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02-May-2014 Month 11 Ealing CCG Finance and Activity Performance Report For Governing Body

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Month 11 Ealing CCG Finance and Activity Performance ReportFor Governing Body

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Acronym Full Provider NameASP Ashford And St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustBLT Barts Health NHS TrustC&W Chelsea And Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation TrustCLCH Central London Community Healthcare NHS TrustCNWL Central And North West London MH NHS Foundation TrustEHT Ealing Hospital NHS TrustESH Epsom And St Helier University Hospitals NHS TrustGOSH Great Ormond Street Hospital For Children NHS Foundation TrustGSTT Guys And St Thomas NHS Foundation TrustHRCH Hounslow And Richmond Community Healthcare NHS TrustHUH Homerton University Hospital NHS Foundation TrustHWP Heatherwood And Wrexham Park Hosps NHS Foundation TrustICHT Imperial College Healthcare NHS TrustKCH Kings College Hospital NHS Foundation TrustKHT Kingston Hospital NHS TrustMEH Moorfield's Eye Hospital NHS Foundation TrustNWLHT North West London Hospitals NHS TrustRBH Royal Brompton And Harefield NHS Foundation TrustRFT Royal Free London NHS Foundation TrustRMH The Royal Marsden Hospital NHS Foundation TrustRNOH Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital NHS TrustRSC Royal Surrey County NHS Foundation TrustSGT St George's Healthcare NHS TrustSLAM South London And Maudsley NHS Foundation TrustSWL&StG South West London And St George's Mental Health NHS TrustTHH The Hillingdon Hospital NHS Foundation TrustUCLH University College London NHS Foundation TrustWHH The Whittington Hospital NHS TrustWLMH West London Mental Health NHS TrustWMUH West Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust

Key messageThe following acronyms are used throughout this pack.

Contract Acronyms

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Executive Summary Page Contracts Performance PageExecutive Summary 3 Acute Contracts: year to date performance 19CCG Finance dashboard 4 Key issues and actions relating to financial position 20Risk and Opportunities Key Issues & Table 5 Finance performance and key issues and actions (i) & (ii) - acute contracting - ICHT 21-23Key issues and actions relating to financial position 6 Progress on strategic priorities - ICHT 24

Finance performance and key issues and actions - acute contracting - Ealing Hospital NHS Trust 25-27Overall Financial Position Page Finance performance and key issues and actions - Chelsea & Westminster Hospital NHS FT (i) & (ii) 28-30Surplus/deficit including running costs 8 Finance performance and key issues and actions - acute contracting - NWLHT 31-32Budget Movements including running costs 9 Finance performance and key issues and actions - acute contracting - Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS FT 33-34Movements of Variances including running costs 10 Finance performance and key issues and actions - acute contracting - UCLH NHS FT 35-36Break-down of programme spend 11 Finance performance and key issues and actions - acute contracting - THH NHS FT 37-38Break down of running cost spend 12 Finance performance and key issues and actions - acute contracting - West Middlesex Hospital NHS Trust 39-40Breakdown of reserves 13 Communty Provider Finance Performance M10 Ealing ICO 41-42Investments 14 Mental Health Providers Performance M10 43Month 8 QIPP position 15QIPP Variance Movements 16 Appendices PageCapital, creditor payments and cash 17 Appendix 1: RAG Rating Definitions 45

Appendix 2: Financial Schedules 46-56Appendix 3: Imperial Hospital Detail Schedules 57-71Appendix 4: Balance Sheet 72

high quality support to commissioners to improve health and wellbeing


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Key messages PageExecutive Summary 3CCG Finance dashboard 4Risk and Opportunities Key Issues & Table 5Key issues and actions relating to Financial Position 6

high quality support to commissioners to improve health and wellbeing

Section 1: Executive Summary

Overall financial position Executive summary

Overall financial position

Contract performance


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Contract Performance Amber


Source: Team analysishigh quality support to commissioners to improve health and wellbeing

