molecular chemistry of sol-gel derived nanomaterials€¦ · molecular chemistry of sol-gel derived...

Molecular Chemistry of Sol-Gel Derived Nanomaterials Robert Corriu, Universite ´ Montpellier II, France Nguy^ en Trong Anh, E ´ cole Polytechnique, CNRS, France

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  • Molecular Chemistry of

    Sol-Gel Derived Nanomaterials

    Robert Corriu,Université Montpellier II, France

    Nguyên Trong Anh,École Polytechnique, CNRS, France

  • Molecular Chemistry of

    Sol-Gel Derived Nanomaterials

  • Molecular Chemistry of

    Sol-Gel Derived Nanomaterials

    Robert Corriu,Université Montpellier II, France

    Nguyên Trong Anh,École Polytechnique, CNRS, France

  • Copyright # 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Originally published in French by École Polytechnique, # Robert Corriu and Nguyên Trong Anh, 2008(978-2-730-21413-1).

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    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Corriu, Robert.Molecular chemistry of sol-gel derived nanomaterials/Robert Corriu, Nguyên Trong Anh.

    p. cm.‘‘Originally published in French by École Polytechnique.’’Includes bibliographical references and index.ISBN 978-0-470-72117-9

    1. Colloids. 2. Nanofluids. 3. Nanochemistry. 4. Nanostructuredmaterials. I. Nguyên, Trong Anh, 1935- II. Title.TA418.9.N35. C68313 2009620.101–dc22 2008047063

    A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

    Typeset in 10.5/13pt Sabon by Thomson Digital, Noida, India.Printed and bound in Great Britain by TJ International Ltd, Padstow, Cornwall

    ISBN 978-0-470-72117-9 (HB)

  • Contents

    Preface ix

    About the Authors xiii

    1 Molecular Chemistry and Nanosciences 1

    1.1 Introduction 11.2 Scope and Origin of Nanosciences: The ‘Top-Down’

    and ‘Bottom-Up’ Approaches 21.3 Chemical Mutation: From an Exploratory

    to a Creative Science 41.4 Carbon and Ceramic Fibers:

    The Nanomaterial ‘Ancestors’ 91.4.1 Carbon Fibers 91.4.2 SiC, Si3N4 Ceramic Fibers 11

    1.5 Conclusions 14References 15

    2 Nano-Objects 17

    2.1 Introduction 172.2 Presentation of Nano-Objects 182.3 Synthesis of Nano-Objects 212.4 The Nano-Object: Entry into Nanosciences 22

    2.4.1 Nano-Objects and the Explorationof the Nanoworld 23

    References 24

  • 3 Introduction to Material Chemistry 27

    3.1 General Remarks 273.1.1 The Difference Between Materials

    and Chemical Compounds 283.1.2 Examples of Shaping and Use 29

    3.2 Inorganic Materials: Crystals and Glasses 303.3 Thermodynamically Controlled Organic-Inorganic

    Hybrid Materials 313.3.1 Crystalline Molecular Materials 313.3.2 Materials Derived from Hydrothermal

    Synthesis 323.4 Ceramic Materials Obtained from Organometallic

    Polymers: Ceramics with Interpenetrating Networks 343.5 Inorganic Polymer Materials (Sol-Gel Process) 38

    3.5.1 Inorganic Polymerization: An Introduction 383.5.2 Physical Characteristics of the Solid Obtained 463.5.3 Control of the Texture of Materials 513.5.4 Solid State NMR: A Very Useful Tool 57

    3.6 Inorganic Polymerization and Molecular Chemistry 613.7 Silica and Molecular Chemistry: A Dream Team 62

    3.7.1 Introduction to the Chemistry of Other Oxides 643.7.2 Generalization to Other Types of Combinations 65

    References 67

    4 From Nano-Object to Nanomaterial 71

    4.1 The Different Types of Nanomaterials 714.2 Inorganic Polymerization:

    A Major Route to Nanomaterials 734.3 Nanocomposite Materials 74

    4.3.1 Nanocomposites in Silica Matrices 744.3.2 Some Developments of Nanocomposites 754.3.3 Presentation of Potential New Matrices 76

    4.4 Grafted Materials 784.4.1 Advantages of Solid Supports 784.4.2 General Remarks 80

    4.5 Selective Separation 814.6 Materials Obtained by Polycondensation

    of Monosubstituted Trialkoxysilanes 844.7 Multistage Syntheses – Cascade Reactions 86References 87


