Scientific Programme Committee.

Structural Stochastic Systems for Individual Behaviour, Highly Structured Stochastic Systems Workshop, sponsored by the European Science Foundation, held at the Institute of Statistics in Louvain-la-Neuve , January 21-23, 2001, Local organizer and Chairperson of the Scientific Committee.

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ATTENDANCE OF MEETINGS (with presentation of papers) 1. REGULAR MEETINGS

Meetings of the Econometric Society

September 1969 : Brussels, (Belgium) European Meeting

September 1970 : Cambridge (U.K.), 2nd World Congress

December 1970 : Hamburg(F.R.G.), Winter Seminar

September 1972 : Budapest (Hungary), European Meeting

August 1973 : Oslo (Norway), European Meeting

September 1974 : Grenoble (France), European Meeting

September 1977 : Vienna (Austria), European Meeting

June 1978 : Louvain-la-Neuve (B), Summer workshop

September 1980 : Aix-en-Provence (F), 4th World Congress

September 1981 : Amsterdam (The Netherlands), European Meeting

August 1985 : Cambridge (Mass. U.S.A.), 5th World Congress August 1988 : Bologna (Italy), European Meeting

August, 1989 : Santiago (Chile), South-American Meeting

September 1994 : Maastricht (The Netherlands), European Meeting

August 1997 : Toulouse (F)

European Meeting of Statisticians

22-26 Aug. 1977 : Leuven (Belgium)

14-18 Aug. 1978 : Oslo (Norway)

3-7 Sep. 1979 : Varna (Bulgaria)

13-18 Sep. 1981 : Palermo (Italy)

Journees de Statistique - Association des Statisticiens Universitaires

19-22 May 1980 : Toulouse (France)

1-4 June 1981 : Nancy (France)

24-27 May 1982 : Bruxelles (Belgium)

24-27 May 1983 : Lyon (France)

28-31 May 1990 : Tours (France)

27-30 May 1991 : Strasbourg (France)

18-22 May 1992 : Bruxelles (B)

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International Meetings on Bayesian Statistics - Valencia (Spain)

1st Meeting, May 28 to June 2, 1979 (invited speaker).

2nd Meeting, 6-10 September, 1983 (official discussant).

3rd Meeting, June 1-5 , 1987 (official discussant).

4rth Meeting, April 22-26, 1991(co-author of invited paper, session chair- man)

5th Meeting, June 5-9, 1994 (session chairman)

6th Meeting, May 30-June 4, 1998 (session chairman)

International Statistical Institute,

Sept.12-22 1983 : 44th Session, Madrid (Spain).

Aug.29-Sept.6, 1989 : 47th Session, Paris (France)


18-19 May, 1978, Colloque ”Structures Economiques et Econom´etrie”, Lyon (France).

April 1980, Conference on Model Selection, (invited speaker), Gainesville (U.S.A.).

December 16-18, 1980, International Symposium on Criteria for Evaluating the Reliability of Macro-Economic Models, (official discussant), Pisa (Italy).

8-9 October 1984, International Meeting of Actuarial Sciences, (invited speaker), Berkeley (U.S.A.).

26-28 September 1985, Canadian Econometric Study Group Conference on Advances in Econometrics and Modelling, (invited speaker), University of Western Ontario, London (Canada).

8-11 July 1986, International Conference on Practical Bayesian Statistics, The Institute of Statisticians, Cambridge (U.K.).

8-14 September 1986, First World Congress of the Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability, Tashkent (USSR).

15-19 September 1986, International Seminar on Bayesian Analysis, (in- vited speaker).

CNR-Istituto per le Applicazioni della Matematica e dell’ Informatica, Mi- lano (Italy)

June 9-10, 1989, The 6th International Symposium in Economic Theory and Econometrics, ” Equilibrium : Theory and Applications, A conference in Honour of Jacques H.Dr`eze,” (Official Discussant), Louvain-la-Neuve (Bel- gium).

June 12-13, 1989, International Conference on Heterogeneity, INSEE, Paris (France).

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August 20-24, 1990, TheThird International Conference on Teaching Statis- tics (ICOTS3), (invited speaker), University of Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand. April 4-5, 1991, Seconde Journ´ee des Jeunes Econom`etres (session chair-

man), Universite des Sciences Sociales, Toulouse (France). March 30, 1992, Meeting of the Groupement de Recherches 995 of CNRS

”Analyse Quantitative des Donn´ees Individuelles en Economie du Travail”(in- vited paper) held in Toulouse (F)

April 24-25, 1992, Yale-NSF Conference on ” Bayes Methods and Unit Roots”(invited paper)

Sept. 5-7, 1992, Final Conference of the European Unemployment Program, Chelwood Gate (U.K.).

August 6-7, 1993, Frst Meeting of The International Society for Bayesian Analysis, (contributed paper), San Francisco (USA).

June 9-10, 1994, Second Meeting of The International Society for Bayesian Analysis, (contributed paper), Alicante(Spain).

May 22-24, 1995 , Rencontres des Jeunes Econom`etres, Lille (F) (session chairman).

November 20-24, 1995, Sixth Latin American Meeting of Probability and mathematical Statistcs (CLAPEM), (contributed paper and Session chairper- son),Vina del Mar (Chile).

October 8-11, 1996, Latinamerican Congress of Statistical Societies (CLA- TSE III), invited paper for the opening lecture, Santiago, Chile.

May 24-30, 1997 , International Conference on Transport Survey, Grainau (Germany).

January 7-10, 1998, III Seminario de Estadistica Bayesiana, invited paper for the closing lecture,Valdivia, Chile.

July 13-15, 1998, 21st Biennial Conference of the Society for Multivariate Anal- ysis in the Behavioural Sciences (SMABS’98) (contributed paper and session chair- man), Leuven (B).

