motivation 3+ 4+ · photoionization of photoionization of fullerinefullerine ionsions...

Photoionization Study of Atoms, Molecules and Clusters and their Ions in the VUV and Soft X-Ray Region Mohammad Gharaibeh Physics Department, Jordan Univ. of Science and Technology, Irbid 22110, Jordan Fundamental : VUV photons are a highly selective probe of the internal electronic structure and dynamics of atoms, molecules and their ions. Systematic studies with ions permit probing and fine-tuning of electronic structure and interactions along -isoelectronic sequences (different elements with the same number of electrons). -isonuclear sequences (same element with different numbers of electrons). Photoionization theory is based on approximations but few experimental benchmarks exist for ions. Applications : Most of the visible matter in the universe exists in the ionized plasma state. Photons carry most of the information we have about the distant universe and hot laboratory plasmas (e.g. fusion-energy research). Photon opacity databases used in modeling hot environments depend largely on untested theoretical calculations. Advanced extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithograpy light sources that are being developed to produce the next generation of semiconductor chips are based on hot ionized plasma discharges. Ion-Photon-Beam Endstatio n The merged-beams technique has been widely used in successful experiments involving atomic or molecular species in electron-ion, ion-ion, ion-neutral, neutral-neutral as well as ion- photon collisions. The absolute photoionization cross sections may be determined from measured experimental quantities by the equation: R = product ion count rate q = ion charge v = ion velocity (cm/s) e = electronic charge (C) I + = ion current (A) h = photodiode efficiency (electrons/photon) W = ion detector efficiency Iγ = photodiode current (A) L = interaction length (29.4 cm) F av = average of form factors F(z) (cm -2 ) BPM 2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Y Y X X BPM1 Normalized beam intensity X' Y' Wire or slit position (cm) Slit Scanner Ions Phot ons ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) + + = dxdy y x I dxdy y x I dxdy y x I y x I Z F , , , , g g av γ 2 L Ω I I η v e q R σ F + = Threshold energy region He + is a hydrogen-like ion with only one electron, for which the photoionization cross section can be exactly calculated. It therefore provides a critical test of absolute measurements using the IPB endstation. Absolute Photoionization Cross- Section Measurements for He + Data points : S. Schippers et al J. Phys. B, 37: L209- L216, 2004 Curve : Photorecombination measurement of Schippers et al. [J. Phys. B 31, 4873 (1998)] at theTSR storage ring in Heidelberg using principle of detailed balance. An extremely broad resonance due to 3p – 3d excitation followed by a fast super-Coster-Kronig transition straddles and is truncated by the Ti 3+ ionization threshold! Motivation Merged-Beams Technique Time Time- reversed processes: Ti reversed processes: Ti 3+ 3+ photoionization and e + Ti photoionization and e + Ti 4+ 4+ photorecombination photorecombination Photoionization of Xe Photoionization of Xe 3+ 3+ Photoionization of Photoionization of Fullerine Fullerine Ions Ions Photoionization measurements at ALS indicate that 4d – nl excitation of Xe 3+ results in photoabsorption within the 13.5 nm EUV lithography light source window. Recent absolute measurements at ALS show that photoionization of C 60 + , C 60 2+ and C 60 3+ ions are all dominated by a giant plasmon resonance, similar to that which was observed by Hertel et al. in photoionization of neutral C 60 . This resonance is due to the collective motion of the 240 delocalized valence electrons. Furthermore, photoionization measurements at higher photon energies show evidence for excitation of a second plasmon resonance. These two