montana woods n water, april 2015, volume 4, issue 2

April 2015 Volume 4 Issue 2

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Montana Dan talks about trapping a Wolverine, Dick Wells is our Outdoor Patriot with the meaning of the word "Shall" and Pastor Jim talks about "Old She Bear". Raf reminds everyone about ticks and Montana Mitzi is getting excited about her first bear hunt and more.


April 2015 Volume 4 Issue 2

Publishers Notes

Publisher & Editor: Raf Viniard


Photographer, Print Manager

Tina Scott


Field Editor: Mitzi Stonehocker


Sales & Marketing, Lincoln County

Kori Erickson


Director of Social Media

Misty Loveless


Flathead Valley Rep: Vacant

Missoula Sales Rep: Vacant

Pro Staff Writers & Photographers:

Angela Gerych Pastor Jim Sinclair

Dan Helterline Zach Butcher

Paul Fielder Montana Mitzi

Sam Martin Jason Badger

Tony Rebo Toby Walrath

Editorial Policy: Montana Woods N Water

(MWW) reserves the right to refuse to publish in any form of content that does not include the author’s name, complete mailing

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Contact Us

Montana Woods N Water

171 Clark Creek Loop

Plains, Montana 59859


Email: [email protected]

Front Cover Photo Provided By:

Kori Erickson

Troy, Montana

More than likely by the time you read this I will be out

chasing bears (opening day) and still trying to fill my turkey

tag. I headed out early Saturday morning, found a bird gobbling and talked

real sweet to him but old “Mr. Thunder Chicken” had already found ladies

to keep him occupied. I got him to within 50 yards of the end of my gun

barrel but he would not leave the adjacent private property. Not to

educate the bird I backed off and will try him another day. I covered about

a five mile area Saturday morning and never seen another hunter. Even

though the day was windy, cool and the occasional rain shower I stayed

with him until around 1:00 PM. It appears the hens are not breeding quite

yet where I was hunting.

Each day more fishermen are already hitting the water wetting a line. I stop

and chat with those I see along my travels and they are braving the cold

windy wet days for a chance to fill the stringer and line stretching hook up.

Bear sighting reports are coming in all over the area so the bruins are

starting to amble out and fill their belly's. Make sure you clearly identify

the bear to make sure it is NOT a grizzly bear. Also, take your time and

make sure it is not a Momma bear with cubs before pulling that trigger. As

a reminder to bear hunters you must wear 400 square inches of orange

while hunting with either rifle or bow.

Be safe out there whether in the woods or on the water and send us those


To Trap a Wolverine By Dan Helterline

On a wintery morning during an earlier chapter in my trapping career, I had my favorite hound with me and was searching the predawn mountains looking for a set of cat tracks to keep us occupied for the day. A fresh layer of snow had fallen earlier in the December night and tracking conditions were ideal. Up ahead in the glow of my search lights I could see where something had entered the road and as I rolled up to get a closer look at these fresh tracks, I had to scratch my head. I had caught enough cats by this point in my career to know that whatever had left these tracks in the road before me wasn't feline. Upon closer examination they resembled small pigeon toed bear tracks and after doing some deductive reasoning I soon realized that I must be looking at wolverine tracks. Up to this point I had never seen a wolverine track but I was confident that that's what had made these little bear like tracks in the fresh snow.

This was the spark that ignited a fire that would burn for the next three years. After the initial discovery of these tracks I began to follow them to see where they might go, they had been back and forth across the road in the

drainage bottom but eventually headed up the steep mountainside and crossed the same road higher up on the mountain. On a switchback higher up on the hill the road was covered with wolverine tracks and upon closer examination there was the remains of a mule deer buck that it looked like the wolverine had been feeding on for the past several days. Now the ferocity of a wolverine is legendary, and it is possible that he killed the buck but a more probable explanation is the deer was a lion kill that maybe the wolverine took over from the big cat. I had heard stories of a wolverine in this drainage that several veteran trappers had tried to catch but both were unsuccessful, this only fanned the flames of my burning desire to trap this large and definitely most formidable member of the weasel family.

I immediately set my plan into action to catch Mr. Wolverine, building several cubbies in the upper end of the drainage where I had seen tracks. Unlike the previous trappers that used legholds to try to bring the wolverine to bay, I decided to use 330 conibears that would be lethal thus eliminating any chance of a pullout. The rest of the winter passed without seeing any more sign of Mr. Wolverine and I vowed to ramp up my efforts next winter. Continued on page 4.



Photo supplied by Dan Helterline


Baldy Mountain Outfitters

Outfitter License # 23173

Phone: 406-291-7656

Welcome to Baldy Mountain Outfitter

Located in Plains, Montana

We offer high quality hunts that fit the clients ability and needs.

