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1. “Congress Committee President Mesage”

2. AIESEC Mexico National Committee 13-14

3. What is AIESEC?

4. What is Momentum?

5. International Start-Up Meeting

6. Business Forum

7. Regional Alumni Congress and AIESEC Alumni International Congress

8. Iberoamerican Leadership Congress

9. America’s Youth to Business Forum

10. Business Trip

11. Special Events

11.1. Global Village

11.2. Gala Dinner

11.3. Mexican Night

12. Partners and Allies

13. Congress Committee

14. Special Thanks




















Dear Partners, AIESEC members, AIESEC Alumni, and friends,

Momentum Mexico 2014 has been one of the biggest challenges during my AIESEC experience and I’m pretty sure that it also was for all the CC as well. Many challenges were faced, nevertheless, we learned how to deal with most of the problems, even those that seemed impossible. In the end we learned that success comes only after a lot of effort and passion invested in what we strongly believe.

When AIESEC Mexico got the opportunity to make the next AIESEC Regional Conference we wanted to show to the world that Mexico is not only parties and pyramids. More than that, Mexico is folklore, culture, exotic gastronomy, hospitality, friendship, inspiration, business environment and by throwing:

• 7 agendas at 8 different venues in 10 days

• 2 study tours

• A business trip

We’ve just set THE precedent! At the same time we made history we achieved the main purpose of this conference’s CC: have the delegates and assistants take back home their best “Mexican experience”.

I would like to thank to all the Congress Partners, AIESEC alumni, more than 800 Momentum delegates and assistants, all members of AIESEC Mexico that worked together with us and made this incredible project possible and finally to the most amazing conference team, their enthusiasm, passion and hard work is the perfect example of what Mexican people is capable of doing when gathering for one same purpose.

César Orlando Embriz RuizCongress Committee PresidentMomentum Mexico 2014

A MessageCongress Committee Presidentfrom the

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” -Mark Twain




Better FasterStronger

AIESEC in the worldPresence in more than 124 countries

+1600 universities

+50,000 members

15,000 socialinternships

+10,000 professionalinternships

+10,000 leadership roles

+5,000 partners

+20 localoffices

+470 internationalconferences

67 years of experience

+80 universities

+100 partners

+1000 members

+200 professionalinternships

+200 leadership roles

AIESEC in Mexico

4 nationalconferences

In March 2013 Mexico was selected to host the 2014 Latin American regional conference of AIESEC, where the 350 top leaders of the region would gather. Simultaneously, AIESEC Alumni chose Mexico as their next destination for both their Latin American and Global meetings of 2014.

Hence, Momentum Mexico 2014 became the convergence point where 500 current and former AIESEC members from 30 countries, plus invited guests, partner companies of Mexico and the world, met in a 3,000 people, 10-day, 6-events agenda.

Momentum 2014 became an integral event where AIESEC in Mexico showcased the country within the region as its leader on three fronts:

• Youth Development

• Business Growth

• Entrepreneurial environment

Mexico today leads the region in these three fronts, and we wanted to highlight not only how in AIESEC Mexico is growing at a higher pace than the rest of the world. Not only it’s economical growth, but it’s the well-being of its citizens and the prosperity that entrepreneurship promises, that Mexico is on a roll.

We achieved this by organizing 6 sub-events:

International Startup Meeting (ISUM)Target: Young entrepreneurs from Mexico and Latin AmericaPlace: ITAM

An agenda to display the immense growth in the entrepreneurial ecosystem in our country. How to start a business? How to grow it and make it successful? How to fund it?

Business Forum (BF)Target: Businessmen of Mexico and Latin America, and university studentsPlace: Universidad Panamericana

Demonstrate to business people of the region all the growth and push our country has in the economic and business fronts, focusing in 4 industries: energy, construction, telecommunications and digital commerce.

Iberoamerican Leadership Congress (ILC)Target: Young AIESEC membersPlace: Fiesta Americana Reforma

The annual gathering of young people to discuss global and regional trends, and adjust the AIESEC strategy accordingly.

Regional Alumni Congress / AIESEC Alumni International Congress (RAC/AAIC )Target: Former AIESEC membersPlace: Fiesta Americana Reforma

The annual gathering of Latin American and Global heads of alumni associations of AIESEC to elect their new presidents, self-organize business and expand their companies to new territories.

America’s Youth To Business Forum (Y2B)Target: University studentsPlace: Papalote Museo del Niño

An open to the public event where young people met with business leaders to answer questions like: Why the research, development and innovation in education & technology are important to create economic development? Why sustainability & renewable energies are the key elements to the XXI century economy?

Business Trip (BT)Target: Former AIESEC MembersPlace: Querétaro, San Miguel de Allende, León, Guadalajara

A government sponsored visitation of 40 potential investors and important AIESEC alumni and businessmen to witness the manufacturing industry growth of the “Bajío” region in Mexico.





200ISUM 150









International Startup MeetingBusiness ForumRegional Alumni CongressAIESEC Alumni International CongressIberoamerican Leadership CongressBusiness TripYouth to Business

March | Aprilisum BF RAC




24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 01 02 03 04 05 06

The International Startup Meeting was a 2 day platform where 300 delegates interested in Entrepreneurship gathered to gain valuable lessons in building a company, funding it and making it successful. ISUM gathered the following speakers and topics:


Itzel Villa Salinas, High Impact Entrepreneurship Director, INADEM (National Institute for Entrepreneurs), “Our commitment to entrepreneurs” and “Government programs for Entrepreneurs”.

