mother mary 6 b.c.- 90 a.d

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  • 8/9/2019 Mother Mary 6 B.C.- 90 a.D.


    E_rilTllE BELI+}TA].D P ACH* \\re beliel'e,rhat Ctrrist rvas in the beginrring rn Codas God..I1re5pirit *f God {G,'n, 1:3: Joha 1:1-17;' The Nable'Eoran 4:171j\** We believe Jesus Chiis: is the Son of God and irrcar-nated into rhe flesh oi a \Ian as ilari1'Eloheecr"Angles",can dc,b3' God's permission.

    ' * We belier e thal \-ou oet the tme meanine olthe q'ordof GoC b1' knori ing-the ianguage God ievealed it in(lCoriathians 14). -r' \,r, e beliei e all hare sinned and come shon of thegi"+ .t C"A ina ui" ln n"ea of salvation.* We believe saivation has been provided through. Jesus Ckist for all the Lost Sheep of Israel.(Luke l9:9-i0; I Thessalonians 5:9)* We believe it is the will of God that every believer. be filled rvith the Holy Spirit and of the Floly Seed= of the two \\:omen EG and Mary.* \\:e believe that Jesus' eospel is the red letters orblood of cur Bible andthi lbundation ol our salr a-tion. All others are mere euidance and help iLukell : 1 9-20:\lark 1 1 :22-21j1' '< We belierie the St'na:rgue -'Cll,iii''' co;lsist ol:r!lt[;se who have r'eceit.? Jesot Christ as theirpersonai Saviour.* \{;e believe there shall be a bodilv resurrection ofthetust and the uniust, a Raplure of 144,000 then al!ihose who accept (Rev. [4:3: Rev. 7:9-10')* \\ie belier.e in baptism bV Frre antl the Holy Ghostr\ianheu l:l I ) dnd coniirmed in (Acts l:i-4).OUR FORI{ Of 1YORSHIP

    Why do ne clap our hands?"O clao vour hands. tll ve people: shoul unto God with thevoice of tiumph:" (Psalm 47:l)@', '1r7'-'7tot will I bless thee whlle I'lite: I will lift ap my hands in

    -f II -.rOl.rc fAdy OI Fnrimpr

    */4J*l'ffiawd;rwt & Y*{/uyJ




    ilty natne ". (Ps alm 6 3 : 4)

    'eed B.aptist Syltagogueqne,;,($7,$) 715.8416

  • 8/9/2019 Mother Mary 6 B.C.- 90 a.D.


    Rahi:Msluchi ZoilokYork-EIHas been teaching since 1967.\.D. and has cor eied mauv top-ic. in the tbrm of books.'parir-phlets and u orks, to uplilt a lor-lonen oeoole. Tribe of iudahGod's drin'people."And I will give yoil p&storsucrording to tninc heart, whicltshall fee:d you with knowledgenntl indeistsrtdittg. And I willset un shenlterdi over thcutwh it'fr sh alt feed th enr. "Jerenialt 3:15 & 23:4

    Our Rabi has traveled the rvorld and has studied inUniversities in Eg1'pt. Sudan. and America. He is a specialist inAncient Semitic Ianguages and translation. He rvas born June26. 19J5 A.D. to -{s Sar r:id.{l Haadi -{bdur Rahman Al }Iahdiof \ubia. Sudan and ]Iarr C. \brk "tmm Faatintah" ofAmerica. He is a d1'namic ipeaker and has follo*ers uorld-rride. His message is simple. \bu are not \egroes or -\fric;rn-{.mericans. \bu are The Lost Sheep of the House of Israel. TheTribe Of Judah. Blacks are Original Hebrelvs, the Israelites.You are elsc Ishrnaelitcs anC Midianites. Muhammad theArabian Prophet rvas also of the tribe of Kedar from BenKenaan. n'ho xere \egroes. \ubian Islamic Hebre*s. TheOrientals and Asians are the Edomites. The CaucasignrEuropeans are the Canaanites, Blacks are also the OriginaiSumerians and Egiptians. Blacks have an endless histon'where all other raEei have a birth date record. Blacks ha.'ebeen deprived of the true knolvledge of self and the greatthings that thel as Bane Eloheem 'iChildren of God" haveaccomplished during the course of time, Simply because theldon't Llo* that thev are in fact the seed of the\\'oman. "Eve.Haxnah" through'Seth. God's otn touch (Gen -1:25). Therare the heirs to the kingdon of God (Galations 3:29: James2:5) through his own spirit and rord. Lord Jesus the Chrisr.whose reainame is Yahshua Bar lhhn'eh. the Sariour son ofThe Living God. This is his message. The gathering of TheLost Sheep.

    The VisionThis vision inccrporated believers. alloling The Holl- Spilit(Acts 2:1-11 to displal' th attributes of Ha \Iashiakh The&Iessiah (John 1:.lI) through er er1' believer. touching lives rvitheach believer's spbere ofinfluence. with divine love. peace. andjor, "til we aII come into the unitl- of the faith."

