mothering sunday · 2016. 3. 5. · mothering sunday the origin of mothering sunday has been traced...

1 PARISH WEEKLY NEWSLETTER 6 MARCH 2016 MOTHERING SUNDAY The origin of Mothering Sunday has been traced to early Christianity in Britain, but was certainly well established by the middle ages as a day to honour Mother Mary. In the 1600s, many children left their homes for jobs as apprentice or domestic servants. It was considered important by the people that these children be allowed to visit their home and mother church once a year. Accordingly, once in a year, in the middle of the Lent, the children were given a leave by their employers to visit their "Mother Church" or Cathedral of their hometown. The children visited their home and families on this holiday, and brought along gifts, flowers and special cakes for their mothers. These visits thus became a time for family reunions and over a period time, this holiday was named Mothering Sunday. From FEBC Australia is a non-profit organisation publicising and promoting global Christian radio broadcasting. FEBC NEWS Praise God for the FEBC International Conference recently held in Bali. Despite many people catching colds and tummy bugs the fellowship with the other Directors was very special. Our theme for this year, “The power of working in unity” concentrated our minds and hearts on sharing resources, procedures, policies and strategies to move forward and efficiently reach many with our broadcasts. This is our ongoing prayer. Shortwave Broadcasts: Pray for FEBC’s shortwave broadcasts that reach several closed countries in Asia. Pray that people will be reached and hearts will be changed as they hear of God’s love that “surpasses all understanding”, filling them with a joy they have never experiences before.

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    MOTHERING SUNDAY The origin of Mothering Sunday has been traced to early Christianity in Britain, but was certainly well established by the middle ages as a day to honour Mother Mary. In the 1600s, many children left their homes for jobs as apprentice or domestic servants. It was considered important by the people that these children be allowed to visit their home and mother church once a year. Accordingly, once in a year, in the middle of the Lent, the children were given a leave by their employers to visit their "Mother Church" or Cathedral of their hometown. The children visited their home and families on this holiday, and brought along gifts, flowers and special cakes for their mothers. These visits thus became a time for family

    reunions and over a period time, this holiday was named Mothering Sunday. From

    FEBC Australia is a non-profit organisation publicising

    and promoting global Christian radio


    FEBC NEWS Praise God for the FEBC International Conference recently held in Bali. Despite many people catching colds and tummy bugs the fellowship with the other Directors was very special. Our theme for this year, “The power of working in unity” concentrated our minds and hearts on sharing resources, procedures, policies and strategies to move forward and efficiently reach many with our broadcasts. This is our ongoing prayer. Shortwave Broadcasts: Pray for FEBC’s shortwave broadcasts that reach several closed countries in Asia. Pray that people will be reached and hearts will be changed as they hear of God’s love that “surpasses all understanding”, filling them with a joy they have never experiences before.

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    Ethnic Minorities: As people-groups spread, due to migration or persecution, FEBC’s International’s ethnic language programs are ever more critical in reaching those who need to hear. Pray that the ministry’s use of “new” mobile technologies to tell of Jesus and His love, will be effective in reaching people around the word. China: Give thanks for capability to reach new ethnic minorities through work being done in South-Western China using reprogrammable SD cards. Lisu people group: This group numbers about 1.1 million, living primarily in Southwest China as well as in Myanmar, Thailand and India. Shortwave radio broadcasts are aired by FEBC International in the Philippines to nurture believers spiritually, and nourish the active Lisu church in China. Praise God that many Lisu have been blessed by the ministry’s broadcasts. Gift radios: In 2011 a group of isolated listeners received radios, thanks to a visit from FEBC people. At the end of 2015 a team crossed mountains and borders to find that these same listeners had carefully treasured their radios wrapped in cloth for the past four years, gently unwrapping them to listen to the half hour SW daily broadcast, then wrapping them again and putting them on the shelf until the next day’s program. The visit bringing more new radios was the cause of much delight and joy. Some listeners go away for several months taking care of the goat herds so the radio is their only pastor. One preacher has written down 600 sermons from the SW programs in his language. Praise the Lord

