moose z1100 manual


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5/7/2018 Moose Z1100 Manual - 1/24


How to Use

Your Security System

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fI10mw[Q]@JZI II 1D 'Ser :u r ir y Con l ro l

~"Bll U s e r f t . 1 a n u a l

5/7/2018 Moose Z1100 Manual - 2/24


FCC COMPLIANCEThis equipment has been tested and found tocomply wi th the limi ts lor a Class Bdigital device,

pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Those limits are designed to provide reasonable

protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a residential

environment . This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radro f requency energy and,

if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful

interference to radio communicat ions. However, there isno guarantee that interference wil l not

occur in a par ticular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful lntsrf sncs to radio or

television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment on and off , the user is

encouraged to tr y and correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:

• Reorient or relocatethe receiving antenna.

• Increase the separat ion between the equiment and the receiver.

• Connectthe equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is


• Consult the alarm dealer or an experienced radio/ television technician for help.

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C ongratu lations and thank you for purchasing the M oose ZllO O Security C on-trol. Y ou have taken a big step inp ro te ctin g y ou r fam ily , h om e, o r b usin ess. Y ou r

s ys tem is p re cis io n- en gi ne er ed t o p ro vid e y ea rs o f r el ia ble p er fo rm a nc e.

P le ase re ad th ese in stru ctio ns ca refu lly to b ec om e fa miliar w ith y ou r n ew sy stem

so th at y ou will h av e th e b est p ossib le p ro tec tio n. A lso , k eep th ese in stru ctio ns in

a safe place in case you need them for fu ture reference.

S ec urity n eed s v ary . T here fo re , th is sy ste m h as b ee n cu sto m d esig ned to m eet y ou r

s pe cif ic r eq uir em e nt s. F or th is r ea so n, y ou r s ys tem ma y h av e mo re o r f ew e r f ea tu re s

th an a re d esc rib ed in th is m an ual.

<l=v=v==v= AlARM




L-..----D POLICE)



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RESPONSE =========:

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Tab le O f Con ten ts

System Overview 2

System Reference Guide , 3

Photograph of the Contro l Stat ion . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .• .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .4

Indicator L ights on the Control Station 5

Arm ing and D isarm ing Your System 6

Arm ing Prior to Leaving the Building 6

W hat to do for a False Alarm 6

D isarming Upon Entering the B uilding 6

Abbreviated Arming 7

Arm ing the System W ithout Leaving the Building 7

Entrance Delay Zones 8

Monitoring Zones W ith the S ystem D isarmed 8

D iagnosing a Problem 9

Zone Status D isplay 9

Alarm Memory D isplay 9

E lectrical Pow er and the S tandby Battery 10

T estin g th e P ro te ctio n S en so rs 10

Fire Protection 11

W hat to do if Your Fire Alarm Sounds 11

Fire Trouble 11Emergency Panic Zones 12

Bypassing Zones (Shunting) 13

Other Features 14

The Reset K ey , 14

The Access Key , 14

Keysw itch Operation 14

Programming Your System 15

Changing Your Personal Authorization Code (PAC) 15

Temporary U sage for PAC4 16

Changing the Master Programming Code 16

G lossary 17Z1100 Quick Reference Guide 19


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System Overview

Y our system consists of a m aster panel, one or m ore control stations and eight

in div id ual z on es o r a reas o f pro te ctio n. E ac h z on e is lik e ha vin g a sep arate alarm

sy ste m fo r th e d iffe ren t p arts o f th e b uildin g. C on nec ted to th e z on es are v ario us

d ete ctio n se nso rs th at m ay in clu de :

1 ) d oo r co ntacts

2 ) in fr are d. u ltra so nic o r m ic ro w av e m otio n d ete cto rs3 ) p ressu re sen sitiv e m ats

4 ) g la ss b re ak ag e d ete cto rs

5 ) v ib ratio n o r sh ock S en so rs

6 ) em erg en cy p an ic b utto ns

7) smo ke a nd ! o r h ea t d ete cto rs fo r fire p ro te ctio n

T he control stations command the system through a series of num bers. T he firstnum ber is the command key. B y p ressing it. you instruct the system of the desired

o pera tio n. T he n um be rs th at fo llo w m ake u p y ou r P erso nal A uth oriz atio n C od e( PAC ) w h ic h a uth or iz es a nd id en tif ie s y ou fo r s ystem c on tr ol.