Francisco Gil Díaz, CEO, Telefóinica Movistar y Centroamérica.

Pablo Hernández O’Hagan, CEO, Ingenia Digital Agency, “How to be a great entrepreneur?”

Dr. Armando Maldonado, ITAM Center of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, “I have an idea: what do I do with it”

David Fernandez, CMO, Symantec Mexico, “High Impact Innovation”

César Salazar, Venture Partner, 500 Startups, “What’s the profile of a company you can accelerate?”

Lourdes Núñez, Organizational Transformation Director, Elipsis Consulting, “Guided networking”.

Fernando Lelo de Larrea, Managing Partner, Angel Ventures Mexico, “Capital Funds: impulse to ignite growth”.

Juan Sandoval, Investment Fund Director, Nacional Monte de Piedad

Diego Lailson, Sub-Director, Mexican Stock Exchange, “Democratization of the access to finance and capital”

Karla Ivette Mawcinitt Bueno, General Coordinator of Communication and Image, PROMEXICO, “Global support programs for entrepreneurs”.

Julio R. Garza de Granda, CEO, World Innovation Expo, “Global trends in innovation”.

Mario André Marmissolle-Daguerre, Promotion and Development Director, Promotora Social Mexico

Juan Carlos Simón, Leader Partner of Entrepreneurial Development, PwC Mexico, “Strategic Planning and Business Modeling”.

Miguel Duhalt, Investment Manager, Adobe Capital

Alejandro Villanueva, Director, POSiBLE, “Social Entrepreneurship Panel”

Gabriel Chayres Cavazos, Director General, Wayra, “Entrepreneurship as means to positive impact”.

Juan José Mora Villanueva, CEO, Atlantia Search, “Key growth lessons for Young companies”.

“The relevance of entrepreneurship in Latin America”

“Sustainability in social impact”

Fabian Gosselin, CEO, Alsea, “Inspirational Leadership”

Héctor Cruzado, CEO, Zoe Water, “Dare to be an entrepreneur: awarding DARE Project winners”



The startup challenge was conceived to award the highest potential business ideas among young people. From 54 validated applicants, 10 pre-selected startup ideas or early development projects coming from young university students in Mexico were pitched to a bank of 5 experts:

• Alejandro Villanueva, CEO at POSiBLE.

• Cristian Huertas, Projects Director at Angel Ventures México.

• Jorge Lozano: Managing Director of Elipsis Consulting.

• José Carlos Solorzano, Managing Director at Global Capital Services

• Víctor Manuel González: Co Director of the Center of Creativity, Entrepreneurship and Innovation at ITAM.

62 hours of consulting for strategic

development by our sponsor and partner


Access to the entreprenurial

development camp by Posible.

Financial Management Course by Bolsa

Mexicana de Valores.


“Business on wheels”

“Mobile applied creativity”

“SA3: Advanced Analysis Aerial Systems”

Pamela Calzada Bojórquez and Francisco

del Río SuárezMarcos Vázquez Trejo, Juan Carlos Valencia Hernández, Irving Emmanuel González

Guevara, Luis Alberto Bautista Mora

Precision agriculture through drone engineering.

Operation, administration and

development of mobile restaurant concepts.

Technology tool that enables chat communication between

two entities that type in different languages.

282 Entrepreneurs

16 countries

16 hours of


20 speakers



3awarded projects

413 likes on

facebook event


The Top 3 winners were so impressive that our sponsors decided to provide the benefits to all three of the winners.

Business Forum was a space where 450 Mexican and Latin American business, ages 25 to 73 years old, gathered at Universidad Panamericana, to receive talks and workshops from leaders of our busi-ness society. BF covered 4 tracks that specially dedicated time to discuss the growth of 4 industries in


• Luis Bonner de la Mora, Dean, Universidad Panamericana, welcome message

• Dr. Fernando Aportela Rodríguez, Undersecretary of the Treasury, “The national perspective of the Mexican Economy”

• Dr. Massimo Michaud, Former CEO of AXA, “The foreign perspective of the Mexican Economy”.

• Carlos Manuel Joaquín González, Federal Undersecretary of Tourism, “Investment opportunities in Mexican tourism”

• Carlos Alberto Carrizales, Human Resources Director at Chrysler Mexico, “Organizational Culture: key to achieving results”

There hasn’t been a time like this for the Hispanic America economy: it’s poised to do at last what it has

been expected to do for the last 30 years: grow together”. -Juan Manuel Ferrón Solís, PwC Hispanic America.

• Juan Manuel Ferrón Sólís, Managing Director for PwC Hispanic America, “Strategies to capitalize global opportunities in the domestic market”

• Carlos Slim Domit, CEO and Chairman of the Board at Grupo Carso, “Passion as the key to success”

• Agustín Cáceres, CEO of Store Development Organization, “Planning with discipline, executing with excellence”.

• Héctor Márquez Pitol, Commercial Development Director, ManPower México, “The highlights of ManPower group”.

• Michael Coate, Chief Financial Officer, Scotiabank Mexico, “Banking in Latin America”.

• Alexandro Debler Berentsen, Strategy and Market Intelligence, Siemens Mesoamerica, “How can Mexico better exploit its solid economic foundation”.

