moto wimax dapsat

Clearwire Corporation 4400 Lake Washington Blvd.NE Kirkland, WA 98033 425.216.7600 (phone) 425.216.7900 (fax) Wimax DAP Site Acceptance Tool (DapSat) Version 8.1 Document Number: Version: 0.1 Monday, January 23, 2012 CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY Limited Distribution to Authorized Persons Only Copyright © 2004 Clearwire Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

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Dapsat tool


Page 1: moto wimax Dapsat

Clearwire Corporation

4400 Lake Washington Blvd.NE

Kirkland, WA 98033

425.216.7600 (phone)

425.216.7900 (fax)

Wimax DAP Site Acceptance Tool (DapSat) Version 8.1

Document Number:

Version: 0.1

Monday, January 23, 2012


Limited Distribution to Authorized Persons Only

Copyright © 2004 Clearwire Corporation.

All Rights Reserved.

Page 2: moto wimax Dapsat

Wimax DAP Site Acceptance Tool (DapSat)

1 References..................................................................................................... 3

2 Revisions ...................................................................................................... 4

3 Introduction ................................................................................................... 5

4 Installation ..................................................................................................... 6

5 Executing Command Scripts .............................................................................. 7

6 Executing Quick Commands ............................................................................ 12

7 Appendix A .................................................................................................. 15

A.1 Example Command Script File ........................................................................ 15 A.2 Example DapSat Configuration File .................................................................. 17 A.3 Included Notable Quick Commands .................................................................. 19

A.1.1 Collect APSNAP ................................................................................. 20 A.1.2 Collect Commissioning Data .................................................................. 20 A.1.3 Upload NECB .................................................................................... 20

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Wimax DAP Site Acceptance Tool (DapSat)

1 References


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Wimax DAP Site Acceptance Tool (DapSat)

2 Revisions

Date Revision Description Author

Nov 5, 2007

0.1 Initial release. Jeff Fry

Dec 13, 2007

1.1 Changes covering v7.12 Jeff Fry

January 11, 2008

1.2 Changes covering v8.1

-Installation instruction including uninstalling previous versions.

Jeff Fry

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Wimax DAP Site Acceptance Tool (DapSat)

3 Introduction

DapSat is a tool that was created to assist in performing site acceptance against the Motorola DAP. A set of DAP commands that verify operational state and configuration can be loaded via an XML file. This is called a command script. These commands can then be executed against the DAP to perform verification.

Additionally, DapSat provides the ability to execute one-time commands, called quick commands, that remove the tedious steps of logging into the DAP and modem cards and typing.

The remainder of this document explains how to use these features.

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Wimax DAP Site Acceptance Tool (DapSat)

4 Installation

The DAP configuration is validated using a software tool called DapSat. This tool runs through a set of checks that verify many aspects of the DAP configuration and operational state. The following sections explain this process.

If a previous version of DapSat is installed, uninstall it completely by running the DapSat uninstaller from Start->Programs->Clearwire->DapSat->Uninstall DapSat.

1. DapSat is a Java-based tool that requires Java 1.5.0 or higher. Java can be downloaded from the Sun web site:

2. Go to


and download the DapSat package.

3. Launch dapsat—vX.X-install.jar by double-clicking the file.

4. Follow the steps of the installer to install DapSat. Accept the default selections.

5. Launch DapSat from Start->Programs->Clearwire->DapSat.

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Wimax DAP Site Acceptance Tool (DapSat)

5 Executing Command Scripts

DapSat has the ability to run a set of ordered commands that execute on the DAP. These commands can be used to gather information and verify DAP configuration. These are provided in XML form and can be loaded into DapSat for execution. See the Appendix for an example XML file and the DTD.

An example scenario for this feature is a site acceptance procedure. In this scenario, a command script file can be delivered to the field tech in order to verify parameters and operational state. The field tech would then load the file into DapSat for execution.

The following steps describe how to load and execute from a command script file.

1. Obtain the command script XML file from the network deployment/operations team.

2. Launch DapSat.

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Wimax DAP Site Acceptance Tool (DapSat)

Figure 1: DapSat Launched

3. Select Open on the ‘Command Script’ tab.

4. Navigate and select the commands XML file.

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Wimax DAP Site Acceptance Tool (DapSat)

Figure 2: Open a Command Script File

5. By default all commands are selected for execution. If required, deselect any commands you do not want to execute.

6. Select the method of connection for the DAP that you want to run the commands against. The options are SSH or Serial. For SSH, you must provide the DAP IP address and login username and password. For Serial, you must select the serial port and also specify the login username and password.