Our guides give 100% to make sure that the clients have the best possible hunt.

We are out in the hunting areas before daylight and stay till the last shooting light

to get the best chance of finding the big one.

We have access to large areas of public and private land to hunt.


Deer ● Elk ● Bear ● Mountain Lion


The next winter I built a few more cubbies but I was confident that the upper end of the drainage was were I needed my sets if I was to be successful. Midway through the winter while checking my traps I discovered where the wolverine had traveled through, high in the head of the drainage and had passed within fifty yards of one of my cubbies but didn't smell the bait and kept traveling. I tried to remain positive but that was the last sign I seen of Mr. Wolverine that winter.

On the third winter of this obsessive pursuit I had located a source for some wolverine gland lure. Fuller Laugeman was still alive and after speaking to him extensively on the phone he agreed to sell me one of a few bottles of wolverine lure that he had formulated. At the time Fuller was the owner and proprietor of Laugemans Big Sky Lures, producer of some of the Nations top producing trapping lures. Most of his formulas were passed down from Bill Nelson, unarguably one of the country's most successful old time trappers and lure manufacturers. I had used Laugemans lure very successfully trapping other species and I hoped this bottle of wolverine gland lure would be enough to swing the tide in my favor. I also spent time in the fall fortifying my cubbies and changing locations of a few in order to successfully intercept Mr. Wolverine when he made his rounds in the upcoming winter. Prior to the season I pre-baited all my sets. On the first day of the season all my cubbies were armed with 330 conibears and scented up with wolverine gland lure, I was confident this would be the year success would be mine.

The winter of 93 proved to be a big snow year and all my sets in that drainage would be checked by snowmobile, unloading my Skidoo Tundra in the bottom and snowmobiling to the top, turning around at Siegel Pass after all my sets had been checked. With good snow falling that winter I had been hitting the cat hunting pretty hard and was unable to check my traps until evening. Four inches of fresh snow had fallen as I started up the road on my Tundra, checking sets as I went using my snowmobile headlights and a flashlight. Higher up the drainage I could see where a pair of wolves had traveled up the road for a piece before heading up the hill. These wolves were offspring from the Magic Pack in Glacier Park and had wandered south taking up residence in the Ninemile Valley, long before the controversial wolf reintroduction came to be. These two wolves seemed to be the only critters out on the prowl that night as I pulled up to my last set being so far unsuccessful. I left my Skidoo running and walked down to my trap through about six inches of fresh snow, as my flashlight illuminated the entrance to the cubby, I could immediately see the trap was missing. There was a large lump in the snow to the right of the set but the cubby was fully intact with no evidence of any kind of struggle. I bent over next to the mysterious lump in the snow started to sweep it off with my mitten covered hand, immediately producing a brown patch of fur. I can still remember the next few moments that transpired like they happened yesterday, the first thought that entered my head was that I had caught a cub bear, it took several moments for reality to set in as I slowly started to realize that my three year pursuit for Mr. Wolverine had just come to an end! The 330 conibear had preformed flawlessly, it had made a perfect neck catch and the wolverine didn't even stretch the chain tight before expiring. Continued next page.


Typical Wolverine Cubby - Photo courtesy of

330 Conibear Trap


It’s Not If...

But When!

When it’s time to go...go in



Successfully trapping a wolverine has been the crown

jewel of my trapping career and I most likely will never

repeat the elation I felt that night. Fuller Laugeman

passed away in 2005 at the ripe old age of 82 and

wolverines are no longer legal to trap in Montana, but

the life size mount of a 35 pound male wolverine sits on

my bookcase and will always remind me of that dark

December night high on the mountain. Many years later

I was on a hike in Glacier National Park with my family,

and was able to photograph a young wolverine as he

curiously emerged from a rockslide. The wolverine

lingered just long enough allowing me to snap several

photos before ducking back into the rocks and

disappearing. It's days like these that make me realize

that Montana is truly, “the last best place”!

LOCAL CELEBRITY Chase Sheehan of Plains, MT braves the rainy cold

weather to catch a Clark Fork River pike for supper.


Of all the documents illustrative of the formation of the Union, House Document 398 (Madison's debate notes of the Constitutional convention), the federalist papers and the basis for them all, The Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution stands alone as the single most significant advance civilization has made since mankind formed society.

The Constitution has suffered at the hands of oppressive, progressive, supposedly well-meaning, creative members of the federal government, including judicial activists (note the Supreme Court's decisions based on "public policy" and the "elastic" commerce and general welfare clauses). Common among the enemies of limited government is the propaganda of a so-called "Living Constitution."

