motivation thoughts

IT'S YOUR FRIENDS THAT MAKE YOUR WORLD ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------- Your own positive energy will compel things to turn out the way you desire when you're surrounded by positive people. Choose your environment with care. Your environment is your mental feeding ground. It's where all the food that goes into your mind comes from. Choose your environment with care, one that is positive, one that lifts you up and gives you wings to soar. Create favorable conditions through your association with others. Avoid people who belittle your ambition. Small people always do that, but the really great people, make you feel that you, too, can become great. We shape our buildings, and then they shape us. OPPORTUNITY LIES IN THE MIDST OF DIFFICULTY ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------- Every problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity. You'll find that every situation properly perceived offers you opportunity.

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motivation thoughts


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Your own positive energy will compel things to turn out the wayyou desire when you're surrounded by positive people.Choose your environment with care.

Your environment is your mental feeding ground.It's where all the food that goes into your mind comes from.

Choose your environment with care, one that is positive,one that lifts you up and gives you wings to soar.

Create favorable conditions through your association with others.Avoid people who belittle your ambition.Small people always do that, but the really great people,make you feel that you, too, can become great.

We shape our buildings, and then they shape us.



Every problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerfulthat it literally dwarfs the problem.The greatest success stories were created by peoplewho recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity.

You'll find that every situation properly perceivedoffers you opportunity.As fast as each opportunity presents itself, use it.

Successful people don't achieve their distinction by havingsome new talent or opportunity presented to them.They developed an opportunity that was at hand.

You must make your own opportunities if you want to be successful.They are all around you.

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You alone have the responsibility to shape your life.Once you understand this, nothing and no one can deny you success.There's no one to stop you but yourself.

More powerful than all the success slogans ever writtenis the realization that everyone has but one boss.That boss is you.

Your life will always be to a large extent what you make of it.No one can cheat you out of ultimate success but you.

Success or failure?It's always your choice.



Your success isn't a matter of luck,it's simply a matter of the choices you make.

Success isn't something you can wait for,it's something you'll achieve with effort over time.But, things won't turn up in this world until you turn them up.

You can choose to be lazy or ambitious.Stop and think about your choice again.You always do your own choosing.

The great opportunity in your life is where you are right now.Every situation, properly perceived, is an opportunity for you.

First, say to yourself what you would be, and then dowhat you have to do to make things happen.

Being successful is a choice you make.

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The truth isn't a matter of your personal viewpoint.Learn to see things as they really are, not as you imagine they are.

Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or who says it.No matter what you believe, it never changes the facts.If they are there, the facts always speak for themselves.

The truth does not change because it is, or is not,believed by a majority of people.If sixty million people say a foolish thing, it's still a foolish thing.

No authority is higher than reality.The sky is no less blue because the blind man doesn't see it.



If you want to enlarge your life,you must first enlarge your thought of it and yourself.

Hold the image of yourself as you long to be,the image of what you long to attain,the image of health, efficiency and success.

You can lift yourself by your thoughts.Your vision will help you surmount the highest obstacles.

High achievement always takes place in the frameworkof high expectation.What you see is what you get.

You'll become as small as your controlling desire,or as great as your dominant aspiration.

The courage to follow your dreams is your first step toward destiny.You can live your dreams.

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You don't have to buy from anyone.You don't have to work at any particular job.You don't have to participate in any relationship.You can chose.

You steer the course you chose in the directionof where you want to be today, tomorrow,or in any distant time to come.You hold the tiller.

You can decide to alter the course of your life at any time.No one can ever take that away from you.You can decide what you want and go after it.It's always your next move.


Your destiny isn't a matter of chance, it's a matter of choice.It's not something you wait for, but rather something you pursue.

Don't wait for extraordinary opportunities.Seize common occasions and make them great.

Opportunities sometimes come disguised in the form of misfortuneor temporary defeat.

Start where you are.You're at this moment standing right in the middle of opportunity.

Act on your dreams and you can have them.



You can do anything you wish to do,have anything you wish to have,

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and be anything you wish to be.

You don't know what you can really do until you try.All you have to do is to act on your dreams.

You have the power within you to do things you neverdreamed possible.You would amaze yourself if you did all the things you'recapable of doing.This power becomes available to you as soon as youchange some of your beliefs.

Use your imagination and look at things as they can be.You know what you are today but not what you may be tomorrow.

Your success begins in your mind.



The only way to start to improve your life is to start.Once you're sure you're on the right roadthere is no need to plan your journey too far ahead.

Don't burden yourself with doubts and fearsas to the obstacles that may bar your progress.You can only take one step at a time.

You don't need to know all the answers in advance.Just maintain a clear idea of the goal you want to reachand the answers will come in their own time.

If you can get up the courage to begin,you'll have the courage to succeed.

It's the job you never start that takes the longest to finish.Go after what you want and you'll get it.Eighty percent of success is showing up.

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Your future is a big adventure.Prepare for your future don't live in the past.Savor your good memories,use any bad ones as lessons in life.

Carve out a niche for yourself in your imagined future.Think, feel and see yourself as successful.To achieve any goal in life, you need to project your end result.Think of the elation, the satisfaction, the joy you'll feel.Carry these ecstatic feelings with you every dayand they'll bring your desired goals into view.

Sooner or later, you can win if you think you can.The cards you are dealt in lifeare less important than the way you play them.Everyday you're offered a new deal and new cards.

Success is in your future if you're willing to work for it.



If you want to enlarge your life,you must first enlarge your thought of it and yourself.

Hold the ideal of yourself as you long to be, your ideal of what you long to attain,the ideal of health, efficiency and success.