resonances are attributed to photoexcitation of surface and volume plasmons. "He - is formed as long-lived metastable He - :1s 2 2s. "Two contradictory theoretical results for He - photoionization preceded the experimentalm measurements. "Experimental results clearly resolve the issue. K- shell shell photoionization photoionization of He of He - 1. Gharaibeh, M.F.; Aguilar, A.; Covington, A.M.; Emmons, E.D.; Scully, S.W.J.; Phaneuf, R.A.; Müller, A.; Bozek, J.D.; Kilcoyne, A.L.D.; Schlachter, A.S.; Álvarez, I.; Cisneros, C.; Hinojosa, G. Systematic Photoionization Study along the Iron Isonuclear Sequence:: experiment and theory. (under process). 2. Scully, S.W.J.; Álvarez, I.; Cisneros, C.; Emmons, E.D.; Gharaibeh, M.F.; Leitner D.; Lubell M.S.; Müller A.; Phaneuf R.A.; Püttner R.; Schlachter A.S.; Schippers, S.; Balance C.P.; McLaughlin, B.M. Doubly Excited Resonances in the Photoionization Spectrum of Li+: experiment and theory. J. Phys. B. (under process). 3. Lu M.; Alna washi G.; Habibi M.; Gharaibeh M.F.; Phaneuf R.A.; Kilcoyne A.L.D.; Levenson E.; Schlachter A.S.; Cisneros, C.; Hinojosa, G. Photoionization and Electron-impact Ionization of Kr3+. Phys. Rev. A. 74: 062701, 2006. 4. Lu M.; Gharaibeh M.F.; Alna washi G.; Phaneuf R.A.; Kilcoyne A.L.D.; Levenson E.; Schlachter A.S.; Müller A.; Schippers S.; Jacobi J.; Scully, S.W.J.; Cisneros, C. Photoionization and Electron-impact Ionization of Kr5+. Phys. Rev. A. 74: 012703, 2006. 5. Emmons, E.D.; Aguilar, A.; Gharaibeh, M.F.; Scully, S.W.J.; Phaneuf, R.A.; Kilcoyne, A.L.D.; Schlachter, A.S.; Álvarez, I.; Cisneros, C.; Hinojosa, G. Photoionization and Electron-Impact Ionization of Xe3+. Phys. Rev. A. 71: 042704, 2005. 6. Scully, S.W.J.; Emmons, E.D.; Gharaibeh, M.F.; Phaneuf, R.A.; Kilcoyne, A.L.D.; Schlachter, A.S.; Schippers, S.; Müller, A.; Chakraborty, H.S.; Madjet, M.E.; Rost, J.M. Photoexcitation of a Volume Plasmon in C60 Ions. Phys. Rev. Lett. 94: 065503, 2005. 7. Aguilar, A.; Emmons, E.D.; Gharaibeh, M.F.; Covington, A.M.; Bozek, J.D.; Ackerman, G.; Canton, S.; Rude, B.; Schlachter, A.S.; Hinojosa, G.; Álvarez, I.; Cisneros, C.; McLaughlin, B.M.; Phaneuf, R.A. Photoionisation of Ions of the Nitrogen Isoelectronic Sequence: Experiment and Theory for F2+ and Ne3+. J. Phys. B, 38: 343-361, 2005. 8. Schippers, S.; Müller, A.; Phaneuf, R.A.; Zoest, T. van; Álvarez, I.; Cisneros, C.; Emmons, E.D.; Gharaibeh, M.F.; Hinojosa, G.; Schlachter A.S.; Scully, S.W.J. Threshold Truncation of a Giant Dipole Resonance in Photoionization of Ti3+. J. Phys. B, 37: L209-L216, 2004. 9. Schlachter, A.S.; Sant Anna, M.M.; Covington, A.M.; Aguilar, A.; Gharaibeh, M.F.; Emmons, E.D.; Scully, S.W.J.; Phaneuf, R.A.; Hinojosa, G.; Álvarez, I.; Cisneros, C.; Müller, A.; McLaughlin, B.M. Lifetime of a K-Shell Vacancy in Atomic Carbon Created by 1s 2p Photoexcitation of C+. J. Phys. B, 37: L103-L109, 2004. 10. Schippers, S.; Müller, A.; McLaughlin, B.M.; Aguilar, A.; Cisneros, C.; Emmons, E.D.; Gharaibeh, M.F.; Phaneuf, R.A. Photoionization Studies of the B+ Valance Shell: Experiment and Theory. J. Phys. B, 36: 3371-3381, 2003. 11. Schippers, S.; Müller, A.; Ricz, S.; Bannister, M.E.; Dunn, G.H.; Schlachter A.S.; Hinojosa, G.; Cisneros, C.; Aguilar, A.; Covington, A.M.; Gharaibeh, M.F.; Phaneuf, R.A. Photoionization of Sc2+ Ions by Synchrotron Radiation: Measurements and Absolute Cross Sections in the Photon Energy Range 23-68 eV. Phys. Rev. A, 67: 032702, 2003. 12. Covington, A.M.; Aguilar, A.; Covington, I.R.; Gharaibeh, M.F.; Hinojosa, G.; Shirley, C.A.; Phaneuf, R.A.; Álvarez, I.; Cisneros, C.; Dominguez-Lopez, I.; Sant Anna, M.M.; Schlachter, A.S.; McLaughlin, B.M.; Dalgarno, A. Photoionization of Ne+ using synchrotron radiation. Physical Review A, 66: 062710, 2002. 