Overall financial position

At month 11, Ealing CCG is reporting a year to date surplus of £3.8m and a forecast surplus of £6.9m. The year to date surplus has increased 1.9m and the FOT surplus has decreased by (£0.1m) for Programme Budgets. The movement between the YTD and FOT values is accounted for by budgets and reserves ( which will not be utilised) having been phased into month 12. The year to date position has remained consistent with last month and the FOT surplus has worsenned by (£0.2m) for Running Cost Budgets.As highlighted in Month 10 the financial annexes and commentary reflect the agreement with Ealing Hospital Trust for a maximum contracting value of £86.5m, which reflects the final agreed payment and includes £2.6m maternity support and is net of the ICE penalty of £1.6m; this has had an impact on reported contract values and forecast outturn/overperformance. The contract continues to be monitored for delivery of targets and activity levels.

The YTD position has improved by £1.9m from month 10 at an aggregate level, with an improvement in the other acute, mental health and corporate & estates positions offset by worsening in other areas. These movements are detailed on slide 11.

The forecast outturn has worsened by (£0.3m) from Month 10.

There is a net additional likely opportunity of (£0.015m) (net opportunity £4.4m in Month 10) which is detailed on slide 5,which was prepared after review of all risks and opportunities and options for expenditure.

Acute contracts are reporting a year to date position of (£6.8m) higher than plan. The impact of over performance has been mitigated by the application of acute reserves £5.4m and by reporting a post challenge position (challenges and mitigations amounts to a benefit of £3.6m) . After application of reserves the overall year to date variance against plan for Acute services is an overspend of (£1.4m), with a forecast overspend of (£1.1m).

ICHT, West Middlesex and C&W are the top three over performing contracts. The key pressures at ICHT relate to maternity, outpatients and non electives; at C&W relates to non elective, outpatients and day cases and at West Middlesex relates to maternity, non elective and outpatients. These are discussed in detail in the contracts performance section of this report.

The current year to date delivery of QIPP is behind plan by 26% (£3,783k). The under achievement noted in the year to date position is driven by Acute schemes.

Year end outturn is currently forecasting a delivery of 76% against plan (£12.4m expected savings against a target of £16.3m).

Executive Summary

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Indicator Target ActualRating this


Financial position year to date £0k £3,790k variance from planned position

Financial position forecast outturn £0k £6,748k variance from planned position

Running costs forecast outturn £0k £120k 0.0% variance from planned position

QIPP year to date £14,793k £11,008k (26%) variance from plan

QIPP forecast outturn £16,254k £12,235k (25%) variance from plan

Investment spend £4,174k £2,264k 45.7% year to date variance from plan

Risks and opportunities Risk/opportunity £0k £15k (net risk) / opportunity outside reported position (likely case)

Payables - Better Payment Practice Code 95.0% 98.6% 98.6% of invoice value paid in 30 days

Capital forecast outturn £0k £0k 0.0% forecast variance from allocation - please see note 1

Cash £364,032k £0k 100.0% year to date variance from cash limit


high quality support to commissioners to improve health and wellbeing

Risk and Opportunities reflect total likely risk identified in month 11 of (£0.4m) and total likely opportunity of £3.3m. These opportunities will be offset by options for expenditure amounting to (£2.9m) giving an overall net opportunity of £0.015m.

CCG Finance Dashboard

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EalingAmount Likely Best Worst

Risks £000s % £000s % £000s % £000sOverseas visitors (262) 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0Forecast for acute position is understated (500) 50% (250) 0% 0 0% 0UCC income not recovered from CCGs out of NWL (400) 20% (80) 0 100% (400)Contractual benefit not achieved (700) 0% 0 0% 0 100% (700)EHT residual BTA issues (200) 50% (100) 0% 0 100% (200)Total (2,062) (430) 0 (1,300)