You can lift yourself by your thoughts.Your vision will help you climb mountains.High achievement always takes placein the framework of high expectation.

You'll become as small as your controlling desire,or as great as your dominant aspiration.

The courage to follow your dreams is your first step toward destiny.When you cease to dream, you cease to live.

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You'll experience personal growth on the road to success.All growth means change and change involves risk.You grow because you struggle, learn and overcome your obstacles.

What happens to you is not as important as how you react to what happens.Everything you'll experience "good or bad" has value.

Difficulties in life are the things that show you what you are.Trouble is the common denominator of living.It's the great equalizer of life.

Only when you are no longer afraid will you begin to live.



The first law of success is concentration.Bend all of your energies to one point,and go directly to that point,looking neither to the right nor the left.

Concentration is the magic keythat opens the door to accomplishment.In time, you can become what you earnestly desire to be,if you set your face in the direction of the things you wantand bring all your powers to bear towards its attainment.

When your physical and mental resources are focused,your power to solve problems multiplies tremendously.To do two things at once is to do neither.Success is the result of well directed energy.

Nothing can add more power to your lifeas much as concentrating all your energieson a limited set of targets.

The sun's rays do not burn until brought to a focus.

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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------It will be your constant effort to be first class in everything you attemptthat will help you conquer the heights of success.

Always do more than you're supposed to do and you can have, be or doanything you want.

Do a little more than average and from that point on your progress multipliesitself out of all proportion to the effort you put in.

You can do a little more each day than you think you can.There is always a best way of doing everything.

Find it.

To enjoy enduring success, you should travel a little in advanceof the rest of the world.True success comes from being successful in little things.

Make it your life rule to do your best.


The world is so constructed that if you wish to enjoy its pleasures,you must also endure its pains.Like it or not, you cannot have one without the other.

Success is not measured by what you accomplish.It's measured by the opposition you encounter,and the courage with which you maintain your struggle against the odds.

You'll find all things are difficult before they are easy.The greater your obstacles, the more glory in overcoming them.So, make up your mind before you start that sacrifice is part of the package.

No pain, no gain;No thorns, no throne;No cross, no crown.

You've got to go through the negative before you get to the positive.

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The beginning of your success lies in your imagination.Visualize all of the things that you want in your life.Make your mental blueprint and then begin construction.

You can make your dreams work and produce for you.Make every thought, every fact, that comes into your mindpay you a dividend.

Your imagination will show you how to turn possibility into reality.The will to succeed springs from the knowledge that you can succeed.

Think of things not as they are, but as they might be.Don't merely dream, create.

Do this, and you can live your dreams.


Foolish people with all their other thoughts, have this one too.They are always getting ready to live, but never living.

Your success will start when you begin to pursue it.To reach your goal or to attain success, you don't need to knowall the answers in advance.You just need to have a clear idea of what your goal is.

Don't procrastinate when faced with difficult problemsBreak your problems into parts, and handle one part at a time.

Develop tendencies toward taking action.You can make something happen right now.Divide your big plan into small steps and take that first step right away,

Everyone who got where they are had to begin where they were.Your big opportunity is where you are right now.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Take it.

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Chance is turned into good fortune by successful people.You are surrounded by all kinds of opportunity.

Luck is being at the right place at the right time.Taking advantage of an opportunity is always under your control.When you are mentally prepared the right opportunity will present itself.

Talent alone won't make you successful.Neither will being at the right place at the right time unless you are ready.

When the student is ready, the teacher appears


Knowledge controls access to opportunity and advancement.There is no knowledge that is not power.Power is the byproduct of understanding.

Educate yourself and you build the power to accomplish your goals.Power gravitates to the one that knows how to do something.

As a general rule, the most successful people in life are the one'swith the best information.People with power are people who know how to get things done.Knowing how to do something is virtually the same as having done it.

In the land of the blind, the one eye'd man is king.


You don't need an explanation for everything.Recognize that there are such things as miracles,events for which there are no explanations.Later, knowledge may explain those events quite easily.

The fact that you can plant a seed and it becomes a flower,share a bit of knowledge and it becomes another's,smile at someone and receive a smile in return are common miracles.

Your duty to yourself is to believe that for which you have sufficient evidence,and to suspend your judgment when you have not.Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

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Some things have to be believed to be seen.Don't believe in miracles, depend on them.


See things as you would have them be instead of as they are.Visualize your goals and your subconscious will go to worktoward making your mental pictures come true.

You have been given the capacity and the power to createdesirable pictures inside your mind and to find themautomatically printed in the outer world of your environment.

Picture yourself as winning,and that alone will contributeimmeasurably to your success.

What you see in your mind you can really have.


Success in anything is connected with action.Successful people keep moving.They make mistakes but they don't quit.They hang on long after others have let go.

You must have persistence.Keep trying is the rule that you must followto become successful in anything.

Persistence means taking pains to overcomeevery obstacle, to do all that is necessaryto reach your goal.

You must never, never, never give up.


All progress begins one step at a time.There is no sudden lead to greatness.Good work, done little by little becomes great work.The house of success is built brick by brick.

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You can do what you want to do, achieve what you want to achieve,attain any reasonable objective you may have in mind. Not all of a sudden, nor in one sweeping act of achievement.You will do it gradually, day by day and play by play.

If you want to do it, if you work to do it,you will accomplish your goal over a sufficient period of time.

Your big accomplishments will be a series of little accomplishments.

It takes many strokes to overthrow the tallest oak.


