mol. iv. houma, parish of terrehonne. la., s. irday ... · mol. iv. houma, parish of terrehonne....

I a GTJ 004 fsPIO Di( THIS. J. IIARGIS. DEVOTED TO LITERA'iSPE, THE ART, AND NEIVS~ TIHE DAY. TERhMS, $4 IN AI)VANCE. MOL. IV. HOUMA, PARISH OF TERREHONNE. LA., S. IRDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1858. NO. 26. URBURIPYItrON--Por Dullara a Year, In ndvlernee, If not pald wlthl• three mointhl, Five IDollars. 'ngle A D 10•RN I willhe inserted at the rantfa a One IUnilnrper ne r ltes,' for the first, and fiy uU t•inn raon # liberal IUSINEM C %RD n more thoun ie square, wm ie Insertedl at Five Doulnt" per annum. A; NI)U ON(I (JADIbATh-Ten D l larswilll-echarg. ed for annoaunchg C(Onlddates ror State and Parish ofoee: minor oliroed, Five Uolhtre, to lie puld for In. variably In advance. OARtOINAldI'1i1.ItOATI)NB.--Commnunte tlonsof nper. sones nature of suneh is are not deemed to he of pol lr Interest, inosy be Inserted as advert•sements (at the op tlin of thoedlitor,) iyheing pilidfiIr In dvanere. ALL ADVitLrt F.BIINTS for stranlers or teanluont per. l0on to Ie ioldIn advlanoe. AbVKltI'P(I1S IPN. not speclied as to the time will be published till countermanded il.nd harged accordlngly. but do idvertisement or subscription will be stopped 'until ail arrearages are paid, exceptit the option of the puhlisher. Marrlioga and deaths will be publlshed as news; oblltua rle and trlnatee of respect as adver•ielements. uhsbssiertM'lrs dvertlsers may remit money to us at our .i* and expfsnee. All J•b Work iunst be paid for a soon as delivered.5 The Law of Newspapers. I. Subahribers whodo not lgt express notice to the Contrary, areconsidered as wishing to continue theireub- .•lf ileserter ordertlhe di.rontlnuanoeof thelr news papers, the publisher may continue to send them until all arrearagles are plid. 3. If ,ulscrioers neglect orrefameto take their news- paperfromt the ooce to which they•are directed, they areresponslhle for them until they have settled their ills and ordered them discontinued. 4. The Courts hive decdled that refusing to take news.- pipers rrom the nfire,,ir removing and leaving them, un- oalled for, 1s prlmt fade evidence of intentional fraud 5. The IMnlted dtatevCoirts have also i.peatedly deci- dedl that t 'Postntater,whol neglects to give seauonanle notice, areredlredl by the Pootllbmre I)epartment, of the the neglect orrefual of a person to takefrom the office newspapers addressed to him,renders the Postmaster Ial ble lathe ihllisherrforthesoilsriptlonprice. DUTCH SHOT AGAINST CANNON SHOT. -TI'he greatest ammutnition that we have heard of lately, was usea•d by the celebrated Commodore Coe,ofthe Mt0nltevedian Navy. who, in an engagement with Admiral Brown of the [luenos A4yres service, fred every shot Iroi) his lockers. "What shall we do, sir ?" asked the first lieutenanut. We've not at single ahot nia board-rtalntd, grape, canistelr, double- headed, are tall gon." "Powder gonea, eh 1" asked Cue. round Dutl)ch oe for desert ai dinter " day, don't you It.• t-,,..... i, .,y ?i " a.k.d " t ,u, hlt to; I rh•akl the carving kni.e i lt l t i g l cot it. ".Ar II,,rtha saIly tit '' rl ll o ld ad!"i "Yea,. iL •ut w•Io dozell-we took Ihemn " 1 ill ;hey go into the eihteen pound.ti ,"Ill tiItilder, Comainodll.r, l . tlh Iat'is the, idl ! I'll try lthen," cried the first ielirlteiallllt. And ti i a lew momentllnls the fire of old 'nita 1larie (Ce's s hi p) whch had c:eal a ell aglirely, twas re.opllt'Ie d, tad AdI- Illniral Ilrawn fIntil aIle shot flyhg gaver Ilis head. I)irectly ot. of tlihenm silriuik his main nult, aniid ita it dil so, it shattered and fl'-w itn every direction. WWhaut the devil is that which te ene. my is firing ?" asked iBrowli-but :nobudy coui ltell. Directly another calnts in throug a part antd killed two nmin who stood inetr him. then striking the bulawarks buit inltu flinders. "By jove ! this is too much; Iis is some new fangled Paixhan or other-I don'tlJike 'em at all !" cried Browl, and then as four or five more of them came slap through his sails, he gave the order, 'fill away,' and actually backed out sf the fight, receiving a parting broadsite ol Dutch cheese. Tl'h' story is an actuOa fact. Our informant was first lieutenant of loe's ship. PANtTsNToouNss.-"Blless my 11sm I" exclaimed old Mrs. Partington, as she dropped her kniting, "Ike untie that gourd from the kitten's tIil to read thbis. Ilire it is officiously denouniced that the great su ainse Gig J;t1 Psv'rt'-' to think, it has a nrai y e• de-tituted t, haese purpose, tlr the drhlegatore on the machine have discovered letters exporting to have been written by an old man nmedrl Buchanan to another man's wife-Victory somebody ; who they say Ias a house fuill of childre ; poor man, I don't know what he wants with her. It's an outrage upon plurality; yet everybody hails it with dis. treesive denominations of detlight, simply because a poor delegate female woman has beer silly enough to write on it. The two nations united indeed ! And here we can't even have the Danville counection, which is of more importance than the d;c. section of the two condiments by eccen. tricity, because somneledy promised soiel. body else (without authoritp) that they wouldn't ax it ! Oh my ! Go to play I And the old 'oman began to nod, t At a dinner isnSpringfeld, Massa. chusette, a lady sent the following volun. teer's toast :-"Spruce old bachelors-the ecer greens of society ." Albert ttmath at Raerkag, Here we are, all safe and sound, among tIem t last, surrounded by junks and plgtaY, anl noble ladies and gentlemen. b.