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Resettlement Monitoring Report Quarterly Report JulySeptember 2013 VIE: Mong Duong 1 Thermal Power Plant Prepared by Viet Nam Electricity (EVN) GENCO 3 Thermal Power Projects Management Board 1.

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Resettlement Monitoring Report Quarterly Report July–September 2013

VIE: Mong Duong 1 Thermal Power Plant

Prepared by Viet Nam Electricity (EVN) GENCO 3 Thermal Power Projects Management Board 1.

Internal Resettlement Monitoring Report

#3 Quarterly Report September 2013

VIE: Mong Duong 1 Thermal Power Investment

Program (Tranche 1 and 2)

Prepared by EVN GENCO 3/Thermal Power Projects Management Board 1 (TPMB1).

EVN GENCO 3 Thermal Power Projects Management Board 1 (TPMB1)



Period 1st July to 30th September 2013

Contract No: TPMB1-EVN/ADB-2610L2MFF-Consulting-002

3rd Quarterly Internal Resetlement Mornitoring Report Mong Duong (2 x 500MW) Thermal Power Plant Project

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Table of Contents

ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................................. 3

1. GENERAL INFORMATION OF THE PROJECT ........................................................ 4

1.1. Mong duong Thermal Power Plant Project ........................................................... 4

1.2. The Fresh Water Component .............................................................................. 4

1.3. The Scope of Land Acquisition and Resettlement ................................................ 4


2.1. Information Disclosure and Community Participation ........................................... 6

2.2. Detailed Measurement Survey ............................................................................. 8

2.3. Compensation payment, assistance and resettlement ......................................... 8

2.4. Process of resettlement and site clearance ....................................................... 10

2.5. Restoration of APs’ livelihoods and rehabilitation of APs’ lives .......................... 11

2.6. Assess degree of APs’ satisfaction of compensation and resettlement .............. 11

2.7. Conformity of resettlement implementation progress with civil works progress and next plan ....................................................................................................................... 12

2.8. Issues concerning gender and ethnic minority ................................................... 12

3. PENDING ISSUES ................................................................................................... 12

3.1. Outstanding problems ........................................................................................ 12

3.2. Solutions for pending issues and responsibility of relevant agencies ................. 13

4. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ........................................................ 13

4.1. Conclusions ....................................................................................................... 13

4.2. Recommendations ............................................................................................. 14

APPENDIX .......................................................................................................................... 15

Appendix 1 List of interviewed people ........................................................................... 15

Appendix 2 .................................................................................................................... 18

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DCARB District compensation, Assistance, and Resettlement Board

DMS Detailed Measurement Survey

EVN Electricity of Viet Nam

FWC Freshwater Component

PAP Project Affected Person

PMU Project Management Unit

PPC Provincial People's Committee

RAP Resettlement Action Plan

TPP Thermal Power Plant

TPMB1 Thermal Power Plant Project Management Unit No. 1

TRC Town Resettlement Committee

PC People’s Committee

RC Resettlement Committee

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1.1. Mong duong Thermal Power Plant Project

Mong Duong Thermal Power Plant complex with a total combined capacity of 2’200 MW, is located in the Mong Duong Ward (Cam Pha town, Quang Ninh province). It is situated along Highway 18, 300 km northeast of Hanoi and 18 km from the Center of Cam Pha town. The Project site is located at the mouth of the Mong Duong River and includes one ward (Mong Duong) and one commune (Cam Hai). The objective of building this Plant is to increase the capacity of the thermal electric power source and contribute to the stable supply of electricity throughout the year and especially in the dry season when the hydro plants do not generate much of their maximum capacity

1.2. The Fresh Water Component

The Mong Duong Thermal Generation Plant complex needs a large amount of fresh water from Quarter Four, 2013. It is calculated that, the combined Plant needs 15.000 m3 of fresh water per day. A fresh water supply system therefore must be constructed to serve the project. The system consists of the reservoir, the pumping station, the 10 KV power supply to serve for the pumping station, the water pipe line, and the access road.

Of which, only the Reservoir area and the Water Pineline area relates to land acquisition and resettlement.

1.3. The Scope of Land Acquisition and Resettlement

Based on the detailed design, a total area of 1,618,263.96 m2 with 186 households will be permanently affected. Among the permanently affected land, 1,163,813.86 m2 is affected by the reservoir in Mong Duong Ward and 454,450.1 m2 by the pipe-line and other works (access road, powerhouse, etc) in Cong Hoa Commune and Cam Hai Commune (Cam Pha City). 42.3% of affected area is productive forest land which is currently used for planting Acacia of 71 households (385 persons) in three communes/wards. FWC will also affect 6,903.30 m2 of residential land of 37 households (182 persons) in Village 10, Mong Duong Ward. Cong Hoa and Cam Hai communes will not have residential land affected by the FWCt. Area, number of households and persons of affected land are shown detailed in Table 1 and Table 2. In September 2013, the TPMB1 and RC decided to compensate temporary land for reservoir construction site, thus the total number of temporary land was added more 5664.3 m2 and 12 persons affected by this temporary land compensation.