  • 5 Nanostructured Materials 91

    5.1 General Remarks 915.2 Synthesis of Hybrid Nanomaterials 92

    5.2.1 General Remarks 925.2.2 Why Silicon and Silica? 935.2.3 Main Silylation Methods. Some Examples

    of Synthesis 955.3 Nanostructured Hybrid Materials 100

    5.3.1 Examples of the Materials 1005.3.2 Description of Nanostructured

    Hybrid Materials 1005.3.3 Some Characteristics 103

    5.4 Kinetic Control of the Texture of NanostructuredHybrid Materials 104

    5.5 Supramolecular Self-Organization Inducedby Hydrogen Bonds 104

    5.6 Supramolecular Self-Organization Inducedby Weak van der Waals Type Bonds 1075.6.1 What do We Mean by Self-Organization? 1075.6.2 Chemical Behavior and Self-Organization 1075.6.3 Study of Self-Organization 1135.6.4 Generalization of the Self-Organization

    Phenomenon 1175.6.5 Study of Tetrahedral Systems 1205.6.6 Kinetic Control of Self-Organization 1225.6.7 Some Reflections on the Observed

    Self-Organization 1265.7 Lamellar Materials 1285.8 Prospects 133

    5.8.1 General Remarks 1335.8.2 Properties Due to the Nano-Objects 1335.8.3 Influence of the Self-Organization

    on the Coordination Mode in the Solid 1345.8.4 Coordination within the Solid: A New

    Experimentation Field 1375.9 Some Possible Developments 138

    5.9.1 Preparation of Nanomaterialsfrom Nano-Objects 138

    5.9.2 Nanostructured Hybrids as Matricesfor Nanocomposite Material 139

    CONTENTS vii

  • 5.9.3 Inclusion of Hybrid Systems in Matricesother than SiO2 139

    5.9.4 Functionalization of the Matrices 140References 141

    6 Chemistry Leading to Interactive Nanomaterials 145

    6.1 Introduction 1456.2 Smart Materials 1466.3 The Route to Interactive Materials – Definitions 1476.4 Mesoporous Materials 148

    6.4.1 Production 1486.4.2 Some Examples of Mesoporous Silica 148

    6.5 Functionalization of the Pores 1506.5.1 Functionalization by Grafting 1506.5.2 Functionalization by Direct Synthesis 151

    6.6 Functionalization of the Framework 1546.6.1 Production of Periodic Mesoporous

    Organosilica 1556.6.2 Prospects and Challenges Opened up

    by these Materials 1566.7 Importance of Functionalization

    and of Weight Analyses 1586.8 On the Way to Interactive Nanomaterials 160

    6.8.1 Examples of Joint Functionalizationof the Framework and the Pores 161

    6.8.2 An Acid and a Base at the Nanometric Scale 1646.9 Preparation of New Matrices 1666.10 On the Way to Biological Applications 1676.11 Conclusions 168References 169

    7 Prospects and Stakes 173

    7.1 General Remarks 1737.2 Predictable Developments 174References 179

    Index 181

    viii CONTENTS

  • Preface

    The writing of this book was motivated by the ever increasing interest inthe rapid development of nanosciences and nanotechnologies. As scien-tists in the field, we are perturbed that nanosciences are de factoperceived as physics. Admittedly, the ‘‘nanoworld’’ is studied withphysical instruments (e. g. scanning, tunneling and atomic force micro-scopes) and these studies are important, as it is already known thatphysical properties vary at different scales. Also, nanotechnologies haveprecipitated a miniaturization race, especially in electronics, followingthe famous aphorism ‘There is plenty of room at the bottom’ (R. P.Feynman). This miniaturization is essentially carried out by physicalmethods. This has led to nanosciences and nanotechnologiesbeing identified by a large part of the general and the scientificcommunity as a new physical domain, and therefore as no concern tochemistry.

    It seemed necessary to us to amend this point of view by outliningthe possibilities opened up by chemistry in this very promising field. Letus remember that nanosciences study nano-objects (entities of nano-metric sizes) and their assembling into nanomaterials. Chemists havealways thought in terms of nanometric objects (atoms, ions, molecules,etc.). Chemical syntheses are a planned assembling of these elementaryunits. Thus the ‘bottom-up’ approach in nanosciences is simply anapplication of familiar chemical ways of thinking and doing in a newdomain.

