motion planning

Department of Informatics Intelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universität München Technical Cognitive Systems Michael Beetz Intelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universit¨ at M¨ unchen Summer Term 2012

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Motion Planning example


  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Technical Cognitive Systems

    Michael Beetz

    Intelligent Autonomous SystemsTechnische Universitat Munchen

    Summer Term 2012

  • Part XI

    Motion Planning

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen


    Motion Planning

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems3

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen


    Motion Planning

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems4

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Motion Planning

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems5

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Motion Planning

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems6

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    The basic Path Planning Problem

    Given obstacles, a robot, and its motion capabilities compute collision-free robotmotions from the start to goal.

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems7

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Geometric Models

    The robot and obstacles live in a world or workspace W.Usually, W = R2 or W = R3.The obstacle region O W is a closed set.The robot A(q) W is a closed set (placed at configuration q).

    Can it be obtained automatically or with little processing? What is the complexity of the representation? Can collision queries be efficiently resolved? Can a solid or surface be easily inferred?

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems8

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Geometric Models: Linear Primitives

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems9

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Geometric Models: Semi-Algebraic Sets

    Consider primitives of the form:

    Hi = {(x , y , z) W|fi (x , y , z) < 0},

    which is a half-space if fi is linear. Now let fi be any polynomial, such asf (x , y) = x2 + y2 1. Obstacles can be formed from finite intersections:

    O = H1 H2 H3 H4.

    and from finite unions of those:

    O = H1 H2 H3 H4.

    O could then become any semi-algebraic set.Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems10

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Geometric Models: Polygon Soups and Pointclouds

    Whats inside?

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems11

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Configuration Space: Example

    All configurations of our robot lie on a manifold, here a torus.

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems12

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Excursion: Flat Manifolds: Cylinder

    Start with an open square (0, 1)2) R2

    Let (x , y) denote a point on the manifold.Include the x = 0 points and define equivalence relation :

    (0, y) (1, y)

    for all y (0, 1).

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems13

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Excursion: Flat Moebius Band

    Change the equivalence relation :

    (0, y) (1, 1 y)

    for all y (0, 1).Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems14

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Excursion: Other Flat Manifolds

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems15

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Configuration Space: Obstacle Region

    Given world W, a closed obstacle O W, a closed robot A, and configurationspace C.Let A(q) W denote the placement of the robot into configuration q.The obstacle region Cobs in C is

    Cobs = {q C|A(q) O 6= },

    which is a closed set. The free space Cfree is an open subset of C:

    Cfree = C \ Cobs

    We want to keep the configuration in Cfree at all times!

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems16

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Obstacle Region: Example

    For the case of two links, C = S1 S1, the obstacle region already becomesstrange and complicated!

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems17

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Obstacle Region: Minkowski Sum

    Also known as Convolution.Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems18

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Obstacle Region: Polygonal Obstacles

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems19

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Obstacle Region: Polygonal Obstacles

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems20

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Configuration Space: Planning Problem Revisited

    Given robot A and obstacle models O, C-space C and qI , qG Cfree .

    Compute a path : [0, 1] Cfree so that (0) = qI and (1) = qG .

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems21

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Combinatorial vs. Sampling-Based planning: the two families

    Two families of motion planning algorithms exist:

    Combinatorial Planning (exact planning)

    Sampling-Based-Planning (probabilistic. randomized planning)

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems22

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Completeness Notions

    A planning algorithm may be:

    Complete: If a solution exists, it finds one; otherwise, it reports failure. Semi-complete: If a solution exists, it finds one; otherwise, it may run


    Resolution complete: If a solution exists at a given resolution, it findsone; otherwise, it terminates and reports no solution within this resolutionexists.

    Probabilistically complete: If a solution exists, the probability that it isfound tends to one as the number of iterations tends to infinity.

    Compare with decidability/computability!

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems23

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Combinatorial Planning:

    Mostly developed in the 1980s Explicit construction of Cobs Influence from computational geometry and computational real algebraic


    All algorithms are complete Usuall produce a roadmap in Cfree Extremely efficient for low-dimensional problems but dont scale well for

    higher dimensional problems

    Some are difficult to implement (numerical issues)

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems24

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Combinatorial Planning: Roadmaps

    Combinatorial Planning Methods produce a topological graph G: Each vertex is a configuration q Cfree Each edge is a path : [0, 1] Cfree for which (0) and (1) are vertices.

    A roadmap is a topological graph G with two properties: Accessibility: From anywhere in Cfree it is trivial to compute a path that

    reaches at least one point along any edge in G. Connectivity-preserving: If there exists a path through Cfree from qI toqG , then there must also exist one that travels through G.

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems25

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Combinatorial Planning in a Polygonal Obstacle Region

    Assume that Cobs (and Cfree) are piecewise linear.Could be a point robot among polygonal obstacles.Could be a polygonal, translating robot among polygonal obstacles.This methods tend to extend well to disc robots (e.g. roomba).

    Use clever datastructures to encode vertices, edges, regions.Example: Doubly connected edge list.