    Mary daughterof Joachim & Anna(6 B.C.-e0 A.D.)You can find both of Mary'sparents mentioned in theSmifh'r Rihle Dictionaryunder the title "\'Iarr T1...\-irgin" uhere it iitenrrc;ts herchildhood. It re11s you thatJoachim (Yehoiakim) andHanna ttAnna" rvere bolh ofthe same race as Dat-id (Ruth4:7), who u,as a \egro ol theIsraelite Tribe of Judah, llaryis ilrst mentioned in the Bookof \Iattherv i:16, as Josephbeing her husband, called inGreekAner (ayspl and means"a mln, mule, .fello',t' or hus-bttnd " .Marl' lho is also klou'n asOur Ladv Of Fatima is men-troned in the Ilrh chaprer rrrthe book of Rerelation. u rir-ten by John son of Zebedee,Jesus' treloved disciple in theabout a uonran having a cro\\n(Revelation 2l:17 on her head.Revelution 2l:12

    Ques: \\ho was llarv?A4sr- &Iary ffY.|f1) {6B.C;-90 A,D.)was the daughter olJoachim (c1o)CaaE4/) 62B.C-29 A.D.) and Hannah,(Anna) 46 B.C..7A.D.)- Joachimis called Imraan (slr*) in The'.Noble Korun 66:12 v,ho theson of Matthan, Nlary uas borlin Nazareth in 6 B.C. Both of herparents u.ere of the tritre ofJudah; lahuda (il Y-AV\Y.)"Judah". lrho rvas the tbruth sonof \"acov tflle

  • 8/9/2019 Mother Mary 6 B.C.- 90 a.D.


    Tlis is also s1'mbolic of the futurisric Mary or the Mary whon'il1 give birrh to the one refesed tc as Jesus AI Masih, which\1as the lnd l,.irth of Jesus: (Rev. 12:l-2) ':And there appeareda gtetlt ttoildet in heot'en; o Niotit{;it clothed witll'the sun, andlhe nroott under her.feet. and upon her head a crown of twelvestars; .4nd slrc hefug v'ith child cried. tavailittg in b:irth, andptrined to be delitered. " Travailing in binh is also mentioned inJohn l6:19-33Revelation 21. John 1J. t5 and 16 speak about the futureJesus. the one The \oble Koran says in 4:171-172 will retum" 17I -Oh funih of the scriplures (from Atlant to Muhammad,tltn to Jesus), clo not overstep your religion, and do nol savthings about God other than what is the truth. Verily, thef,,tessiah Jestts, son qf Mary, is a messenger rd God, and God'so)tt1 w*ord, tvhich He co:nveyed to Mary; and Jesus is also a soul"spirit";finm God. So believe in Cocl unJ His mcssertgers, anddonl say- 'three' ,-erib, it is better.for yott. l/erily, becatrse Gotlis one God. Glon' be to him, lJ1ol thet'e can erist ;fbr Hint ablood son. For Hirn is thctl is in the Heat'ens above and tlteplanet Earth, antl Gotl is encruglt as cut ath'octtle. lDetr 11.1,l2.3l,lstt 1.\.16. flrk ll;]2, Ront 5:). Ront 11.::. I 'lolttt 5.7)l1l. The Jlesslalt cloes trnt see Jtimself as so high att:l rtti':itttthat he skould not be o sen'.utf o-f God, ttor tlo lhe Heotenl'Host who are lhe closest to God, And w-hoever .sees himsel;f toohiglt und rnigit4 fnr his sol i, v. ant] i: frrll rtf 1t1'idg. lte tltullgather tltent all logetherunro ltimse(." (Pro ll.l2, 13.10, Jerl3;r, I Tim -1.6,.Lct l0:38). The |ioble Koran sct.ts in 1:l7l-172 that Jesus will return and that all fuItrslims u'ho are alsopeople oJ rhe book, Ahlil Kitaab (ut;91 ,lat), as The NobleKoran describes them, must accept, that is, believe by way ofHinr l.Iesus) before they die (Korun 1:159 " And verily, fronttlte .ftwtilv ol rJrc .,rtrithn'e'ont AJattr to lthrhantrnrtcl) lhere isnot ailron. th;tr sJtouitl ttctl heliete b.r'trcn' of him (Jesus) beforehe dies. and tlte tlot o-f resurrection he tJesus) tt'ill be a r:ilnessoter thetil, '7 and that He {Jesus) u il1 reruru to teil then-r He didnot say to worship Him and His mother \{ary as nro Gods:lKoran 5:116 "And wken God asked: "Oh Jesus son (Ibnt o./Mary! Dicl you err sa! to lhe people 'Take rne and my molheras twa gods (elaahain) besides God'l He said: 'Glory be to yott!It is not in ,ne lo suy' a thing I have no right to say abtxi lhetruth. If I Had said so 1,otr would have known. Yott kttott' tt ha!is in me, and I clonT know v'har is in yott. Vetilr. lotr knott vhatis trnseen.''] but that Jesus said, l\rorship God in spirit (Johrt4:23-24,): and that there is only one God. Jesus Christ says thishimsdlf.The Book of Revelation 12:6 states "Ancl the -,toruan (Man')flecl into the wilderness, v'here she hath a place prepared ofGod, that they should feed her there at:'thousand tv'o hmdredand thrcetaafe.#43'r. " This is not the sarlle as Luke 2:7, whichsays. " ...and lai,! ltim (Jesus) in a manger (stall t; bccattse thcrelt',us no for them in the inn. " And the Greek word fbrmangir'ls fhatne (fat'-nay), meaning "mcfiger slal/. " Also inMatthew|2il!.,{And when.lhe9i were came into |he.htnrse, the":iaw the,rhuls;$ni4,1uitn Mary'his mather, ...) and in Matthew

