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Monitoring Clearswift Gateways with SCOM

Technical Guide

Version 01


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Documentation Information

File Name Monitoring the gateways with SCOM_v1.docx

Document Author Iván Blesa

Document Filename Monitoring the gateways with SCOM_v1.docx

Issue 01

Classification Public

Document Change Control

Version Date Name Change Description

01 28/11/201 Iván Blesa First version

Document Approval

Name Role Signature Date




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1 Introduction ............................................................................... 4

2 Scope ....................................................................................... 4

3 Configuration and Setup ................................................................. 5

3.1 Overview .............................................................................. 5

3.2 Installation ............................................................................ 5

3.2.1 Create a Linux user account for the monitoring service .................. 5

3.2.2 Sudoers file configuration ..................................................... 6

3.2.3 Iptables configuration(Linux firewall) ....................................... 6

3.2.4 Allowing SSH access ............................................................ 7

3.2.5 Verify DNS – forward and reverse lookup .................................... 7

3.2.6 Import Management Packs ..................................................... 8

3.2.7 Create a monitoring resource pool ......................................... 10

3.2.8 Configure Runas accounts and profiles .................................... 11

3.2.9 Configure Gateways to monitor ............................................. 16

4 Monitoring the Gateways .............................................................. 19

5 Troubleshooting ......................................................................... 22

5.1 No SSH access ...................................................................... 22

5.2 Incorrect account privileges ...................................................... 22

5.3 Incorrect management pack imported .......................................... 23

5.4 General troubleshooting .......................................................... 23

6 FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions ................................................... 23

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1 Introduction

Since the introduction of Version 4 of the Clearswift SECURE Gateways, the

products run on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 64 bit Platform. Having a standard

underlying Linux distribution opens a wide range of options and flexibility to fulfil

specific clients’ requirements.

This guide explains what is required and how to monitor the Gateways from

Microsoft System Center Operations Manager (SCOM).

The configuration described in this guide has been validated on the below versions:

SECURE Email Gateway – Version 4.0.0

2 Scope

This guide describes how to configure the required software on the Clearswift

Gateway side and its integration with SCOM. It is not intended to provide an

installation or configuration guide for SCOM.

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3 Configuration and Setup

3.1 Overview

Microsoft System Center Operations Manager (SCOM) provides infrastructure

monitoring that is flexible and offers comprehensive monitoring for datacenters

and cloud, both private and public. For more information on SCOM, visit

SCOM monitoring is based on deploying agents in systems to monitor, which collect

statstics and send it back to a SCOM server. There are specific Management Packs

for different operating systems, but new ones can be created to monitor custom

applications or non standard stats.

In the case of the Gateways, a Red Hat 6 agent is required. This guide does not

provide a guide on how to create a custom management pack for the Gateways.

3.2 Installation

In order to deploy the agents and monitor the platform, the following steps need

to be taken:

Create a Linux user account for the monitoring service

Sudoers file configuration

iptables configuration (Linux firewall)

Allowing SSH access

Verify DNS – forward and reverse lookup

Import Management Packs

Create a monitoring resource pool

Runas accounts and profiles

Configure Gateways to monitor

These steps are detailed in the next sub-sections.

3.2.1 Create a Linux user account for the monitoring service

A new dedicated account needs to be created in the Gateways for monitoring

purposes. In order to create the account, log in the Gateway through the command

line console or SSH, open a terminal session, and as root run:

# useradd opsmgrsvc

# passwd opsmgrsvc

Changing password for user opsmgrsvc.