Y ou r sy stem h as a sp ecial lo ck ou t fe atu re to p rev en t u nau th oriz ed u se o r tam perin g.

T he c on trol sta tio n ig no res all in valid n um bers an d w ill so un d a stea dy erro r to ne

e ig ht s ec on ds a fte r th e in va lid a ttemp t. If you realiz e that you have m ade a m istake,

you m ay reset the system by pressing the I!I key O R w ait for the error tone andb eg i n a ga i n ,

A lso , y ou r sy stem is po we red b y a lo w v olta ge tra nsfo rm er a nd in clu des a stan db y

battery w hich takes over in the event of a pow er outage. T he standby battery is

co nstan tly rech arg ed as lo ng as yo ur elec tric ity is o n a nd sh ou ld p ro vid e y ea rs o ft roubl e f re e s er vi ce .

Y ou r in staller w ill fa miliariz e y ou w ith ea ch p art o f th e sy stem . e xp lain th e z on in g

and instruct you on the operation of the system .


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System Re ference Guide

Emergency Telephone Numbers Zone Zone

No. Typeolice _

Protected Area Automatic


Cu to ff i n

Minutesire _

Doctor _

Neighbor _

Monitoring Service _

Security Representative _

Service Phone _

Personal Authorization Code

PA C 1 :

PA C 2:

PA C 3:

PAC 4 :

Ma ste r p ro grammin g c od e:

__ seconds Exit delay time for A LLo Fire

b urg la r z on es. _ _

__ seconds Entrance delay 1fo r

zone __ .

__ seconds Entrance delay 2 for

zone __ .







7 ~-

8 --

Monitored Systems Only

F ea tu re s M o nito re d A cc ou nt No: __

o Burglar o Low batteryReporting

o Police


024 hourReporting

o Openings/


Confidential Information -

Keep In A Safe Place


5/7/2018 Moose Z1100 Manual - 7/24


ZIIBBR Control Station

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AUXIUAA -l •Z I 1 t 1 1 J Serurlty Control


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Ind icator L ights On

The Con trol S tation

Power Light

If ON, the system is using electrical po wer.

If 0 1" 1" ,the sy stem is u sin g the stan dby battery.


R ea dy L ig ht

If ON, all z on es are secure.

If OFF, one or more zones are open.If BL IN KIN G, one or m ore zones are bypassed. Part of the building is

u np ro te cte d. S ee ZONE BYPASS ING ( SHUNTING ).

A rm ed L ig ht

If ON , the system is armed .

If O FF, the system is disarm ed. See A RM IN G AND D ISA RM IN G YOUR


If B LIN KIN G, an alarm has occurred. See A LA RM MEMORY .

Interior Lights

If IN TERIO R ON , the interior is protected w hen the system is armed,

If IN TE RIO R O FF, the interior is unprotected w hen the system is arm ed.


De la y L ig ht

If O N, you have a time delay to leave through any zone and enter through

a delay zone w hen the system is armed. S ee E NTRANC E DE LAY ZONES .

I nsta nt L ig ht

If ON , entrance through any burglar zone w ill cause an imm ediate alarm

w hen the system is arm ed. See E NTRA NC E D EL AY Z ON ES.

Fire Light

If ON , a fire alarm has occurred. See W HAT TO D O IF YOU R PIRE ALARM


If O FF, the sy stem is operatin g norm ally.

If B LIN I\IN G, a fire zone is in trouble. See FIRE TRO UB LE .


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Armmg And D isarm ing

You r S ecu rity S ystemArm in g P rio r T o L ea vin g The B u ild in g A R M l i e DB efore the system can be arm ed, all of the burglary zones m ust be secure. A ll zones

are secure w hen the green RE AD Y light is on. If the RE AD Y light is off, one or m ore

zones are open. C heck to be sure all doors, w indow s and other protected areas are

s ec ure d a nd lo ck ed . If necessary. you m ay use the ZONE STATUS command, page 9,

to obtain a display show ing w hich zones are open.