Amount Likely Best WorstOpportunities £000s % £000s % £000s % £000s

Investment slippage / other uncommitted funds 2,100 100% 2,100 0CWHH risk share 250 100% 250 0 0Investment tranche 2 700 0% 0 100% 700 0% 0LBE billing St. Martin's House 100 50% 50 100% 100 0% 0High cost drugs spend relates to specialist commissioning, so current forecast is overstated

158 50% 79 100% 158 100% 158

CNWL - Hillingdon Community Services currently overbilled- potential for credit note

132 50% 66 100% 132 200% 264

Unwind -Other bad debt provisions 350 50% 175 100% 350 300% 1,050Unwind -Bad debt provision - EHT £1,250K around CQUIN adjustment for 12/13

625 50% 313 100% 625 400% 2,500

EHT invoice not forthcoming 625 50% 313 100% 625 500% 3,125Total 5,040 3,345 8 2,690 16 7,097

Amount Likely Best WorstOptions for expenditure £000s % £000s % £000s % £000s

BCF pump priming (2,100) 100% (2,100)Acute challenges not finalised (500) 100% (500)Additional CHC accrual (300) 100% (300)Total (2,900) (2,900) 5,380 14,194

NET 78 15 5,380 12,894

Risks and opportunities are not reflected in the forecast outurn postion, as there is uncertainty about whether they will crystallise; but should they occur in whole or in part they could alter the reported forecast postion.

The risks fall into two broad categories : where there is a risk that the CCG will forego some expected benefit ( eg UCC income not billed to other commissioners due to information governance and reporting issues), or differing assessments of the impact of terms in (often informal) agreements. The opportunities are mainly around the level of funding needed to off-set the risks should they occur. There is an expectation that as the CCG enters the last month of the financial year the uncertainty around crystallisation will resolve with the number of risk/opportunities reducing. The opportunities are expected to be offset by the options for expenditure listed below.

Key Messages

Risks and Opportunities: Key Messages

Risks and Opportunities Table

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Issue Key drivers

Financial impact

YTD, £m Action Owner Timeline

ICHT £4.8

£4.8m represents the projected variance based on the Month 10 mitigated variance position of £4.4m. The main drivers of the over performance are Maternity (£0.7m), Non Elective (£1.0m) and Outpatients (£2.7m). Challenges of £2.0m ytd are included in the reported position. Action: CSU to pursue outstanding challenges and reconciliation with NHS-E.

CSU On going

West Middx £0.9

£0.9m represents the projected variance based on the Month 10 mitigated variance position of £0.8m. The main drivers of the over performance are Maternity (£0.4m), Non Elective (£0.3m) and Outpatients (£0.3m). Challenges of £0.3m ytd are included in the reported position. Action: CSU to maintain close monitoring of performance and activity.

CSU On going

C&W £0.6

£0.62m represents the projected variance based on the Month 10 mitigated variance position of £0.56m. The main drivers of the over performance are Outpatients (£0.3m), Daycases (£0.3m) and Non Elective (£0.2m). Challenges of £0.04m ytd are included in the reported position. Action: CSU to maintain close monitoring of performance and activity.

CSU On going

Total £6.3

Prescribing £1.2

The overspend in Prescribing is generated from GP Prescribing figures (£1.4m) including £0.3m income from LBE for Public Health Drugs and Central Drugs (£0.1m) for April to December forecasted forward to February using the new PPA profile of spend issued in January. This has resulted in a worsening of the prescribing position in month of (£0.1m). Action: Continue delivery of QIPP project and close working with practices to reduce costs and improve quality.

CCG - medicines management On going

Continuing Care £0.9

The main driver of overperformance in Continuing Care is Physical Disabilities Clients aged over 65 (£0.9m), Mental Health Clients aged under 65 (£0.1m), Physical Disabilities Clients aged under 65 (£0.4m) and Childrens Residential Placements (£0.1m) offset by underspends in Funded Nursing Care £0.3m and Palliative Care Clients £0.3m. Action: Continue with improvements in financial control and case monitoring already underway.