New password:

Retype new password:

passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

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3.2.2 Sudoers file configuration

The newly created user must be able to run commands as root, so an entry in the

sudoers file must be created. Editing the sudoers file can be done by running the

“visudo” command. Then, at the bottom of the file, the below must be added:

Defaults:opsmgrsvc !requiretty

opsmgrsvc ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: ALL

Please note that this configuration allow the user to run as root anything without

asking for a password. If a tighter configuration is required, the below

configuration can be used as explained in




#User configuration for Operations Manager agent – for a user with the name: opsmgrsvc

#General requirements

Defaults:opsmgrsvc !requiretty

#Agent maintenance (discovery, install, uninstall, upgrade, restart, cert signing)

opsmgrsvc ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c cp /tmp/scx-opsmgrsvc/scx.pem

/etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem; rm -rf /tmp/scx-opsmgrsvc;

/opt/microsoft/scx/bin/tools/scxadmin -restart

opsmgrsvc ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-opsmgrsvc/; EC=$?; rm -rf

/tmp/scx-opsmgrsvc; exit $EC

opsmgrsvc ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c cat /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem

opsmgrsvc ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c rpm -e scx

opsmgrsvc ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c /bin/rpm -F --force /tmp/scx-opsmgrsvc/scx-1.[0-

9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].rhel.[0-9].x[6-8][4-6].rpm; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-

opsmgrsvc; exit $EC

opsmgrsvc ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c /bin/rpm -U --force /tmp/scx-opsmgrsvc/scx-1.[0-

9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].rhel.[0-9].x[6-8][4-6].rpm; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-

opsmgrsvc; exit $EC

#Log file monitoring

opsmgrsvc ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/scxlogfilereader -p


#Custom shell command monitoring example – replace <shell command> with the correct command


#opsmgrsvc ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/bash -c <shell command>

#Daemon diagnostic and restart recovery tasks example (using cron)

#opsmgrsvc ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c ps -ef | grep cron | grep -v grep

#opsmgrsvc ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/cron &

#End user configuration for Operations Manager agent


3.2.3 Iptables configuration(Linux firewall)

Even though Operations Manager uses SSH to transfer information and to execute

scripts, it first requires connecting to the agent via port 1270.

The firewall settings in the Gateways will prevent this from happening unless the

firewall is configured to allow this access. It can be done by creating or editing the

file /opt/cs-gateway/custom/custom.rules and adding the below line:

-I INPUT 1 -p tcp -s --dport 1270 -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISH -j ACCEPT

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Policy must be applied through the Web UI for the rule to be configured in the


3.2.4 Allowing SSH access

As the Operations Manager sever needs to access the agent through SSH, it is

needed to allow access to it through the Gateway Web UI by accessing System-

>System Settings->SSH Access and adding the Operations Manager’s IP address to

the list of SSH allowed addresses:

Figure 1: SSH access settings

The policy must be applied for changes to take effect.

3.2.5 Verify DNS – forward and reverse lookup

The Operations Manager will not allow the definition of a server to be monitored if

its name o IP cannot be resolved. So the DNS configuration in the Operations

Manager server must ensure that both forward and reverse DNS lookups will resolve

the Gateway name and IP to be monitored:

Figure 2: Adding a DNS record

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3.2.6 Import Management Packs

The core Unix/Linux libraries are already imported after the installation of

Operations Manager 2012, but not the detailed Management Packs for each OS


These packs are available on the installation media, in the \ManagementPacks


Figure 3: Available management packs

For the v4 Gateways, the following Management Packs are required:


These MP’s can be imported through the Operations Manager UI browsing to

Administration->Management Packs and selecting the Import Management Packs

action on the right pane:

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Figure 4: Importing management packs

After adding the above list from disk, the install process can start. If there are

unmet dependencies, the import process will show them and the appropriate

management packs will need to be added.

Figure 5: Management packs installation

Now these packages are made available to deploy on the managed servers.

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3.2.7 Create a monitoring resource pool

A resource pool is a group of Operations Manager monitoring servers dedicated to

monitoring a specific type of servers, e.g. Networking, UNIX/Linux,…

It is common practice to create a group for each type of platform to monitor. This

is done to be able to escalate properly and to have dedicated monitoring resources

for servers that might generate a high number of events.