    for SW radios providing God’s Word of truth and lights in those in isolated places. Korea: After 16 years of prayer, FEBC-Jeonnam, the 12th FEBC station in Korea finally opened its broadcasting station on 28 November 2015. The application had been rejected seven times in the 16 years yet with unceasing prayer and effort the Communication Commission finally gave its approval. Praise God that Jesus Christ will be proclaimed to more than one million people through this station. Ukraine: Pray for Ukrainian soldiers in Lugansk and Donetsk, eastern Ukraine. FEBC International has distributed radios to them so they can listen to the ministry’s broadcasts in the war zone. Pray that God will open their hearts to His Word and that many will commit their lives to Christ. Ukraine is struggling from the terrible scenes of war everywhere. Children have to be careful when playing because of the mines buried in fields and on some roads. FEBC is not only continuing to broadcast, but adapting the ministry to most effectively provide people with what they need: refuge and hope in Jesus Christ. The incredible opportunity to establish a broadcast centre in Kiev will enable FEBC Ukraine to reach every corner of the country, sharing God’s Word with those who are desperate to hear. Pastors, teachers and broadcasters have committed to developing programming to provide help and hope, answer questions and share the path of salvation. Pray that God will provide the funds to establish this broadcast centre

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    which will have an amazing impact on lives of people who tune in. Dmitry from the Ukraine writes: “I’ve been listening to FEBC for more than 2 years. Throughout the war, I felt God was with me. I also felt I became friends with your people who talk about God every morning. Thank you for talking about the family. It’s great to hear that someone else cares about the next generation.” Thank you for committing to pray for the ministry of FEBC. Yours in His service Rev Kevin Keegan National Director JUST IN We just received shocking news from our friends at FEBC Russia and we need your help in prayer. Today they received this notice from the Russian government: Your license to broadcast on AM radio in St. Petersburg and Moscow will not be renewed as of April 16, 2016. Victor Akhterov, director of FEBC Russian Ministries, emailed us this morning. "For more than a decade, these two AM stations have been our primary channels to share the Gospel with a potential audience of more than twenty million men, women, and children in Russia. You have rejoiced with us through the years as millions have responded and shared their life-changing testimonies. Now is the time to pray with us, for the millions more at risk of never hearing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

    Using unofficial channels, we discovered that the pressure comes from particular people at the top, who are highly influential; that’s all I am at liberty to share. We are convinced these forces are specifically targeting FEBC Russia because we are an evangelical organization that reaches so many with the Gospel. Ironically, this news came as we were reviewing our Strategic Plan in Moscow to achieve a gradual switch from AM to FM, online, mobile app and satellite broadcasting over the next three years. Our challenge? This government shutdown will force this 3-year transition to take place in one month." Please pray with us for FEBC Russian Ministries right now:

    For wisdom in condensing a 3-year transition from AM radio to just one month.

    Energy for our staff as additional work is added to their daily tasks.

    For the most effective ways to employ new cell phone apps, satellite and Internet broadcasting.

    For the Lord’s protection from opposing forces in the government.

    If it’s the Lord’s will, for a miracle to renew our AM license on April 16.

    Wisdom in how to continue to work with the government to save at least Moscow and FM stations that could also be affected by this action.

    With Victor, our desire is for God’s will to be done. Above all, we want to be responsive to God’s leading. Please join us in these prayers.

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    The latest BCA Newsletter is out now (see their website This edition features stories such as: STANDING WITH THE COMMUNITY IN ROXBY DOWNS

    BCA Field Staff Mary and Owen Lewis playing at a community event

    BCA has been supporting ministry in mining communities across the country since the 1950s. A continued presence is vital because while the lure of the dollar brings in many people, the isolation can cause loneliness, and redundancies lead to loss of dignity and hope. BCA Field Staff Mary and Owen Lewis have faithfully served the South Australian community of Roxby Downs for six years. This purpose built mining town has some 4500 residents, most of whom work in the mining sector.