September 25-26, 1998, International Seminar on Academic and Official Statis- tics Cooperation (Eurostat), invited paper, Bucharest, Romania.

November 17, 1998, International Conference on the Explanatory Power of Mod- els, Center Methodos, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Sept. 13-18, 1999, Second European Conference on Highly Structured Stochastic Systems, Pavia (I), co-author , with E.San Martin, of a presented paper and a poster, session chairman.

July 17-21, 2000, 15th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, member of the Program Committee , Bilbao(Sp).

June 14-15, 2001, Workshop on Recent Advances in Bayesian Econometrics, Marseille (F).

Dec.14-15, 2001, E uropean C onferences of the E conom[etr]ics C ommunity. (EC)2 on Causality and Exogeneity in Econometrics (invited discussant), Louvain- la-Neuve, Belgium.

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Sept.9-13, 2002, 23th Annual Conference of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics, Dijon, France (invited speaker)

January 1-3, 2004, IMS/ASA’S SRMS Joint Mini Meeting on Current Trends in Survey Sampling and Official Statistics, Raichak (West Benga), India (Invited paper)

May 27-28, 2004, 21`emes Journ´ees de Micro-´economie Appliqu´ee, Lille (F). July 4-8, 2004, 10th World Conference on Transport Research, Istanbul, Turkey. December 17-18, 2004, 15th (EC)2 Conference: Econometrics of Industrial Or-

ganisation, Marseille (F).


Sept.1, 1978- August 31, 1982, Programme National R-D Energie, Contrat E/I/4.1, Scientific adviser, in charge of the research on transport mode choice : micro- econometric modelling, responsible for one investigator: A.M.Rutgeerts.

Sept.1, 1982- December 31, 1986, Programme National R-D Energie, Service de Programmation de la Politique Scientifique, Contrat E/I/6.1, co-promotor (with M.Marchand), budget : personal : 11,900,000 BEF, overhead : 3,000,000 BEF , conducting a survey and research on residential electricity demand : micro-econometric modelling, investigators : H.Roche and A.M.Rutgeerts,

1987, Contract with Ministry of Economic Affairs (B) on the income effect in the residential demand for electricity (La demande r´esidentielle d’ electricit e par usage et son elasticit e par rapport au revenu,), investigator : H.Roche.

July 1, 1988 - December 1, 1989, Programme Energie, Ministry of Economic Affairs (B), Contract 87-09, budget ( lump sum) : 1,000,000 BEF, Promotor, research on Residential demand for energy (Construction d’un mod ele de demande d’ energie dans le secteur domestique,), investigators: M.A.Jamar, V.Nich`ele, A.M.Rutgeerts.

July 1, 1988 - December 1, 1989, Programme Energie, Ministry of Economic Affairs (B), Contract 88-08, budget ( lump sum) : 1,000,000 BEF, Promotor, research on Residential demand for energy (Construction d’un Mod ele Multi-usages et Multi-Energies de la Consommation R´esidentielle Energ´etique) investigator: A.M.Rutgeerts.

January 1, 1991- December 31, 1995, (extended until september 30,1996) Pro- gramme National Transport et Mobilit e, Service de Programmation de la Poli- tique Scientifique, Contrat TR/B3/007, co-promotor ( with L.Simar), budget : personal : 8,523,000 BEF, overhead : 4,000,000 BEF, research on individual inter-city transport, investigators : M.P.Kestemont., E.Scheihing, B.Jucquois, B.Franck, S.Namoro, Y.Baeyens, E.Barbieux,A.Belabed, A. Barbieri.

February 1997 - January 1998, Plan d’appui scientifique a une politique de d´evelop- pement durable, Service du Premier Ministre - Affaires scientifiques, tech- niques et culturelles (SSTC), contrat MD/DD/018, budget : 1.150.000 BEF, research on survey sampling, investigator : A. Barbieri..

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November 1997- February 1998, Review/Audit of the Eurostat Publication ”Re- search & Development : Annual Statistics, subcontracting from CAMIRE(Lu- xembourg) for Eurostat, budget : 10.000 Ecu., investigator : Macq and J.-C.Mouchart.

October 1998-December 1999, Kernel Methods for the Analysis of Black Zones in Road safety Analysis, subcontracting for the Department of Geography (U.C.L.) ; budget: 11.000 Euro, investigator : Ernesto San Martin, Ch. Weiner.

January - December 1999, Representativity Analysis and Imputation Methods in Pool Opinion Panel Data, subcontracting for the Department of political Sci- ences (U.C.L.), budget: 5.500 Euro, investigator: Maria Key Prato.

June 2001, Report on ” Nowcasts- Forecasts II for R & D Variables, subcontracting from CAMIRE(Luxembourg) for Eurostat.

June 2002, Efficiency Analysis of Air Navigation Services Provision: First Insights, Consulting report for Eurocontrol, Bruxelles, research with L´eopold Simar.

February 2003, Econometric Models for Nowcasts on R & D Variables, subcontract- ing from CAMIRE(Luxembourg) for Eurostat, research with Jeroen Rom- bouts.

January 2002- December 2004, Assessment of Quality Differences between Freight Transport Modes, Second Multiannual Scientific Support Plan for a Sustain- able Development Policy-SPSDII, Services F ed eraux des Affaires Scientifiques, Techniques et Culturelles, contract CP/10/363, budget: 118.176 Euro, inves- tigators: C. Krier, A.Oulhaj, G. Santamaria ad M. Vandresse.

August 2003, Efficiency Analysis of Air Navigation Services Provision (II): Further Insights, Consulting report for Eurocontrol, Bruxelles, research with L´eopold Simar.

September 2003, Evaluating and Updating Econometric Models for Nowcasts on R & D Variables, subcontracting from CAMIRE(Luxembourg) for Eurostat, research with Jeroen Rombouts.