Trouble is the common denominator of living.It's the great equalizer of life.Whatever good or bad fortune comes your way,give it meaning and transform it into something of value.

Personal growth is the process of responding positively to change.All growth means change and change always involves risks,stepping from the known to the unknown.

All of your growth depends on activity.It only comes from continuous effort and struggle.

Life chips and pounds you to bring out your possibilities.She will strip you of wealth, humble your pride,humiliate your ambition, let you down from the ladder of fame,and discipline you in a thousand different ways,if she can develop a little character - everything gives way to that.

Wealth is nothing, position is nothing, fame is nothing.Who you become inside is everything.

What happens to you is not as important as how you reactto what happens.


No one has a corner on success.Pay the price for it and it is yours.

There is no easy road to success.

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You've got to work a great deal harder than most people to get it.Nothing worthwhile will come easily to you.Hard work will accomplish results that last.

No matter what you want from life, you've got to give up something to get it.

There is no success at bargain basement prices.You'll find that the highway to success is a toll road.


You cannot have success without dealing with problems.Look for your opportunity in every difficulty instead of being paralyzedat the thought of difficulty in every opportunity.

Each new experience brings with it the seed of your success.Even your current difficulties have within them opportunity.

Welcome your problems as opportunities.Each moment is your greatest challenge and the best thingthat ever happened to you.

The more difficult your problem, the greater the challengein working it out.

When it's dark enough, you can see the stars.


Do the thing you fear and fear disappears.Confront your fears, list them, get to know themand only then will you be able to put them aside and move ahead.

Your obstacles will melt away, if instead of cowering before them,you make up your mind to walk boldly through them.

One of the greatest surprises you'll experience,is when you discover that you can do what you were afraid you couldn't do.

The only thing you have to fear is fear itself.When you face the things that scare you, you open the door to freedom.

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There is no investment you'll ever make that will pay you so well asthe effort to scatter sunshine and good cheer where ever you are.

The deepest principal in human nature is the craving to be appreciated.

If you treat someone as if they were what they ought to be and could be,they will become what they ought to be and could be.

Everyone thrives on being appreciated, loved and needed.There is no stimulus like that which comes from the consciousnessof knowing that others believe in you.

Applaud others when they run.Console them when they fail.And cheer them when they recover.

As water is to a flower, so is praise to the heart of another.


Your present situation doesn't determine where you can go,it merely determines where you're starting from.

The purpose of a goal is to focus your attention on your future.Real magic begins when you set one.

Your power to accomplish anything becomes a reality when you have a goal.Your mind will stretch toward achievement when it has a clear objective.

A goal gives you a place to start and a final destination.

You'll achieve the success you seek, if you focus the full powerof all you are on what you have a burning desire to achieve.

Act on those dreams and they are yours.


Personal relationships are the fertile soil from which all advancement,all success, all achievement in real life grows.

Your success depends on the support of other people.

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You can get anything you want in life if you're willing to help enoughother people get what they want.

The only hurdle between you and what you want to beis the support of others.

You cannot hold a torch to light another's pathwithout brightening your own.


The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong,for time and chance happen to everyone.

Take a second look at what appears to be someone's "good luck."

You'll find not luck but preparation,planning and success-producing thinking.

Opportunity is around you all the time,but you have to be ready for it.When your chance comes, you must havethe equipment to take advantage of it.

When you're prepared for opportunity,your chance for success is sure to come. The season of failure is the best timefor sowing the seeds of success.

The tide of opportunity comes to everyone.Even to you.


There are no age limits on when you can transform your life.Change is possible at any time.It is essential if you want to grow.

You have control over your life.Success or failure is up to you.

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You control how lucky you are.You create your wealth with your effort.

The doubts you'll experience along the way are part of life.

Make a plan to attain your success and stick to it.Your life is a marathon, not a short sprint.

Accept total responsibility for your actionsand remove  "QUIT" from your vocabulary.

Decide you want success and it can be yours.Success is always your choice.


Accept that change will take place.It is inevitable. Be secure in the knowledge that you can deal with whatever happens.To feel secure you must bend your insecurities, and avoid breakingwhen things don't go your way. You'll always be secure to the degree that you can accept change.You actually become secure, not by standing still,  but by growing, moving and being energized. Your ultimate security is your understanding of this reality. There is no permanent security on this earth:there is only opportunity. Have the courage to bet on your new ideas, to take calculated risks,and to act on your opportunities. There is nothing to stop you on the road to success but yourself.


The beginning of a habit is like an invisible thread.Every time you repeat the act you strengthen the strand.

You add to it another filament with each repetition,until it becomes a great cable and binds you irrevocably to

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each thought and act.

First you make your habits and then they make you.

Your thoughts lead you to your purpose. Your purpose always manifests into action. Your actions form your habits. Your habits determine your character,and your character fixes your destiny.

Your habits are either the best of servantsor the worst of masters.


Once you have learned to love; who you are, what you do,and those around you, you will have truly learned to live. Search for love, for it is the most important ingredient of life.Without it, your life will echo emptiness.With it, your life will vibrate with warmth and meaning.Even during any hardship, love will shine through. To love abundantly is to live abundantly.To love forever is to live forever. Be thankful for what you have now,and the opportunities for love and success that are before you. Happy Thanksgiving


It's a psychological law that whatever you desire to accomplishyou must first impress upon your subconscious mind.

Your inner thoughts can cause you to be rich or poor,loved or unloved, happy or unhappy,attractive or unattractive, powerful or weak.

What you impress upon your mind, you'll inevitably become.

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Relentless, repetitive self talk will change your self image.You'll affect your subconsciousmind with verbal repetition.Constant repetition carries conviction.