The following speakers were present at Business Forum 2014:



Telecommunications CONSTRUCTION












Con lo cual ofrece a sus clientes: "Soluciones integrales a la medida de las necesidades particulares de cada uno"

GNK Logística en e l Sector Salud se h a especializado e n desarrollar e i mplementar modelos de dotación de insumos médicos para las unidades de salud públicas, farmacias y hospitales, hechos a la medida de cada necesidad e incluyendo aquellas unidades en poblaciones rurales remotas y de difícil acceso

GNK Logística en su sector marítimo combina los conocimientos y l a experiencia que sus expertos navieros han acumulado en más de 100 años de vida profesional para o frecer s ervicios especializados en las áreas de logística y del transporte marítimo multimodal.

GNK Logística cuenta c on la infraestructura necesaria para llevar a cabo servicios de cruce de anden al contar con centros de distribución de gran capacidad y ubicados estratégicamente e n la República Mexicana. A sí c omo también para la consolidación y elaboración de pedidos para la entrega con el cliente final.

GNK Logistica S.A. de C.V. (GNKL) es una empresa 100 % mexicana, dedicada al diseño y desarrollo de sistemas l ogísticos del m ás a lto n ivel t ecnológico a n ivel nacional e internacional, y que cuenta con:

GNKL se integra por las siguientes unidades estratégicas de negocio y con las cuales ofrece a sus clientes las soluciones integrales de logística que mejor satisfacen sus necesidades:

InfraestructuraHerramientasExperiencia probada en campoSolidez financieraConocimientos adecuados e inteligencia Personal altamente capacitadoValores agregadosAlianzas estratégicas


GNK Logística en el Sector Salud se ha especializado en desarrollar e implementar modelos de dotación de insumos médicos para las unidades de salud públicas, farmacias y hospitales, hechos a la medida de cada necesidad e incluyendo aquellas unidades en poblaciones rurales remotas y de difícil acceso.Cada modelo de dotación es creado a la medida de cada cliente. Desde la planeación de una infraestructura adecuada para cada necesidad hasta el desarrollo de las herramientas apropiadas que garanticen la distribución y el abasto continuo, oportuno y suficiente a cada unidad y de cada insumo.GNKL ha creado sistemas propietarios que permiten un abasto adecuado con un control de la distribución, medición de los consumos y el mantenimiento de inventarios ideales en cada unidad de salud. Sin importar el tamaño o tipo de las mismas, ya sean centros de salud rurales, centros de salud urbanos, farmacias de centros de salud urbanos y hospitales, y almacenes hospitalarios y jurisdiccionales.Los sistemas y herramientas de GNKL generan y mantienen una base de datos, que puede colocarse en la Web a solicitud del cliente, y que proporciona permanentemente todo tipo de información estadística sobre las necesidades, consumos y movimientos de cada insumo, así como el conocimiento sobre la entrega de cada insumo al usuario final.

GNKL en el los distintos proyectos que ha participado dentro del sector salud ha realizado lo siguiente:

En poco más de 6 años se han distribuido cerca de 62 millones de piezas de insumos médicos y con un valor aproximado de 900 millones de pesos.

Se atienden más de 900 puntos de entrega cada mes y de los cuales en su gran mayoría son unidades de salud (rurales, urbanos y hospitales) y que a su vez corresponden a más de 1,000 consultorios visitados cada 30 días.

Respuesta inmediata a contingencias y eventos inesperados.

Regularización de inventarios, conteos y controles en las unidades de salud.

Ha llegado a los puntos más remotos e inaccesibles para la entrega adecuada y oportuna de los insumos médicos a las unidades de atención.

Atención y calidad en el servicio en todo momento.


The RAC and AAIC Meetings were simultaneously held from March 27 to March 30th in Fiesta Amer-icana Reforma, in the heart of the Business District of Mexico City. The openning event for Alumni took place in the “Castillo de Chapultepec” with a concert by the Camerata ITAM and a guided visit to our special guests from 32 countries, this event was organized and sponsored by one of our main partners GNK Logística.These alumni meetings are annually held since 2005, with the previous editions being celebrated in Panama and Vienna, for the RAC and AAIC respectively.The main objectives of the RAC & AAIC were: • Improvement of alumni programs • Election of new Presidents for AAIB and AAI • Alignment of the mission, values and objectives of the national alumni associations of AIESEC around the worldCongratulations to César Macías Silva, from Mexico, elected President of AIESEC Alumni Iberoamer-ica and to Andy Rowe, from the United States, elected President of AIESEC Alumni International.

Regional Alumni Congress / AIESEC Alumni International Congress











The Iberoamerican Leadership Congress gathered more than 350 top leaders of AIESEC from the Latin American region, these included the following countries:

With visitors from other entities of the AIESEC network such as the Canada, Lebanon, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, India, United States, and Egypt, ILC totaled 350 young leaders from AIESEC that during 7 days discussed about the world’s problems and their solutions through leadership, innovation and sustainability.

• Argentina

• Bolivia

• Brazil

• Chile

• Colombia

• Costa Rica

• Ecuador

• El Salvador

• Guatemala

• Mexico

• Nicaragua

• Panama

• Peru

• Puerto Rico

• Venezuela


“Being part of ILC 2014 changed my life. It helped me connect with young people like me, change my perspectives on global

issues and think of solutions today”. Daniela Zapata, Universidad del Norte, Colombia.




























America’sYouth to Business



Youth to Business is a global iniciative of AIESEC where Young leaders meet business leaders to discuss relevant topics of today. The Americas Youth to Business 2014 was held in Mexico City, where the previous editions were held in Panama City, Panama; Viña del Mar, Chile; Aguadilla, Puerto Rico; and Lima, Perú.