    Chemistry has also become in the recent past a creative science. Toassert that chemists, with the tools already available, can prepare anyconceivable structure is neither false nor extravagant. Therefore, the‘know how’ of molecular chemists in synthetics can play a significant

  • role in nanosciences. This is presented in Chapters 1 and 2 withparticular emphasis on the potential development of new materialsexhibiting specific physical or chemical properties.

    The focus of this book is on the new possibilities in material scienceopened up by the recent advances in inorganic polymerizations, betterknown as sol-gel processes. These ancient methods1 sank into oblivionand were not rediscovered until the 1950s when chemists in the glassindustry took advantage of the passage through a viscous state in orderto shape the glasses and/or to transform them into coatings (see Chapter3). Even then, for many years the primary concern was with industrialproblems; only in the last twenty years have fundamental studies beenundertaken in order to exploit the potential of these methods morewidely.

    Sol-gel processes are inorganic polymerizations which obey similaralthough more complex rules to organic polymerizations. The solid statechemistry approach produces twomajor new routes to original materials.On the one hand, there are the ‘chimie douce’ (or ‘mild chemistry’)methods2 which allow complete compatibility between organic or biolo-gical and inorganic components. On the other hand, there are these sol-gelprocesses which lead to new materials through kinetically controlledsyntheses, a usable complementary alternative to the customary thermo-dynamically controlled syntheses. If we recall, traditional preparations ofglasses and ceramics take place at high temperatures (>400 �C and veryoften in the 1000–2000 �C range) which usually destroy organic andbiological molecules. Thus, what started as a simple improvement toindustrial processes has become a bona fide revolution which drasticallychanges inorganic synthesis.

    We can now prepare materials which were previously unfeasible; it isalready possible to obtain solids in which organic, organometallic oreven biological entities can be incorporated or chemically bonded toinorganic matrices. This could open up a whole new field of chemistryto be explored, as the majority of materials obtained up to now aresilicon hybrids, due to the ability of silicon to bind to carbon and tosustain controlled polymerization. We have not yet mastered the poly-merization of other oxides (SnO2, TiO2, Al2O3, NiO, etc.), in order totake advantage of their semiconducting (SnO2), photovoltaic (TiO2) ormagnetic (Fe3O4) properties (properties that do not exist in SnO2), nordo we know how to combine them with organic molecules. Likewise,nitride and phosphide matrices have not been studied yet. In time, thesehybrid organic-inorganic materials could become an inexhaustible


  • source of new materials. In Chapters 3–6 we show some initial resultswhich describe the present state of the art.

    Although many types of hybrids are described in this book, theemphasis is on nanostructured materials (Chapter 5). These materialscorrespond to the polymerization of organic entities having at least twocarbon atoms substituted by –Si(OR)3 groups. The hydrolytic (sol-gel)polycondensation of these precursors provides materials in which theorganic components are inseparable from the inorganic parts. Theorganic entities are evenly ordered in these solids, which for this reasonare called nanostructured hybrids. In fact, two independent organiza-tions are observed: a nanometric structure revealed by X-ray diffractionand a micrometric structure confirmed by white light birefringence. Thenanometric organization is generated in the colloidal sol phase and themicrometric organization during the ageing of the solid gel phase. Thistype of non-crystalline organization, never observed before, showsanother interesting feature of inorganic polymerization. It has beendetected with precursors having linear, planar, twisted or tetrahedralgeometries.

    Chapter 6 describes some developments of the mesoporous materialsdiscovered by Kresge et al.3 For the first time in the history of molecularand macromolecular chemistry, it has become possible to preciselylocate the relative positions of different chemical entities. When theseentities have distinct properties, materials can be obtained in whichinteracting properties occur at the nanoscale (until now such interactiv-ity has only been observed between supramicrometric layers). Indeed,molecules, organometallic or coordination complexes, and metallic orinorganic (oxides, nitrides, phosphides) nanoparticles can add differentphysical (magnetic, optical, electrical, etc.) or chemical (catalysis,sequestration, separation, etc.) properties.