1. V erify that the RE ADY l ight is on.

2. Press the A RM command and your Personal A uthorization C ode (P AC ).

3 . The control station w ill begin beeping and the red A RM ED light w ill com e on

in dica tin g tha t th e sy stem is arm ed .4 . L eav e th e b uild in g imm ed iate ly .

Y our system is programmed w ith an exit delay w hich allow s you a specific am ount

of tim e to leave through any arm ed burglar zone w ithout causing an alarm . Refer to

the SY ST EM R EF ERE NC E G UID E for the am ount of exit tim e. T he control station

w ill heep throughout the exit delay period. If you take too long to exit, the beeping

tone w ill change to a steady entrance tone. The system m ust then be disarm ed and

re arm ed to av oid a false alarm .

I~ 1

What To D o For A False A larm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. A R M ( 1 1 ~If for som e reason a false alarm does occur, you should do the follow ing.

L Press the A RM command and your PA C.

2. The alarm should be off. If it i~ not, press the I!I k ey an d b eg in ag ain .3 . N otify the a pp ro priate a uth orities o f th e alarm imm ed iately .

D isa rm in g Upon En terin g The Bu ild in g A R M l l ( tY our system is program med w ith one or m ore entrance delay zones w hich allow youtim e to enter the prem ises and disarm the system w ithout causing an alarm . Tw o

d iffere nt b urg lar z on es m ay b e p ro gramm ed fo r d elay w ith e ach h av ing a sep arate

tim e value. R efer to the S YST EM R EFE RE NC E G UID E for the delayed zones and for

the am ount of tim e you have to enter and disarm the system .

1 . A fter entering through a delay zone, the control station w ill sound a steady

entrance tone w arning you to disarm the system .

2. Press the ARM com mand and your PAC.

3. T he red A RMED light should be off indicating that the system is disarm ed. Ifthe A RM ED light does not go off, press the [!I ke y a nd re start th e d isarm in g


NOTE: If y ou en te r throu gh a d elay z on e first. all bu rg lar z on es au tomatica lly

convert to delay zones. This is useful w hen you have to go through an interior zoneor other instant z one in order to disarm your system .


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Abbrevia ted Arming A R M

I t t t ,Y our in staller m ay have prog rammed yo ur sy stem w ith an abb reviated arming

feature. This feature w ill let you ann the system , and enter other commands, using

only the command key and the first num ber of your PA C. D isarm ing still requires

yo ur com plete P AC .

A bbreviated arm ing not only saves tim e, but allow s you the freedom of letting a

non-perm anent user, such as a repairm an, tem porary help, etc., arm your system as

they leave w ithout know ing your com plete PA C.

Arming The System _ ~_~:1.

Without Leaving The Bu ild ing , IKJERI@ l I T ;You r se cu rity sy stem is d iv id ed in to tw o d iffe re nt a re as o f p ro te ctio n:

(1) The PERIM ETER is the first line of defense consisting of one or

m ore zones w h ich protect the exterior doors and w indow s of your


(2) The IN TERIOR is the backup, or second line of defense, consisting of

one or m ore zones w hich protect the inside of your building. Interior

protection usually h as m otio n senso rs or in ternally w ired d oo rs

design ed to trap o r surp rise an intruder.

Your system allow s you to select the am ount of security you w ant. For exam ple, if

you are leaving the building, you w ould probably w ant to arm the system w ith full

protection-both perim eter and interior. H ow ever, if you plan to rem ain in the

building, you w ould tum the interior protection off so that norm al m ovem ent inside

w ould not set off an alarm .

To Turn The Interior Protection Off

L Press the INTERIOR command and your PAC.

2 . The yellow IN TE RIOR O FF light w ill come on.

3. A rm the system by using the A RM com mand.

N OTE : W hen you disarm , the interior autom atically returns to IN TE RIO R O Nu nle ss y ou r in sta ller h as p ro gramm ed it d iffe re ntly .


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Entrance Delay Zones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. D E l A Y 1 mY our system m ay contain one or m ore entrance delay zones as noted in your

SY ST El\1 R EFE RE NC E G UlD E. Som etim es you m ay w ant to arm your

system w ithout the delay and m ake them instant zones.

