mopg-nstp cwts 1 2014-2015 2nd sem (2-9-15)

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Name:____________________________Course/Year:____________Classcode:_______Group No:____SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITYNATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM (NSTP)

MANUAL OF PROCEDURES AND GUIDELINES (MOPG)COURSE NUMBER: NSTP CWTS 1DESCRIPTIVE TITLE: FOUNDATIONS OF SERVICESECOND SEMESTER 2014 2015SLU NSTP: TRAINING COMPETENT, CREATIVE, AND CHRISTIAN VOLUNTEERS SOCIALLY INVOLVED AS YOUNG MISSIONARIES AND NATION BUILDERS I. GENERAL PRINCIPLES:1. NSTP CWTS 1 is a pre-requisite training subject to another subject NSTP CWTS 2. Both subjects are mandated by RA 9163 or the NSTP Act of 2001. Gleaned from the law, these subjects engage college students to be more nationalistic and patriotic by aggressively integrating themselves in the promotion of community welfare. The training program as fundamentally stipulated in the NSTP law possesses a genuine institutional nature. An implementing Higher Education Institution inputs its capabilities, culture, vision-mission, and values towards the preparation of students in national and community service involvement. Hence, the foundations of Service Louisians are re-oriented to include the vision-mission and values of the University that can equip them with the requisites of Filipino community service involvement. Other lessons incorporated here as per the law and its IRR and other pertinent memos are good citizenship, volunteerism, crime prevention and safety promotion, anti-drug abuse, environmental promotion, health, emergency response, calamity and disaster risk reduction and management, among many others. Relatedly, SLU NSTP incorporates the mandate of RA 9418 of the National Volunteer Act of 2007. College students must continue to volunteer their time, efforts, and profession in community transformation. And as Louisians, such transformation embodies Filipino and missionary culture. NSTP CWTS 1 is a modular training subject which is mostly classroom-based training with minor field exposures. It employs various group dynamics and creative instructional technologies that can provide students the basic but optimum hands-on or student centered preparations for the said community service involvement. This subject shall introduce students to be more meaningfully involved in community welfare participation during their NSTP CWTS 2, during their stay in the University after their NSTP, when they shall be tasked to extend their professional practice to communities when they have graduated or are employed, and when they wherever they wish to volunteer. Incorporating the various training requirements stipulated in the NSTP IRR, this part of the training will focus on intensifying a transformative Filipino and missionary culture among the students by learning to competently and creatively live the Christian Spirit of living with others as social involvement in a Filipino and Missionary Culture.