CCG - continuing care On going

Total £8.4

high quality support to commissioners to improve health and wellbeing

Acute contracts over-performance



for C


Key issues and actions relating to Financial Position

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Overall Financial Position PageSurplus/deficit including running costs 8Budget Movements including running costs 9Movements of Variances including running costs 10Break-down of programme (commissioning) spend 11Break down of running cost spend 12Breakdown of reserves 13Investments 14Month 8 QIPP Position 15QIPP Variance Movements 16Capital, creditor payments and cash 17

high quality support to commissioners to improve health and wellbeing

Section 2: Overall Financial Position

Overall financial position

Overall financial position Contract

performance Appendix Executive


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Key message

2 3 5 6 8 9

Budget Actual Variance Budget Forecast Variance

Allocation Resource limit 375,129 375,129 0 425,604 425,604 0

Acute Contracts 189,721 196,557 (6,836) 211,205 218,234 (7,029)

Acute In Year Risk Reserve 5,439 0 5,439 5,933 0 5,933

Other Acute Commissioning 20,135 19,304 831 21,916 21,258 658

Continuing Care 12,730 13,642 (912) 13,887 14,929 (1,043)

Community Health 36,872 35,116 1,756 41,242 39,391 1,851

Mental Health 43,303 42,022 1,281 47,390 46,298 1,092

Prescribing 35,287 36,466 (1,179) 38,942 40,254 (1,311)

Primary Care 11,127 11,003 124 12,644 12,313 331

Other 12,806 9,519 3,287 23,344 17,080 6,265

Running Costs Corporate Costs 7,709 7,710 (1) 9,100 8,980 120Net Expenditure 375,129 371,340 3,789 425,604 418,736 6,868

Surplus/(Deficit) position 0 3,789 3,789 0 6,868 6,868

high quality support to commissioners to improve health and wellbeing

The key area of over performance in month 11 continues to be Acute Contracts (£6.8m) which are then offset by the SLA In year risk reserve of £5.4m. The main driver of the over performance is ICHT (£4.8m), West Middlesex (£0.9m), Chelsea & Westminster (£0.6m) and NWLHT (£0.5m).

Continuing Care is also overspent (£0.9m), a large proportion of which is related to Continuing Care Physical Disability Clients over 65 and under 65. Prescribing is overspent (£1.2m). The main driver is GP Prescribing and Central Drugs costs.

The above identified over performance has been mitigated by release of uncommitted reserves £4.8m within the "other" category below and underspend in other areas.

Year to date (£k) Full year (£k)

Commissioned services

Surplus/Deficit including Running Costs

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Key message


Initiative Month 10Budget


Changes Month 11 Further detail £k £k £k £k

Programme 405,479 452 0 405,931 Additional allocations received at Month 11 detailed in the table below.

Programme - Contingency and Reserves 10,573 0 0 10,573

Planned Surplus/Deficit 0 0 0 0 Running Costs 9,100 0 0 9,100 Total Allocation 425,152 452 0 425,604


Acute 239,065 (11) 0 239,054 (£11k) deducted from NWLHT budget to contingency to reflect latest contract value.

Mental Health 47,259 131 0 47,390 Oversea Visitors allocation at Month 11 £131k

Continuing Care 13,887 0 0 13,887

Community ( Inc. LES) 53,886 0 0 53,886

Prescribing 38,942 0 0 38,942

Corporate and Estates 12,409 311 0 12,720 £61k additional allocation at Month 11 for SaHF NWL Mental Health Strategy & Transformation. £250k additional allocation at Month 11 for additional Commissioner Support.

Reserves and Contingency 10,604 21 0 10,624 £11k moved to contingency from NWLHT budget to reflect latest contract value. £10k additional allocation at Month 11 for Support to Planning Funding for CCGs.

Running Costs 9,100 0 0 9,100

Total 425,152 452 0 425,604

Source: PMO QIPP report

high quality support to commissioners to improve health and wellbeing

The CCG received new allocations amounting to £0.5m in month 11. The allocations related to Additional Commissioner Support £250k, Overseas Visitors £131k, SaHF NWL Mental Health Strategy & Transformation £61k and Support to Planning Funding for CCGs £10k.