7. Select ‘Connect’ and wait for the connection to be established.

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Wimax DAP Site Acceptance Tool (DapSat)

Figure 3: Connecting to the DAP

8. When ready, select ‘Start’ to execute the commands.

9. View the ‘Status’ column for command status. For commands that produce output, select the command row and view the output in the ‘Command Output’ text area.

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Wimax DAP Site Acceptance Tool (DapSat)

Figure 4: Running Commands and Viewing Output

10. When complete, select ‘Disconnect’ to disconnect from the DAP.

11. If needed, debug output is created in messages.log located in the DapSat installation directory. This can be used to troubleshoot errors or failures.

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Wimax DAP Site Acceptance Tool (DapSat)

6 Executing Quick Commands

DapSat also provides the ability to store and run single DAP commands. This removes the need to manually log into the DAP and modem cards in order to execute commands. By default, DapSat includes some commands that are listed and ready to execute under the ‘Quick Commands’ tab.

Additional commands can be added by editing the dapsat_config.xml file in the DapSat installation directory. See the Appendix for an example DapSat configuration file with example commands. Also see the Appendix for notes and descriptions of some of the included commands. On launch, DapSat loads this file automatically to import commands.

The following steps describe how to execute commands with DapSat.

1. Launch DapSat.

2. Select the ‘Quick Commands’ tab.

3. Select the method of connection for the DAP that you want to run the commands against. The options are SSH or Serial. For SSH, you must provide the DAP IP address and login username and password. For Serial, you must select the serial port and also specify the login username and password.

4. Select ‘Connect’ and wait for the connection to be established.

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Wimax DAP Site Acceptance Tool (DapSat)

Figure 5: Quick Commands Tab

5. When ready, select the ‘Go’ button for the command you would like to execute. The ‘Status’ column provides feedback on the execution of the command.

6. When complete, the ‘Status’ column will provide completion status. If the command produces output, select the row of the command and view the output in the ‘Command Output’ text area.

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Wimax DAP Site Acceptance Tool (DapSat)

Figure 6: Executing a Command and Viewing Output

7. When complete, select ‘Disconnect’ to disconnect from the DAP.

8. If needed, debug output is created in messages.log located in the DapSat installation directory. This can be used to troubleshoot errors or failures.

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Wimax DAP Site Acceptance Tool (DapSat)

7 Appendix A

A.1 Example Command Script File <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<commandScript name="Example Configuration" version="11.12">


<command name="Verify Backhaul Physical" type="SC_COMMAND"

value="ifconfig eth2.ext" username="root" password="root">



<!--<command name="NECB Check" type="SC_COMMAND" slot="3"

value="cat /usr/app/config/running/NECB.xml">


<![CDATA[<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"


<xsl:template match="/">






<command name="Gateway Connectivity Check" type="SC_COMMAND"

timeout="30" value="ping -c 4">

<regex>\s0% packet loss</regex>


<command name="EMS Connectivity Check" type="SC_COMMAND"

timeout="30" value="ping -c 4">

<regex>\s0% packet loss</regex>


<command name="DHCP Connectivity Check" type="SC_COMMAND"

timeout="30" value="ping -c 4">

<regex>\s0% packet loss</regex>


<command name="CAPC Connectivity Payload Check"

type="SC_COMMAND" timeout="30" value="ping -c 4">

<regex>\s0% packet loss</regex>


<command name="Check DAP Software Version" type="SC_COMMAND"

timeout="10" value="cat /usr/app/config/wuce_ver.h | grep WUCE">



<command name="Sector 1 Fiber Check" type="MODEM_COMMAND"

slot="1" value="*(0xa0100060)">

<regex>0xa0100060: value = 0 = 0x0</regex>


<command name="Sector 1 Mac State Check" type="MODEM_COMMAND"

slot="1" value="get_mac_state">

<regex>value = 2 = 0x2</regex>


<command name="Sector 1 ID Check" type="MODEM_COMMAND" slot="1"