2. Community service involvement is among the trademarks of a Louisian. SLU was established with a mission to transform. Not only must Louisians be competent, creative and Christian, but they must also be socially involved in community service. Hence, NSTP, just like any community service involvement program in the University, is an integral subject of a Louisian. NSTP may be perceived as an ordinary subject. But it is not ordinary for a Louisian who wishes to genuinely live his Louisian identity. SLU students are required to equally give their best. 3. Community service as a trademark of a Louisian is a character that understands and respects the individual differences of persons that make them unique and significant. It is a character that helps discover and enable every persons capabilities or potentials. Community service is enabling each one to live well with others in their unique and individual differences. 4. SLU NSTP underscores service or work ethics and character which are also of competitive advantage later when the Louisian graduate applies for work or when already employed. SLU NSTP emphasizes building service or work ethics and character. 5. As per RA 9163 or the NSTP Act of 2001, the primary goals of NSTP are: civic consciousness, defense preparedness, developing the ethics of service, patriotism, and good citizenship. It must be added that the major goal of Community Service Involvement (CSI) is building a community where all people, regardless of differences, can live together in solidarity through people empowerment, social collaboration, and improved quality of life for all.6. SLU NSTP is called a missionary apostolate. It is one concrete way of evangelizing others by letting them feel or encounter Divine providence and presence through the meaningful services rendered with them. SLU was established as a missionary institution. As Louisians, it is our mission to help ourselves and other people transform lives, in its various dimensions, according to Gods teachings. 7. As missionary service providers, Louisian students are considered to be apostles ambassadors of goodwill (the word apostles originated from the Greek word apostolos which in Hebrew word is called Shalliack. Shalliack means ambassadors of goodwill.)8. Incorporating the above, the following are the program core-focus of SLU NSTP: a) community inclusive solidarity; b) Volunteerism and good citizenship; c) the CICM Missionary Legacy; d) youth integrated transformation; e) community project planning and management; f) Louisian core values; g) richness of indigenous Filipino culture; and h) work ethics/character and preparedness.9. Missionary service is illustrated by delivering services characterized by the virtues of simplicity living and being contented with basic needs only so that any extras could be shared to the needy, loyalty-obeying and practicing the vision-mission and culture of an institution or organization one is affiliated with, availability-responding to a need with ones actual presence and participation, Preferential option for the needy-greater compassion and prioritization of the real needy or the most in need, Volunteerism-giving of unconditional service, Frontiership-responding to a critical concern or issue or standing by a critical principle, Self-sacrifice and charity-going beyond borders to help the needy, Community solidarity-living with others regardless of their differences, Relevance-transformation with greater impact, and love of the sacred-inner satisfaction and happiness in practicing righteousness as taught by a supreme divine. 10. Transformative service is illustrated by delivering relevant or much needed assistance through ones competent capabilities, creativity and resourcefulness. It is helping ensure that a society recognizes, respects and readily provides opportunities and capabilities for every person to be significant, functional, or self-reliant in the society. Transformative service is promoting an inclusive society.11. NSTP recognizes college students to be growing more mature. SLU NSTP, by virtue of the Universitys mission to transform, and its motto of wisdom builds is orienting SLU NSTP students to excel and be creative in their respective courses or specialization and use such to help transform communities during community service and even when employed later on, guided by Christian principles. NSTP also requires a growing level of technical competency or specialization, and maturity. One cannot give what one does not have. Else, one can best serve with what one already has (knowledge, attitude, skills, or other personal resources). With the varied courses and apostolates of students, Community Service Involvement (CSI) can help address the integrated concerns of a community.12. NSTP training is providing the NSTP student the exposure to be an independent missionary worker: to explore, discover and maximize his creativity under minimum but substantial supervision and working under pressure while personally observing command of activity success and safety.13. NSTP provides experience to the NSTP student to prepare himself for the world of work or employment after graduation. Employment and work are highly competitive. Work applicants should display capabilities for minimum supervision, self-reliance, working under pressure, multiple capabilities for multi-tasking, mature, teamwork, personality, attitude, etcII GENERAL GUIDELINES:

1. All Filipino citizen students (singular or dual citizenship) who are graduating in SLU are required to enroll, practice, and finish their NSTP in SLU. 2. Cross-enrollment of NSTP to other schools is restricted. Louisians should enroll it in the university since it has a special leaning on the Louisian way of life. Cross enrollment is allowed only if NSTP is not offered in the University. There should be no reason that SLU students cannot enroll NSTP in the University since the NSTP is scheduled in the students respective curriculum which means that the NSTP just like the academic subjects in the curriculum are scheduled to be enrolled in due time. Should students find difficulty in enrolling NSTP in the university for a current term because they did not necessarily follow their curriculum, this cannot just be the reason to cross enroll NSTP to other schools. Meanwhile, completion of NSTP in other schools is allowed only in the case of transferees who finished such before transferring to SLU.3. Cross enrollees from other schools taking their NSTP in SLU are required to follow the NSTP as programmed in the University.4. NSTP 1 and NSTP 2 can not be enrolled at the same time in a given term, even in the same or different school, except in the case of a crash course. If a student, for whatever reason, has enrolled and completed NSTP 2 before NSTP 1, the NSTP 2 that is enrolled and completed is invalidated and the student shall be required to take NSTP 1 and to re-take NSTP 2 after completing and passing NSTP 1. 5. The schedule of enrollment and finishing of NSTP depends on the course one is enrolled in. Please check with the NSTP Office the semester, term or year level you can enroll NSTP 1 or NSTP 2. Generally, however, all students should finish their NSTP 1 during their freshman year and their NSTP 2 sometime in the higher years where their maturity level and competency level are ready for actual community service involvement.6. As part of the enrollment process of the NSTP, students are required to further properly submit/accomplish/fill up the following:a. class cardsb. form 1c. ID pictures (2 pieces, 2X2 in size, should be recent and with white-colored background). These pictures will be pasted in the NSTP form 1 and journal of the student.