In the pipeline, DMs also conducted in August to analyze the road wideling. According to the original design, pipeline will crossed over on road number 18, thus, the change in in alignment should be done due to the wider road. Because of this change, 3 more households will be affected by this project

The categories of permanently affected lands are as below.

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Table 1: Affected Land Area Categorized by Communes

No Categories of affected land

Reservoir Pipe line

Total (m2) Mong Duong Ward (m2)

Cong Hoa Commune


Cam Hai Commune

(m2) Sub-total


1 Residential land 6,903.30 - - - 6,903.30

2 Garden land 42,647.82 2,577.10 - 2,577.10 45,224.92

3 Land for annual crops 183,593.18 - - - 183,593.18

4 Land for perennial trees 434,044.01 5,653.00 17,559.00 23,212.00 457,256.01

5 Forest land (Acacia) 283,886.00 289,250.30 111,513.00 400,763.30 684,649.30

6 Aquaculture land 4,419.80 229.00 2,000.00 2,229.00 6,648.80

7 Public land 208,319.75 5,234.50 13,067.20 18,301.70 226,621.45

8 Land of Army 7,367.00 7,367.00 7,367.00

Total 1,163,813.86 310,310.90 144,139.20 454,450.10 1,618,263.96

(Source: Updated Resettlement Plan)

Table 2 Number of HHs and Persons whose land affected in each Commune

No Categories of affected land

Mong Duong Ward Cong Hoa Commune Cam Hai Commune Total

No. of AHs (HH)

No. of APs


No. of AHs (HH)

No. of APs


No. of AHs (HH)

No. of APs


No. of AHs (HH)

No. of APs


1 Residential land 37 182 0 0 0 0 37 182

2 Garden land 40 187 4 15 0 0 44 202

3 Annual crop land 61 272 0 0 0 0 61 272

4 Perennial tree land 90 360 2 7 2 6 94 373

5 Forest land (for acacia planting)

19 88 35 148 17 69 71 305

6 Aquaculture land 7 41 1 4 1 4 9 49

(Source: Updated Resettlement Plan)

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Detailed on the progress of Resettlement Plan Implementation is in the Annex 2

2.1. Information Disclosure and Community Participation

Information dissemination was conducted by Thermal Power Project Management Unit No.1 (TPMB1) and DCARB of Cam Pha city. Orientation meetings have been conducted since 2009 with relevant parties and affected households. Project information has been delivered to 100% affected households (such as introduction of detailed technical design, scope of impacts on land and asset upon on lands, entitlements for compensation, assistance and resettlement, implementation schedule of land acquisition, compensation, assistance and resettlement and grievance redress mechanism). The documents have also been placed in public places and in the house of village leaders and head of mass-organization

4 consultations were conducted by the local authorities from July to September and gathered representative of following groups:

- Commune PC

- Farther land Front

- Farmer’s Union

- Women’s Union

- Affected Households

To prepare the for Fresh Water Component, many public meetings were held. With the purpose to clarify information and to provide APs with the opportunity to discuss issues of concern and obtain clarification, a letter of invitation was sent to all APs at least 1 weeks before any meeting. Both men and women from affected households are encouraged to attend, as well as other interested community members. The list of public meetings for the Fresh Water Component is provided in the following Table.

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Table 3 Summary of consultations undertaken

Zone Topic Target Group Comments from participant Timing

No10 Mong Duong Ward

Public Disclosure of the Compensation

Representatives from all affected households

Household ask about the compensation calculation such as prices, instalment payments and procedures for documenting ownership in the new place, etc.

July 2013

No10 Mong Duong Ward

Public Disclosure of the Compensation to move the commune’s house of the village (i) Discuss with the authorities to move the commune’s house of the village out of the resevoir (ii) Discuss with the local people to move the commune’s house of the village out of the resevoir

Commune PC; Farther land Front; Farmer’s Union; Women’s Union Representatives from all affected households

Participants agreed to move the commune house out of the reservoir

15 August 2013

Cong Hoa, Cam Hai, No10 Mong Duong Ward

Income Restoration Public Disclosure

Meeting with all villagers Interview and Focus Group Discussions with male and female groups

(51.0%) responded to registration for income restoration models, 39 households (20.9%) are elderly households and 32 other households (17.2%) are no in-need of participate-in the Program

14 September 2013

Cong Hoa, Cam Hai, No10 Mong Duong Ward

Income Restoration Public Disclosure

Meeting with all villages Meeting with commune officials Interview and Focus Group Discussions with male and female groups

Participants choosed the vocational training, Acacia’s Cultivating and the breeding’s model

13 September 2013

Consultant saw that consultation activities have been carried out in the form of public meetings. Participants of public meetings include all affected households, local authorities, head of mass- organizations and village leaders. There were many public meetings with the households affected by project organized from 2009 up to date. The total of participant is 705 people, of whom 285 people were female (accounting for 40.4%).