September 2004, Evaluating and Updating Econometric Models for Nowcasts on R & D Variables(II), subcontracting from CAMIRE(Luxembourg) for Eurostat, research with Jeroen Rombouts.



1.1 Published Research Papers

1. L’investissement dans l’entreprise, Epargner et Investir, 101, 12-18, 1962.

2. On the Predictive Value of Investment Surveys, with H. Theil and J.I. Vorst, Statistica Neerlandica, 17, 289-297, 1963. (Translation : ”U ber den Vorhersagewert von Investitionsbefragungen”, IFO- Studien, 9(1/2), 71-85, 1963).

3. Bayesian Inference in Error-in-Variables Models, with J.-P. Florens and J.-F. Richard,

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Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 4, 419-452, 1974.

4. Polynomial Approximation of Distributed Lags and Linear Restrictions: A Bayesian Approach, with R. Orsi, Empirical Economics, 1, 129-152, 1976.

5. A Note on Bayes Theorem, Statistica, 36(2), 349-357, 1976.

6. A Regression Model with an Explanatory Variable which is both Binary and Subject to Errors, chap. 4 in : Latent Variables in Socio-Economic Models, ed. by D.J. Aigner and A.S. Goldberger, Amsterdam, North-Holland, 49-66, 1977.

7. Conditional Independence in Statistical Theory, Discussion of a paper by A. P. Dawid, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 41(1), 25-26, 1979.

8. Modeles de choix de transports domicile-travail a Bruxelles, Li ege et Namur, with F.X. de Donnea, A.-M. Rutgeerts and T. Vaes, Annales de Sciences Economiques Appliquees, 35 (4), 49-77, 1979.

9. Least-Squares Approximation in Bayesian Analysis, with L. Simar, in : Baye- sian Statistics, Proceedings of the First International Meeting held in Valencia (Spain), May 28-June 2, 1979, edited by J.M. Bernardo, M.H. de Groot, D.V. Lindley and A.F.M. Smith, Valencia, University Press, 207-222, 1980.

10. R´eductions dans les exp´eriences bay´esiennes s´equentielles, with J.-P. Florens and J.-M. Rolin, Cahiers du Centre d’Etudes de Recherche Op´erationnelle, 22(3-4), 353-362, 1980.

11. A Note on Non Causality, with J.P. Florens, Econometrica, 50(3), 583-591, 1982.

12. Model Selection Procedures, or, Does the Consumption Function Exist?, Dis- cussion of a paper by A.S. Deaton, chap. 5 in : Evaluating the Reliability of Macroeconomic Models, ed. by G.C. Chow and P. Corsi, New York, Wiley, 65-69, 1982.

13. Theory and Applications of Least Squares Approximation in Bayesian Anal- ysis, with L. Simar, in : Specifying Statistical Models, from Parametric to Non-Parametric, Using Bayesian or Non-Bayesian Approaches, ed. by J.-P. Florens, M. Mouchart, J.-P. Raoult, L. Simar and A.F.M. Smith (Lecture Note in Statistics, Vol. 16), Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 93-107, 1983.

14. Approximate Sufficiency on the Parameter Space and Model Selection, with J.-P. Florens and S. Scotto, in : 44th Session of the International Statistical Institute : Contributed Papers, Vol. 2, 763-766, 1983.

15. A Note on Least Squares Approximation in the Bayesian Analysis of Regres- sion Models, with L. Simar, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 46(1), 124-133, 1984.

16. Bayesian Predictions : Non Parametric Methods and Least Squares Approx- imations, with L. Simar, in : Alternative Approaches to Time Series Analy- sis, Proceedings of the Third Franco-Belgian Meeting of Statisticians, held in Rouen, November 25-26, 1982, ed. by J.-P. Florens, M. Mouchart, J.-P. Raoult and L. Simar, Bruxelles, Publications des Facult es Universitaires Saint-Louis, 11-28, 1984.

17. On k-sufficiency, with J.-M. Rolin, Statistica, 44(3), 367-371, 1984.

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18. A Note on Conditional Independence, with J.-M. Rolin, Statistica, 44(4), 557- 584, 1984.

19. Conditioning in Dynamic Models, with J.-P. Florens, Journal of Time Series Analysis, 53(1), 15-35, 1985.

20. A Linear Theory for Non Causality, with J.-P. Florens, Econometrica, 53(1), 157-175, 1985.

21. On Two Definitions of Identification, with J.-P. Florens and J.-M. Rolin, Statistics, 16(2), 213-218, 1985.

22. Model Selection: Some Remarks from a Bayesian Viewpoint, with J.-P. Flo- rens, in: Model Choice, Proceedings of the Fourth Franco-Belgian Meeting of Statisticians, November 1983, ed. by J.-P. Florens, M. Mouchart, J.-P. Raoult and L. Simar, Bruxelles, Publications des Facult es Universitaires Saint-Louis, 27-44, 1985.

23. Bayesian Statistics in Econometrics, Discussion of a paper by A. Zellner in:

Bayesian Statistics 2, Proceedings of the 2nd International Valencia Meet- ing, ed. by J.M. Bernardo, M.H. de Groot, D.V. Lindley and A.F.M. Smith, Amsterdam, North-Holland, 582-583, 1985.

24. Letter to the Editor , with J.-M. Rolin, Statistica, 45(3), 427-430, 1985.

25. A Note on Price Adjustment Models in Disequilibrium Econometrics, with R. Orsi, Journal of Econometrics, 31, 209-217, 1986.

26. Exhaustivit´e, Ancillarit e et Identification en Statistique Bay´esienne, with J.-P. Florens, Annales d’Economie et de Statistique, 4, 63-93, 1986.

