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Page 1: MORE THAN 1000 SIGNATORIES FROM 50 · MORE THAN 1000 SIGNATORIES FROM 50 COUNTRIES * Save the Sanatorium strives for a sustainable


Page 2: MORE THAN 1000 SIGNATORIES FROM 50 · MORE THAN 1000 SIGNATORIES FROM 50 COUNTRIES * Save the Sanatorium strives for a sustainable
Page 3: MORE THAN 1000 SIGNATORIES FROM 50 · MORE THAN 1000 SIGNATORIES FROM 50 COUNTRIES * Save the Sanatorium strives for a sustainable


* Save the Sanatorium strives for a sustainable reuse of the Lemaire Sanatorium with respect for its cultural, architectural and social significance and its relation with the natural environment. We ask that, like in the past, part of the building and the surrounding park remain accessible for the general public.

* Save the Sanatoriumdemands a proactive concern of all involved parties (public and private) before the dilapidated state of the building be-comes irreversible. Given the current harsh winter conditions, time is of utmost essence.

* Save the Sanatoriumasks all concerned actors, public and private, to urgently team up in developing a strategy for reuse with respect for the ex-ceptional character and the specific features of this architec-tural landmark.


Since 2007, ‘Save the Sanatorium’ attempts to stimulate the debate about the future the Lemaire Sanatorium in Tombeek. Its aims are threefold:

Page 4: MORE THAN 1000 SIGNATORIES FROM 50 · MORE THAN 1000 SIGNATORIES FROM 50 COUNTRIES * Save the Sanatorium strives for a sustainable

A Maria Luiza Adams Sanvitto / Architect / DOCO-MOMO Brazil / Porto Alegre - Brazil Jean-Marie Aendekerk / President / ICEDD / Brussels - Bel-gium Willem Aerts / Head of the heritage depart-

ment / Province of Antwerp / Belgium Konrad Aglaia / Artsit / Sint Lukas Brussels / Brussels - Belgium

“Don’t let this become the next Maison du

Peuple!!” Amy Ogata, Architectural & Design Historian, Bard Gradu-ate Center (New York – USA)Aubry Alan / Photographer / Alan Aubry / France Aballanet Albert / Architect / Art 80, 3r 2a 08041 Barce-lona / Barcelona - Spain S. Alberts / Projectleider monu-menten / Gemeente amsterdam / Amsterdam - the Nether-lands Alburquerque Marcelo / Architect / DOCOMOMO. / Dominican Republic. José Alemany / Arquitecto / CTAC / Castellón - Spain Susan Algie / Heritage Resources Plan-ner / Parks Canada / Winnipeg - Canada Emmanuelle Allard / Teacher / ESCG-bruxelles / Brux-elles - Belgium Matilde Alonso / Arquitecta / UPV / Valen-cia - España Fernando Alvarez prozorovich / Arquitect / COAC / Barcelona - España Bonet Alvaro / Student / Spanish / Madrid - Spain Matthias Amann / Researcher / TU Dresden / Dresden - Germany Eleni Amerikanou / Architect / Assistant Professor of Architectural Design / De-mocritus University of Thrace / Xanthi - Greece Wolfgang Andexlinger / Architect / University Innsbruck / Innsbruck - Austria Timothy Anthonis / Librarian / HOB / Brussels - Belgium Marianne Antonsen / Architect / Maan-architecten bvba / Antwerp - Belgium Carlos Apers / Architect / None / Maastricht - Netherlands Apers Jan / Architect docent / Sint-Lucas / Brussel - Belgium Cesário Cesário Araújo / Architecte / ESAP / Porto - Por-tugal Els Arnauts / Architect / Nieuwerkerken - Belgium Peter Arts / Architect / TU delft / Delft - The Nederlands Pim Arts / Tax lawyer / Deloitte / Amsterdam - The Nether-lands Paola Ascione / Architect / researcher / University of Naples Federico II, Italy / Naples - Italy Emilia Athanassiou / Architect, PhD Researcher / Na-tional Technical University of Athens / Athen - Greece Maximiano Atria / Architect / Docomomo chile / Santiago - chile Aurélie Autenne / Architect / Belgium Charles Auquière / Teacher / UCL / Ecaussinnes - Bel-gium Tom Avermaete / Associate Professor of Architec-ture / TU Delft, Faculty of Architecture / Delft - Netherlands Elif Ozlem Aydin / Architect / Asist.Prof. / Istanbul - Turkey

B Marleen Baeten / Teacher / Open School Leuven / Leuven - Belgium George Baines / Architect / - / Antwerpen - Belgium Michèle Barbé / Professeur d’Anglais / EPFC / Bruxelles - Belgium

François-xavier Barbieux / Architecte / Indépendant / Bruxelles - Belgique Olivier Bastin / architect / La Cambre / Brussels - BelgiumRaoul Bauer / Em.professor / Hoger Architectuur Instituut Sint-Lucas / Puurs - Belgium Michael Barker / Designer / Decorative Arts Society, UK / Paris - France Naomi Batache / Interieurvormgever / LLOX / Sint-Katelijne-Waver - Belgium Aloys Beguin / Architecte / Ordre des Architectes de la province de Liège / Liège - Belgique Willem Bekers/ Architect / IEA / Gent - BelgiumLudo Bekker / Architect / A33 architecten / Leuven - Belgium Benassi Laura / Researcher / Scuola Normale Superiore / Pisa - Italy Huub Berger / Interiorarchitect / PHL Diepnebeek / Hasselt - Belgium Thierry Berlemont / Architect / Sint-Lucas / Brussel - Belgium Iwert Bernakiewicz / Architect / PhldA - TuDelft / Tongeren - Belgium Nele Bernheim / Student / Uni-versiteit Antwerpen / Antwerp - Belgium Camiel Berns / Architect / Docomomo NL / Den Haag - Netherlands Inge Bertels / Architectural Historian / Universiteit Antwer-pen & Vrije Universiteit Brussel / Antwerp/Brussels - Bel-gium Kenneth Bertrams / Researcher / ULB / Brussels, Belgium Celine Bertrand / Architect / Independant / Brus-sel - Belgium Hugo Bettens / Directeur / Group Argenta / Antwerp - BelgiumKim Bettens / Visual Designer / Visual Designer / Gent - Belgium Paul Beyl / Landscape architect / Nihil / Lennik - Belgium Janneke Bierman / Architect / Chair Docomomo Netherlands / Delft - The Netherlands

“We must uphold the values outlined in this building, be-

cause it involve the future.” Norberto De la Torre, Architect & Professor, FADU.UBA-Professor ar-chitectural history and conservation (Buenos Aires – Argentina)Claire Billen / Professeur à l’ULB / Université Libre de Bruxelles / Brussels - Belgium Stef Binst / Architectural engineer, conservation of historic buildings / Province of Antwerp / Antwerp - Belgium Billiet Valerie / Student / University Ghent / Lichtervelde - Belgium Biondo Ani-ta / Inspecteur de Police / No / Bruxelles - Belgium Tim Bisschops / Historicus / Universiteit Antwerpen / België

Rieke Blancke / Student / UGent / Gent - België Eva Blaute / Employee / Needcompany / Brussels - Belgium Guy Blommaert / Zorgkundige / Bewonderaar / Gent - België Jean-François Bocquet/Architecte/membre DOCOMOMO/Gentilly - France Eef Boeckx / Architect / Macken & Macken arch / Belgium Sofie Bogaerts / Medi-cal / Bernhoven hospitals / Schaarbeek - Belgium Nathalie Bohez Rubiano / Architect / La Cambre / Brussel - Belgium Rob Bollen / Architect / MA architecten, TU Delft / Amsterdam - Nederland Frans Bollens / Retired / Kun-stkring gesigneerd / Baal - Tremelo Saskia Bollens / Sur-veyor / Gent / Kessel-Lo - Belgium Francesca Bonfante / Professore associato / Politecnico di Milano / Milano - Italy Claire Bonney / Architectural historian / Bern University of Applied Sciences / Burgdorf - Switzerland Saskia Boom / Architecture history / EAHN / SAH / RLICC / Leuven - Bel-gium, Oldenzaal - Netherlands Marc Boone / Historian / Universiteit Gent / Ghent - Belgium M.Paola Borgarino / PdD Candidate / Politecnico di Milano / Milano - Italy Ulrich Borgert / Curator of monuments / Member Doco-momo Germany / Berlin - Germany Zsuzsanna Böröcz / PhD in History of Art / Docomomo / Antwerpen - Belgium Steven Bosmans / Architect / Office - Kersten Geers en David van Severen / Brussels - Belgium Brigitte Bott / Retired / Kunstkring Gesigneerd / Tremelo - Belgium Bérengère Bouchat / Art history’s Teacher / Icomos / Namur - Belgium Ole Bouman / Director / NAi / Rotterdam - The Netherlands Laurent Bouvy / Ferron-nier d’art / Icomos / Belgique Freddy Bowin / Retired / ICOMOS / Brussels - Belgium Esin Boyacioglu / Architect / Gazi University / Ankara - Turkey Jo Braeken / Architec-tural historian / VIOE / Antwerp - Belgium Ruben Braeken / Architect / Genk - BelgieGuido Jan Bral / Art historian / Independant / Brussels - Belgium Sacha Bratkowski / Architect / Crepain Binst Architecture / Antwerp - BelgiumMartin Bressani / Architect and Professor / McGill Univer-sity / Montreal- Canada Alain Breyne / Software-ontwerper / Abacus / Schelderode - Belgium Jimmy Briers / Architect / BBSC-architects / Antwerpen - BelgiëAnnick Brison / Architect / Cap+ / Brussel - Belgium Tom Bridts / Director / Erfgoed Vlaanderen vzw / Antwerp - Belgium Dolf Broekhuizen / Architectural Historian / IHAAU TU Delft / Rotterdam - Netherlands Steven Brouns / Industrial designer / ZOINK! / Lommel - Belgium

“The Sanatorium Joseph Lemaire is important cul-

turally to the international community, not just to Bel-gians.” Hendry Wan, Heritage Consultant, Design 5 (Sydney – Aus-tralia) Dag Boutsen / Architect / Sint-lucas brussels / Brussels - Belgium Petra Brouwer / Assistant Professor of Archi-tectural History / University of Amsterdam / Amsterdam - NL Gerardo Brown-Manrique / Architect and Professor / Muami University / Oxford, OH - United States Charlotte Brunko / Architect / MRBC / Brussels - Belgium Hans Buchwald / Architect and Art Historian / Profes-sor of Architectural Design and Theory (ret.) University of Stuttgart, Germany / Stuttgart - Germany Joke Buijs / Heritage policy officer / Flemish Heritage Institute / Brussels - Belgium Asiliskender Burak / Architect / Erciyes Uni. / Kayseri - Turkey John A. Burns / Architect / National Park Service / Alexandria, VA - USA Marjan Buyle / Restorer / Flemish Heritage Institute / Brussels - Belgium Alain Bruyndonckx / Artist / Menber of the cultural concil of the province Brabant / Tervuren - Belgium

C Agnès Cailliau / Architecte du Patrimoine / Prési-dente de DOCOMOMO France / France Bert Callens / Ir. Architect / Robbrecht en Daem Architecten / Ghent - Belgium Luk Callens / Artist

/ Catalpa productions bvba / Schoten - Belgium Jean-Fancois Callier / Marketeer / Brussels - Belgium Cécile Calvo / Chimiste / Bruxelles - Belgium Ines Camacho / Architecte / Independant / Bruxelles - Bel-gium Katrien Cammers / Architect / Architectuur / Gent - België Karen A Campo-Bekkers / Psychotherapist / For architecture, especially this style / Holland Yves Cantraine / Filmmaker / ARRF / Brussels - Belgium / 17-04-2009 Frank Stals / Architect / Crepain Binst Archi-tecture / Antwerpen - Belgium Toon Cappuyns / Teacher / Academy lier / Boechout - Belgium Roxane Carlier / Teatcher / ICOMOS / Belgium Espinosa Carme / Arqui-tecta / Arquitecta / Benicarlo - España Stella Maris Casal / Architect / University of Buenos Aires / Buenos Aires - Ar-gentina Maristella Casciato / Professor of History of Ar-chitecture / Unibersity of Bologna, School of Architecture / Bologna - Italy Ettinger Catherine / Architect / N Nicolas de Hidalgo / Docomomo / Morelia - Mexico Floris Cavyn / Student / University Ghent / Ghent - Belgium Aksoy Cengiz / Architecte / AOS Studley / Bruxelles - Bel-gium Ali Cengizkan / Architect; Ph.D. / Associate Prof. ; METU / Ankara, Turkey Laura Cesio / Architec / DOCO-

