monday 10th february 2020 - avanti schools trust€¦ · development in their tactical skills. one...

Monday 10 th February 2020 Dear Parents and Carers, HAPPY NITYANANDA APPEARANCE DAY Class Year 3 Narasimha performed a meaningful, dynamic and special assembly on Friday. They sang, acted and retold past times of compassion. They explained to all the children that Sri Nityananda Prabhu is an incarnation of Lord Balarama, who appeared 500 years ago along with his brother Lord Chaitanya to spread the congregational chanting of the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra. Well Done Class 3N. The children carried out brilliant job performing with enthusiasm and clarity. The day was also marked with further learning in the classroom and a special feast prepared by Govindas. The children and staff are so grateful for the delicious meal we receive each day.

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Page 1: Monday 10th February 2020 - Avanti Schools Trust€¦ · development in their tactical skills. One of our team members won an amazing victory against Radlett Prep team. Our team won

Monday 10th February 2020

Dear Parents and Carers,


Class Year 3 Narasimha performed a meaningful,

dynamic and special assembly on Friday. They sang,

acted and retold past times of compassion. They

explained to all the children that Sri Nityananda Prabhu

is an incarnation of Lord Balarama, who appeared 500

years ago along with his brother Lord Chaitanya to

spread the congregational chanting of the Hare Krishna

Maha Mantra.

Well Done Class 3N. The children carried out brilliant job performing with enthusiasm

and clarity.

The day was also marked with further learning in the classroom and a special feast

prepared by Govindas. The children and staff are so grateful for the delicious meal we

receive each day.

Page 2: Monday 10th February 2020 - Avanti Schools Trust€¦ · development in their tactical skills. One of our team members won an amazing victory against Radlett Prep team. Our team won


The internet is an important part of your child’s learning and their personal life. Please ensure your child stays safe online by being aware of the following:

Don't post private information online

Don't share your password

Make sure you use the privacy settings on the

sites you use

Only talk to people you know and DON'T meet up

with people you meet online

If you are worried, tell an adult you trust, like your

parent or carer or a teacher

Please look at the resources on the following link

wo help you to teach your child how to be safe

Last week children learnt about Holocaust Memorial day. Children

carried out mindfulness about Peace, Forgiveness and Tolerance. This

event also connected to celebrating the ‘oneness’ of religion, meaning

the common beliefs shared by all world religions, and promoted the

understanding of the many faiths.

Mrs Parmar hosted the visit of our visitors from different faiths.

Workshops took place in Year 5 and 6. We were delighted to receive

the following communication.

Please send our warm wishes to Mrs Parmar and your staff for such a brilliant and welcoming day at Krishna Avanti Primary. We really enjoyed sharing our stories with your students and answering their fantastic questions. Please also see below for some feedback from your teacher and students: Teacher: “We enjoyed learning about different faiths and spiritualties” Students: “I enjoyed the stories and festivals in Jewish faith and some are related to our faith” “I enjoyed learning about Lena’s faith” “I enjoyed that we got to interact with the speakers” “I liked how the man talked to us about his faith and I was really intrigued in his talk” Thank you.

Please talk to your child about

what it means to them about

growing up in Harrow, in a

multi faith community and how

we can gain a better

understanding of each other

through demonstrating our

values of respect and


KAPS VALUES OF equality,

respect and self- discipline

Page 3: Monday 10th February 2020 - Avanti Schools Trust€¦ · development in their tactical skills. One of our team members won an amazing victory against Radlett Prep team. Our team won


Seven pupils from Year 3 to 6 played in the Hertfordshire Primary Schools Chess Tournament.

We participated in this event to improve our chess skills and get match play experience. An

enormous thank you is sent to our parents who attended and those who helped with supervision

of the matches. The children have gained new match play experience and have shown

development in their tactical skills.

One of our team members won an amazing victory against Radlett Prep team. Our team won

the third round by a convincing score. In Round 4 we had a good match and scored 1 point.

Finally, a special thank you to Mr Kumar (the chess coach) who makes the Chess Club fun but also challenging.

Celebrating National Handwriting Day

Thank you to those parent and carers who wrote letters of

encouragement, love and support to their children. Each child

opened their letter with happiness.

We shall be awarding certificates to those children and adults who

have produced wonderful, cursive exemplary handwriting this


We will plan, do and critically reflect

upon our spelling and handwriting

performance. We will aim to develop

more fluent handwriting so that we

are able to focus upon the content of

what we write. It will be an automatic

and efficient handwriting style.

Page 4: Monday 10th February 2020 - Avanti Schools Trust€¦ · development in their tactical skills. One of our team members won an amazing victory against Radlett Prep team. Our team won

Please see below our main focus in our School Improvement Actions

As we approach the half - way point through this academic year it is

worthwhile to refresh our minds to the above overview of our school

improvement plan.

Please discuss with your child how they think they are getting on. We

shall be holding Parent Consultation meetings in March so that you have

a better understanding of the progress that is being made.

However, I must say it is reassuring to know that we have a dedicated

school team, who ensure that every child has the opportunity to develop

their talents, grow in confidence and mindfulness by implementing the

school ethos and values.

Our plan is to ensure that all our children, parents and staff have the

means to contribute effectively to school life and to our school


Page 5: Monday 10th February 2020 - Avanti Schools Trust€¦ · development in their tactical skills. One of our team members won an amazing victory against Radlett Prep team. Our team won


As you know, the school operates a variety of enrichment opportunities to support the teaching

and learning on many levels. These activities include outings, special visitors to the school,

workshops and a variety of clubs, as well as our after-school wrap around care.

Children immensely enjoy these experiences as it helps them develop social skills, foster

curiosity and broadens their skills and knowledge.