<command name="Sector 1 NI Check" type="MODEM_COMMAND" slot="1"


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Wimax DAP Site Acceptance Tool (DapSat)

<command name="Sector 1 Main/Div Branch Check"

type="MODEM_COMMAND" slot="1" value="physap_rfh_list_devices">

<regex>Devices Created: 3\s+Device Handle: .\s+Device

Type: SIB\s+Device State: Enabled\s+BBB ID: 0\s+Device Handle: .\s+Device

Type: TRX\s+Device State: Enabled\s+BBB ID: 0\s+Slot: 0\s+Transmitter

State: ON\s+Device Handle: .\s+Device Type: TRX\s+Device State:

Enabled\s+BBB ID: 0\s+Slot: 1\s+Transmitter State: ON</regex>


<command name="Sector 2 Fiber Check" type="MODEM_COMMAND"

slot="2" value="*(0xa0100060)">

<regex>0xa0100060: value = 0 = 0x0</regex>


<command name="Sector 2 Mac State Check" type="MODEM_COMMAND"

slot="2" value="get_mac_state">

<regex>value = 2 = 0x2</regex>


<command name="Sector 2 ID Check" type="MODEM_COMMAND" slot="2"




<command name="Sector 2 NI Check" type="MODEM_COMMAND" slot="2"


<command name="Sector 2 Main/Div Branch Check"

type="MODEM_COMMAND" slot="2" value="physap_rfh_list_devices">

<regex>Devices Created: 3\s+Device Handle: .\s+Device

Type: SIB\s+Device State: Enabled\s+BBB ID: 0\s+Device Handle: .\s+Device

Type: TRX\s+Device State: Enabled\s+BBB ID: 0\s+Slot: 0\s+Transmitter

State: ON\s+Device Handle: .\s+Device Type: TRX\s+Device State:

Enabled\s+BBB ID: 0\s+Slot: 1\s+Transmitter State: ON</regex>


<command name="Sector 3 Fiber Check" type="MODEM_COMMAND"

slot="3" value="*(0xa0100060)">

<regex>0xa0100060: value = 0 = 0x0</regex>


<command name="Sector 3 Mac State Check" type="MODEM_COMMAND"

slot="3" value="get_mac_state">

<regex>value = 2 = 0x2</regex>


<command name="Sector 3 ID Check" type="MODEM_COMMAND" slot="3"




<command name="Sector 3 NI Check" type="MODEM_COMMAND" slot="3"


<command name="Sector 3 Main/Div Branch Check"

type="MODEM_COMMAND" slot="3" value="physap_rfh_list_devices">

<regex>Devices Created: 3\s+Device Handle: .\s+Device

Type: SIB\s+Device State: Enabled\s+BBB ID: 0\s+Device Handle: .\s+Device

Type: TRX\s+Device State: Enabled\s+BBB ID: 0\s+Slot: 0\s+Transmitter

State: ON\s+Device Handle: .\s+Device Type: TRX\s+Device State:

Enabled\s+BBB ID: 0\s+Slot: 1\s+Transmitter State: ON</regex>




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Wimax DAP Site Acceptance Tool (DapSat)

A.2 Example DapSat Configuration File <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>



<command name="Collect APSNAP" type="COMMAND_SET">

<command name="Run apsnap" password="root" timeout="120"

type="SC_COMMAND" username="root" value="/usr/app/bin/apsnap">


<command name="sftp apsnap" type="SFTP_COMMAND"

value="put /tmp/apsnap.*.tgz" username="apftp" password="apftp"




<command name="Collect Commissioning Data" type="COMMAND_SET">

<command name="Run print commissioning data"

password="root" timeout="20" type="SC_COMMAND" username="root"

value="/usr/app/bin/apcommission -print >



<command name="sftp apsnap" type="SFTP_COMMAND"

value="put /data/site_commissioning_data.txt" username="apftp"

password="apftp" ip="">



<command name="Upload NECB" type="COMMAND_SET">

<command name="Go to running config" password="root"

timeout="20" type="SC_COMMAND" username="root" value="cd



<command name="Copy NECB" password="root" timeout="20"

type="SC_COMMAND" username="root" value="cp NECB.xml NECB.last">


<command name="sftp get new NECB" type="SFTP_COMMAND"