d. Submit group filing expandable folder: see required format and color coding with the instructor.e. Secure, read and master the Manual of Procedures and Guidelines (MOPG) of NSTP 1.f. Enlistment in a training group of the class the student belongsg. Verification of names in the enrollment list during the first day of classes. Check that you are enrolled in an NSTP class code that is not dissolved.h. 1 long folder (see required sample)i. Secure and start accomplishing your SLU NSTP journal every nstp class or activity beginning the first day of classes: keep your entries in full details. Specify the date, time, place, agenda, attendance of the group mates, activities or topics undertaken or discussed, etc ALWAYS BRING ALONG YOUR JOURNAL DURING NSTP CLASS OR ACTIVITY. NO JOURNAL, NO ATTENDANCE/ CONSULTATION. j. Journal specifications: (a) composition notebook at least 90 leaves; (b) non-spiral (c) color codedk. Be ready to submit specimen of the ID (with picture, signature and address) of your guardians while studying in the University. You will submit this together whenever you will be asked to accomplish and submit a waiver and other related papers. Your guardian must be either or both of your parents. But either or both of your parents must be accessible or staying with you in your residence while studying so that should you need their original signatures (not photocopied) immediately, you will be able to secure such immediately. Photocopy at least two IDs of either parents or both. At least one of the IDs should be a government issued ID (ex. Voters ID, SSS, GSIS, license, etc). The other ID may be private issued or government issued just the same. The IDs should be photocopied on one long bond paper. Beside the Photocopied IDs, the concerned parent should again attach original signature to match the Photocopied signature on the ID. In the event that your parents are not accessible or are not staying with you in your residence while studying in the University, inquire from your parent should they rather authorize you or give you full responsibility of yourself in the NSTP throughout the term. Otherwise, your parent should authorize other persons to act as your guardian in their absence. In these instances where your parents will authorize you or another person as your guardian, follow these requirements: secure from the NSTP Office a special authorization form that your parents are authorizing or giving you full responsibility of yourself, or another person to act as your guardian. Your parents will accomplish the form properly and submit it back attaching to it their Photocopied ID as your parents and the Photocopied ID of your authorized guardian with the ID specimen specifications specified above. In the absence of the parent to serve or to authorize a guardian for the said student, the immediate family member (grandparent, brothers or sisters of either the mother or the father, or sibling who is at least 21 years old) of the student may be considered as alternative. This requirement is needed to ensure the proper accomplishing of activity papers needing signatures and authorization of parents or guardians. Students should have their own copies of their respective specimen (ID, signature and authorization) in their own personal file. Whenever they submit documents bearing the signature of their guardian (waivers, letters, etc) they must photocopy such specimen and attach it to the said document. (NOTE: no parent signature specimen means NSTP activity participated in will be invalidated) l. Blood Type Certification: secure form or format from the NSTP Officem. Secure your official NSTP Uniform (NSTP T-shirt and NSTP Button pin): Your required NSTP 1 uniform is the white NSTP t-shirt. For specific details on your Uniform, please secure or read our guidelines on NSTP Uniform from the NSTP Office. Read and understand first the guidelines on NSTP Uniform before acquiring and using one. Any acquired Uniform and using of Uniform that did not comply with said guidelines on NSTP Uniform will be invalidated and not honored. 7. In support to the NSTP apostolate on Voters and Election Education and Responsible Participation, NSTP students of voting age (18 y/o and above) are encouraged to submit photocopy of voters ID (show original copy for verification), registration/voting certificate or any proof of COMELEC registration for merit, remedial or additional hours purposes. To ensure a responsible exercise in governing our country, we register, we vote, and we vote responsibly. Be referred to your respective supervising instructor for the deadline of submission. 8. Required to vote in the SLU SSC-KASAMA Election: see your NSTP Instructor for the details of this requirement as this is only applicable every first semester terms.9. Listen to, understand, and follow training and clerical instructions. As a training activity, students should be guided by instructions. Whenever you perform a particular activity, always secure and follow specific instructions. But students should follow instructions only with the expressed authority of the assigned instructor or the substitute instructor in the absence of the assigned instructor as also authorized by the NSTP Office. Students should not just get instructions from the staff unless instructors concerned have given written instruction or authority to the said staff. NSTP training follows appropriate procedures, guidelines and format.10. As per the RA 9163 or the NSTP Act of 2001 and its IRR, a student should complete an attendance of not less than 54 hours but not more than 90 hours in the enrolled NSTP training for the current term. To comprehensively cover the training contents prescribed by the law and the