Budget Movements including Running Costs

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Key message

Analysis of Variance

Initiative Month 11 Month 10 Movement Month 11 Month 10 Movement Further detail £k £k £k £k £k £k

Acute Contracts (6,836) (6,262) (574) (7,029) (7,832) 803Main negative movements in YTD are EHT, West Middlesex and NWLHT and the main positive movements are in Imperial and Hillingdon. The main positive movement in the FOT are Imperial and Hillingdon contracts.

Acute In Year Risk Reserve 5,439 4,944 494 5,933 5,933 0 Movement in year to date is due to phasing of the In Year Risk Reserve Budget.

Other Acute Commissioning 831 574 256 658 577 81 There has been a positive movement in the ytd variances due to income raised associated with

the Critical Care Network. The main positive movement in the FOT is associated with NCAs.

Mental Health Commissioning 1,281 1,138 143 1,092 1,259 (167)

There has been a positive movement in the ytd variances in Mental Health Treatment & Care and Learning Disabilities and the main negative movement in FOT variance is MH NCAs and Mental Health Block Contracts.

Continuing Care (912) (876) (36) (1,043) (1,008) (35) Main areas of worsening overspend are in Funded Nursing Care, Palliative Care Clients and Physical Disabilities Clients aged over 65

Community 1,756 2,108 (352) 1,851 2,225 (373) Main movement in the FOT is due to a reduction in the income with regards to the risk share agreement with the ICO.

Prescribing (1,179) (1,060) (119) (1,311) (1,280) (31)Month 11 position reflects GP Prescribing actuals to Month 9 and estimates for Month 10 and 11 based on the new 2013-14 PPA Profile which was issued in January. The Month 11 position includes invoices raised for Public Health drugs to LBE forecasted to Month 11.

Primary Care 124 120 4 331 413 (82) Main negative movement in the FOT position is associated with TDL Pathology.

Corporate & Estates 1,587 (752) 2,338 1,448 (792) 2,239

Main positive movements in YTD and FOT are GP IT hardware refresh/System One projects, QIPP Investment and SaHF Transformation funding. The positive movement for GP IT hardware refresh/System One projects is due to the recharge of capital expenses to NHS England.

Reserves and Contingency 1,701 1,931 (231) 4,817 7,340 (2,523) The main negative movement in YTD and FOT Variance is due to a revision in assumptions of

commitments against the Contingency and Contract Balance Reserves.

Running Costs (1) 1 (2) 120 300 (180)

Total 3,789 1,867 1,922 6,868 7,135 (267)

Source:PMO QIPP report

high quality support to commissioners to improve health and wellbeing

The main negative movement in the YTD position is due to Acute SLAs (largely relating to EHT, West Middlesex and NWLHT) .

Variance Year to date FOT Variance

Movements of Variances including Running Costs

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Key message

2 3 5 6 8 9

Budget Actual Variance Budget Forecast Variance REF

Acute Contracts 195,160 196,557 (1,398) 217,138 218,234 (1,096) page 16

Other Acute Activity Services 20,135 19,304 831 21,916 21,258 658

Total Acute Services 215,295 215,861 (567) 239,054 239,492 (437)Continuing Care 12,730 13,642 (912) 13,887 14,929 (1,043)

Community Health 36,872 35,116 1,756 41,242 39,391 1,851

Mental Health 43,303 42,022 1,281 47,390 46,298 1,092

Prescribing 35,287 36,466 (1,179) 38,942 40,254 (1,311)

Primary Care 11,127 11,003 124 12,644 12,313 331

Corporate & Estates 10,850 9,263 1,587 12,720 11,273 1,448

Reserves and Contingency 1,956 256 1,701 10,624 5,807 4,817 page 11

Total Other 12,806 9,519 3,287 23,344 17,080 6,265

Total commissioning spend 367,420 363,629 3,790 416,504 409,756 6,748

high quality support to commissioners to improve health and wellbeing

Other areas of over performance outside of Acute services has been detailed below:

1) Continuing Care year to date overspend totals (£0.9m) with a FOT overspend of (£1.0m). The largest pressure on the budget is from Physical Disability Clients aged over 65 amounting to year to date overspend of (£0.88m) and a forecast overspend of (£0.93m). In addition the budget for Physical Disability Clients aged under 65 is overspent by (£0.4m) to date and a forecast variance of (£0.5m). The drivers of the overspend have been partially mitigated by underspends in Funded Nursing Care year to date variance of £0.3m and forecast variance of £0.4m and Palliative Care year to date variance £0.31m and forecast variance of £0.32m.

2) Prescribing year to date overspend of (£1.2m) and a forecast overspend of (£1.3m). Included in the GP Prescribing position is a mitigation of expected income related to the recharge of Public Health related drugs £0.4m that have been recharged to the London Borough of Ealing.

Year to date (£k) Full year (£k)

Commissioned services

Break-down of Programme Spend

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Key message

Commissioning Spend Breakdown Budget Actual Variance Budget Actual Variance

Allocation Resource Limit 7,709 7,709 0 9,100 9,100 0

Running costs Pay Costs 3,725 3,890 (165) 4,064 4,375 (311)

CSU Costs 3,624 3,669 (45) 3,954 3,954 0

Other Non Pay Costs 360 152 208 1,082 652 431

Surplus/deficit for running costs 0 (1) (1) 0 120 120

Source: Financial ledgerhigh quality support to commissioners to improve health and wellbeing

The running cost budgets are on-target and showing a breakeven position at the end of February (month 11). The forecast outturn has been revised in-month to show a £120k underspend (£300k in month 10). The additional costs relate to the reclassification of telephony project costs incurred in 2013/14. Additional in-year cost pressures include consultancy costs, NHS Property Co. charges in excess of budget, interim and one-off project costs which have been incurred or provided for. Projects currently underway include procurement of pathology contract re-tendering, the Referral Facilitation Service (RFS) and out-of-hours services.

Year to date (£k) Full year (£k)

Break down of Running Cost Spend

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Key message

Budget Actual Variance Budget Forecast Variance

• Contingency 1,956 125 1,831 4,991 1,050 3,941

The contingency is held to offset risks and pressures not covered elsewhere; in the light of current assessment of risks and opportunities this is offsetting many of the year-ends risks around achievement of income and other benefits under various agreements.

• Contract Balance 0 130 (130) 4,351 4,149 202

If this funding is not needed to offset further contractual pressures the CCG is planning to use this to help pump-prime work/services to deliver service changes and other improvements identified in next years commissioning intentions, and other non-recurrent uses to improve services to patients.

• 2013-14 LSG Deductions 0 0 0 189 0 189

• 2% Headroom 0 0 0 1,093 608 485 This is earmarked for non recurrent investments.

0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL Reserves 1,956 256 1,701 10,624 5,807 4,817

Source: Financial ledger

high quality support to commissioners to improve health and wellbeing

Further uncommitted reserves have been partially released into the FOT position as at month 11. The release of reserves has been used to partially offset the full year pressure on Acute Services (£1.1m), (£1.0m) in Continuing Care and (£1.3m) in Prescribing. The partial release of all uncommitted reserves has resulted in an unplanned FOT surplus in programme costs of £6.7m.

Year to date (£k) Full year (£k)

Non Recurrent Reserve

Further detail

Breakdown of Reserves

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Budget Actual Variance Budget Forecast Variance Further detail

GP IT hardware refresh/SystmOne project 1,342 (0) 1,342 1,611 0 1,611

Project underway and being closely monitored to ensure the budget is observed and there is operational delivery in year; post month 10 NHS England capital has been made available for these projects.

Winter Pressures Investment 2,146 2,146 0 3,112 3,112 0 Fully committed.