Consultations continue to be deployed in the project area through community meetings.-100% of affected households were consulted 3 times or more on the project’ policy of land acquisition, compensation, support, and resettlement.

For the households who have recommendations, inquiries or complaints, TPMB1 cooperated with the local government and leaders of the villages to organize meetings, direct dialogue, to resolve satisfactorily and ensure the entitlements of affected people.

Affected people have been consulted on the needs of participating in the income restoration program, however, many households are still not aware of the importance of the program, therefore, they are not ready to participate in the program. Propaganda, information

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disseminating to these households will be continuously performed during the implementation of the income restoration program.

The consultation process has also paid its attention to the needs of women and vulnerable groups such as the poor, single women headed household, elderly or some other policy objects.

Due to the Consultants providing information adequately and transparently on compensation entitlements the complaints of affected people are not considerable in numbers.

2.2. Detailed Measurement Survey

Detailed Measurement Survey was completed before November 10th, 2012. However some added surveys are still continueing due to changes in technical alternatives or some assets outside the project sites but is no longer valid for use left.

As of September 30th, 2013, the discrepancies and omissions in the loss inventory process or other damages arising due to changes in technical alternatives or some assets outside the project sites but is no longer valid for use caused by land acquisition was timely inventory replenishment to ensure the entitlements of the affected people, ensuring compliance RP framework of the project.

Income Restoration DMs was conducted in July 2013 to design and implement the measures for income and livelihood restoration. Participants choosed the vocational training, Acacia’s Cultivating and the breeding’s model

In the pipeline, DMs also conducted in August to analyze the road wideling. According to the original design, pipeline will crossed over on road number 18, thus, the change in in alignment should be done due to the wider road. Because of this change, 3 more households will be affected by this project. It is necessary to assess the impact of these households in next quarterly report

2.3. Compensation payment, assistance and resettlement

As of September 30th, 2013, the total budget of approved compensation, assistance and resettlement is VND 79,371,404,300 and VND 71,276,978,000 has been paid for the affected people (including budget for the DCARB), reached 90%.

In July, the additional compensation was made for households losing less than 30% of agricultural land

Compensation payment has implemented for the Pipeline component. Total of unpaid budget is VND 8,094,426,200, this will be paid for the Reservoir and Pipeline Component before 28 December, 2013.

Specifically compensation schedule for each component is as follows: • Pipeline Component: Total amount approved is VND10,738,062,600 with 10 affected

households of 18 affected households are paid with total money VND 600.000.000

• Reservoir Component: The total amount approved is VND68,633,341,700, paid VND 60,538,915,400, accounting for 88.0% of the approved budget.

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Table 4 Status of compensation in 30 September 2013


No Impact Categories Entitleme

nt As per

Approved RP

Actual as of








Remarks No

HHs No


1 Loss of productive land UREMDP

a. ≤ 10 % of land affected 52 hhs/218 APs 69 276


Based on the update inventory until 30/9/2013

b. ≥10% or more affected 117 hhs/455 Aps 117 455


Based on the update inventory until 30/9/2013

2 Lost of resident land UREMDP

a. Total of remaining land not sufficient 51 hhs/ 206 Aps 37 169


Only 37 hhs have to relocate out of the reservoir

b. Partial 4 hhs/ 23 Aps 7 32


3 new hhs affect by pipeline

3 Affected house/structures UREMDP 107 hhs/ 414 Aps 107 414


4 Loss of annual crops/trees UREMDP 153 hhs/ 608 Aps 153 608


5 Loss of income/business UREMDP 169 hhs/673 Aps 169 673


6 Temporary affected UREMDP 37 hhs/159 Aps 37 162 35/37

7 Assistance for life stabilization UREMDP 169 hhs/673 Aps 169 673


8 Assistance for Job change/job creation UREMDP 169 hhs/673 Aps 169 673


9 Assistance for Vulnerable groups UREMDP 104 hhs 104

104 99/104

vulnerable group include 100 households who are members of ethnic minority groups and 4 kinh households ( poor female headed households with dependents, disabled household heads, poor households, children and elderly households)

