monograph english steve jobs

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  • 7/25/2019 Monograph English Steve Jobs



    I dedicate this to:

    First, I want to dedicate

    this monograph, the

    people who gave birth:

    My parents, Yolanda

    and Hernan. They were

    instructing were rom

    my childhood years,

    !od also to all peoplecontribute every day to

    ma"e me a better

    person .

  • 7/25/2019 Monograph English Steve Jobs





    3. BIRTH





    8. NEXT

    9. TOY STORY








  • 7/25/2019 Monograph English Steve Jobs



    Steven Paul Jobs February 24, 1955 October 5, 2011,was an American

    businessman !e was best "nown as t#e co$%oun&er, c#airman, an& c#ie%

    e'ecutive o%%icer ()*O+ o%Ale -nc. )*O an& lar/est s#are#ol&er o%Pi'ar

    Animation Stu&ios. a member o% #e alt isney )omany3s boar& o% &irectors

    %ollowin/ its acuisition o% Pi'ar. an& %oun&er, c#airman, an& )*O o%e6-ncJobs is wi&ely reco/ni7e& as a ioneer o% t#e microcomuter revolutiono% t#e

    1980s, alon/ wit# Ale co$%oun&er Steve o7nia" S#ortly a%ter #is &eat#, Jobs3s

    o%%icial bio/ra#er, alter -saacson, &escribe& #im as t#e creative entrereneur

    w#ose assion %or er%ection an& %erocious &rive revolutioni7e& si' in&ustries:

    ersonal comuters, animate& movies, music, #ones, tablet comutin/, an&

    &i/ital ublis#in/

    A&ote& at birt# in San Francisco, an& raise& in t#e San Francisco ;ay Area&urin/

    t#e 19

  • 7/25/2019 Monograph English Steve Jobs



    -n 1998, Ale urc#ase& e6, allowin/ Jobs to become t#e %ormer3s )*O once

    a/ain !e woul& return t#e comany, w#ic# was on t#e ver/e o% ban"rutcy, bac"

    to ro%itability ;e/innin/ in 1998 wit# t#e #in" &i%%erent a&vertisin/ camai/n,

    Jobs wor"e& closely wit# &esi/ner Jonat#an -veto &evelo a line o% ro&ucts t#at

    woul& #ave lar/er cultural rami%ications: t#e iDac,iunes,Ale Stores, t#e iPo&,t#e iunes Store, t#e iP#one, t#eA Store, an& t#e iPa& Dac OSwas also

    revame& into Dac OS 6, base& on e63s e6S*Plat%orm Jobs was

    &ia/nose& wit# a ancreatic neuroen&ocrine tumorin 200C an& &ie& o% resiratory

    arrestrelate& to t#e tumor on October 5, 2011


    Jobs3s a&otive %at#er, Paul >ein#ol&Jobs (1922199C+, /rew u in

    a )alvinist#ouse#ol&, t#e son o% an

    alco#olic an& sometimes abusive

    %at#er#e %amily live& on a %arm

    in ?ermantown, isconsin!e bore a

    resemblance to James ean, #a&

    tattoos, &roe& out o% #i/# sc#ool, an&

    travele& aroun& t#e mi&west %or several

    years &urin/ t#e 19C0s loo"in/ %orwor" !e eventually =oine& t#e @nite&

    States )oast ?uar&as a mac#inist in t#e

    en/ine room A%ter t#e en& o% orl& ar

    --, #e &eci&e& to leave t#e )oast ?uar&

    w#en it &oc"e& in San Francisco !e

    ma&e a bet t#at #e woul& %in& #is wi%e in

    San Francisco an& romtly went on a

    blin& &ate wit# )lara !a/oian (1924


  • 7/25/2019 Monograph English Steve Jobs



    Jobs3s biolo/ical %at#er, Ab&ul%atta# Jo#n Jan&ali , was born into

    a Duslim#ouse#ol& an& /rew u in !oms, Syria Jan&ali is t#e son o% a sel%$ma&e

    millionaire w#o &i& not /o to colle/e an& a mot#er w#o was a tra&itional

    #ousewi%e#ile an un&er/ra&uate at t#eAmerican @niversity o% ;eirut,#e was a

    stu&ent activist an& sent time in =ail %or #is olitical activities Alt#ou/# Jan&aliinitially wante& to stu&y law, #e eventually &eci&e& to stu&y economics an& olitical