SaHF Transformation funding 596 118 478 730 280 450 Expected forecast underspend of £0.5m.

QIPP Investment 89 0 89 97 0 97 No commitment.

4,174 2,264 1,909 5,550 3,392 2,158

high quality support to commissioners to improve health and wellbeing

Key messageMost of the investments listed below are non recurrent with Winter Pressures and SaHF Transformation funding being specific in year non recurrent resource limit increases. The GP IT hardware refresh will be completed this year; the SystmOne Project will continue into next year. Capital costs associated with these projects are to be recharged to NHS England during 2013-14.

Year to date (£k) Full year (£k)


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Key message

QIPP initiatives (Net QIPP)

Initiative Plan Actual Var Plan Forecast Var Further detail £k £k £k £k £k £k

Acute Services 8,955 4,768 (4,187) 9,885 5,506 (4,379) The principal variance is associated with the ICE scheme.

NCAs 69 69 0 75 75 0

Community Services 1,031 1,315 284 1,125 1,435 310 This has been negotiated into the contract.

Mental Health 917 917 0 1,000 1,000 0 Linked to service change around MH provision

Continuing Care 825 900 75 900 900 0 Fully achieved.

Prescribing 2,997 3,039 43 3,269 3,319 50 The achievement of this QIPP by the Medicines Management Team is mitigating substantial financial pressures being reported

Total 14,793 11,008 (3,785) 16,254 12,235 (4,019)

Source:PMO QIPP report

high quality support to commissioners to improve health and wellbeing

Year to date Full year

Month 11 QIPP performance FOT achievement is 76% against the full year plan. A key driver for the 24% FOT adverse variance from plan is the impact of a small number of schemes which are no longer being pursued. The figures reflect the impact of in year mitigations.

M10 QIPP Position

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Key message

QIPP initiatives (Net QIPP)

Initiative Month 11 Month 10 Movement Month 11 Month 10 Movement£k £k £k £k £k £k

Acute Contracts (5,314) (5,009) (304) (7,412) (7,252) (160)

Acute In Year Risk Reserve 0 0 0 0 0 0Other Acute Commissioning 0 0 0 0 0 0

Mental Health Commissioning 0 0 0 0 0 0

Continuing Care 75 150 (75) 0 0 0

Community 1,411 1,385 26 2,949 2,949 0

Prescribing 43 36 7 50 50 0

Primary Care 0 0 0 394 394 0

Corporate & Estates 0 0 0 0 0 0Reserves and Contingency 0 0 0 0 0 0

Running Costs 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total (3,785) (3,439) (346) (4,019) (3,859) (160)

Source:PMO QIPP report

high quality support to commissioners to improve health and wellbeing

This report analyses month on month variances, both year to date and forecast outturn. Further detail is given in the Appendix.

QIPP Variance Year to date QIPP FOT Variance

QIPP Variance Movements

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Key message




% Passed InvoiceAmount


% AmountPassed

£ £NHS 196 166 84.7% 28,647,185 28,550,588 99.7%Non NHS 1310 1278 97.6% 3,461,601 3,094,887 89.4%Total 1506 1444 95.9% 32,108,786 31,645,475 98.6%

Planned Cash Limit: 397,126£ Drawn Down to Date: 352,189£ 89%Planned Draw Down at Month Eleven: 364,032£ Under Drawn: 11,843-£

Source: CSU analysis

Creditor payments

We are currently working with budget holders to ensure that invoices are coded and outstanding queries are dealt with promptly in order that invoice are paid within payment terms.



Ealing CCG has received a GP IT Capital allocation from NHS England of £2,533,236, following approval of submitted business cases. The CCG will procure and pay for the assets and recharge NHS England in full during 2013-14. The assets will be recorded in NHS England's accounts and future depreciation will be charged to an NHS England central budget.

high quality support to commissioners to improve health and wellbeing

Capital, Creditor Payments and Cash Capital, Creditor Payments and Cash