moses and god’s calling. moses is born to a levite. his mom hides him for 3 months. when he no...

Exodus Moses and God’s calling

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Post on 19-Jan-2016




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ExodusMoses and Gods callingBirth of MosesMoses is born to a Levite. His mom hides him for 3 months. When he no longer able to be hidden, he mom makes a basket, puts him in there and places it among the reeds of the river bank. Birth of MosesPharaohs daughter finds Moses and notices that he is a Hebrew baby. She brings him in and raises him as one of her own. She names her Moses, which in Hebrew means draw outMoses Flees To midianMoses one day kills an Egyptian who was beating a Hebrew and buries him in the sand. Moses is found out for his crime and fears it has gotten to PharaohPharaoh gets wind of it and seeks to kill Moses, Moses flees to Midian. God Hears Israels Groaning Exodus 2:23-25, God saw the people of Israel and God knew.God hears the groaning of his people for rescue. Moses and the Burning BushOne day Moses is keeping the flocks of his father-in-law Jethro. The angel of the LORD appears to him in a burning bush. The bush was burning but not consumed. The LORD calls out to Moses and tells him to take off his sandals for the place where he is standing is holy ground. The LORD Reveals himself to MosesI am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.Moses response: He hid his face, for he was afraid to look at God. Do we have a holy fear like Moses when we encounter the LORD?The LORD Reveals himself to MosesThe LORD says that he has seen the affliction of his people and has remembered His covenant to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He is sending Moses to Pharaoh to free His people The LORD Reveals Himself to MosesGods sign to Moses that he has called him to this task: v. 12 But I will be with you, that I have sent you: when you have brought the people out of Egypt, you shall serve God on this mountain.

Moses HesitatesMoses hesitates in going. He asks God, that if he goes to the people of Israel and they ask him What is his name? What is he suppose to tell them?God responds with vv. 14-15The Name of the LORDGod reveals His name: Yahweh or I AMThis is the covenant name of the LORD. This is the name well see throughout the Old Testament. The Hebrews saw this as Holy. In fact, when writing it, they would not put the vowels in the name: YHWHThe Name of the LORDWithin His name, includes His character and nature. Later in the 10 Commandments , well see this again.The LORD makes a promise to deliver his people from Egypt. The LORD gives Moses signsThe LORD tells Moses that he will give him favor of the people and that when they leave they will not go out empty. The LORD knows that this will happen. Doctrinal point: The Omniscience of God. God knows ALL. God sees this and wills it to happenThe LORD Gives Moses SignsMoses still seems reluctant to Go. The Lord gives two signs:Staff turned into a snakeLeprous skin. If they (The Egyptians) still do not believe, theres a third sign.Take water from the Nile, pour it on the ground, it will turn to blood on dry ground.Moses is still hesitant After all of this, Moses is still hesitant. He tells the LORD he cant go because he cannot speak He tells the LORD: I am not eloquent, either in the past or since you have spoken to your servant, but I am slow of speech and tongue.Moses is still hesitantSlow of speech and tongue Its possible that Moses had some sort of speech impediment, or a slight stutter that he thought would be enough for God not to choose himGod responds: Who made mans mouth? Who makes him mute, or deaf, or seeing, or blind? Is it not I, the LORD? Now therefore go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall speakBeing Used by the LORDWe sometimes think our greatest weaknesses are our greatest hindrance from being used by the LORD. Whether thats being too young, or too old, whether you are popular or the nerd, or whether you can speak clearly or not. God uses people for his Glory, he uses weak people to show His greatnessApplication for TodayYou in this class are supremely loved by God. He knows your story, He created you, He loves you! Each one of you can be used of God, no matter what weakness you have. God has used broken, messed up people all throughout Genesis and Exodus for His glory.Application for TodayWe live in a sin-sick world, we are marred by sin, we are dead in our trespasses with no hope of saving ourselves. But God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive in Christ. He saves us from our sins and adopts us as His own. He wants to use you for His glory and His kingdom. Application for Today Will you simply surrender to Him and respond, Here I am! Use Me! Moses faces off against PharaohMoses returns to Pharaoh to do what the Lord has commanded him to do. The LORD tells Moses, I will harden his (Pharaohs) heart, so that he will not let the people go. Then you shall say to Pharaoh, Thus says the LORD, Israel is my firstborn son, and I say to you, Let my son go that he may serve me. If you refuse to let him go, behold, I will kill your firstborn son.The LORD hardens Pharaohs heart?What does it mean by hardening of Pharaohs heart?