When you change your valuesyou'll change your behavior.

Start thinking of yourself as becomingthe person you want to be.Self suggestion will make youthe master of yourself.

You can become whatever you want to be.When you believe you can, you can.


Success doesn't come to you.You must go to it.

You don't need more strength or more ability or greater opportunity.What you need is to use what you have.

The golden opportunity you're seeking is in yourself.It's not in your environment.It's not in luck or chance or in the help of others. It's in you.

There will always be a new opportunity where there is an open mind and a willing hand.

You must make your own opportunities.


Experiencing failure is inevitable on your journey to be successful.Every defeat is merely an installment to victory.People who try to do something and fail are infinitely better than thosewho try to do nothing and succeed.

You won't be judged by the number of times you fail,but by the number of times you succeed.

You'll find that the number of times you succeed is in direct proportion

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to the number of times you fail and keep trying.

Failure is nothing but education, nothing but the first step to something better.

You can't be a winner and be afraid to lose. Thanks for your understanding.


When you expect good things to happen strangely enough, they will happen.

Your expectation energizes your goals and gives them momentum.Your life will always respond to your outlook.So set your gals high.

You must first expect to succeed, if you want to succeed.When you believe something good can happen, it does.

The dreams you choose to believe in come to be.You can't expect to succeed beyond your wildest expectationsunless you begin with some pretty wild expectations.

Success is a matter of expectation.


Experiencing failure is inevitable on your journey to be successful.Every defeat is merely an installment to victory.People who try to do something and fail are infinitely better than thosewho try to do nothing and succeed.

You won't be judged by the number of times you fail,but by the number of times you succeed.

You'll find that the number of times you succeed is in direct proportionto the number of times you fail and keep trying.

Failure is nothing but education, nothing but the first step to something better.

You can't be a winner and be afraid to lose.


A life without purpose  is like a ship without a rudder.

Goals are dreams that are written down.The purpose of a goal  is to focus your attention.Your mind will reach toward achievement  only when it has a goal.

There is no achievement without goals.Establish a goal worth working for.Your goal will keep you going in tough times.

Always have something ahead of you.

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Continuously visualize your next step.Keep moving after you achieve your goal and set another.Momentum is maintained by always having something to look forward to.Constantly give yourself something to work for.

Do what you can do well, and do well whatever you can doand you'll achieve any goal  that you set for yourself.

You can plant your dream with a goal.


The law of averages is on your side.The more you try,  the greater your chance of succeeding.

Taking a risk is often your first necessary step toward success.If you don't take some risks,  you won't get the chance to succeed.While you are trying, you are winning.

Never get discouraged.

Every wrong attempt is another step forward.People that make no mistakes  usually don't make anything.

Make up your mind not merely to overcome a thousand obstacles,but to win in spite of a thousand defeats.Your mistakes are stepping stones to success and your installmentpayments to victory.

You can't be a winner and be afraid to lose.


You can learn from other people to make up for your lack of experiencein any area of life.Take advantage of the people that have made the journey ahead of you.

Be open and receptive to the people around you.They have things to teach you.

Try to pick the right role models.Don't look for people that make you  feel good or entertain you.Look for people that can help you.Role models are more than people you like and admire.

The key is to look for people that will help you to be more successful.You can learn from the mistakes of others.You can learn different approaches to overcoming challenges.

Learning "what not to do"is as important as learning "what to do."


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There is a good side to every situation.View your problems as opportunities. You cannot have the success without the failures.Any experience can be transformed into something of value.Everything depends on the way  you look at things.

What are stumbling blocks and defeat before you can be steppingstones to victory if you remain determined.

In all of your adversities  lies the seeds of equivalent advantages.In every defeat there is a lesson  showing you how to win the next time.

When it's dark enough you can see the stars.


Whatever you want in life, you must give up something to get it.The greater the value, the greater the sacrifice required of you.Everything has a price.

There's a price to pay if you want to make things better,and a price to pay for just leaving things as they are.

Nothing worthwhile ever comes easily.Work, continuous work and hard work, is the only way to accomplishresults that last.Use your imagination more than your memory to achieve success.

There is no success at bargain basement prices.The highway to success is a toll road.


Your attitude is not determined  by circumstances,but by how you respond to your circumstances.You can respond positively or negatively to any situation.

It's how you react to events,  not the events themselves,that determines your attitude.

Any challenge facing you is not as important  as your attitude towards it,for that will determine your success or failure.

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Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the waythings turn out.

It's not your position but your disposition that counts.


You have to make your own opportunities.Your future is not a matter of chance.It's a matter of your choice.It's not something you wait for.It's something you must actively pursue.

Don't wait for extraordinary opportunities.Seize common occasions and make them great.Opportunity can come disguised in the form of misfortune, or temporary defeat.

Start today, right where you are.Distant fields will always appear greener.Yet, golden opportunities are all around you.

You can live a great dream if you pursue it.


High expectation always precedes  high achievement.You're as small as your controlling desires, or as greatas your dominant aspirations.

Once your mind stretches to a new idea it never goes backto its original dimensions.Dream of little goals  and you can expect little achievement.Dream big and you'll win big success.

The first ingredient of your success is to dream a great dream.

THE SECRET TO CONFIDENCE IS PREPARATION.With practice you'll come to a point of competence.You'll find yourself accomplishing your goals gracefullyand confidently. It's then that you'll do things that you never dreamed you could do.

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You'll discover powers you never knew existed.