For exam ple, you m ay w ant to arm the system w hile rem aining in the building. B y

changing the delay zones to instant, the alarm w ill im mediately sound w hen any

z on e is o pe ne d.

Changing The Delay Zones To Instant

1. Press the D EL AY command and your PA C.

2. The yellow IN STA NT light w ill com e on.3. Ann the system using the A RM command.

N OT E: W hen you disarm . the delay zones autom atically return unless your installer

has programmed them differently. . ~

Monitoring Zones With The System Disarmed ... M O N I T O R l f i JThe MON ITO R command allow s you to use your control station to check the system

w hen it is disarm ed. W hen using the M ON ITO R command, the control station w illbeep w hen any burglar zone is opened.

For exam ple, the M ON ITO R command w ill let you know if your front door has beenopened. M any businesses use this type of signal to announce that a custom er has

entered. In a residential application, the MON IT OR command m ight be used to

announce children com ing and going.

To Turn Monitor On

1 . T he system m ust be disarm ed.

2 . Press the M ONITOR comm and and your PAC.

3. The control station w ill beep three tim es each tim e a zone is opened.

To Tum Monitor Off

1. Press the M ON ITO R command and your PA C.


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D iagnosing A P roblem

Zone S ta tu s D isp lay Z O NE S T A T U S r f i :The zone status command may be used to identify w hich zones are opened or

bypassed. This is useful prior to arm ing the system w hen the ready light is off or

blinking. T he control station lights becom e indicators for each zone w hen this

command is used.

1. L ift the control station door to reveal the zone location label.

2. Press the ZONE STATUS command and your PAC.

3 . T he lights on the control station w ill now becom e zone status indicators.

4. If a light is on, it is an indication that a zone is open.







The zone status display w ill rem ain on for eight seconds after w hich the lights

autom atically sw itch back to the norm al m ode. This display tim e m ay be extended

for eight additional seconds by pressing any key except the I!l .

A fter identifying the open zone, recheck all doors, w indow s, etc. connected to the

zone to correct the problem and to display a ready light. If the cause of the problem

cannot be found, you m ay bypass the zone or call your installer far service. Refer toZON E BYPAS SING (SHUNT ING), pag e 1 3.

A larm M emory D isplay . . . . . . . . . . .. A L AR M M E M fi R Y I~The ARM ED light blinks to visually rem ind you w hen an alarm has occurred. The

alarm mem ory com mand m ay be used to identify the specific zone that caused the


1. L ift the control station door to reveal the zone location label.

2. Press the AL ARM MEMORY comm and and your PAC.

3. The lights on the control station w ill now becom e alarm m em ory indicators.

4. Any light that is on indicates the zone that caused the most recent alarm.5. You may reset the blinking ARMED light by pressing the ~ key.

The alarm m em ory display w ill rem ain on for eight seconds after w hich the lights

autom atically sw itch back to the norm al m ode. This display tim e m ay be extended

for eight additional seconds by pressing any key except the I!l


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Elech.. Power And The Standby Battery

P ow er L ight O n

The green POW ER light on the control station should be on w hen both theelectricity and the standby battery are present and functional. In the event of

e lec trica l p ow er lo ss, yo ur system w ill sw itch a utoma tica lly to a stan dby b attery .

This battery should pow er the system for m any hours and recharge w hen the

ele ctric al p ow er is restored . T o v erify th e ba ttery w ill b e a vailab le w hen n eed ed , th e

system perform s a battery test once every 2 4 hours.

P ow e r L ig ht B lin kin g

If the POW ER light is blinking and the control station is beeping, the battery w as

w eak w hen the system tested it. E xtended pow er outages w ill discharge the battery.

H ow ev er, it n orm ally rech arge s itself w ith in 1 6 h ou rs. M an ually test the b attery

again after it has had tim e to recharge. If the battery fails the lest again, call your

ins ta ll er for s ervi ce .

P ow er L ig ht O ff

If the POWE R light is off for any reason other than a neighborhood pow er failure, a

c om ple te ch ec k o f th e circu it break ers o r fu se p an el an d th e p lu g-in tra nsfo rm er

sh ou ld be pe rfo rm ed. If the p ro blem can not b e fo und O f c orre cted , call y our in staller

for service .