    Some potential developments of the chemistry of hybrids will bepresented in Chapter 7, along with some present and future applica-tions. The molecular approach can fully exploit the synthetic capacitiesof chemistry and in contrast to the traditional one-step thermodynami-cally controlled preparations; sol-gel processes involve several kineti-cally controlled stages and allow the marriage of molecular chemistryand material science.

    Nanosciences are defined purely by the size of the objects studied. Thisis best served by the cooperation of various parties employing differentand complementary competencies in order to produce a multidisciplinaryapproach. Exploiting the materials’ properties requires teamwork of

    PREFACE xi

  • various expertises, ranging from molecular synthesis through physicalchemistry to technologies. New materials will result from this inter-disciplinary synergy and their preparation necessitates a diverse know-ledge base. Nanomaterials with interacting properties are no longer anideal (see Chapter 6).

    Robert Corriu,Université Montpellier II, France

    Nguyên Trong Anh,CNRS, France


    [1] (a) M. Ebelmann, Ann. Chim. Phys. 1846, 16, 129; (b) M. Ebelmann, C. R. Acad. Sci.

    Paris 1847, 25, 854.

    [2] (a) J. Livage, Chem. Scr. 1988, 28, 9; (b) J. Rouxel, Chem. Scr. 1988, 28, 33.

    [3] C.T. Kresge, M. E. Leonowicz, W. J. Roth, J. C. Vertuli, J. S. Beck,Nature 1992, 359, 710.

    xii PREFACE

  • About the Authors

    Robert Corriu

    Robert Corriu is Emeritus Professor at the University of Montpellier II(France). He is a member of both the French Academy of Sciences andthe French Academy of Technologies. He is the recipient of three majorinternational scientific prizes in the silicon field: Wacker Silicon Award(1998), Humboldt Research Award (1992) and the ACS Kipping Award(1984) and has also received accolades for his work from Japan andGermany. Working in the fields of organometallic chemistry and theorganometallic chemistry of silicon, Professor Corriu is particularlyinterested in the opportunities that molecular chemistry can create inthe field of materials science using the sol-gel process.

    Nguyên Trong Anh

    Nguyên Trong Anh was formerly Director of Research at the CentreNational de la Recherche Scientifique, Professor of Chemistry at theEcole Polytechnique (Palaiseau, France) and Editor in Chief of NewJournal of Chemistry. Trained as an experimental organic chemist, hebecame interested in applied theoretical chemistry and has worked onproblems of organic stereochemistry and reaction mechanisms. He is theauthor of several books including ‘‘Frontier Orbitals’’ and ‘‘Les R�egles deWoodward-Hoffmann’’ first published in 1971 which has since beentranslated into German, Italian, Spanish and Japanese.

  • 1Molecular Chemistry

    and Nanosciences


    Nanosciences study nano-objects, i.e. nanometric-size objects (1 nm¼1� 10�9m) and their transformation into nanomaterials.�†12Unquestion-ably, they represent a most promising field ofmaterial sciences for the nextfew years. The main challenge will be the control of physical and chemicalproperties by methods operating at atomic or molecular level.However, in the mind of many scientists, physics is the major factor in

    nanosciences, chemistry playing but a minor role. This opinion is largelythe consequence of the historical development of nanosciences, asexplained in the next section.The purpose of this book is to amend this view by pointing out the

    potential of chemistry in this area.We shall present in Section 1.2 the twoprincipal approaches in nanosciences (the ‘top-down’ approach whichreliesmostly on physics and the ‘bottom-up’ approachwhich is essentiallya matter of chemistry), and relate in Section 1.3 how chemistry hasevolved from an exploratory to a creative science. Chemistry can nowtackle successfully a great variety of problems, from the creation of new

    Molecular Chemistry of Sol-Gel Derived Nanomaterials Robert Corriu and Nguyên Trong Anh

    � 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    �Thus nanosciences are defined by the size of the objects, rather than by the nature of thephenomenon studied as in optics, electricity, etc. It follows that they are by definition

    multidisciplinary.†Nanomaterials differ from ‘ordinary’ materials in that their properties can be traced back to

    those of their nano-object component: in other words, these properties are already incorporated

    at the nanoscale.

  • materials to the synthesis of auto-organized systems which can almostmimic livingmatter.With the synthetic methods already perfected and/orto be discovered in the near future, chemistry can convert nano-objectsinto a vast number of operational materials, exemplified by carbon andceramic fibers, the forerunners of nanomaterials (Section 1.4).