MOMO URUGUAY / Montevideo - Uruguay Christina Ceulemans / Historien de l’art / Institut royal du Patrimoine Artistique / Bruxelles - Belgium Gerda Ceulenaere / Archivaris / UZ Leuven / Leuven - Belgium Katerina Chatzikonstantinou / Architect / Aris-totle University of Thesaloniki / Thessaloniki - Greece Guy Léon Châtel / Prof. ir.arch. / Ghent University / Belgium Daniel Christiaens / Museumcurator / Maagdenhuismu-seum (ocmw) / Antwerpen - Belgium David Christophe / Architect / Ordre des Architectes Bruxelles Capitale et Brabant Wallon / Brussels - Belgium Asli Cicek / Inte-rior architect / - / Brussels-B Cristina Ciovati / Architect / Docomomo / Italy Benoit Ciron / Employé / Architecture / Cré sur Loir - France Koen Claerhout / Cultural Producer / Berlin - Germany Els Claessens / Architect / KU Leuven / Brussels - Belgium Arlette Clauwers / Director / Korei / Brussels - Belgium Birgit Cleppe / Doctoral Researcher / Ghent University / Belgium Bram Cleys / Researcher / K.U.Leuven / Leuven - Belgium Ann-Sophie Cobbaert / Project manager / Faceo / Brus-sels - Belgium Stijn Cockx / Ir.Architect / W&K / Brus-sel - Belgium Rita Cocquyt / Manager / AXA / Brussels - Belgium Aline Coelho Sanches Corato / Ph D student / Politecnico di Milano / Milano - Italy Hubert Coeman / Decorateur / Bvba Coeman / Kortrijk - Belgie

“Very significant both archi-tecturally and socially.”

Theodore Prudon, Architect/Professor, Columbia University (New York - USA)Andre Coene / Architect & urban planner / Documenta-tiecentrum voor Streekgeschiedenis Dr. Maurits Gysseling / Ghent - Belgium Rene Coenegracht / Architect / Vande-hoek Coenegracht Kromwijk architecten / Maastricht -The Netherlands Ann Coenen / PhD student / University of Antwerp / Antwerp - Belgium Patrick Coleman / Architect / Dvd / Delfgauw - Holland Christophe Combes / Architect / UGent / Gent - Belgium Matthew Coody / Designer, Artist, Preservationist / Columbia University / New York City - USA Geertje Cools / Cultural heritage projects / Historian / Ant-werpen - Belgium Thomas Coomans / Professor of Histo-ry of Architecture , Free University Brussels / Member Royal Commission of Monuments and Sites, Brussels / Brussels - Belgium Letizia Coppo-jones / Architect / National trust nsw australia / Australia Françoise Cordier / Art historian / Monuments and sites brussels / Brussels - Belgium Wouter Cornillie / Architect / WENK St-Lucas / Gent - Belgium Thérèse CORTEMBOS / Historienne de l’architecture / SPW.Inventaire du patrimoine / Namur - Belgium Hugo Costa / Architect/researcher / University of Valencia / Valencia - Spain Carolien Cousserier / Archi-tect / EIS / Ghent - Belgium Sheila Crane / Architectural Historian / University of Virginia / Charlottesville, VA - USA Jean-Bernard Cremnitzer / Architecte-enseignant / ECole architecture Normandie / Paris - France Sebastiaan Creten / Architecture student / K.U. Leuven / Leuven - Belgium Sucala Cristina / Architect / DoCoMoMo International / Paris - France Alan Alan Croker / Architect / Member docomomo & ICOMOS / Sydney - Australia Roger Crols / Architectural historian / Gelders Genootsc-hap / Arnhem - The Netherlands Jean-Bernard Cremnitzer / Architecte-enseignant / Ecole archi de Normandie / Paris - France Kenny Cupers / Scholar / Harvard University / Brussels - Belgium Ype Cuperus / Assistant Professor / Delft University of Technology / Delft - the Nehterlands Nathalie Curinckx / Student / UGent / Ghent - Belgium

D Hilde Daem / Architect / Robbrecht en Daem architecten / Gent - Belgium Katrien Daemers / Graphic designer / Gestalte / Gent - Belgium Roel Daenen / Clerck / Culture / Mechelen - Bel-

gium Astrid Dahmen / Architect / University Teacher / Innsbruck - Austria Renaud Dardenne / Associate Archi-tect / CERAU / Brussels - Belgium Magdalena De Backer / Curator / MuHKA / Brussels - Bel-gium Annelies De Becker / Architect / Architectenbureau Astrid Leanerst / Brussels - Belgium Jochen De Blay / Ar-chitect / Architect / Grimbergen - Belgium Agnes De Bleser / Gepensionneerd / Conservator Sint-Amanduskerk te Antwerpen / Antwerpen - België Jan De Block / Architect / Government / Ghent - Belgium Willem De Bruijn / PhD Student / Bartlett School of Ar-chitecture, University College London / London - United Kingdom Peter De Bruyne / Photographer / - / Brugge - Belgium Cécile De Busser / Bestuurssecretaris / OCMW Herentals / Belgium Pilar De Bustos / Arquitecta / CTAC-CACV / Castellón - España Sofie De Caigny / Architectur-al Historian / Vlaams Architectuurinstituut / Brussels - Bel-gium Lieven De Cauter / Philosoher / Kuleuven / Brussels - Belgium Kathleen De Clercq / Projectcoördinator / No / Antwerp - Belgium Eef De clercq / Interior architect / Ava en partners / Gent - Belgium Katrien De Coninck / Interior architect / Aksent / Gent - Belgium Clemens Guido De Dijn / Architectural historian / Hoge-school Antwerpen / Antwerpen - Belgium Mathieu Jacques de Dixmude / Structural Engineer

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/ Ney & Partners / Belgium Joost De Geest / Art Critic / Newspapers / books / Alsemberg - Belgium Martinez de Guereñu Laura / Architect / Ie University - School of Architecture / Madrid - Spain Gertjan De Jong / Student / Delft - the netherlands Wessel De Jonge / Ar-chitect/researcher / Wessel de Jonge architecten/Faculteit Bouwkunde TU Delft / Rotterdam/Delft - NL

“Please save this most in-teresting and important building.”

Hans Buchwald, Architect Professor, University of Stuttgart (Stuttgart, Germany)Jan De Kesel / Interieurarchitect / Architectenbureau Van Acker en Partners / Gent - Belgium Mil De Kooning / Pro-fessor / Ghent University / Ghent - Belgium Paul De Krock / Architekt / Projekt / Olen - België Norberto De la Torre / Architect & Professor / FADU.UBA-Professor architectural history and conservation / Buenos Aires - Argentina Lars De Laet / Researcher / Ir.arch / Brussels - belgium Sarah De Loenen / Educational worker / Centre of Fine Arts / Brussels - Belgium Dirk De Meester / Ir-architect, docent / Universiteit Gent / Gent - Belgie Dirk De meyer / Architect / Ddm.architectuur / Tielt - Belgium Dirk De Meyer / Professor of History of Architecture / Gh-ent University / Brussels - Belgium Kathleen De Muer / Student Architectural History / Free University Brussels / Brussels - Belgium Bert De Munck / Historian / Centre for urban History - University of Antwerp / Belgium Kitty De preeuw / Webmaster / Linc/okv / Gent - België Gert De Prins / Historian / Historian / Ghent - Belgium Roel De Ridder / Architect / onderzoeker / PHLimburg / Hasselt - Belgium Thomas De Ridder / Architect / - / Gent - Belgium Tom De Roo / Phd student / Universiteit Antwerpen / Antwerpen - Belgium Annedesan De San / Historienne de l’Art / Icomos / Brussels - Belgium Emanuelle De Sart / Architect / Origin / Brussels - Belgium Ines De Schepper / Architect - erfgoedconsulent / Agent-schap Ruimtelijke Ordening en Onroerend erfgoed / Brugge - België Johan De schepper / Interieurarchitect / AinB / Ledeberg - Belgie Carl De Smet / Artist / Sint-Lucas / Brussel - Belgium Hilde De Smet / Monumentenwachter Interieur / Monumentenwacht Oost-Vlaanderen vzw / Gh-ent - Belgium Isabelle De Smet / Architect / / Mechelen - Belgium S. De Steur / Librarian / Sint-Lucas / Brussels - Belgium Sven De troch / Architect / &architect / Mortsel - Belgium Frank De Troyer / Prof. dr. ir. Arch / KULeuven / Leuven - Belgium Lisa De Visscher / Architect / Stad en Architectuur / Leuven - Belgium Alexia De vos / Architect / Philip mortelmans archecten / Antwerp - Belgium Els De Vos / Docent / Artesis - PHL / Belgium Jorg De Vriese / Employee / VAi / Antwerp - Belgium Frédéric De Vylder / Architect / Project / Brussel - Belgium Céline De Wachter / Landscape architect / No / Belgium Michel De Waha / Professeur d’Archéologie et de restauration du patrimoine à l’Université Libre de Brux-elles membre d’ICOMOS / Université Libre de Bruxelles / Bruxelles - Belgium Mathieu De Wasseige / Assistant Professor / I.H.E.C.S. / Brussels - Belgium Sylvie De Weze / Coördinator UiTmarketing | Fotografe / UiT in Mechelen / Mechelen - Belgium Suzan De Wilde / Student / Ghent university / Ghent - Belgium Elke De Witte / Projectleider / Stad Gent / Belgium Francis De Wolf / Architect / BRUT architecture and urban design / Brussels - Belgium Wim Debacker / Rechearcher / VUB / Brussels - Belgium Marc Debaecke / Safety adviser / Monumentenwacht vl / Antwerp belgium Vincent Debonne / Researcher / Free University of Brussels / Brussels - Belgium Niklaas Deboutte / Architect / META architectuurbureau / Antwerp - Belgium Anne-Marie Debroux / Retraitée / - / Braine l’Alleud - Belgium Philippe Decavel / Monumenten-wachter / Oost-vlaanderen / Gent - Belgium Sabine Decleyn / Project manager / Vitra Belgium / Antwerpen - Belgium Koenraad Dedobbeleer / Artist / Raymond vzw. / Brussels - Belgium Rupert Defossez / Theatertechnicus / Television via friend / Gent - Belgium Ilse Degerickx / Architect / Vai / Ghent - Belgium Lieven Dejaeghere / Architect / Sint Lucas, K.U. Leuven / Brussel, Leuven - Belgium Frederik Deketelaere / Archi-tect / I don’t know / Harelbeke - Belgium Jan Dekeyser / Architect / W&K / Ghent - Belgium Liesbeth Dekeyser / Student architecture / Vrije Universiteit Brussel / Brussels - Belgium Juan Ignacio Del Cueto / Architect-reasercher / Docomomo-Mexico / Mexico City - Mexico Benoit Delaey / Conservation architect / B.Delaey conservatiearchitecten / Brugge - BelgiumPhilippe Delahautemaison / Architect - professor / ESBAM / Brussels - Marseille Natacha Delannoy / Architecte dplg / ND / Nancy - France Gijs Deknopper / Architect / Modulo Architects / Brussels - Belgium Luc Deleuze / Architect / Architect / Belgium Chloé Deligne / Historian / Université Libre de Bruxelles-FNRS / Brussels - Belgium Bruno Delva / architect / A2D architects / Tervuren - Belgium Jan Delrue / Ir.Architect / University Leuven / Leuven Belgium Stéphane DEMETER / Historian / ICOMOS - Belgium / Brussels - Belgium