- ,mbut,-s eopInoead pioe,, .besn . - splendid merchdnt who has come ntolofW side of the ship mn three planks, by the aid of a broomstick. We left Singapore on the twenty.third of July. I was imllnensely de.lighted with it; it is quite a Chinese place. Thle shed shops are such rich places. thiey sell the rr:ist wonderfil things in them-toys and gods and lanterns, and joss properties an d quee.r crockery. The filth they eat in the eating.honnses far sur. passes that cooked at that old lralloria at Genoa. It consists, for the most part, of rats, bats, snails, bad eggs. and hidenus fish, dried in the most frighltful attitudes. Some of the restrurateurs c.,rry their cook shops about with them on long poles, with the kitchen at one end and the salle a man. ger at the other. These are celebrated bfr a soup made, I shound think liom large carterpillars, boiled in a thin gravy with onions. The harbers also carry their shops about, and they shave, cut beards. and syringe ears right in the middle of the street. A Chinese merchant asked me to dinner. I went, -fcouree, and after dinner we started for the theatre. They played a Chinese opera, with about fifty performers; there were lots of devils i-f the piece, with tumbling and fightinglin every si.ene. They only had one clarionet and two gongs in the orchestra, but when there was a situation in the piece one fel- low knocked two hollow canes together to show the apdience they were to applaud. The merchant lives in first-rate style, and has a wondellinl garden. All the fruit.trees are ver, small; there were pines like cuabages, aitl( a quantity of a large creeper called ' monkey cliups," Ibecauie dr, wo the t'slk teilre are regular pitchers and tlop•i tilled ith wa:er, frio hich Jacko re x e list* - lfli thttcooid. Sand Pekin pigs, and i n ,h jungle ae ros the valley tigers, and allr srts of in velties. I slept on shre that Iight, or rather I went to lied, but I couild no,t sleei,. Hs I missed the noise of the screw, and the creaking olf thl timblers, and the bled was too steady.. 'I'he last iight befitre we got to Il ungkongi we had lan "enteltlinniment" oil board, and I was stage manager. We made a first.rate room of sails iad flags, and Ihe whole allfuir wen. oif capitally. There are no hiotels at HIoingkong, but a very nice club, with bedrooms. Ijtvuis proposed and elected as soonl as I urril so that is very jolly. 'l' they hold Chinese ftte in honor of their dead rela. tions. They keep firing crackers all day in the streets, and hbrn these long pastilles. I don't think they care mInuch about their reli. gioi ; they go iiinto the temples to get cool, or sit down, or go to sleep. ''The.children are friglhtened at the gods. they are so hideous; they rioar with terror when they are placed in front ofthen. 'lThe people walk about with their hat ion, alld whistle and smoke, and do what they like; the merchants selling gilt paper and pastilles sit rounlld the sides, and sometimes they bdat a gong to aL.ract cu4somers. Nothing that I can write now can give you the least idea of this wonderful place; I see every hour how very titlihful Cuok's des. criptions were.--London 'Times. OuouT ir MA $'a.x So Now.-A gen. tlemao of this city has a remarkably prightly little boy of seven years. About two weeks ago ne was blessed with a hrother, anud the attention which the strangeru received caused the neglect olf the even summners lad. Last Sunda:y he "eor rd from Sa zatlh School, and, acost. ,'d hiigrandmother as follows : t'.randma, who nursed Adast and Eve. "'*Lhey were not nursed, my child," said he' old lady, "they were made per. fct,•itlani and woman." ,, Well, then," says the little fellow, "I wish he'd Imake 'emn so nlow-they wouldn't be s muchl trouble."-Ex. a A clergyman, who was reading to ,hi contrgegation a chapter in Genesis, found the list sentence to be, *And the Lord gave unto Adami a wife." Turning over two leaves together, he found written, and read, in an audible voice. "And she was pitched witlhout and within." He had unhappily got into a description of Noah's ark. O' "Tommy, my son," said a fuond mother, on her teturn from a journey, ,,have you said your prayers night and morning 1" "Yes," was the reply.: "that is, every night; but any smart boy can take care of himself in the day.time." A DIsow'Ne, DAUOltT1.1,i,. -- 1lse1 Hostility.--lThe Iprovisi,.ts of tlhe; will of the late Augustus 'l'horndike harl excited much cemment in the circle i ch he movedk 'The particulars at i _M na by the Bostion Ledger: Mt. T'horndlike, principally iinherit. tngce. had property amnountin to 'from $450,00(1 t-, =500,000. Some •w year- since one of his daughters saw to marry a gentleman of high moral ch•ctler, al. though poor in this world's goo , bellng. ing to the marine corps of tiI United States. The lather opposed the/narriage, and has ever since relined to reaognuizxe his daughter, or to dr, any thi n ft;r her. She has lived in a very hbnmb way in Newpaort, a ith her family, co ,isting of her lhhu d ngd four children. lOtrnig that het father was ry ill at the Tremoet Houseliand know that her mrnther and only sislr wvere as oad, she came to Bo,ton,. ant d through a mutuil friend solicited the privilege a .pli.eauire of minitering to his comfort, arti be with him in his last momentsl. Ir appeal was repulsed with scorn, antd she was thus deprived of the opportunit' of doing what every right.minded wormn would seek to do under similar ir inestances. Mr. 'rhorndike died, andl shd notwith. andiing all that had taken pIla, attended is filnerl, and saw his morltll remainl deposited in their last resting plare. The will ofthe deceased has just been opened, and it is found that hae has put hii, whole p ebry in trust, excepting, we 'he. Iieve. Qn lIegary o(f $10.000, providi..In I;r the paymrrent to his wife ot ,(1000 pet annum, und a single daughter (now with her mother) and two soats $50101 each per aninumn, on the condition iof lI;nl;iturre if either of them ever gives onie I:rlihing to the miarriid daughter ; and to imeet the rvquiremnents of lnw he gives to this roiar. led daughIter the pint a.p f.. r401l p'r annum ta show hires 're1• u tvy to stuow wC c m1) , An effolt will he Iade ita reatk'l will JI A PIUOTrST ON T'CK.