For many, the Constitution is an impediment to active government or simply an old piece of parchment in the background. The "Rule of Law," has become any whim of congress without regard to whether it is pursuant to the Constitution. Somany law enforcement personnel are willing to enforce all laws without consideration of whether or not the law is truly lawful saying, "That's for the courts to decide," never mind any oath to "Uphold, protect and defend the Constitution."

Some clauses are discretionary in the Constitution; they use words like "May." However, throughout the Constitution, shines a word that is the most important word in the entire document. For, this word when used is

imperative, leaving no doubt as to what will, or will not, happen. What better place for such a word than in a document designed to form a "More perfect union" with inherent checks and balances, having in its nature the protection of the principle of self-determination and God-given Rights among the several States. We see the word "Shall" used 191 times in the Constitution, it declares the force of each clause, each phrase, section and Article (still more in the Bill of Rights and the other amendments).

Some brief examples are:

Article I section 1:

"All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States,"

Article I section 7:

"All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives…"

Article II section 3:

"…he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed,"

Article III section 2:

"…and those in which a State shall be a Party, the supreme Court shall have original Jurisdiction…"

Article IV section 4:

"The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion;"

Article VI :

"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof…shall be the supreme Law of the Land;"

Continued on page 8.





Donna & Doug Chase owners of the non-profit organization Magazines For Troops (MFT) is based out of Lakeside,

MT. MFT was started in their home by adopting a soldier serving in the middle east. Word soon spread of their

effort to send magazines to our men and women serving on remote assignments. At the peak of the war they were

serving over 270 military units shipping thousands of boxes of magazines. There are about 40 magazines in a box

and cost $12.65 to ship one box. Donna said, “We don’t have a shortage of used magazines but we constantly

struggle to have the money to ship them.” MFT needs your financial support to continue this patriotic undertaking.

Please go to their website and make a donation to send a box a month for our troops. Montana Woods N Water

donated last years leftover publications to share a little taste of Montana with our troops serving over seas.. To

learn more, call Donna at 406-844-2474.

In the absence of the word shall, the US Constitution would be largely advisory.

In the US Constitution, substitute any other word for the word 'shall', and that particular phrase, clause, section or Article loses its full, lawful force, for no other word in the English dictionary carries that imperative impact. Let us examine these few examples in the light of current events:

Article I section 1: "All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States," speaks to the fact that Congress is the policy-making organ in the federal government, not the executive. Since the Constitution establishes a government among the States, it follows that the States would direct its course, through their delegates in the Senate.

Article I section 7: "All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives…" places the purse strings in the hands of the House closest to the people. One may well wonder how to blame the executive branch for our present economic woes, with its concomitant over-spending, when the House of Representatives retains the power over the money according to the Constitution.

Article II section 1: "No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen at the time of the adoption of this Constitution shall be eligible to the Office of President;" any doubt about the need to qualify the president elect? Reference the 20th amendment section 3: "…or if the President elect shall have failed to qualify, then the Vice President elect shall act as President until a President shall have qualified;" Does that not mean the President elect "shall" be examined for his qualifications?

Article II section 3: "…he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed," again, the President is center stage for failing to secure our borders against invaders. Moreover, he is working to grant the criminal invaders civil rights. He exacerbates the problem by allowing his Attorney General to sue a State for adopting a law to give effect to the federal law; this, in a court of incompetent jurisdiction, and siding with a foreign government in the process! He seems to believe the laws are OK, unless when they were signed, the president crossed his fingers or added a "signing statement" to modify them.

Article III section 2: "…and those in which a State shall

be a Party, the supreme Court shall have original Jurisdiction…" are you listening Eric Holder and Jan Brewer?

Article IV section 4: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion;" says it all about the Senate, the States and the "illegal immigrants," open borders and the lapse in the executive branch. Self-defense is not limited to individuals, it extends to the States was well; especially when the chief executive picks and chooses which laws it will "take care to faithfully execute," the States must act on their own interests of safety.

Article VI: "This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof…shall be the supreme Law of the Land;" is self-explanatory. Only United States laws, which shall accomplish the purpose of the Constitution, are superior to State laws. In fact, if the law cannot be justified by the Constitution, it is no law at all - this is part of the reason everyone in government, federal, state and local, is required to swear an oath, or affirm, to the Constitution. The only time anyone has to go to court in opposition to an un-Constitutional law is when it acts directly on him; otherwise, he can feel free to ignore it. Were it not for Article VI and the oath of office therein, we would have to depend on the courts to tell us if any act of congress violates the Constitution!