13. Schippers, S.; Müller, A.; Ricz, S.; Bannister, M.E.; Dunn, G.H.; Bozek, J.D.; Schlachter A.S.; Hinojosa, G.; Cisneros, C.; Aguilar, A.; Covington, A.M.; Gharaibeh, M.F.; Phaneuf, R.A. Experimental Link of Photoionization of Sc2+ to Photorecombination of Sc3+: An Application of Detailed Balance in a Unique Atomic System. Phys. Rev. Lett., 89(19): 193002, 2002. 14. Müller, A.; Phaneuf, R.A.; Aguilar, A.; Gharaibeh, M.F.; Schlachter, A.S.; Álvarez, I.; Cisneros, C.; Hinojosa, G.; McLaughlin, B.M. Photoionization of C2+ Ions: Time-Reversed Recombination of C3+ with Electrons. J. Phys. B, 35: L137-L143, 2002. 15. Covington, A.M.; Aguilar, A.; Covington, I.R.; Gharaibeh, M.; Shirley, C.A.; Phaneuf, R.A.; Álvarez, I.; Cisneros, C.; Hinojosa, G.; Bozek, J.D.; Dominguez, I.; Sant Anna, M.M.; Schlachter, A.S.; Berrah, N.; Nahar, S.N.; McLaughlin, B.M. Photoionization of Metastable O+ Ions: Experiment and Theory. Phys. Rev. Lett., 87: 243002, 2001. 1. K-shell photodetachment from C : Experiment and theory, N. D. Gibson, C. W. Walter, O. Zatsarinny, T. W. Gorczyca, G. D. Ackerman, J. D. Bozek, M. Martins, B. M. McLaughlin, N. Berrah, Phys. Rev. A 67, 030703 (2003). 2. K-shell photodetachment of He : experiment and theory, N. Berrah, J. D. Bozek, G. Turri, G. Akerman, B. Rude, H.- L. Zhou, S. T. Manson, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 093001 (2002). 3. K-shell photodetachment of Li : experiment and theory, N. Berrah, J. D. Bozek, A. A. Wills, G. Turri, H.-L. Zhou, S. T. Manson, G. Akerman, B. Rude, N. D. Gibson, C. W. Walter, L. VoKy, A. Hibbert, and S. M. Ferguson , Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 253002 (2001). Selected Publications Selected Publications Project Funding Project Funding "U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY: - Chemical Sciences, Geosciences and Biosciences Division. - Materials Sciences Division. "NATO (Cooperative Linkage Grant - Germany, Hungary, U.S.). "CONACyT (Mexico). "DGAPA (Mexico). "CNPq (Brazil). "DEUTSCHE FORSCHUNGSGEMEINSCHAFT (Germany). "NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION (U.S.) -theory. "EPSRC (United Kingdom) - theory. 43.0 43.5 44.0 44.5 45.0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 3p 6 3d 2 D - 3p 5 3d 2 2 F Ionization Threshold Photoionization measurement (ALS, September 2003) Photorecombination measurement via detailed balance Simulation by Fano-Voigt profile fit to resonance Normalized photoion yield Photon energy (eV) 4d-4f excitation produces a doubly excited state of Xe 3+ with all active electrons in the same shell. Because of the strong interaction between the electrons, this broad state autoionizes by a fast super- Coster-Kronig transition. E.D. Emmons et al Phys. Rev. A, 71, 042704 (2005). 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Inner plasmon Outer plasmon Si & SiO 2 Spectroscopic data Total fit C 60 + + h n C 60 2+ + e - Absolute cross section (Mb) Photon energy (eV) S.W.J. Scully et al Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 065503 (2005). 55 60 65 70 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Theory (Stobbe) Broad scan: 0.5 eV steps Threshold scan: 1 meV steps Absolute measurements Photoionization Cross section (Mb) Photon energy (eV) hn + He + He 2+ + e 54.40 54.41 54.42 54.43 54.44 54.45 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Photoionization Cross section (Mb) Photon energy (eV) Comparison of Absolute Measurements w ith Comparison of Absolute Measurements w ith Theories for Photoionization of Fe Theories for Photoionization of Fe 3+ 3+ 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 3d 5 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 5 10 15 20 6 S 5/2 Experiment Photon Energy (eV) Nahar Photoionization Cross Section (Mb) Fe 3+ + h n Fe 4+ + e 40 meV Resolution TOPbase Theoretical R-matrix calculations predict resonances as well as broad features in the photoionization cross section. However, there are significant differences in the positions and strengths of the resonances, and of the broad features.

