mood board presentation

Mood Board

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Post on 11-Jun-2015



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Mood Board

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Classic rock magazine: Like it because of its colour schemes, Black and gold / black and white make it bold and easy to read + makes it look

adult and serious not “poppy” and fun. Photography used to create the “iconic status” effect for whoever is on the cover. Total UK sales = 47,214 per issue ( Readers are 30+ males who where teenagers during the 70’s

and 80’s. But also modern teenagers who follow the music scene with a “retro” prospective.

Guitarist:Retro photography creates nostalgic effect for readers who remember the cover stories, i.e. when Hendrix died. Aimed

primarily at guitar players with hints tips and ideas for playing. Total UK sales per issue = 23861 (

Total Guitar: Instantly we can see the younger audience the magazine is aimed at. 15-17 year olds. Because of its pop like adaptations

of modern rock. Dose not focus on the 60’s – 80’s as much as this is not of much interest to the mainstream teenage audience. Simple uncomplicated design with bold, simple fonts. Cover stories focus on the “fame” aspects of modern

music rather than the meaning behind the music. 42171 sales per issue ( Contains a lot of tutorials to attract young guitar players who are still novices to buy the magazine.

Power Play.A primarily metal and heavy rock magazine. Dark black colours tell us this obviously. The featured artists are all established 70’s and 80’s artists. This returns the magazines appeal to people who where teenagers at this time. Bold

aggressive cover line and masthead fonts reflect the brash, loud images on the cover. 30857 sales per issue. ( Dark shadowy reds and browns = grimy, dirty music. Like the fact that each issue has one headlining act

much like a concert poster and is not cluttered with lots of little stories.

Metal Hammer.Iconic masthead designed to be instantly recognisable. Obviously a metal magazine due to obscene religious imitation

imagery designed to shock, also doesn't care if its offensive. Use of violent imagery eg, sword and fire, and sexual imagery eg, women, to suggest male dominance or manly attitudes. Use of mythology to present the artists as “legends”. Sensationalises and hypes up our expectations and suggests “epic-ness”. 32441 sales per issue.