10 Bonus for handing over of land UREMDP 175 hhs/700 Aps 186 731

150/186 Based on the update inventory until 30/9/2013

There are total 37 resettled households, concentrated in Reservoir Component and all of them agreed to resettle freely. 12/37 of households returned their fatherland in another province such as Hai Phong, Lang Son, Bac Giang. There are immigrant households those moved to this area during 15 -25 years ago. Other households still stay inside the commune but move near to 329 road, and they buy a new land with basic infrastructure for a household. According to the

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interview of local people, 20 relocated household have their new land own before deadline of compnesation

There are 6 households completed their resettled house, 17 resettled houses are under construction and 2 others household has not started to build any new house because they wait for the compensation payment to get enough money.. All these houses locate near the main road, school and health station. The electricity is available in the area from this month and these households can access national electricity system. 23 of these households have already connected to the electricity distribution system because the 35kv electric line completed and put into use in September

6 of 37 household have accessed to potable water supply because they buy their own pumpling machine to collect the water from streams

For those who are losing 10% or more of agricultural land, 5 affected household answer that they are able to buy new agricultural land or are able to use the compensation to buy other assets (i.e. truck) to change their source of livelihood.

Table 5 Status of affected household until 30 September 2013

No Affected Household situation HHs Remarks House 1 Build a new house 6 2 House is under construction 17 3 HHs has not build new house 2

4 Sell the house and move to other place 12

5 hhs to Hai Phong, 5 hhs to Lang Son, and 2 hhs move to other village in Quang ninh province

Land 1 Buy a new agriculture land 15 2 Buy a new resident land 20

3 Not buy any kind of land 12 They have their own land or they are too old

Staying/Moving 1 Move to other place 12 2 Staying in Mong duong ward 25

2.4. Process of resettlement and site clearance

At the monitoring time, the site clearance progress for all categories basically completed for the Main Power Plant (269.4 ha); The 35KV Electricity Line (8.8ha), The Waste Dump 1&2 (21.9ha); The 10KV Electricity line and The Cooling Water discharge Channel

Other components are are continuously implemented such as the Apartment for the Officers and Employees component, there are 21 households are paid. Only Mrs. Nguyen Thi Ha household is not finished because this household has not accepted the inventory

In the Resevoir Component, there are 98/111 the affected households have been paid, other are not accepted the payment because of several reasons: (i) Some households in the resevoir proposed higher price for land, especially agricultural land price and they also ask project support land prices increasing based on the market and support more social protection (based on the

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policies of government, province etc.); (ii) Some households recommend to apply the price for land at highest level (400m2/household as the average); (iii) Some households proposed compensation 100% of the value of assets though their assets were build after the land acquisition (2010)

Although the City People's Committee and The Land Development Project Management Unit has conducted several meetings with affected households, and explained the policies clearly, they have not agreed to get payment. The site clearance, thus, have extended the time in comparision with the schedule The Waste component: Cam Pha City People's Committee has announced the land acquisition and implement compensation. The city People's Committee has completed compensation inventory for two households.

As of September 30th, 2013, the land acquisition and resettlement has achieved good results in general for the Pipeline Component (Cong Hoà and Cam Hai communes). Site clearance rate for Reservoir Component has completed 60.0%. And it is going to be completed in December 2013

2.5. Restoration of APs’ livelihoods and rehabilitation of APs’ lives

All the affected households who get the payment received full assistances according to project policies such as living stabilization assistance, occupation transmission assistance, and business stabilization assistance.

The project has conducted surveys from 13 to 14 September in Mong duong, Cam Hai, Cong hoa commune for livelihood needs of households affected by the project. The aim of this IRP is to minimize the adverse impacts of the Project and to ensure that income and livelihoods of AHs will be restored and improved better or at least equal pre-project levels. This survey: Propagate the awareness of the importance of livelihood restoration and opportunities to participate in livelihood restoration programs designed for the Project; Keep up the economic capacity and economic development after the land acquisition; Finding out about the needs and expectations of affected households in participating the IRP. People who are entitled to participate in the IRP survey are the severely affected households due to loss from 10% or more of productive land (such as agricultural and, aquaculture ponds, gardens, etc) or loss from 10% or more of income source from livelihood activities, relocated households and the vulnerable households (such as poor HHs, HHs with heroic Vietnamese mothers, invalids or martyrs families, HHs with disabled persons, single woman headed-household, ethnic minorities who are specified in the 2003 Land Law, Decree 197/2004/ND-CP of the Government of Vietnam and the compensation, assistances and resettlement policies of Quang Ninh Province(refer to entitlement matrix table in the RAP 2012). Of 186 households who are the beneficiaries of income restoration program, there are 95 households (51.0%) responded to registration for income restoration models, 39 households (20.9%) are elderly households and 32 other households (17.2%) are no in-need of participate-in the Program

Based on the needs of people affected, the income restoration program is developing and will be submitted to the ADB for approval within November 2013. The program is intended to be fully implemented in December 2013.