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Photoionization Study of Atoms, Molecules and Clusters and their Ions in the VUV and Soft X-Ray Region

Mohammad GharaibehPhysics Department, Jordan Univ. of Science and Technology, Irbid 22110, Jordan

Fundamental:ØVUV photons are a highly selective probe of the internal electronic structure and dynamics of atoms, molecules and their ions.ØSystematic studies with ions permit probing and fine-tuning of electronic structure and interactions along

-isoelectronic sequences (different elements with the same number of electrons).

-isonuclear sequences (same element with different numbers of electrons).ØPhotoionization theory is based on approximations but few experimental benchmarks exist for ions.

Applications:ØMost of the visible matter in the universe exists in the ionized plasma state.ØPhotons carry most of the information we have about the distant universe and hot laboratory plasmas (e.g. fusion-energy research).ØPhoton opacity databases used in modeling hot environments depend largely on untested theoretical calculations.ØAdvanced extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithograpy light sources that are being developed to produce the next generation of

semiconductor chips are based on hot ionized plasma discharges.

Ion-Photon-Beam Endstation

The merged-beams technique has been widely used in successful experiments involving atomic or molecular species in electron-ion, ion-ion, ion-neutral, neutral-neutral as well as ion-photon collisions. The absolute photoionization cross sections may be determined from measured experimental quantities by the equation:

R = product ion count rate q = ion charge v = ion velocity (cm/s)e = electronic charge (C) I+ = ion current (A)η = photodiode efficiency (electrons/photon)Ω = ion detector efficiencyIγ = photodiode current (A) L = interaction length (29.4 cm)Fav = average of form factors F(z) (cm-2)








1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4







m in



X' Y'

Wire or slit position (cm)

Slit Scanner



( )( ) ( )

( ) ( )∫∫ ∫∫∫∫+



, ,

, ,





L Ω I I ηv e qR σF+


Threshold energy region

He+ is a hydrogen-like ion with only one electron, for which the photoionization cross section can be exactly calculated. It therefore provides a critical test of absolute measurements using the IPB endstation.