    Nanosciences are multidisciplinary, with physics and chemistry asnatural partners. Chemistry can create new molecules, particles, nano-objects, etc., which can lead to innovative designs for new materials,e.g. materials in which several physical or chemical properties interact.If their preparation is the chemists responsibility, the studyandutilizationof these materials original properties come under the remit of thephysicist. Other disciplines may be involved as well. For instance, me-chanics will be implicated because no materials exist without mechanicalproperties.Mechanical attributes can also be fine-tuned at the nanometricscale. Biology is less directly involved because most biological entitiesexceed amicrometer in size; however, it will benefit from the developmentof nano-objects capable ofworking in a biological environment. Themostillustrative example is that of biosensors capable of detecting and mea-suring certain substances in situ (e.g. in blood). Furthermore, modelingbiological propertiesmay suggest newdesigns for nanomaterials.Thus themembrane phospholipids have served as a model for the development ofvesicle-forming surfactant compounds.

    Modern science is demanding, requiring expert knowledge from eachcontributing discipline. Only close cooperation between experienced andcompetent specialists, who are able to communicate with each other,understand each other and conceive a joint project, can lead to new andsignificant achievements.


    Although chemists handle objects of nanometric sizes daily, physicistsmust be creditedwith formalizing the concept of nanosciences. This is dueto two reasons.

    The first one is purely scientific. It comes from the quasi-certitude thatexploration of the ‘nanoworld’,1 that is to say matter at the nanometerscale, will lead to the discovery of new, unexpected physical properties.Indeed, it is known that physical properties are dependent on the obser-vation scale: studies at the micrometric scale will not reveal the same


  • properties as studies at the nanometric scale. Investigation of the behaviorof isolated units (metal atoms, particles,molecules) becomes possiblewiththe invention of the atomic force microscope and the scanning tunnelingmicroscope. Some results obtained are spectacular and open up excitingvistas to scientists. For example, physicists have been able to study thetransition of a single electron from the fundamental to the excited statein semiconductors as well as in suitably chosen organic molecules.IBM scientists have written their companys acronym on an appropriatesurface by displacing atoms one by one. To recap, physics has the instru-ments for exploring the nanoworld and the capacity to study and exploitthe (optical, electrical, magnetic, etc. . .) properties of nano-objects.The second reason, more technological, has economic motivations.

    Themass diffusion of electronic products and their involvement in almosteveryday activity have generated a mounting need for smaller and yetmore powerful microprocessors. This demand is quantified by the famousMoore lawwhich predicts that the performance of electronic componentsincrease by one order of magnitude every two years. Microprocessorsare, therefore, miniaturized and tend towards ‘nanoprocessors’. Thisapproach has been termed ‘top-down’ and corresponds to the firstmanifestation of the nanoscience concept. From an economic point ofview, the top-down methodology is unquestionably the most importantapproach at present and has created a lively international competition.There is also a symmetrical approach called ‘bottom-up’ in which

    the nanomaterial is chemically assembled from elementary chemicalcomponents, just like a wall is constructed from bricks andmortar.Whilethe top-down approach is essentially a miniaturization technology fromwhich chemistry is absent, the bottom-upapproach, basedon synthesis, fitsperfectly with chemical methodology. The building blocks – molecules,molecular complexes, atoms or aggregates, all entities whose sizes varyfromtenthsof ananometer to tensofnanometers – are familiar to chemists.The assembling methods (the masons mortar) use inclusion and poly-merizations of organic or inorganic entities. As shall be explained in thenext chapter, chemistry possesses all the necessary requirements fordeveloping nanosciences by the bottom-up approach.One of the most illuminating examples concerns the selective elimina-

    tion of lead from drinking water.2–4 After passage through a filteringcartridge, the Pb2þ concentration is

  • case, a Pb2þ -selective chelatingmoleculewas bonded to silica, resulting inamaterial, which can be shaped into cartridges. This example is proof thatchemistry can synthesize operational and selective nanomaterials.

    However, physics is not absent from the bottom-up approach. Somenano-objects, for example fullerenes and carbon nanotubes, can only beobtained by physical methods. There exist also physical assembling meth-ods: vaporphasedeposition,molecular beam, etc.All these approaches canlead to new materials.