Manu all y T es ti ng T he B a tte ry S M O K E / B A T T I I ( ! ]1. Press the SMOK E/B ATT command and your PA C.2 . W ait 5 seconds.

3 . If the battery is fully charged. the pow er light w ill be on w ithout blinking. If

the battery is w eak, the P OW ER light w ill start blinking and the control stationw i ll b ee p r ap id ly .

4. The I!I ke y m ay b e p ressed to silen ce th e co ntrol station .

Testing The Protection Sensors T E S T I~lThe TE ST command m ay be used to check all of the sensors in your security

system. It is recom mended that you test your system on a w eekly basis. The TE ST

command allow s you to w alk around the building checking each sensor. T he

control station w ill begin beeping each tim e a sensor is opened.

1. The system m ust be disarm ed and all zones m ust be secure.2 . Press the TE ST command and Y OU fPA C.

3. O pen any protected door or w indow . The control station w ill beep and the

g ree n R EADY l ig ht w ill b e o ff.

4 . C lose the opened door or w indow . The control station w ill stop beeping and theRE ADY light w ill be back on . .

5 . B egin at s!gJ 3 and test the rem aining SenSO fS.

6 . Press the I!I k ey wh en fin is he d te stin g.


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Fire Protection

If you have purchased fire protection, you should read this section in case a fire

alarm sounds. T he fire portion of your system is on continuously and cannot be

t ur ne d o ff .

mET I [ ; Jhat To Do If Y ou r F ire A larm Sounds .

1. P re ss th e I!I key to silence the alarm and the control station.2 . The red FIRE light w ill rem ain on.

3 . Press the A RM command and your PA C to reset the fire alarm .

4 . If your FIR E light begins blinking, refer to F IRE T ROUB LE .

F ir e Troub le S M O K E / S A T T

l i mWhen the fire light is blinking. it indicates that there is trouble present in the fire

system . For exam ple, a w ire m ay be broken or a sm oke detector m ay be in a locked

po sitio n. B efo re resettin g the sm oke d etecto rs, y ou sho uld d eterm in e w hich on e

c au se d th e a la rm .

What To Do For Fire Trouble

1. P re ss t he I!I key to silence the alarm and the control station.2 . D eterm ine w hich detector caused the alarm .

3 . Press the SM OK E/B ATT com mand and your PA C w hich w ill reset all sm okedetectors.

4 . The red FIRE light should be off indicating that your fire protection is back tonormal. If the lig ht is still blink in g, th e p ro blem still ex ists. C all yo ur in staller

immediat ely for s erv ic e.


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Emergency Panic Z ones

Y our system m ay hav e been pu rchased w ith fire, police or m edical em ergen cy z ones.

E mergency zones are 24-hour zones and m ay be activated at any tim e-even if the

system is d isarm ed-by p ressin g and holding the appropriate keys for at least one

second . T hese z ones m ay be op erated from th e co ntrol station or from rem ote

em ergency buttons in dep endent of the control station depending on w hat y ou

purchased. _

T o Silence A nd R eset A ll E mergency Z ones ..... A R M I n :1. No tif y y ou r a la rm monito rin g s erv ic e immediately if the alarm w as


2 . Press the l!I key to silence th e con trol station an d the alarm .

3 . P re ss th e ARM comman d and y our P AC to tum off the appropriate in dicatorlight and to reset you r sy stem .

T o A ctivate T he Emergency F ire Zone ' F rom The C on trolStation

1. Press k eys!rt andf(7 "l at th e sam e tim e.

2. The control station w ill beep rapidly and the red FIRE light w ill com e on.3. T he fire a larm w ill so un d.

To A ctivate T he Em ergency Police Z one F rom The C ontrolStation

1. P re ss k ey s [(1 an d [3at the sam e tim e.

2. T he control statio n w ill beep rapidly and the yello w IN TE RIO R O FF light w hich

is th e A ux iliary l/p olic e in dica to r will blink.3. T he police alarm w ill sound .