-OnP of our Louisville leading hihoies •old a hill iIf goods to an Indianap Citiu.mer oei (credit. A settlerli.')t by note ai t,hr months was! the req.uet, to which the I ,ousier dhrlehri willingly .assented. "But. uppose I don't pay thienote when it falls dufe ." iliquiredi he. "Theo." rplied our nmlr.jh'nt, "your! not.. will lie iroit.stetd and your credit destryved !" "flow much will Ihcat cost I" said In.! nitana. -Dol)lar and a hall.".tl julously an. swereld our friend. , "''llen look here. old ti.llow, just in. clude that amount in II,, note, tlld pay it for me when you get the n"•:t protested." A leading merchant colllaped and was not seen at church fr a mnolth, tlhough a very strung Protestant.--. ,p ville Courier OaUoI ov THE (GiRMAa LANOUA4E.- Eredius, in his celebrated oration in pralie of medicine, relates a queer story, which we reprnoduce as a goad jke on the Dutch : Erasmus says that it was ac1rious case of mania that afflicted a young Italian gen. tileman, who, althouh he had sever been in Gernmany, •ur hlad everlearned German, was suddenly and incomprehensively seiz. ed with an irresistible tendency to utter copious and itcohlerent phrases, disrinctly recognizable as A celebrated physician was called itn, ,l'hW diagnosis leit no doubt thalt the youtm rl was sut. fering from worms. *'t f'ifected; was a c.mnplete and Ion In German idi itn. Fromt'iS .newt th- young genllemnan had' eer nirtstints, and spoke nothitg but hqlonus Italian. It appears, tllherefore, th4 the German language owed its origia n the Diet of Worms. tainnients produce~d hyv M. Julien), ofi Lon.1 don, ie a polka called the "Kits" with an ochestral accontpaminisnl. which In~'I'ces the effect of the emicki'g o lips. HIe probably to be ajisd " (r the smacklng4 teefft""eallogeI her anorlsr thin. S07 The anti rek' hurlt~d their dead in jars. l 6nq. the JZIirin', "Ht'S gone 10 pot." + O ' A guod t iig .dbosive jtIaslPr is much needed to tOfDjo people stick to their own busineso. SUCCESSION SALE. ''ATE OF iLOUISIANA-Court of the 0 FiRth Jnldisl Ditrict-Parish of Terreaanne. Ideseentom of Dval Iesbert. By virtu.of and in obedience to an order, of sie, emdrnwing From the lion. the Fifth Judioistl.1 Dwiss.e Caoweet the t ht. d Louisiana, sittinge in and for the Parish o Terremonne, 1, Aulbin Bourg, Sheriff of said Parish of Terrehonne, wills expose and offer for sale at Public Auction. ,n Thursday, Dec. 80t11, 1968, at the late eeidence of snild deceased, all the property belonging to said IEstate, and consisting of 1. House.hold and kitchen fitrnitu'e; 1 Mare; Potatoes; Plows ; Fugs; Rice; I Cow and Calf; I Horse.mill ; I lar. row, &c., &c. 2. A certain 'RACT'of LAN[ O situ. ated in this Parish, at about 8 miles be. low the Town of Houma, mneasuring one arpent aIid one half front, with the depth l f survey, to say abolut forty arpents, bounded shove by land of (. 1V. WVat. kill, aHd below •that of Frangnis H. I,-ri, together wiil all the imnpruvements thereon. Terms and Conditions : 'The moveal,le property, all sums of Ten Dollars and under, payable in the month of March 1859. and all sums above Ten I)ellars, payable one hail in March 1859, anld IlIe other half in March 1860. The price of the land, Two Hundred Dollars payalble in March 1859, and the balance in three equal instalments, maturing re,. pectively inall ald each of the months of I Mah of lie years 18(10. 1861 and 1862. IlThi purchasers in ill cases of crec;it to give their notes with good and app'roved ,e'ritiies to thi order of the ArhIministra. ftor of :aid I'+tite (.Isstin (Chi; vintrhear. iug ,ight per cent pier anulm, interest fronm maturity ;ill paid, and the land sohl ti re. main specially .;i)ort(gged and hypothe. cared unttil fill and eniire payn tnt of the 'irche prii.e antd vendor's pri e. VENTE DE SUCCESSIO.: STT\T'I' DE LA LOIOTSIANE-Cour - dn 5 tise Dtriet-ilarniseTerrebonne. Succession de Dnval Hobert. Fl.n vertui d'in ordre de rerte Eo.lua de I'Hon. Cur d Cinquiine ID)istrict ludi. ciaire. sibgeanl dars at pour la P'aiisse 'I'errtlnne, rmi, .A-lin Bourg, Sl>hrif de la dile Parioisse T'erreba)nne, vx) et oflliirai en veite Pub!liqe ia eichere. Jeull , It 30O Dcc. IS•A, a\ li dernierti denreure du ditiint, omues Is propriPles Pipplartenant a Ila dile Sitc. cession, l t consistan.i t de 1. M6nage dle Mi.•in et hiatterie de (.Cuisine; I Jullent; ldu Maui; ides Puata. res; dIes Charrues; des (:eiCochan's; du Riz; 1 Vache et sonl \'ea ; I moulin i' Cheval ; llarrai, &c., &c. 2. Un certain MOIICEAII de 'TRRE sitei dans cette Parioes., a eniron 8 milles iaudessous" de la ville ie Hilurn;a, nilesulrallit IIn arpellt et demi de facei, par Ia prolitndeur de I'iarpentage, a pci pies 40 arl'tl'ius, norn6 en hiult pair lI terre de G. W. Watkins, et on has par celle de Fran. qis Hichbert, ensemble avec toutes lee ambliorations qui s'y trouvent. Termes et Conditions : Le mnobilier, toutes siimmes de I)ix Pi. astres et audessus, paiyatlhs es Mars 1859. et ltotes sommes audessus de Dix Piastres, payableb tine moiti6 en lMars 1850, et I antre moiti6 en Mars 1860 Le prix de la terre., Deux Cents Piastres pavyales en Mars 1859, et la balance en trois termes I gaux, echbant respective. menl en toUs At chaciun des mois de Mars des annees 1860, 1861 et 1862. Les a'. quireurs (Jails Ihs cas de credit, de'vatlu flirnir lenrs billets avec caution aplprou. ,i l'or dot Ir JA huirt sen i d'in iret depubs ~i:h• jusiqu' paiermelt, et In terre devait demnoure p6ei•,leaen,t hylpoli qu6e el il•,Hcio jusqlu'u plcin et enlier paliement du prix d'achat. ,ii le privilege dou venda r. A. BO()RG SherifT. Paroisue Terrebonne, ee 27 Nov. 1858. JOHN H. ILSLEY, Jr. COLLEU'1'OJ 1 A4 U2'IOi7NAR and A UI\.V7T - OOALI.oNVI.LK. -Oflive ar the Court House.