mosby motion for protective order

STATE OF MARYLAND ffi f- C fl: t\'"j':'i 2015 JiJHIls PH '.I zH#lir couRr FoR _ I -'f ;' ,l-:: .Tl' , , . .., i- i\ I BALTIMORE CITY p*!I1{,,r ,-:]iI):.-", iliilFlil*,:.L iii'+;)i\iNCASE No. I I 5t4t032 '' CASE No. 115141033 x CASE No. lt5l4l034 * CASE No. 115141035 * CASE No. t 15141036 * CASE No. ll5l4l037 v. CAESAR GOODSON, EDWARD NERO, GARRETT MILLER, BRIAN RICE, ALICIA WHITE, & WILLIAM PORTER {< * STATE'S MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER PURSUANT TO RULE 4-263(m). MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT THEREOF. AND REOUEST FOR EXPEDITED IIEARING Now comes the State of Maryland, by and through Marilyn J. Mosby, the State's Attorney for Baltimore City; Janice L. Bledsoe, Deputy State's Attorney for Baltimore City; and Matthew Pillion, Assistant State's Attorney for Baltimore City; and pursuant to Rule a-263(m) moves this Honorable Court to issue a protective order restricting the Parties' dissemination of discovery materials to the public. This order is necessary because the Defendants' attomeys have demonstrated a likelihood of publicizing discovery materials in a manner that may jeopardize the ability to conduct a fair and impartial trial of these matters. The State requests this Honorable Court to designate discovery materials supplied to the defense as confidential. The scope of the requested restrictions is set forth in the attached proposed order. The State outlines the basic factual grounds and the legal authority for this Motion and proposed order below and requests that the Court hold an expedited hearing for the State to present partiolJarized facts in support of the Motion. Introduction "Criminal justice must be carried out in the courtro om." Attorney Grievance Comm'n v. Gansler,377 lldd. 656, 674 (2003). When publicity surrounds a criminal trial, the United States

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Post on 16-Dec-2015




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The motion for a protective order filed by prosecutors in the Freddie Gray case who are asking the judge to order all evidence to be made confidential before the trial of six police officers charged in his death.



    ffi f- C fl: t\'"j':'i2015 JiJHIls PH '.I zH#lir couRr FoR

    _ I -'f;' ,l-:: .Tl' , , . .., i- i\ I BALTIMORE CITYp*!I1{,,r

    ,-:]iI):.-",iliilFlil*,:.L iii'+;)i\iNCASE No. I I 5t4t032

    '' CASE No. 115141033x CASE No. lt5l4l034* CASE No. 115141035* CASE No. t 15141036* CASE No. ll5l4l037