In the 2014 edition, Americas Y2B discussed one central and four supporting topics:

How do we create Momentum in the Americas?INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGYWhy are research, development and innovation in education & technology important to create economic development?SUSTAINABILITYWhy sustainability & renewable energies are the key elements to a XXI century economy?WOMEN’S ROLEWhat it is the role of women in the economy and how this will increase the GDP in almost 1%?OPPORTUNITIES FOR ALLHow the government, companies, NGO’s and youth could work together to finish the economic disparity & gaps?

Americas’ Youth to Business 2014 was held in Papalote, Museo del Niño. It was hosted by Felipe Cárdenas, AIESEC Alumnus and founder of 7 companies in the United States and Colombia, and Fátima Rocha, founder of Energy Depot and Enersureste, high-profile startups in the field of renewable energies.


2014 is a key year for Mexico not only because of all the structural changes in course but because for the first time in history, AIESEC in Mexico had the opportunity

of being the host of an event that looked for the positioning of Mexico as a Latin American leader in 3 axix: youth development, business and entrepreneurship.

Alejandro Villanueva, Director of POSiBLE

Opening Ceremony:

Mary Shuttleworth, President of Youth for Human Rights International

During her opening remarks, Mrs. Shuttleworth emphasized the relevance of human rights as the basis for sustainable and equal development in countries, and urged the young audience to take action in this front in their own local environments.

José Manuel Romero, President of IMJUVEOn behalf of the Federal Social Development Secretary, Mr. Romero highlighted that Mexico has experienced an economic growth period that will represent more opportunities for the young. “Changing a country requires energy, technology, creativity, but above all, determination attitude and will… Iberoamerica will be as prosperous as the contributions young people like you, make to their environment”.

Morning Panel:Televisa, Nacional Monte de Piedad, and POSiBLE, introduced the following speakers in a panel to discuss: “How do

Alejandro Villanueva; Director de PosibleKarla Breceda; El Buen SocioLeticia Jaúregui; CreaJimena Pardo; CarrrotHéctor Iriarte; Tu OlaJavier Okhuysen y Carlos Orellana; Sala Ino.

Right afterwards a second panel was formed, with the following participants:Edgar Barroso: 60 minutos por México, founderJulio Garza: World Innovation Expo, CEOPatricia Sierra: Pies Descalzos Foundation, Executive DirectorEugenia Garduño: OECD Center in Mexico for Latin America, DirectorRaúl Arias: Youth for Human Rights Mexico, President.


Technology Robert Bosch – Presented by CEO René Schlegel Tata Consultancy Services – Presented by Global Coordinator Teofil Shikov PwC – Presented by Hispanic America Manager, Mariano Errichiello Innovation and Entrepreneurship T Systems – Presented by CEO, Federico Casas Volkswagen – Presented by Vice-president, Friso Strahman CONOCE – Presented by CEO, Felipe Lara Opportunities for All Assist Card – Presented by CEO, Alexia Keglevich Zoe Water – Presented by CEO and Founder, Héctor Cruzado Youth For Human Rights – Presented by President, Dr. Mary Shuttleworth Closing the GAP Angel Ventures – Presented by Project Analyst Alexander Honjiyo Nacional Monte de Piedad – Presented by Manager Gerardo Piña


After the workshops, Luis Michel Dörrbecker spoke about the importance of road safety in young people, within the frame of the Global Initiative of FIA for Road Safety. After his contribution the hosts welcome


24 33

The Business Trip was the last Momentum 2014 event to take place. 40 high profile former AIESECers visited the cities of: • Guanajuato • León de los Aldama • Querétaro • GuadalajaraThroughout their journey, they were received by different government agencies and AIESEC communities. They were able to witness important milestones in the economic growth of the bajío region, such as the Guanajuato Puerto Interior, the Guadalajara Technology Park and the facilities of companies like Bombardier, Nissan and Tata Consultancy Services.





GLOBAL VILLAGEOn the afternoon following the opening of Momentum Mexico 2014 in Fiesta Americana Reforma, the delegates of all agendas gathered in the “Parque Lincoln” in the residential area of Polanco in Mexico City, so that young AIESEC members could display their national cultures and heritages through folklore dancing, display of food and beverages of the different visiting countries, and of course, traditional dresses of the region. Mexico shined thanks to the sponsoring of the President’s office for national branding, which allowed us to display the best of a modern and dynamic Mexico vs. the traditional natural-developing country image.


The delegates of Momentum Mexico 2014, invited guests and friends, totaling 800 assistants, gathered on March 28th in the Colegio de Vizcaínas San Ignacio de Loyola, in the heart of Mexico City, to celebrate the achievements of the last 12 months and award the best Local Committees in the region. We congratulate AIESEC in Argentina, who took most of the awards for that night.


MEXICAN NIGHTThe following day, the hosting AIESEC in Mexico invited all the participants plus guests and friends, totaling 1000 assistants, to the “Lienzo Charro del Pedregal”, where delegates where shown the Mexican folklore in food, games and horseback riding “charrería”, with a 40 minute long show, gifted by the Federación Mexicana de Charrería.