various related memoranda from the Commission on Higher Education, SLU NSTP students are required to complete the maximum 90-hour training requirements. Attendance is included as a grade coverage. Indeed, a student who does not complete the exact total hours determined and specified by the NSTP Office shall be solely accountable for the implication of not having completed such exact total hours since this will affect his/her grade on attendance, outputs and other related grading areas (pls see grading system bellow). Should a student with absences opt to beat the exact total hours that should be completed in the class; provided that the students absences are excused, then the student must, on his/her own initiative and immediately, apply for applicable remedial. However, the grade bearing of the accomplished remedial therein is case to case. The remedial will only add points to the grade or score for attendance and not necessarily on the missed outputs. Herein, discretion of the NSTP Office prevails on how to score or grade such remedial to ensure the grading system of the NSTP is not unreasonably compromised. Students with excused absences as per SAOs assessment are not required special graded activity to offset any missed graded activity during such excused absence(s). Instead, any missed graded activity is computed ratio and proportion. However, if what was missed out in an excused absence is a major examination or requirement as per the discretion of the NSTP Office, the concerned student is required to process and undergo a special examination or similar requirement. Meanwhile, only the time spent in the APPROVED schedules and activities are counted in the said hours-requirement. Also, only hours spent for PROGRESSING activities are counted in the said hours-requirement. Hours spent with unreasonably repetitive activities that do not show progress therein are not included. Should there be a need to repeat a particular activity as part of the lesson for another time or schedule; this should be APPROVED FIRST by the SI and/or NSTP Coord. For instance, a series of meetings which always has the same unreasonable repetitive agenda will not be counted with multiple hours. This means that if meetings have taken many hours with an agenda which can reasonably be done in an hour, such will be counted one hour duration only. Meanwhile, an activity that was done with outstandingly but consuming limited number of hours may also be credited additional number of hours as deemed by the supervising instructor and the NSTP Office. For instance, an activity that was done in just an hour but having an outstanding output that is commensurate three hours may be given additional two hours credit over the one hour time actually spent for the said outstanding activity.11. Waiting time for walk-in consultation with the coordinator or with the SI is not included in the 54 to 90-hour requirement. Approved or agreed consultation time if not attended by the SI or NSTP coordinator will still be credited to the number of hours completion only of those who were present/who reported for the supposed activity or schedule provided that attendance reports are immediately accomplished and submitted immediately to the instructor. During such consultation, you are required to bring along your journal or IRR (individual report record).12. We are holding some conferences and activities on some Sunday schedules in order to complete the required training hours and modular training lessons of 54 to 90 hours. NSTP during the time of the ROTC before is normally offered Sundays on whole day basis. Other schools have adopted the Sunday-whole day NSTP schedule. In our University, we have adopted a schedule scheme which spread our training program to weekdays and Sundays. Some NSTP activities are held weekdays, some other activities are held Sundays which are normally not whole day and which are minimal in frequency. This is to free us from all whole day-Sunday schedules to give way for our other Sunday priorities. Having some Sunday schedules would definitely help us complete and do not compromise some important coverage of the training program which we cannot complete just by weekday classes. Also, the Sunday schedule would help all of us not to be disturbed in our other academic classes during the weekdays were we to hold the forum by then. Hence, please schedule your other Sunday priorities on affected Sundays to time schedules not covered by the forum time. This strategizing definitely is an opportunity for us to develop our creativity skills in managing our concerns, a skill that is tremendously needed win the world of work. Our Sunday forum topics and activities, besides being part of the required training program, are avenues of celebrating the Lords holy day. The topics and activities are helping us enrich ourselves to be the Lords well-equipped co-stewards of his creation as our activities are orienting us towards committing ourselves as the Lords missionary agents of protecting and promoting the rest of creation. Hence, it is expected that, likewise, we give our best and holy participation in the said forum. Herein, it is therefore considered that what prevails as priority in the schedules of NSTP 1 students during such Sundays is their NSTP 1 activity. Attendance therein is also graded accordingly. In extreme cases where excuses are merited for such Sunday absences, students concerned must see and secure approval to be absent from the NSTP Coordinator in advance. Take note, however, that in case absences are excused, concerned students are still required to accomplish certain requirements or remedial which also includes those which were missed out during the said absence. 