27. Structural Time Series Modeling : A Bayesian Approach, with J.-P. Florens and J.-F. Richard, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 20(3-4), 365-400, 1986.

28. Exact Estimability in Conditional Models, with J.-P. Florens and J.-M. Rolin, in : Asymptotic Theory for Non I.I.D. Processes, Proceedings of the Fifth Franco-Belgian Meeting of Statisticians, ed. by J.-P. Florens, Bruxelles, Pub- lications des Facult es Universitaires Saint-Louis, 121-144, 1986.

29. Some Examples of Bayesian Experiments, with J.-P. Florens, Statistica, 46(4), 439-448, 1986.

30. Bayesian Analysis of Load Curves through Spline Functions, with H. Roche, The Statistician, 36(2), 289-296, 1987.

31. Dynamic Error-in-Variables Models and Limited Information Analysis, with J.-P. Florens and J.-F. Richard, Annales d’Economie et de Statistique, 6/7, 289-310, 1987.

32. La demande r´esidentielle d’ electricit e: construction des diagrammes de charge sur base des donn´ees d’enquˆetes, with A.-M. Rutgeerts, chap.5 in Gestion de l’Economie et de l’Entreprise : l’Approche Quantitative, collective work edited by CORE, De Boeck-Wesmael, 399-426, 1988.

33. The Infinite Regress Problem, Comment on a paper by A.P. Dawid, in Baye- sian

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Statistics 3, Proceedings of the 3rd International Valencia Meeting, ed. by J. Bernardo, M.H. de Groot, D.V. Lindley and A.F.M. Smith, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 107-108, 1988.

34. Bayesian Specification Tests, with J.-P.Florens, chap.14 in : Contributions in Operations Research and Economics, edited by B. Cornet and H. Tulkens, Cambridge, MIT Press, 467-490, 1989.

35. Twenty-years After : Econometrics, 1966-1986, Comment on a paper by A. Pagan, in Contributions in Operations Research and Economics, edited by B. Cornet and H. Tulkens, Cambridge, MIT Press, 383-387, 1989.

36. ”On Maximal Ancillarity”, with J.-M. Rolin, Statistica, 49(1), 21-37, 1989.

37. The Present Position in Bayesian Statistics, Comment on a paper by D.V. Lindley, Statistical Science, 5 (1), 84-85, 1989 .

38. Th´eorie Math´ematique de la Statistique, in Encyclop´edie Philosophique Uni- verselle. II.Les Notions Philosophiques (Dictionnaire) , Tome 2, Paris : Presse Universitaires de France,2453-2455, 1990.

39. Invariance Arguments in Bayesian Statistics, with J.-P. Florens and J.-M. Rolin, chap.16 in : Economic Decision Making : Games, Econometrics and Optimisation, edited by J. Gabszewicz, J.-F. Richard and L. Wolsey, Amster- dam, Elsevier Science Publisher, 387-403, 1990.

40. Tales of Testing Bayesians, with J.H. Dr eze, in Contributions to Econometric Theory and Applications - Essays in Honor of A.L. Nagar, edited by R.A.L. Carter, J. Dutta and A. Ullah, New York, Springer Verlag, 345-366, 1990.

41. Linear Bayes Estimation in Finite Populations with a Categorical Auxiliary Variable, with D. Cocchi, Statistics, 21, 3, 437-454, 1990.

42. Teaching Bayesian Statistics: from Economic to Statistical Rationality, with J.-P. Florens, in Proceedings of the Third International Conference on the Teaching of Statistics (ICOTS 3) , 2, edited by David Vere-Jones, Voorburg : ISI Publications in Statistical Education, 313-320, 1991.

43. Bayesian Analysis of Mixtures : Some results on Exact Estimability and Iden- tification, with J.-P. Florens and J.-M. Rolin, in Bayesian Statistics 4, edited. by J.Berger, J.M. Bernardo, A.P. Dawid and A.F.M. Smith , Oxford University Press, 127-145, 1992.

44. Non Causality and Marginal Markov Processes, with J.-P. Florens and J.- M.Rolin, Econometric Theory, 9, 241-262, 1993.

45. Bayesian Testing and Testing Bayesians, with J.-P. Florens, chap.11 in Econo- metrics, Vol.9 in Handbook of Statistics, edited by G.S. Maddala and C.R. Rao, Amsterdam: North Holland, 303-334, 1993.

46. Fisher Test and Inference in 2 X 2 Contingency Tables : A Bayesian Eval- uation, with E. Scheihing, Proceedings of the Section on Bayesian Statistical Science of the American Statistical Association, 235-240, 1993.

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47. Bayesian Encompassing Tests of a Unit Root Hypothesis, with J.-P. Florens and S. Larribeau, Econometric Theory, 10, 747-763, 1994.

48. Approximate Bayesian Inferences : Numerical Experiences when measuring the Loss of Information, with E. Scheihing, Proceedings of the Section on Bayesian Statistical Science of the American Statistical Association, 221-226, 1994.

49. Examining the Econom(etr)ic Relevance of Discretizing Panel Data : an Ap- plication to the Belgian Labour Market, with E. Cahuzac and B. Van der Linden, Labour, 8, 455-488, 1994.

50. La Modelisation Econometrique des Transitions individuelles sur le Marche du Travail, with J.-P. Florens, D. Fougere and T. Kamionka, Economie et Prevision, 116, 181- 217, 1995.

51. Duration Models, with J.-P. Florens and D. Foug`ere, chap.19 in Econometrics of Panel Data, 2nd ed., L. Matyas and P. Sevestre eds., Kluwer Academic Publishers, 491-536, 1995.

52. Quasi-Linear Bayes Estimation in Stratified Finite Populations, with D. Coc- chi, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 58, 293-300, 1996.