We are deeply thankful to the financial, human, services, logistic and in-kind donations from our spon-sors and partners. Naturally, Momentum Mexico 2014 would have been impossible without them. We were lucky enough to find partnering organizations that were also passionate about positioning Mexi-co as the regional leader in the four fronts we desired for MM14. We are proud and appreciative of the purposeful and committed contribution each of our sponsors made to this event.

Assist Card

We partnered with the world’s largest travel insurance company. With more than 40 years of experience and originally from Argentina, Assist-Card has the world’s largest solvers network. Assist-Card provided one of the largest financial contributions to the event, and through their services they kept our delegates safe and secure. By their sponsorships of this and other projects and events, Assist-Card is today one of AIESEC in México’s largest national partners measured by financial contribution. Also, we are really happy to have had them as one of our main speakers in Y2B.

The following sponsoring organizations contributed to Momentum Mexico 2014 in a fundamental, game-changing way. These organizations contributed an average of more than 400,000 MXN either in cash or in-kind, and showed committed action through advice and referral to the organizing committee throughout the planning and execution of the event. Our maximum gratitude and appreciation for them:

GNK Logística

GNK Logística was founded by one of our most prestigious and globally recognized AIESEC Mexico Alumni, Haruo Kano. It is a highly successful logistics, distribution and transportation company. GNKL gave not only consulting for our organizing committee, advice, references, and coaching, but also sponsored all the associated costs of our opening cocktail for Alumni in the Castillo de Chapultepec, transportation for alumni and student events, more than substantial funding and financing for the event. Since the year 2000, GNKL also sponsors the office space for the AIESEC national team in their corporate building

1 - Maximum Sponsors Category


Papalote Museo del Niño

A museum committed to providing young children, teenagers and adults with an experience that allows them to discover sciences like biology, physics, astronomy and chemistry since 1993. PMN made a significant in-kind contribution through a discount for the rental of their spaces for Youth to Business Forum. Their setting gave us the chance to showcase a vibrant and dynamic Mexico to more than 1,000 young people.

Grupo MontBlanc Banquetes

A company with more than 25 years of experience in the food and drinks industry with national positioning amongst the top banquets companies in the country; organizes events for up to 10,000 people in key locations. AIESEC is grateful to them for their excellent and reliable services, in addition of their provision of a substantial discount for our special events: Gala Dinner and Mexican Night.


A private Ph.D.-granting research university located in Mexico City, Mexico. It is one of the nation’s preeminent institutions of higher learning, the best private university in Mexico. ITAM hosts one of the most successful AIESEC committees in the region thanks to a continued support over 50 years that spans from the President of ITAM to most of the school’s executives. They continually show support for AIESEC and made a financial contribution to the event on top of lending us their facilities for ISUM.

PwC México

Part of the recently championed world’s largest professional services company, a leading and highly recognized consulting and audit firm. PwC not only sponsored MM14 with one of the largest financial contributions, but also gave us speakers in BF, Y2B and ISUM, and will provide the necessary accounting services to ensure the legality of MM14. PwC also gave consistent advice for the event through AIESEC Alumnus and CEO of PwC Hispanic America, Juan Manuel Ferrón. PwC México is also a national partner of AIESEC, taking probably the largest amount of AIESEC interns in the world for a single location.

Citi Traductores

One of the most prominent translation and languages services company in Mexico, funded by AIESEC Alumnus Miguel Ángel Cárdenas. Citi provided us with fundamental live translation services for our foreign delegates in our events, supported us with offices for the organizing committee, and made an appreciated financial

The following organizations allowed Momentum Mexico 2014 to operate more efficiently, to have high-er financial capacity, and to provide a quality experience for the delegates. These organizations con-tributed an average of around 200,000 MXN either in cash or in-kind, and provided additional support for the organization of the event.


2 - Enablers Category

Colegio Vizcaínas de San Ignacio de Loyola

A mixed space of a college that operates for children since 1767, a prestigious center for social events, and a museum that holds precious historic items of the baroque Mexico from the 18th century. We are grateful for the significant in-kind discount they gave MM14 to organize our gala dinner in an elegant and world-class location.


Mexico’s Youth National Institute, IMJUVE was a key supporter in their connection with eminent speakers and other financial sources. IMJUVE was present in Y2B through their General Director and after MM14 has found in AIESEC a great ally in the generation of a new entrepreneurial and responsible leadership in young people. After MM14 IMJUVE has already signed as national partner of AIESEC and is sponsoring a project for developing young people in abroad experiences.


Posible is a program to support the talent, energy and innovation of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs who want to have a high social impact sponsor by Mexico’s Nacional Monte de Piedad and Fundación Televisa. Posible provides training, tools and resources to develop new businesses.They kindly provided MM14 with a solid wireless internet connection to more than 1,000 delegates of Y2B in their venue. We are appreciative of their contribution.

Universidad Panamericana

Mexico’s Youth National Institute, IMJUVE was a key supporter in their connection with eminent speakers and other financial sources. IMJUVE was present in Y2B through their General Director and after MM14 has found in AIESEC a great ally in the generation of a new entrepreneurial and responsible leadership in young people. After MM14 IMJUVE has already signed as national partner of AIESEC and is sponsoring a project for developing young people in abroad experiences.

Promotora Social

An organization that seeks the integral development of the most underprivileged people by promoting sustainable social projects. We are thankful for their significant financial contribution and their commitment to a better Mexico through their everyday work. PMS demonstrated to be a purposeful organization that also saw solid motives to support youth leadership development at MM14.