This step is not mandatory and it is possible that a resource pool will already exist

in a production environment to monitor such servers. In any case, the steps are

described below.

Resource pools can be created through the Operations Manager console under

Administration -> Resource Pools.

Figure 6: Create a new resource pool

The New Resource Pool Wizard window opens, where a name can be defined:

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Figure 7: New resource group wizard

Assign the selected monitoring servers to the resource group and complete the


Figure 8: Resource pool definition

The resource pool definition is complete.

3.2.8 Configure Runas accounts and profiles

Computers and devices could now be added to the system to be monitored.

However, unless the monitoring accounts are configured in the system, Operations

Manager will only report whether the system is running or not.

By assigning accounts to monitoring profiles, Operations Manager will be able to

monitor the status of the different components of the system.

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Two types of accounts will be configured: a standard monitoring one and a

privileged account. Monitoring Account

A new account can be created in Administration -> Run As Configuration ->

UNIX/Linux Accounts by selecting Create Run As Account in the right pane.

Figure 9: Create a Run As account

As this is a non-privileged account, the opsmgrsvc details will be configured, and

Do not use elevation with this account will be selected.

Figure 10: Account credentials

The next step in the configuration asks for the distribution security options. For

this account, More secure should be selected.

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Figure 11: Account distribution security

The next account to configure is the elevated monitoring account. Monitoring elevated monitoring account

This account can be created in exactly the same way as the previous one, but

selecting different account credential options. As the same user can be configured

in both types of accounts, the display name must be configured so that it is

possible to differentiate both types. In this example, the account will be named

opsmgrsvc – privileged.

Figure 12: Privileged account creation

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In the account credentials details, the option Elevate this account using sudo for

privileged access must be selected.

Figure 13: Account credential details

As done previously, the distribution security option should be set to More secure. Associate accounts with profiles

The newly created accounts have to be associated with monitoring profiles to be

used to monitor the Gateways. There are two profiles to associate the accounts


UNIX/Linux Action Account: The opsmgrsvc account will be associated to this profile

UNIX/Linux Privileged Account: The opsmgrsvc - privileged account will be associated to this profile

Both are associated exactly in the same way and the only difference is the profile

that is selected to do the association.

Under Administration -> Run As Configuration -> Profiles, double click on the

appropriate profile.

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Figure 14: Associating accounts to profiles

New accounts can then be added to the profile. The appropriate account must be

selected based on the profile. The scope can be left to All targeted objects, as

afterwards the account will be associated with the resource group created before.

Figure 15: Select account to associate

Once saved, the wizard allows clicking on the account name to select where to use

the configured account. This is described in the final wizard page, as the account

has been created as More secure, which means that it should be defined manually

where to use those credentials.

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Figure 16: Associate account wizard final page

After clicking on the account name, it is possible to select the resource group to

which this account must be distributed. In this case, the Clearswift SECURE

Gateways resource group will be used.

Figure 17: Assign distribution lists

This process must be completed for both profiles: UNIX/Linux Action Account with

the opsmgrsvc account, and UNIX/Linux Privileged Account with the opsmgrsvc-

privileged account.

3.2.9 Configure Gateways to monitor

The Clearswift Gateways can now be configured in Operations Manager to be

monitored. Computers and devices can be added in the Operations Manager

interface in Administration -> Device Management:

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Figure 18: Adding the Gateways to Operations Manager

The Computer and Device Management Wizard opens. After selecting UNIX/Linux

computers as the device time, the appropriate criteria to discover the gateways

will need to be added. The Clearswift SECURE Gateways Resource Pool should be

selected to have the proper accounts utilized to monitor the Gateways:

Figure 19: Discovery criteria configuration

Either by IP address or hostname, define in the discovery scope as many entries as

needed. Credentials will need to be configured using user name and password.