    2:16 Jesus was alu.ays folnd iri,q.jde, not Jut:'in the wildemessor under a date palm iree. The :binh ol Jesus, fhe Christ of 2000yea$ agor JunJ26,7A.l- is in.Matthew 2:l Qiow when Jesttswas bont in Bethlehem ofJudaea in the days of Herod the king,behold, there came **ise tnen fTom the eas! to Jentsalem.) butRevelation l2:,6,says the woman was ih the desert, a wilder-ness t'and the woman fleJ inro the wiltlernets...l and this iswhat The Noble Koran.says in 19:22, [So rhen slte had givenbifik ta him, slie withdrew with ltim to a remote place far olf ftnthe *-ilderness)J. So The Notrle Koran is speaking about thesecond coming of Jesus, as the Masih. one to wipe away all thesin of this -"r.or1d and bring in a neq'rvorld (Revelation 2I:1-2.)Mary', The Blessed Nlother of Our Lord And Saviour JesusChrist (Mstthett 1:18) resided in Nazareth u'ith her parentsuntil she was rnanied. The name llar-v (?)(l4I) in ancienrHebrerv (Galilean) means "rebelllon". This is talkrne alroutNumbers 12:10, vhere Miriam and Aaron rebelled againstGod's larv when Moses took an Ethiopian r'vife, a Cushite.God cursed Miriam, Moses' sister and tumed her leper white.This is where the name Mary gets its meaning. Mary's nameis spelled Maryam (3r-4) meaning "belovetl" in The NobleKoran 19:I and Miriam (78'lE)f"7) in the Hebrew tongue''. i-iich is translated as "their rebellion or rebellious", There isa rr'lro1e Chapter l9 tSuratu'l \{aryam) of The \oble Korarrdedicated to Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ.

    Map of Nazareth a city of Galileehometown of Nlary mother of Jesus

    Quesr What race was Mary?Ans: Mary and her parenls were ol the tribe of Judah, of theHouse of David, which is where the pure Black seed or whereNegro's stemmed from. Nowadays this has been proven byD.N.A. tesring of a tribe in Alrica like the Lemba ancl theMalachites trib. prou.n to be the original Hebrews. We arerightly called the Lost Sheep Of The House O{::Israel(Matthew 10:6, 15;24); Tribe Qf Judah, calied the'Tents OfJudah (Zechariah t 2:7). The Holy Seed as mentioned in E:ra


  • 8/9/2019 Mother Mary 6 B.C.- 90 a.D.


    9:2, "For lhqt fucay. taken of their:dattgliers for themselv*es,and for theiT sotls: so that the,'hol1; seed have mingled ihetn-selves n,ith the peopLe. of tlirise lancls: yec, the htrnd of iheprinces and ruler.s hath becn chief in rlris trcspas.r. " Mary wasa dark-brown rvoman rvith olir e-tolled skrn and darh eyes.Mary, rvho was also called "The Virgin llarl'," was no doubta Negro of the Tribe Of Judah and the lineage of David(Psalms 132:11, Luke I:32). Her genealogy is given in theBook of Luke u hich l'as rvntten by Luke in the year 58 A.D.Luke l'as a Slrian "Gleek" Goyim "Gentiler" a personalphvsician and companion olPaul (10 A.D.-67 A.D.).Ques: Why was Mary so special?Ans: Mary rvas a special child because hel parents Joachimand Hannah thought they r.rould never have achild. due to thefact that her mother was balren. However, God had anotherp1an. They u,ere grateful to the Almighty God for blessingthem u.ith a child at a time l'hen thel'thoright the-v would ner.erhave one. Thus thel' r on'ed that \Iarl u ould be siven unto tlieserrrce ol God, (The )'oble Korun 3:35-361. "35. IIhen n,'otnan (Hunrrat o-l',ltrrttnr tseetlt sttiJ; Loiri.' Iatih. l itn'et,ot+ed ro fbu that v,hich is in stonruch (Jlcrt1,1, to be dedicatedit service to You. So, accepted"om me. Verily, you are TheSeeing. The Knov'ing.'(Rtth l:Il, Luke l:11,John 18.4, t9.1,\,I3.3 t 36. So. *hen sJte (Hawtct) deliveretl slte saicl, 'Lerrh.,Lord I lttne clelivetecl tt Jbntule; but Gocl knet that v,hat shedelivered u^as good; And the male gender is nol tJte sante os the

    .fbtnale genc{er. And I have nametl her Mary antl placed her anJ..., .,,.I ttt,tlct' t ottt' pt'nIet tit)'ottt thc Jeyil; "llar1 oreir up in a snra11 tou'n in the hill country of Galilee in\onhem Palestine. ,{s an int'anr. \Iarv n'as taken b1' hermother to the high priest at the Temple rn Jerusalem and pre-