2.6. Assess degree of APs’ satisfaction of compensation and resettlement

The local people in general are satisfied with the result of the lost inventory, compensation price assistance and resettlement policies of the Project.

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As of September 30th, 2013, there is only one complaints from one affected household relates to misidentify the acquired land. And this issue was solved.

2.7. Conformity of resettlement implementation progress with civil works progress and next plan

Compensation and relocation of resettled households have been delayed in comparison with the site clearance and construction progress as well as overall plan of the project. However, the Project tried ensuring the cleared sites for construction.

2.8. Issues concerning gender and ethnic minority

The Cam Pha Town Resettlement Committee (TRC) include women representatives from the Mong Duong Ward and Women Union of the Residential Area No.10 to represent the interests of women in the affected households. Capacity-building training were provided to the leaders of the Women's Union, by the social consultant of the TPMB1, to increase their participation in the TRC. The participation of women in leadership and decision making in resettlement planning were guaranteed through equal representation of men and women during the resettlement implementation.

The population of the commune mostly affected by the project, Ward No. 10, is inhabited predominantly by members of the two ethnic minorities living in this area, Dao and Tay, while in the area affected by the pipeline, the majority is Kinh. The community consultation, project information disclosure for all PAPs, including ethnic minorities have been conducted in the project during the project implementation by TPMB1, People Committee of Mong duong, and the Communes in the project regions. Seriously the Asian Development Bank has provided affected households in the vulnerable group including minorities with a certain amount to support their life and livelihood development in compliance with the updated RP and legal framework


3.1. Outstanding problems

The Community consultation for the project was conducted by the DCARB of Cam Pha city; however, such consultation is not regular and continuous and is limited during the project implementation. Therefore it is essential to do the community consultation during the project implementation, particularly, in the activities of resettlement, and also necessary to organize meetings to listen to the opinions of the households and communities to understand their opinion

5 households in Mong duong ward thought they had received full compensation amount requested the RC to supplement the missing affected assets (such as water well, land, trees, crops etc.) and paid further compensation for them

3 households were not able to get the compensation because they devided land for their relatives, they made mistakes with their land plots, such land plots were being verified. Regarding this plots, several households have sent comments to the authorities for verification of their land plots. The people who did not sent the requests did not report their cases to the commune authorities and relevant agencies to solve problem

In the Resevoir, some the affected households have not get the payment because they ask the higher price for agricultural land and also ask more support from project and other recommend to

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get compensation 100% of the value of assets though their assets were build after the land acquisition

At the commune survey, the people are aware of the benefit provided by project to their lives and productive activities. Therefore they absolutely support the project and will facilitate the project implementation. However, the RC’s should consider and aquire the AH’s remaining land area which are not proper for cultivation and production because those areas are small in poor shape and then pay compensation as the policies of project

3.2. Solutions for pending issues and responsibility of relevant agencies

Meeting with the local people have to be more frequently organized

TPMB1 is cooperating with the Land Fund Development Center, City PPC, leaders of the villages and other stakeholders to accelerate the progress of compensation payment and resettlement for the affected households to hand over the sites for the contractors and add compensation based on the project policies for all missing land and assets

Cooperate with the local authorities to check the owner of land compensation and then answer for all the request of the affected household relate to plots which devided for relatives

Consider and aquire the AH’s remaining land area which are not proper for cultivation and production

In the Resevoir, the local authorities should support more the information for the affected households who do not accept the payment until September 2013. All the discussion is followed the project policies. In the case of households will not accept, the project will implement the compulsory execution according to the Viet Nam Laws and ADB framework


4.1. Conclusions

Implementing the activities on compensation, assistance and resettlement were delayed in comparison with the approved resettlement plan. Progress on compensation and resettlement implementation until December 30th, 2013 is 94.8%. The compensation payment completed 89.8% of total of anticipated compensation budget. 10.2% of remaining budget is anticipated to be paid for the APs within November2013. Up to date, there is only one complaint letter from one affected household and it was solved satisfactorily, ensuring the rights of the affected household.