53. Review of “Handbook of Matrices”, by Helmut Lu¨tkepohl, Computational Statistics, 12, 427-428, 1997.

54. Les nouvelles g en erations d’analyses micro-´econom´etriques, with F. Equinet et D. Huchant, Objet Direct, 74, 20-22, June/July 1997.

55. Official statistics and academic research: challenges and cross-fertilisation, in R&D in Statistics: Academic and official statistics co-operation, Proceed- ings of the Seminar on Academic and Official Statistics co-operation, held in Bucharest in September 1998, Eurostat, European Commission, 17-21, 1999.

56. Semi- and Non-parametric Bayesian Analysis of Duration Models with Dirich- let Priors: A Survey, with J.-P. Florens and J.-M. Rolin, International Statis- tical Review, 67, 187-210, 1999.

57. SORE Modelling for Clinical trials: A Bayesian Perspective, with A. Bouck- aert, Revista de la Sociedad Chilena de Estad´ıstica (SOCHE), 16-17, 7-28, 1999-2000.

58. Sure outcomes of random events: a model for clinical trials, with A. Bouckaert, Statistics in Medicine, 20, 521-543, 2001.

59. Review of “Causation, Prediction and Search ” by: Peter Spirtes, Glymour Clark et Richard Scheines, 2nd edition, 2000, Statistica, LXI, 2, 353, 2001.

60. Competing Risks Models : Problems of Modelling and of Identification, with J.-M. Rolin, chap.10 in Life Tables, Modelling Survival and Death, edited by

G. Wunsch, M. Mouchart and J. Duchˆene, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Pub- lishers, 245-267, 2002.

61. Specification and Identification Issues in Models involving a latent Hierarchical structure, with E. San Martin, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 111, 143-163, 2003.

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62. La Wallonie: l’impact des positions sociales, des clivages et des enjeux sur le vote en 1999, with A.-P. Frognier, in Elections, La Rupure?, A.-P. Frognier and A.-M. Aish, editors, Bruxelles: De Boeck, 13-27, 2003.

63. The local spatial autocorrelation and the kernel method for identifying black zones: a comparative approach, with B. Flahaut, E. SanMartin and I. Thomas, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 35, 991-1004, 2003.

64. Partial Sufficiency with Connection to the Identification Problem, with A. Oulhaj, Metron, LXI, 2, 267-283, 2003.

65. Bayesian Evaluation of Non-Admissible Conditioning, with E. Scheihing, Jour- nal of Econometrics, 123, 283-306, 2004.

66. Clustered panel data models: An efficient approach for nowcasting from poor data, with J. Rombouts, International Journal of Forecasting,21, 577-594, 2005.

67. Ignorable Common Information, Null sets and Basu’s First Theorem, with J.M. Rolin and E. San Martin, Sankhy¯a: The Indian Journal of Statistics, 67, Part 4, 674-698, 2005.

68. The role of the exogenous randomness in the identification of conditional mod- els, with A. Oulhaj, Metron, LXIV, 3, 253-271, 2006.

69. Bayesian encompassing specification test under not completely known partial observability, with C. Almeida, Bayesian Analysis, 2(2), 303-318, 2007.

70. Bayesian Encompassing Specification Test Under Not Completely Known Par- tial Observability, with C. Almeida, in Bayesian Statistics 8, J. M. Bernardo,

M. J. Bayarri, J. O. Berger, A. P. Dawid, D. Heckerman, A. F. M. Smith and M. West (eds), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 567-572, 2007.

71. A health economic model to assess the cost-effectiveness of PEG IFN α-2a and ribavirin in patients with mild chronic hepatitis C, with S. Gerkens, M. Nechelput, L. Annemans, B. Peraux, C. Beguin and Y. Horsmans, Journal of Viral hepatitis, 14, 523-536, 2007.

72. Features - An interview about Scientific Reasoning with G. Wunsch by F. Russo, The Reasoner, 1, 8, 2-3, December 2007.

available at

73. Bargaining powers and market segmentation in freight transport, with M. Vandresse, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 22: 1295-1313, 2007.

74. On Joint Completeness: Sampling and Bayesian Versions, and Their Connec- tions, with E. San Martin, Sankhy¯a: The Indian Journal of Statistics, 69, Part 4, 2007.

75. A Comparison of Conjoint, Multi-criteria, Conditional Logit and Neural Net- work Analyses for Rank-ordered Preference Data, with M. Beuthe, Ch. Bouf- fioux and C. Krier, chap.9 in M. Ben-Akiva, H. Meersman and E. Van de Voorde (ed.) Recent Developments in Freight Transport Modelling: Lessons from the Freight Sector, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 157-178, 2008.

76. Duration Models and Point Processes, with J.-P. Florens and D. Foug`ere, chap. 17 in The

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Econometrics of Panel Data 3rd edition, L. Matyas and P. Sevestre eds, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 547-601, 2008.

77. Structural modelling, exogeneity, and causality, with F. Russo and G. Wunsch, Chap. 4 in Henriette Engelhardt, Hans-Peter Kohler, Alexia Prskawetz (eds), Causal Analysis in Population Studies: Concepts, Methods, Applications, Dor- drecht: Springer, 59-82, 2009.

78. Do we necessarily need longitudinal data to infer causal relations?, with F. Russo and G. Wunsch, Bulletin of Sociological Methodology/ Bulletin de Me- thodologie Sociologique, 106: 5-18, 2010.

DOI: 10.1177/0759106309360114 On line version:

79. A double-frontier approach for measuring market imperfection, with M. Van- dresse, Special Issue of Annals of Operations Research on Efficiency and Pro- ductivity, 173: 137-144, 2010.

