monica’s cleaning ocd


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Page 3: Monica’s cleaning OCD

OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE DISORDER (OCD)O.C.D. is an anxiety disorder. Some of the characteristics of this disorder is having repetitive thoughts and certain rituals, that one cannot prevent from doing. These actions are obsessive and can severely disturb the individual.

“The majority of people with OCD have both obsessions and compulsions, but a minority (about 20 percent) have obsessions alone or compulsions alone” (about 10 percent). (psychcentral)obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors

become so excessive they interfere with your daily life

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The obsessions are usually involuntary

The obsessions have unavoidable and uncontrollable thoughts



The actions are compulsive because the person performs them over and over again.

Example: Someone could be extremely scared of bacteria, therefore they may have hand washing rituals they perform because they constantly feel there hands are dirty and contaminated with bacteria.

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Washers: A strong fear of contamination. This disorder is usually associated with constant cleaning of ones house, or constantly washing ones hands.

Checkers: Severe compulsion to check things repeatedly. Although they know they just checked to make sure the oven is off, they feel they must do this again to be sure. They usually will check things that they can associate with harm or danger.

Doubters and sinners: They have a feeling that something bad will happen to them, or they will be punished if everything in their life is not performed perfectly.

Counters and arrangers: are obsessed with order and symmetry. They may have superstitions about certain numbers, colors, or arrangements.

Hoarders: They fear that they must hold on to everything or else something bad may happen. Although they don’t need or use these things, something inside tells them to hold on to it. .

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Courtney Cox as Monica Geller in the Friends series:. Monica is known for her obsessive compulsive personality.

Monica shows examples of more than one OCD types. In many shows we see her cleaning over and over, or being fearful when everything is not perfect.

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In many episodes we see Monica obsessed about how clean her house needs to be, and how everything must be exactly in order how she likes. Even if she gets in an argument, or gets stressed out with friends, she will be willing to do this because this disorder has control over her thoughts and actions.

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In an episode we see that Monica and Phoebe were living together. Phoebe couldn’t handle all of Monica’s cleaning obsessions and rules in the house so she decided to move out. Phoebe started moving her personal stuff everyday without telling Monica and this made her flip out because everything in her mind was out of order.

Monica showed her compulsion to be organized, for example, labeling cups, and towels, and making it hard for her roommates to know what they can or cannot use.

Because of her disorder, it was also very hard for Monica to find a job, because none of them seemed like the “perfect” fit for her.

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Ross , Monica's brother, began dating an extremely messy girl in the show. She brought him to her house and it was a complete disaster, with clothes all over the living room, and old food everywhere. Ross told Monica about his girlfriend’s apartment and she was very frustrated just thinking about the state of the apartment and she couldn’t sleep. The next morning, Monica went to the girls apartment and told her that she was Ross’s sister and offered to clean her apartment. O.C.D. was effecting Monica very much, as she could not relax and go on with her every day life until she cleaned this apartment.

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Power points notes about anxiety disorders