    science !e ursue& a P# in t#e latter sub=ect at t#e @niversity o% isconsin,

    w#ere #e met Joanne )arole Sc#ieble, a )at#olic o% ?erman &escent w#o /rew u

    on a %arm in isconsin As a &octoral can&i&ate, Jan&ali was Sc#ieble3s teac#in/

    assistantalt#ou/# bot# were t#e same a/eDona Simson(Jobs3s biolo/ical

    sister+, notes t#at #er maternal /ran&arents were not #ay t#at t#eir &au/#ter

    was &atin/ Jan&ali: it wasn3t t#at #e was Di&&le$*astern so muc# as t#at #e was

    a Duslim ;ut t#ere are a lot o% Arabs in Dic#i/an an& isconsin So it3s not t#at

    unusual alter -saacson, Steve Jobs3s o%%icial bio/ra#er, a&&itionally states t#atSc#ieble3s %at#er t#reatene& to cut Joanne o%% comletely i% s#e continue& t#e


    3. BIRTH

    Sc#ieble became re/nant in 1954 w#en s#e an& Jan&ali sent t#e summer wit#

    #is %amily in !oms, Syria Jan&ali #as state& t#at #e was very muc# in love wit#

    Joanne but sa&ly, #er %at#er was a tyrant, an& %orba&e #er to marry me, as - was%rom Syria An& so s#e tol& me s#e wante& to /ive t#e baby u %or a&otion Jobs

    tol& #is o%%icial bio/ra#er t#at Sc#ieble3s %at#er was &yin/ at t#e time, Sc#ieble &i&

    not want to a//ravate #im, an& bot# %elt t#at at 2C t#ey were too youn/ to marry -n

    a&&ition, as t#ere was a stron/ sti/ma a/ainst bearin/ a c#il& out o% we&loc" an&

    raisin/ it as a sin/le mot#er, an& as abortions were ille/al an& &an/erous, a&otion

    was t#e only otion women #a& in t#e @nite& States in 1954 Accor&in/ to Jan&ali,

    Sc#ieble &eliberately &i& not involve #im in t#e rocess: wit#out tellin/ me, Joanne

    ue& an& le%t to move to San Francisco to #ave t#e baby wit#out anyone

    "nowin/, inclu&in/ me s#e &i& not want to brin/ s#ame onto t#e %amily an&t#ou/#t t#is was t#e best %or everyoneG Sc#ieble ut #ersel% in t#e care o% a

    H&octor w#o s#eltere& unwe& mot#ers, &elivere& t#eir babies, an& uietly arran/e&

    close& a&otionsG

    Sc#ieble /ave birt# to Jobs on February 24, 1955, in San Francisco, an& c#ose an

    a&otive coule %or #im t#at was )at#olic, well$e&ucate&, an& wealt#y !owever,
  • 7/25/2019 Monograph English Steve Jobs



    t#e coule c#an/e& t#eir min& an& &eci&e& to a&ot a /irl insteaen t#e baby

    boy was t#en lace& wit# t#e ;ay Areablue collarcoule Paul an& )lara Jobs,

    neit#er o% w#om #a& a colle/e e&ucation, Sc#ieble re%use& to si/n t#e a&otion

    aers S#e t#en too" t#e matter to court, attemtin/ to #ave #er baby lace& wit#

    a &i%%erent %amily an& only consente& to releasin/ t#e baby to Paul an& )lara a%tert#ey romise& t#at #e woul& atten& colle/e #en Jobs was in #i/# sc#ool, )lara

    a&mitte& to #is t#en$/irl%rien&, 18$year$ol& )#risann ;rennan, t#at s#e was too

    %ri/#tene& to love Steve %or t#e %irst si' mont#s o% #is li%e - was scare& t#ey were