If you're prepared, you're able to feel confident.There can be no great courage when there is no confidence or assurance.Half the battle is in the conviction that you can accomplish what you undertake. Confidence doesn't come out of nowhere.It's the result of constant work and dedication.

OPPORTUNITY LIES IN THE MIDST OF DIFFICULTY.Every problem has hidden in it an opportunityso powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem.The greatest success stories were created by peoplewho recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity.

You'll find that every situation, properly perceived,offers you an opportunity.As fast as each opportunity presents itself, use it.No matter how tiny an opportunity may be, use it.You'll find new directions when you have an open mindand a willing hand.

Successful people don't achieve their distinctionby having some new talent or opportunity presented to them.They developed an opportunity that was at hand.

You must make your own opportunities if you want to be successful.Opportunities are all around you.

Find one and take action.

YOU'RE ALWAYS IN CHARGE OF YOU.You're the master of your fate and the captain of your soul.While your character is formed by circumstances,your own desires can do much  to shape those circumstances.Thus, you have the power  over the formation of your own character.

Nature is always at work around you.Your character and destiny are her handiwork.She gives you love and hate,  jealousy and reverence.You have the power to choose which impulse you will follow.

You can at any time decide to alter the course of your life.No one can ever take that away from you.

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The greatest power you possess is the power to choose.You're the master of your joys and your sorrows.

APPLY PERSISTENCE TO YOUR POSSIBILITIES.Your success is not a matter of idle chance, it's a matter of makingthe right choices.Success is not something you wait for, but rather something you'llachieve with effort. In other words, things won't turn up in this world until you turn them up.

Success is neither magical nor mysterious.The people that truly succeed in the world are the people who lookfor the circumstances they want, and, if they can't find them,they make them. Don't sit on the sidelines, get in the game.Your access to success has no real limits.

The great opportunity in your life is where you are right now.Every situation, properly perceived, becomes an opportunity for you. There are grand opportunities all around you.Open your eyes, and you will find one.

If you have the desire, you have the power to be successful.Taking continuous action is all that is required.

THERE IS NO FAILURE EXCEPT IN NOT TRYING.You cannot be beaten at anythinguntil you quit in your own mind. There is no defeat except from within.You have no real insurmountable barrierexcept your own inherent weakness of purpose. Consider yourself on a very long journey.Sustain your personal vision of success.In the end, you can only fail if you do not try. Success is a road paved with perseverance.The odds are with you if you keep on trying. Winning isn't everything, but wanting to is.If you've got the never to try to make it, you will.

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You Can See Your Future With A Vision.Study your present situation thoroughly.Go over in your imagination the various courses of action possible to you.Visualize the consequences which can follow from each course.Pick out the course which gives you  the most promise and go ahead.

Many successful people use this skill of mental visualization.They mentally run through  important events before they happen.

Picture yourself in your minds eye as already having achieved your goal.See yourself doing the things  you'll be doing when you've reached your goal.

You can put your subconscious to work toward making your  mental pictures come true.Go over your day in your imagination  before you begin it.You can begin acting successfully at any moment.

See the things you want as already yours.Think of them as yours,  as already in your possession.

You can see your future with a vision and live your dreams. 

YOU ARE BIGGER THAN YOUR PROBLEMS.You are more important than any of your problems.The obstacles you face will always look large or small to youaccording to whether you are large or small.

Understanding this will give you the courage necessary to overcome them.Courage gives you the capacity to confront what can be imagined.It gives you the ability to rise above reality.

Face your difficulties directly and you'll always win.


You have the power and the opportunity to change your life. You can make anything you want of it.It's not difficult, it just takes some effort.

See things as you would have them beinstead of as they are.

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Develop a personal plan that focuseson what you want, not on what you have.

Your imagination will show you how to turnyour possibilities into reality.Visualize your goals and your subconscious will begin to worktoward making those mental pictures come true.If you picture yourself vividly as winning,that alone will contribute immeasurably to your success.

Knowing your destination is all you need to get there.

SUCCESS IS YOURS IF YOU WANT IT.You have control over your life.Success or failure is up to you.You control how lucky you are.You create your wealth with your effort.

There are no age limits on when you can transform your life.Change is possible at any time.It is essential if you want to grow.

The doubts you'll experience along the way are part of life.Make a plan to attain your success and stick to it.Your life is a marathon, not a short sprint.Accept total responsibility for your actionsand remove "QUIT" from your vocabulary.

Decide you want success and it can be yours.Success is always your choice.

YOU CAN RISE ABOVE REALITY.Courage is the power to face your difficulties.It comes from the reserves of your mind that are more powerfulthen any of your outside circumstances. When you recognize that you are bigger than your problems,you gain the courage necessary to overcome anything. Your obstacles will look large or small to you according towhether you are large or small.Courage is the capacity to confront what can be imagined.It gives you the ability to rise above reality. You are more important than any of your problems.

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QUALITY OF LIFE BEGINS IN YOUR MIND.It's not what you have, but what you enjoy that constitutes your abundance.Your real riches are riches in your head and heart.

Wealth without enjoyment is little consolation.True satisfaction comes from appreciating what you have.

There are two ways of being happy:you must either diminish your wants or augment your means.

It's always better to appreciate things you cannot havethan to have the things you cannot appreciate.

Your riches will always lie within you, not in your material possessions.


Having an intelligent plan is your first step to success.

With a plan, you know where you're going.You'll know what progress you're making.And you'll have a pretty good ideaof when you canexpect to arrive.

Meticulous planning will enable everything you doto appear spontaneous to other people.

Your goals can only be reached through the vehicle of a plan.One in which you fervently believe,and upon which you will vigorously act.There is no other route to success.