    "Yaha1ya" The T,ord. No one hadaccess to Mary. Here. she uouldbe taught many thlrgs. On someoccasions. Zechariah r.l ouldbring Mary lood. houerer. sheuas already supplied riith nour-ishing nreals. This u as surprisingto Zechariah, considering no oneirad access to her chambers buthimselt-. He inquired of Mar1. asto rvhere the food came flom andshe replied: "fiom Elyon El The\lost High. sirrelr Cod qi\es ton'lronr he pleases" (The .\-obleKoran 3:371. So \lar1' uasbeine prepared tioln rhe ag: t l J)'ears. .+ months. and -1 dar s tobeal the special child JesusChrist, Mary remained at thetemple until she was 12 years o1d,

    then she had her Bat Mitsvah.\\'hen Zechalial-r heard Man's uords rnd sas the things thatg'ere betirre l-rer. His t:rith ano His oravels !'elal:r: i1':.r-3r .--God (The i\oble Koran 3:38). Zechariah even pra)'ed ro Godto perform a miracle on His behalf. The miracle was to blessHim u'ith a son, regardless ofhis age (Lnke I:13-15).Zechariah u'as 120 1'ears olageat the time of the birth of JohnThe Baptist (6 A.D. -36 A.D.,the herald of Jesus) and HisWife Elizabeth rvas 39 yearsol' age. ll u as not Zechariahwho impregnated his wife,Elizabeth. as most translatorsof the Bible x'ou1d have vonbelieve. No. it u'as the HollGhostl Elizabeth barenand God opened her n'omb. Soshe could bear this special child(Luke I:13).l\{ary is the mother of JesusChrist (lcls 1:14), and thewife of Joseph the carpenter,the steplather ol Jesus(Matthew 13:55, John I:,tS).

    Elizabeth.(33 B.C.-l6 A.D.)wife of Zechariah

    sented as a chrld dedicaredto the Heavenly Father'.Zecbariah (born ll4B.C.), (The Noble Koran3:37-38), was the brotherof Hannah (Anna). andwas also a higi priest al1erthe Order of \lelchizedek"Temple of Kohane priest:and he u,as chosen by Godto care for her while in theTemple.At the age ol 4 years, 4months and lour days.Mary vvas taken byZechariah into the Templelor consecration to ourHeavenly Father, Yahrieh

    Zechariah(144 B.C.-7 A.D)son rif8erechiah

    John the Baptist(6 A.D.-36 A.D.)son of Zeehari*h& Eliz*beth

    Joseph, meaning, "let him adtl," was the son of Jacob(Muihew t:16) and Hadhbith. Mary rias an Israelite whogave bidh to Jesus Christ in the city of Bethlehem of Judea"citt, of fesh (bfeutl)'. Mary only had one child'of her ownhou'evet; her husband Joseph had seven children by his previ-ous wife Halsa, who passed befole his mamiag6r to fr,larv.4

  • 8/9/2019 Mother Mary 6 B.C.- 90 a.D.


    Joseph.husband of Mary(39 B.C.-29 A.D.)ly took the children so Josephonn. He *'as lilins bv hins,-lf

    Ques: Who lvas Joseph?Ans: Joseph \\ as a carpenterb1 trdde. Vary's husbandJo.eph (39 B.C.-29 A.D.) wa:also of the Tribe Of Judah andof the linease of David (Psubns132:11, Luke 1:32). losephu as nrarried Lo Vaq. the nroth-er of Jesus Christ. He was theadopted lather of Jesus. Josephlrred u ith his first wile Halsauntil she died ol Malaria in herlast childbirth. Halsa bore himseven children; four sons by thenames ol James, Joses.Simeon, Judas and threedaughters by the names o1'Salome. Martha and Estert llutrlter /Jr5r). Hrlsa's larnr-1eft to go make a living on hisnear \1a4's tan-ril1.

    Because Joseph and Mary were descended fiorr the line ofIsrael. they both fbllowed the larvs of Moses- Joseph r,'as adescendant i}om Jacob (lsrael) (Muttlteu' l:16) son of Isaac,thrrd son of Le'r'i. Thus, he a Levite u'ho rvas a priestamongst the Levitical priests. Also, calied Kohanien.\lan'. on the other hand, descended liom the Tribe of Judah.S's \\,,ij tu.r-. L \r re' rtltcle Zechariah. son ol'Yonakhir, uhou as also a high priest alter the Order ofllelchizedek. Josephand }Iarl lere both learnt in the lari's of ,\Ioses. Zechariahreceived a sign tiom God that Joseph was tc be lrer husbar-rd.thus the engagement (betrothal) of Joseph and Marv took p1ace.Ques: How did Joseph and Mary meet?Ans: lt all started in a little tora.n in the hill country of Galileein northem Palestine u'here Mary and Joseph both uere of thehouse of Israel. They rnet, courted and finally rnan'ied.Mary and her family lived up on a hill and Joseph lived at thebottom of the hill. Joseph would see Mary almost everyday asshe passed by his house on her way to the well. He greeted herand her eyes would smile in retutrr. Later on, he would some-times help her carry \\ater up on the hill. and lhey wouldengage in small cqnversation. This was the seed planted for thelater blossoming of a beautiful courtship. On her leaming thathe lived alone" Mary began to bring him dates and other lood.Eventually, this became a daily chore that rhey both enjoyed.Now Joseph:'had a friend named Barsabas, Barsabas was a