    “Ninety per cent of people are connected in some way to BHP Billiton,” says Mary. “It’s a very transitory population; about 20 per cent of the town turn over each year. That makes for a changing ministry – always saying goodbye, always saying hello.” Mary is the Parish Priest at Roxby Downs Community Church. She has developed strong ties with the community and through her ministry looks to raise up servants of the Lord. “I think the potential for a church like this in a small community is very big,” says Roxby Downs Community Church Parishioner Johan van der Merwe. “A lot of the people in the community move here and think the money is going to make them happy but we know that is not the case. So the church has a big part to play. Also being a mining community people lose their jobs, people get fired, we go through redundancies and the church needs to be there to be shoulder to shoulder with the people.”

    PRAYER FOR SCHOOL CHAPLAINS IN ACT MARCH 2016 Ministries are flourishing and partnerships with churches are developing. Keep praying for further growth. We need God to provide labourers, prayer warriors and generous donors to see our ministries in schools make a difference. Hawker College – Peter Malone is thankful for a great start to the year with increased numbers of students coming to the Breakfast Club which is supported by Life Unlimited Church and the Energise group (Christian students from the College). Peter has also established a dedicated prayer

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    room at the College and it is being used by a diverse group of students. Peter has delivered professional learning sessions to staff on Conversations for Life – a suicide prevention program, plus he attended a 2 day sports camp. Pray for continued opportunities to build rapport with students and engage in hopeful conversations. Campbell High – Answer to prayer – Steve Lindner was able to successfully lobby for the overseas student to remain in Australia to complete her education rather than be returned to her home country. Melba High – Sharon Beresford is now supported by Life Unlimited, C3 Monash, plus the Anglican churches of St Paul’s and St Barnabus who are supporting her in bringing Breakfast Clubs, Well-Being programs, EXO days and other projects to the school in 2016. She is no longer alone in ministry and others are praying for her and volunteering too. There is a need for her to spend time on the Copland College Campus each week but time is limited. Pray for financial support to come in to provide 3 more hours each week so she can spend quality time with the College students as well. Theodore Primary – Mary Apikotoa has settled in to the year at the school with lunchtime groups, mentoring opportunities and meeting with small groups to assist in their well-being. The school values her ability to listen, to care and to engage with parents and students in her gentle and kind manner. Pray for her to continue to listen to God and be present to others in her role. Lake Tuggeranong College - Lyndal Rogers has been adjusting to the new College focus

    of positive psychology and continues to provide valued practical and relational support to students who self-refer to her. Pray for the formation of a Christian group again this year spear headed by students and supported by the chaplain. Isabella Plains ECS – Pray for Carolyn Burns who is getting to know the new Principal and settling in to another year of building relationships with students, staff and families. She is looking for new directions this year and focusing on deepening relationships. Pray for wisdom as she spends quality time with others. Wanniassa P-6 – Pray for Christine as she continues her faithful work in the school. She has a strong team of volunteers who come in each week to mentor students. She is also well-respected among the staff team offering a gentle word in season as required. Pray for continued donations to ensure she is able to maintain her hours and ensure the continuation of the newly formed Breakfast Club. Richardson Primary – Christine Murdoch often finds herself being fought over in the staff room as staff ask her to come in to their rooms and assist students who need additional social and emotional support. Continue to pray for her as she discerns where to be each day. Pray for God’s gentle leading as she brings hope and encouragement to staff and students. Hot off the Press - Christine Hosking will also be filling the Stromlo High position which has just become available due to a change in Bel Young's circumstances. Pray for her as she commences next week at the High School.