Nacional Monte de Piedad

Mexico’s largest charity contributor, a private assistance non-profit institution. They constitute the largest network of pawn financing for Mexicans, operating since 1775. We are thankful for their significant financial contribution and for their presence as speakers in ISUM where they gave us important insights about entrepreneurship.



Robert Bosch is a German multinational engineering and electronics company headquartered in Gerlingen, near Stuttgart, Germany. We’ve been working with our trainees in Bosch since 5 years ago with excellent results and looking for to growth the relationship between us. This time they decided to participate on the Y2B with their CEO on a workshop. Their main concern it’s about technology and the influence of the daily life as an educational aspect. They want to work more with the outputs of this session. Bosch is a local partner of AIESEC in Instituto Politécnico Nacional.


One of the oldest chocolate companies in the United States is a partner of AIESEC Mexico through its Local Committee in Guadalajara working with trainees of the internship program. HERSHEY’S has sponsored in-kind a ton of different products for conferences and provided vital energy during “Momentum Mexico 2014”.

Pequeño Cuervo

Pequeño Cuervo is a group of three entrepreneurs that develop mobile applications and support the realization for an app that managed the materials and inventory of Momentum Congress. Also, the support our webpage and they are part of the National Committee Partners.


Calzedonia is an Italian company that manufactures intimate apparel, hosiery and beachwear for women, men and children. Founded by two prestigious business men and proud AIESEC alumni from Italy. Calzedonia financially contributed enthusiastically to MM14 and we are grateful for their appreciation of AIESEC in Mexico and the world. Calzedonia is a local partner of AIESEC in Universidad Panamericana.

The following organizations contributed an average of around 50,000 MXN either in cash or in-kind, and provided additional support for the organization of the event. These are companies that have sup-ported AIESEC throughout several projects in the recent decade, so we’re grateful to their continued support of our endeavors.

323 – Supporters Category


One of the world’s leading shipping, logistics and supply chain management corporations. FedEx contributed to AIESEC through an appreciated financial contribution and continued support for our organizing committee. FedEx contributed to AIESEC with a deep belief in the need for youth leadership development thanks to their Marketing Director and honorary AIESEC alumnus, Fernando Juárez.


Bimbo aim to achieve in 2015 to become the best baking company in the world and a leader in the food industry, where people make the difference every day. They strive to be a highly productive and deeply humane company. Bimbo has sponsored in-kind the organization of Business Forum and Americas Youth to Business Forum.

Vitamin Water

Vitamin Water is a product line of The Coca-Cola Company that enhances hydration with vitamins and other energetic ingredites. In Mexico they supported our event with more tan 1000 bottles of their product and marketing materials.

Pilotos por la Seguridad Vial

Pilotos por la Seguridad Vial is an initiative that adds the efforts of the Federal Government through the Ministry of Health, the International Automobile Federation (FIA) Mexico, Scuderia TELMEX Mexican Red Cross and other public and private institutions and aims to create a culture that allows road in Mexico save over 60,000 lives in the remainder of the decade. AIESEC and PXSV have been working since January 2013 delivering the strategy in the Universities that participate within AIESEC Programmes.


Copa Airlines

Compañía Panameña de Aviación (COPA) was founded in 1947 as the national airline of Panama. It began operations with domestic flights to three cities in Panama. Currently we have over 66 destinations in 29 countries to North, Central, South America and the Caribbean. Copa gave 15% to 20% discount on ticket purchase tickets to all delegates who flew from March 23 to April 10 bound for Mexico City.


Uber is evolving the way the world moves. By seamlessly connecting riders to drivers through our apps, we make cities more accessible, opening up more possibilities for riders and more business for drivers. From our founding in 2009 to our launches in over 70 cities today, Uber’s rapidly expanding global presence continues to bring people and their cities closer. They kindly provided MM14 with transportation for more than 500 delegates. We are appreciative of their contribution.

Banco Base

They have 25 of expertise and continue to evolve as a Financial Institution. Focused on promoting service, they have achieved solid growth and a solid portfolio of services. Banco Base count with offices and strategic alliances set in Mexico, and Canada that provides highly efficient financial services with the main national and international banks ensure our transparency, reliability and promptness. They support the Congress with 1,520 water bottles for ISUM.


As a transport operator company LIPU combines major technological advances and infrastructure and better trained staff, so that they are one of the best companies nationwide for their competitiveness. Its competition gives them the best experience in comfort, safety, technology vanguardía and confidence you need. Lipu support the event with in-kind donation for the transportation of delegates to the Global Village, Gala Dinner, Mexican Night and Americas Youth to Business Forum, we are very gratefull and happy to collaborate with them for this and many other AIESEC events.


Web-based company, developer of a web and mobile app that enables users to request a high-end car with chauffeur at affordable rates knew AIESEC thanks to our ER team that talk to them to create a value proposition for their new service of low end service and promote their brand through our alumni network. Cabify had a lot of exposure through our social media and they are willing to work on the future for conferences.

Zoé Water

A leading company in the distribution and production of alkaline water in Mexico. Zoe Water showed a committed support for the event participating as speakers in Youth to Business where they infected the delegates with a deep entrepreneurial spirit. They were also kind enough to provide the necessary bottled water to undertake our entire event, for which we are deeply thankful.

Oscar Hackman

A firm dedicated to women clothes has been with AIESEC since three years ago on several conferences. The founder of Oscar Hackman, B.A. Oscar Gálvez, alumnus of AIESEC participated on an internship in Mexico 20 years ago. He decided to stay in Mexico for making Business. Oscar Hackman, recognized brand within several retail sellers in Mexico participated in Momentum as sponsor.