Nikolaas Demoen / Artist / St. Lucas Antwerp / Gent - Belgium Carl Demuynck / Engineer / Aquadvice / Ber-lare - Belgium Arie Den Dikken / Beleidsmedewerker monumentenzorg van Hilversum / Gemeente Hilversum / Hilversum - Nederland Karel Dendooven / General coor-dinator / VCM-Contactforum voor Erfgoedverenigingen vzw / Antwerp - Belgium Roos Denorme / Ambtenaar / Bin-nenlandse zaken / Gent - Belgium Diane Denys / Teacher / Free-lance / Stekene - Belgium Michèle Depoorter / Teacher / None / Renaix - Belgium Leen Depooter / Graphic designer / Quod. voor de vorm. / Ghent - BelgiumBruno Depré / Ir. docent / St.Lucas / Grimbergen - Bel-gium José Depuydt / Architect / WENK St-Lucas / Brussel - Belgium Krista Deridder / Architect/monumentenwachter / Monumentenwacht antwerpen / Antwerp - Belgium Arne Deruyter / Landscape architect / Hogeschool gent / Gent - Belgium Bernard Derveaux / Ir. Architect / . / Brus-sels - Belgium Miki Desai / Architect / CEPT, Ahmedabad, India / Ahmedabad - India Christophe Deschaumes / Bouwhistoricus / Ministerie Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest / Gent - België Brecht Deseure / Historian / Universiteit Antwerpen / Antwerp - Belgium Werner Desimpelaere / Architect / Past president Groep Pl / Brugge -Belgium Thomas Desmecht / Architect / EEE / Belgium Sarah Devan / Architect / WJE Engineers & Architects / New York - USA Virginie Devillez / Curator / Royal Mu-seum of Fine Arts - Belgium / Belgium Kristien Devooght / Historian / - / Zulte - Belgium Eddie Devos / Software application specialist / Art and architecture / Gent - Belgium Liliane Dewachter / Art historian-curator / Museum of contemporary art / Antwerp - Belgium Dewulf Agnès / Ar-chitecte / - / Bruxelles - Belgium Dirk D’herde / Architect / AR-TE Architectenvennootschap / Leuven - Belgium Tine Dhollander / Graficus / Gwapo / Ouwegem - Belgie Luc Dhooghe / Architect / STA-archives&research vzw / Brussels - Belgium David D’Hulst / Architect / P8-architect-en / Antwerpen - Belgium Benjamin D’Ieteren / Architecte / - / Bruxelles - Belgique Carolina Di Biase / Professor of Architectural Restoration/ Polytechnic of Milan / Docomomo Italy / Milan - Italy Nicolette Di Lernia / Architect / RAIA / Adelaide - Australia Franciska Dics / Designer / None / Brussels - Belgium Sam Dieltjens / architecture student / W&K / Brussel - Belgium Ed Diepenmaat / Stedenbouwkundige / AIA / Alkmaar - the Netherlands Thi minh giang Do / Employee / - / Belgium

“In 2007, Europa Nostra issued its declaration in support of the safeguard-

ing of architecture of the Mod-ern Movement - this is a tragic example of what can happen without support. We add our voice to your campaign to save this excellent example of MM architecture.” Laurie Neale, Architect/communications officer, Europa Nostra (The Hague – NL)Peter Don / Art historian / Netherlands Cultural Heritage Agency / Amersfoort - The Netherlands Frans Doperé / Dr. Sciences / Medieval Architecture / Tienen - Belgium Emilie D’Orgeix / Secretary general / Docomomo International / Paris - France Claudia Dos Reis e Cunha / Architect / FAU-USP / São Paulo - Brazil Dominique DOSOGNE / Architecte-Urbaniste / UCCLE / Bruxelles - Belgium Koen DP / Maatschappelijk Werker / CAW / Aalst - Belgium Ro-land Dreesen / Project Manager / VITO / Mol - Belgium Katrijn Driesen / Architect / AAA / Antwerp - Belgium Fre-derik Druyts / Student / Kunsthumaniora Brussel / Leuven - België Donatienne Du Parc Locmaria / Architect / St Luc / La Hulpe - Belgium Marc Dubois / docent / St. Lucas / Gent, Brussel - Belgium Marilou Dubois / Coördinator kasteel van Horst / Erfgoed Vlaanderen vzw / Roosdaal - Belgium Luc Duerloo / Historian / Universiteit Antwerpen / Antwerp - Belgium Albert Dumont / Enseignant / galeriste erist / Galerie Albert Dumont / Bruxelles - Belgique Catherine Dumont d’Ayot / Architect / ETH Zurich / Zu-rich - Switzerland Jean Dumont de Chassart / Employé / EastWest Institute / Brussels - Belgium Christine Dupont / Conservatrice / La Fonderie / Bruxelles Guy Dupont / Heritage Researcher and Interpreter / Gent, Dienst Stad-sarcheologie / Gent - BE Michiel Dusar / Geologist / Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences / Brussels - Belgium Dushkina Natalia / Professor of architecture / Moscow Architectural Institute / Moscow - Russia Matúš Dulla / Ar-chitectural historian / Faculty of Architecture ČVUT / Prague - Czech Republic

E Lien Eeckelaers / Employé / Londerzeel - Bel-gium Else Eeckelaers / Bediende / - / Oostro-zebeke - Belgium Pieter Eeckeloo / Architect / Huiswerk / Belgium Didem Ekici / Architectural

historian / University of Lincoln / Lincoln - UK Rami El Samahy / Professor / Architect / Carnegie Mel-lon University / Pittsburgh - USA Wolfdietrich Elbert / Architect / ICOMOS / Strasbourg - France Jos Eliëns / Ar-chitect / Academie van Bouwkunst Maastricht, Trans Form architecten / Maastricht - The Netherlands Stijn Elsen / Ir. Architect / META Architectuurbureau / Brussels - Belgium Madia Enrique / Architect / Docomomo, ICOMOS / Miami - USA Marina Epstein-Pliouchtch / Architect / Head od Architectural Heritage Research Centre, 2003-2008, Fac-ulty of Architecture and Town Planning, Technion, IIT / Haifa - Israel López Eva / Architect and urbanist / 4568 / Granada - Spain Linde Everaerd / Architect / - / Gent - Belgium Eva Eylers / PhD Candidate / Architectural Association / London - GB Panos Exarchopoulos / Architect / Assistant Professor of Architectural Design / Democritus University of Thrace / Xanthi - Greece

F Bernard Faber / Photographer/journalist / Bernard Faber Tekst & Beeld / Alkmaar - The Netherlands Grace Faes / Employee / - / Bruxelles - Belgium Anat Falbel / Engineer/professor / State University

of Campinas / São Paulo, São Paulo - Brazil Harold Fallon / Architect / Sint Lucas / Brussel - Belgium Pieter Fannes / City guide / None / Brussels - Belgium Niels Feddema / Architect/ Engineer / Design exercise TU Delft / Bedum - Holland

“There must be a sustain-able and respectful way of breathing new life in this

protected structure - it is too important and too special to be lost to ill-conceived plans or adverse interests.” Roeland Van Elsen, Architect MRIAI (Dublin - Ireland)Andreas Feijen / Architect / Art and Build, Brussels / Brus-sels - Belgium Andras Ferkai / Professor of architecture / Moholy Nagy University of Arts and Design Budapest / Budapest - Hungary Vanessa Fernandez / Architect / researcher / ENSAPB/ CDHTE / Paris - France Arnau Fernando / Architect / Arnau Arquitectos / Beni-carló - Spain Leonor Ferrao / Architect / Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa / Lisbon - Portugal Nuno Ferreira Ferreira Duarte / Environmental Psychologist / Universidade de Lisboa / Lisboa, Brussels - Portugal Marcia Feuerstein / Professor and Architect / Virginia Tech / Alexandria, VA - USA Fisher Axel / Archi-tect / Phd in Architectural Composition - Politecnico di Mi-lano / Milan - Italy David Fischer / Architect / ETH Zürich / Luzern - Switzerland Catherine FitzGerald / Architect / RIAI / Dublin - Ireland Sevina Floridou / Architect, Historic Preservationist / ICOMOS member, Cyprus / Limassol - Cy-prus Hans Foncke / lector, Artist / W&K St.Lucas/ Gent - Belgium Anna Fonollosa / Architect / CTAC / Benicarló - Spain Joao Fonseca / Architect / Instituto Superior Téc-nico de Lisboa / Porto - Portugal Muñoz Fontenla Luis W. / Architect/Professor / University of Coruña / Coruña - Es-paña An Fonteyne / Architect / NoAarchitecten / Brussels - Belgium Frank Foole / Architect / HU-utrecht / Delft - Neth-erlands Riccardo Forte / Architect / Docomomo France / Docomomo Italia / Genoa - Italy Michel France / Architect / CPAS Bruxelles / Lasne - Belgium Caterina Franchini / Professor / USAC / Torino - Italy Maarten Franssens / Architect / Paleizenstraat 63-65 / Brussel - Belgium MIreia Freixa / Professor / Universitat de Barcelona / Barcelona. Catalonia - Spain Carol Front / Photographer / PHO-CUSED LLC / Fogelsville, PA - USA

G Bernard Serge Gagne / Architecture / ABCP Architecture et Urbanisme / Quebec - Canada Claudio Galeno / Architect / Universidad Católi-ca del Norte / Antofagasta - Chile Raf Geenens /

Philosopher / K.U.Leuven / Belgium Erik Geens / architect docent / St. Lucas / Mechelen - Belgium Kersten Geers/ Architect/Office Kersten Geers, David Van Severen/ Brus-sels - Belgium Jan Geerts / Architect / Crepain Binst Ar-chitecture n.v. / Antwerpen - België Paul Gees / Artist / - / Dendermonde - Belgium Charlotte Geldof / Architect spa-tial planner / Magnificent surroundings / Gent - Belgium Ute Georgeacopol / Ass.Prof.ret. TU Wien / Docomomo Aus-tria / Vienna - Austria Sebastiaan Gerards / Student archi-tecture / PHLDA / Hergenrath - Belgium Andre Gerardy / Architect / Architectuurbureau Lowette / Brussels - Belgium Jan Geudens / Erfgoedconsulent / Provincie Antwerpen / Wommelgem - België Jeroen Geuens / Engineering - Architect / META architects Antwerp / Brussels - Belgium Maite Geuens / Student: Art History / UGent / Mol - Belgium Marc Geusens / Architect/onderwijs / Als architect bekom-merd om erfgoed / Overpelt - Belgium Sophie Ghyselen / Architect / La Cambre Bruxelles / Bruxelles - Belgium Marc

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Gierst / Graphist / La Page / Brussels - Belgium Ranulph Glanville / professor / St Lucas / Portsmouth - UK Patrick Glorieux / Copywriter / Happiness-brussels / Brux-ells - Belgium Mieke Goegebuer / Architect / Architect-enbureau Van Acker & Partners / Ghent - Belgium Geert Goiris / Photographer / Sint Lukas Hogeschool Brussels / Antwerpen - Belgium