What do you want to achieve or avoid?The answers to these questions are your objectives.

How do you go about achieving your desired results?The answer to this will be your strategy.

A good plan permits you to frame your lifeso that at some

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time in the future fact and your dreams will meet.

Success or failure is often determinedon the drawing board. 

YOU ONLY GET TO KEEP WHAT YOU GIVE AWAY.It's a universal law: You have to give before you get. You must plant your seeds before you reap the harvest.The more you sow, the more you will reap.In giving to others, you will find yourself blessed.

The law works to give you back more then you have sown.Those that obtain have little.Those who scatter have much.The giver's harvest is always full.Nature does not give to those who will not spend.

This is the time of year to show appreciation to those you love.

YOU CAN MAKE IT IF YOU TRY.You can't be beaten at anything, until you quit in your own mind.There is no failure except in your not trying.There is no defeat except from within. You have no really insurmountable barrier except your own inherentweakness of purpose.The odds are with you if you keep on trying. Consider yourself on a very long journey.Sustain your personal vision of success until you achieve it.In the end, you can fail only if you don't try.Winning isn't everything, but wanting to is.Success is a road that's paved with perseverance.

LOVE WHAT YOU DO, OR DO SOMETHING ELSE.You'll never achieve real successunless you like what you're doing.No one has ever succeeded in a lineof endeavor which they did not like.

Your chances of success are directly proportionalto the degree of pleasure you derive from what you do.

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If you're in a job you hate, face the fact squarely and get out.

It's better to be a failure in something you love,than attempting to be a success in something you don't. Don't set compensation as a goal.Find the work you love, and the compensation will follow.

The more you love what you are doing,the more successful it will be for you.

LIFE RESPONDS TO YOUR OUTLOOK.Life is largely a matter of expectation.You must expect to succeed, if you want to succeed.

When you expect things to happen, strangely enough, they do happen.Expectation energizes your goals and give them momentum. When you believe something good can happen, it will happen.

Set your goals high.If you begin with some wild expectations you'll succeed beyondyour wildest expectations.

The dreams you believe in come to be.

SUCCESS REQUIRES A WILLINGNESS TO ACT.If you want to be successful, you can start at anytime.But you must start.

Don't make the mistake of not doing anything because you can only do a little.Do what you can do.

It will always be your attitude at the beginning of any difficult task which, more than anything else, will affect its successful outcome.

To be aware of what you want and not go after it, to spend years wonderingif something could have materialized, and never knowing if it could have been,is a tragic waste of your life.

The worst thing you can do is not to try.

To reach a port, you must sail.You must sail, not lie at anchor.You must sail off in the direction of your dreams, not drift.

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A journey of a thousand miles, begins with one step.

YOU MAKE YOUR OWN OPPORTUNITIES.Your destiny isn't a matter of chance,it's a matter of the choicesyou'll make in the coming year.

Success isn't something you wait for,it's something you must pursuein the months ahead.

Don't wait for extraordinary opportunities to be successful.Seize common occasions and turn them into great ones.Opportunities sometimes come disguisedin the form of misfortune, or temporary defeat.

Start where you are.You're at this moment, standing right in the middle of opportunity.

If you act on your dreams you can live them in the New Year.You have a lot to look forward to.

EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE IF YOU BELIEVE.There are no real barriers to your success.You must simply overcome any doubts you have about your ability.Your self image prescribes the limits for your accomplishments.It prescribes the area of what is possible for you.

Don't be afraid of living.Believe that life is worth living and you will create that fact around you.If you see yourself as prosperous, you will be.If you see yourself as broke, that is exactly what you will be.

You will never succeed until you believe in your own mind that you can succeed.You can be who you want to be.

DESIRE IS THE STARTING POINT FOR SUCCESS.The first thing that will contribute to reaching your goalis that you simply want to reach it badly enough.You must learn how to desire with sufficient intensity to be successful.

If you have the desire you have the power to attain success. You can really have anything you want in life if you go after it.

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But you have to want it.

As a drowning soul desires air, as a shipwrecked person craves fresh water,so must you feel that intense, eager, insistent, demanding, ravenous desirefor your success.

Your desire for success must be so strong within you that it becomesthe very breath of your life.It must be your first thought when you wake up, and your last thoughtwhen you go to bed at night.

You can have anything you want if you go after it with intensity.

NEVER SAY NEVER.There is no such thing as no chance.Don't think about the things you can't do.Think about the things you can do.

No matter what the level of your ability is, you have more potentialthan you can ever develop in a lifetime.

You have powers you never dreamed of.You can do things you never thought you could do.There are no limitations to what you can do except the limitationsof your own mind.

Your range of available choices right now is limitless.Look at things as they can be.

OPEN YOUR OWN DOOR TO SUCCESS..Success on any major scalerequires that you accept responsibility.The one quality that all successful people haveis their ability to take on responsibility.

You must choose the thoughts andactions that will lead you on to success.Nothing will happen by itself. It can all come your way, once you understandthat you have to make it come your way,by your own exertions.

Find your pathway to success and begin your journey.Your life will become what you make of it. 

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The golden opportunity you are seeking lies within you.It's not in your environment.It's not in luck or chance, or the help of others.It's in you alone.

Opportunity is all around you.And if the door of opportunity is closed,you must keep on knocking on it,and keep on knocking on it until it opens.You'll develop your opportunityby applying persistence to your possibilities.

Success won't come to you, you must go to it.Become an opener of doors.

THE KEY TO YOUR SUCCESS IS DESIRE.If you're willing to pay the price, any of your circumstances will change.If you want something badly enough, you're sure to get it.