Absolute Photoionization Cross-Section Measurements for He+

Data points:S. Schipperset al J. Phys. B, 37: L209-L216, 2004

Curve:Photorecombinationmeasurement of Schipperset al. [J. Phys. B 31, 4873 (1998)] at theTSR storage ring in Heidelberg using principle of detailed balance.

An extremely broad resonance due to 3p – 3d excitation followed by a fast super-Coster-Kronigtransition straddles and is truncated by the Ti3+

ionization threshold!


Merged-Beams Technique

TimeTime--reversed processes: Tireversed processes: Ti3+3+

photoionization and e + Tiphotoionization and e + Ti4+4+


Photoionization of XePhotoionization of Xe 3+3+

Photoionization of Photoionization of FullerineFullerine IonsIons

Photoionization measurements at ALS indicate that 4d – nlexcitation of Xe3+ results in photoabsorptionwithin the 13.5 nm EUV lithography light source window.

Recent absolute measurements at ALS show that photoionization of C60+, C60


and C603+ ions are all dominated by a giant plasmon resonance, similar to that

which was observed by Hertel et al. in photoionization of neutral C60. This resonance is due to the collective motion of the 240 delocalized valence electrons.

Furthermore, photoionization measurements at higher photon energies show evidence for excitation of a second plasmon resonance. These two resonances are attributed to photoexcitation of surface and volume plasmons.

• He- is formed as long-lived metastable He-:1s22s.• Two contradictory theoretical results for He- photoionization

preceded the experimentalm measurements.• Experimental results clearly resolve the issue.

KK--shell shell photoionizationphotoionization of Heof He--

1. Gharaibeh, M.F.; Aguilar, A.; Covington, A.M.; Emmons, E.D.; Scully, S.W.J.; Phaneuf, R.A.; Müller, A.; Bozek, J.D.; Kilcoyne, A.L.D.; Schlachter, A.S.; Álvarez, I.; Cisneros, C.; Hinojosa, G. Systematic Photoionization Study along the Iron Isonuclear Sequence:: experiment and theory. (under process).

2. Scully, S.W.J.; Álvarez, I.; Cisneros, C.; Emmons, E.D.; Gharaibeh, M.F.; Leitner D.; Lubell M.S.; Müller A.; PhaneufR.A.; Püttner R.; Schlachter A.S.; Schippers, S.; Balance C.P.; McLaughlin, B.M. Doubly Excited Resonances in the Photoionization Spectrum of Li+: experiment and theory. J. Phys. B. (under process).

3. Lu M.; Alna’washi G.; Habibi M.; Gharaibeh M.F.; Phaneuf R.A.; Kilcoyne A.L.D.; Levenson E.; Schlachter A.S.; Cisneros, C.; Hinojosa, G. Photoionization and Electron-impact Ionization of Kr3+. Phys. Rev. A. 74: 062701, 2006.

4. Lu M.; Gharaibeh M.F.; Alna’washi G.; Phaneuf R.A.; Kilcoyne A.L.D.; Levenson E.; Schlachter A.S.; Müller A.; Schippers S.; Jacobi J.; Scully, S.W.J.; Cisneros, C. Photoionization and Electron-impact Ionization of Kr5+. Phys. Rev. A. 74: 012703, 2006.

5. Emmons, E.D.; Aguilar, A.; Gharaibeh, M.F.; Scully, S.W.J.; Phaneuf, R.A.; Kilcoyne, A.L.D.; Schlachter, A.S.; Álvarez, I.; Cisneros, C.; Hinojosa, G. Photoionization and Electron-Impact Ionization of Xe3+. Phys. Rev. A. 71: 042704, 2005.

6. Scully, S.W.J.; Emmons, E.D.; Gharaibeh, M.F.; Phaneuf, R.A.; Kilcoyne, A.L.D.; Schlachter, A.S.; Schippers, S.; Müller, A.; Chakraborty, H.S.; Madjet, M.E.; Rost, J.M. Photoexcitation of a Volume Plasmon in C60 Ions. Phys. Rev. Lett. 94: 065503, 2005.