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems26

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Combinatorial Planning in a Polygonal Obstacle Region

    We consider four methods:

    Trapezoidal Decomposition Triangulation Maximum Clearance Roadmap (retraction method) Shortest-path roadmap (reduced visibility graph)

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems27

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Combinatorial Planning Algorithms: Trapezoidal Decomposition I

    There are 4 cases:

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems28

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Combinatorial Planning Algorithms: Trapezoidal Decomposition II

    O(n lg n) running time. Easy to implement. Scales to higher dimensions.

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems29

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Combinatorial Planning Algorithms: Triangulation

    O(n2) naive, O(n) optimal, O(n lg n) good tradeoff.

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems30

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Combinatorial Planning Algorithms: Maximum Clearance Roadmap

    Based on deformation retract from topology.Imagine obtaining a skeleton by gradually thinning Cfree .Kind of a generalized Voronoi diagram.

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems31

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Combinatorial Planning Algorithms: Maximum Clearance Roadmap

    Three cases:

    O(n4), O(n lg n) optimal.Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems32

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Combinatorial Planning Algorithms: Shortest Path Roadmap

    Every reflex vertex (internal angle > ) is a roadmap vertex Edges in the roadmap correspond to two cases

    Consecutive reflex vertices Bitanget edges

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems33

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Combinatorial Planning Algorithms: Higher Dimensions

    If C is 3 or more dimensions, most methods do not extend.Optimal path planning for 3D polyhedra is NP-hard.Maximul clearance roadmaps become disconnected in 3D.Exception: Trapezoidal decomposition extends.

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems34

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Sampling-Based Planning

    Explicit construction of the obstacle space is often intractable!

    Use collision detector to separate planning from input geometry Systematically sample (random vs. deterministic) the configuration space Probe for freespace by querying a collision detection algorithm Single-query: Incremental sampling and searching Multiple-query: Precompute a roadmap, then search it for each query

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems35

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Sampling: Denseness

    In topology, a set U is called dense in V if cl(U) = V .Implication: Every open subset of V contains at least one point in U.If U is dense and countable, a dense sequence can be formed:

    : N U

    Example: The rational numbers Q are dense in R.

    Example: A random sequence is dense with probability one.

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems36

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Sampling: Quick refresher of topology

    Let X be a topological space, and U be any subset of X.

    If there exists an open set O1 so that x O1 and O1 U, then x is calledan interior point of U. The set of all such points is denoted int(U).

    If there exists an open set O2 so that x O2 and O1 X \ U, then x iscalled an exterior point of U.

    If x is neither an interior nor an exterior point, it is called a boundary point.The set of all those points is denoted U.

    If x is either an interior or boundary point, its called a limit point of U.The set of all limit points of U is a closed set called the closure of U, and isdenoted by cl(U). Note: cl(U) = int(u) U.

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems37

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Sampling: Deterministic Alternative: The van der Corput sequence

    Halton sequence: For each coordinate, use relatively prime bases. More uniformthan random (which needs O((lg n)1/d) as many samples to produce the sameexpected dispersion.Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems38

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Sampling: Dispersion

    Let P be a finite set of points in metric space (X,).The dispersion of P is:

    (P) = supxX{minpP{(x , p)}}

    In a bounded space, a dense sequence drives the dispersion to zero.

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems39

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Best possible Dispersion: Sukharev theorem

    For any set P of k samples in [0, 1]d :

    (P) 12bk 1d c


    in which is the L dispersion.The best placement of k points:

    Think: points per axis for any sample set. Holding the dispersion fixed requires exponentially many points indimension.Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems40

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Sample-Based Planning: Framework

    Given a single query: qI , qG Cfree.1. Initialization: Form G(V ,E ) with vertices qI , qG and no edges.2. Vertex Selection Method (VSM): Choose a vertex qcur V for


    3. Local Planning Method (LPM): For some qnew Cfree , attempt toconstruct a path s : [0, 1] Cfree so that (0) = qcur and (1) = qnew .

    4. Insert an Edge in the Graph: Insert s into E, as an edge from qcur toqnew . If qnew is not already in V, it is inserted.

    5. Check for a Solution:: Determine whether G encodes a solution path.6. Return to Step 2: Iterate unless a solution has beed found or the

    algorithm reports failure.

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems41

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Sample-Based Planning: Random Tree vs. RRT

    Rather than picking a vertex by chance, pick a configuration at random!

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems42

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Sample-Based Planning: RRT

    Simpe Rapidly Exploring Random Tree:In each step, select a new configuration at random.Extend the nearest vertex (using the metric!) to this random point:

    If there is an obstacle, then stop short:

    If the closest point is an edge, its better to extend from there.

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems43

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Sample-Based Planning: RRT

    Rapidly Exploring Random Trees (RRT) are one variant of Rapidly ExploringDense Trees (RDT), others may use a non-random dense sequence.

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems44

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Sample-Based Planning: RRT

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems45

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Sample-Based Planning: RRT: bi-directional search

    Both trees are extended for each drawn random configuration.The trees are alternated, and the other currently second tree gets extendedusing the configuration that was added to the first.If connected, the solution is found.