value="get NECB.xml" username="apftp" password="apftp" ip="">


<command name="Reboot site" password="root" timeout="20"

type="SC_COMMAND" username="root" value="reboot">



<command name="Disable all main branches" type="COMMAND_SET">

<command name="Disable sector 1 main branch" slot="1"

type="MODEM_COMMAND" value="physap_rfh_set_tx_enable 3,0">


<command name="Disable sector 2 main branch" slot="2"

type="MODEM_COMMAND" value="physap_rfh_set_tx_enable 3,0">


<command name="Disable sector 3 main branch" slot="3"

type="MODEM_COMMAND" value="physap_rfh_set_tx_enable 3,0">



<command name="Disable all div branches" type="COMMAND_SET">

<command name="Disable sector 1 div branch" slot="1"

type="MODEM_COMMAND" value="physap_rfh_set_tx_enable 4,0">


<command name="Disable sector 2 div branch" slot="2"

type="MODEM_COMMAND" value="physap_rfh_set_tx_enable 4,0">


<command name="Disable sector 3 div branch" slot="3"

type="MODEM_COMMAND" value="physap_rfh_set_tx_enable 4,0">

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Wimax DAP Site Acceptance Tool (DapSat)



<command name="Enable all main branches" type="COMMAND_SET">

<command name="Enable sector 1 main branch" slot="1"

type="MODEM_COMMAND" value="physap_rfh_set_tx_enable 3,1">


<command name="Enable sector 2 main branch" slot="2"

type="MODEM_COMMAND" value="physap_rfh_set_tx_enable 3,1">


<command name="Enable sector 3 main branch" slot="3"

type="MODEM_COMMAND" value="physap_rfh_set_tx_enable 3,1">



<command name="Enable all div branches" type="COMMAND_SET">

<command name="Enable sector 1 div branch" slot="1"

type="MODEM_COMMAND" value="physap_rfh_set_tx_enable 4,1">


<command name="Enable sector 2 div branch" slot="2"

type="MODEM_COMMAND" value="physap_rfh_set_tx_enable 4,1">


<command name="Enable sector 3 div branch" slot="3"

type="MODEM_COMMAND" value="physap_rfh_set_tx_enable 4,1">



<command name="View Sector 1 Subscribers" slot="1"

type="MODEM_COMMAND" value="print_MMS_STATS">


<command name="View Sector 2 Subscribers" slot="2"

type="MODEM_COMMAND" value="print_MMS_STATS">


<command name="View Sector 3 Subscribers" slot="3"

type="MODEM_COMMAND" value="print_MMS_STATS">


<command name="Check DAP Software Version" timeout="10"

type="SC_COMMAND" value="cat /usr/app/config/wuce_ver.h | grep WUCE">



<command name="Sector 1 Fiber Check" slot="1"

type="MODEM_COMMAND" value="*(0xa0100060)">

<regex>0xa0100060: value = 0 = 0x0</regex>


<command name="Sector 1 Mac State Check" slot="1"

type="MODEM_COMMAND" value="get_mac_state">

<regex>value = 2 = 0x2</regex>


<command name="Sector 1 ID Check" slot="1" type="MODEM_COMMAND"




<command name="Sector 1 NI Check" slot="1" type="MODEM_COMMAND"


<command name="Sector 1 Main/Div Branch Check" slot="1"

type="MODEM_COMMAND" value="physap_rfh_list_devices">

<regex>Devices Created: 3\s+Device Handle: .\s+Device

Type: SIB\s+Device State: Enabled\s+BBB ID: 0\s+Device Handle: .\s+Device

Type: TRX\s+Device State: Enabled\s+BBB ID: 0\s+Slot: 0\s+Transmitter

State: ON\s+Device Handle: .\s+Device Type: TRX\s+Device State:

Enabled\s+BBB ID: 0\s+Slot: 1\s+Transmitter State: ON</regex>


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Wimax DAP Site Acceptance Tool (DapSat)

<command name="Sector 2 Fiber Check" slot="2"

type="MODEM_COMMAND" value="*(0xa0100060)">

<regex>0xa0100060: value = 0 = 0x0</regex>


<command name="Sector 2 Mac State Check" slot="2"

type="MODEM_COMMAND" value="get_mac_state">

<regex>value = 2 = 0x2</regex>


<command name="Sector 2 ID Check" slot="2" type="MODEM_COMMAND"