Obstacles don't matter very much.Pain or other circumstances can be there.But if you want to do something bad enough, you'll find a way to get it done.

Your desire will in time externalize itself into concrete fact.Your reality will form around your commitment to succeed.

Desire is the fire of life.You only have to love a thing greatly to get it.

THE GLASS IS ALWAYS HALF FULLThere is a good side to every situation.View your problems as opportunities.You cannot have the successes without the failures.Any experience can be transformed into something of value.Everything depends on the way you look at things. What are stumbling blocks and defeat before you can be stepping stonesto victory if you remain determined. In all of your adversities lies the seeds of equivalent advantages.In every defeat there is a lesson showing you how to win the next time. When it's dark enough you can see the stars.

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Sooner or later you'll encounter a crisis in your life,and how you meet it will determine your future happiness and success.Since the beginning of time, everyone has been called upon to meetsuch a crisis. Close scrutiny will show you that most "crisis situations" are opportunitiesto either advance or stay where you are. Indeed, most people make changes in their life out of either"inspiration" or "desperation." Personal growth is the process of responding positively to change. Whatever comes your way, give it meaning and transformit into something of value. A precious stone cannot be polished without friction,nor humanity perfected without trials.

PERSISTENCE IS REQUIRED TO REACH ANY GOAL"Keep trying" is the rule that must be followed to be successful at anything Your success will always be connected with your actions.Just keep moving towards your goal.You'll make mistakes but don't ever quit.You may even have to hang on after others have let go. Persistence means taking pains to overcome every obstacle,to do all that's necessary to reach your goal. In the end, the only people who fail are those that do not try.To achieve something great takes time and persistence. 

CONCENTRATION WILL OPEN ANY DOORThe first law of success is concentration.Concentration is your magic key that opens the doorto accomplishing anything. When your physical and mental resources are focused,your power to resolve problems multiples tremendously.To do two things at once is to do neither. Bend all of your energies to one point, and go directly to that point,looking neither to the right nor to the left.

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 Nothing can add more power to your life as much as concentratingall your energies on a limited set of targets. The sun's rays do not burn until brought to a focus.Success is the result of well directed energy.

FREEDOM MEANS RESPONSIBILITYFreedom is the right to live as you wish.If you wish to free yourself from enslavement, you must choose freedomand the responsibility it entails.There's a price for every freedom, something to be given up for every liberty. It's up to you to weigh the price you must pay for each of your freedoms.And everything you want has a price. Freedom is the opportunity to make decisions.It's the capacity to take a hand in your own development.Freedom is the right to choose.It's the right to create for yourself the alternatives of choice. No one is free who is not master of himself.You are free to do whatever you like.You need only face the consequences of your actions. 

MAKING CHOICES IS YOUR GREATEST POWER While your character is formed by your circumstances,your desires can shape those circumstances.The one thing over which you have absolute control is your own thoughts.It is this that puts you in a position to control your own destiny. Nature is constantly at work around you.Character and destiny are her handiwork.She gives you love and hate, jealousy and reverence.You have the power to choose which impulse you follow. At any time you can decide to alter the course of your life.No one can ever take that away from you.You can do what you want to do and be who you want to be.

Your greatest power is the power to choose.

TAKING A RISK IS OFTEN YOUR FIRST STEP TOWARD SUCCESS If you don't take some risks, you won't get the chance to succeed.While you are trying, you are winning.

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 The law of averages is on your side.The more you try, the greater your chance of succeeding.Never get discouraged. Every wrong attempt is another step forward.People that make no mistakes usually don't make anything. Make up your mind not merely to overcome a thousand obstacles,but to win in spite of a thousand defeats. Your mistakes are stepping stones to success and your installmentpayments to victory. You can't be a winner and be afraid to lose. 

YOU ALWAYS HAVE ENOUGH TIME IF YOU USE IT WISELY Your dilemma goes deeper than having a shortage of time,it's basically a problem of priorities. Most people leave undone those things that should be done,while they do things that they shouldn't be doing. Set priorities for your goals.A major part of successful living lies in your ability to put first things first.Most major goals are not achieved because people put second things first. Is what your doing getting you closer to your objectives?Anything that is wasted effort represents wasted time. Don't serve time, make time serve you. 

YOU HAVE THE POWER TO LIVE YOUR DREAM The day you take complete responsibility for yourself,the day you stop making any excuses, that's the day you start moving down the road to success.

No one else can do it for you.Only you can make it happen.You're the only one that has to live your life.

Success on any major scale requires you to accept responsibility.It's up to you to choose the thoughts and actionsthat will lead you to success.

Your life will be what you make of it.

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Nothing will ever happen by itself.Success will come your way once you realizethat you have to make it come your way by your own actions.

The power to succeed is yours alone.

ENDURANCE IS THE CROWNING QUALITY OF SUCCESSThe power to hold on in spite of everything, to endure,this is the quality of a winner.

Your greatest glory is not in never failing,but in rising every time you fail. It's your constant and determined effort that will eventually break downall resistance and sweep all the barriers before you.Persistence means taking pains to overcome every obstacle,to do all that's necessary to reach your goal. All great achievements require time.It's never over until you say it's over.

YOU MUST ACT TO OVERCOME FEAR  One of the greatest surprises you'll experience, is when you discoverthat you can do what you were afraid you couldn't do. Your obstacles will melt away, if instead of cowering before them,you make up your mind to walk boldly through them. Do the thing you fear and fear disappears.Confront your fears, list them, get to know them and only thenwill you be able to put them aside and move ahead. When you face the things that scare you, you open the door to freedom.The only thing you have to fear, is fear itself.