Information dissemination, community consultation have witnessed the cooperation of DCARBs of Cam Pha city along with Mong Duong ward in the project region and have basically conducted as per the regulated process resulting in the certain efficiency The complaints of affected people are not considerable

DMS, compensation option preparation, compensation and resettlement are strictly complied by TPMB1 and households in line with procedures specified in UREMDP. These activities were usually behind the schedule due to the inventory, compensation option preparation and submission took time for appraisal

Grievance of local people had been timely and satisfactory resolved

Granting land use right certificates (both resident land and production land) for relocated households in Mong duong is being submitted to DPC for approval, other land area have not been implemented

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Gender equity and ethnic minority activities have been effectively intergrated into the project activities

The income restoration program is developing and it’s intent is to be completed and implemented by December 2013

4.2. Recommendations

The PC of Quang Ninh province, and DCARBs of Cam Pha city should pay special attention and put emphasis on households that have to move to another place. The PC should approve, make decisions and create favorable conditions for remaining households to move to the new place

TPMB1 should closely cooperate with the PC of Quang Ninh province, Cam Pha city, and DCARBs of city to support and create favorable conditions of compensation funds, to help the locality to resolve shortcomings related to land acquisition and resettlement in an effective and timely manner to ensure the planned implementation of the project

Information dissemination and community consultation should be continued during the project

For compensation and resettlement for 37 households: (i) TPMB1 should quickly complete the inventory and compensation payment for non-flooded cultivation area in reservoir; Quickly complete the granting of land use right-certificates for resettled households and prevent the encroachment problem of agricultural and forestry land which has been handed over to hamlet community

It is necessary to integrate the livelihood activities and consider the sustainable issues of restoration implementation

It is necessary to enhance the participation of women in community activities and their ideas sharing in meeting leaded by women union. Training course on gender equity should be held at all the communesfor both men and women to increase the society on women’s equity

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Appendix 1 List of interviewed people

List of authorities

No Persons met Institution, contact Main Topics / Observations

1 Mr. Chuyen Chief, Land Management Office, Mong Duong

• Collect some general information on Mong duong community

2 Ms. Nguyen Thi Dang Mr. Nguyen Van Nuc

Village Leader, Ward 10 MD Party Leader, Ward 10 MD

• Organisation of interviews and public meeting

• Received some genera information on Ward 10 (village belonging to Mong Duong community, affected by project

3 Ms. Nguyen Thi Dang Mr. Nguyen Van Nuc

Village Leader, Ward 10 MD Party Leader, Ward 10 MD Village elder PAPs

• Explanation of envisaged procedure

• Carried out FGD with women (19 participants)

• Carried out individual interviews with representatives of affected HH

4 Mr. Ta Van Ngoc Chief of Health Post of Ward 10 village

• Discussed situation of health services in the village

• Health post is rather new construction, with sufficient space, but lack of equipment and infrastructure (no water, no toilets, no laboratory equipment, very limited stock of medicaments, few instruments.

• Women give birth in District Hospital (bad road conditions!) or at home, since health post is not equipped properly.

5 Mr. Thien Vice President of Community Committee, Cam Hai

• Received some general information on Cam Hai community (affected by pipe line)

• Mr. Thien organised interviews with PAPs

6 Mr. Dinh Van Luc Vice President of Community Committee, Cong Hoa

• Received some general information on Cong Hoa community (affected by pipe line)

• Received permission to carry out interviews with PAPs

7 Mr. Pham Van Chien Mr. Chuyen

Vice President of Community Committee, Mong Duong Chief, Land Management Office, Mong Duong

• Oriented the community officials on the outcome of the field mission.

• According to Mr. Pham Van Chen, there should be a specific policy for ethnic minorities, as is the case in provinces/districts in mountainous areas.

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List of interview of affected people

No Full name Position/address

Fresh Water component

1 Phoong Cam Cong Mong Duong ward

2 Phoong Cam Tac Mong Duong ward

3 Nong Quoc Khanh Mong Duong ward

4 Nong Van Toan Mong Duong ward

5 Ly Van Viet Mong Duong ward

6 Ly Xuan Canh Mong Duong ward

7 Ly Xuan Minh Mong Duong ward

8 Phun Van Tu Mong Duong ward

9 Ta Huu Hoi Mong Duong ward

10 Tien (Dang Phuc Tien) Mong Duong ward

11 Trieu Chan Thong Mong Duong ward

12 Trieu Kim Te Mong Duong ward

13 Trieu Quang Sau Mong Duong ward

14 Trieu Quy Binh Mong Duong ward

15 Trieu Quy Denh Mong Duong ward

Cam Hai commune

1 Nguyen Duc Nhuan Cam Hai commune

2 Ha Van Duong Cam Hai commune

3 Pham Ba Quyet Cam Hai commune

4 Hoang Van Ngoc Cam Hai commune

5 Do Van Ly Cam Hai commune

6 Nguyen Van Viet Cam Hai commune

7 Nguyen Van Tan Cam Hai commune

8 Bui Van Tay Cam Hai commune

9 Dao Xuan Quang Cam Hai commune

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No Full name Position/address