    rebel of the house,of, David who.,chose violeirce as a means toovedhrow the establishment. He:was a follow6r of Jesus Justus.Colossians 4:11. "And Jesus, tihiih;is c-allecl Justus. u'ho arc ofthe circumcision. These only are my' .fello*iworkers unto lltekingclttm qf Cod. nhich hotc,been a cumfort unto me. " Tlris isPaul's companion and,friend whom he'got the image of hisJesus from as mentioned in 2 Corinthians 11:4, (in part) "Forif he that cometh preacheth anotltet' Je.sus...1 The Jesus thatPaul followed is Simon called Bariesus mentioned in ActsI3:6 "And v:hen the! hacl gane through the isle unto Paphos.they.fotttd a certain sorcercr. a.false prophel, a Jett, v,Jtoseneme was Barjesu.s: " Paul rl.ould have meetings and preach in.lustus'house after he *'ould leave tl-re synagogue. Also, in..lcls18:7, it says. "And he deltarlecl lhence. antl entered into rt cer-lain man's house, nctrned Justu.s. one that vctrs/tiStped Got{.v'hose house.joined hartl to the srnagogue. " These team olner.rname11'Paul, Barsabas. Silas and Juslus u'ere rebels against theteachings of Our Lord and Saliour Jesus Christ. Accordins toOnline Bible, Justus is described as, "lr.rtus is u JerrisJtChrislicut, calletl Je.sus, Punl's only fellow-labourer qt Rome.v-here he v,rote his Epistle to the Colo,ssians. And this Justusbecame known as stated in Acts I:23, ",4.nd thelappoinled lwo, Joseph callecll Bursubas. wJto v'as surnuntedJttst:ts. o':.1 \ l,rt tltiLtt

    ZeusJa Zeus(Jesus)Catholic St. Germane Jesus JustusChristian a Christian Paul's CompaionJesus Saint and Friend


    \otice hori these .Iesr:s' are depictedas Ihc appcdrJlt!'c tSt. C;rntrr'e.Paul eot the name Jesus tiom theCreek god Zeus.He tried io persuade Joseph to becomea rebel. a zealot because ofhis lineage.Since Joseph was ol'the house olDavid from Judah, he would impressthe population and ele'vate the groupin the sight of the Sanhedrin:who wereJudahites. For they wouid not listen toBarsabas. because he was considereda common criminal, a Centile mixedseed.

    Paul the l3th selfappointed Apostle(10 A.D.-67 A.D.)One dayr Barsabas came.,to see Josephwhen Mary uas visiting Joseph and had brougfit him sorne


  • 8/9/2019 Mother Mary 6 B.C.- 90 a.D.


    dates. Mary hal,ih.r'veil otf.and:Barsibas saw her face.Barsabas was aiirazed at her beaufy, for she had dark brgwnolive-toned skin with tiXack e-ves'and thiek black u'ooliy hair''Asa result ofBarsabaslsieing herface, he told Joseph that ifhe didnot marry her soon, he (Barsabas) 'r'ould. This made Josephrealize horl' much he loved !1a4. He mshed to ask her fatheqJoachim, for her hand in rnarriage. The n-ran to marry Maryhad to plesent rods. Joseph's rod sprouted and produced a dovethat leieveryone kno*'that -toseph rvas chosen as her husband.When Josepli came to Mary's house she had to leave the room1br thi' \\ as ille manner ol all Hebreu' \\omen. Her mother'hor'erer, could remain in the room ''rilh the nten because she;;; ii;';s;';i;16;;;i's. H";; in that ti're were*ua.'*irtt on."lu.g. roorn. The ileeping quarters were like aloft place near the:top of the room, so Mary could still hearwhai was going on concerning her marriage to Josepli' Marylistened ur-.rr"ryon. talked. She, possessing a beautifirl voicervould laugh rvith a soft cooing sound.llarl' ri'as connected by maniage (related) tc Elizabeth rvhorras of the lineage of -{aron (Luke 1:36), the Kohanin(Cohaneen) tvhile she resided at \azareth uith her parentsBefore she became the :r'il'e of Joseph, the angel Gabrielannounced to her that she was to be the mother of the promisedMessiah lalre I:35 "And the cmgel ans*^erecl and said ttnlo herThe Hah Ghosl sJnll colne 1!po/1 :hee, rntcl l|rc power of theHighesr sltoll otetshadox'rhee; tlrcrqfore ctlso thal holy thittgv,hich shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God."After this she went to visit her cousin Elizabeth, who u''as liv-ing u'ith her husband Zacharias at Juttah (Joshaa 15:552I:16\ neaning "stretchetl out, exlended", a Levitical cirr- inthe hiil-country: of Judah in the neighborhood of Maon andCarmel. Tl-re modem nat-ue tbr Juttah is 'Yutta', a place 5 1/2miles south of Hebron. Zachariah and Elizabeth were at a con-siderable distance, 100 miles, from Nazareih. lmmediatelr' onentering the house, Mary was saluted by Elizabeth as the noth-er of her Lord, and then fofih with, gave utterance to her hymnof thanksgiving (Luke 1:46-56, Samuel 2:1-10).