“Thank you for taking this initiative. We tried in 1998, but without

success. This important remnant of Modern Move-ment heritage in Belgium should be saved for future generations.” Hubert-Jan Henket, Architect, Honorary president DOCO-MOMO (Esch, The Netherlands)Hannia Gomez / Architect / Fundacion de la Memoria Ur-bana / Caracas - Venezuela Guido Goossens / Zelfst.han-delaar / Bvba servibo design straatmeubilair uit barcelona / Antwerpen - Belgium Maarten Goossens / Architectural historian / Universidad de los Andes / Bogota - Colombia Miek Goossens / Official flemish heritage / Gewestelijk erfgoedambtenaar / Ghent - Belgium Wim Goossens / Architect / Sint-lucas, Lava / Leuven - Belgium Klaas Goris / Architect / Coussée en Goris / Gent - Belgium Paul Gorissen / Architect / Gorissendeponti ontwerpers+makers / Maastricht - Nederland Marc Gossé / Architect / La Cambre; SYNERGY INTERNATIONAL / Brussels - Belgium Jeremy Gould / Architect and profes-sor of architecture / University of Plymouth / Plymouth - UK Philippe Grandvoinnet / Architecte / DoCoMoMo France / Grenoble - France Louise Gras / Historian / National Uni-versity & Docomomo Mexico / Mexico D.F. - Mexico Petra Griefing / Architect / Stad en Architectuur vzw / Leu-ven - Belgium Erik Gielis / Mijnwerker / Red mij / Everberg - Belgium Stefaan Grieten / Ambtenaar/kunsthistoricus / Antwerpse Vereniging voor Bouwhistorie en Geschiedenis / Antwerpen - België Roberta Grignolo / Assistent Profes-sor / Accademia di Architettura / Mendrisio - Switzerland Gwendolyn Grolig / Art Historian / Université Libre de Bruxelles / Brussels - Belgium Olav Grondelaers / Report-er / VRT / Brussels - Belgium Barbara Gillis / Bediende-architecte / Umicore vmzinc / Grimbergen - Belgium Poid-omani Giuseppe / Draughtsman architect / Freelance / Braine-l’Alleud - Belgium Dominique Guerrier Dubarle / Ingénieur / ICOMOS / Belgique David Guilardian / Curator / CPAS-OCMW / Brussels Anne Guilleaume / Architect / B. Van der Wee Architects / Luik - Belgium Anne-Laure Guillet / Director / Docomomo International / Paris - France Vera Gyssels / Teacher / Omdat het waardevol is als patri-monium / Poperinge - Belgium

H Tom J. Haartsen / Building physicist / Climatic Design Consult / Nijmegen - NL Johanna Had-myr / Conservationist / DOCOMOMO / Sweden Haemers Matthias / Architect / Office / Belgium

Shin Hagiwara / Architect / V+ / Brussels - Belgium Ivo, Prof. Dr. Hammer / Conservator/Restorer / HAWK Univ. of Applied Arts and Sciences, Hildesheim / Vienna - Austria Kabsch Hans / Architech / Docomomo mexico / Tapachula chiapas - Mexico Isabelle Happé / Architecte / Bruxelles / Bruxelles - Belgique Thomas “Gunny” Harboe / Architect / Harboe Architects / USA Gregor Harbusch / Art histo-rian / Eth zurich, gta archives / Zurich - switzerland Bruno Hardt / Visual artist / Sint-Lukas Hogeschool Brussel / Zellik - Belgium Gillian Hardy / Manager / Docomomo / London - UK Françoise Harf / Conseiller d’éducation populaire et jeunesse en retraite / ATTAC / Gelos - France Kevin Har-rington / Professor of Architectural History / Illinois Institute of Technology / Chicago, IL - USA Sabine Hartmann / Art Historian / Art Historian / Enschede - Netherlands Willem Heijbroek / Chairman Heemschut Zl / Governing board Heemschut NL / Tholen - NL Arnaud Hendrickx / Architect / Sint-Lucas / Brussel - Belgium Laurence Hen-drickx / Architect / - / Brussels - Belgium Vicky Hender-ickx / Strategist / - / Antwerp - Belgium Dirk Hendriks / Architect / V/A versatile architecture / Antwerpen - België Geert Hendriks / Manager / - / Rijmenam - Belgium Pieter Hendrix / Ingenieur / Cic-engineering / Huldenberg - Belgie Hubert-Jan Henket / Architect / Honorary President Doco-momo / Esch - Nederland Caroline Henrotay / Researc-hear in Architectural Engineering sciences / VUB - Arch / Brussels - Belgium Stijn Heremans / Urban Planner / Heritage Consultant / D+A Consult / Tollembeek - Belgium Carsten Hermann / Architect / Docomomo / Edinburgh - UK Liesbeth Hermans / Logistics Planner / Tyco Electron-ics / Winksele - Belgium Jasmien Herssens / PHD / PHL-UHasselt/KULeuven / Hasselt, Leuven - Belgium Herman Hertzberger / Architect / Architectuurstudio HH / Amsterdam - the Netherlands Vincent HEYMANS / His-torien de l’architecture / - / Bruxelles - Belgique Rajesh

Heynickx / Historicus / St.Lucas, U.A. / Brussel, Antwerpen - Belgium Hilkka Högström / Researcher / DoCoMoMo Finland / Finland Koen Himpe / Erfgoedconsulent / Over-heidssector / Tielt - Belgium Mia Hipeli / Chief Curator / Alvar Aalto Museum / Helsinki - Finland Hasso Hohmann / Architect / Technische Uni. / Graz - Austria Anna Hohmann-Vogrin / Professor of Urbanism / TU Graz / Graz - Austria Matthijs Hoijtink / Student / Faculty of Architecture TU Delft / Delft - the Netherlands Bart Hollanders / Architect docent / Sint-Lucas, 1:1A / Antwerpen - Belgium Ruth Hommelen / Architectural Historian / Sint-Lucas Architecture Institute / Brussels - Belgium J. Hoope / Architect / Restauration / Amsterdam - Netherlands Sandra Hoppe / Thuiszorg/ thuiszorg / Blankenberge - Belgie Elisabeth Horth / Coordinator for the Réseau Art Nouveau Network / Belgium / Brussels - Belgium Inge Horton / City planner / DOCOMOMOnocal / San Francisco, CA - USA Claudine Houbart / Assistant / Institut supérieur d’architecture Lambert Lombard / Liège - Belgium Geert Hovingh / Teacher / Hanze Hogeschool Groningen / Groningen - the Netherlands Berthold Hub / Assistant Professor / ETH Zurich, Institute gta History and Theory of Architecture / Zurich - Switzerland Stijn Huijts /director-general manager / Modern Art and urban culture, Schunck glaspaleis / Heerlen - Holland Hurley Livia / Ar-chitectural historian / Trinity college dublin / Dublin - Ireland Dirk Huylebrouck / leraar / W&K Sint-Lucas / Brussel, Oostende - Belgium

I Juan Ignacio Del Cueto / Architect-reasercher / Docomomo-Mexico / Mexico City - Mexico Jerzy Ilkosz / Resercher, historian of architecture / Director Museum of Architecture / Wroclaw - Poland Snej Ipanema /

Designer / Freedom fighters / Austria Shaheda Ishaque / Lawyer / - / Brugge - Belgium

“There must be a new use found for this iconic

building--show your usual imagination and DO IT !!“ Andrew Shepherd, architect, Architectural Association, London (UK)

JPyburn Jack / Architect / Docomomo/ International / Atlanta - GA USA Stephanie Jacobe / Historian / American University / Washington DC - USA Gimeno conde Jaime / Arquitecto / CTA / Castellon - SPAIN

Gisle Jakhelln / Architect / President ICOMOS Norway / Bodö - Norway Jo Janssen / Architect / Jo Janssen Archi-tecten / Maastricht - Nederland Peter Janssens / Architect / - / Wespelaar - Belgium Dirk Jaspaert / Ir. Architect / W&K / Leuven - Belgium Alexander Javedani / student archi-tectuur / W&K / Brussel - Belgium Mitchelhill Jennifer / Architectural Historian / Melbourne University / Melbourne - Australia Choi Jin-Yoeng / Researcher / Natura Institute for Energy&Environment / Busan - Repubic of Korea Alex-andre Jongen / Architect / Urbanisme Uccle / Brussels - Belgium Sophie Joos / Student / Ghent University / Ghent - Belgium Carcasés Jose / Arquitecto / - / Altura - Spain Martinavarro Jose / Arquitecto / CTAC / Almassora - Es-paña Rivero Jose / Arquitecto / 5.605159J / Ciudad Real - España González José-Manuel / University Art Teacher / Cáceres - Spain Kaatje Joseph / Educatrice / I love Brussels / Luxemburg Wolfgang Jung / Professor of Ar-chitecture History, Theory and Conservation of Architecture / University of Applied Sciences Frankfurt / Main / Frankfurt / Main - Germany Andrea Jütten / Architect / Docomomo Deutschland e.V. / Germany

K Maija Kairamo / Architect / The Finnish Com-mittee for the Restoration of Viipuri Library / Hel-sinki - Finland Grygolec Karol / Architect / A&B / Brussels - Belgium Stephen Kelley / Architect /

Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. / Chicago, IL - USA Axel Kenes / Diplomate / None / Vienna - Austria Guy Kervyn / Physician / CHR Hospital / Namur - BelgiumInge Ketelers / Graphic designer / Sint-Lucas Visual Arts, Ghent / Hansbeke - Belgium Annick Keunen / Project leader / Personal development / Brussels - Belgium Christian Kieckens / Architect / Christian Kieckens Archi-tects / Brussels - Belgium Unjoo Kim / Ph.D. Candidate / Uni.stuttgart / Stuttgart - Germany Jonghun Kim / Profes-sor / Paichai University / Seoul - South Korea Stefan Kips / Architect / ASK-Architects / Knokke-Heist - Belgium Jo Klaps / Designer / / Wolvertem - Belgium Dennis Klaus / Architect / Dennis Klaus Architects / Cu-racao - Neth. Antilles Richard Klein / Architect, professor / Ensapl / Lille - France Jiri Klokocka / Architect-Urbanist / Leiedal / Deerlijk - Belgium Yvonne Knevels / Teacher / Provinciale Hogeschool Limburg / Hasselt - Belgium Sophie Koch / Urbaniste / ADUL / Paris - France Martha Kohen / Architect / University of florida / Gaines-ville - USA Maryse Koll / Secretaresse / Vrije Universiteit Bussel / Brussels - Belgium Carol Krinsky / Professor of Art and Architectural History / New York University / New York City - USA Griet Kuppens / Architect / Architecture

/ Brussels - Belgium Ki Hyuk Kwon / Professor / DOCO-MOMO, Korea / Seoul - Korea Jakub Kyncl / Architect / BUT / Brno - Czech Republic

“Not only a great building, also a great opportunity

for appropriate new use! Adaptive re-use of this mas-terpiece must be a feasible option.” Wessel De Jonge, Architect/researcher, Wessel de Jonge architecten/Faculteit Bouwkunde TU Delft (Rot-terdam/Delft – Nederland)

L Sarah Lacroix / Architect / Antwerp - Belgium Brecht Lagae / Monumentenwachter / Monumen-tenwacht / Brugge - Belgie Johan Lagae / Univer-sity professor / Ghent University / Ghent - Belgium