7. Aguilar, A.; Emmons, E.D.; Gharaibeh, M.F.; Covington, A.M.; Bozek, J.D.; Ackerman, G.; Canton, S.; Rude, B.; Schlachter, A.S.; Hinojosa, G.; Álvarez, I.; Cisneros, C.; McLaughlin, B.M.; Phaneuf, R.A. Photoionisation of Ions of the Nitrogen Isoelectronic Sequence: Experiment and Theory for F2+ and Ne3+. J. Phys. B, 38: 343-361, 2005.

8. Schippers, S.; Müller, A.; Phaneuf, R.A.; Zoest, T. van; Álvarez, I.; Cisneros, C.; Emmons, E.D.; Gharaibeh, M.F.; Hinojosa, G.; Schlachter A.S.; Scully, S.W.J. Threshold Truncation of a ‘Giant ’ Dipole Resonance in Photoionizationof Ti3+. J. Phys. B, 37: L209-L216, 2004.

9. Schlachter, A.S.; Sant’Anna, M.M.; Covington, A.M.; Aguilar, A.; Gharaibeh, M.F.; Emmons, E.D.; Scully, S.W.J.; Phaneuf, R.A.; Hinojosa, G.; Álvarez, I.; Cisneros, C.; Müller, A.; McLaughlin, B.M. Lifetime of a K-Shell Vacancy in Atomic Carbon Created by 1s → 2p Photoexcitation of C+. J. Phys. B, 37: L103-L109, 2004.

10. Schippers, S.; Müller, A.; McLaughlin, B.M.; Aguilar, A.; Cisneros, C.; Emmons, E.D.; Gharaibeh, M.F.; Phaneuf, R.A. Photoionization Studies of the B+ Valance Shell: Experiment and Theory. J. Phys. B, 36: 3371-3381, 2003.

11. Schippers, S.; Müller, A.; Ricz, S.; Bannister, M.E.; Dunn, G.H.; Schlachter A.S.; Hinojosa, G.; Cisneros, C.; Aguilar, A.; Covington, A.M.; Gharaibeh, M.F.; Phaneuf, R.A. Photoionization of Sc2+ Ions by Synchrotron Radiation: Measurements and Absolute Cross Sections in the Photon Energy Range 23-68 eV. Phys. Rev. A, 67: 032702, 2003.

12. Covington, A.M.; Aguilar, A.; Covington, I.R.; Gharaibeh, M.F.; Hinojosa, G.; Shirley, C.A.; Phaneuf, R.A.; Álvarez, I.; Cisneros, C.; Dominguez-Lopez, I.; Sant’Anna, M.M.; Schlachter, A.S.; McLaughlin, B.M.; Dalgarno, A. Photoionization of Ne+ using synchrotron radiation. Physical Review A, 66: 062710, 2002.

13. Schippers, S.; Müller, A.; Ricz, S.; Bannister, M.E.; Dunn, G.H.; Bozek, J.D.; Schlachter A.S.; Hinojosa, G.; Cisneros, C.; Aguilar, A.; Covington, A.M.; Gharaibeh, M.F.; Phaneuf, R.A. Experimental Link of Photoionization of Sc2+ to Photorecombination of Sc3+: An Application of Detailed Balance in a Unique Atomic System. Phys. Rev. Lett., 89(19): 193002, 2002.

14. Müller, A.; Phaneuf, R.A.; Aguilar, A.; Gharaibeh, M.F.; Schlachter, A.S.; Álvarez, I.; Cisneros, C.; Hinojosa, G.; McLaughlin, B.M. Photoionization of C2+ Ions: Time-Reversed Recombination of C3+ with Electrons. J. Phys. B, 35: L137-L143, 2002.

