
Mohamad Chakroun Sept 17, 2012

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A presentation about what motivates and demotivates us and how to stay motivated.


Page 1: Motivation

Mohamad Chakroun Sept 17, 2012

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Do you feel like this sometimes?

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But you’d rather feel like this!

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You want to move from this state

To this state

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You are not alone.

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There are hundreds of books on Motivation

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Theories on motivation

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They are all about you.

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When do you really need motivation?

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I don't feel like going to the ball game. I feel like studying. (Sure!!!)

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You don’t need much motivation for things you are passionate about and you love doing.

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1. The need to acquire

2. The need to bond

3. The need to comprehend

4. The need to defend

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How will you measure you life? What matters to you most?

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Think Healthy

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Make exercising regularly a Habit

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Expand your network.

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Do you know your priorities? Do you have them clearly stated?

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Organizational Culture

Work Environment

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Improve the work environment

It is our environment. We can change it, for better or for worse. The decision is ours. Every action, good or bad, matters.

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Management is about human beings. Its task is to make people capable of joint performance, to make their strengths effective and their weaknesses irrelevant. This is what Organization is all about, and it is the reason that management is the critical, determining factor. Peter Drucker

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Set clear goals for yourself. Architect your future.

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Identify your priorities? Do them right. Doing more is not necessarily better. Focus on value creation

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Confidence. Believe in yourself

Understand your innate abilities

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Are you open to opportunities? Do you show it? Do you present yourself to them?

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There will always be times when we are disappointed, overwhelmed, and frustrated by others actions and behaviour.

We must learn to shake it off and keep going.

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Think Positive

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Adopt a Growth mindset

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Must be collectively our Goal

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Don’t focus on the task itself, think about how you’ll feel after it’s done. That feeling will take you far and beyond. See the image of you at the finish line. It makes the whole difference.

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This is your life. The decisions or No-decisions you make will dictate your happiness, motivation, and the degree of success you will have.

Be a Winner

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Notes to accompany the presentation

Help define and refine company culture. You spend a big portion of your time at work. You need to make work @ work work. Don’t just focus on the task at hand. Find your leverage; people, communities…. Most things we can’t do alone.

Be honest. Ask and expect better environment from all around you. Have resolve. Expect it from yourself and others.

Business as Usual is never acceptable.

Be the difference Maker

The key when building your priority list is understanding the dependencies in the list. And how a change in one will impact the other. For example: Health is #1 and it should be #1 for without it you cannot do much with the rest. People who lose it know this best. You don’t have to wait to wait to find out. Marginal Cost!!! Tolerance level

You wakeup in the morning and say to yourself that today I want to have a fresh start. I want to improve one thing about myself.

People always weigh benefit vs cost. Short tem vs Long term. Long term is hard, otherwise you will see a lot of investors.

Enjoying a movie with a bag of chips has immediate gain and pleasure, work out is painful with long-term benefit

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Notes to accompany the presentation

The environment where we work belongs to all of us. You need to contribute to making it a better place that you want to go to every morning. Work on the relationship with your manager. And peers Ask for transparency. At the end It is all about relationship. And if everyone compromises a little we all win. If our environment is driven by winner and loser mindset than we are all losers. Hence winning in this case is only short term. Ask for clarity. Agree on relationship terms: What are your personal values, make them clear to others around you. Build Trust. Contribute to the better working atmosphere where you can feel appreciated not necessarily by a Kudo but rather by the smile you will get from the person when you see him/her in the morning. One of the most beautiful things to have in the morning is a smile. Watch how you start your day. You wake in the morning, get ready to go to work. Observe people on the train. Their state will influence your behaviour this day subconsciously. If you happen to meet a happy friend in the morning and makes you laugh the likely hood is that you will start your day nicely until you meet the next one who will make your start to degrade in quality. We can all contribute to each other’s enjoyment starting with a smile in the morning and a sweet Hello. One of the things that I like about Jay, is that whenever I see him in a hallway, he gives me a big smile, salutes me and at times shakes my hands. This helps a lot with my self esteem. Kindness is free

Don’t underestimate yourself, always shoot higher. Mastery Most of our operations are subconsciously driven. This is because over the years we built habits (good/bad/ugly) Due to our Upbringing/Experiences/ we made assumptions === We constructed a mental model Our parents told us about some of them that were ugly, and perhaps until today we think they are ugly where in fact they are not. Some of the habits we built because our parents thought they were good and they encouraged us to do so. They were very supportive of these habits and we exercised them for years, these may be some of the hardest ones to change. Complacency with ourselves. Don’t set yourself up for failure. This is different from Failing while learning. It is easier to do easy things. COME OUT of YOUR COMFORT ZONE. DON”T WAIT FOR OTHERS TO HELP YOU. DO IT FOR YOURSELF>

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Notes to accompany the presentation

Know your strengths, identify your weaknesses. What can you do with them. Are these weaknesses necessary for you to perform your job, to reach your goals. Don’t give up on your goals because you know you are lacking this and that. Focus on you Strengths, and use them to conquer your weaknesses.

Overcome FEAR. Fear is one of biggest reasons for procrastination

you’ll find all sorts of excuses to put something off

Break your goal into tiny steps and take just one small step, then another.

Stretch targets sometimes don’t help. Don’t overwhelm yourself. You need to give yourself a space to learn to try to do things. Don’t create expectation that you will do something and then not be able to deliver. This can put you in a vicious circle.

Talk about the donkey Fable. It is a choice you make. It is the attitude you choose to take when facing challenges.

Life is full of challenges. You finish with one today, you’ll have a bigger one tomorrow. An they will keep growing as we grow(age, career).

Don’t expect less and easy.

It is what you choose to call it. Gain/pain. Opportunity/Challenge.

Provide the environment where motivation can be cultivated. Each one of us needs to contribute.

The environment is ours, Just like outside. Do you care about your house, your neighborhood, your city. You want to keep it clean. You want your house to be in a good neighborhood to preserve value.

Work env is no different. We all need to contribute to make it better. You must love what you do. You are your product develop it. What is your Brand.

Point of Differentiation

Invest in yourself

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Over the years we have built a database of experiences, relationships, images, pains, laughter's, disappointments, hate, love, and with this database we have created lots of assumptions and way of thinking that shaped our behaviour. Every time we are faced with a situation, we query this database and fetch a solution. Become a critical thinker. Use this database wisely and modify it with time. Challenge your built in assumptions. Validate it with others, (Be analytical)