Katie Lagast / Artist / . / Antwerpen - Belgium Kris La-gast / Bediende / None / Blankenberge - Belgium Evert Lagrou / Hoogleraar / Dep Architectuur St.Lucas / Grimber-gen - België Elsa Lam / Architectural Historian / Columbia University / New York - USA Rita Lammertyn / Secretary / Inst. voor Amerikanistiek / Edegem - Belgium Susana Landrove / Architect / Iberian DOCOMOMO / Barcelona - Spain Karl Langer / Architect / Docomomo austria / Vi-enna - Austria Sophie Langlet / Architecte / Indépendant / Bruxelles - Belgium Epp Lankots / Architectural historian, researcher / Estonian Academy of Arts / Tallinn - Estonia Kathleen Laporte / Bediende / Geen / Belgium Benassi Laura / Researcher / Scuola Normale Superiore / Pisa - Italy Geneviève Laurent / Archéologue / Maison de l’urbanisme Famenne-Ardenne / Braives - Belgium Anne Marie Laureys / Ceramic artist / Individual / Belgium Leen Lauriks / PhD student / Ir arch / Brussels - Belgium Jan Lauwers / Landscape Architect / Jan Lauwers & Partners / Kessel - Belgium Kathleen Lauwers / Graphic designer / - / Bornem - Belgium Judith Le Maire / Architecte, Dr en arch. / La Cambre Architecture / Bruxelles Andrew Leach / Architectural historian / University of Queensland / Bris-bane - Australia Christiane Lefebvre / Heritage architect / ICOMOS Canada / Gatineau, QC - Canada Gery Leloutre / Architecte, enseignant / ISACF La Cambre / Brussels Belgium Janis Lejnieks / Architect / Docomomo member / Riga - Latvia Philippe Lemineur / Architect / Origin / Antwerpen - Belgium Eric Lenaerts / Architecte / XDGA / B 1000 bruxelles - Belgium Siri Lexau / Ass. professor / University of Bergen / Bergen - Norway Kunegonde Leys / Interieurarchitect / Origin / Antwerpen - België Lara Agusti Lidon / Arquitecto / CTAC / Castellon - Spain Eugeen Liebaut / Architect / Sint-Lucas / Sint-Antelinks - Belgium Patricia Liesenborgs / Adminis-tration / Friend / Belgium Gorik Lindemans / Kunstenaar / - / Brussel - België Tommi Lindh / Curator / National Board of Antiquities / Helsinki - Finland Xavier Llobet / Arquitecte / CoAC / Barcelona, Catalunya - Spain Plesca Ioana / Ar-chitect / A2RC / Brussels - Belgium Wim Lodewyck / Ar-chitect / Icomos / Kortrijk - Belgium Daniel Lohmann / Ar-chitect/ Conservator / RWTH Aachen University / Germany Petar Iokimov / Architectural historian / Indvidual member DOCOMOMO International / Sofia - Bulgaria Karolien Loncke / Interieurarchitecte / Zarren - Bel-gium Jeremie Lopez / Etudiant / Architecture / Marseille - France Albert X. López Martínez / Arquitecto / CTAC / Vinaròs, Castellón - España Maja Lorbek / Architect / TU Wien / Vienna - Austria Claude Loupiac / Maître de conférences / Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-SorbonneP / Paris - France Karel Lowette / Architect / Bvba archi-tectuurbureau Lowette / Brussels - Belgium Irene Lund / Architect / La Cambre / Brussels - Belgium Nico Luyten / Architect / LLOX architects / Antwerp - Belgium

M Dieter Machielsen / Restaurateur / Independ-ant / Wilrijk - Belgium Bart Macken / Architect / Macken & Macken / Brussels - Belgium Petra Maclot / Building historian / Antwerpse

Vereniging voor Bouwhistorie & Geschiedenis, Doctoranda KULeuven / Antwerpen - Belgium Denis Maessen / Ar. sta-giaire / AIUD / Belgium Frederik Mahieu / Erfgoedconsu-lent / Vlaamse Overheid - Onroerend Erfgoed West-Vlaan-deren / Brugge - België Leila Mahlous / Market Manager / Belgacom / Koekelberg - Belgium Kirsten Malfroid / Student / Vergelijkende Moderne Letterkunde UGent / Gh-ent - BelgiumChristina Mamaloukaki / Architect-engineer / Independent / Paris - France Valérie Mannaerts / Visual artist / None / Brussels - Belgium Werner Marcelo / Zelf-standige / Verbouwingen / Belgie Sangüesa Tena Marcos / Architect / Mixuro, estudio de Arquitectura. / Castellon - Spain Olivier Marga / Sound technician / Brussels - Belgium Monika Markgraf / Archi-tect / Docomomo Germany / Dessau - Germany Sonia Marques / Professor / Universidade Federal da Paraiba / Joao Pessoa - Brazil Pieter Martens / Architec-tural historian / K.U.Leuven / Brussels - Belgium

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Pablo Marti Ciriquián / Architect / University of Alicante / Alicante - Spain Javier Martinez-Gonzalez / Architectural historian / University of Navarra / Pamplona - Spain Philip Mathieu / Architect / META architectuurbureau / Antwerp - Belgium Joao Paulo Martins / Architect / Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa, Faculdade de Arquitectura / Portugal Michel Massant / Expert / Art / Bern’Art SA / Brussels - Belgium

“Please do something to save this great building!!”

Hielkje Zijlstra, Associate Professor, Delft University of Technology (Delft – The Netherlands)

Jan Masschelein / Professor / K.Universiteit Leuven / Leuven - Belgium Madalena Cunha Matos / Architect & Professor / Faculty of Architecture - TU Lisbon / Lisbon - Portugal Paul Mattelaer / Med.Doct / Nihil / Bruges -Bel-gium Maire Mattinen / Arch, director of department of Monuments and Sites / National Board of Antiquities / Hel-sinki - Finland Juliane Mayer / Architect / Baugeschichte LFU Innsbruck / Innsbruck - Austria Thomas McClintock / Conservator / Studio TKM / Somerville MA - USA Maureen McGee / Student / University of Virginia / United States Frances M. McMillen / Architectural Historian / N/A / Alexandria, VA - USA Iris Meder / Architecture historian / Oegfa / Vienna - Austria Laurie Meeuws / Bediende / De zonvloed / Brussels - Belgium Leen Megacnk / Heritage researcher / VIOE - Flemish Heritage Institute / Ghent - Bel-gium Frans Meijer / Architect / gastprofessor / Local office / sint lukas hogeschool brussel / Leuven - Belgium Annie Meiresonne / Archivist / Patrimonium / Belgium Aart J.J. Mekking / Professor of Architectural History / Comparative world Architecture Studies, Leiden University / Utrecht - The Netherlands Sarah Melsens / Aechitecture student / VUB / Brussels - Belgium Bruno Merckx / Histo-rian / - / Liege - Belgium Ellen Mermans / Exhibition coor-dinator / Royal Museum of Fine Arts of Belgium / Brussels - Belgium Silvia Mertens / Architect / Sculp(IT) / Antwerpen - Belgium Ingeborg Meulendijks / Artist / Professor Uni.Siegen / Ac v. Bouwkunst Maastricht / Steyl - Netherlands Edina Meyer-Maril / Art & Architecture Historian / Senior Lecturer Tel Aviv University / Tel Aviv - Israel

“Save this heroic archi-tecture” Penelope Seidler, architect, FRAIA (Sydney – Australia)

Griet Meyfroots / Adjunct-secretaris KCML / KCML / Brus-sel - België Iwein Meyskens / Architect / Architecture / Brussels - Belgium Boucai Michael / Student / Cambridge University / Cambridge - UK Eileen Michels / Architectural historian / University of St. Thomas, Professor Emerita / St. Paul, MN - USA Cynthia Michiels / student architectuur / W&K / Brussel - Belgium Laurent Michiels / Architect / RenovaS asbl / Brussels - Belgium Lotte Middelkoop / Architecture student / TU Delft / Delft - Netherlands Desman Mihael / Architect / Journalist / Ljubljana - Slov-enia Benoît Mihail / Curator / Federal police / Brussels - Belgium Henk Mihl / Architect / TU.Delft / Voorburg - The Netherlands Kaarina Mikonranta / Chief Curator / Alvar Aalto Museum / Jyväskylä - Finland Martina Milla Bernad / Museum staff / Fundació Joan Miró / Barcelona - Spain Sam Millecam / Architecture Student / VUB / Belgie Marjanovic Minja / Architect/researcher / Politecnico di Milano / Milano - Italy Jan Minne / Artist / Architecture / Brussels - Belgium Watanabe Mio / Editor / I see all inc. / Tokyo - Japan Gabriela Mirazon-Hahn / Architect / ABM / Aachen - Germany Benoit Misonne / Geolo-gist / ICOMOS / Belgium Bene Misseeuw / Economist / Yes / Brugge - België Kenji Miyazaki / Office worker / DOCOMOMO Japan / Noda city in Japan Jelle Moens / Architectural historian / Ghent - Belgium Katrien Moens / Monumentenwachter / Monumentenwacht antwerpen vzw / Antwerpen - Belgie Alex Moerman / Architect / TU Delft / Rotterdam - Netherlands Cleveland Moffett / Journalist / The Bulletin / Brussels - Belgium Pieter Mollemans / Architect / Brussel - Belgium Enrique Monfort / Architect / - / Barcelona - Spain Raúl Monterroso/ Architect / Docomomo-Guatemala / Guatemala - Guatemala Christoph Moonen / Doctoral researcher / K.U. Leuven / Louvain - BelgiumHenrieta Moravcikova/Architect, researcher/ Slovak Academy of Sciences/ Bratislava - Slovakia Alain Morel / Judge / Brussels court / Ronse - Belgium Anne-Francoise Morel / Reseach Assistant History of Ar-chitecture / Ghent University / Ghent - Belgium Celine Morris / Coordinator organic baskets in Brussels / Mandala Organic Growers / Brussels - Belgium Sebastian Mortelmans / Architect / Independant / Ant-werp - Belgium Lisa Mosier / PhD Cand. Architectural His-tory / Tulane University / New Orleans - USA Guy Mouton / Ir.Architect / W&K / Brussel - Belgium Merijn Muller / Ar-

chitect / Huiswerk Architecten / Antwerp - Belgium Carlos Munoz-fontenla / Architect/educator / None / A coruña / Spain

“Do not go for another ‘Bruxelisation’!” Serajul Hakim, architect, Khulna University (Singapore)

N Mitsuru Nagao / Architectural History / DOCO-MOMOJapan / Japan Luc Nagels / Fotograaf / Sla / Brussel, België Mari Nakahara / Architec-tural Archivist / Librarian / Library of Congress /

Washington, DC - USA Roberto Nascimento / Tekenaar/landmeter / - / Antwerpen - Belgium Nicola Navone / Ar-chitect / Vicedirettore Archivio del Moderno (Accademia di architettura, USI) / Mendrisio - Switzerland Laurie Neale / Architect/communications officer / Europa Nostra / The Hague - The Netherlands Andrea Negrisoli / Architetto / - / Asola (Mantova) - Italia Bart Nelis / Expert online communication / Fan / Belgium Sander Nelissen / Architect / Ir arch / Rotterdam - Netherlands Annelies Nevejans / Archivist / CVAa / Ghent - BelgiumBernd Nicolai / Prof of Architectural Hitsory and Monument Conservation / Bern University, Dept. Art History / Bern - Switzerland Paul Nieuwenhuizen / Art historian / Bureau of Monuments & Archeology City of Amsterdam / Amster-dam - The Netherlands Wim Nijenhuis / Architect/writer / Independent / Delft - The Nederlands Aino Niskanen / Architect / Professor in history of architecture / Finland Sara Noel costa de araujo / Architect / Xdga / Brussels - Belgium Hans November / Art historian / - / Breda - The Netherlands António Nunes Pereira / Associate Profes-sor / IADE / Lisbon / Lisbon - Portugal Annabelle Nuyttens / Guide / Save the heritage / Meche-len - Belgium Jeroen Nys / Interieur Architect / - / Tervuren - Belgium

O Regina Oeschlberger / Dipl.ingnier,stagedesign,artist / Techn.univ.innsbruck austria / Salzburg - Austria Amy Ogata / Ar-chitectural & Design Historian / Bard Graduate

Center / New York, NY - USA Françoise Olivier / Architect / Origin / Belgium Hansi Ombregt / Architect / P8 archi-tecten / Antwerp - Belgium Philippe Orlent / Consultant / - / Hoeilaart - Belgium Luca Ortelli / Professor / Ecole Poly-technique Fédérale / Lausanne - Suisse Peter Ory / Ar-chitect / Eurostation / Brussel - Belgium Devisch Oswald / Urban Designer / PHL / Antwerp - Belgium Elke Otten / Metal conservator / KMKG / Brussels - Belgium