An American multinational technology and consulting corporation, and one of the world’s largest private employers. IBM donated in-kind products and services for the organization of Momentum Mexico 2014 and made an appreciated financial contribution.


Engineered solutions with global reach. Customers benefit from Penske Logistics’ years of experience applying practical creativity to develop optimal logistics solutions. Their industry knowledge and technical capabilities enable them to implement the most advanced supply chain solutions in use todayPenske made an appreciated altruistic financial contribution to MM14.

The following organizations, even without a large corporate background, made an appreciated contribution of an average 10,000 MXN either in cash or in-kind. We are grateful to each and every one of the efforts they made.


4 – Philantropy Category


Immigration experts. A growing immigration consulting and intellectual property services company originated in Querétaro by AIESEC alumnus César Rodríguez. CZR provides its services to clients that range from small family businesses to Fortune 500 companies. We appreciate their financial contribution to MM14.


A growing digital marketing services agency founded by Dora Salemi, notable AIESEC alumnae from Italy and now supported also by her partner and AIESEC International Hall of Fame member, Walter Heredia. DS MKT kindly managed our social media and digital communications activities.


The firm with military nanotechnology to waterproof iPhone Smartphone, mobile, iPad, iPod and all your electronic devices from water damage and moisture wanted to expand their market in Mexico through our huge network of young people and entrepreneurs. Nanostate it’s looking forward to participate through our events and promote their excellent product.


Symantec Corporation is an American computer security, backup and availability solutions Software Corporation. They loved the AIESEC way as soon as we show up at a meeting with the CFO and an alumnus, our energy, our work and our passion for what we do is what they looked for joining us in our event. They participated at ISUM on Momentum with one of their allies and prime leaders on IT consultancy services.

The following organizations kindly accompanied us in one or more of our sub-events. They provided us with key speakers and information to ensure MM14 gave the value we wanted to imprint in our agendas and activities. We are thankful for their time and commitment.


5 – Speakers Category

Fondo Mixto de Promoción Turística

“El Fondo Mixto de Promoción Turística” is an entity of the Federal District, whose main function is to implement, advising and financing plans, programs and actions in order to promote tourism in Mexico City. They kindly donated 80 special tickets to “Turibus” in Mexico City for delegates and marketing material.

The operational budget for AIESEC Iberoamerican Leadership Congress 2014 “Mo-mentum Mexico 2014” was determined by the CC, MC and Alumni. The total op-erational budget was financed through ILC Delegates Fee (30%) and revenue from national sponsorships, donations and grants (70%). The budget gap was covered by AEISEC Mexico A.C. and by AISEC Alumni members. Since AIESEC México is a non-profit association, all financial operations are set up with the intention do deliv-er global impact.


INCOMEFEES 2,242,452












Congress revenue from delegate’s fee along with some Alumni cash donations were entirely used to pay the ILC, AAIC and RAC corresponding meals, conference rooms, session’s materials and most of the expenses that took place at the ho-tel venue (48%). Other expenses such as transportation, internet, social networks coverage, office usage and simultaneous translation were covered with donations in kind. The revenue from sponsorships, donations and grants were used to cov-er the expenses related to all the events that did not took place at the hotel venue such as: ISUM, BF, Global Village, Gala Dinner, Y2B, Special Events and their corre-sponding transportation to each venue (52%). Some of these include venue rents, coffee breaks and special tours.





Revenue by Source




Given the sub-events included in “Momen-tum Mexico 2014”, each agenda had its own selling power, that is, the sponsorships, dona-tions and grants perceived had one or more driving event. In this sense, the event-driving distribution is as follows: 35% for ILC / RAC – AAIC / ISUM, 46% for Y2B and 23% for Spe-cial Events.From the aforementioned sponsorships, do-nations and grants, 28% was perceived in cash and 72% in kind. The revenues in kind include usage of several universities’ confer-ence halls, public buildings & places as well as museums of political and historical value to host all “Momentum Events”.From the total sponsorships, donations and grants 41% was covered by corporate enti-ties, 27% by non-profit organizations, 16% by partner universities, 10% by Alumni and 6% by government organizations.





Expenditures by AllocationBUSINESS TRIP






ExpendituresILC / RAC - AAIC / ISUM 4,173,856








Total Expenditures





38 Congress committee


“Teamwork, passion and trust in yourself are key elements that will let you overcome any problem and lead you success.”

Pili MoguelCCVP Delegate Service

“MOMENTUM for me was learning, challenges and experiences”

Omar ValenciaCCVP Marketing

“One of the most amazing adventures of my life.”

“Intense, challenging and fulfilling experience.”Fer CortesCCVP Logistics

“Best learning experience ever, made me grow professionally, as a person, a team member and as a leader , it showed me that I was capable of doing things I never expected I could do.” Pamela Rodriguez

CCVP Finance & Legal


Daniel VrennerProject Manager

“Momentum is the example that amazing things can be achieved with AIESEC and now more than ever the organization has the potential, along with our Alumni and Partners to engage and develop all young people

in the world.”

Orlando TellezCCVP Special Events

“A big experience where I had the opportunity to learn important things, know new friends for all the life and make a positive impact in every attendee.”