-- PROMIO 'PT attention given to Judicia nod ,( Commercial bllijiese, CoIIections Sale or pa a jtllraue of 1rroperly, &c., &r,. Raefrenced. 't J.. A. Bouo 6'1 LArwNUaY. MARi we Lss, N. Orleans. .1. MICIICL, Pointe Coupee A. GlNunr, LDonnldsonville 3. k'IIIAtrX,____ Bnio u ge. If.Iv L. G. ZI LRNKA. 1'ROFESSO 1 OF MU-IC, W OULD most respectfully aunoune to his r friend, and the public geuerall tlhat he has taken rouons over Mesars. Ilelnlick Wash. ingtonl's Drug Store for the purpose ot instruct. •in-g Muic it its various branche,. 9.1m. N. ORLEANS, OPELOUSA.'d 4G. 1Y.R I A tN andafter he DAY, th25tih inst., Paw. S nsnger and FreighI 'Irains will rIn rerulartly over this Ruatd, to and from llarwick's Bay, daily. 'u.. Ie, w j •. OsmuOtjL with the Pnasen- AvrgPetts, atW1 msw the san ng, oppett.i Jtw- san Square, at 7 o'clock. A. M. FrPilght will be received at the Barge Landing, foot of Toulouse street, on and after Saturday, 23d inst. IlENJ. P. FIL.ANDII, S, Scretary October 18, 1858. Foi Saue. DESIRABLE RESi)IDENCE on Church Street, inthe TLown of Ilonriin. For lerms u)pply Io nV. S. CAMPBELL, su1 Il1-tIc 0O1101's Row, Ilouma, La. F. . r4 VOSO & Co. COMI 1IIISS't) V ,JIERV;IANTS, r57 ;:•r.,: 'rvieT 57 N elW ORLEANS. In Bo.' and Ca.k anid Quantifies to suit P la n it e s. I[•PORTED WIN,. - (C~art - WI,;te - Madiera Port-Chuplllaglle--M clard - Sweet ml-u. laga--Sherry-".uperinr lBurguadies. Lro•nas-Curacao--rwian Absinth-Vermouth-- Oignolet-Kirshelnwasse.-Cassis MiD'or- Green Water-Aseo:tedCordials-Marasclhi- no--Iatafia of Grenoble-Extract of Runi Punch-Bokera and Gouley Bitters-Dant- zie Cordiuls-Chery Bounce and assorted Syrups. l•nron'rls IaAsnites-Old Super or Cognac 1815 Wenarliges Cogauc-Old Bergerinman & Co-Gibal 1795 Cogncacs-Olard Dupqy & Co-Rochelle Bruandias-J. Durand & Co. and other brands. D)oaesric L;auoas--New York Brandies and Whiskey-Gin-Jamaica Ruin-Rye and Bourbon Whiskey--Hlolland Gin. W\zsTw.ta PsooDUC-- Flour-Cotlee - Tobacco and So-urs. - 1 Boxes of James Thomas Celebrated Rob-I- Nono 'his'elebrated chewingtobacco is put up in 9t pound boses, expreassy for the Country and i Planters' use. 20-111. TrhibodansI Bi-suelpliat works. Dctn SiR:--WVo ar gratified at being able to advise o a w aree now mukin at our tory. We o Vlie advice d per. sonal ppervessonT . ABREICII ,Che= mist atnd Manufactrer \iu New Orleans, made such changes in our works as to arrive with cer- tainty and ease at this result. We assure you that none will be sent out of less than 8 to 9, or i) to 10) degrees by the saccha- roneter. Entire uniformity is not attainable. \Ve would be pleased to supply you. Very respectfully, You. , lelltelt Servwmts, CUI)DDAY. EWING & CO. Novemtiber 27th, 1858-t-jan For -Sale. 48Q VALUAILE Town Lots, situated in the 8"J townl of loumna, ojn a credit of six yearn, providad the interest shall bear six per cet per tunilUmll illterest fromr the day of sale. For further particulars apply to J. P. CIIANFREAU, May 15.1858--ly inl Ilounia. NEW FEATUR-Et-FIFTTII ViEAI of the Consopolitama. Art AaMocittklou. Superb Engravings! BEAUTIFUL ART JOURNAL! VALUAI IBIE PREMIUM., ke., &c. T'his populer Art Aslociation, now in its fifth year of unparrtlelrd succeto, hiving pturclia+etl, and engraved cn reel. Ilrrrtn'n. greot painting, 'THK 'IVILAOE ILhAiK- aI•TIn," will, n.w irmnut topleI (to atlubrrliters oni)) on heavy plate pale. :toI x PSinchel On tile following TELRAtP 11' It4)1'I 'SiIP TI•Pi : Every person realtilng Three l ollars, will receive it copy of t e ttlieri Steal Lllgravlillg, alter lierring's celebrated I'aiatinrg, TIIE VILLA(;E BLAKSMIT'IH. Also a copy of the beautilul COSMOPOLITAN ART JOURNAL, An, leantlly IIlustra•ed quarto Magazine. Also tree sea- aon ticklts of avillrni mo tl tie tiEstern (or I)useldorf,) and Westernl (allerina of the•mcitlon. There will 1ibo lie given to to te sluah.ribers sever l huln- dred valualle works of Av. , cmrnlpriillng ine til PI',intins, Bronzes, Sclllptures, ic., k•., Irotl celebrated Americi cin and folrt, n Artlsts Ilubscrlptioens aill he received llup to .iiI. 1, IS!i.. tin the evening of that date thll Ilemimns will be awardHed to .ubscriwers. Fir fall particutlars, ee D)ecember Art ,loirnol. price 50 renti. Specitmen op e a sent to thollse elring tol tile scribe, orn the receiplll f 1t reils In Ipot lge tarltils or oien. Addlress C. I,. I)RlIIY, Arelury t. A. A EnmLterll ()tic r , t•(rl tradway N V.p. Or, Western l)lice. Iti W trr.t -. , Paint Uk nFFVldhvconstantly ofthu larIge)fsply bw building mateciij of all kh PIo:kN from {}nj to 2 ich..o. Clia boo l timhyrhforMEtn s, 4&tho, &r , tfic., 0 uicli tItP hold at in.di o prico. Th'Iey. will deliver loin- bar it aoy place Wt HByoo 'I'1rreololie a far op as Iloumat. They will also ooder'uke all sarts of bulildinio. J. P. VI(:UEIIIF & c). Avis Coaa cinrclail. (I, U [ S B 0 Ii) I E . II X, RHie Bienville, X v. 11, Slle Orleans. S I: charge de recetoir et de vandre toutsm an. ypices de produits qyue lsa Isbitaiit vacidront bier l id cuolier, tell qae: Sucres, .Telassaes, 3s1usne, PeaIIx, etc., ate. Les reibttiol5 commcurciaci s et a loungie exp6- rience ao metteut t mmuo de mlira des valute su'autgesesa. ect30 -fim Agents a aT/uicdaux, MEYER & HY& i EL BOIS DE CONRUC`T CON A I'AVENDRI. I ES sauaigribw aot counat lfielll en aInli un J granuld Hombrea de llilllrr de ieda de bola dol Chirpeuute. do pIoitckcno d'in ponce I , Ij e at ' polices, un fort lot 'de Vcligae. plaulailes pour ci. ternO, at Lattes, (gulls vondrOla ia dlo termner rai. roaable.. - Ib, dblivjinnnt du boil tout ie long du Bayou ''errebouao jueuqu'a Hioumo; prouadroot des euutreprioeo poor Ia roeneLruolcou do tolme coptsc do `rtime. .I. V'. v!(;l'FlLg & CO.

