mokanna lodge no. 329 f. & a.m. 2019 trestleboard mokanna...2 r:.w:. ed sexton, secretary...

R:.W:. Ed Sexton, Secretary Trestleboard Mokanna Lodge No. 329 F. & A.M. John C. Stewart, Jr., Worshipful Master

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Page 1: Mokanna Lodge No. 329 F. & A.M. 2019 Trestleboard Mokanna...2 R:.W:. Ed Sexton, Secretary Trestleboard Mokanna Lodge No. 329 F. & A.M. John C. Stewart, Jr., Worshipful Master From

R:.W:. Ed Sexton, Secretary


Mokanna Lodge No. 329 F. & A.M.

John C. Stewart, Jr., Worshipful Master

Page 2: Mokanna Lodge No. 329 F. & A.M. 2019 Trestleboard Mokanna...2 R:.W:. Ed Sexton, Secretary Trestleboard Mokanna Lodge No. 329 F. & A.M. John C. Stewart, Jr., Worshipful Master From


R:.W:. Ed Sexton, Secretary


Mokanna Lodge No. 329 F. & A.M.

John C. Stewart, Jr., Worshipful Master

From the East


Welcome to the second quarter of 2019. I hope you and your families are in good health and happiness.

The meaning of the word “fraternal” is “of or like a brother”. As we approach the Easter and Passover holidays, I hope you will remem-ber your Brothers who are in need of a phone call or kind note of cheer and support. The smallest gestures are o en really appreciated.

The Annual Masonic Corn Boil is coming up on Saturday, May 11, from 11 am to 4 pm. We are mailing each Mokanna member four ck-ets to purchase and a end this annual event. If you cannot a end, we would appreciate your dona on to support the ac vi es and maintenance of your lodge. Of the three fund-raisers hosted by Mokanna, the Corn Boil is the only one that directly benefits our lodge. (Proceeds from the Italian Dinner and BBQ benefit the local chari es that Mokanna supports.) Be on the lookout for your ckets in the mail.

Ryan Kilmar n, our Brother and Right Worshipful District Deputy Grand Master for 2019, will be having his Homecoming at Mokanna on Saturday, May 18. Social Time begins at 6:00 pm, with dinner at 6:30 pm. This is a cketed event with a cost of $10.00. This is an open event and your ladies and family members are invited. The theme is CIRCUS! As you know, Ryan’s alter ego is “Stovetop”, a hobo clown who entertains a lot of children at the Bahia Shrine Circus and other events. Come out and support Ryan for all of the good work he has performed for Mokanna and the Proud 16th District!

If you would like to purchase Homecoming or Corn Boil ckets online, please see a Mokan-na officer or visit this link:

h p://‐ ckets

Our Senior Grand Warden for Florida, Tommy Turlington, will be at Mokanna on Wednesday, April 10th at 6:30 pm to go over the Legisla ve agenda for Grand Lodge. If you are planning to a end Grand Lodge in May and vote, please plan to a end Tommy’s presenta on in prepara on for the vo ng session.

Have a blessed Easter and Passover,

Second & Fourth Mondays

6:30 pm Dinner

7:30 pm Meeting

Physical Address:

4925 Clarcona-Ocoee Road

Orlando, Florida 32810

Mailing Address:

PO Box 580339

Orlando, Florida 32858-0339

Lodge Phone:


Stated Meetings


Email Address:

[email protected]



John C. Stewart, Jr., W∴ M∴


4/15Of icersMeeting



Page 3: Mokanna Lodge No. 329 F. & A.M. 2019 Trestleboard Mokanna...2 R:.W:. Ed Sexton, Secretary Trestleboard Mokanna Lodge No. 329 F. & A.M. John C. Stewart, Jr., Worshipful Master From


R:.W:. Ed Sexton, Secretary


Mokanna Lodge No. 329 F. & A.M.

John C. Stewart, Jr., Worshipful Master

Greetings from the West!

Kenneth L. Foster, III, S.W.

Mark Charlton, J.W.

Welcome from the South!

