monk who sold his ferrari- summary

The monk who sold his Ferrari The book opens with the story of a cult lawyer, Julian transforming into a monk who left all his luxuries for his inner enlightenment and spiritual enhancement at Himalayas with the sages of Sivana. He explains his transformation to his subordinate, Jean in various chapters. Firstly he suggests that the mind is a garden, with utmost fertile soil, where even one pessimistic thought is like affording a luxury as it increases worry and leaks immense energy which is vital for gainful actions. The process of optimism can be enhanced by opposition thinking when mind is in its negative state. He urges to make all forms of goals in life and achieve them through the process of mental imagery; positive pressure building; timeline attachment; paper presentation and regular performance of directed action for 21 days for it to become a habit. Secondly he emphasizes on the importance of willingness to learn which enhances building of a strong and meaningful character; development of mental toughness to counter difficult situations and developing a life with courage. He also says that pain is a great teacher as it leads us to the zone of unknown which breaks our fear; dilutes weaknesses by converting them into actions and leads to reflection of youth and good health in a person. He further says that in order to prolong the process, one should focus on Kaizen i.e. continuous improvement which can be enhanced by following the 10 rituals of solitude i.e. spending time in silence; physicality i.e. taking care of one’s physical health; live nourishment i.e. eating healthy; abundant knowledge i.e. reading new texts through life; personal reflection i.e. self concept and self assessment; early awakening i.e. getting up early to enhance energy levels; ritual of music i.e. listening to one’s choice of music; spoken words i.e. mantras that transcend words into actions; congruent character building i.e. shaping a strong character and simplicity of focusing on one’s priorities. Fourthly, he says one can find greater time for oneself, increase freedom; enhance control over life and thoughts, direct attention towards positive thoughts by developing self discipline and practicing self control. One must repeat to oneself, I am more than I appear to be, all the world’s strength and power resides in me in order to build greater self control and discipline. Doing things one doesn’t like doing, brings in more will power to do greater things in life accompanied by inner strength to perform. He also says one can conserve immense energy and practice self control on a deeper level by going for a day without speaking except as response to asked questions. Moreover, the monk teaches that one must value time and live with time consciousness which rewards individuals with rich, productive and satisfying life that further encourages orderliness and provides additional time for other things. Time spending pattern should be

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Post on 14-May-2017




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Page 1: Monk Who Sold His Ferrari- Summary

The monk who sold his Ferrari

The book opens with the story of a cult lawyer, Julian transforming into a monk who left all his luxuries for his inner enlightenment and spiritual enhancement at Himalayas with the sages of Sivana. He explains his transformation to his subordinate, Jean in various chapters. Firstly he suggests that the mind is a garden, with utmost fertile soil, where even one pessimistic thought is like affording a luxury as it increases worry and leaks immense energy which is vital for gainful actions. The process of optimism can be enhanced by opposition thinking when mind is in its negative state. He urges to make all forms of goals in life and achieve them through the process of mental imagery; positive pressure building; timeline attachment; paper presentation and regular performance of directed action for 21 days for it to become a habit.

Secondly he emphasizes on the importance of willingness to learn which enhances building of a strong and meaningful character; development of mental toughness to counter difficult situations and developing a life with courage. He also says that pain is a great teacher as it leads us to the zone of unknown which breaks our fear; dilutes weaknesses by converting them into actions and leads to reflection of youth and good health in a person.

He further says that in order to prolong the process, one should focus on Kaizen i.e. continuous improvement which can be enhanced by following the 10 rituals of solitude i.e. spending time in silence; physicality i.e. taking care of one’s physical health; live nourishment i.e. eating healthy; abundant knowledge i.e. reading new texts through life; personal reflection i.e. self concept and self assessment; early awakening i.e. getting up early to enhance energy levels; ritual of music i.e. listening to one’s choice of music; spoken words i.e. mantras that transcend words into actions; congruent character building i.e. shaping a strong character and simplicity of focusing on one’s priorities.

Fourthly, he says one can find greater time for oneself, increase freedom; enhance control over life and thoughts, direct attention towards positive thoughts by developing self discipline and practicing self control. One must repeat to oneself, I am more than I appear to be, all the world’s strength and power resides in me in order to build greater self control and discipline. Doing things one doesn’t like doing, brings in more will power to do greater things in life accompanied by inner strength to perform. He also says one can conserve immense energy and practice self control on a deeper level by going for a day without speaking except as response to asked questions.

Moreover, the monk teaches that one must value time and live with time consciousness which rewards individuals with rich, productive and satisfying life that further encourages orderliness and provides additional time for other things. Time spending pattern should be strictly focused on priorities while learning to say no to time stealers. A rich life doesn’t always demand the peace of mind to be sacrificed. Also, one must live with deathbed mentality to ensure freshness and completeness in behavior along with living in the present and not being a prisoner of the past.

Selflessly serving others has been emphasized to an extent that the author says it to have the quality of contribution translating into quality of life. Giving selflessly to one’s who ask for and working for others elevates one’s own life and gives a vision to see oneself as a part of collective whole. Compassion makes life richer and helps to focus on higher purpose in life which is cultivating richer relationships.

Lastly, Julian talks about the secret of lifelong happiness which is living in the present cherishing the journey towards the final destination and not the end itself. He explains the importance of gratitude in a king sized life and ends his talk on an optimist note saying that everyone has potential for extraordinary achievement, happiness and lasting fulfillment.