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URBURIPYItrON--Por Dullara a Year, In ndvlernee, Ifnot pald wlthl• three mointhl, Five IDollars. 'ngle

A D 10•RN I willhe inserted at the rantfa a OneIUnilnrper • ne r ltes,' for the first, and

fiy uU t•inn raon # liberal

IUSINEM C %RD n more thoun ie square, wm ieInsertedl at Five Doulnt" per annum.

A; NI)U ON(I (JADIbATh-Ten Dllarswilll-echarg.

ed for annoaunchg C(Onlddates ror State and Parishofoee: minor oliroed, Five Uolhtre, to lie puld for In.variably In advance.

OARtOINAldI'1i1.ItOATI)NB.--Commnunte tlonsof nper.sones nature of suneh is are not deemed to he of pol lrInterest, inosy be Inserted as advert•sements (at the optlin of thoedlitor,) iyheing pilidfiIr In dvanere.

ALL ADVitLrt F.BIINTS for stranlers or teanluont per.l0on to Ie iold In advlanoe.

AbVKltI'P(I1S IPN. not speclied as to the time will bepublished till countermanded il.nd harged accordlngly.but do idvertisement or subscription will be stopped'until ail arrearages are paid, exceptit the option of thepuhlisher.

Marrlioga and deaths will be publlshed as news; oblltuarle and trlnatee of respect as adver•ielements.

uhsbssiertM'lrs dvertlsers may remit money to us at our.i* and expfsnee.

All J•b Work iunst be paid for a soon as delivered.5

The Law of Newspapers.I. Subahribers whodo not lgt express notice to the

Contrary, areconsidered as wishing to continue theireub-

.•lf ileserter ordertlhe di.rontlnuanoeof thelr newspapers, the publisher may continue to send them until allarrearagles are plid.

3. If ,ulscrioers neglect orrefameto take their news-paperfromt the ooce to which they•are directed, theyareresponslhle for them until they have settled their illsand ordered them discontinued.

4. The Courts hive decdled that refusing to take news.-pipers rrom the nfire,,ir removing and leaving them, un-oalled for, 1s prlmt fade evidence of intentional fraud

5. The IMnlted dtatevCoirts have also i.peatedly deci-dedl that t 'Postntater,whol neglects to give seauonanlenotice, areredlredl by the Pootllbmre I)epartment, of thethe neglect orrefual of a person to takefrom the officenewspapers addressed to him,renders the Postmaster Ialble lathe ihllisherrforthesoilsriptlonprice.

DUTCH SHOT AGAINST CANNON SHOT.-TI'he greatest ammutnition that we haveheard of lately, was usea•d by the celebrated

Commodore Coe,ofthe Mt0nltevedian Navy.

who, in an engagement with Admiral

Brown of the [luenos A4yres service, fred

every shot Iroi) his lockers."What shall we do, sir ?" asked the

first lieutenanut. We've not at single ahotnia board-rtalntd, grape, canistelr, double-headed, are tall gon."

"Powder gonea, eh 1" asked Cue.

round Dutl)ch oe for desert ai dinter "

day, don't you It.• t-,,..... i, .,y ?i " a.k.d

" t ,u, hlt to; I rh•akl the carving kni.e

i lt l t i g l cot it.

".Ar II,,rtha saIly tit '' rl ll o ld ad!"i"Yea,. iL •ut w•Io dozell-we took Ihemn

" 1 ill ;hey go into the eihteen pound.ti

,"Ill tiItilder, Comainodll.r, l . tlh Iat'is

the, idl ! I'll try lthen," cried the first

ielirlteiallllt.And ti i a lew momentllnls the fire of old

'nita 1larie (Ce's sh i p) whch had

c:eal a ell aglirely, twas re.opllt'Ie d, tad AdI-

Illniral Ilrawn fIntil aIle shot flyhg gaverIlis head. I)irectly ot. of tlihenm silriuik his

main nult, aniid ita it dil so, it shattered

and fl'-w itn every direction.WWhaut the devil is that which te ene.

my is firing ?" asked iBrowli-but :nobudycoui ltell.

Directly another calnts in throug a partantd killed two nmin who stood inetr him.then striking the bulawarks buit inltuflinders.

"By jove ! this is too much; Iis issome new fangled Paixhan or other-Idon'tlJike 'em at all !" cried Browl, andthen as four or five more of them cameslap through his sails, he gave the order,'fill away,' and actually backed out sf thefight, receiving a parting broadsite olDutch cheese. Tl'h' story is an actuOa fact.Our informant was first lieutenant of loe'sship.

PANtTsNToouNss.-"Blless my 11sm I"exclaimed old Mrs. Partington, as shedropped her kniting, "Ike untie that gourdfrom the kitten's tIil to read thbis. Ilireit is officiously denouniced that the great

su ainse Gig J;t1 Psv'rt'-'

to think, it has a nrai y e• de-tituted t,

haese purpose, tlr the drhlegatore on themachine have discovered letters exportingto have been written by an old man nmedrlBuchanan to another man's wife-Victorysomebody ; who they say Ias a house fuillof childre ; poor man, I don't know whathe wants with her. It's an outrage uponplurality; yet everybody hails it with dis.treesive denominations of detlight, simplybecause a poor delegate female womanhas beer silly enough to write on it. Thetwo nations united indeed ! And here wecan't even have the Danville counection,which is of more importance than the d;c.section of the two condiments by eccen.tricity, because somneledy promised soiel.body else (without authoritp) that theywouldn't ax it ! Oh my ! Go to play I Andthe old 'oman began to nod,

t At a dinner isnSpringfeld, Massa.chusette, a lady sent the following volun.teer's toast :-"Spruce old bachelors-theecer greens of society ."