Well March has been and gone. Another great month for Mokanna. We seem to be going from strength to strength. Let’s keep the momentum going with good mee ngs and high turnouts. Next month you can look forward to our Annual Corn Boil on May 11th, which is always a fun event and as we all know Zellwood corn is one of the best. Bring your friends, neighbors, work colleagues. Tickets are available now or pay at the door. If you would like to preorder some corn, please see one of the officers. We will also be offering burgers, hotdogs with slaw and beans. Desserts will be available by our own Rainbow Girls. It will be good to support the girls. The refurbishment of the lodge con nues with the lady’s bath next on the makeover list. So, if

there is any inconvenience we do apologize in advance and hope you like the look when we are done. Then we will start the lights at the front of the car park. The work will con nue on a er this. If you would like to help please con-tact me as many hands make light work. If you’ve not managed to a end a mee ng in a while please come down and see the revamping of our great home and enjoy the fellowship. Remember if you’ve not booked your place on the Royal Caribbean Fellowship Cruise going to Key West and Havana Cuba from Friday, November 30th to Wednesday, December 4th, 2019, make sure you do as the Worshipful Master has a fantas c plan for us. For more informa on call Stephanie Daniels at (603) 300-7636. Now onto culinary por on which I hope you have all been enjoying the dishes so far… Monday, April 8—Beefy Pasta Supreme, Salad, followed by Chocolate Cake and Ice Cream

Monday, April 22—Breakfast for Dinner, followed by Cookies and Ice Cream

I would like to thank the Cra for their con nued support of our W.M. John. It was a busy March. On March 9th, we honored our Past Masters and Widows. Our Junior Warden pre-pared a great lunch and then the Brothers commenced with the Rose Ceremony. On March 18, I had the pleasure of assuming the role of Senior Deacon for our EA Degree. Our R.H. District Instructor Eric Romano and the rest of the Degree Team did a great job. Our three new Brothers are eager to learn and willing to help around the lodge. Remember, we meet on the 2nd and 4th Monday, you are always welcome. As we keep rolling through this year, always remember our Widows, they need your con nued support and prayers.

“Do what is right, not what is easy”

Page 4: Mokanna Lodge No. 329 F. & A.M. 2019 Trestleboard Mokanna...2 R:.W:. Ed Sexton, Secretary Trestleboard Mokanna Lodge No. 329 F. & A.M. John C. Stewart, Jr., Worshipful Master From


R:.W:. Ed Sexton, Secretary


Mokanna Lodge No. 329 F. & A.M.

John C. Stewart, Jr., Worshipful Master

Robert B. Shugart ........................ 1958/59d

Phillip M. Taylor........................... 1960d

Lo on D. Chiles, PDDGM ............. 1961d

Fredrick M. Morris, PDDGM ........ 1962d

Andrew E. Duggar ........................ 1963d

Harold Bremer ............................. 1964d

Julian L. Friedman ........................ 1965d

Gary N. Vann ............................... 1966d

Emme Hummell ........................ 1967d

William Hunt ............................... 1968d

B.D. Hays, PDDGM ....................... 1969d

Frank L. Alexander ....................... 1970

William F. Perry ........................... 1971d

Merri J. Morrison, PDDGM ........ 1972d

Bill Bowman ................................ 1973d

Charles S. Pappas ........................ 1974d

Fred Masciantoni ......................... 1975d

O.H. Ware .................................... 1976d

George W. Laberee Sr.................. 1977d

Robert E. Ma eson ..................... 1978d

Deem E. Ramey ........................... 1979d

Thomas M. Stewart Jr. ................. 1980d

Bruce P. Brooks ........................... 1981d

Kenneth G. Cannon ..................... 1982d

William H. Smith .......................... 1983d

Jack A. Jennings ........................... 1984d

Donald H. Pa erson Sr. ............... 1985d

James G. Blackwell ...................... 1986

Thomas V. LeMoine ..................... 1987

Kenneth E. Briscoe ....................... 1988d

Robert D. Imes ............................. 1989

Lee R. Hill ..................................... 1990d

Gerald T. Boylan .......................... 1991d

Paul Moore .................................. 1992

John H. Linebarier, PDDGM ......... 1993d

D. Phillip Rowe Jr ......................... 1994

Evere P. Manis .......................... 1995

Walter E. Harris ........................... 1996d

W. Terry Chateau ........................ 1997

Larry W. Grose, PDDGM .............. 1998

Robert H. Wassum ...................... 1999d

James C. Bri ain.......................... 2000d

Fred D. Daughtry Sr ..................... 2001d

Carl Ray ....................................... 2002d

Edward M. Sexton, PDDGM ........ 2003

Joseph E. Gerard Sr. ................... 2004

Donald E. Mar n ......................... 2005

James R. Hamilton....................... 2006

Frank D. Walker .......................... 2007

Erik B. Andersen .......................... 2008

A. Richard Wirth, Sr. .................... 2009

Edward L. Rees ............................ 2010

Thomas E. Whitman .................... 2011

A. Richard Wirth, Jr ..................... 2012

Jim Gillespie ................................ 2013

Guenter Sommer ........................ 2014

Ryan Kilmar n, DDGM ................ 2015

Eric Romano, DI........................... 2016

Michael Catello………………………….2017

Rocco Williams ............................ 2018

Affiliated Past Masters

William E. Compton .................... 1978d

Robert J. Morrow, PDDGM .................................................... 1981/02