13. Absences, tardiness, or early dismissal are considered deficiencies. Excused absences, tardiness or early dismissal are given chances for remedial without demerit to offset deficiency in the number of hour-requirement if so preferred by the concerned student. But take note that deficiency in attendance will mean minus points in the grade percentage for attendance (see grading system below). Unexcused absences, tardiness or early dismissal are not given chances for remedial and to be made part of the grade (See grading system below for the scoring of attendance). Missed graded activities during such unexcused absences, tardiness and early dismissal are considered zero score point. Indeed, absences, tardiness, and early dismissal are strictly discouraged as these affect your number of hours performance in the NSTP. Students who need remedial for their excused absences, tardiness or early dismissal shall report to the NSTP Office and apply for remedial following approved remedial procedures and activities. Remedial activities shall require parent/guardians consent/waiver. For remedial, follow up with your instructor when you can apply for your remedial. 14. For students who incurred excused absences, tardiness and early dismissal, secure immediately your excuse slip from SAO and submit a photocopy of your slip and excuse letter to your NSTP instructor immediately the class day following your absence. Overdue submission of such excuse slip and other pertinent required papers for such excused absence automatically forfeits the excused status of such absence and eventually treats such absence as unexcused and thereby be graded or scored accordingly.15. However, completing the said hours specified by the NSTP Office is not the sole guarantee that a student will automatically pass the enrolled NSTP. The student should be passing in the requirements specified in the grading system as listed subsequently. If therein a student is failing inspite of completing the specified number of hours, a student may still be given a failing grade. 16. For remedial, follow up with your instructor when can you apply for your remedial. See and follow approved procedures and guidelines for remedial applicable for the current term.17. Students who were absent, or who missed an attendance or activity, are personally responsible in compensating on whatever were missed out. Any absence excused or not, will not automatically excuse a student from any instruction or assignment missed due to such absence. Any absent student is still required to comply with assignments or responsibilities that are supposed to be accomplished and prepared for the next meeting. Be strongly advised to keep in touch with your class mates to know any assignments given.18. The SAO policy on classroom attendance, tardiness and dropping of class card shall apply. The 15 and more-minute tardiness equals an absence applies during the training regardless of how long the training meeting is. Moreover, absences are counted per hour. As such for instance, a student who is considered absent in a 3-hour long continuous activity has incurred three absences. 19. The student is likewise responsible in monitoring whether or not his/her class card is dropped. The student is further responsible in retrieving such class card and returning it immediately to the training instructor. Take note of the NO CLASSCARD, NO ENTRY policy. Students attending classes but whose class cards are dropped shall still be CONSIDERED ABSENT and will not be given credit in any activity participated in. Students are also responsible in monitoring their attendance record to be updated on any tardiness, absences, early dismissal and when class card is due for dropping as the case may be. 20. Always monitor and ensure the recording of your attendance. Aside from other attendance records and checking being prepared and done, each member in the group when accomplishing his/her journal should also list down the names/attendance of co-members who are present during a particular meeting or activity and have the said present members sign their names in each ones journal. Do not sign your name in a journal of a group mate who is absent during the said activity.21. The entire class is subdivided into ten small groups. Each group should choose a leader to represent and facilitate the group. Just as the leader is accountable of the group members, group members are also accountable of the leader. This means that the performance of the group is the performance of the leader and the performance of the leader is the performance of the group. Problems that shall arise therein should be referred immediately to the training instructor for appropriate attention.22. During group activities, the leader is expected to ensure the attendance or participation of all members. But equally, members are responsible in keeping in touch with the leader and with the other members regarding activities and meetings. No leader or member of the group should just be passive waiting only for instruction from the group. Everyone in the group should be responsible in ensuring personal attendance and active participation. 23. At the outset, an NSTP student should be trained to be more careful, disciplined or diligent enough in handling oneself and responsibilities so as not to incur accountabilities. This will also prepare the student in the very competitive world of work today to practice his/her best diligence and discipline in handling responsibilities productively minimizing or avoiding unreasonable accountabilities. Best work espouses discipline and diligence. To be productive in the workplace, one has to be disciplined and diligent24. Students are required to comply and complete given assignments, requirements, or activities within a given deadline. Late submissions or compliance are given sanctions. Failure to submit or comply with such will cause a student an INC grade. 