    /oin/ to ta"e #im away %rom me *ven a%ter we won t#e case, Steve was so

    &i%%icult a c#il& t#at by t#e time #e was two - %elt we #a& ma&e a mista"e - wante&

    to return #im #en )#risann s#are& t#is comment wit# Jobs, #e state& t#at #e

    was aware o% it an& woul& later say t#at #e was &eely love& an& in&ul/e& by Paul

    an& )lara Dany years later, Jobs3s wi%e aurene also note& t#at #e %elt #e #a&

    been really blesse& by #avin/ t#e two o% t#em as arents Jobs woul& becomeuset w#en Paul an& )lara were re%erre& to as a&otive arents as t#ey were

    my arents 1,000I it# re/ar& to #is biolo/ical arents, Jobs re%erre& to t#em

    as my serm an& e// ban" #at3s not #ars#, it3s =ust t#e way it was, a serm

    ban" t#in/, not#in/ more Jan&ali #as also state& t#at - really am not #is &a& Dr

    an& Drs Jobs are, as t#ey raise& #im An& - &on3t want to ta"e t#eir lace


    Paul an& )lara a&ote& Jobs3s sister Patricia in 1958 an& t#e %amily move&

    to Dountain iew, )ali%ornia in 19

  • 7/25/2019 Monograph English Steve Jobs



    Dountain iew, #e %reuently laye& ran"s on ot#ers !owever, #is %at#er (w#o

    was abuse& as a c#il&+ never reriman&e& #im, blamin/ t#e sc#ool instea& %or not

    c#allen/in/ #is brilliant son enou/#

    Jobs woul& later cre&it #is %ourt# /ra&e teac#er, -mo/ene 3e&&y3 !ill wit# turnin/

    #im aroun&: S#e tau/#t an a&vance& %ourt# /ra&e class an& it too" #er about a

    mont# to /et #i to my situation S#e bribe& me into learnin/ S#e woul& say, 3-

    really want you to %inis# t#is wor"boo" -3ll /ive you %ive buc"s to i% you %inis# it3

    #at really "in&le& a assion in me %or learnin/ t#in/sL - learne& more t#at year

    t#an - t#in" - learne& in any ot#er year in sc#ool #ey wante& me to s"i t#e ne't

    two years in /ra&e sc#ool an& /o strai/#t to =unior #i/# to learn a %orei/n lan/ua/e

    but my arents very wisely woul&n3t let it #aen Jobs s"ie& t#e %i%t# /ra&e an&

    trans%erre& to t#e si't# /ra&e at )ritten&en Di&&le Sc#ool in Dountain iew w#ere

    #e became a socially aw"war& loner Jobs was o%ten bullie& an& /ave #is

    arents an ultimatum: t#ey #a& to eit#er ta"e #im out o% )ritten&en or #e woul&

    &ro out o% sc#ool Alt#ou/# t#e Jobs %amily was not well o%%, t#ey use& all o% t#eir