    , Qrres: When was ,the marriage of Mary and Josephannounced? .Ans: The marriage of Mary ar-rd Joseph was announced at thenext Sabbath, in the Synagogue, and was to take place at alatetdate. This was the betrothal of ancient law. They were consid-ered iiraniEd although the ceremony had not yet taken place' Itwas during ihis'time that the angel 6abriel, who stands in thepresence of ,God (Luke 1 : l9), came to Mary.,ds a youqwor:lran, Mary was found tith child of the HolyGhost (Matthew I:18).Quesi...Irtiy..w*s Vlary called tbe Bleqsed.' Mother?Arrs: gifore, born, Mary knew that her soul was mag-nifled;ACioftfa'la Luke 7,::4fu481it says' "And Maw said' M.,-

    '8: :t :,,i . i "rialr'!ii..!i-

    i,-i : t ,- ,, . ,l

    soul tlotl't nmgnif:'tlte.J ord, 47 t4nd my spiri! hath'rejoi6ed inGod rny Saviout". 48 For He haL 'regarded,the low estate oJ Hishcndmai den : fo r' b e lt o Id fro m;lienc efof.t li,@_gsructg!i0t$_E!U!!call me blessed"(Luke 1:46-50): ': .. ,,:,'.1This is'.nhy she;is called the{ot}ier;'for she wouldbear the Child O God;:a Savipur to his own people, The TritreOf Judah, The Lirst Shpg,p'Of T.he House Of Israel only(Malthew 15:24). He.wouldbehonoured bo& in this rvorld andin the :worid to come as stated in The Noble Korcn 3:15,."Wen the HeavenlT' Ho.sts said. 'Oh )Iut1'! Verily. God givesyou the good tidings b1'v'at, of a trlbrd-fi"om Hbn (Jesus Christthe word of Godl; his natne shall be lhe saviout'son of ,\'{ary:(lhe Messiah Jesus), glori/iecl in thi.s ttorlcl ctitl ot tlr erul anc!he is of those who is necn'est ro Gotl. Biblicai cross reliencesto this Koranic quote can be lbrind inJoltn 1:I-LJ. Luk l:31,2:10,21, Rom 10:15, Mnt l:21-25, Luke I:31, Joltn 3:3J--16,17:1, 20:31, Acts 3:6, 1:10, I Cor l:lA, Eph 5:20, and Phil2:10-11.Mary and Joseph at this time had no children of their on'n: andat the time Mary, being with child, was hard for Joseph to dealwith. So when Mary conceived she went to live with Zechariah:ri'l 1-rer cousin Elizabeth. rvho was six months presnant. 1br she;t.[ed that hel iamiLr \\ LrLlid n(,1 O\erstand tite cr:-c:.::::s:,..::::..un'or,inding her pregnancy. Most of ali. .Ioseph u'ouid sunerbecause until this time he had not knorvn her sexually.Elizabctlr or erstood the burdens ol Mary's pregnancy and wel-comed her. Afier three months. Mary returned to Nazareth toher own home. Then Joseph retumed to his home tj'om build-ing houses to matr]'tire \irgin to rr'hon he u'as betrothed andiinding her with child. he resolved to put her away privity. Hethought that she might have been unfaithful to him and he won-dered it'it was Barsabas. since he aluays rvanted her lor hiswife, rvho made her pregnant. However. Joseph uas u'arned ina dleam (Matthew 1 : I 8-2 5) of her conditior.r,He relinquished his purpose and took her trr lis hoils:. Thls isu'hen an Angel ol God appeare d t.r Joseph :rud iolo hlr ihal ti:child that \Ian'u'as to bear rras a chrld r'ri tl-ie Holr Ghtr:i(Mattlrcw I:20).Ques: When did }Iarl' give birth to Jesus?.{ns: The Most High God loLrnd it larourable to serrd the HolyGhost Gabriel (Luke 1:26) to tell Mary that she was chosenabove all other women on the eadh to bear a Messiah"Seviour" andthat his name *'ould be called Jesus,'fZake 1:31,Mutthew 1:21),. : ,11s is called Yashu'a ',,Biif , Miriamtla x.?vv 1y-li' nx-:'Ex7) ir ancierrt t+ebrew or asthe Muslims say in AshuriclSyriac Arabic, Isa lbn Maryam(e..-r^ o.l ,-r1.). He rvas to be a Saviour to his own people, TheTribe Of Judah, The Lost Sheep Of The House Of Israel. lieonly came for his orvn blood seid lsraelites and in particularthe black seed, the holy seed of the Tribe of Judah(MalthewI 5 : 21, I,!l : 5-6, John 1 : 1 1, Elra : 9 :2, Isaiah, 61!,; ;Zeqhat;ishl1:21).


  • 8/9/2019 Mother Mary 6 B.C.- 90 a.D.