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems46

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Sample-Based Planning: RRT

    Grow RRT in the usual way When a new vertex xnew is added, try to connect to other RRT vertices

    within radius .

    Among all paths to the root from xnew , add a new RRT edge only for theshortest one.

    If possible to reduce cost for other vertices within radius by connecting toxnew , then disconnect them from their parents and connect them throughxnew .

    The radius is prescribed through careful percolation theory analysis(related to dispersion)

    RRT yield asymptotically optimal paths through Cfree .

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems47

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Sample-Based Planning: RRT

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems48

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Sample-Based Planning: Bugtraps

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems49

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Sample-Based Planning: Probabilistic Roadmaps (PRM)

    If multiple queries are expected for the same Cfree , building a roadmap may payoff.

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems50

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Sample-Based Planning: PRM - Variants

    Connection Rules:

    Nearest K: The K closest points to (i) are considered. Component K: Try to obtain up to K closest points of each connected

    component of G. Radius: Take all points within a ball of radius r centered at (i). Visibility: Try connecting (i) to all vertices in G.

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems51

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Planning under Differential Constraints

    Due to robot kinematics and dynamics, most systems are locally constrained inaddition to global obstacles.Let q represent the C-space velocity.In ordinary planning, any direction is allowed and the magnitude does notmatter.Thus we could say

    q = u

    and u Rn may be any velocity vector.

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems52

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Planning under Differential Constraints

    More generally, a control system (or state transition equation) constrains thevelocity:

    q = f (q, u)

    and u belongs to some set U (usually bounded).A function u : T U is applied over a time interval T = [0, tf ] and theconfiguration q(t) at time t is given by

    q(t) = q(0) +


    f (q(t ), u(t ))dt .

    in which q(0) is the initial configuration.

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems53

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Planning under Differential Constraints: Dubins Car

    This car drives only forward:

    C = R2 S1.Let u = (us , u) and U = [0, 1] [max , max ].Control system of the form q = f (q, u) :

    x = cos

    y = sin


    tan u

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems54

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Planning under Differential Constraints: Dubins Car

    Stepping forward in the Dubins car:

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems55

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Planning under Differential Constraints: Boundary Value Problems

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems56

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Planning under Differential Constraints: RRT

    For a RRT, just replace the straight line connection with a local planner:

    Problems: need good metrics and primitives!

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems57

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Manipulation Planning

    In most forms of motion planning, the robot is not allowed to touch objects!In manipulation planning, two phases are distinguished:

    Transit mode: The robot moves towards a part. Transfer mode: The robot carries a part.

    Transitions between these phases require specific grasping or stabilityrequirements, otherwise the part would fall out of the gripper when lifting ormove/topple after it is released.

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems58

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Planning in Mobile Manipulation - Our Take

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems59

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Planning in Mobile Manipulation - Our Take

    We distinguish further:

    Base Transit: The base moves to bring the object into reachability of thearms.

    Pregrasp: The gripper is brought into a pose from where it can go straight. Grasping: The gripper goes straight to the grapsing pose and closes. Carry Pose: The object is moved into a specific place close to the robot to

    facilitate navigation.

    Base Transit: The base moves to bring the goal into reachability. Placing: The object is placed at the goal pose. Arm Retract: Similar to the Pregrasp, we move the gripper out in a

    straight way and then park the arm.

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems60

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Practical Considerations: Self Filtering

    Our sensors do not discriminate between the robot and the environment, so wehave to filter out parts of the robot from the sensor data before using it forcollision checking purposes.

    Occluded obstacles may not be seen, so we need some persistancy in ourenvironment model!

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems61

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Practical Considerations: Representation

    Octomaps are used to represent the environment, as they are they have a smallmemory footprint and allow for hierarchical queries.

    Often, we want to encode free space, obstace space and unknown space.Therefore, 2 bits per node are needed.

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems62

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Practical Considerations: Attaching Object Models

    As we use planning for manipulation, we want to be able to plan for trajectorieswhile holding objects.

    Whenever an object is carried, its model gets attached to the robot model.

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems63

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Mobile Manipulation - Inverse Reachability

    Where can i stand when i want to reach pose P with my gripper?

    The precalculated inverse reachability map quickly answers this question.

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems64

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Mobile Manipulation - Inverse Reachability

    Robot pose samples are drawn until a promising one is found.

    Static collision: When placed there, would the robot, the arms collide withthe environment?

    Arm planning: Can we find a trajectory via planning or can we execute thegiven trajectory without collision?

    Note: We sacrifice completeness.

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems65

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Mobile Manipulation - 3D Navigation

    The robot is sliced vertically and convex hulls for each slice are used to speed upcollision checks.We can then use RRT or any other planner as usual.Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems66

  • Department of InformaticsIntelligent Autonomous Systems Technische Universitt Mnchen

    Exam Question

    For an infinite sample sequence : N X , let k denote the first k samples.Find a metric space X Rn and so that:

    1. The dispersion of k is for all k.2. The dispersion of is 0.

    Hint: dont make it too complicated!

    Motion Planning

    Michael BeetzSummer Term 2012

    Technical Cognitive Systems67

    Motion PlanningMotion Planning