10 Tran Thi Thuy Nga Cam Hai commune

11 Pham Thi Thu Anh Cam Hai commune

12 Truong Thi Diu Cam Hai commune

Cong hoa Commune

1 Be Van Mit Cong Hoa commune

2 Bui Huu Dai Cong Hoa commune

3 Bui Huu Luan Cong Hoa commune

4 Ha Thi Thuy Cong Hoa commune

5 Ha Van Luu Cong Hoa commune

6 Ha Van Thuy Cong Hoa commune

7 Hoang Van Toan Cong Hoa commune

8 Nguyen Van Thanh Cong Hoa commune

9 Nong Van Lan Cong Hoa commune

10 Phan Thi Nhat Cong Hoa commune

11 Nguyen Ngoc Hien Cong Hoa commune

12 Nguyen Van Phuong Cong Hoa commune

13 Ha Van Nam Cong Hoa commune

14 Hoang Thi Minh Cong Hoa commune

3rd Quarterly Internal Resetlement Mornitoring Report Mong Duong (2 x 500MW) Thermal Power Plant Project

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Appendix 2

Form 1: Situation of Compensation Payment until 30/9/2013





Date of project imformation

dessemination Detailed Measurement

Survey Making compensation

plan Verify and approve the

compensation plan Situation of

Compensation payment Situation of Site




t aw






Starting date

Finishing date

Starting date

Finishing date


date Finishing


Submiting date Approval Starting

date Finishing

date (anticipated)

Starting date

Finishing date


1 Pipeline 24/8/11 31/12/12 10/10/2011 10/11/2012 13/11/11 15/11/12 12/11/2012 13/11/12 24/12/12 15/11/13 14/1/13 5/12/2013 6/12/2013

Cong Hoa 24/8/11 31/12/12 10/10/2011 10/11/2012 13/11/11 15/11/12 12/11/2012 13/11/12 24/12/12 15/11/13 14/1/13 5/12/2013 6/12/2013

Cam Hai 24/8/11 31/12/12 10/10/2011 10/11/2012 13/11/11 15/11/12 12/11/2012 13/11/12 24/12/12 15/11/13 14/1/13 5/12/2013 6/12/2013

2 Resevoir 24/8/11 31/11/2013 10/10/2011 31/11/2013 13/11/11 31/11/2013 12/11/2012 13/11/12 24/12/12 15/12/2013 14/1/13 30/12/2013 5/12/2013

Mong Duong 24/8/11 31/11/2013 10/10/2011 31/11/2013 13/11/11 31/11/2013 12/11/2012 13/11/12 24/12/12 15/12/2013 14/1/13 30/12/2013 5/12/2013

3rd Quarterly Internal Resetlement Mornitoring Report Mong Duong (2 x 500MW) Thermal Power Plant Project

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Form 2: Number of Affected Households until 30/9/2013

Project commune or ward

Lose from 10% or more of agricultural land without relocating

Lose from 10% or more of agricultural land and relocating

Vulnerable groups TOTAL

10%-30% 30%-70%

70%-100% Lose from 10% or more of income source, and/or relocation

Reservoir Component

18 10 13 37 42


Mong Duong 18 10 13 37 42


Pipeline Component

51 15 0 0



Cong Hoa 29 9 0 0 0 0


Cam Hai 22 6 0 0 0


Total 69 25 13 37 42 186

3rd Quarterly Internal Resetlement Mornitoring Report Mong Duong (2 x 500MW) Thermal Power Plant Project

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Form 3: Area of the acquired land until 30/9/2013

No. Components/ Packages

Permanently Acquired Land Area (m2) Temporarily Acquired Land Area (m2)

Agricultural Land

Residential Land

Aquacultural Area Forest Land Other Land Total Agricultural

Land Residential

Land Aquacultural

Area Forest Land

Other Land Total

1 Pipeline 25,789.1 0.0 2,229.0 610,622.8 25,668.7 664,309.6 381.4

Cộng Hòa

8,230.1 0.0 229 464041.3 12,601.5 485,101.9 208.8

Cẩm Hải 17,559.0 0.0 2,000.0 146,581.5 13,067.2 179,207.7 172.6

2 Resevoir 660,285.0 6,903.3 4,419.8 283,886.0 208,319.8 1,267,793.6 0.0

Mông Dương 660,285.0 6903.3 4419.8 283886.0 208319.8 1,267,793.6 0.0

Total 686,074.1 6,903.3 6,648.8 894,508.8 233,988.5 1,932,103.2 381.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