25. Process your CLEARANCE at the end of the term (see SI for Instruction): a. Supervising Instructors Clearance- to be processed by the students before going on vacation. Secure instruction from your assigned SI for the procedure.b. NSTP Office Clearance- to be processed by the students before going on vacation.c. INCs incurred due to failure to process clearance as instructed are given additional remedial requirements. d. Students who fail to process their clearance or completion of remedial on time will be graded accordingly, passed or failed (pls see grading system). Where a student who failed to process such clearance has standing accountabilities, the student will be given an INC grade. Students once given an INC can only process their completion and clearances during the one month grace period in processing INCs as printed in the pink grade copy of the student; provided, the student will apply for completion and clearance immediately at the NSTP Office during the enrollment period of the immediate term following subsequently. Or immediately upon the official release of the grade, concerned students must report to the NSTP Office. This is to ensure more time to process completion requirements that apply to a specific INC case. Students applying for completion during the later period of the one month grace period where time is insufficient to process the completion requirements are held liable if such time left will not merit sufficient time to complete the INC and will instead make the INC a permanent mark or the student be given a failing grade which ever applies. Meanwhile, students concerned should secure from the NSTP Office the procedure of processing completion and follow such. Not following the procedure of completion of INCs as given by the NSTP Office will automatically invalidate and cancel any remedial or completion activity undertaken; concerned student is still considered having not accomplished any remedial or completion at all and will make any given NSTP grade permanent. e. The student is responsible in processing his/her remedial, clearance or completion at the NSTP Office following the existing procedure and remedial choices being followed for the term as prepared and approved by the NSTP Office.f. Process personally your clearance, remedial or completion. Other persons are not allowed to process for the student concerned. It is neither the responsibility of the teachers nor the NSTP Office to be running after or processing application for clearances, remedial or completion for students. If there is an extreme need for such, discretion of the NSTP Office prevails.g. Students enrolled in the NSTP must immediately check their NSTP grade upon the release of grades for the concerned term by the University registrar. This is to ensure that should there be correction in any given NSTP grade, or should a student need to process any INC or NFE NSTP grade, concerned students are able to process or accomplish such during the one month completion period set by the University. In the event that that concerned students failed to check right away their grades as soon as released by the University registrar for the concerned term and any needed correction of NSTP grade or processing of INC/NFE NSTP is not accomplished during the said completion period set by the University, such correction of grade and processing of INC is not anymore allowed or accommodated. Whatever NSTP grade given remains permanent and concerned students must re-enroll the subject should their grade be failed or INC/NFE.h. Meanwhile, be reminded that processing an incomplete does not automatically mean a passing grade. Any submitted or completed requirements or examination is still subject to usual evaluation and grading procedures. A passing grade is given if merited; otherwise, the grade is failed.25. NSTP students are expected to strictly observe and practice the SLU Code of Discipline (Student Manual) during their NSTP in and out of the campus. 26. Observe other required additional dress code during training or apostolate. Aside from those specified in the SLU student manual, all NSTP students, male and female, are not allowed to wear the following during NSTP training and activities: heavy cosmetics, jewelries, unnatural hair die, improper haircut / hairstyle and others as instructed. Other dress code requirement specific to certain training activities are also strictly followed. 27. SLU-NSTP aims to train students to be self-reliant and become independently responsible. College students should prepare themselves for their employment work where ultimately only themselves are responsible in accomplishing their job; no work place or employment has so far allowed parents or guardians or other persons to still cuddle their children or perform the tasks of their children in their childrens workplace. Hence, NSTP students should accomplish or process requirements or activities strictly by themselves. Parents, guardians or anyone except the concerned student himself/herself are by all means NOT ALLOWED to accomplish, be involved or process said requirements or activities in behalf of a student. In the case, parents or any other person, if allowed or consented by the concerned student, will follow up the standing or performance of said student, it is the discretion of the NSTP Office how to accommodate said parent/person. It is the procedure of the office, however, that concerns as such be exhaustively settled first between the student concerned and said parent/person and only after said student has first settled or processed properly and exhaustively any responsibility or requirements with the NSTP Office himself/herself, can the NSTP Office attend to said parents or guardians. Parents or guardians who do not follow the above procedure and guideline are by all means NOT ENTERTAINED by the NSTP Office. This is not to unreasonably disturb the operations of the Office. 