P Anne Paduart / PhD Student Architecture / Vrije Universiteit Brussel / Brussels - Belgium Carolina Paez / Architect, MA in Conservation of Historic Towns and Buildings / None / Santiago - Chile Ka-

tariina Pakoma / Curator / Alvar Aalto Museum / Jyväskylä - Finland Kris Palmers / Architect / Regie der Gebouwen / Zonhoven - Belgium Anne Pannier / Museumcurator / MRBAB, Brussels / Brussels - Belgium Stijn Pardon / Mul-timedia designer / Love at first ‘site’ / Mechelen - Belgium Peter Pas / Art Director / - / Belgium Veronique Patteeuw / Architect / Editor / ENSA Paris Malaquais / Paris - France Geert Pauwels / Architect / DIAL architects / Nederzwalm - Belgium Koen Pauwels / Architect / KP Architect / Antwer-pen - Belgium Pieter Pauwels / Architect / Ghent University / Ghent - Belgium Pieter Peerlings / Architect / Sculp(IT) / Antwerpen - BelgiëGhislaine Peeters / Producer Contemp arts / MuHKA / Antwerp - Belgium Haaike Peeters / Stu-dent / Ir-arch / Haaltert - Belgium Jos Peeters / Architect / Svr-architects / Herent - BelgieNadia Pelckmans / Ad-viseur Kosdtprijsanalyse / Monumentenwacht Vlaanderen / Antwerp - Belgium Ariadna Perich / Architect & Professor / Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura de Barcelona / Bar-celona, Catalunya - Spain Jurgen Persijn / Graphic designer / NN / Brussels - Bel-gium Aliki-Myrto Perysinaki / Architect / Landscape / Paris - France Alexander Pfanzelt / Architect / Univer-sity of innsbruck / Innsbruck - Austria Klaus Jan Prof. Dr. Philipp / Architectural Historian / University of Stuttgart, Fakultät Architektur und Stadtplanung / Stuttgart - Germany Deldycke Phyline / Retired / None / Wervikv - Belgium Evelien Picalausa / Student / VUB / Halle - Belgium Flor-ine Picavet / Architecte / No / Belgium - Brussels Florence Valérie Piette / Professor / ULB / Brussels, Belgium Pierard / Student / Vrije Universiteit Brussel Géraldine Pieters / Clerk / - / Beersel - Belgium Stéphanie Pieters / Architect / Buizingen / Belgium Eric Pigat / Student / Ar-chitecture / Luxembourg Gisela Pinto / Communication designer / Gpdesign / Porto - Portugal Sonja Pisarik / Art Historian / Architekturzentrum Wien / Vienna - Austria Carine Pletinckx-Swinnen / Juriste / OCMWAalst / Nieu-werkerken - Belgium Roy Plevier / Architecture student / TU Delft / Amsterdam - The Netherlands Mariel Polman / Architectural Paint Research/ Colour Specialist / POLMAN colour&architecture / Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed / Amsterdam / Amersfoort - Nederlands Kim Poorters / Architect / Palimpsest architecten / Brussels - Belgium Mariana Pquiroga / Architect / University Of Buenos Aires / Argentina Prior Y Llombart Jaime / Architecto/Profesor

/ Universidad Politecnica/Escuela De Arcquitectura. ETSAV / Valencia - Spain Theodore Prudon / Architect/Professor / Columbia University / New York - USA Jean Puissant / Professeur / Université de Bruxelles / Belgium Liesbeth Put / Architecture student / Sint-Lucas / Leuven - Belgium Peter Putseys / Technisch beheer & onderhoud van monumenten / Erfgoed Vlaanderen vzw / Antwerp - Bel-gium Pierre Puttemans / Architect / Ordre des Architectes; Association Internationale des critiques d’art / Brussels - Belgium

Q Vanda Quecini / Architect / Ticcih / Sao paulo - Brazil Carolina Quiroga / Architect / University of Buenos Aires / Buenos Aires - Argentina

“Thank you for taking this initiative. We tried in 1998, but without success. This important remnant of Mod-ern Movement heritage in Belgium should be saved for future generations.”

Hubert-Jan Henket, Architect, Honorary president DOCOMOMO (Esch, The Netherlands)

R Tabti Rabah / A University teacher / University of Tizi-Ouzou / Tizi-Ouzou - Algeria Gaetan Raets / Directeur MRS/MRS / None / Brussels - Belgium Rob Ragoen / architecture student / W&K St-

Lucas / Brussel - Belgium Risto Raittila / Curator / Alvar Aalto Museum / Jyväskylä - Finland Kathleen Randall / Architectural Historian / DOCOMOMO US New York/Tri-State/ / New York, NY - USA Christoph Rausch / Lec-turer/Researcher / Maastricht University / Maastricht - The Netherlands Carol Reese / Professor / Tulane University / New Orleans, LA - USA Bruno Reichlin / Professor / USI Accademia di architettura / Mendrisio - Switzerland Tiago Ribeiro / Architect / Escola Superior Artística do Porto / Porto - Portugal Alain Richard / Architect / Aa-ar / Liège - Belgium Michel Renard / Enseignant - Employé communal / La Cambre - Molenbeek / Brussels David Rifkind / Professor of architectural history / Flori-da International University / Miami - USA David Rivera / Teacher (architecture) / Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio / Madrid - Spain Johannes Robbrecht / Architect / Rob-brecht en Daem architecten / Gent - Belgium Paul Robbrecht / Architect / Robbrecht en Daem architect-en / Gent - Belgium Jan Robert / Literary scholar / House of letters, antwerp / Antwerp - Belgium Scott Robertson / Architect / Robertson & Hindmarsh P/L / Sydney - Australia Luc K. G. Robijns / Erfgoedzorger / Provinciebestuur Oost-Vlaanderen / Gent - Belgium Leonora Robinson / Artist / Architectural Dialogue / London - UK Damien Rocour / Graphiste / La Page / Bruxelles - Bel-gium Dries Romanus / Real estate / Independent / Den-dermonde - Belgium Michel Rooryck / Art historian & deal-er / MiroArt / Kortrijk - Belgium Michael Roque / Architect / Docomomo / New York - USA Rien Rossey / Architect / Modernist lover / Gent - Belgium Manoela Rufinoni / Architect and Professor / Federal Uni-versity of São Paulo / São Paulo - Brazil Arno Ruigrok / Director Research&Concepts at Property Developer / Multi Development / Gouda - The Netherlands Joost Ruland / Architect / Ruland + Partner Architecten bna / Amsterdam - NL André Rupprecht / Salesman / Privat / Essen - Ger-many Emilie Ruys / Student / VUB / Brussels - Belgium

“NON à la démolition du SANATORIUM de JOSEPH LEMAIRE”

Agnès Cailliau, architect, Présidente de DOCOMOMO France (France)

S Pierfrancesco Sacerdoti / Architect / Politecnico di Milano / Milano - Italy Julien Saint-Paul / Cad operator / ISAM / Brussels - Belgium Teresa Sala / Profesor / Universitat de Barcelona / Barcelona

- Spain Riitta Salastie / Architect, D.Sc. / Helsinki City Planning Department, Oulu University (docent) / Helsinki - Finland Gommer Saldien / Architect / ATS / Boechout - Belgium Yildiz Salman / Restoration Architect- Istanbul Technical University / Assistant Professor / Istanbul - Tur-key Jose Eurico Salgado dos Santos / Architect, ESAP Professor / FAUP-ESAP / Porto - Portugal Nele Samson / Architect / _ / Antwerpen - Belgium Uriarte Merritt Samuel / Architect / Chile/ Bolivia / Santiago de Chile - ChileGreet Samyn / Presenter / VRT / Belgium Philippe Samyn / Architect and consulting engineer /

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Samyn and Partners bvba-sprl, principal partner / Brussels - Belgium Castellano Sandra / Architect / CMD / Valencia - Spain Wood Santiago / Architect / Cpau 24207 / Bue-nos aires - Argentina Tiago Santos Pereira / Researcher / University of Coimbra / Coimbra - Portugal Pieter Santy / Heritage consultant - historian / R-O Vlaanderen - Onroer-end Erfgoed / Bruges - BelgiumPeter Andreas Sattrup / Architect, PhD Student / Royal Danish Academy of Art / Copenhagen - Denmark Frédéric Saunier / Architecte / Ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture de Normandie / Le Havre - France Veerl Scarniet / Architect / Crepain binst architecture nv / Antwerpen - Belgium Robin Schaeverbeke / Musician / Sint-lucas / Gent/Brussel - Belgium Steven Schatteman / Architect / EIS / Berchem - BelgiumAnn Scheid / Architectural historian, Archivist / Univer-sity of Southern California / Los Angeles, CA - USA Sara Schepens / Architect / Independent / Kuringen - Belgium Dietrich Dr. Schmidt / Architectural historian / University of Stuttgart / Stuttgart - Germany Maarten Schmidt / Film-maker / Sint-Lukas school of arts / Schaarbeek - Belgium Christian Schmutz / Architect / A-u-r-a architects / Ulm - Germany Marie Schoenmaeckers / Administratrice de production / - / Brussels -Belgium Eva Schoeters / Monu-mentenwachter / Monumentenwacht Antwerpen vzw / Ant-werpen - België Ken Schoeters / Integration assistant / Onthaalbureau Inburgering Antwerpen / Antwerpen - België Sofie Schoeters / Bediende / Antwerp, Belgium Yves Schoonjans / hoofddocent / St-Lucas / Brussel - Belgium

“This is an extremely im-portant building in the history of modern archi-

tecture and must be saved.” Lisa Schrenk, Professor of Architecture and Art History, Norwich University (Northfield - VT USA)

Maike Scholz / Architect / B. Van der Wee Architects / Brussels - Belgium Lisa Schrenk / Proferssor of Archi-tecture and Art History / Norwich University / Northfield, VT - USA Jan Schreurs / Architect / Low architecten / Antwer-pen - Belgium Jan Schreurs / Ir.Architect, ruimtelijk plan-ner / St-Lucas; K.U. Leuven / Heverlee - Belgium Walter Schudel / Dr. Art sciences, Art historian / IRPA (hon.) / Ghent - Belgium Rose marie Schulz-rehberg, dr. phil. / Art historian / Basel tourisme / Basel - Switzerland Andreas Schwarting / Architectural Historian / TU Dres-den / Dresden - Germany Giulia Sebregondi / Architec-tural historian / Sapienza University of Rome / Rome - Italy Philippe Seghers / Art dealer / No / Oostende - Belgium Penelope Seidler / Architect /RAIA, FRAIA, Seidler and Associates, MoMA / Sydney - Australia Alexandra Selivanova / Architect / NIITAG / Moscow - Russia Geert Sels / Journalist / De standaard / Dilbeek - Belgie Antje Senarclens de Grancy / Art Historian / AAG / Graz - Austria Alexandra Serapicos / Architect / Teacher / School of Arts | Portuguese Catholic University / Porto - Portugal Daniel Serban / Architect / FAU-UTCN, Cluj / Cluj - Romania Donato Severo / Architecte, historien / ENSA Paris val de Seine / Enghien les Bains - France Serajul Hakim Sheikh / Architect, Education / Khulna University / Singapore Andrew Shepherd / Architect / Ar-chitectural Association,London / Sheffield - UK Ryoichi Shuto / Architect / Urban Renaissance Agency / Japan Sylvia Simar / Manager / Brussels / Brussels - Belgium Robin Skinner / Architectural historian / Victoria University of Wellington / New Zealand Joop Slangen / Architect / BNA / Haarlem - Nederland Evelien Slock / Ir-architect / Eurostation / Gent - Belgium Pierre Smars / Professor of Architectural Conservation / National Yunlin University of Science and Technology / Dou-Liu - Taiwan Lene Smedts / Restorator/Conservator Paintings / Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp / Antwerp - Belgium Coralie Smets / Art historian / - / Brussels - Belgium Jao Smet / Architectt / WENK St-Lucas / Gent - Belgium Jean noel Smets / Profession libre / Belge / Bruxelles - Belgium Marcel Smets / Flemish Government Architect / Flemish Government Architect’s team / Brussel - Belgium Linda Smismans / Art historian / Free Lance / Halle - Bel-gium Nathalie Smoes / Architect / SPW - DGO4 / Bel-gium Yvan Snauwaert / Opvoeder / Opvoeder / Loppem - Belgium François Snoeck / Student / Ing.arch / Overi-jse - Belgium Raf Snoekx / Architect / De Gouden Liniaal Architecten / Genk - Belgium Tim Soens / Historian / Uni-versity of Antwerp / Antwerp - Belgium Susan Solomon / Architectural historian / Curatorial Resources &Research / Princeton, NJ - USA Dirk Somers / Architect / Huiswerk / Antwerp - Belgium Ralph Sommerfeld / Monumenten-wachter / Monumenten / Belgie Seog Ki Song / Professor / DOCOMOMO Korea / Gunsan - South Korea Lien Staelens / Architecturestudent / Artesis Hogeschool / Belgium Adam Stafiniak / Architect / Wroclaw University of Technology / Wroclaw - Poland