DOI: 10.1007/s10479-008-0499-7

80. Causalita nelle scienze sociali: una sfida o una chimera? with F. Russo and G. Wunsch, Sis-Magazine, 2010. On line version:

81. Inferring Causal Relations by Modelling Structures, with F. Russo and G. Wunsch, Statistica, LXX(4), 411-432, 2010.

82. Causal explanation: recursive decompositions and mechanisms, with F. Russo, chap. 15 in P. McKay Illari, F. Russo, and J. Williamson (eds), Causality in the sciences, Oxford University Press, 317-337, 2011.

83. On the Bayesian Nonparametric Generalization of the IRT-type models, with E. San Martin, A.Jara and J.M. Rolin, Psychometrika, 76(3), 385-409, July 2011. DOI: 10.1007/s11336-011-9213-9.

84. Inferring Causality through Counterfactuals in Observational Studies: Some epistemological issues, with F. Russo and G. Wunsch, Bulletin of Sociological Methodology/ Bulletin de M´ethodologie Sociologique, 111, 43-64, 2011.

DOI: 10.1177/0759106311408891.

85. Neural modelling of ranking data with an application to stated preference data, with C. Krier and A.Oulhaj, Statistica, LXXII(), , 2012 .

1.2 Unpublished Research Papers

”A Regression Model with Prior Information on the Disturbances”, CORE Discus- sion Paper 7116, 25 p., 1971.

”Likelihood Analysis of Linear Models”, with J.-P. Florens and J.-F. Richard, CORE Discussion Paper 7619, 38 p., 1976.

”Reduction of Bayesian Experiments”, with J.-P. Florens, CORE Discussion Paper 7737, 46 p., 1977.

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”A Review of Bayesian Statistical Theory as a Tool for Decision Making”, Mimeo, 25 p., 1974.

”Specification and Inference in Linear Models”, with J.-P. Florens and J.-F. Ri- chard, CORE Discussion Paper 7943, 71p., 1979.

”Initial and Sequential Reduction of Bayesian Experiments”, with J.-P. Florens, CORE Discussion Paper 8015, 45 p., 1980.

”On the σ-Algebraic Realization Problem”, with J.-M. Rolin, CORE Discussion Paper 8604, 1986.

”The Structure of Econometric Specification : Model Building with Incomplete Re- strictions” with Jayasri Dutta, First Boston Working Paper F-B-86-26, Grad- uate School of Business, Columbia University, June 1986.

”Approximations of Bayesian Solutions in Finite Population Models, with D. Coc- chi, CORE Discussion Paper 8905, 1989.

Weak Conditional Independence and Relative Invariance in Bayesian Statistics, with J.-P.Florens and J.-M.Rolin, CORE Discussion Paper 9052, October 1990

Data Preparation for a Micro-econometric Analysis of the Belgian Labour Market, with C.Kestens, F.Mehta and B.Van der Linden, paper presented at a Meeting of the European Unemployment Program (held in Louvain-la-Neuve, march 1991), March 1991

Weak Conditional Independence and Marginalization Paradoxes, with J.-M. Rolin, in progress, June 1991.

Reduction of Bayesian Experiments under Improper Prior Specification, with J.-M. Rolin, in progress, June 1991.

Exact Estimability in Possibly Non-stationary Processes : a Bayesian Perspective, with J.-P. Florens and J.-M. Rolin, paper presented at the Yale-NSF Sympo- sium on Bayes Methods and Unit Roots, June 1992.

Mod´elisation des mobilit es sur le march e du travail, with J.-P. Florens and D. Foug`ere, Discussion Paper 9310, Louvain-la-Neuve : Institut de statistique, 1993.

Evaluating approximations of Bayesian solutions: the case of Fisher test, with E.Scheihng, Discussion Paper 9322, Louvain-la-Neuve : Institut de statistique, 1993.

Tilling the σ-fields : a down-to-earth exposition for econometricians, 1994, in progress

Bayesian semi-parametric discrete choice model : problems of modelling and of computations, with E. Scheihing, first draft,47 p., december 1995, under revi- sion 1999

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Bayesian identification of semi-parametric binary response models, with J.-M. Rolin and E. Scheihing, Discussion Paper 9713, Louvain-la-Neuve : Institut de Statistique, 1997, revised 1999.

Identification in a class of Mixture Models, with an Application to LISREL Model, with E. San Martin, Discussion Paper 9805, Louvain-la-Neuve : Institut de Statistique, 1998.

Bayesian Evaluation of a Semi-Parametric Binary Response model, with E. Schei- hing, Discussion Paper 9806, Louvain-la-Neuve : Institut de Statistique, 1998.

Pilot-Study for a National Travel Survey in Belgium, with A.Barbieri, Ph.Barette, C.Durand, E.Heylen, S.Saelens, Ph.Toint and P.Vansevenant, Report 98-02, Publications du D´epartement de Math´ematique, Facult es Universitaires de Namur, 1998.

Bayesian specification and identification of a class of mixture models, with E. San Martin, Discussion Paper 9815, Louvain-la-Neuve : Institut de Statistique, 1998.

Identification in Mixtures Models : some General Results, with E. San Martin, Discussion Paper 9909, Louvain-la-Neuve : Institut de Statistique, 1999.

Identification in Sifted Mixtures Models with an Application to Item Response Models, with E. San Martin, Discussion Paper 0001, Louvain-la-Neuve: Insti- tut de statistique, 2000.

On Identification in Conditional Models, with A. Oulhaj, Discussion Paper 0015, Louvain-la-Neuve: Institut de statistique, 2000.

A Note on “Revising Beliefs in Nonidentified Models”, with E. San Mart ın, mimeo, 3 p., Louvain-la-Neuve: Institut de statistique, July 2000

A Note on a copula approach to polychoric correlations, with C. Almeida, Discus- sion Paper 0321, Louvain-la-Neuve: Institut de statistique, 2003.