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    Wednesday evening May 25th is our Living Hope Fundraiser for school chaplaincy - Please put this in your diary and come and let's celebrate what God is doing in local schools. Please pass these prayer notes on to your networks, prayer teams and interested people. We value your interest and support and yes, fruit-pickers are very welcome. Sincerely, Dianne Priest | Director Chaplaincy Services School Chaplaincy ACT [email protected] PO Box 4178 Hawker 2614

    Chaplaincy News from Lake Tuggeranong College February -March 2016 This year the college has a new statement of values: Learn Thrive Connect. I love the fact that wellbeing is embedded right into this value statement; that there is a very deliberate link made between successful academia and a happy, meaningful life. My old tagline “What can I do to help you thrive?” fits right in with the new school focus! ‘College Life’ is the new model of pastoral care- with more year co-ordinators to oversee students and a greater role for student leaders. Positive Psychology is being implemented via the student forum groups. It encompasses positive accomplishment, purpose, relationships, emotions, health and engagement. Great to see spirituality included in positive purpose.

    So what is the chaplain doing? Like many staff, my role has changed. My new supervisor and I are still trying to work out where I fit in the new schema! While this change doesn’t feel like a holiday, it is a chance to rework what I have been doing and build an even stronger chaplaincy service. I would like to work on coaching resilience and conflict management skills. I am continuing with Breakfast Club twice a week, and the Young Carers group has started strong. Youth Homelessness Here is the biggest challenge of the new year- helping students who need long-term safe housing. They are so close to being adults, so fostering is awkward. They don’t have the money to rent on the open market. The reasons for leaving their family home are many and varied. Some parents have been abusive and manipulative. Other times I suspect the young person is being very hard to get on with. How can we help? I have met some ‘angels’ who have taken in homeless young people and have provided a safe and supportive home for a few months or for the long-term. In Canberra, agencies like Barnados, Anglicare and Salvation Army provide youth housing. I would love to see more mediation and conflict resolution services that help parents and young people work through their differences. Maybe it is not possible for the young person to move back in, but creating a harmonious line of communication between parent and child will leave the door open for future relationship.

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    A Birth Certificate While having a birth certificate seems normal to most of us, it is a special dream for Jo. Jo has had to move out of the home of her unstable mother, and now lives in a caravan with her big sister and her boyfriend. Apparently there was always some problem in getting this birth certificate, and now Jo is living away from home, her mother is very unlikely to help. Jo hasn’t seen her dad since she was two, and the fact that birthday and Christmas gifts stopped turning up a few years ago makes her think he died. Even paying the $51 fee seems a hurdle. How can you get a job or register for Centrelink or get a learners license without a birth certificate? And to get a birth certificate you need three separate pieces of ID. Hmm, appears like a Catch 22 situation. I have chosen to focus on helping Jo get her birth certificate as it will open so many other doors for her, and will give her a sense of identity and accomplishment. Maybe this one simple thing will help Jo understand that there are adults who can be trusted and will do their best to help her thrive. Supporting the Chaplaincy Service at LTC I am in the process of rebuilding a Chaplaincy Support Team that specifically looks after Lake Tuggeranong College. If you would like to boost the chaplaincy service, please consider joining this group that meets 4 times per year. And yes, the chaplains need financial donations. The government has not increased its funding for the last 8 years, so meeting expenses such as professional supervision and training just gets harder.

    On the plus side, I am very grateful that the government does provide some chaplaincy funding. And I am also very grateful for a generous gift from Tuggeranong Presbyterian Church that has meant I could provide 3 extra chaplaincy hours per week. That money is coming to an end. Prayer Points

    Thank God for the increased emphasis on student wellbeing at the college. Please pray for staff and student leaders as they work out how to translate the plans into action

    Thank God for the Easter message of hope and restoration of relationships

    Please pray I will use this time of change to improve my chaplaincy service

    Please pray that students who are homeless or feel hopeless will find help that is transformational

    Lyndal Rogers [email protected]

    WEDDING INVITATION Colin Dundon and Jeanette Tunks

    Extend a warm invitation to all their friends to their wedding

    at St Mary in the Valley Anglican Church, Cnr. Webber Crs and Were St., Calwell, ACT

    at 11.00am on Saturday 2 April 2016.