.NOTE: Y our sy stem m ay be p rogrammed for silen t police op eration. In that case

there w ould be no sound or light as an indication of an alarm .

T o A ctivate T he Emergency M e dical Z one

1. P ress keysrr3 and I r s at the sam e tim e.

2 . The control station w ill beep slow ly am i the yellow IN ST AN T l ight w hich is theAu xilia ry 2 /m e dic al in dic ato r w ill b lin k.

3. The me dic al a la rm will sound.

T o A ctivate E mergency P anic Z ones F rom R em oteIn d ep en d en t B u tto ns

1. P re ss th e a pp ro pr ia te eme rg en cy b utto n.

2 . T he control station w ill beep and the in dicator light for the em ergency will beon .


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Zone Byp assin g (S huntin g)

T he S HU N T key is used to bypass selected zone(s) in your system . A bypassed zone

w ill NOT c ause an ala rm , sin ce it I S temp or ar ily r emo ve d f rom y ou r s ys tem.

B ypassing a zone is usually done for one of tw o reasons. First, you m ay w ant to arm

m ost of the system but leave one zone disarm ed because of use or traffic. Second, if

a zone is defective for som e reason you m ay bypass that zone and still arm the

system so that you can have lim ited protection until the problem zone is repaired.

To Bypass A Zone S H U H T r r n1 . T he system m ust b e d isarm ed . c c

2. Press the SH UN T com mand and the num ber corresponding to the zone to be

by passed . T he z on e lo catio ns are lab eled o n th e in side o f the co ntro l station .3 . T he R EADY light w ill start to blink.

To Remove Bypassed Zone(s)

1. T he sy stem m ust b e disarm ed .2 . Press the SH UN T com mand and [ill wh ic h c le ar s a ll b yp ass ed z on es.3 . T he R EADY lig ht w ill sto p b link in g.


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Other F eatu res

The Reset Key R E S E T I~The r E I key is used to reset the system after an error has been m ade. It a lso s il ences

the control station fo r fire and m edical alarm s. W hen in do ubt. press the r E I k ey a nd

begin again. .',

The A c ce ss Key A C C E S S I l r T IIf your system w as purchased w ith the A CC ESS feature. it w ill w ork as a tim ing

d ev ice or k ey less co ntro l. S om e co mm on u ses o f this feature m igh t b e activating anelectric doo r op ener o r turning on o utsid e lig hts. C on sult yo ur installer for m ore

in fo rm atio n a bo ut th is comm an d.

Keyswitch Opera tion

In ad ditio n to a control statio n, you r system m ay also have a con ventio nal

k ey sw itc h fo r a rm in g a nd d isa rm in g o nly .


1 . V erify that the R EADY l ig ht is on .

2 . Insert your key into the lock and tum . H old the key for one second and release.

3 . T he red A RM ED light w ill com e on indicating the system is arm ed.


I. Insert the key into the lock and tum . H old the key for one second and release.2 . T he A RMED light w ill g o off in dicatin g th e sy stem is disarm ed.


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Programming Your System

C ertain fe atures o f y our system are p ro gramm ab le from the co ntrol sta tio n. Pressing

the PRO GRAM command and entering the M aster Program ming Code puts the

system in the programming m ode. T he M aster P rogramming C ode authorizes you

for system program ming only and cannot be used to arm , disarm or com mand other

functions. W hen programming, the control station w ill beep to prom pt you. T he

M aster P rogramming C ode m ay be listed in the S YST EM RE FE RE NC E G UID E.

WARN IN G: D O N OT attem pt to program the system unless the installer has trainedyou on programming and you com pletely understand this operation.

Changing Your Persona l r i r = >Author iz atio n Code (PAC) P R O G R A M

l [ 9 JY our system has the capacity to be programmed w ith four different P ersonal

A uthorization Codes. E ach one m ay be added or changed as necessary, The s ys temreq uire s th e m an dato ry en try of fiv e d ig its w he n p ro gramm in g P erso nal

A uthoriz ation C odes. T o have a shorter code, you m ust add trailing zeros to

com plete the m andatory five digits. T he trailing zeros are only used to com plete the

code and w ill not becom e a part of your Personal A uthorization C ode. For exam ple,

if you enter 7 89 00 w hen programming, your P ersonal A uthorization C ode w ould be

7 89 w hen arm ing the system or commanding other functions.