Identification of polychoric correlations: a copula approach, with C. Almeida, Dis- cussion Paper 0322, Louvain-la-Neuve : Institut de statistique, 2003.xw

Bayesian encompassing test under partial observability, with C. Almeida, Discus- sion Paper 0514 (or: TR 0525), Louvain-la-Neuve : Institut de statistique, 2005.

Ignorable missingness, manuscript in progress, 2005.

Statistical modelling and causality in the social sciences, with F. Russo, M. Ghins and G.Wunsch, Discussion Paper 0601, Louvain-la-Neuve : Institut de statis- tique, 2006.

Testing the normality of the latent variables in the polychoric correlation model, with C. Almmeida, Discussion Paper 0707, Louvain-la-Neuve : Institut de statistique, 2007.

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Potential Outcomes, Counterfactuals and Structural Modelling: Causal Approa- ches in the Social Sciences, with F. Russo and G. Wunsch, Discussion Paper 0826, Louvain-la-Neuve : Institut de statistique, 2008.

A stochastic independence approach for different measures of global specialization, with C. Haedo, Discussion Paper 1106, Louvain-la-Neuve : Institut de statis- tique, Biostatistique et sciences Actuarielles (ISBA), 2011- revised version: CORE DP 2012/25.

Wunsch G., M. Mouchart and F. Russo (2012), Functions and mechanisms in structural-modelling explaination, submitted.

Russo F., M. Mouchart and G. Wunsch (2012), Attributing Causes and Measuring Effects in a multivariate Syatem, in progress.

1.3 Tutorial Papers and Teaching materials

”R´egression multiple : distribution des estimateurs et tests d’hypoth`ese”, in : Anal- yse de R´egression, ed. by J. Delinc´e and M. Mouchart, S erie Recyclage en Statistique, Vol. 1, Louvain-la-Neuve, CIACO, 11-22, 1977.

”Equations simultan´ees I”, in : Analyse de R´egression, ed. by J. Delinc´e and M. Mouchart, S´erie Recyclage en Statistique, Vol. 1, Louvain-la-Neuve, CIACO, 49-60, 1977.

”Test d’ajustement”, in : M´ethodes Non-Param´etriques, ed. by M. Mouchart and L.Simar, S erie Recyclage en Statistique, Vol. 2, Louvain-la-Neuve, CIACO, 51-74, 1978.

”Analyse Probit et Logit”, in : Analyse des Donn´ees Discr`etes, ed. by G. G´erard and J.-M. Rolin, S´erie Recyclage en Statistique, Vol. 3, Louvain-la-Neuve, CIACO, 217-238, 1979.

”Tables de contingence a deux crit eres : probl emes particuliers des tables r x s”, in : Analyse des Donn´ees Discr`etes, ed. by G. G´erard and J.-M. Rolin, S erie Recyclage en Statistique, Vol. 3, Louvain-la-Neuve, CIACO, 93-113, 1979.

”M´ethodes bay´esiennes en analyse discriminante”, in : Analyse Discriminante, ed. by L. Bragard, J.-F. Richard and L. Simar, S´erie Recyclage en Statistique, Vol. 4, Louvain-la-Neuve, CIACO, 27-48, 1980.

”Cou t et taille optimale en ´echantillonnage”, in : Enquˆetes et Sondages, ed. by M. Mouchart and J.-M. Rolin, S´erie Recyclage en Statistique, Vol. 5, Louvain-la- Neuve, CIACO, 115-135, 1981.

L’Inf´erence Bay´esienne : Principes G en eraux, chap.3 in M´ethodes Bay´esiennes en Statistique, ed. by J.-J. Droesbeke, J. Finne and G. Saporta, Paris : Editions Technip, 61-102, 2002.

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Tests d’Hypoth`eses et Choix de Mod`eles, chap.8 in M´ethodes Bay´esiennes en

Statis- tique, ed. by J.-J. Droesbeke, J. Finne and G. Saporta, Paris : Editions Tech- nip, 209-242, 2002 .

Lecture Notes, available at ””

Analyse des Donn´ees discr`etes, with P. Bogaert and J.-M. Rolin The

Econometrics of Duration Data and of Point Processes

The Econometrics of Panel Data

Introduccio´n a los Procesos Estoc´asticos

Statistique Appliqu´ee a l’Entreprise

Statistique en Sciences Sociales


2.1 As author or co-author

Analyse bay´esienne du mod`ele de r´egression avec r esidus non-standard, Louvain- la-Neuve: CIACO, 67 p., 1974.

Elements of Bayesian Statistics, with J.-P. Florens and J.-M. Rolin, 544 p., New York : Marcel Dekker , 1990.

2.2 As co-editor

Analyse de Regression, edited with J. Delince, Serie Recyclage en Statistique, Vol. 1, Louvain-la-Neuve, CIACO, 140 p., 1978.

M´ethodes Non-Param´etriques, edited with L. Simar, S erie Recyclage en Statistique, Vol. 2, Louvain-la-Neuve, CIACO, 194 p., 1978.

Enquetes et Sondages, edited with J.-M. Rolin, Serie Recyclage en Statistique, Vol. 5, Louvain-la-Neuve, CIACO, 231 p., 1981.

Specifying Statistical Models, from Parametric to Non-Parametric Using Bayesian Approaches, Proceedings of the 2nd Franco-Belgian Meeting of Statisticians, edited with J.-P. Florens, J.-P. Raoult, L. Simar, and A.F.M. Smith, Lecture Notes in Statistics, Vol. 16, Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 204 p., 1983.

Alternative Approaches to Time Series Analysis, Proceedings of the 3rd Franco- Belgian Meeting of Statisticians, edited with J.-P. Florens, J.-P. Raoult, and L. Simar. Bruxelles, Publications des Facult es Universitaires Saint-Louis, 220 p.,1984.