Isabel ArandaCCVP Youth to Business

“It was a challenging experience that helped me grow personally and professionally, we inspired, involved and acted together with companies and youth to contribute with our gain of stand for our country and be youth of

“Growth, learning, effort and dedica-tion to a common idea, AIESEC.”


Ricardo ChaveroCCVP External Relations

“Momentum has been my biggest challenge, re-ally hard work, but with a significant professional growth.”Mariela MarsdenCCVP Delegate Service

Paolla Ruiz OCVP Marketing Alumnil

Leonardo EstradaOCP Business Forum

Sandra VillaseñorOCVP Delegate Service Alumni


Gustavo CastellanosOCP International Start-Ups Meeting

Hugo Alfonso Preciado

“A trascendental experience, we created value and extraordinary achievements.”

“The best time of our lives.”

“Experience the magic of beeing AIESECer again... Long life connection and friends forever.”

“Lifelong learning, pure adrenaline rush, team work, a personal and professional challenge. Once an AIESECer, always AIESECer.”

“Momentum & Business Forum has been one of the best experiences, the team and the organization demonstrated our potential to Latin America”



Adriana PadillaAlejandro Villanueva

Arturo Villaseñor GarcíaAugusto Ortiz Gaxiola

C.P. Carlos Manuel Joaquín GonzálezClaudia Ocampo

Dr. Arturo Fernández Pérez Dr. Francisco Gil Díaz

Dr. Juan Carlos Mansur Dr. Luis Videgaray Caso 

Dr. Maximiliano EcheverriaDr. Pedro Aspe Armella

Dr. Rafael Fernández de CastroDr. Rafael Tovar y de Teresa

Dr. Victor Manuel González y GonzálezDra. Berenice Alcalde

Dra. Dolores Beistegui Rohan ChabotElías Dana

Eugenia GarduñoFabián Gosselin Fernando Juárez Friso Strahman

Gabriela Ruíz de la FlorHumberto García 

Irma Avila Javier Yoltic Medina Arellano

Jorge AbedJorge Alain García Chavero

Jorge Eduardo Lagunas Garza Juan Bautista 

Juan Carlos Cardona Aldave

Juan Daniel GarfiasJuan José Arreola Ruiz 

Juan Pablo Jiménez Poza     Juan Pablo Ramos Aguilera

Karla PonceLeonardo A García Osuna

Lic. Carlos Slim DomitLic. Esteban Rodríguez

Lic. Gerardo LimónLorena Mac Farland

María José González Marian Zamano

Mayte GoyaM.A. Daniela Ruiz Massieu

Miguel Cabral Alcocer Mtra. Claudia Ruiz Massieu Salinas

Mtra. Lilia Vargas AguayoMtra. Patricia Medina

Mtro. José Manuel RomeroNallely Vázquez Toledano

Pablo Arturo Martínez BourguetPablo Jorge Trejo Cervantes 

Patricia Sierra Roberto CamposRoberto Garza

Ruth MejíaSantiago Kano

Sara Sánchez Sánchez Santana Sergio Abelardo Ballado Lagunas

Tomás César Gutiérrez Patiño 





AIESEC StaffAldo Israel Pérez VarelaAlejandro Santa Cruz

Anastasia GutsolAndrea Ferrari Sobrevals

Belvin PachecoBrenda Hali Carrillo

Carlos Armando ChavezCarlos Herrera EspinosaCarlos Ramirez Perroni

Carolina MendozaCassandra Ruggeiro

Celeste GarcíaCésar Herrera Espinosa

Charlotte de RidderDanny Ivonne Vega

Dunia RíosEnrique Rosado López

Erick Francisco Xochipa RuizFernando ArnheiterFernando Laredo

Gloria FraustoIlse Hernandez Guzman

Ivan Casillas TovarJavier Hernández Morales

Jenny Reyna PortugalJimmer Andrés Alba Gutiérrez

Jorge Alberto Fernández José Alfonso González de la Torre

José Antonio José Luis Curi

Juan José Pérez Siete ColínKatarzyna KuchnowskaLissa Vargas Herrera

Luz Tereza MayerManuel Meza

Mario Cortés Salim Melissa Sánchez

Nadia Atenea Lombardo OrdazNancy Arroyo

Omar Rodrigo Díaz SaldañaOmar Said Rodriguez

Pamela Calzada BojórquezPebe Domínguez

Sabina Malacón MargollésSabino Alejandro Hernández Armas

Santiago CelesVíctor Manuel Varela Pérez

Zuriel Villegas Mata

42Adrián Lee

Adriana ErazoAlberto Ziehl

Anna Paolla Ruiz Galindo Beto Alonso Gallegos

Cecilio Aliaga César RodríguezCristian Huertas

Daniel HernándezDora Salemi

Fatima Rocha Felipe Cárdenas

Francisco Javier Santos PérezGustavo Castellanos

Haruo J. Kano Hugo PreciadoIdalia Pierdant Ismael Diakite 

José Luis LagunaJuan José Mora

Juan López SilanesJuan Manuel Ferrón Solís

Kevy Nathali Alcindor RangelLeonardo Estrada Lorenzo VianelloLuis Villanueva

Mariano Errichiello Marina Kano

Mauricio ArredondoMiguel Angel Cárdenas

Miguel Angel RubioNathaly Nuñez Octavio SotoOmar Abad

Oscar Alvarez Oscar Gálvez

Pedro Luis Pinson EdelenSandra VillaseñorVictor Hugo Ardón

Walter Heredia

We’re grateful to the following AIESEC Alumni for their advice and continued support