28. Meanwhile, any student who has concern about his NSTP should settle things first with his/her supervising instructor before seeing the NSTP Coordinator or other higher authorities in the University. Any concerns that did not follow this procedure shall not be entertained. Also, should there still be concerns of students and/or their parents or guardians regarding the NSTP of said students, such concern should be put in proper writing and address to the NSTP Coordinator or the STE Dean for proper attention. NSTP concerns or grievances if any should be processed following applicable procedures and guidelines set by the University. Such written letter should properly be signed by the concerned. Such concerns must also be processed personally. The Office never entertains texting, phone in or emails and other electronic communications especially that the identity of the other party cannot just be determined. Also, only authorized guardians or parents with valid identification are entertained.29. Concerns presented/aired otherwise or that has not exhausted internal procedures and guidelines of the university shall NOT BE ENTERTAINED and is considered waiving the right for any NSTP concern to be attended to by the NSTP Office. Hence, students, parents or guardians who do not follow the above procedure and guideline are by all means NOT ENTERTAINED by the NSTP Office. As a general rule also, unsigned letters are not entertained and concerns only specified in the letter shall be entertained.30. Learn to trouble shoot your concerns in the NSTP. This is to train you to be creative. If you are encountering any problem, constraint or concern in your NSTP, exhaust analysis and understanding of said concern. Then come up with your proposed remedies or solutions and present them to your Supervising Instructor and the NSTP coordinator for approval before implementing your proposal. Never report to your Supervising Instructor and the NSTP Coordinator without having, as best as you could, the details of your concern and proposed remedies. How best you prepare the following are also part of your grading.31. In formulating and implementing your activities, unless otherwise specified, always plan first as best as you could then present your plans to your Supervising Instructor or the NSTP coordinator for improvement if needed then for approval if merited before final implementation is done.32. Never ever implement something that was not presented to and approved by your Supervising Instructor and the NSTP Coordinator.33. When deadlines previously set are declared no class days, such deadlines are automatically moved to the next class day. 34. No tagging along or bringing along unauthorized persons during NSTP activities.35. No going out during classroom training or no loitering during community exposure with out the permission of the training instructor.36. Be mindful of your manners and decorum when you are in your activity areas or when you are processing things with other offices or persons. Know the people in the area and always accord them appropriate respect and recognition.37. NSTP students are required to be familiar and to observe campus and community safety and emergency guidelines.38. Students enrolled in the NSTP are required to actively support all NSTP apostolates or activity, on or off campus.39. Using of cellular phones while training is going on is restricted. Permission of the trainer is necessary. 40. Be reminded that you are automatically covered by insurance, which you paid during your first semester enrollment. Please verify, however, if this payment is reflected in your accounts. In case of accident during the training, please coordinate immediately with your training instructor.41. Secure and always be guided also of the training calendar for the term.42. Using the training calendar as your guide or the class record student copy, monitor and keep a record of your class standing to know how you are performing throughout the training.43. Be guided by additional instruction given by your training instructor or the NSTP Office.44. Please see the NSTP Coordinator or your NSTP instructor for clarifications regarding the NSTP of the UniversityIII. The NSTP CWTS 1 GRADING SYSTEM: 1. The honor grading system is adopted as part of the NSTP grading system. This is the earning of merits and demerits throughout the training (see item below on merits and demerits). As part of the training, the honor system re-orients students to demonstrate a sense of accountability as an integral component of responsible service. However students perform throughout the training, they are oriented to face the consequence of their actions as either merits or demerits. 2. The grading system is using a transmutation method to compute for the raw scores of class standing and attendance. Students are graded based on their actual effort and output. Students are supposed to develop a commendable work ethics or standard which is needed in the actual workplace. 3. the grade is distributed as follows:a. Prelims (28%)i.) Product and Performance: 13% by transmutationii.) Core value integration evaluation from instructor: 5% by rubrics iii.) Core value integration evaluation from the group mates: 5% by rubricsiv.) Discipline (5%)b. Midterm (28%)i) Product and Performance: 13% by transmutation