    Ques: So Mary wasnlt the only one that N'as filled with theHolr Ghost?.{ns: Not only did rhe angel Cabriel corne to \4ary in the NeuTestament, bui he alio caLe to Elizabeth g'ho rvas barren andwas not able to give birth. So Zechariah pra.ved to The MostHigh to perform a miracle. and that s'as to bless him rvth a sonby his wife Elizabeth. Zechariah's pralers l'ere attsu'ered andElizabeth conceived Ouke 1:13-15) as mentloned earlier. Sothis recognizes the lact that John the Baptist. son ofElizabeth,vu'as also concerved of the Holy Chost. When Isaac, son of-{braham and Sarah, rvas to be bom. an angel came to Sarahand iold her that she *'ould have a child (Genesis 18:10) andtl.ris has happened many other times in the Bible. And even Sethrvas a holr' seed as tbund in Genesis 4:25, "And Adam knew hisv,i.fs again; and she bare a srttt, ancl called hit nume Seth: ForGod, saitl she, hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel,*n"* i"ii ti""t " f-oot at rvhat God said, "..she hath appoirtt-ed me (Goill anotlter seed..."Ilary the mother of Jesus and her betrothed l'usband Joseph,rraveling br an ass or donker. \1 ere otl tl-Letr liav to Bethlehenrri hen she gave birrh to .Te:us ol 1000 ] ears ago. Thel had to goto Bethlehem lor the census taktng. llary s'as six months preg-nant at the start of their joumey from Nazareth, the home oftheir grandparents to Bethlehem, the site of their tribe. rvhichis -0 miles. This trip s'as a long hard one across mountains anddesen land. By the time thel reached the outskirts olBethlehem, Mary was well into labor pains of birth. We mustremember that Mary was only 13 years of age at the time of thebilth of Jesus. Although she 'nvas prepared physically to givebirth to this special chi1d" mentally she sti11 *'as a little gir1. Butb1' Israelite Larr r ou are gro\\'n at age 1 3. after your Bar or BatMitsvah. Our Healenlr Father made sut'e that Mary had lbodand drink during her time ol labor,After the child Jesus lvas born on, June 26,7 A.D' Joseph,Mary and the c.hild went into a cave for safety, where thel'stayed until she rose from confinement. So Jesus Christ, theheir of God, called the woman's seed in Genesis 3:l5 "And Iwitl put enmity bexween thee and lhe v'oman, and betu'een lh)tsrei anrl her tceJ...". called the spirit olGod irr Genesis l:2"...And lhe Spit'it oJ God mot,erl upon the Jace ttf lhe u'aters ",and called m1 sprrit in (Genesis 6:3) "And tlre LORD said \lyspirit shall nol alwuy-s slrive with man, Jbr th{lt he also is.flcsh'yet his da.vs shall be an hundred ancl tu'en4t ltears."Ques: Whaf is meant by the lvoman's seed (Genesis 3:15)?Ans: Jesus-is of the seed of the woman iiecause he was the onlyone in the Blble who was bom only of a woman. In his con-ception, there u,as no earthly male involvement' Thus, he lvasof the.seed ol a woman. Gahrtems 4:4 "But when the;fullnessof the time was come, God senl ./brth his son, mude of awpt&sbn "de'under the taw,' {Tie Woman's Seed) madeunder the: kir:v.113:15 (in part), "And I u,ill put enmity behveen

    Yasu'a ibn Ar Rab in GalileanYashu'a bar l-ahn'eh in HetrrewJesus son of the Lord in English

    (7 A.D.-stilt living)thee and lhe woman, and behteen tht seed attd her seed: " anJesus being the seed of a s'omatr because it sar s Gt--C sent H:sson. qho rras made ola noman;rt.:d I qr.l..:e :Ques: \\'hen tas Jesus son of ]lan born?Ans: Sad1y, most modern da5' Christians think that Jesus tasbom on December 25th, a date established by Pope ClemenVll (1478-1534 A.D.) a Roman Emperor. He became Pope inNovember of 1523-1534 A.D. With that, it became believablethat Jesus was botn on Decemlrer 25th, a winter month. Buthe mere fact that the shepherds were ort doors in the fieldstending their flocks, which they only did in the summer months.lesus son of Mary was in fact, based on the scriptures of lzfte2.'8 born in the summer. In Jerusalem during the month oDecember it is very cold, and there is no way t-his:chitd coulbe borl in the cold.

    :.During the high point of the summer solstice between: Jun23rd through the highest point:being June 26th, *lhen th1110l,

  • 8/9/2019 Mother Mary 6 B.C.- 90 a.D.


    . a.sheeps $ould be grazing in the'fie1d. is s'hen .lesus son of Mary* as bom.So. the scriptLu'e ol Luke 2:8;12: I 5 . stanurg u'ith verse 8

    " *td tlrct'e tere in the .sante,.,r.t.t;- .;ir,r/1,,,1, .,bidittg ittrlt, /.ir.1. .i, -l,i'tg \orch ot'crrit.::i ilack bl ttiglrt. l1 And thissltct/! be o sigr? unra rolr: 7b shall-fincl the bahe *rap1:ed in sv,ad-tlling clothes, lying in a manger.15 And it came lo pass, as theangels o-ere gone awcty frontthem into heaven, the shepherds;uid one to ottotlt(t'. Let tr, novgo (v(n trnto B. tlrlr'ltetrt. ttrtJ sr'cthit rlrirtg rthich is cotn( lo l1d\:t.v'hich the Lord hath madeknor+n unlo ur,r. " So this quoterefers to Jesus as a babe and theGleek i..'*d '.sir'= urcd I.r'e inthe Bible is Brephos tBperpoc)lbr nerr bLrm or nl'ant. So as -r'on

    Rev, Dr. Malachi Z.York-EIPaslor end Founder ofTheEgiptian Churt'h Of KurastAuthor :'of over. 360 books,'lranslafor and Commentary ofthe Torah,fiom Hebrew and theBook of Revelations fromCalilean and Greek. And eventranslated with Commentarv-The Noble Koran forChristians and Shriners n'ithBiblical reference fbr each\ erse.