Charles D. Counterman ............... 1983

O s R. Erickson, PDDGM ............ 1983d

Blair Evans, PDDGM…………………...1983

Gordon T. Coyle .......................... 1985

Robert Davis ................................ 1985d

Eugene Belt ................................. 1986d

Paul W. Tinsley…………………………..1986

Bill “Willie B” Erd, PDDGM .......... 1991

d=Deceased PDDGM=Past District Deputy Grand Master PGM=Past Grand Master PDI=Past District Instructor

Mokanna Past Masters

Worshipful Master: John C. Stewart Jr.

Senior Warden: Kenneth Foster III

Junior Warden: Mark Charlton

Treasurer: Steve Thomas

Secretary: R∴W∴ Edward M. Sexton

Chaplain: Dennis A. Ickes

Marshal: W∴ Frank Walker

Senior Deacon: Calvin Woolfolk

Junior Deacon: Bill Wagner

Senior Steward: Rob Price

Junior Steward: Gregg Robinson

Tyler: R∴W∴ Ryan Kilmar n, DDGM

ALT. Tyler: Louis Steuer, Jr.

ALT. Tyler: Terry Tucker

2019 Mokanna Lodge Officers

Finance Commi ee: Kenneth Foster III

Vigilance Commi ee: Mark Charlton

Masonic Educa on: Kenneth Foster III

R∴W∴ Ryan Kilmar n, DDGM

Board of Relief: John C. Stewart Jr.

Inves ga on Commi ee: Kenneth Foster III

Charity Commi ee: John C. Stewart Jr.

Lodge Property: Mark Charlton

W∴ Frank Walker

Memorial Lodge: Frank Woods

Rental Commi ee: John C. Stewart Jr.

Rental Coordinator: Susan Sexton

Past Masters & Widows: John C. Stewart Jr.

Corn Boil—May 11 Calvin Woolfolk

DDGM Homecoming—May 18 Mokanna Officers

Italian Dinner—July 20 Mark Charlton

BBQ Dinner—Nov 9 Kenneth Foster III

2019 Mokanna Committees

Page 5: Mokanna Lodge No. 329 F. & A.M. 2019 Trestleboard Mokanna...2 R:.W:. Ed Sexton, Secretary Trestleboard Mokanna Lodge No. 329 F. & A.M. John C. Stewart, Jr., Worshipful Master From


R:.W:. Ed Sexton, Secretary


Mokanna Lodge No. 329 F. & A.M.

John C. Stewart, Jr., Worshipful Master

Tuesday, Apr 2—Rainbow Mee ng at 7:00 pm

Saturday, Apr 6—Masters & Wardens at Orange Blossom #16 at 9:00 am

Monday, Apr 8—Mokanna Stated Mee ng / Dinner 6:30 pm / Mtg 7:30 pm

Wednesday, April 10– Visit from Grand Sr Warden Turlington re: Legisla ve Agenda / 6:30 pm

Sunday, Apr 14—Palm Sunday

Monday, Apr 15—Mokanna Officers Mee ng / 6:30 pm

Tuesday, Apr 16—Rainbow Board Mee ng / 6:00 pm

Friday, Apr 19—Good Friday

Saturday, Apr 20—Passover

Sunday, Apr 21—Easter Sunday

Monday, Apr 22—Mokanna Stated Mee ng / Dinner at 6:30 pm / Mtg at 7:30 pm

Wednesday, Apr 24—District School of Instruc on / Orange Blossom #16 / 7:00 pm

Friday, Apr 26– Rainbow Paint Party at Mokanna / 3:00 pm

Saturday, Apr 27– Open Books at Winter Park #239 / 8:00 am

Monday, Apri 29– NO MOKANNA OFFICERS MEETING—Enjoy your night off!

Tuesday, Apr 30—ME/MLTs at Eola Lodge #207 / 6:30 pm

Looking Ahead…

Saturday, May 11—Mokanna Annual Corn Boil Fundraiser / 11 am to 4 pm / $10 adults / $5 children

Saturday, May 18—DDGM Homecoming at Mokanna / $10 ckets

Saturday, May 26—Grand Lodge begins in Orlando

Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat

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Page 6: Mokanna Lodge No. 329 F. & A.M. 2019 Trestleboard Mokanna...2 R:.W:. Ed Sexton, Secretary Trestleboard Mokanna Lodge No. 329 F. & A.M. John C. Stewart, Jr., Worshipful Master From


R:.W:. Ed Sexton, Secretary


Mokanna Lodge No. 329 F. & A.M.