    The service will be followed by morning tea for all our family and friends at St Mary in

    the Valley and we would value your fellowship at that time.

    There is no need to RSVP

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    SERENDIPITY AT KINGDOM KIDS! Kingdom Kids is the after school Christian Club conducted by our parish at Richardson Primary School every Tuesday during school terms. Every term we tell Bible stories, pray, play games, and do craft. We decided to have the theme “Animals of the Bible” this term. Last Sunday at Sunday Kid’s Club we had a lesson based around the gospel reading Luke 13:34 Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it! How often have I desired to gather your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you were not willing! The children seemed to really enjoy this, so we decided to repeat the same lesson for Kingdom Kids (even though we’d planned a different animal story). So there we were with a story about how Jesus loves us like a Mother Hen loves her chicks. On arriving at the school this Tuesday afternoon, the teachers asked us if we’d mind moving from our usual venue to another classroom for the day. Of course we had no problem with this – but then to our great surprise and delight the classroom

    was hosting a small brood of hatching chicks! What a great addition to our story and activities for the day. Our little group was so excited and really enjoyed the entire session! L’ARCHE GENESARET CANBERRA INC. BOARD MEMBERSHIP Would you like to give something back to the Canberra Community? L’Arche in Canberra is a not for profit organisation which supports people with an intellectual disability who live in four community based houses (two with a flat attached) in South Canberra. L’Arche is a charity registered with the Australian Charities and Not for Profits Commission (ACNC), and the Office of Regulatory Services in the ACT, and we are presently seeking new board members to oversee the legal and financial management of the organisation. The board meets once a month (on the 4th Wednesday of the month), and board members often participate in a board sub-committee which meets on an ad-hoc basis. We are particularly seeking a person who would be prepared to take on the role of minute secretary. L’Arche Canberra is part of an international federation of communities, established in 1964 by Jean Vanier in Trosly, France. It is a faith based (ecumenical) group of people with and without intellectual disability living together in community. We strive to support people with intellectual disability to live, work and participate in community life to the greatest degree possible and to make known the gifts that people with intellectual disability bring to the wider community.

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    Would you like to know more? Check us out on the website at or contact Ms Tarlie Alcock (board chair) at [email protected]


    8, 9 and 10 March 4:30-6pm Civic square outside the Legislative Assembly

    Show you care - save our city from this unnecessary, costly and destructive project. Bring your own placard. Further info: [email protected] (We are a collective of ordinary citizens against the tram project)

    WHO ARE YOU? WHO AM I? - Spend an afternoon with the Rev’d Professor Dr Bruce Stevens, Director of the Centre for Ageing

    and Pastoral Studies at St Mark’s, as he assists us to discover who we are! Using knowledge of your family history you can discover more about yourself. We will be helped to use a genogram to map generations of your family to discover emotional and relationship patterns, destructive cycles, and potential strengths that have emerged through your family over the generations. Wednesday 9th March 1.30-4.00pm at St John’s Hall, Reid, Canberra ACT. There is no charge but you must register by Sunday 6 March 2016. Register by telephoning Canon Kevin Stone on 0450 676864 or email [email protected]

    REGENERATION DINNER 2016 Featuring the Idea of North and Clayton Fergie SCRIPTURE UNION ACT

    The Regeneration Dinner is our annual fundraising night where we invite our supporters to host tables of their friends and church members. It’s a fantastic opportunity to hear about SU ACT’s ministry and plans for the future. There’s also top quality entertainment and food. There is no charge to attend but it is a fundraising dinner, so you will be asked to make a donation at the end of the evening to support our important ministry. The Dinner will be held at the Hellenic Club, 1 Matilda Street, Phillip, ACT. Please come along at 6:30pm. The formal part of the evening will finish at 9:30pm.