Albert ttmath at Raerkag,Here we are, all safe and sound, among

tIem t last, surrounded by junks andplgtaY, anl noble ladies and gentlemen.b.- ,mbut,-s eopInoead pioe,, .besn .-

splendid merchdnt who has come ntolofWside of the ship mn three planks, by the aidof a broomstick. We left Singapore onthe twenty.third of July. I was imllnenselyde.lighted with it; it is quite a Chineseplace. Thle shed shops are such richplaces. thiey sell the rr:ist wonderfil thingsin them-toys and gods and lanterns, andjoss properties an d quee.r crockery. Thefilth they eat in the eating.honnses far sur.passes that cooked at that old lralloria atGenoa. It consists, for the most part, ofrats, bats, snails, bad eggs. and hidenusfish, dried in the most frighltful attitudes.Some of the restrurateurs c.,rry their cookshops about with them on long poles, withthe kitchen at one end and the salle a man.ger at the other. These are celebratedbfr a soup made, I shound think liom largecarterpillars, boiled in a thin gravy withonions. The harbers also carry theirshops about, and they shave, cut beards.and syringe ears right in the middle ofthe street. A Chinese merchant askedme to dinner. I went, -fcouree, and afterdinner we started for the theatre. Theyplayed a Chinese opera, with about fiftyperformers; there were lots of devils i-fthe piece, with tumbling and fightinglinevery si.ene. They only had one clarionetand two gongs in the orchestra, but whenthere was a situation in the piece one fel-low knocked two hollow canes together toshow the apdience they were to applaud.The merchant lives in first-rate style, andhas a wondellinl garden. All the fruit.treesare ver, small; there were pines likecuabages, aitl( a quantity of a large creepercalled ' monkey cliups," Ibecauie dr, wo thet'slk teilre are regular pitchers and tlop•i

tilled ith wa:er, frio hich Jacko rex e list* - lfli thttcooid.

Sand Pekin pigs, and in ,h jungle ae ros

the valley tigers, and allr srts of in velties.I slept on shre that Iight, or rather Iwent to lied, but I couild no,t sleei,. Hs Imissed the noise of the screw, and thecreaking olf thl timblers, and the bled wastoo steady.. 'I'he last iight befitre we gotto Il ungkongi we had lan "enteltlinniment"oil board, and I was stage manager. Wemade a first.rate room of sails iad flags,and Ihe whole allfuir wen. oif capitally.There are no hiotels at HIoingkong, but avery nice club, with bedrooms. Ijtvuisproposed and elected as soonl as I urrilso that is very jolly. 'l' they holdChinese ftte in honor of their dead rela.tions.

They keep firing crackers all day in thestreets, and hbrn these long pastilles. Idon't think they care mInuch about their reli.gioi ; they go iiinto the temples to get cool,or sit down, or go to sleep. ''The.childrenare friglhtened at the gods. they are sohideous; they rioar with terror when theyare placed in front ofthen. 'lThe peoplewalk about with their hat ion, alld whistleand smoke, and do what they like; themerchants selling gilt paper and pastillessit rounlld the sides, and sometimes theybdat a gong to aL.ract cu4somers. Nothingthat I can write now can give you theleast idea of this wonderful place; I seeevery hour how very titlihful Cuok's des.criptions were.--London 'Times.

OuouT ir MA $'a.x So Now.-A gen.tlemao of this city has a remarkably

prightly little boy of seven years. Abouttwo weeks ago ne was blessed with ahrother, anud the attention which thestrangeru received caused the neglect olfthe even summners lad. Last Sunda:y he"eor rd from Sa zatlh School, and, acost.,'d hiigrandmother as follows :

t'.randma, who nursed Adast andEve.

"'*Lhey were not nursed, my child,"said he' old lady, "they were made per.fct,•itlani and woman."

,, Well, then," says the little fellow, "Iwish he'd Imake 'emn so nlow-they wouldn'tbe s muchl trouble."-Ex.

a A clergyman, who was reading to,hi contrgegation a chapter in Genesis,

found the list sentence to be, *And theLord gave unto Adami a wife." Turningover two leaves together, he found written,and read, in an audible voice. "And shewas pitched witlhout and within." Hehad unhappily got into a description ofNoah's ark.

O' "Tommy, my son," said a fuondmother, on her teturn from a journey,,,have you said your prayers night andmorning 1" "Yes," was the reply.: "thatis, every night; but any smart boy cantake care of himself in the day.time."

A DIsow'Ne, DAUOltT1.1,i,. -- 1lse1

Hostility.--lThe Iprovisi,.ts of tlhe; will of

the late Augustus 'l'horndike harl excited

much cemment in the circle i ch hemovedk 'The particulars at • i _M na

by the Bostion Ledger:Mt. T'horndlike, principally iinherit.

tngce. had property amnountin to 'from$450,00(1 t-, =500,000. Some •w year-since one of his daughters saw to marrya gentleman of high moral ch•ctler, al.though poor in this world's goo , to the marine corps of tiI UnitedStates. The lather opposed the/narriage,and has ever since relined to reaognuizxehis daughter, or to dr, any thi n ft;r her.She has lived in a very hbnmb way inNewpaort, a ith her family, co ,isting ofher lhhu d ngd four children.

lOtrnig that het father was ry ill atthe Tremoet Houseliand know that hermrnther and only sislr wvere as oad, shecame to Bo,ton,. ant d through a mutuilfriend solicited the privilege a .pli.eauireof minitering to his comfort, arti be withhim in his last momentsl. Ir appealwas repulsed with scorn, antd she wasthus deprived of the opportunit' of doingwhat every right.minded wormn wouldseek to do under similar ir inestances.Mr. 'rhorndike died, andl shd notwith.

andiing all that had taken pIla, attendedis filnerl, and saw his morltll remainl

deposited in their last resting plare.The will ofthe deceased has just been

opened, and it is found that hae has put hii,whole p ebry in trust, excepting, we 'he.Iieve. Qn lIegary o(f $10.000, providi..InI;r the paymrrent to his wife ot ,(1000 petannum, und a single daughter (now withher mother) and two soats $50101 eachper aninumn, on the condition iof lI;nl;iturreif either of them ever gives onie I:rlihingto the miarriid daughter ; and to imeet thervquiremnents of lnw he gives to this roiar.led daughIter the pint a.p f.. r401l p'r

annum ta show hires 're1• u tvy tostuow wC c m1) ,An effolt will he Iade ita reatk'l will


A PIUOTrST ON T'CK.-OnP of our

Louisville leading hihoies •old a hill iIfgoods to an Indianap Citiu.mer oei (credit.A settlerli.')t by note ai t,hr months was!the req.uet, to which the I ,ousier dhrlehriwillingly .assented. "But. uppose I don'tpay thienote when it falls dufe ." iliquiredihe.

"Theo." rplied our nmlr.jh'nt, "your!not.. will lie iroit.stetd and your creditdestryved !"

"flow much will Ihcat cost I" said In.!nitana.

-Dol)lar and a hall.".tl julously an.swereld our friend. ,"''llen look here. old ti.llow, just in.

clude that amount in II,, note, tlld pay itfor me when you get the n"•:t protested."