ii) Core value integration evaluation from instructor: 5% by rubrics

iii) Core value integration evaluation from the group mates: 5% by rubrics

iv) Discipline (5%)

c. Finals (44%)i) Product and Performance: 13% by transmutation

ii) Core value integration evaluation from instructor: 5% by rubrics

iii) Core value integration evaluation from the group mates: 5% by rubrics

d. Discipline (5%)e. Total Attendance 16% by transmutation (54 to 90 hours).4. Demerits shall be given to the following violations(a maximum of 5 demerit per item violated per occasion):a. Failure or late submission of requirements (enrollment and training requirements)b. Failure to comply with training instructions and guidelinesc. Failure to process clearance at the end of the termd. Substandard efforts and outputse. Late clearance and submission of other requirementsf. Violation of the SLU Code of Disciplineg. Violations of this NSTP 1 general procedures and guidelines.h. Other Character/disciplinary violationsi. Other concerns as determined by the supervising instructor and the NSTP Office.5. Merits shall be given to (with the approval of the NSTP Office, merits may be used as an addition to the students NSTP grade, as incentive to exempt concerned student from other training requirements): a. Students with outstanding participation throughout the training/training requirements as determined by the Supervising instructor and the NSTP Officeb. Students with outstanding extra-curricular activities as certified by the Dean of the school to which the student belongs and duly approved by the NSTP Office (number of merits will be determined by the NSTP Office).c. Other redeeming factors determined by the NSTP Office.d. Note: accumulated merits are transmuted first before they are added to the grade or are used as incentives.6. The passing grade should be not less than 75.00%.I AM A LOUISIAN SERVING WITH A MISSIONARY HEARTSLU NSTP OFFICE

Albert G. Guinguino Jr

Felina P. Espique, PhD

SECOND SEM, 2014-2015 NSTP Coordinator

Dean, School of Teacher Education




Name and Signature of Student

Name and signature of Parent/Authorized Guardian



(To the student, pls. print this page (8) in two copies. Properly accomplish and submit one copy to your instructor. The other copy will be your receiving copy)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CONFORME:

To the SLU NSTP Office:

This is to signify that we have read and understood the above MANUAL OF PROCEDURES AND GUIDELINES (MOPG) FOR NSTP CWTS 1 SECOND SEMESTER 2014-2015 edition and shall abide with them as part of the requirement of the NSTP course. Likewise, we shall not hold SLU NSTP liable of any violation and negligence we commit on the above.




Name and Signature of Student

Name and signature of Parent/Authorized Guardian



(pls attach photocopy of Identification Card) EMBED PBrush

Louisian TayoTayo Mismo. We are part of the solution and not of the problem Change Begins in Me!