3rd Quarterly Internal Resetlement Mornitoring Report Mong Duong (2 x 500MW) Thermal Power Plant Project

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Form 4: Housing and other assets affected until 30/9/2013

No. Components/ Packages

Affected Housing

Area (m2)

Affected Shop Area


Affected Factory

Area (m2)

Affected Rice and

crops area (m2)

Affected Tree (tree)

Affect Objects/ Architect


Relocated Graves (pcs)

Affected Other Assets

1 Pipeline 0.0 0.0 0.0 658.0 88,677

Form 4.1

Form 4.1

Cộng Hòa 0.0 0.0 0.0 630.0 39,567

Cẩm Hải 0.0 0.0 0.0 28.0 49,110

2 Resevoir 6,711.1 0.0 0.0 19,555.8 99,893

Mông Dương 6711.1 0.0 0.0 19,555.8 99,893

Total 6,711.1 0.0 0.0 20,213.8 188,570.0 - 0.0 -

Form 4.1: Affected Other Assets until 30/9/2013

No. Components/ Packages

Toilet Kitchen Bathroom Wells Barns Cement roof Fence Water Tank Electric

Line (m2) (m2)/ (m2) (pcs) (m2) (m2) (m2) (m3) (m)

1 Pipeline 35 861.6 45.0 0.0 347.7 751.1 2,452.1 410.9 15,680.3

Cộng Hòa 4 349.2 15.0 0.0 211.3 324.5 1,328.8 213.4 7,235.8

Cẩm Hải 5 512.4 30.0 0.0 163.4 426.6 1,128.3 197.5 8,444.5

2 Resevoir 40 862.4 137.0 1.0 1,254.5 1,239.3 5,077.9 786.3 6,777.7

Mông Dương 40 862.4 137.0 1.0 1,227.0 1,239.3 5,077.9 786.3 6,777.7

Total 75 1,724.0 182.0 1.0 1,602.2 1,990.4 7,530.0 1,197.2 22,458.0

3rd Quarterly Internal Resetlement Mornitoring Report Mong Duong (2 x 500MW) Thermal Power Plant Project

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Form 5: Situation of Compensation Payment until 30/9/2013

No Component

Compensation Cost (VND) Paid and None-paid yet (VND) Situation of Compensation Situation of Site Clearance

Total of cost estimation

approved by 30/9/2013

Total of cost accoding to the

compensation plan Paid until 30/9/2013 None-paid

No. of HHs received


No. of HHs none-received


No. of HHs handed over the


No. of HHs have not been handed

over the sites

1 Pipeline 10,738,062,600 10,738,062,600 10,738,062,600 0 65 0 65 0

Cộng Hòa 5,917,620,000 5,917,620,000 5,917,620,000 0 42 0 42 0

Cẩm Hải 4,820,442,600 4,820,442,600 4,820,442,600 0 23 0 23 0

2 Resevoir 68,633,341,700 68,633,341,700 60,538,915,400 8,094,426,200 108 9 108 9

Mông Dương 68,633,341,700 68,633,341,700 60,538,915,400 8,094,426,200 108 9 108 9

Total 79,371,404,300 79,371,404,300 71,276,978,000 8,094,426,200 173 9 173 9

3rd Quarterly Internal Resetlement Mornitoring Report Mong Duong (2 x 500MW) Thermal Power Plant Project

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Form 6: Situation of Compensation Payment until 30/9/2013

Components/ Packages

Communal Level Distric Level Compensation Committee Provincial PMU Provincial Level Court









of H

















of H

















of H

















of H

















of H

















of H









Resevoir 7 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Pipeline 8 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total 15 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3rd Quarterly Internal Resetlement Mornitoring Report Mong Duong (2 x 500MW) Thermal Power Plant Project

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Form 7: Progress on compensation and resettlement implementaion till 30/9/2013

Component Pipeline Component Resevoir


Cong Hoa Cam Hai Mong Duong Activities on compensation and resettlement

Complete situation

Complete situation Complete situation

Information Dissemination and Community Participation 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Detailed Measure Survey (DMS) 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Setting Compensation Plan 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Consulting and Counseling with the APs on compensation plan 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Update the RP and approve by ADB 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Finalized the compensation plan and submit for approval 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Verify and approve the compensation plan 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Consultate the APs on the approved compensation plan (to the agricultural land) 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Compensation Payment 55.5.0% 55.5.0% 63.9%

Resettlement and Site Clearance 55.5.0% 55.5.0% 63.9%

Independent Monitoring and Reporting 55.5.0% 55.5.0% 63.9%

Compensation Progress by component 55.5.0% 55.5.0% 63.9%

Compensation Progress of the Project 55.5.0% 55.5.0% 63.9%