    SPIRITUAL CARE AUSTRALIA Invitation: ACT Branch Meeting Thursday 10 March 2016 Venue: Hughes Baptist Church -

    Groom Street, Hughes Time: 3.45 pm – 5.45 pm Workshop Presenter: Fethullah Erdogan | Executive Director

    9 MAR

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    10 MAR

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    Bluestar Intercultural Centre - “Mercy in Islam – a pastoral heart”? An exploration of multi-faith opportunities for the pastoral community. Fethullah was born and raised in Turkey. After completing a degree in Chemistry, he devoted himself to teaching. He has taught in several countries including Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and the US before coming to Australia. Prior to joining Bluestar, he worked as the principal at a Sydney primary school for two years. Fethullah has always endeavored to contribute to the community by reaching out and volunteering in numerous non-profit organisations. He is married and has two sons aged 10 and 15. In 2015, Fethullah completed his CPE training at Canberra Hospital. Bluestar Intercultural Centre (BIC) was established with the intention of promoting the harmony of Australia’s diverse cultural values at both the national and international levels and to promote and foster harmonious relations between faith communities in Australian society. The Centre’s premise is that Australia is a nation that comprised of people of different cultural and religious backgrounds. It is thus of utmost importance that interfaith dialogue and cultural relations are enhanced to promote peace and harmony within diverse multi-faith communities in Australia. More concrete efforts must be undertaken to strengthen the social fabric of Australia. As such, interfaith relationships of mutual trust and acceptance are therefore not just desirable accompaniments of dialogue but are necessities that are indispensable for mutual understanding.

    BIC was established by a group of young Australian Muslims in 2009 as a platform bringing together people in the Australian Capital Territory. The founders of BIC see the need for the Muslim community to interact with the greater society and meet the needs of the general public to increase its awareness of the Muslim community, religion and culture. Non members of SCA are welcome - $5 fee. RSVP and Enquiries: Rev. Jean Shannon, Education Committee Convener – 0418 213 073 or [email protected]


    Saturday 12 March at Noon. The Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture, 15

    Blackall Street, Barton ACT Canberra's Irish community invites you to join them at the Ecumenical Service for the Feast of Saint Patrick on Saturday 12 March 2016, 12.00noon-1.00pm, in the Chapel, Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture, 15 Blackall Street, Barton. The Service is organised by the Canberra Friends of Ireland Society. A collection will be taken up to support the peace-building work of the interdenominational Corrymeela Community in Northern Ireland. All Canberra Irish organisations will be participating and representatives from the Anglican, Catholic, and Uniting Churches will lead the prayers. The Address will be given by the Irish-born minister of St Andrews Presbyterian Church, the Rev David Campbell.

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    It is expected that the Embassy of Ireland, the British High Commission and the Papal Nuncio will be represented. Music by the Celtic Choir and traditional Irish musicians. Celebrations continue afterwards with, as the Irish say, a bit of Œcraic i.e. good company and conversation, over light refreshments. Enquiries: Conor Bradley 6251 4838, or Rev Mick O'Donnell 6288 4248


    The Governor-General will attend. Monday 14 March, 11.00am

    The Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture, 15 Blackall Street, Barton ACT


    Wayne Hudson is a Research Professor at the ACC&C and the Public and Contextual Strategic

    Research Centre, CSU. This book contests the standard interpretation of Australian history. It also fills a major gap in the literature, arguing that there was much more religious thought in Australia than historians have imagined and that much of it was interesting and important. The book also challenges the distinction between sacred and secular in Australia. After the launch a panel of experts will discuss whether Australia now needs to understand itself in post-secular terms. Event details: Wednesday 16 March, 6.30pm, The Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture, 15 Blackall Street, Barton ACT

    WUNGAMAA PUBLIC LECTURE The ACC&C and CSU, together with the Wiradjuri Council of Elders and the Wiradjuri