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Model Choice, Proceedings of the 4th Franco-Belgian Meeting of Statisticians, edited with J.-P. Florens, J.-P. Raoult and L. Simar, Bruxelles, Publications des Facult es Universitaires Saint-Louis, 155 p.,1985.

Asymptotic Theory for Non I.I.D. Processes, Proceedings of the 5th Franco-Belgian Meeting of Statisticians, November 23-24, 1984, edited by J.-P. Florens, as- sisted by M. Mouchart, J.-P. Raoult, J.M.Rolin and L. Simar., Bruxelles, Pub- lications des Facult es Universitaires Saint-Louis, 244 p.,1986.

Spatial Processes and Spatial Time Series Analysis, Proceedings of the 6th Franco- Belgian Meeting of Statisticians, edited by F. Droesbeke assisted by J.P. Flo- rens, M. Hallin, Cl. Lefevre, M. Mouchart, J.-P. Raoult and L. Simar, Brux- elles, Publications des Facult es Universitaires Saint-Louis, 230 p., 1987.

The Life Table, Modelling Survival and Death, edited by G. Wunsch, M. Mouchart and J. Duchˆene, Book Series: European Studies of Population: Vol.11, Dor- drecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.


Le choix du mode de transport dans les deplacements domicile-travail, with A.-

M. Rutgeerts, Final report for Convention E/I/4.1, Programme National R-D Energie, Service de Programmation de la Politique Scientifique, Bruxelles, 212 p., 1982.

Analyse de la demande r´esidentielle d’ electricit e , with H. Roche et A.-M. Rut- geerts, Final report for Convention E3/I/6.1, Programme National R-D En- ergie, Service de Programmation de la Politique Scientifique, Bruxelles, 2 vol. : 155 p. + 281 p., 1987.

La demande r´esidentielle d’ electricit e par usage et son elasticit e par rapport au revenu, with H. Roche, Final report for ”Minist ere des Affaires Economiques”, 31 p., October 1987.

Construction d’un modele de demande d’energie dans le secteur domestique, with

V. Nichele and A. M. Rutgeerts, Final report for the Research Convention 87-09 with ”Ministere des Affaires Economiques”, 2 vol. : 14 + 327 p. et 147 p. - November 1988.

Construction d’un Mod`ele Multi-usages et Multi-Energies de la Consommation R´esidentielle Energ´etique, with A.-M. Rutgeerts, Final report for the Research Convention 88-08 with ”Minist ere des Affaires Economiques”, Final Report (41 p.)and 7 annexes (362 p.), November 1989.

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Mieux comprendre pour intervenir et pour pr edire la mobilit e inter-urbaine des personnes : l’Apport des mod`eles, with B. Jucquois, B. Frank and E. Schei- hing, Document TR/B3/9401, intermediary report for the research convention ”Transport et Mobilit e, module TRB3 with Service de Programmation de la Politique Scientifique, 1994

Modules de g en´eration de flux et de choix modal pour le transport des personnes,en collaboration avec Y. Baeyens, E. Barbieux, A. Belabed, B. Frank, B. Jucquois, M.-P. Kestemont, S.D. Namoro, A.-M. Rutgeerts et E. Scheihing, Rapport Final de la convention TR/B3/007 (from 15-12-1990 to 31-12-1995 with Service de Programmation de la Politique Scientifique, 108 p., March 1996.

Modules de g en´eration de flux et de choix modal pour le transport des personnes : Compl ements, en collaboration avec Y. Baeyens, A. Barbieri and A. Belabed, Compl ement au Rapport Final de la convention TR/B3/007 et Rapport Final de la convention TR/B3/A07(from 01-01-1996 to 30-09-1996 with Service de Programmation de la Politique Scientifique, 108 p., september 1996.

Pr´eparation d’une Enquˆete-Pilote pour une Enquˆete M´enages Nationale sur la Mo- bilit e, en collaboration avec A. Barbieri et F. Nicol, Rapport Final de la con- vention MD/DD/018 (from 01-12-1996 to 31-01-1998) with Services Federaux des Affaires Scientifiques, Techniques et Culturelles (310 p.), January 1998.

Review/Audit of the Publication ”Research & Development : Annual

Statistics, with the co-operation of I. De Macq and J.-C. Mouchart, final report of a re- search convention with CAMIRE under contract with Eurostat, 48 p., Febru- ary 1998.

Report on ”Nowcasts-Forecasts II for R&D Variables”, report of a research con- vention with CAMIRE under contract with Eurostat, 10 p., May 2001.

Efficiency Analysis of Air Controlers: First Insights, with L. Simar, report of a research convention with EUROCONTROL, 38 p., June 2002.

Econometric Models for Nowcasts on R&D variables, with Jeroen V.K. Rombouts, report of a research convention with CAMIRE under contract with Euro- stat, 113 p.+ 5 Appendices, Consulting Report 03-01, Institut de statistique, U.C.L., February 2003.

Efficiency Analysis of Air Navigation Services Provision (II): Further Insights, with

L. Simar, report of a research convention with EUROCONTROL, Consulting Report 03-02, Institut de statistique, U.C.L., 38 p., August 2003.

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Evaluating and Updating econometric Models for nowcasts on R&D variables, with Jeroen V.K. Rombouts, report of a research convention with CAMIRE un- der contract with Eurostat, 74 p.+ 4 Appendices, Consulting Report 03-03, Institut de statistique, U.C.L., October 2003.

Evaluating and Updating econometric Models for nowcasts on R&D variables: 2004 Results, with Jeroen V.K. Rombouts, report of a research convention with CAMIRE under contract with Eurostat, 79 p.+ 3 Appendices, Consulting Report 04-02, Institut de statistique, U.C.L., December 2004.