A leading merchant colllaped and wasnot seen at church fr a mnolth, tlhough avery strung Protestant.--. ,p ville Courier


Eredius, in his celebrated oration in

pralie of medicine, relates a queer story,which we reprnoduce as a goad jke on theDutch :

Erasmus says that it was ac1rious caseof mania that afflicted a young Italian gen.tileman, who, althouh he had sever beenin Gernmany, •ur hlad everlearned German,was suddenly and incomprehensively seiz.ed with an irresistible tendency to uttercopious and itcohlerent phrases, disrinctlyrecognizable as A celebratedphysician was called itn, ,l'hW diagnosisleit no doubt thalt the youtm rl was sut.fering from worms. *'t f'ifected;

was a c.mnplete and • • Ion InGerman idi itn. Fromt'iS .newt th-young genllemnan had' eer nirtstints,and spoke nothitg but hqlonus Italian.

It appears, tllherefore, th4 the German

language owed its origia n the Diet of


tainnients produce~d hyv M. Julien), ofi Lon.1don, ie a polka called the "Kits" with anochestral accontpaminisnl. which In~'I'cesthe effect of the emicki'g o lips.

HIe probably to be ajisd " (r the

smacklng4 teefft""eallogeI heranorlsr thin.

S07 The anti rek' hurlt~d theirdead in jars. l 6nq. the JZIirin', "Ht'Sgone 10 pot." +

O ' A guod t iig .dbosive jtIaslPr ismuch needed to tOfDjo people stick to theirown busineso.

SUCCESSION SALE.''ATE OF iLOUISIANA-Court of the0 FiRth Jnldisl Ditrict-Parish of Terreaanne.

Ideseentom of Dval Iesbert.By virtu.of and in obedience to an order,

of sie, emdrnwing From the lion. the FifthJudioistl.1 Dwiss.e Caoweet the t ht. dLouisiana, sittinge in and for the Parish oTerremonne, 1, Aulbin Bourg, Sheriff ofsaid Parish of Terrehonne, wills exposeand offer for sale at Public Auction. ,n

Thursday, Dec. 80t11, 1968,at the late eeidence of snild deceased, allthe property belonging to said IEstate, andconsisting of

1. House.hold and kitchen fitrnitu'e; 1Mare; Potatoes; Plows ; Fugs; Rice;I Cow and Calf; I Horse.mill ; I lar.row, &c., &c.

2. A certain 'RACT'of LAN[ O situ.ated in this Parish, at about 8 miles be.low the Town of Houma, mneasuring onearpent aIid one half front, with the depth l

f survey, to say abolut forty arpents,bounded shove by land of (. 1V. WVat.kill, aHd below •that of Frangnis H.I,-ri, together wiil all the imnpruvementsthereon.

Terms and Conditions :'The moveal,le property, all sums of Ten

Dollars and under, payable in the monthof March 1859. and all sums above TenI)ellars, payable one hail in March 1859,anld IlIe other half in March 1860. Theprice of the land, Two Hundred Dollarspayalble in March 1859, and the balancein three equal instalments, maturing re,.pectively in all ald each of the months ofI Mah of lie years 18(10. 1861 and 1862.IlThi purchasers in ill cases of crec;it togive their notes with good and app'roved,e'ritiies to thi order of the ArhIministra.

ftor of :aid I'+tite (.Isstin (Chi; vintrhear.iug ,ight per cent pier anulm, interest fronmmaturity ;ill paid, and the land sohl ti re.main specially .;i)ort(gged and hypothe.cared unttil fill and eniire payn tnt of the'irche prii.e antd vendor's pri e.


STT\T'I' DE LA LOIOTSIANE-Cour- dn 5 tise Dtriet-ilarniseTerrebonne.

Succession de Dnval Hobert.Fl.n vertui d'in ordre de rerte Eo.lua de

I'Hon. Cur d Cinquiine ID)istrict ludi.ciaire. sibgeanl dars at pour la P'aiisse'I'errtlnne, rmi, .A-lin Bourg, Sl>hrif dela dile Parioisse T'erreba)nne, vx) etoflliirai en veite Pub!liqe ia eichere.

Jeull , It 30O Dcc. IS•A,a\ li dernierti denreure du ditiint, omues

Is propriPles Pipplartenant a Ila dile Sitc.cession, l t consistan.i t de

1. M6nage dle Mi.•in et hiatterie de(.Cuisine; I Jullent; ldu Maui; ides Puata.res; dIes Charrues; des (:eiCochan's; duRiz; 1 Vache et sonl \'ea ; I moulin i'Cheval ; llarrai, &c., &c.

2. Un certain MOIICEAII de 'TRREsitei dans cette Parioes., a eniron 8milles iaudessous" de la ville ie Hilurn;a,nilesulrallit IIn arpellt et demi de facei, par Iaprolitndeur de I'iarpentage, a pci pies 40arl'tl'ius, norn6 en hiult pair lI terre de G.W. Watkins, et on has par celle de Fran.qis Hichbert, ensemble avec toutes leeambliorations qui s'y trouvent.

Termes et Conditions :Le mnobilier, toutes siimmes de I)ix Pi.

astres et audessus, paiyatlhs es Mars1859. et ltotes sommes audessus de DixPiastres, payableb tine moiti6 en lMars1850, et I antre moiti6 en Mars 1860Le prix de la terre., Deux Cents Piastrespavyales en Mars 1859, et la balance entrois termes I gaux, echbant respective.menl en toUs At chaciun des mois de Marsdes annees 1860, 1861 et 1862. Les a'.quireurs (Jails Ihs cas de credit, de'vatluflirnir lenrs billets avec caution aplprou.

,i l'or dot Ir JA

huirt sen i d'in iret depubs~i:h• jusiqu' paiermelt, et In terredevait demnoure p6ei•,leaen,t hylpoliqu6e el il•,Hcio jusqlu'u plcin et enlierpaliement du prix d'achat. ,ii le privilegedou venda r. A. BO()RG SherifT.

Paroisue Terrebonne, ee 27 Nov. 1858.JOHN H. ILSLEY, Jr.


-Oflive ar the Court House.--PROMIO 'PT attention given to Judicia nod,( Commercial bllijiese, CoIIections Sale or

paajtllraue of 1rroperly, &c., &r,.Raefrenced.

't J.. A. Bouo 6'1 LArwNUaY.MARi we Lss, N. Orleans..1. MICIICL, Pointe CoupeeA. GlNunr, LDonnldsonville3. k'IIIAtrX,____ Bnio u ge. If.Iv

L. G. ZI LRNKA.1'ROFESSO 1 OF MU-IC,W OULD most respectfully aunoune to hisr friend, and the public geuerall tlhat he

has taken rouons over Mesars. Ilelnlick Wash.ingtonl's Drug Store for the purpose ot instruct.•in-g Muic it its various branche,. 9.1m.


tN andafter he DAY, th25tih inst., Paw.S nsnger and FreighI 'Irains will rIn rerulartly

over this Ruatd, to and from llarwick's Bay,daily.