John C. Stewart, Jr., Worshipful Master

Page 7: Mokanna Lodge No. 329 F. & A.M. 2019 Trestleboard Mokanna...2 R:.W:. Ed Sexton, Secretary Trestleboard Mokanna Lodge No. 329 F. & A.M. John C. Stewart, Jr., Worshipful Master From

Public Welcome! h p://‐ ckets

$10.00 Adult / $5.00 Child (10 & Under)

Come Join the FUN & Great FOOD

Saturday, May 11, 2019 11:00 am to 4:00 pm

4925 Clarcona-Ocoee Rd Orlando, FL 32810

Zellwood Corn, Burgers, Hotdogs, Slaw & Beans

Desserts sold separately by Rainbow

Mokanna Lodge No. 329 F.& A.M.

ANNUAL CORN BOIL Lodge Fundraiser

Proceeds benefit Mokanna Lodge No. 329 Free and Accepted Masons of Florida and are not tax deduc ble as a charitable contri-

bu on. Mokanna Lodge No. 329 Free and Accepted Masons of Florida registra on No. CH42345, a charitable organiza on regis-




Page 8: Mokanna Lodge No. 329 F. & A.M. 2019 Trestleboard Mokanna...2 R:.W:. Ed Sexton, Secretary Trestleboard Mokanna Lodge No. 329 F. & A.M. John C. Stewart, Jr., Worshipful Master From


R:.W:. Ed Sexton, Secretary


Mokanna Lodge No. 329 F. & A.M.

John C. Stewart, Jr., Worshipful Master

April Birthdays Day Brother

1 Stan Larkin Maluda 1 Howard Edwin Sullivan Jr 2 Harry Calvin Huff II 3 Philip Albert Clough 4 Steven William Hall 7 Everette Phillip Manis 7 Peter Christos Vrionides 8 Peter Gerald Calcanis 9 Raymond Lawrence Dixon 11 Eric Joseph Romano 12 Linton H Hartley Jr 14 John Drury Davis 15 Edward Christopher Benson Jr 15 Bryan Franklin Lucas 20 Oscar Orville Wagner 26 Donald Eric Moon 26 Edward Michael Sexton 30 William Charles Schuch 30 Rocco Wayne Williams

April Masonic Birthdays Date Brother Years

04/07/1964 Truman Dale Vied 55 04/08/1988 James Lawrence Delong 31 04/10/1967 Harold Wayne Roach 52 04/11/1948 James Lewis Westfall Jr 71 04/15/1970 Gerald Lee Osterberg 49 04/18/1990 Thomas William Freeman 29 04/18/1998 John Hilland 21 04/19/1966 Dominic Joseph Fioravanti 53 04/20/2015 Kenneth Levon Foster III 4 04/20/2015 Michael Daniel Keclik 4 04/20/2015 Robert Daniel Kennedy 4 04/24/1999 Devotie A Armstrong 20 04/24/1999 James Harold Gillespie 20 04/24/1999 David Edward Pope 20 04/24/1999 David Henry Pope 20 04/24/1999 Frank D Walker 20 04/26/1965 Clyde Herman Watts 54 04/26/1983 Lawrence Edward Gilbreath 36 04/26/1983 Guenter Reinhold Sommer 36 04/26/2003 Kevin Gerard Letourneau 16 04/29/1983 Charles Lewis Johnson Jr 36 04/30/1982 Charles Robert Thurston 37 04/30/1993 Kenneth Buford Harrelson Sr 26 04/30/1993 David Keith Peyton 26 04/30/2005 Croner Gray Caudell III 14 04/30/2005 Roy J Dowling Jr 14 04/30/2005 Harry Calvin Huff II 14 04/30/2005 Thomas T Lucas 14 04/30/2005 Rocco Wayne Williams 14 04/30/2012 Philip Albert Clough 7 04/30/2012 Eric Joseph Romano 7

Page 9: Mokanna Lodge No. 329 F. & A.M. 2019 Trestleboard Mokanna...2 R:.W:. Ed Sexton, Secretary Trestleboard Mokanna Lodge No. 329 F. & A.M. John C. Stewart, Jr., Worshipful Master From




W∴M∴ John Stewart

Kenny Foster, SW Mark Charlton, JW R∴W∴ Ed Sexton, SEC Steve Thomas, TREAS

Calvin Woolfolk, SD

Rob Price, SS Gregg Robinson, JS

W∴ Frank Walker, MAR Dennis Ickes, CHAP R∴W∴ Ryan Kilmar n, TYLER

Bill Wagner, JD

“What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal.”

Albert Pike