    Christian Development Ministries, sponsor this annual lecture and commemoration to recognise and celebrate the work of Pastor Cec Grant (Wungamaa). The 2016 lecture will be delivered by Pastor Neville Lilley, who has had a long association with the Aboriginal Evangelical Fellowship. The lecture, which will commence at 7.00pm, will be preceded by a commemorative gathering and meal at the ACC&C from 4.30pm. Event details: Friday 18 March, 7.00pm, The Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture, 15 Blackall Street, Barton ACT


    Friday 25 March, 11.00am, The Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture, 15 Blackall Street,

    Barton ACT


    Sunday after lunch to Friday after breakfast. With Susanna Pain. Come rest, play and reflect in the expansiveness of

    our magnificent central desert. Beside ancient red rocks, under giant river gum trees, in the sand, and around open fires we will be silent, move, make art, sing and tell stories that connect us with ourselves, each other and the spirit of the land herself. Immerse yourself… Information and expressions of interest:

    10-15 APR

    14 MAR

    16 MAR

    18 MAR

    25 MAR

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    $950 all inclusive – tuition, materials, food, accommodation, fuel, TLC. 5 nights, 5 days. $100 deposit to secure a place, special rates for locals. Susanna Pain 0418 637 459 [email protected]


    What is this Course About? The Renewing Economics course has two overarching objectives: (1) to encourage

    participants to explore their work as a calling from God and (2) to inspire a vision for bringing Christ’s transformative power to economics and related occupations. To achieve this, the course has a theology component and a spirituality component. Many adult faith programs/seminars focus on renewal of the heart or renewal of the mind. Renewing Economics is a rare opportunity to participate in a course that seeks to do both in this field of work. The course consists of seven sessions of theology/economics and five spirituality sessions. Potential participants should carefully read all the information about the course before registering. Who is this Course For? The course is a short intensive faith formation experience for those Catholics (Christians) working or interested in the field of economics or related occupations. It will appeal to those looking to connect their faith at a deep level with their involvement

    in this field, and who take seriously the biblical truth that we can only establish the Kingdom of God if we are in relationship with Jesus Christ. (cf John 15:5) The course assumes participants will have a knowledge of economics and have not studied Theology at a tertiary level. Who is the Team for this Course? The course is jointly conducted by St Benedict’s Mission Centre and the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture. The theology/economics component will be delivered by Dr Brendan Long BEc (ANU), MLitt (ANU), PhD (Cambridge) Senior Research Fellow at the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture. Brendan is an economist with over two decades of experience in key government agencies (Treasury, Productivity Commission, the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, and the Office of National Assessments) and has held leadership policy roles in national peak organisations in the private and not-for-profit sectors (including Catholic Social Services Australia and National Disability Services). He has also been a senior political adviser for six years to Federal politicians including Simon Crean, Joel Fitzgibbon, Joseph Ludwig and Stephen Conroy. The spirituality component will be conducted by Adrian Wellspring. Adrian is Facilitator Faith and Mission Development at St Benedict’s Mission Centre. He has qualifications in theology (Grad Dip Rel. Studies ACU and Master Theological Studies ACU) and economics (BEc ANU) and is currently studying spirituality at the Sentir College of Graduate Spiritual Formation.

    16 APR - JUN

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    When and Where Is the Course being conducted? The course will be conducted at St. Benedict’s Mission Centre Narrabundah (Jerrabomberra Avenue opposite Narrabundah College). It starts at 9.30am on Saturday 16 April. It will include an Opening Mass and concludes at 12.30 with a light lunch. All other sessions for the course are conducted on Thursday nights (21 April to 23 June) from 7.30 to 9pm. The course finishes on Saturday 2 July with the final lecture by Dr Long at 9.30am followed by a concluding Mass and a light lunch. How is the Course being conducted? It will be conducted through face to face group sessions. The theology component will include book chapters/ articles to be read between sessions. The spirituality component will include material to be given to participants for use in their daily prayer. Registration: Those wishing to register should download and complete the registration form on this website and email it to Adrian Wellspring ([email protected]). Registration closes 5pm 31 March. Cost: $250. A discount rate is available for students and low income earners. For further information please contact Adrian Wellspring.