Please can we kindly request that payments are made on time. We have

recently had to chase up on communication. This takes up time and

detracts the teacher from focusing upon teaching our children.

In addition, we have had to rethink and cancel inspirational

opportunities as we have not received adequate support.

Thank you in advance for your consideration.

Term Dates 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 2019-2020 and 2020/2021 Academic year school calendar/term dates

Can parents please note that any holidays or travel arrangements should only be booked during the school holiday period. There are sufficient holidays within the academic year for you to make travel arrangements. Please click on the links below to view or download the term dates: 2019/2020 Academic Year School Calendar/Term Dates 2020/2021 Academic Year School Calendar/Term Dates

PLEASE DO NOT BOOK HOLIDAYS DURING TERM TIME Parents may be fined for booking holidays in term time. NO LEAVE WILL BE AUTHORISED. This includes the day/s prior to the school holidays and weekends. Pupils who do not return after the agreed absence may have their name removed from the school roll.

Page 6: Monday 10th February 2020 - Avanti Schools Trust€¦ · development in their tactical skills. One of our team members won an amazing victory against Radlett Prep team. Our team won

Exceptional Circumstances Parents/Carers need to apply in writing using a Leave Request Form and meet with the Principal for permission to take their child out of school during term time and only for exceptional circumstances. If extended absence is agreed this MUST be by prior arrangement with the Principal. These requests MUST be in writing. Evidence of exceptional leave, if agreed, will be mandatory and should be submitted with the application. Applications must be made at least 4 weeks in advance of the first day of absence requested. Exceptional circumstances does NOT include a family holiday taken during term time, visiting relatives abroad due to their health situation or a special family event. Should school attendance become problematic, Harrow Local Authority have the powers to prosecute parents who fail to comply with an Education Penalty Notice.

Nursery Application (September 2020 – July 2021) Please be reminded that the deadline date to submit the Nursery application is 24th February 2020. Please click on links below to view and download the documents

Nursery Policy

Nursery Common Application Form Sept 2020 – July 2021

Supplementary Information Form (SIF) If applicable please submit by 24 February 2020.

Once you have completed your application via the link above, please ensure you bring the following documents to the school office by the deadline date.

Printed copy of the auto email you receive of your child’s application Current Council Tax Bill Applicable for the 2019-2020 Financial Year Child’s Birth Certificate

Wishing you a good week ahead. Yours sincerely, Bindu Rai Principal DIARY DATES : SPRING TERM UP TO HALF TERM – dates may change, so please check the

website regularly and your text messages

February HEALTHY LIVING THEME ( Physical and Emotional Strength/ Stamina development) A month of healthy living promotion and celebration. This term there will be BMX Workshops, Bikeability, Football tournament matches. The launch will officially kick start our aim to achieve the Healthy School Bronze Award too! ( Healthy Food, Keeping Fit, Dance, SAQ, Healthy Bodies, Challenges, Healthy Minds through relaxation and yoga, Healthy Values and Virtues, Healthy Environment, Big Tidy up- Litter picking campaign, Competitive sports, including Chess tournament, Collaborative sports)

Big Schools Bird Watch commences during this month. ECO Committee will explain the importance of this initiative

Page 7: Monday 10th February 2020 - Avanti Schools Trust€¦ · development in their tactical skills. One of our team members won an amazing victory against Radlett Prep team. Our team won

Parenting workshop – upcoming topics (only for parents who booked in advanced):

3 remaining sessions:

Care: Wednesday 12th February - Looking after ourselves and our families Discover: Wednesday 26th February - Support your children to learn and explore Together: Wednesday 4th March - Look to the future and recapping key techniques

10/02/20 Year 2 Parent Reading Workshop 8.00am

10/02/20 Year 6 Healthy Relationship Workshop

10/02/20 Year 6 Bikeability Level 2 course – 10th-12th February, this course runs over 3 days

11/02/20 Safer Internet Day

11/02/20 7.50am – 8.45am Parent Forum Coffee Morning Drop in Session

11/02/20 Bikeability Course 1 – Year 4 all day for selected children only

12/02/20 Fit4Kids Workshop – whole school Year 1 to 6

17/02/20 - 21 /02/20 HALF TERM

24/02/20 Pupils return

25/02/20 KS1, KS2 PSHE and RSE Parent Workshop – Details to follow

National Poetry Recital Assembly celebration Competition commences when we return – Last Class Standing

25/02/20 Netball Rally for selected pupils

26/02/20 Prospective Reception Parents tour of school afternoon

28/02/20 Kenshukai Karate workshops in the Hall

28/02/20 Football Rally for selected pupils

03/03/20 Year 3 Sanskrit assembly

05/03/20 World Book Day Book Character Dress Up Day details to follow

09/03/20 Gaura Purima Abishek celebrations

10/03/20 Parents Consultation 1 evening

11/03/20 Parents Consultation 2 evening

11/03/20 Reception classes Trip to Bhaktivedanta Manor

12/03/20 Author visit for KS2 Steve Vanacour

12/03/20 Cross Country Tournament for selected pupils in Year 5 and 6

13/03/20 Football Rally for selected pupils

17/03/20 Yavneh Primary School visiting Year 2 - building friendship, understanding and tolerance


Avanti Life Project 5 to take place for selected children

18/03/20 Dance Showcase Performance to take place for selected children

18/03/20 Robotics Year 4 Workshop

18/03/20 National Poetry Recital Assembly celebration Competition KS2

20/03/20 Keep Britain Tidy day - Spring Clean of School Grounds

24/03/20 Year 5 Computing trip to Apple Store

30/03/20 Year 6 Height and Weight check

31/03/20 World Maths Day

02/04/20 Rama Navami

03/04/20 Easter Class assembly

End of term at 12.30pm. Break Up