    A map showing the longjournel'ofJoseph andJIan'from \azareth to' Bethlehemjust read, this proves that rhe baby Jesus was bom during thesummer, in the year 7 A.D. based on the death of Herod. Jesusreturned to Jemsalem at age tr,veh,'e. Jesus ri'as born on June26. -.1,.D. and accordins to.Tudean 1au'. -Iesus nas circur.r.rcLsetlei::ni da] s iater'. Luke 2:21. ",Ltt,i vhen eighr da;s tere accolit-plished.for the circuncising of the child, his narne nas callecl-/f'S{ S, 'rltith ntrs ro nailt(d oJ the ungtl belbre he ^tt\ (t,u-tei.. ed irt rhe wontb." This is n'hy ii is so easy to accept that thL.rnlant Jesus ir as in a manger or stall, but the wise men were not(l'(rc at rris rirh. T'r-' shepherds \\ cre tl)ere. And the u eathcLbeing sLrmrler \\as nore conpassionate to their condition ofnot being able to t-rnd proper du,eliinss in Bethlehem of Judea{)Iatrltey'-1.'1 Jesus being of the tribe ol Juda [Judah])(Matthew 2:5-6). Horevel we know that December 25thcould not possibly be the birthdate of the real Jesns but of someother Jesus, namely Cleophas. Not long after Jesus'birth (Luke.2:7) the Wise Men ariived to see the lloly Child Of God{Matthew 2:l-2). This Mary mother of our Lord Jesus not to be mistaken with the many other Mary's mentioned inthe Bibie. Nor is the real Jesus to be rnistaken for the otherJesus's in the Bible.Ques: Where was Mary born and how did she die?Ans: Mary was born March 10, 6 B.C. in the city of'hose family came from Nebula in Nazareth. She 12 yearsaiter Jesus.'!/ent. away in his 33rd year aeeo*lpanied by Mary Ltamascus on their way to Eg1pt. Upon Arrivalto Egypt, S4ary Jesus' mother was already there, where shedeparted.Alel.andria, Egypt in 45 A.D. She kner,l'that her sonhad an imporrant mission lrom God. Mary. Jesus'mother \\astaken up.'in{9.."heavsa in the ygar 90 A.D. She died a peacefuldeath.

    t: 12

    THE }IISSIO\As we proclaim Jesus. the Christ. (The Anointed One and HisAnointing), as head ofthe church and the rnanifested Wbrd andSpirit of God, our goal is to teach the Word of God with sim-plicity and understanding with the proper translations, rrhrch rsraissing in our churches tcday, so that it (The Word) may beannlir''l t^ or,rr evervdav lives in a practical and effectile man-r .. - the children olGod created as': . -:- - r-r:: iS:r.,,:: :,1;-,. 'ri ;f- r.1aoi-is iLrrei,ti:. t . _.J, -:;. .-'i'Lnrisr oithe Seed oiChnsrrrnh rhe Blood-qpe "J" tbrJudah. Jahovah, Jesus to bring home ali Christ came to save(Matthews 15:24; Matthews 10:5.1; All he sent us for (Matthew1t):5-6); not to the Gentiles "Canaanites", but to his orn (John1:11). We do not tb1lou Paul (1 Timothr' 2:5) an Anti-Christ.We have one mediator. Paul x ent to his orvn. the Gentiles butChrist came tbr his olln (Hebren's 7:1.{). He is described byrace rvhile in his flesh as it states in Revelation 1:14 andu'hereyou see "f'eet the coiour ofbrass". The original word for brassthere is copper (Daniel 1 0:6.1, because brass is an alloy and theyrrculdn't describe Jesus the colour of fake tnetal. And wherethey say he had hair like lamb's rvool. that's nappy hair. lt isclear in the original language. In t'act a Prophet uto is his dis-ciple and brother named Simon is called "\iger" "\roeer" (Acts13:1J. *ticir r.neans in Gleek. Black Skin.

    KEEP GOD'S LAl\"Lel no n fin nor devil rttske 1.ou break the coyenant of Godwiflt your Seedform Noah to Abrqham. A perpetual eovenantthat we keep the lnw of Israel until all is fu(illed. Thut is ullis complete (Mut. 5:18) which means till Yashua Ha Mushiakhretarns binds yott tltrough Blood und Spirit arcd Eeirs af Godand we are caaght np with him (1 Thess 4:16-17). Bttt untilthut fu(illment w,e ate to keep the laws of Moses in order tohave the grace anel:trath'af Jesus" (John 1:'17) , .

    MISSION STATEMENT,' . ..We are called to bring the lamily of God, the Tribe of Judah andthen the other tribes to make 144,000, being prepared as3 brideadomed for her husband (Rev. 21:1-8), n'ashed in fhe biood ofthe Lamb, save thlorigh his suffering and dying fer our sins. Theninth hour (Matthew 27:45-46). ,,:, :: '