“A major building that should be saved and re-used”

Richard Guy Wilson, Architectural historian, University of Virginia (Charlottesville - VA USA)

Jorgen Stassijns / Medical doctor / Msf / Brussels - Bel-gium Brian Steegmans / Student / Phl / Hasselt - Belgium Caroline Stephenson / Preservationist / Columbia Uni-versity / New York, NY - USA Sven Sterken / Architectural Historian / Sint-Lucas Architecture Institute / Brussels - Bel-gium Charlotte Steyaert / Student / University of Ghent / Ghent - Belgium Damie Stillman / Professor of Art History / University of Delaware / Newark, DE - USA Thibault Stockmann / Employee Christie’s Belgium / Brussels - Belgium Ljubinka Stoilova / Architect / Chief Expert, Old Sofia Municipal Enterprise with Historical Mu-seum of Sofia / Sofia - Bulgaria Jörg Stollmann / Architect, Professor / TU Berlin / Germany Keith Streames / Archi-tect / FAIA / Melbourne - Australia Francis Stroobants / Gepensioneerd onderwijsdirecteur / Overijses soc.-cultu-reel netwerk / Overijse - Belgium Sara Stroux / Architect/researcher / RMIT TU Delft / Delft - The Netherlands Steven Strynckx / Criminologist / - / Ghent - Belgium Anouk Stulens / Director / Monumentenwacht Vlaanderen vzw / Antwerp - Belgium Vera Suls / Architect / Architecten-bureau Vanhecke & Suls / Antwerpen - Belgium Doh Sun Boong / Architectural Design / DOCOMOMO Korea / Seoul - Korea Wim Supply / Architect / ARCHIPEL / Brugge - Belgium Vitoria Susana / Architecte / - / Paris - France Huub Swillens / Architect / Van Wylick architecten / Eindhoven - Netherlands Jacques Swinnen/ Jurist / Brus-sel / Sint-Pieters-Leeuw - Belgium Peter Swinnen / Architect / 51N4E / Brussels - Belgium

T Kim Taewoo / Architect / Docomomo-korea / Seoul - South Korea Yukio Tahara / Architect / ICOMOS,DOCOMOMO / Tokyo - Japan Taka-matsu Takashi / Graduate student / DOCOMOMO

Japan / Japan Els Tanghe / Costume assistent / No / Nederland Gorik Tanghe / Architect-stedenbouwkundige / Gent - Belgium Bruno Tansens / Ir-architect / Eurostation / Brussels - BelgiumMargarida Tavares da Conceição / Historian / Catholic University of Portugal / Viseu - Portugal Jacqueline Taylor / Architectural Historian / University of Virginia / Charlottes-ville, VA - USA Norbert Tempel / Dipl.-Ing., Conservator / IndustrieKultur Magazine / Dortmund - Germany Artola Teresa / Architect / CTAC / Castellon - Spain Michel Terlinck / Bouwkundig tekenaar, composer and musician / Architecture Archive Brussels / Belgium Bertrand Terlinden / Architecte / La Cambre / Bruxelles - Belgium Maarten Terryn / Architect / METAMORFOS AR-CHITECTS / Antwerp - Belgium Yves Theugels / Architect / YGC / Antwerp - Belgium Oliver Thill / Architect / Atlie Kempe Thill / Rotterdam - The Netherlands Erik Thomas / Architect / ERIKTHOMASarchitect / Geleen - Nederland Thaler Thomas / Architect / Historian researcher / Inns-bruck - Austria Jan Thomaes / Architect / Dmt architecten / Antwerp - Belgium

“Clearly a prime candi-date for sensitive and responsible adaptive

re-use. this is also an ar-gument of sustainability of our built environment - why demolish an iconic building such as this, when the world is squandering increasingly rare resources to build the same volumes elsewhere?” Alan Croker, architect, Docomomo & ICOMOS (Sydney – Australia)

Tom Thys / Architect / - / Brussels - Belgium Pieter T’Jonck / Architect / Writer / T’Jonck-Nilis Ir. Archi-tecten / Leuven - Belgium Marthe Tonet / Teacher / Col-league / Diest - Belgium Ana Torfs / Visual artist / None / Brussels - Belgium Ana Tostoes / Architect Professor / IST / Portugal Panayotis Tournikiotis / Professor of Theory of Architecture / National Technical University of Athens / Athens - Greece Hortense Toussaint / employee / A&B / Belgium Bart Tritsmans / Onderzoeker / Universiteit Antwerpen / Antwerpen - België Dr Igea Troiani / Senior

Lecturer in Architecture / Oxford Brookes Unversity / Ox-ford - England Annemie Tytgat / Engineer / Education / Overijse - Belgium

U Martin Uhrmacher / Historian / University of Luxembourg / Luxembourg Georges Uittenhout / Expo site coördinator / G&G&G / Antwerp - Bel-gium Ioana Urdea / Chief Architect / City Hall /

Sibiu/Hermannstadt - Romania Pieter Uyttenhove / Pro-fessor History of urban planning / Ghent University / Ghent - Belgium

V Diogo Vale / Architect / ESAP / Porto - Portugal Laura Van Aert / Historian / University of Antwerp / Antwerp - Belgium Petra Van alsenoy / Bediende / Crepain binst / Antwerp - Belgium

Kristel Van Audenaeren / Registrar/conservator / Er-fgoedcel Waasland / Gent - Belgium Pascal Van Balle-gooij / Architect / Eurostation / Silly - Belgium Denis Van Baren / Architect / ICOMOS vlaanderen / Brus-sels - Belgium Hans Van Bavel / Architect / Huiswerk / Ant-werp - Belgium Erik Van Belleghem / Architect / Architect Erik Van Belleghem / Gent - Belgium Stefan Van Camp / Historian, teacher / Korei / Brussel - Belgium Piet Van Cauwenberghe / Architect / ABSCIS ARCHITECTEN / Gent - Belgium Jan Van coillie / Urban planner / VRP / Knokke-Heist - Belgium Eve Van Dael / Conservator / Monumentenwacht / Leuven - BelgiumCathy Van daele / Teacher / Brussels - Belgium Chantal Vandeplas / Marketing Gasthuismuseum Geel / Samenwerkingsverband / Geel - België Christoph Van Damme / Bklanco / Blanco / Brussels - Bel-gium Marieke Van Damme / Ir. Architect / Team Vlaamse Bouwmeester / Gent - Belgium Mascha van Damme / Ar-chitectural historian / Van Hoogevest Architecten / Utrecht - The Netherlands

“How can we be so revolt-ed with war destructions,

when we make the same very thing in peace?” António Nunes Pereira, Associate Professor, IADE / Lisbon (Lisbon – Portugal)

Patrice Vandebeeken / Lawyer / - / Leuven - Belgium Paul Vandelaar / Head curator / Hist. Musuem Rotterdam / Rotterdam - Netherlands Yvette Vanden Bemden / Prof. emerite / Namur University / Brussels - Belgium Bert Van den Bergh / Architect / ARTER / Brussel - Bel-gium Steven Van den Bergh / Architect / / Mechelen - Belgium Steven Van Den Bergh / Engineer / - / Londerzeel - Belgium Wim Van den Bergh / Archi-tect / RWTH Aachen University / Maastricht, Aachen - The Netherlands, Germany Morris Vandenberghe / Architect / Robbrecht & Daem Architecten / Antwerpen - België Philip Vandenberghe / Advertising / - / Brussels - Bel-gium Jeroen Vanden borre / Archaeologist / Soresma / Bassevelde - Belgium Piet Van den Bossche / Assistant professor / Maastricht University / Antwerp - Belgium Jos Vandenbreeden / Architect / Director Sint-Lukasarchief VZW / Mechelen - Belgium Stefaan Van den broecke / Industrial designer / DYMO / Ghent - Belgium Van den Eeckhout Patricia / Docent / VUB / Tervuren, Belgium

“I wish to support the inter-national campaign to save

the Sanatorium Lemaire.” Maristella Casciato, Professor of History of Architecture, Unibersity of Bologna, School of Architecture (Bologna - Italy)

David Vandenbroucke / Architecte & enseignant / ISA St-Luc Bruxelles / Thoricourt - Belgium Ellen Vandenbulcke / Art historian / Tapis plein vzw / Brugge - Belgium Dirk Van den Heuvel / Associate Professor / TU Delft / Holland Jeroen Van den Hurk / Professor in Historic Pres-ervation / University of Kentucky / Lexington, KY - United States Reine Van den Wijngaerde / Architect / Dilbeek - Belgium Emmanuel Van de Putte / Specialist Impres-sionist & Modern Art / Christie’s / Belgique, France Ernst Van der Grijp / Manager / Monumentenwacht Geld-erland / Doorwerth - NL Joanna Van der Heyden / His-torian / Klara / Brussels - Belgium Guido Vanderhulst / Expert scientifique / Commission Royale des Monuments et Site de la Région bruxelloise / Bruxelles - Belgium Joyce Van der Knaap / Architect / Ontwerp voor her-bestemming Sanatorium gemaakt als studieproject / De Lier - Holland Hubert Vanderlinden / Adjoint / Monuments et Sites / Brussels - Belgium Joke Vandersteene / Secretary / Heule - Belgium Tijl Vandersteene / Librarian / Ghent University / Ghent - Belgium Alexander Vander Stichele / Sociologist and city guide

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/ Korei / Brussels - Belgium Maaike Van der Tempel / Ir. Arch. Phd student / Vrije Universiteit Brussel / Brussels - Belgium An Vanderveken / Interiorarchitecture / Admirer / Antwerp - Belguim Barbara Van Der Wee / Architect & Professor / Raymond Lemaire International Center for Con-servation KULeuven / Belgium Stefanie Van der Zweth / Student / Ghent University / Ghent - Belgium Steven Van dessel / Architect - docent / UGent / USA - Belgium Ief Van De Voorde / Office manager / Judo Water treatment / Londerzeel - Belgium Stephanie Van de Voorde / Research assistant / Ghent University, Department of Architecture and Urban Planning / Ghent - Belgium Evert Vandeweghe / Architectural histo-rian / Ghent University / Gent - Belgium Sylvester Vandeweghe / Student / Sint-Lucas / Brussels - Belgium

“A Sanatorium is an im-portant part of the his-tory of any society. This

architectural design is of high quality. It can easily be re-used for different pur-poses, but it is a delicate and an expensive task to preserve it.” Britt Wisth, architecture historian, Docomomo Interna-tional (Stockholm – Sweden)