'u.. Ie, w j •. OsmuOtjL with the Pnasen-AvrgPetts, atW1 msw the san ng, oppett.i Jtw-san Square, at 7 o'clock. A. M.

FrPilght will be received at the Barge Landing,foot of Toulouse street, on and after Saturday, 23dinst.

IlENJ. P. FIL.ANDII, S, ScretaryOctober 18, 1858.

Foi Saue.DESIRABLE RESi)IDENCE on ChurchStreet, inthe TLown of Ilonriin. For lerms

u)pply Io nV. S. CAMPBELL,su1 Il1-tIc 0O1101's Row, Ilouma, La.


r57 ;:•r.,: 'rvieT 57N elW ORLEANS.

In Bo.' and Ca.k anid Quantifies to suit

P la n it e s.

I[•PORTED WIN,. - (C~art - WI,;te - MadieraPort-Chuplllaglle--M clard - Sweet ml-u.laga--Sherry-".uperinr lBurguadies.

Lro•nas-Curacao--rwian Absinth-Vermouth--Oignolet-Kirshelnwasse.-Cassis MiD'or-Green Water-Aseo:tedCordials-Marasclhi-no--Iatafia of Grenoble-Extract of RuniPunch-Bokera and Gouley Bitters-Dant-zie Cordiuls-Chery Bounce and assortedSyrups.

l•nron'rls IaAsnites-Old Super or Cognac 1815Wenarliges Cogauc-Old Bergerinman &Co-Gibal 1795 Cogncacs-Olard Dupqy &Co-Rochelle Bruandias-J. Durand & Co.and other brands.

D)oaesric L;auoas--New York Brandies andWhiskey-Gin-Jamaica Ruin-Rye andBourbon Whiskey--Hlolland Gin.

W\zsTw.ta PsooDUC-- Flour-Cotlee - Tobaccoand So-urs.

-1 Boxes of James Thomas Celebrated Rob-I-Nono

'his'elebrated chewingtobacco is put up in9t pound boses, expreassy for the Country andi Planters' use. 20-111.

TrhibodansI Bi-suelpliat works.

Dctn SiR:--WVo ar gratified at being ableto advise o a w aree now mukin at our

tory. We o Vlie advice d per.sonal ppervessonT . ABREICII ,Che=mist atnd Manufactrer \iu New Orleans, madesuch changes in our works as to arrive with cer-tainty and ease at this result.

We assure you that none will be sent out ofless than 8 to 9, or i) to 10) degrees by the saccha-roneter. Entire uniformity is not attainable.

\Ve would be pleased to supply you.Very respectfully, You. , lelltelt Servwmts,

CUI)DDAY. EWING & CO.Novemtiber 27th, 1858-t-jan

For -Sale.48Q VALUAILE Town Lots, situated in the8"J townl of loumna, ojn a credit of six yearn,

providad the interest shall bear six per cet pertunilUmll illterest fromr the day of sale. For furtherparticulars apply to J. P. CIIANFREAU,

May 15.1858--ly inl Ilounia.NEW FEATUR-Et-FIFTTII ViEAI

of the

Consopolitama. Art AaMocittklou.Superb Engravings!


T'his populer Art Aslociation, now in its fifth year ofunparrtlelrd succeto, hiving pturclia+etl, and engraved cnreel. Ilrrrtn'n. greot painting, 'THK 'IVILAOE ILhAiK-

aI•TIn," will, n.w irmnut topleI (to atlubrrliters oni)) onheavy plate pale. :toI x PSinchel On tile following

TELRAtP 11' It4)1'I 'SiIP TI•Pi :Every person realtilng Three l ollars, will receive it

copy of t e ttlieri Steal Lllgravlillg, alter lierring'scelebrated I'aiatinrg,

TIIE VILLA(;E BLAKSMIT'IH.Also a copy of the beautilul

COSMOPOLITAN ART JOURNAL,An, leantlly IIlustra•ed quarto Magazine. Also tree sea-aon ticklts of avillrni mo tl tie tiEstern (or I)useldorf,) and

Westernl (allerina of the•mcitlon.There will 1ibo lie given to to te sluah.ribers sever l huln-

dred valualle works of Av. , cmrnlpriillng ine til PI',intins,Bronzes, Sclllptures, ic., k•., Irotl celebrated Americi cinand folrt, n Artlsts

Ilubscrlptioens aill he received llup to .iiI. 1, IS!i.. tinthe evening of that date thll Ilemimns will be awardHed to.ubscriwers.

Fir fall particutlars, ee D)ecember Art ,loirnol. price 50renti. Specitmen op e a sent to thollse elring tol tilescribe, orn the receiplll f 1t reils In Ipot lge tarltils or

oien. Addlress C. I,. I)RlIIY, Arelury t. A. AEnmLterll ()tic

r, t•(rl tradway N V.p.

Or, Western l)lice. Iti W trr.t -., Paint Uk

nFFVldhvconstantly ofthu

larIge)fsply bw building mateciij of all khPIo:kN from {}nj to 2 ich..o. Clia boo l

timhyrhforMEtn s, 4&tho, &r , tfic., 0 uicli tItPhold at in.di o prico. Th'Iey. will deliver loin-bar it aoy place Wt HByoo 'I'1rreololie a far opas Iloumat. They will also ooder'uke all sarts ofbulildinio. J. P. VI(:UEIIIF & c).

Avis Coaa cinrclail.

(I, U [ S B 0 Ii) I E . II X,RHie Bienville, X v. 11, Slle Orleans.

S I: charge de recetoir et de vandre toutsm an.ypices de produits qyue lsa Isbitaiit vacidront

bier lid cuolier, tell qae: Sucres, .Telassaes,

3s1usne, PeaIIx, etc., ate.Les reibttiol5 commcurciaci s et a loungie exp6-

rience ao metteut t mmuo de mlira des valutesu'autgesesa. ect30 -fimAgents a aT/uicdaux, MEYER & HY& i ELBOIS DE CONRUC`T CON A I'AVENDRI.I ES sauaigribw aot counat lfielll en aInli un

J granuld Hombrea de llilllrr de ieda de bola dolChirpeuute. do pIoitckcno d'in ponce I , I j e at 'polices, un fort lot 'de Vcligae. plaulailes pour ci.ternO, at Lattes, (gulls vondrOla ia dlo termner rai.roaable.. - Ib, dblivjinnnt du boil tout ie long duBayou ''errebouao jueuqu'a Hioumo; prouadroot deseuutreprioeo poor Ia roeneLruolcou do tolme coptsc do`rtime. .I. V'. v!(;l'FlLg & CO.