    savin/s to buy a new #ome

    #us in 19

  • 7/25/2019 Monograph English Steve Jobs


  • 7/25/2019 Monograph English Steve Jobs



    o% sellin/ t#em. #e an& o7 woul& /o %rom room to room in ;er"eleyMs &orms,

    w#ere o7 was a stu&ent, an& sell t#em to intereste& stu&ents !owever, t#is

    business was ille/al an& t#e two o% t#em stoe& a%ter t#ey almost /ot cau/#t by

    t#e olice


    Jobs #a& reali7e& t#ere was a #u/e /a in t#e comuter mar"et At t#at time

    almost all comuters were main%rames #ey were so lar/e t#at one coul& %ill a

    room, an& so costly t#at in&ivi&uals coul& not a%%or& to buy t#em A&vances in

    electronics, #owever, meant t#at comuter comonents were /ettin/ smaller an&

    t#e ower o% t#e comuter was increasin/

    Jobs an& o7nia" re&esi/ne&

    t#eir comuter, wit# t#e i&ea o%

    sellin/ it to in&ivi&ual users #e

    Ale -- went to mar"et in 1988,

    wit# imressive %irst year sales o%

    28 million #e comany3s sales

    /rew to 200 million wit#in t#ree

    years #is was one o% t#e most

    #enomenal cases o% cororate

    /rowt# in @S #istory Jobs an&

    o7nia" #a& oene& an entirely

    new mar"etEersonal comuters Personal comuters be/an an entirely new way

    o% rocessin/ in%ormation

    ;y 19B0 t#e ersonal comuter era was well un&erway Ale was continually

    %orce& to imrove its ro&ucts to remain a#ea&, as more cometitors entere& t#emar"etlace Ale intro&uce& t#e Ale ---, but t#e new mo&el su%%ere& tec#nical

    an& mar"etin/ roblems -t was wit#&rawn %rom t#e mar"et, an& was later

    rewor"e& an& reintro&uce&

  • 7/25/2019 Monograph English Steve Jobs



    Jobs continue& to be t#e mar"etin/ %orce be#in& Ale *arly in 19BC #e unveile&

    t#e isa -t was &esi/ne& %or eole ossessin/ minimal comuter e'erience -t

    &i& not sell well, #owever, because it was more e'ensive t#an ersonal

    comuters sol& by cometitors Ale3s bi//est cometitor was -nternational

    ;usiness Dac#ines (-;D+ ;y 19BC it was estimate& t#at Ale #a& lost #al% o% its

    mar"et s#are (art o% an in&ustry3s sales t#at a seci%ic comany #as+ to -;D


    -n 19B4 Ale intro&uce& a revolutionary new mo&el, t#e Dacintos# #e on$screen

    &islay #a& small ictures calle& icons o use t#e comuter, t#e user ointe& at an

    icon an& clic"e& a button usin/ a new &evice calle& a mouse #is rocess ma&e

    t#e Dacintos# very easy to use #e Dacintos# &i& not sell well to businesses,#owever -t lac"e& %eatures ot#er ersonal comuters #a&, suc# as a

    correson&in/ #i/# uality rinter #e %ailure o% t#e Dacintos# si/nale& t#e

    be/innin/ o% Jobs3s &own%all at Ale Jobs resi/ne& in 19B5 %rom t#e comany #e

    #a& #ele& %oun&, t#ou/# #e retaine& #is title as c#airman o% its boar& o% &irectors

    8. NEXT

    Jobs soon #ire& some o% #is %ormer emloyees to be/in a new comuter comany

    calle& e6 ate in 19BB t#e e6 comuter was intro&uce& at a lar/e /ala event

    in San Francisco, aime& at t#e e&ucational mar"et -nitial reactions were /enerally

    /oo& #e ro&uct was very user$%rien&ly, an& #a& a %ast rocessin/ see&,

    e'cellent /ra#ics &islays, an& an outstan&in/ soun& system esite t#e warm

    recetion, #owever, t#e e6 mac#ine never cau/#t on -t was too costly, #a& a

    blac"$an&$w#ite screen, an& coul& not be lin"e& to ot#er comuters or run common


    9. TOY STORY

    e6 was not, #owever, t#e en& o% Steve Jobs -n 19B< Jobs urc#ase& a small

    comany calle& Pi'ar %rom %ilmma"er ?eor/e ucas (1944+ Pi'ar seciali7e& in

    comuter animation ine years later Pi'ar release& oy Story, a #u/e bo' o%%ice

    #it Pi'ar later went on to ma"e oy Story 2 an& A ;u/3s i%e, w#ic# isney

    &istribute&, an& Donsters, -nc All t#ese %ilms #ave been e'tremely success%ul

  • 7/25/2019 Monograph English Steve Jobs



    Donsters, -nc #a& t#e lar/est oenin/ wee"en& tic"et sales o% any animate& %ilm in