Only those within our government, or a foreign one like the UN, can violate or disobey the Constitution; and only the States have the Constitutional prerogative to enforce it, hopefully while frequently noting the word "Shall". A single State, should it choose to challenge any act (or inaction) of any of the three branches of federal government, cannot be ignored for lack of standing in the highest court. Words have power in their meaning. What greater power or importance in our US Constitution, than the word shall?



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Recently my wife and I were on a trip to Camano Island,

Washington for a short stay then on to Oregon to spend some

time with family. While visiting there I ran into an old friend,

one of the things I remembered about him was, he always

called his wife the ”Old She Bear” Apparently this was said

out of some kind of respect, because she didn’t mind it.

Personally I don’t think I would want to try that with my

wonderful wife of 41 years. Upon further inquiry I found it

was her idea. Listen to “Old She Bear’s” explanation!!!

In this life I'm a woman. In my next life, I'd like to come back

as a bear. When you're a bear, you get to hibernate. You do nothing but sleep for six months. I could deal with

that. Before you hibernate, you're supposed to eat yourself stupid. I could deal with that too.

When you're a girl bear, you birth your children (who are the size of walnuts) while you are sleeping and wake to

partially grown, cute, cuddly cubs. I could definitely deal with that.

If you're a mama bear, everyone knows you mean business. You swat anyone who bothers your cubs. If your cubs

get out of line, you swat them too. I could deal with that.

If you're a bear, your mate EXPECTS you to wake up growling. He EXPECTS that you will have hairy legs and excess

body fat.

Yup, I'm gonna be a bear!

There you have it, makes perfect sense. This also reminded me, watch what you say and do when bears are around

they do mean business, Reflecting on the

story above you don’t know where you might

run into one.

Even in bible times you had to be on your toes.

2 Kings 2:23-24

23 Elisha left Jericho and went up to Bethel. As

he was walking along the road, a group of boys

from the town began mocking and making fun

of him. "Go away, you baldhead!" they

chanted. "Go away, you baldhead!" 24 Elisha

turned around and looked at them, and he

cursed them in the name of the LORD. Then two bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of them. NLT

Be careful out there, happy hunting, keep livin the life! Pastor Jim



Old She Bear By Pastor Jim Sinclair

41 Years Ago! Happy 41st Anniversary Pastor Jim & Renee! A Marriage Made In Heaven!



Tick Tips By Raf Viniard

BEWARE - Ticks are already on the move. Ticks are known to carry

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Colorado Tick Fever, Tularemia, also

know as “rabbit fever” and Lyme Disease.

Think ahead before heading out to the woods and upon your return!

● Wear light colored clothing to allow you to see ticks crawling on you

● Tuck your pants legs into your socks

● Use repellants. Permethrin can be sprayed on your clothes and will last several days but do not put it on your skin

or breathe the fumes. Allow Permethrin to dry thoroughly before touching. DEET can be applied directly to your

skin and clothes as well. Use caution when using any kind of repellent on the warning labels.

● Conduct a thorough body check of yourself and the kids when you get home or back to your vehicle. Take clothes

off outside, place in a closed garbage bag and wash in hot soapy water.

● If a tick is found on you crawling around...grab it with tissue and flush it. If the tick is already embedded, grasp

the tick with very fine pointed tweezers as close to the skin as possible and gently tug being careful not to squeeze

any of its body fluids into/onto the bite area. After removal, wipe the bite area down with soap and water or rub-

bing alcohol. If you start to feel ill contact your doctor. For safety precaution you may want to save the tick in an

airtight container.

● Make sure your pet has been treated for ticks, fleas, etc. Contact your local vet for guidance. You don’t want your

pets to bring ticks into your home or vehicle.

● If you harvest a turkey or bear keep in mind they maybe carrying ticks and other parasites as well. Lay the bear

skin out on a board and lightly spray it would insect repellent. With a pair of surgical gloves rub gently rub the in-

sect repellent into the hair. You can also freeze the hide for a few days and it will kill the unwanted critters.