FEAR IS CONQUERED BY TAKING ACTION.Nothing in life is to be feared.It is only to be understood.When you dare to face the things that scare you, you open the doorto freedom and success.

Most of your obstacles would melt away if, instead of coweringbefore them or procrastinating about dealing with them, you make upyour mind to walk boldly through them.

Don't be afraid to take the steps you need to take to make those positive

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changes in your life.

To fight your fears, you must act.

Your fears increase when you wait, put off, or postpone.If you understood your situation enough, you would never be afraid.

The attainment of your dreams is but a determined action away.Successful people take action.

OPPORTUNITY LIES IN THE MIDST OF DIFFICULTY.Every problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literallydwarfs the problem.The greatest success stories were created by people who recognizeda problem and turned it into an opportunity.

You'll find that every situation, properly perceived, offers opportunity.As fast as each opportunity presents itself, use it.No matter how tiny an opportunity it may be, use it.You'll find new directions when you have an open mind and a willing hand.

Successful people didn't achieve their distinction by having some newtalent or opportunity presented to them.They developed an opportunity that was at hand.

You must make your own opportunities if you want to be successful.Opportunities are all around you.Open your eyes and take action.

OPPORTUNITY LIES IN THE MIDST OF DIFFICULTY.Every problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literallydwarfs the problem.The greatest success stories were created by people who recognizeda problem and turned it into an opportunity.

You'll find that every situation, properly perceived, offers opportunity.As fast as each opportunity presents itself, use it.No matter how tiny an opportunity it may be, use it.You'll find new directions when you have an open mind and a willing hand.

Successful people didn't achieve their distinction by having some newtalent or opportunity presented to them.They developed an opportunity that was at hand.

You must make your own opportunities if you want to be successful.

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Opportunities are all around you.Open your eyes and take action.

YOU'VE GOT TO THINK BIG TO BE BIG.If you don't have a dream, how are you going to make it come true?

High achievement always takes place in the framework of high expectation.You'll always hit what you aim for in the long run.Why not aim high?

Have the courage to follow your dreams.It's the first step towards attaining your destiny.

Big thinking precedes big achievement.

YOU CAN MAKE YOUR WORLD.Your intense anticipation of things to come will transformyour possibilities into reality.Your desires are the precursors of the things that you can have.They will in time externalize themselves into concrete fact.

Just as a small amount of fire makes a small amount of heat,weak desires bring weak results.Live your life with fire and passion. Always remember, if you care enough for the end result,you'll almost certainly attain it.

Your reality forms around your commitments

SUCCESS IS ON YOUR HORIZONYou can start at anytime if you want to be successful. But you have to start.

You won't accomplish anything if you wait for all the possible objections to be overcome.Taking a new step, uttering a new word,is what people fear most.

Don't be afraid to live.Don't wait for things to change.Don't wait until you have more time,until you are less tired,until you get the promotion,until you settle down,until, until, until.

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Don't wait for a major eventin your life to occur before you begin to live.

Begin where you are.Work where you are.The hour you are wasting now,dreaming of some far off success,is crowded with tremendous possibilities.

When you take the first step, your mind will mobilize all its forces to assist you.  Once you have started, all that is within and around youwill come to your assistance.

The only way to start down the road to success is to start.

STARTING IS THE KEY TO SUCCESS.The great thing is the start.To see an opportunity and to pursue it.Even though in the beginning,you're not totally sureof all the answers to your questions.

Taking a new step, uttering a new word,is what people fear most.Don't wait to overcome all your possible objections,or nothing will ever be attempted.

If you want to be successful you can start anytime.Your only true failure lies in the failure to start.

The reason why so little is ever done,is generally because so little is attempted.

If you can get up the courage to begin,you have the courage to succeed.

IF YOU TRY, YOU CAN MAKE IT.You can't be beaten at anything, until you quit in your own mind.There is no failure except in your not trying.There is no defeat except from within. You have no real insurmountable barrier except your own inherent weakness of purpose. The odds are with you if you keep on trying. Consider yourself on a very long journey.

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Sustain your personal vision of success until you achieve it.In the end, you can fail only if you don't try. Winning isn't everything, but wanting to is.Success is a road that's paved with perseverance.

WANTING TO WIN IS EVERYTHINGSuccess is connected with continuous action.It's largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go.You're not finished when you're defeated, you're only finished when you quit. The most important quality essential to success is perseverance.It overcomes almost everything, even nature. You can have a fresh start any time you choose, for "failure" is not in the falling down, but in the staying down.It's not over until it's over. If you've got the courage to stick it out, you'll attain your goal.Winning isn't everything, but wanting to is.

YOU CAN RISE ABOVE REALITYCourage is the power to face your difficulties.It comes from the reserves of your mindthat are more powerful than any of your outside circumstances. When you recognize that you are bigger than your problems,you gain the courage necessary to overcome anything. Your obstacles will look large or small to youaccording to whether you are large or small. Courage is the capacity to confront what can be imagined.It gives you the ability to rise above reality. You are more important than any of your problems.

THERE IS ALWAYS A GOOD SIDEBe an optimist and try to see the opportunity in every misfortune,not a pessimist that sees misfortune in every opportunity.The optimist sees the doughnut, the pessimist sees the hole. You can develop success from every failure.Discouragement and failure are two stepping stones to success.No other elements can do so much for you if you're willing to study them

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and make them work for you. View every problem as an opportunity.When it is dark enough, you can see the stars.