15. Covington, A.M.; Aguilar, A.; Covington, I.R.; Gharaibeh, M.; Shirley, C.A.; Phaneuf, R.A.; Álvarez, I.; Cisneros, C.; Hinojosa, G.; Bozek, J.D.; Dominguez, I.; Sant’Anna, M.M.; Schlachter, A.S.; Berrah, N.; Nahar, S.N.; McLaughlin, B.M. Photoionization of Metastable O+ Ions: Experiment and Theory. Phys. Rev. Lett., 87: 243002, 2001.

1. “K-shell photodetachment from C–: Experiment and theory,” N. D. Gibson, C. W. Walter, O. Zatsarinny, T. W. Gorczyca, G. D. Ackerman, J. D. Bozek, M. Martins, B. M. McLaughlin, N. Berrah, Phys. Rev. A 67, 030703 (2003).

2. “K-shell photodetachment of He–: experiment and theory,” N. Berrah, J. D. Bozek, G. Turri, G. Akerman, B. Rude, H.-L. Zhou, S. T. Manson, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 093001 (2002).

3. “K-shell photodetachment of Li–: experiment and theory,” N. Berrah, J. D. Bozek, A. A. Wills, G. Turri, H.-L. Zhou, S. T. Manson, G. Akerman, B. Rude, N. D. Gibson, C. W. Walter, L. VoKy, A. Hibbert, and S. M. Ferguson , Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 253002 (2001).

Selected PublicationsSelected Publications

Project FundingProject Funding• U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY:

- Chemical Sciences, Geosciences and

Biosciences Division.- Materials Sciences Division.

• NATO (Cooperative Linkage Grant -Germany, Hungary, U.S.).• CONACyT (Mexico).• DGAPA (Mexico).• CNPq (Brazil).• DEUTSCHE FORSCHUNGSGEMEINSCHAFT (Germany).• NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION (U.S.) -theory.• EPSRC (United Kingdom) - theory.

43.0 43.5 44.0 44.5 45.0








3p63d 2D - 3p53d2 2F

Ionization Threshold

Photoionization measurement (ALS, September 2003) Photorecombination measurement via detailed balance Simulation by Fano-Voigt profile fit to resonance






n yi


Photon energy (eV)

4d-4f excitation produces a doubly excited state of Xe3+ with all active electrons in the same shell. Because of the strong interaction between the electrons, this broad state autoionizes by a fast super-Coster-Kronig transition.

E.D. Emmons et al Phys. Rev. A, 71, 042704 (2005).

20 30 40 50 60 7 00







Inner p lasm on

Outerp lasm on

S i & S iO 2

S pe ctrosco p ic da ta T o ta l fit

C 60+ + hν → C 60

2+ + e -



e cr





Photon energy (eV)

S.W.J. Scully et al Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 065503 (2005).

55 60 65 700.0




Theory (Stobbe) Broad scan: 0.5 eV steps Threshold scan: 1 meV steps Absolute measurements






ss s


n (M


Photon energy (eV)

hν + He+ → He2+ + e

54.40 54.41 54.42 54.43 54.44 54.450.0









ss s


n (M


Photon energy (eV)

Comparison of Absolute Measurements w ithComparison of Absolute Measurements w ithTheories for Photoionization of FeTheories for Photoionization of Fe3+3+


4 0 4 5 5 0 5 5 6 0 6 5 7 0 7 5 8 00

1 0

2 0

3 0

4 0


1 0

2 0

3 0

4 0

5 0



1 0

1 5

2 0

6 S5 / 2

E x p e r im e n t

P h o to n E n e r g y ( e V )

N a h a r






ss S


n (M


F e 3 + + h ν → F e 4 + + e4 0 m e V R e s o lu t io n

T O P b a s e

ØTheoretical R-matrix calculations predict resonances as well as broad features in the photoionization cross section.Ø However, there are significant differences in the positions and strengths of the resonances, and of the broad features.