    During the last fifty years, science has progressively metamorphosed.3

    Let us illustrate these changes with some examples, with particularemphasis on synthesis, which is the foundation of chemical creativity.

    A revolution in structural determination launched this chemicalmutation. In the late 1950s, recording spectrographs gradually allowedchemists to complete chemical analyses with physical methods (IR, UV,NMR, EPR, MS, X-ray diffraction, etc.) An exhaustive list would taketoo long and be too difficult to provide, with the number of theseidentification methods being very large and increasing by the day. Note,however, that chemical quantitative analysis remains a necessary safe-guard in material sciences (we shall return to this point in Chapter 6).

    These analytical tools have permitted a better comprehension of reac-tivity.Mastering the concepts governing the formationof chemical entities,the organization of solids and molecular structure has enabled chemists tosynthesize incredibly complexmolecules. Thus, Professor Y. Kishis grouphas prepared palytoxin, a natural product isolated from soft coral. Thiscompound5,6 possesses 62 chiral carbons and has 262 (�4� 1018) stereo-isomers (Figure 1.1). On account of the precision of existing syntheticmethods, it has been possible to produce the natural isomer.

    zAt the end of the nineteeth century, classical physics was a coherent corpus of doctrines, able torationalize practically all known phenomena, thanks to mechanics, thermodynamics and

    electromagnetism. As for chemistry, which was largely empirical during the nineteenth century,

    it had sufficiently progressed by the middle of the twentieth century to be considered as ‘havingcome of age’. Indeed, fundamental concepts like covalent bond or aromaticity, initially intro-

    duced empirically, can be explained by quantummechanics. Students no longer need to learn by

    rote hundreds of reactions; they have only to understand a dozen mechanisms (additions,

    eliminations, substitutions, rearrangements, etc.) Also, the number of complex multistagesyntheses already realized show that organic chemists could synthetize practically any existing




  • Other exotic molecules have also been made. One instance is cubane7

    (Figure 1.2) whose carbon atoms have valence angles of 90� instead of109� 280. Figure 1.2 also shows a tetrahedral polymetallic cluster whichcan be resolved into its two optical isomers8 and a scale polymer inwhich carbon atoms have been replaced by silicon atoms.9 Very differentelements can now be bonded together and the size of polymetallic clusterscontrolled.10,11 An outstanding achievement of inorganic chemistry is thesynthesis of superconductor ceramics (YBaCuO).12,13

    These – far from exhaustive – examples demonstrate that chemists cannow synthesize any imaginable structure. Chemistry has left for good theexploratory domain to become a science of creation.

    Figure 1.1 Palytoxin. Reproduced by permission of Lactualit�e chimique

    Figure 1.2 Some unusual compounds which have been synthesized. Reproduced bypermission of Lactualit�e chimique









    Double lipophilicchain

    SiO2 layers oninternal andexternal surfaces



    Figure 1.3 Preparation of vesicles with their internal and external surfaces protectedby a film of SiO2

    Let us mention also the recently published example of the cerasomes.14

    These vesicles have been obtained using specific chemical methodsmimicking the formation of biological membranes. The membrane ofthese vesicles is coated externally and internally with a molecular layer ofsilica, giving rise to well-defined systems, which, however, can undergocontrolled exchanges (Figure 1.3).

    This example shows that chemistry can synthesize not only newstructures but also structures with novel properties, for physical proper-ties can now be correlated with chemical structures. Since the 1970s,material sciences, particularly the chemistry of inorganic solids, haveextensively studied the physical properties of chemical products. Later on,macromolecular and molecular chemistries successfully prepared, fromorganic or organometallic building blocks, materials having specialphysical properties. Organic conductors were a historical watershed: forthe first time,molecular systems prepared bymethods of organic synthesisshowed conducting or even superconducting properties, which until thenwere specific of metals.15,16 Things fell into place when scientists realizedthat delocalized p electrons in unsaturated organic molecules are compa-rable with the electrons responsible for metal conduction and can there-fore induce the same properties. Subsequently, several other types ofpolymers with various physical properties have been discovered.17

    Figure 1.4 presents some conducting polymers, a piezoelectric polymerand some polysilanes endowed with (semiconduction, photo-oxidation,thermochromism) properties related to the Si�Si s bond.18 Study of theseproperties has led to a most interesting theoretical development.