    -n ecember o% 199< Ale urc#ase& e6 So%tware %or over 400 million Jobs

    returne& to Ale as a art$time consultant to t#e c#ie% e'ecutive o%%icer ()*O+

    #e %ollowin/ year, in a surrisin/ event, Ale entere& into a artners#i wit# its

    cometitor Dicroso%t #e two comanies, accor&in/ to t#e ew or" imes,

    a/ree& to cooerate on several sales an& tec#nolo/y %ronts Over t#e ne't si'

    years Ale intro&uce& several new ro&ucts an& mar"etin/ strate/ies

    -n ovember 1998 Jobs announce& Ale woul& sell comuters &irectly to usersover t#e -nternet an& by tele#one #e Ale Store became a runaway success

    it#in a wee" it was t#e t#ir&$lar/est e$commerce site on t#e -nternet -n

    Setember o% 1998 Jobs was name& interim )*O o% Ale

    -n 199B Jobs announce& t#e release o% t#e iDac, w#ic# %eature& ower%ul

    comutin/ at an a%%or&able rice #e i;oo" was unveile& in July 1999 #is is a

    clam$s#ae& lato t#at is available in bri/#t colors -t inclu&es Ale3s AirPort, a

    comuter version o% t#e cor&less #one t#at woul& allow t#e user to sur% t#e

    -nternet wirelessly -n January 2000 Jobs unveile& Ale3s new -nternet strate/y -t

    inclu&e& a /rou o% Dacintos#$only -nternet$base& alications Jobs also

    announce& t#at #e was becomin/ t#e ermanent )*O o% Ale

    -n a February 199< ime ma/a7ine article, Jobs sai&, #e t#in/ t#at &rives me an&

    my collea/ues Q is t#at you see somet#in/ very comellin/ to you, an& you &on3t

    uite "now #ow to /et it, but you "now, sometimes intuitively, it3s wit#in your /ras

    An& it3s wort# uttin/ in years o% your li%e to ma"e it come into e'istence Jobs #as

    wor"e& #ar& to translate #is i&eas into e'citin/ an& innovative ro&ucts %orbusinesses an& consumers !e was instrumental in launc#in/ t#e a/e o% t#e

    ersonal comuter Steve Jobs is truly a comuter in&ustry visionary


    @n%ortunately, w#ile #e #a& never been so success%ul ro%essionally, Steve Jobs

    #a& to start %i/#tin/ cancer wit# renewe& intensity

  • 7/25/2019 Monograph English Steve Jobs



    -n late 200C, #e #a& been &ia/nose& wit# ancreatic cancer o% a rare "in&, t#at

    coul& otentially be cure& by sur/ery !owever, a/ainst everyone3s a&vice, #e

    re%use& to #ave t#e sur/ery %or nine lon/ mont#s -nstea&, true to t#e i&eals o% #is

    yout#, #e trie& alternative &iets an& treatments, inclu&in/ acuuncture an& seein/

    a syc#ic Only in July 2004 &i& #e a/ree to #ave t#e sur/ery !e loo"e& #ealt#y

    %or t#e ne't %ive years, an& so"e ublicly o% bein/ 3cure&3 o% cancer at #is %amous