D ecide w hat you w ish your new Personal A uthorization C ode to be. O nce you have

entered the programming m ode, you should com plete the entire procedure pausingno m ore than six seconds betw een digits or else a tw o second error tone WIll sound.

If you hear the error tone or m ake an error w hile program ming. press the [! J key a

num ber of tim es until you hear three beeps. This m eans the system has left theprogramming m ode and you m ust restart the procedure from the beginning.

WARN ING: P re ssin g the [!J key or failing to com plete the procedure w ithin the

allotted tim e m ay result in erroneous operation of that code. T herefore, you MU ST

start th e p ro ced ure o ve r from th e be gin nin g.

L The system m ust be disarm ed.

2. Press the PRO GRAM command and enter the M aster Program ming Code. Fourbeeps.

3. Press the num ber corresponding to the Personal A uthorization Code you w ish

to p ro gram . T hre e be ep s.

Press m to p ro gram PAC },

Press IT ] to p ro gram PAC 2.

Press Q J to p ro gram PAC 3.

Press G J to p ro gram PAC 4.4. Press [] . T his is a mandatory system entry and does not becom e part of your

P er so na l A uth oriz atio n C od e.

5 . Enter the 5 digits for the new Personal A uthorization Code. Three beeps. The

system will e xit th e p ro gramm in g mod e a utoma tic ally .


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r:~:O:~i~:~:~~~~~~~~P R O G M M

I~;A n optional feature of your system allow s you to assign a certain num ber of validuses to Personal A uthorization C ode 4 . For ex am ple, it m ay be necessary for a

m aintenance person to enter your building and disarm and arm your system . Y ou

can give him a PA C that is program med for only tw o valid uses. O ne use w ould be

to disarm and the second w ould be to arm . A fter the tw o uses, the code w ill no

lo ng er be reco gn iz ed by th e sy stem for an y comm an d.

P AC 4 is th e o nly P erso nal A uth oriz atio n C od e tha t is p rog ramm ab le fo r tem po ra ry

use. Y ou m ay program PA C4 w ith 001 to 254 tem porary uses. O r. PA C4 m ay be

perm anent by entering 255 for the num ber of uses. The num ber of uses you

p rog ram must con sist o f three d ig its. T he refo re, u se lead in g z ero s as n ecessary .

T hese steps assum e that you have already programmed P AC 4 w ith a code and now

w ish to assign the num ber of valid uses.

1. T he sy stem m ust b e d isarm ed.2. Press the PR OGRAM command and enter the M aster Programming C ode. Four


3. P ress [ID w hich is the option for tem porary use. T hree beeps.

4. E nter the 3 digit num ber for the num ber of uses desired. E xam ple: E nter 002

for 2 uses. T hree beeps. T he system w ill ex it the programming m ode


NOTE: A va lid u se is con sid ered any sin gle co mm an d op eration . n ot o nly arm ing

and d is arming . ._"1

Chan gin g The Ma ster P rogramm ing Cod e P R O G R A M

r ~T he M aster P ro gra mm in g C od e au th oriz es y ou fo r system pro gramm in g o nly an d

w ill not operate other commands such as arm ing and disarm ing. T he M asterP rog ramm ing C od e m ust b e a m and atory fiv e d ig its.

1. T he system m ust b e disarm ed .

2 . Press the P ROGRAM comm and and enter the M aster P rogramming C ode. Fourbeeps.

3 . Press 1 31w hich is the option for programming this code. T hree beeps.4 . Press I}!] . This is a m andatory system entry and does not becom e part of the

Ma ste r P ro gr amm in g C od e.

5. E nter the 5 digits for the new M aster Program ming C ode. Three beeps. The

sy stem w ill e xi t th e p ro gr amm in g mo de a utom atic ally .


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C OMMAND: C on sists of a comm an d digit and you r P ersonal A uth orizatio n C ode

(P AC ). C ommand s allow yo u to co ntrol th e sy stem th ro ugh the co ntrol statio nts),

C OMMAN D K EY : T he first key pressed for a com mand w hich notifies the system of

t he d es ir ed ope ra ti on .

