most of the attributes of the body element specify colors for the web page. note: the background...

Most of the attributes of the body element specify colors for the Web page. Note: The background attribute won’t be useful till we learn about graphics.

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Page 1: Most of the attributes of the body element specify colors for the Web page. Note: The background attribute won’t be useful till we learn about graphics

Most of the attributes of the body element specify colors for the Web page.

Note: The background attribute won’t be useful till we learn about graphics.

Page 2: Most of the attributes of the body element specify colors for the Web page. Note: The background attribute won’t be useful till we learn about graphics

RGB (Red,Green,Blue) colors• 256 colors per byte• 3 bytes = over 16 million colors (one byte for each of Red,Green,Blue) • Most computer monitors use 3-byte (24-bit) color.

Page 3: Most of the attributes of the body element specify colors for the Web page. Note: The background attribute won’t be useful till we learn about graphics

Hexadecimal (base 16) Color Values• Hex digits, 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F• Each RGB component is a 2-digit hex number.Base 16 Base 10 equivalent00 0 (no saturation of color)33 5166 10299 153CC 204FF 255 (full saturation of color)• Each of the 256 colors for an RGB color component is

then concisely represented as a 2-digit hex color.• The 6 values for a color component shown above are

called Web Safe colors. That means that older computers would render them consistently.

Page 4: Most of the attributes of the body element specify colors for the Web page. Note: The background attribute won’t be useful till we learn about graphics

RGB Hex Color Values• Used as values for HTML attributes to set colors in Web pages.• Preceded with a # character to tell the browser that a hex color follows.• Examples: #FF0000 -- Bright pure red, full saturation of red -- none of the other colors#330000 -- Dark pure red, almost no red -- none of the other colors

• Computer colors (like visible light) are additive -- the more color saturation is added, the brighter the color. In contrast, mixing paint is subtractive -- as more colors are added, the mixture gets darker.

Page 5: Most of the attributes of the body element specify colors for the Web page. Note: The background attribute won’t be useful till we learn about graphics

• Since computer colors are additive, #000000 is black (no saturation of any colors)and #FFFFFF is white (full saturation of each color)

• Since more color saturation gives lighter colors, it is easy to predict pure colors (Red,Green,Blue), like the reds of the last slide.• Grays are also easy to predict -- equal saturations of each of Red, Green, and Blue: #333333 , #CCCCCC

• Other mixtures are harder to predict just by thinking about it. Another option is to use a color picker utility. Just Google the phrase html color picker and you will see lots of them.

Page 6: Most of the attributes of the body element specify colors for the Web page. Note: The background attribute won’t be useful till we learn about graphics
Page 7: Most of the attributes of the body element specify colors for the Web page. Note: The background attribute won’t be useful till we learn about graphics

• Fonts for computers are simply files containing specifications which tell software exactly how to draw the characters.

Serif font Sans-Serif font

• Some fonts come with the operating system, and software packages install other fonts.• A a Web page is limited only to those fonts installed on the computer on which the page is being viewed.

Page 8: Most of the attributes of the body element specify colors for the Web page. Note: The background attribute won’t be useful till we learn about graphics

These font faces are generally safe in Web pages since they will be available on most any computer.

Page 9: Most of the attributes of the body element specify colors for the Web page. Note: The background attribute won’t be useful till we learn about graphics

• The font element is deprecated, meaning that the W3C may remove it from the HTML standard in the future.

• It is easy to format text with this element. However, CSS provides all of the same formatting control, and much more.

Page 10: Most of the attributes of the body element specify colors for the Web page. Note: The background attribute won’t be useful till we learn about graphics

HTML code:black <font color="blue">and blue</font>

The result:black and blue

HTML code:regular<font face="Courier">monospace</font>

The result:regular monospace

Note: The font element with Courier above does the same thing as the tt (teletype) element, since Courier is a monospace font.

Page 11: Most of the attributes of the body element specify colors for the Web page. Note: The background attribute won’t be useful till we learn about graphics

When a list of font faces is supplied, the browser uses the first one it finds. If it finds none of them, it simply uses it's default.

Good priority list for a serif font:face="Georgia, Times, Times New Roman"

Good priority list for a sans-serif font:face="Verdana, Arial, Trebuchet MS, Helvetica"

Note: Gerogia and Verdana were both made to look good on computer monitors.

Page 12: Most of the attributes of the body element specify colors for the Web page. Note: The background attribute won’t be useful till we learn about graphics

• Font sizes can be given in absolute or relative values.

Examples of absolute values:size="3" (typical default for browsers)size="2" (smaller)size="4" (bigger)

Examples of relative sizessize="-1" (one step smaller than the default)size="+1" (one step larger than the default)

• Using relative sizes is usually the best idea. That way, your page does not depend upon the default size for which a particular browser is set.