Following the configuration previously done, the opsmgrsvc user will be configured

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and stated that it has no privilege access, so that it uses sudo escalation to achieve


Figure 20: Discovery criteria definition

Once the criteria are saved and the discovery process run, the configured gateways

must be available for selection:

Figure 21: Discovered gateways

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After selecting them and clicking on Manage, Operations Manager will connect to

the Gateways through SSH to install the management agent:

Figure 22: Management pack deployment

Once this step is completed, Operations Manager starts monitoring the Gateways.

4 Monitoring the Gateways

The installed management packs can review the internal status of Red Hat

systems. A fast view of the status can be found under Monitoring->UNIX/Linux

Computers in the Operations Manager interface:

Figure 23: Monitoring the Gateways

In case of finding that a gateway is in a critical status, a detailed view can be used

to find out which parts of the system are failing.

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Figure 24: Monitored Gateway in a Critical status

Right clicking on the failed server allows having different views, which will allow

doing a root cause analysis.

Figure 25: Root cause analysis

The Diagram View allows pinpointing the area in which the problem has been


Figure 26: Diagram view

However, this view does not allow taking actions on the problems found. The Alert

view, though, allows managing the alerts found in the system.

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Figure 27: Alert view of a Clearswift Gateway

A number of alerts are triggered after the monitoring starts. The management

packs for Red Hat monitor for a range of services that assume must always be

running, including Syslog, the ACPI daemon, NFS and all the NFS related services.

As the Clearswift Gateways make a customized installation of Red Hat, some of the

Operations Manager default monitored services are not running in the Gateways.

These monitors can be disabled for the gateways by right clicking on the alert row

and selecting Overrides -> Disable the Monitor -> For the object:

Figure 28: Disabling unnecessary monitors

This configuration could be saved in the Red Hat management pack, but it should

instead be saved in a new management pack:

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Figure 29: Override monitoring in a new management pack

After overriding the monitoring on a new management pack, the system reports

back that the Gateways are in a correct status:

Figure 30: New Gateways status

5 Troubleshooting

The configuration process can fail for a number of reasons. The most common ones

and how to troubleshoot them are shown in this section.

5.1 No SSH access

The Operations Manager servers that monitor the Gateways must have access to

them through SSH. So access must be allowed through the Gateways’ UI. If access

has not been granted, it will be reported when trying to discover the Gateways.

5.2 Incorrect account privileges

The account configured to be used by the Operations Manager server after logging

through SSH must be able to sudo without being asked for a password. If the

configuration hasn’t been set correctly, monitoring will fail.

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5.3 Incorrect management pack imported

If the Red Hat 6 management pack and all its dependencies have not been

installed, the agent will not be installed. The management packs downloaded from

the catalogue are not always the most appropriate. It is recommended to install

the ones provided on the installation media and upgrade them if necessary with

the ones on the online catalogue.

5.4 General troubleshooting

The Gateways will log access to SSH in the /var/log/cs-gateway/auth-YYYY-MM-

DD.log file. It will also show whenever a sudo command is executed and the

command it is used with. This can be used to validate that the monitoring agent is

being correctly executed.

Nov 28 19:25:20 cs-gw-23358 sudo: opsmgrsvc : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/var/opt/microsoft/scx/run ;

USER=root ; COMMAND=/opt/microsoft/scx/bin/scxlogfilereader -p

Nov 28 19:30:20 cs-gw-23358 sudo: opsmgrsvc : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/var/opt/microsoft/scx/run ;

USER=root ; COMMAND=/opt/microsoft/scx/bin/scxlogfilereader -p

Nov 28 19:35:20 cs-gw-23358 sudo: opsmgrsvc : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/var/opt/microsoft/scx/run ;

USER=root ; COMMAND=/opt/microsoft/scx/bin/scxlogfilereader -p

6 FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is there a Management Pack available to monitor the internal status of the

Clearswift Gateways?

A: Clearswift does not provide a Management Pack to monitor the status of

Clearswift Gateways. However, administrators can create a new one based on

the standard templates provided by SCOM to monitor the status of the

gateway’s processes.