Bear Care By Raf Viniard

So you want to go bear hunting. You got a plan to care for the bear after it is on the ground? If you are lucky and kill one close to a road that is great but what if it is a mile or more from the road? Are you in shape and have the knowledge to properly care for the meat and hide? Bears are like a bowl of Jello when trying to pack them out. It is not like packing out a deer or elk. If you are skinning it out and deboning the meat yourself are you prepared for the warmer weather and taking care of the meat until you get it processed? Do you even like bear meat or do you have a plan to give it to someone that does? Meat processing is not cheap and it would be a waste to kill something that you don’t like to eat. Are you going to mount it, make a rug out of it, or tan the hide? Have you priced all these options or are you going to do it yourself? A lot to think about before you pull the trigger. Most people I talk to don’t like bear meat. I think 95% of these folks have just not had it prepared correctly or the meat was not cared for adequately from the time it hit the ground until it was processed. Make a plan BEFORE you harvest a bear. The Internet is full of ideas on how to best prepare and cook bear meat. Even the bear fat has many uses and should not be wasted. I have had a bear roast but my favorite is bear sausage. Pick 2-3 recipes you like and experiment. Taste will depend on your pallet. I prefer a country smoke recipe with lots of sage and make it just like regular pork country sausage. The key is very lean meat mixed with pork fat. I like a 2 to 1 ratio, two pounds of lean bear meat to one pound of pork fat/fatty bacon. I cold smoke my sausage with oak or hickory wood. Be sure and use nitrates (pink salt) if you plan on cold smoking. Keep smoker temp below 70 degrees and the colder it is outside the better. I also use cloth bags instead of casing’s. Start with a basic recipe and experiment from there. After you get it mixed up, fry a patty before smoking to see if you want to change the recipe or add additional spices/flavorings. The colder the meat is before grinding the better. Always wipe out your skillet before frying a new recipe or a change to the recipe. After the sausage is smoked it needs to be frozen since the meat is not cooked to prevent spoilage. Bear Fat: Like us, they are what they eat. If your bear has been eating fish all summer you might not want not want to use it for cooking...just saying! Bear fat can be used like lard and makes an awesome pie crust. I will leave the baking up to Montana Mitzi to tell you how to do that in our next issue. Let’s look at some other uses for bear fat. 1. Condition and waterproof leathers 2. It is a great a skin ointment for minor burns, chapped or dry skin or add herbs to treat insect bites, scrapes or other booboos. 3. Candle making 4. It makes a good fire starter if it's raining 5. Soap making 6. As a last resort it can be used to oil down your gun and other mechanical parts. The Bear Skin: If you are mounting the bear check with your local taxidermist and learn how to properly skin and care for the hide. Whether you are looking at doing a rug, tanning or having it mounted the hide must be properly cared for and stored until it reaches the taxidermist or it is tanned. If you are thinking about tanning it yourself I highly recommend you do a little research...this is not an overnight project and requires some time commitment to the very end to ensure a quality finished product.


Well, I threw out a thought a few issues ago of buying a bear tag and actually try-ing to find a bear, a friend saw it and asked if I was only talking or if I was going to hunt? Wednesday I am going bear hunting! This ole' Montana gal is seriously going to hunt for bear! I have my tag, I know the area I am hunting, and I know I will make memories while hunting whether I take a bear or not. I continually write, talk and dream about Montana, I know those of us that are natives continue to live the dream, and are truly blessed. Hunting in Montana is a privilege, a honor and something I feel passionate and blessed to be able to con-tinue to do. I have seen bears while camping, (had one in camp tearing up things, another story to write) fishing, in my yard, on the back roads and near towns, I know bears are coming out of hibernation and hungry. Last fall they entered into

hibernation fat, I imagine the easy winter and early warm weather that it is possible they are still carrying reserves, but bear will be looking for food, it is what bears do. I am excited to have the opportunity to hunt for a bear, I admit I am a bit nervous too! A friend from church Mike Troll was chewed up while hunting with his son a few years ago, a freak accident, but on my mind. I shoot a 7 mm, a good gun for me, sawed off barrel and shorten stock, powerful and deadly, I feel confident with my riffle, still.......... Hunting is in my opinion, preparation in mind and body. The body has to be in shape to walk the trails and the mind has to be calm, cool and collected to make the shot. I was taught from an early age by both parents who lived to hunt, how to hunt, the most important lesson was preparation. Many guns were put away last fall, it is important to dust off ole' Betsy, ( my gun has a name), give her a good cleaning and take a few shots to ensure she is right on. No one wants to wound an animal, especially a bear! Doing these steps ensure a good clean kill if opportunity comes. My mother, a great little lady and a great hunter, I can hear her words even though she has gone to be with the Lord, " hold it and squeeze" she told me that over and over through out the years. So I end with this" hold it and squeeze" , Montana Mitzi

My First Bear Season By Montana Mitzi




There is nothing cuter than bear cubs playing and being curious. Grabbing the camera and sneaking up on them and taking pictures is all fun and games until Momma bear thinks you are sneaking up on her babies to hurt them. These are wild animals and Momma bears are VERY protective of their babies. Stay clear of cubs and only observe at a very safe distance. Use those long range telephoto lenses!

Photo left provided by: Nancy Dykstra

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