C ON TROL S TA TION: T he co ntro l statio n resem bles a touch tone telep hon e h oard

w ith eight lights to Ind icate different fu nction s. T he control station co mm an ds th e

m aster panel and displays for you w hat is going on. The labels on the front of the

control station and under the lift up door show you w hat each light m eans.

D EL AY Z ON E: A zone w hich gives you a specific am ount of tim e for leaving your

build ing after arm ing, and tim e to enter your build ing prior to disarm ing the


FA LSE A lA RM : A ny unw anted alarm signal transm itted w hen not activated by an

intruder o r an actual fire.

IN DICA TO R L IGH TS: The eight lights on the control station w hich show you the

status o f yo ur sy stem . T he lights m ay in dicate d ifferent con ditio ns depend ing o n the

c omm an d u se d.

IN TE RIO R: The backup or second line of defense consisting of one or m ore zones

w hich protect th e insid e of yo ur bu ilding . Interior protection usu ally h as m otio n

s en so rs o r in te rn ally w ir ed d oo rs .

M AST ER PA NE L: The m aster panel is usually hidden from view . It contain s am icroco mpu ter that interp rets you r comm and s from a con trol station. T he m aster

p an el is re sp on sib le fo r p ro vid in g p ow er fo r th e c on tro l sta tio ns a nd s en so rs.

h ou sing the sy stem 's w iring and serv ing as th e co mm unication device betw een y oursy ste m a nd th e a la rm mon ito rin g se rv ice , if y ou r c on tra ct in clu de s a la rmmonitoring.

PE RIM ETE R: T he first line of defense consisting of one or m ore zones w hich

p ro tect the exterio r doo rs an d w in dow s of yo ur b uild ing.

PE RSO NA L A UT HO RIZA TIO N C OD E (PA C): T he second half of a com mandw h ic h a uth oriz es a nd id en tifie s y ou fo r sy ste m c on tro l.

SE NSO RS: T he sensors are devices that detect an in truder or a fire. Sensors m ay

include: door and/or w indow sw itches, m otion sensors, sm oke and/or heat

d ete cto rs, p re ssu re s en sitiv e m ats, g la ss b re ak ag e d etec to rs, v ib ra tio n o r sh oc k

se nso rs, a nd /o r e me rg en cy p an ic b utto ns.

S HU NT : T o tem porarily rem ov e, or by pass. a part o f the system 's protective devices

so that they w ill not cause an alarm if activated . If a zone is bypassed, lotal securityi s compromised .

Z ON E: A sp ecific area of pro tectio n th at can be in div idually controlled or b ypassed .


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1. READY light must be on.

2. Press [!] and your PAC.

3 Control station will beep and the

ARMED light will come on.




1. Press r n and your PAC.2. The INTERIOR OFF light will come


3. Press [!] and your PAC.


1. Press [5j and your PAC.2 .. The INSTANT light will come on.

3. Press [!] and your PAC.


1. Press r n : I and your PAC.





1 A stea,£!ywarning tone will sound.

2. Press l!J and your PAC.3. The ARMED light should be off.


1. The s~tem must be disarmed.

2. Pressl.l!.land the number correspond-

ing to the zone to be bypassed.

3. READY light will blink.


1. The system must be disarmed.

2. Press I!l and l I D .3. READY light will stop blinking.


1. Press [!] and your PAC.

2 Alarm should silence.

3. If alarm is still on, press fB and


4. Notify the appropriate authorities.


1. Press Q J and your PAC2. The light that is on indicates where

the alarm occurred.

3. Reset the blinking ARMED light by

pressing I!l .



1. Press I!l to silence.

2. To reset, press O J and your PAC.

3. If FIRE Jight is blinking or remains

on, see page 11.

4. If light is still on, call for service.


1. The sWem must be disarmed.

2. Press l . 8 . I and your PAC.

3. Open a protected area. Control sta-

tion will beep; READY light will be

off.4. Close the area. Control station stops

beepmq; READY light is on.5. Begin at step 3 to test other areas.

6. Press I!I when finished testing.


1. Press m and your PAC.

2. Wait 5 seconds.





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