<command name="Sector 2 NI Check" slot="2" type="MODEM_COMMAND"


<command name="Sector 2 Main/Div Branch Check" slot="2"

type="MODEM_COMMAND" value="physap_rfh_list_devices">

<regex>Devices Created: 3\s+Device Handle: .\s+Device

Type: SIB\s+Device State: Enabled\s+BBB ID: 0\s+Device Handle: .\s+Device

Type: TRX\s+Device State: Enabled\s+BBB ID: 0\s+Slot: 0\s+Transmitter

State: ON\s+Device Handle: .\s+Device Type: TRX\s+Device State:

Enabled\s+BBB ID: 0\s+Slot: 1\s+Transmitter State: ON</regex>


<command name="Sector 3 Fiber Check" slot="3"

type="MODEM_COMMAND" value="*(0xa0100060)">

<regex>0xa0100060: value = 0 = 0x0</regex>


<command name="Sector 3 Mac State Check" slot="3"

type="MODEM_COMMAND" value="get_mac_state">

<regex>value = 2 = 0x2</regex>


<command name="Sector 3 ID Check" slot="3" type="MODEM_COMMAND"




<command name="Sector 3 NI Check" slot="3" type="MODEM_COMMAND"


<command name="Sector 3 Main/Div Branch Check" slot="3"

type="MODEM_COMMAND" value="physap_rfh_list_devices">

<regex>Devices Created: 3\s+Device Handle: .\s+Device

Type: SIB\s+Device State: Enabled\s+BBB ID: 0\s+Device Handle: .\s+Device

Type: TRX\s+Device State: Enabled\s+BBB ID: 0\s+Slot: 0\s+Transmitter

State: ON\s+Device Handle: .\s+Device Type: TRX\s+Device State:

Enabled\s+BBB ID: 0\s+Slot: 1\s+Transmitter State: ON</regex>


<command name="Sector 1 Print Call Log" slot="1"

type="MODEM_COMMAND" value="print_call_log"/>

<command name="Sector 2 Print Call Log" slot="2"

type="MODEM_COMMAND" value="print_call_log"/>

<command name="Sector 3 Print Call Log" slot="3"

type="MODEM_COMMAND" value="print_call_log"/>



A.3 Included Notable Quick Commands

Quick commands are easily customizable via the dapdat_configuration.xml file located in the installation directory.

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Wimax DAP Site Acceptance Tool (DapSat)

New commands can be added using the examples that are already included. The following sections discuss some of the more notable commands.

A.1.1 Collect APSNAP

This command runs and collects an APSNAP capture from a DAP. The ANPSNAP is then SFTPed to the specified SFTP server using a username and password.

<command name="Collect APSNAP" type="COMMAND_SET">

<command name="Run apsnap" password="root" timeout="120"

type="SC_COMMAND" username="root" value="/usr/app/bin/apsnap">


<command name="sftp apsnap" type="SFTP_COMMAND" value="put

/tmp/apsnap.*.tgz" username="apftp" password="apftp" ip="">



A.1.2 Collect Commissioning Data

This commands collects the commissioning parameters such as network configuration when the site was first commissioned. This data is then SFTPed to the specified SFTP server.

<command name="Collect Commissioning Data" type="COMMAND_SET">

<command name="Run print commissioning data" password="root"

timeout="20" type="SC_COMMAND" username="root"

value="/usr/app/bin/apcommission -print >



<command name="sftp apsnap" type="SFTP_COMMAND" value="put

/data/site_commissioning_data.txt" username="apftp" password="apftp" ip="">



A.1.3 Upload NECB

This command renames the current NECB to NECB.last and then uploads a new NECB. It then reboots the DAP to the new NECB.

<command name="Upload NECB" type="COMMAND_SET">

<command name="Go to running config" password="root"

timeout="20" type="SC_COMMAND" username="root" value="cd



<command name="Copy NECB" password="root" timeout="20"

type="SC_COMMAND" username="root" value="cp NECB.xml NECB.last">


<command name="sftp get new NECB" type="SFTP_COMMAND"

value="get NECB.xml" username="apftp" password="apftp" ip="">


<command name="Reboot site" password="root" timeout="20"

type="SC_COMMAND" username="root" value="reboot">