Filip Van Digenen / Artist / Fantaman Productions / Brus-sels - Belgium Pauline Van Dijk / Architectural Historian / Brussels - Belgium Peter Van doninck / Architect / Cul-tural / Antwerpen - België Peter Van Echelpoel / Architect / / Antwerp - Belgium Dirk Van Eenhooge / Building ar-chaeologist / Flemish Community / Bruges - Belgium Roeland Van Elsen / Architect MRIAI / Senior Architect, Office of Public Works / Dublin - Ireland Erika Vanempten / Fan of fine architecture / Devotee / Antwerp - Belgium Charlotte Van Emstede / PhD researcher / TU Delft, fac. Architecture, RMIT Research Centre / Delft - NL Dimitri Vangrunderbeek / Artist / Sint-Lucas / Brussel - Belgium Joost Van Hecken / Architect / M² architecten / Antwerpen - Belgium Joannes Van Heddegem / Retired / None / Wervik - Belgium Robrecht Van Hee / Professor / University of Antwerp / Antwerpen-Belgium Stef Van Herreweghe / - / Halle - Belgium Johan Van Herwegen / Retailer / none / Kortrijk - Belgium Michel F. Vanheule / Insurance / - / Mortsel - Belgium Margot Vanheusden / Artistic coordinator / Etablissement d’en face / Brussels - Belgium Peter Van Hoof / Architect / Ir.architect Peter Van Hoof / Antwerpen - Belgium Liesbeth Vanhulle / Change Expert / Nicolas Soenens / Belgium Anne Van Loo / Architect and Town planner / Roy-al Commission of Monuments and Sites - Brussels / Brus-sels - Belgium Carolien Van Loon / Doctoraatstudente / Universiteit Antwerpen / Antwerpen - België Julie Van maele / Interior designer / Peter vanooteghem interier buro / Oostende - Belgium Tina Van Meenen / Ar-chitect / Save the sanatorium / Ghent - Belgium Marleen Van Meerbeek / Teacher / Groen!Tremelo / Tremelo - Belgium Wies Van Moorsel / ARTHISTORIAN / DOCOMOMO / Amsterdam - The Netherlands Bram Vannieuwenhuyze / Historian / University of Ggent / Ghent - Belgium Gerda Van noten / Retired / Teacher his-tory / Baal - Tremelo - Belgium Tom Van Nuffel / Architect / - / Ghent - Belgium Marieke Van Ouwerkerk / Architect / Ma architecten / Amsterdam - Nederland Wim Van Parijs / Cultuurfunctionaris / Cc Westrand / Dilbeek - België Dominique J.B. Vanpée / Ere-voorzitter / Heemkundige Kring van Huldenberg / Leuven- Belgium Mieke Van Raemdonck / Curator / Royal Museums of Art and History / Brussels - Belgium Riet Van reeth / Health therapist / Hoboken / Antwerpen - Belgium Joris Van Reusel / Architect / WENK, IEA / Antwerpen - Belgium Thijs Van Roosbroeck / Engineer / Ney & Part-ners / Brussels - Belgium Pauline K.M. Van Roosmalen / Architectural historian / Delft University of Technology / Am-sterdam - NL Vincent Van Roy / Phd Universiteit Antwer-pen / Vertegenwoordiger Hospitium vzw: Vereniging voor de Geschiedenis van de Hospitalen en de Zorg / Antwerpen - België Linda Van Santvoort / Professor / Ghent University , Art History department / Ghent - Belgium Sabine Van Sprang / Curator / Musées royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique / Brussels - Belgium David Van Severen/ Architect/Office Kersten Geers, David Van Severen/ Brus-sels - Belgium Jérémy Vansteenkiste / Architect / B. Van der Wee Architects / Brussels - Belgium Daan Van Tassel / Arch.urb. / KULeuven / Belgium Mieke Van Thielen / Employee / Brussels - Belgium

Patricia Van vlaenderen / Erfgoedconsulent / Vlaamse Overheid / Brugge - België Kristiaan Van Weert / Architect / VIVA Architecture / Sint-Lucas School of Architecture / TU Delft / Antwerpen - Belgium Gido van Zon / Architect / TU Delft / Roosendaal - the Netherlands Lucas Van Zuijlen / Real Aestate / Architecture / Bue-nos Aires - Argentina Roxana Vasile / Student / National University of Arts / Bucharest - Romania Kottidi Vasiliki / Architect / Athens NTUA / Athens - Greece Meul Veerle / Advisor historic interiors / Monumentenwacht Vlaanderen vzw / Antwerp - Belgium John Veerman / Building historian / Dröge, Bureau voor Bouwhistorie / Lei-den - Netherlands Matthias Velle / Student / UGent / Gent - Belgium Helder Veloso rodrigues / Architect / Oasrn / Braga - Portugal Herman Venderickx / Interiorarchitect / HerOntwerpatelier / Leuven - Belgium Maurice Verbaet / Honory stockbroker / None / Berchem - Belgium Els Verbakel / Architect / Princeton University / Tel Aviv - Israel Dirk Verbeeck / Puppeteer / Freelance / Mechelen - Belgium Erik Verbeeck / Architect / None / Mechelen, Belgium Gilbert Verbeek / Area Manager / Cinca / Porto - Portugal Anna Verbeeke / Librarian / Brussels - Belgium Samuel Verbiese / Ir., Artist / - / Overijse - Belgium Jiska Verbouw / Science communicator / Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences / Mechelen - Belgium Veerle Vercauteren / Architect / Dienst Monumentenzorg Gent / Ghent - Belgium Wim Verdegem / Monumenten-wachter / Monumentenwacht Oost-Vlaanderen / Boekhoute - Belgium Ive Verdoodt / Postdoctoral researcher / Ghent University / Ghent - Belgium Joris Verdoodt / Graphic de-signer / Sint-Lucas Visual Arts / Ghent - Belgium Sofie Verdoodt / PhD reseacher Department of Art, Music and Theatre Sciences / Gent University / Gent - Belgium Tijl Vereenooghe / Archaeologist / Heemkunde Vlaan-deren / Mechelen - Belgium Jenny Verhaeghe / Zaakvoer-der / Abacus / Schelderode - Belgium Jan Verheyden / Architect / SMaR / Brussels - Belgium Gerrit Verhoeven / FWO-postdoc / Universiteit Antwerpen / Antwerpen - België Isolde Verhulst / Architect / Architectuurbureau / Zaven-tem - België Pieter Verjans / Architect / OvA / Hoeselt - België Els Vermang / Artist / LAb[au] / Brussels - Belgium Kathy Vermeeren / Architect / Architect / Ghent - Belgium Lieve Vermeulen / Archiver / OCMW / Ghent Paul Vermeulen / Architect / De smet vermeulen architect-en / Gent - Belgium Isabel Vermote / (Art) Historian / Fine Arts Museum / Brussels - Belgium Juan Vicente Vernia/ Arquitecto / Colegio Arquitectos Comunidad Valenciana / Burriana - España Patrick Verougstraete / Ontwikkelaar / None / Brussels - Belgium Luc Verpoest / Professor archi-tectural history and conservation / Raymond lemaire inter-national centre for conservation k.u. leuven / Leuven - Bel-gium Tine Verschaeve / Communication consultant / VAi / Gent - Belgium Koen Verswijver / Researcher / Ir. arch. / Ghent - Belgium Ute Verstegen / Architectural Historian / University of Erlangen-Nuremberg / Erlangen - Germany Dominique Vieren / Architect / Erfgoedconsulent / Brugge - Belgium Philippe Vierin / Architect / Vierin architecten / Brugge - Belgium Soledad Vilches / Architecte / Coacv / Castellon - Spain Thomas Vilquin / Engineer / ISACF La Cambre / Brussels, Belgium Marc A. Visser / Architect / Docomomo NL / Amsterdam - The Netherlands Ann Voets / Art historian/Landscape architect / Office OUT-SITE/ Sint-Lucasinstituut / Dworp - Belgium Barbara Voets / Coördinator communicatie / Koninklijk Conservatorium Antwerpen / Antwerpen - België Françoise Voland / Architect / - / Brugge - Belgium Didier Volckaert / Filmmaker / - / Gent - Belgium

“An important historical monument to be saved.”

JK Birksted, University professor, UCL (London – UK)

Katleen Vranckx / Phd / Sympathizer / Ghent - Belgium Martien Vranckx / Historica / None / Gent - België Niki Vranken / Officer / Ad!dictcreativelab / Brussels - Bel-gium Marc Vuidar / Employee / Hôpital ND à la Rose / Lessines Belgium

W Christian Waber / Architecture / Tu Delft / Rotterdam - Netherlands Johan Wambacq / Communicatie / Kaaitheater / Brussel - Bel-gium Hendry Wan / Heritage Consultant /

Design 5 - Architects Pty Ltd / Sydney - Australia Eugène Warmenbol / Archaeologist / Université Libre de Brux-elles / Bruxelles - Belgium Rurik Wasastjerna / Architect / DOCOMOMO Finland / Kotka - Finland Inge Watteeuw / Interior architect / ABM / Brussels - Belgium Sarah Weick / Student / Juniata College / Philadelphia - United States Rose Werckx / Designer / STA-archives&research vzw /Brussels - Belgium Leslie Weyns / Designer / Leslie Weyns / Brussels - Belgium Bert Willems / Docent / Dpt. PHL - Arts & Architecture / Kerkom - Belgium Maryse Wil-lems / Librarian / Ugent / Gent - Belgium Tim Willems / Architect / / Hasselt - Belgium Jessie Willemse / Antwerpen - Belgium Wouter Willers / Architect / TU- Delft / Rotterdam - Nether-lands Peter Wils / Architect / Huiswerk architects / Antwerp

- Belgium Ariane Wilson / Architectural theorist, Architect / RWTH Aachen University / Aachen - Germany Richard guy Wilson / Architectural historian / University of Virginia / Charlottesville, VA - USA Johan Winnepenninckx / Architectureguide / Korei VZW / Mechelen - Belgium Robert Winter / Architectural Histo-rian / Occidental College / Los Angeles - USA Britt Wisth / Architecture Historian / Docomomo International / Stock-holm - Sweden Colin Wolf / Architect / - / Brussels - Bel-gium Annemarie Wollants / Teacher in history and history of art / KTA2 Diest / Diest - Belgium Dirk Wouters / Monumentenwachter / Monumentenwacht Antwerpen vzw / Antwerpen - Belgium Nicolas Wouters / Architect / Art&Build / Belgium Etienne Wynants / Coordi-nator / Etablissement d’en face / Brussels - Belgium

X Salvador Xavier / Architect / Ctac / Castelló - Spain

YSelcen Yalcin / Architect / Mimar sinan university / Istanbul - Turkey Minako - Yamagata / Interior Planner / DOCOMOMO / Sizuoka - Japan

Kamei Yasuko / Assistant Professor / Nihon University / Tokyo - Japan Uoosang Yoo / Professor / Gwangju - South Korea In-Suk Yoon / Professor of Architecture / SungKyunkwan Univer-sity / Suwon - Korea

Z Luis Zamorano Garrote / Architect / Aj / Antwerp - BelgiumRuth Verde Zein / Architect / Mackenzie University / Docomomo Brazil / São Paulo - Brazil Dobrina

Zheleva-Martins / Scientist / DOCOMOMO International individual member / Sofia - Bulgaria Hielkje Zijlstra / Asso-cate Professor / Delft University of Technology / Delft - The Netherlands Reinder Zwart / Projectmanager / TAK architecten / Den Haag - the Netherlands

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“Belgie zou trots moeten zijn op de jonge bouwkunst, zoals Nederland dat ook is.

Tombeek zou hiervan een be-leidsprioriteit moeten maken, zoals Hilversum dat in Nederland ook heeft gedaan. Dat heeft ge-leid tot internationale belangstel-ling en waardering. En niet in de laatste plaats: het heeft ook veel geld opgeleverd voor de restau-ratie van de Hilversumse kroon-juwelen van jonge bouwkunst: Raadhuis (Dudok), Gooiland (Duiker/Bijvoet) en Zonnestraal (Duiker). Ik heb het Sanatorium in Tombeek gezien, toen het er nog redelijk bijstond. Het met beslist behouden en gerestau-reerd worden. Ik ben - met mijn jarenlange ervaring in Hilversum - bereid mee te denken aan deze beleidsdoelen.” Arie Den Dikken, monumentenzorg Hilversum (Hilver-sum – Nederland)

“The building is of special rel-evance, not only at national level but for the international

Modern Architecture as well. Therefore Docomomo Argen-tina supports the efforts in order to make sure that all parties in-volved are fully aware of their responsibility to preserve the qualities of this sanatorium.” Carolina Quiroga, Secretary of Docomomo Argentina (Buenos Aires - Argentina)


VAIVlaams BouwmeesterDocomomo ArgentinaDocomomo AustraliaDocomomo BelgiumDocomomo Czech RepublicDocomomo InternationalHospitium vzwInterbellum vzwR-MIT (TU Delft)Stad & Architectuur vzwAmsab-ISGArchipel vzwArchitecture Archive St-Lukasarchief vzw(Ole Bouman, director NAi)