    Stan%or& seec# in 2005

    et at t#e ) "eynote in June 200B, %ew observers %aile& to notice #ow t#in #e

    aeare& on sta/e, an& concerns about #is #ealt# starte& oin/ u a/ain #ey

    became increasin/ly %reuent until ecember 200B, w#en Ale ma&e a s#oc"in/

    announcement t#at Jobs woul& not be t#e "eynote sea"er at Dacworl& 2009, an&

    t#at #e was ta"in/ a me&ical leave o% absence %or si' mont#s Alt#ou/# #e ublicly

    &enie& it, t#e trut# was o% course t#at #is cancer #a& come bac" !e was actually

    wee"s away %rom &eat# w#en #e receive& a liver translant in Aril 2009 ;ut #e

    came bac" to Ale, as lanne&, in late summer 2009, #ealt#ier t#ou/# still very%rail in aearance !e was ea/er to brin/ t#e %inis#in/ touc#es to a new ro=ect

    very &ear to #is #eart


    #e resur/ence o% Steve3s cancer was a ain%ul remin&er t#at it was time to 3ut #is

    a%%airs in or&er3 be%ore #is assin/ E an& #e &i&

    !e ma&e sure t#at Ale was rea&y to oerate wit#out #im: in late 200B, #e #ire&

    t#e &ean o% t#e ale Sc#ool o% Dana/ement to create 3Ale @niversity3, a sort o%

    internal business trac" to /room %uture Ale e'ecutives by e'osin/ t#em to t#e

    Ale ways o% &oin/ business, t#rou/# actual case stu&ies in t#e #istory o% t#e

    comany !e also consoli&ate& #is e'ecutive team an& a/ree& wit# t#e boar& t#at

    #is natural successor woul& be #is secon& in comman&, )OO im )oo" Finally, at

    #is last ublic aearance in June 2011, #e unveile& #is lans %or t#e %uture Ale

    camus in )uertino, a #u/e saces#i$si7e& buil&in/ in t#e s#ae o% a er%ect

    circle All o% t#is was in lace w#en, because o% #is increasin/ly &eterioratin/

    #ealt#, #e resi/ne& as Ale )*O on Au/ust 24, 2011

    Jobs also reare& #is ersonal le/acy -n 2009, #e %inally starte& /ivin/ interviews

    to =ournalist alter -saacson to reare %or #is %irst an& only aut#ori7e& bio/ra#y,

    /ivin/ #im #is ersective on #is li%e an& career !e also sent #is last &ays

    &esi/nin/ a boat %or #is %amily on w#ic# #e #oe& to travel t#e worl& @n%ortunately,

    &eat# too" #im too soon, an& #e &ie& eace%ully at #ome on October 5, 2011,

    surroun&e& by #is %amily E t#e &ay %ollowin/ t#e intro&uction o% t#e iP#one 4S, an

    Ale event t#at #e watc#e& %rom #is &eat#be&

  • 7/25/2019 Monograph English Steve Jobs




    - &e%initely t#in" t#at Steve Jobs is a /reat erson, very intelli/ent an& c#arismatic

    -t is one o% t#e %ew eole w#o #ave mana/e& to stan& out %rom below, usin/ #is

    intelli/ence as an essential means to stan& out %rom ot#ers

    !e stru//le& to ma"e a ersonal comuter wit# #is %rien& &evotin/ all &ay to

    ac#ieve t#eir /oal until t#ey succee&e& #ey sacri%ice& too muc# =ust to meet your


    it# #is inimitable style, autocratic (at 19 years ol&+ insiste& on brin/in/ t#e

    ro&uct to mar"et

    !e became a millionaire overni/#t by #is a&mirable a&&ress mo&e, because

    nobo&y ma&e #im buts because #e was a c#arismatic erson w#o #as t#e ower

    to convince eole easily


    "The Walt Disney Company and Affiliated Companies board of

    diretors". The Walt Disney Company. !etrieed #tober $% $&&'.

    "What (ade Stee )obs So *reat+".Arhiedfrom the ori,inal on

    April -&% $&-. !etrieedAu,ust $-% $&-$.

    "Stee )obs /ntrodues 0e1TComputer". Arhied from theori,inal on April 2% $&-3. !etrieedApril 2% $&-3. Stee )obs

    uneiled the 0e1T% the omputer he desi,ned after moin, on

    from Apple Computer /n...



  • 7/25/2019 Monograph English Steve Jobs