    2016 LAY MINISTRY CONVENTION The 2016 Lay Ministry Convention with Mike and Sally Breen is called, Listening to Jesus. Mike and Sally are world class leaders

    who will teach and train us to live out the life of the Kingdom of God practically every day.

    Because the Kingdom is so important to all Christians this convention is open to anyone, whether lay or ordained, who is interested in exercising their call in God’s world, the marketplace, family or congregational life more effectively. To register online visit the www.trybooking.comJPPU


    Parish Annual General Meeting Sunday 6 March 2016 (11am)

    Canberra Day Public Holiday Monday 14 March 2016

    “Reel” Church, GODSPELL, Saturday 19 March 2016 (6.30pm)

    Palm Sunday 20 March 2016

    Parish 33rd Birthday cake after both services Palm Sunday 20 March 2016

    Holy Week Services 21-24 March 2016 (7.30pm each day)

    Easter Services

    Easter morning breakfast Sunday 27 March 2016 (8.00am)


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    Wedding Colin Dundon and Jeanette Tunks, Saturday 2 April 2016 (11am)

    School Holidays 9 – 25 April 2016

    Dedication of the Centre for Peace, Justice and Reconciliation, Sunday 10 April 2016 (11am)

    School Holiday Film at Friday Morning Cuppa, 15 April 2016 (10.00am)

    ANZAC Day Monday 25 April 2016

    Fairtrade coffee & chocolate taste testing Saturday 30 April 2016 (10.00am)

    Cathedral Convention 6-7 May 2016

    Ascension service TBA 5 or 8 May 2016

    Bishop’s Dinner. 13 May 2016 (anniversary of our declaration as a special district is early May).

    Pentecost services and Parish Welcome Lunch Sunday 15 May 2016

    Trinity Sunday 22 May 2016

    Clergy Conference 23-27 May 2016

    Breakfast event Saturday 28 May 2016 with speaker Rev’d Susanna Pain (8.30am)

    Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday 13 June 2016

    Wine and Cheese Night – a “winter warmer” Saturday 18 June 2016

    School Holidays 2-17 July 2016

    Indigenous family place walk (celebrating NAIDOC Week) Sunday 3 July 2016 (Noon)

    School Holiday Film at Friday Morning Cuppa, 8 July 2016 (10.00am)

    Patronal Festival & lunch Sunday 14 August 2016

    Clergy Retreat 15-19 August 2016

    High Tea and Vintage Fashion event, Saturday 3 September 2016 (3pm)

    SYNOD 9-11 September 2016

    Breakfast Event with speaker Archdeacon Wayne Brighton, Saturday 17 September 2016 (8.30am)

    School Holidays 24 September to 9 October 2016

    Social Justice Sunday, Connect2Church Sunday and special Parish Welcome Lunch 25 September 2016

    Public Holiday 26 September 2016

    St Michael’s Day Service Thursday 29 September 2016

    Public Holiday 3 October 2016

    School Holiday Film at Friday Morning Cuppa, 7 October 2016 (10.00am)

    Church Picnic at Lanyon Homestead Sunday 23 October 2015 (12.30pm)

    All Saints Sunday and Defence Sunday 6 November 2016

    Community Fair, Saturday 12 November 2016

    Christ the King Sunday 20 November 2016

    Christmas Decorating Friday 25 November 2016 (6.30pm)

    First Advent Sunday 27 November 2015

    Volunteers’ Thankyou event Sunday 4 December 2016

    Sunday Kid’s Club presentations Sunday 11 December 2016

    Calwell Community Carols Friday 16 December 2016

    Parish Centre Anniversary BBQ and Christmas Carols Service Sunday 18 December 2016

    ALSO CHECK REGULAR SCHEDULED EVENTS (SEE PEW SHEET) Would you like to book in an event? Please fill out an Event Risk Management Declaration Form (to be found under the health & safety notice board) & it will go to Parish Council for approval

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